Whole house water filters for your plumbing.
Griffin Air is located is in Hartfield Virginia. We service the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck. Williamsburg to Tappahanock.

Hey guys Joshua Griffin, ear, Hartfield Virginia is serving the middle peninsula and the northern neck, and I wanted to do a real, quick video about some of the water that we have in this area and a real inexpensive option. In case you want extra filtration for your home on your water systems. It's pretty simple, set up something that once we get it installed um. Basically, you have two filters here: a microbial filter in the first cylinder, and then a carbon filter in the second cylinder once installed, they're very easy to replace the media.

It comes with this key right here that you just slip underneath the cylinder to remove it, and these cylinders look like this here. If you have any questions, give us a call at 80 for 50, 50, 247 or visit our website at WWF entire net. Thank you.

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