This is just a google hangout where we shoot the ^&*% this hangout was held on 11/24/18

All right, we should be live now. Anybody that's watching at the moment, I'll repeat this: a few times we're gon na do a Google hangout. So if you want to come into the Hangout, send me an email and I will send you the link for the Hangout. Then you guys can join.

Let me let some people come in here. Give it a second hey guys how y'all doing hello? Yes, I am on. They told attack how you doing today. Anybody that wants to come into the Hangout make sure you send me an email and I'll.

Send you guys the the link, if I haven't already so what's up guys out of curiosity, are you guys that are in the chat right now? Did you guys see my my facebook thing, or are you guys just getting a notification from YouTube? How did you know that I was doing this hangout okay right on yeah, so what I had done, sent a facebook notification out going out saying that we were going to do a google hangout. So anybody is invited to come into the Hangout and talk to me live. If you guys want, you just need to have a microphone and a webcam on your computer or your phone. So if you guys want to send me an email email to get the link as HVAC our videos at, happy Thanksgiving man, I'm already over it Thanksgiving was good.

It was nice, my mom cooked I didn't have to so that's good. It was easy. I just had to make a few things: take them over there, it's nice to be able to go to someone else's house for once and not have to do all the work. So we really don't Jesse, I'm not gon na give out my cell phone number.

But okay, if you want to communicate with me, just go ahead and send me an email to HVAC our videos at and you can you can email me we can communicate through there try to keep my cell phone number private if all possible, that's good to Know: Melvin haha, I don't know how what your youtube name means, but you said I'm rocking the right hairstyle, it's CR fo r freedom. Did you happen to see my post up? How I my hair, you know, I cut it myself with clippers and I posted it on my Facebook page because I was cutting my hair about a week and a half ago and my clippers broke right in the middle of cutting my hair. So I had this butchered haircut where half of my head was shaved in half it wasn't, and when I shaved my head, I messed with my kids by shaving around my ears and making some weird haircut and then asked him if I could keep it that way. Well, it bit me in the ass because my clippers broke right in the middle of that, so I was pretty interesting.

I haven't done the the Vito giveaway yet so I plan on doing that. On Monday, on my normal livestream Monday at 5 p.m. yeah, I did cut my hair again, but yeah I'll do a you know, live giveaway or whatever on my live stream on Monday for the veto back and I'll, tell you guys too, that there was so many People that I'm gon na give away two bags so a lot more people than I thought we're gon na be in there so so yeah. We will have two bags to give away so and I'll be cool too.
If anybody hasn't commented on the veto, video yet go ahead I'll, let you guys keep commenting on it. So you can all you only get one entry, but if you guys haven't done it yet go ahead and watch the video where I review the veto bag and follow the instructions to enter the giveaway. So, like I've said before, I was going to try to do a Google hangout here, so anybody that wants to join send me an email at HVAC, our videos at and I'll. Send you guys the link and you guys can come in here and join if you want to so so? How do you pronounce your name? It's Jas si.

Is it yah see yah, see Rama? I will have it that's kind of a hard one for me to explain right off of in a live stream, so I'll try to do a video or something where I break down super heat a little bit better for you make it make more sense. So ever actually the odds of winning. I think there's only 300 comments, so Melvyn know the Hangout is is essentially where once you join you, you click my link. It'll turn the webcam on on your computer and it'll use a microphone of whatever source you have and then it'll record you and you'll be talking just like I am so you'll, be it'll split.

The screen and you'll be on there too. So right on thanks Brian about the video on the freezer, appreciate it yeah happy Thanksgiving to everybody, guys poppy hi Howell. You asked if it's normal to have a few water drops on the ceiling of a walk-in freezer yeah, that's no big deal! If you have a few, I mean it does mean that moisture is getting inside the box, but usually it's because of a long, defrost or or someone leaving a door open. But if there's only a few, it's not a big deal, not a big deal at all.

So wow there's a lot of viewers in here for, for I really didn't, have a big topic to cover on this one, so I just wanted to do more of a hangout. I thought more people were going to join as far as in the Hangout goes. It's all good, a caveman, no worries you guys start putting your Christmas decorations up. Yet my wife and my kids are begging me to put up the Christmas decorations, so Brian you're asking if it was a wood construction box, no wait! What are you talking about? Are you talking about in the walkin video Brian Kevin Carter? No, I don't think I have any videos, adjusting belts, pulleys and motor mounts, but that's something that I can do for sure.

That's an easy one! So I'll tell you right now: whatever you do, don't adjust the sheaves or the pulleys. Okay leave those alone, don't open them or close them. Unless you really know what you're doing, if you're gon na adjust the tightness of a belt, you just want to move the motor left and right to put tension on the belt, and that's it. Okay, so but yeah I'll do a more in depth! Video break that down go through the comments here.

Yeah, it is kind of nice to be off, for the holidays actually took the day off yesterday too, so that was kind of nice refrigeration, rack systems, there's not really many youtubers out there doing commercial like grocery, store rack systems right now. As far as the people to reach out to would be Joshua Monk, Jeremy Smith and Kevin compass they're the most active on the HVAC school Facebook group that cover rack systems as far as supermarkets and stuff like that, so look those guys up. They'd be the best people, but there's not really a youtuber out there covering that right now. So not yet at least so I'm sure there'll be some coming in hey guys how y'all doing coming in yeah my wife, my kids were begging me to do the Christmas decorations or just maybe I'll, do it tomorrow, probably because they're driving me nuts, they all want It done guys just to let everybody know this isn't going to be a real technical, video there's not really going to be major technical topic covered in this one.
This was more of just a questions and answers, and then, if anybody wanted to come in this is for the people that's joining right now. If anybody wanted to come in and do a hangout I'll give you guys the link and you guys can come in you just got a click start on the link and then it'll use your webcam and your microphone so yeah. We don't really have a big topic to cover on this one. So if you guys have some questions out of mine, answering them go ahead.

Hvac r knoxville! You asked if i tried the new updated i manifold app. I downloaded it it's on my phone. I honestly haven't connected to I manifold to it, yet I'm gon na be honest with you. I don't like it already, but I haven't really given it a fair adjustment, yet I mean trial.

Yet you know I haven't connected to the AI manifold, but it looked very complicated, so Kev's crazy life. It says when you get home AC checkup. What should the person do if the checkup is $ 79? I don't know what you're asking me: Cubs crazy life, yeah yeah, seven, one, six appliance guy. You said you tried doing a Manitowoc ice maker fan cycle switch by pinching it off yeah.

Those can be difficult man, the pinch off tool. If you don't know how to use them, you can pinch too tight and yeah. It will pinch the line right off and cause a refrigerant leak, so that is a downfall to it. Doug Brown, you asked for the delfield nine drawers.

Do I ever check superheat and sub cool on those, or do I just go by pressures? You know what there really isn't a good way to check, superheat and subcooling on those okay. What you're gon na do the best way is the way in the factory charge. You can use some rules of thumb to get you in the ballpark, depending on the refrigerant I'm assuming it's a 404 a system. You can start by your suction saturation.

Temperature is going to be about thirty degrees below the box temp and your liquid saturation temperature is going to be twenty five to thirty degrees above the ambient temp around the condenser. Those are ballpark numbers to get your pressures in the right area, but manitowoc will tell you themselves that I'm sorry delfield will tell you themselves that there's not a whole lot that they publish about superheat and sub cooling. The only superheat numbers that they'll publish is once you get the charger justed correctly. They want you to set the expansion valve superheat to about eight to ten degrees, and that's that's about it.
But it's really difficult on the prep table, reach-in refrigerators to to check superheat, because there's not a lot of places to clamp onto the lines. Usually the evaporator coils are so small that you can't get in there to get anything on the system. So that creates a problem. So that's one of the downfalls to those guys so yeah Brian you you are, I did see your email and yeah.

So basically, you probably already figured it out, but Brian Brian had asked me about rules of thumb, to figure out what you know head pressure and suction ship pressure should be on a walk-in cooler system. That's a pretty good one! I wanted to kind of send you a long email on that, but I can kind of cover that in here a little bit - that's not too difficult, so on a walk-in cooler as far as what our refrigerant pressure should be. Okay, basically, what you need to understand is is how your system was designed: okay, most refrigeration systems, depending on, if it's a microchannel, it's gon na, be a really high efficient system. If it's a standard, tube and fin copper condenser, it's gon na be a little bit less efficient.

Okay, you really need to look at the manufacturer and see what they design the systems evaporator TD. Yet that's the temperature differential, that's the difference between the suction saturation temperature and the return air temperature of the box. Okay, if it's not a crazy technical box, most of the time your evaporator TD is gon na be about 10 degrees. This is for a reach.

I mean a walk-in cooler, they're, typically going to be designed with a 10 degree TD, and so with that being said, you can essentially take your box temp, and you know that your TD is going to be 10 degrees, so you're such an saturation temperature should be About 10 degrees below the box, temp, okay, so that's an idea! I get you in the ballpark of where your suction pressure should be, and then just depending on how new or old the system is your your liquid saturation temperature on the roof that one's a little difficult. I would suggest you start by clearing your sight: glass, I'm assuming that's going to have a sight, glass and a receiver, so clearing your sight, glass going from there and then ballpark number, your head pressure or your liquid saturation temperature should be about 25 to 30 degrees. Above the ambient, but that's it's kind of hard to go off of those rules of thumb for the condensing temperature, because if the contractor, before you size that condenser too big or something that's going to throw everything off, so it's important. You want to charge by a clear sight, glass and then your suction saturation temperature should be about 10 degrees to blow the box temp if it's a standard, walk-in cooler with a 10 degree TD.
Hopefully, that's not a bunch of foreign language to you and that kind of makes sense Brian. So I can try and send you a little bit more in an email and help you out a little bit more. So Brian out of curiosity is what I just told you kind of what you found on the Internet and as okay cool right on as I'm talking I'm going to answer some of these emails and invite some people into this hangout right now. So, let's see and all right cool right on Brian, that's good to know.

So what I would suggest Brian is, if you haven't already ordered the book: commercial refrigeration for air-conditioning technicians by dick wars. That will help you out a lot with the refrigeration stuff. So, okay mic mic uh! Is it Rochelle? Oh I don't know if I'm butchering your name there, so you're asking why mini splits don't have a place to put your high side gauge. Okay, most mini splits.

Actually, do it's just the high side gauge Porter's hidden inside the condensing unit, and what you need to understand is: is that the reason why the two lines coming out of the mini split going down to the evaporator section? It's not a line, and it's not so the the two lines are not a liquid line in a suction line, so the ICU there Melvin, I just muted your audio because it was really loud so but you're you're you're in here so hold on just a second Alternative here about the mini-split yeah, so the you've got a suction line and you've got a meter in line going down to the evaporator. So that's why they don't put a high side port on there, because the the two lines going downstairs. One of them is not the liquid line. A lot of people on the mini splits think that the the two lines going downstairs is the same as a residential split system, and it's not so usually the high side port is in the condensing unit.

It's give me one second here guys, I'm just trying to figure all this stuff out right now, so, okay, so I'm just looking at the comments here guys to see what's going on Melvin, did you mute your audio or did I do it too, because I can't Seem to get it back on. Did you happen to click it? Okay, all right cool! I didn't know if you did that so because I was like trying to turn it back on, but no and then it got. I can't hear you so: okay, cool new verse. All right, so anybody else that wants to come into the Hangout.

You guys are more than welcome to just send me an email to HVAC our videos at, and you guys can I'll send you a link. So everybody that's coming in just want to. Let you guys know we're not doing a crazy technical live stream here, like I usually do on Mondays. This is more of just.
I meant this to be more of a hangout, so anybody's welcome, but yeah it's more relaxed. No, no crazy topics in this one. So is that you Isaiah Z hunter. I believe that is you right right on welcome in Isaiah how you doing today.

Okay, the address is HVAC our videos at and, if you send me an email, I'll answer it and send you the link and then you just click on the link and join G Martinez. This is supposed to be just a hangout you're. More than welcome to come into the hangout, it's not really a crazy technical. You can come in Isaiah I'll, send you the link, if you send me an email.

Alright, I'm gon na try see if I missed any questions here. Try to catch up to this Rubin. You need to send me an email and I'll send it to you. Send me an email to HVAC our videos at and I'll.

Send you the link about papi. There's no beer in here. This is apple juice, all right! Wired! 0:01. You asked me what video I did my fluke 52 offset calibration and it was actually a facebook video.

So if you go to my facebook, page HVAC our videos at, you will see where it's at how you doing today, mail them. You good, where you located up from Florida in City area, okay, Southern California, yeah pretty much winging this about four years now: okay, yeah doing more commercial, now, who's doing meaning residential cool. A lot of your videos and they've. Definitely uncle appreciate that I put them out there to help.

You know so, to make it easier for everybody, so cool, so do commercial work to you and your refrigeration or just HVAC? No, no. We definitely do some refrigeration as well. We do some industrial work as well Veronica bolt and my train systems them to like 120 ton systems yeah. So we do a little diverse, nine nine to specific.

So we work on couple a on units. We got a contract with maintenance and they're about 50 tons. So do a little bit of ice machines as well as from knocking coolers, and you know that's cool yeah, so on all the stuff that I do is. Is I don't really get into any big giant units? I think the biggest packaging that I work on is like a 30-ton and then everything below that ice machines.

You know refrigerators, I don't work on any cooking appliances. I just did all the refrigeration in the HVAC so yeah now I haven't, got no connect appliances either. Okay, well yeah, we little divers - I guess um this we for your demo out of those home ice machines in small coolers like reaching coolers um, but it's always good to learn a little bit of everything helps you out. Definitely it helps you out.

So that way, you know you can some job security right, so yeah I'd rather do that and try and stay away from residential yeah yeah. I never did residential. I mean I've done it for like family members and friends, but I've always been in the commercial side. So always from what I've seen, I'm feeling they're more opinion that yeah, I guess it's it's.
You know a little bit different. You know, I don't know some people like it better than the commercial stuff, so you know to each their own right. Yeah should be some more people joining in hey. There is good, alright, so I'm just kind of okay cool.

I think I sent everybody the invites sweet. So what do you do with them this week, Isaiah and a good body a month? All it is a gas station. His ice machine went out. Oh yeah, you know what believe an unbelievably presser capacitor came back clean it cycle was bad.

You know, know that it'll be missed and you find out that there's something else wrong. Yeah. Let me up, I just got, bought new use, my new gear just today. Finally, okay, what's your name? What's your name, my name is hi Reuben and Melvin cuz.

It got kind of loud. So that way everybody else can hear for a minute. So so you said: you're mainly commercial refrigeration. You said now I am but I used to be.

I used to be primarily a residential AC and some commercial AC got you and you're making videos right. I think I've seen them on YouTube. What's that I put videos up on YouTube, don't you I try yeah, I try, I mean just every now and then I'll get a dump call or a decent call and I'll I'll just make a video out of it. Man, I mean why not it's entertaining enough pressure, yeah for sure yeah, yeah yeah and that's you know I.

I started putting my videos up just because I was trying to train my employees and then I just decided to go ahead and make them public. I shouldn't say: train my employees. It was just trying to help them because I had hired a few new employees kind of all at once, so it was just an easier way for me to get them acclimated to the way that we did things and dealt with our customers and stuff. So that was the whole point of uploading, my videos and then I just decided to make them public and it's kind of just took off from there yeah yeah that's cool right on, so you guys did you have to work yesterday? Did you have the day off? No yesterday I actually worked.

I got luck yet and I didn't get any calls on Thanksgiving Day. So, ok yeah, I actually just got back from a call, maybe an hour ago or so today, so yeah, I'm actually not on call today. So all right, I add another guy on call on Thanksgiving and then the same thing for this weekend. So our call rotation is different, though so we don't take a week at a time.

We do if this makes sense. I've got everybody gets one day during the week and then one guy gets three days Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then we rotate and everybody it's you don't get the same day every week. So it's a rotating schedule. So that way you don't have a weeks-long call.

That's why we did that to try to not bombard people in the summertime, so they wouldn't get like you know, 60 hours of normal work and then have to work all weekend too. So I try to do that. That's good yep! It works out. We get a lot of overtime.
Calls, though know where we're at so you know it kind of keeps us busy. So that's why we tried to do that to try to take it easy on the guys, so they weren't going crazy, so yeah, I actually don't mind a few hours of overtime every now and then especially being my my first year in commercial. It were in any sort of refrigeration I actually enjoy taking a few. A few more calls just to learn.

Sorry, I took my headphones off for a second. My daughter was asking me a question. I didn't hear the last thing you said you said you actually went. Don't mind the overtime yeah, I don't mind, taking a few calls every now and then just because this is my first year in fridge eration.

So I don't mind picking up a few calls here and there just to get exposed to most more just more of this stuff that we work on and yeah you're sure learning curve and also yeah yeah. I definitely have worked a lot of overtime in the past. It used to be a lot worse for us, but things have kind of mellowed out for the most part I mean you know, we've kind of gotten a handle on our customers and let go with a lot of the ones that were like really far out of Our area, so so we don't get like crazy over time anymore. I mean there was a point when we were getting.

You know: 5060 hours, you know constantly, even in the wintertime and it's kind of calmed down a little bit. So sometimes you would push 70 hours in the summertime, but we've kind of chilled out on that for everybody, that's inside the the live stream and just watching the live stream. Just so that you guys know this isn't like a crazy technical. This is more of just a Google hangout, and you know you guys are more than welcome to join you're, more than welcome to ask questions I'll try to get to them, but yeah.

This was just more of a relaxed hangout, not a crazy technical topic or anything like that. So, if that's what you guys were looking for, you guys should probably tune in on Monday, because I'll do my normal live stream on Monday, where I answer questions and cover the video topics and stuff so cool, so so Isaiah you were saying that ice machine. You were working on, and so do you guys normally work on that stuff. Yeah a lot.

You know this time more. You know he got out of the field for a little while until I became interested okay, there's nothing, you know just family and in-laws and friends. Whenever they meet whatever they need something, you know a C or a refrigeration gotcha. Yes, you know I was pissed when they did that yeah cool, I think ice machines is the the least item that we work on over.

Where I'm at I mean we mainly do I guess refrigerated warehouses and yeah. Refrigerated space is a few restaurants, but ice machines are, I think I've touched one in the time we've been here, I've better. So yeah I do. I do a lot of ice machine work.
Um, it's it's hard! It's! I don't know it's kind of hard for me to get video on the ice machines because a lot of times it's because I film with my phone so a lot of times, I'm like up in the machine. So it's not really like. I can take a step back approach and get a lot of film on them, so I try to, but I'm trying to figure out a better way to film some of that stuff so like to upgrade some kind of a camera setup or something. But I don't know: I've tried out GoPros and they're, just not my favorite, so I probably need to give the new one a shot, because I know a lot of people like the new one that yes, there is one thing that I heard that you know.

I've heard that's pretty freakin reliable, you know sigh glass, you know, you know, cameras. I've seen Italy seem to be pretty dang reliable. You know, yeah I've seen the eyeglass cameras, but um. It's it's.

First off I've looked into them and the battery life. Isn't that good and then the the video quality isn't quite as good as they can't as the phone's? So that's why I kind of haven't gone that way, but I'm I know it's gon na get there that'd be kind of nice, because I could do things a lot more discreet. If I just that glasses on yeah a lot nicer but yeah, it is a little. Oh, I'm sorry, no, no you're, fine good, I was just gon na, say, be a lot nicer.

If GoPro had a better video and probably audio quality, I think I tried making one video out of a GoPro and it didn't make it anywhere and just deleted everything and started filming him out of my phone, so yeah the GoPro yeah. It was kind of difficult for me. The audio quality is definitely not as good but they're. Saying and again, I haven't bought it just because it's so much money but they're, saying that this new GoPro they just came out with is a lot better.

It has better image stabilization yeah, so I don't know just it's it's just hard, though, because do you want to go drop eight hundred bucks to try something out yep. Speaking of this topic, I remember about like a couple of years ago. I she got the I hero session, GoPro cam, you know camera and I listen to the audio. It's pretty.

You know pretty dang good. You know, in my opinion, it was good enough. Five. She got a compliment, one of my subscribers writing when I first started doing HVAC YouTube videos.

I got a compliment all that about good. The audio was on my video, I recorded with it. Yeah that's cool yep, hey Chris. You think you can get a GoPro to send you one.

I don't know if I'm quite there, yet you know I I thought I've got a list. How shoot I don't even know where my list is. I've got like this list that I've been making of people that I want to email and like ask them if they want to work with me like, send me tools to try out and stuff cuz, that's kind of how the veto thing worked out, like with the Veto bag that I'm giving away was I just emailed veto and was just ask him like hey I'd, love to work with you guys and try something out and do a video on it. So I've been like coming up with a list of people but GoPro.
I I don't think I'm quite big enough for them, so I mean I guess it wouldn't be hurt worth you know it wouldn't hurt to send an email, I guess but yeah. I wasn't gon na stay long, that's of stuff to do in the morning. That's not gon na try to just come in. She breathes, which colloquy off a little bit then run make a video.

You got it right, run right on all right, bud. Okay, all right! You do all right, but so so I guess this is what a AC tix do on Saturday nights or so I don't think this is a normal thing, but yeah you know I'm a dad. I got three kids and I'm definitely not to going out tight, but uh. I mean I see some young books around here that are hanging out on Saturday and I guess it's not that bad they could be doing something worse.

Yeah yeah. I had the same thing. My kids are in the other room and they're older. I mean they're still young, though my daughter's 12 and 9, so they're um they're just hanging out.

If I let them be they'll sit at their computers all night. I have to go in there and, like all right guys, it's time to get off. You know so they're just happy that I'm letting them hang on their computers for a while, so yeah. It's actually just doing some Christmas shopping yesterday and it's you know it's funny because I don't know if you've run into this, but I have such a hard time, because every year it seems like the Christmas gifts get more and more expensive and and then you know, My standards of what I think I should you know spend on my kids.

You know at first it was like okay, we're gon na spend a hundred bucks on each one, and then that gets blown out of the water. You know and then it's like every year. It just goes more and more and it's like man, you know these kids, they are seriously spoiled. I mean they're, good kids, but yeah, it's just it's crazy, dude yeah! It's um! I think my kids this year are asking for like galaxy s, 9 edges and yeah yeah.

I'm not gon na give a 11 year old that close to a thousand dollar phone. So I hear you did I hear you, I really struggled with my daughter's and when we got her a phone and what we ended up doing was giving her my wife's old phone and they got my wife a new phone, but we got her for that. We taught her that when she was 11 - and I had a really hard time because I just I can't comprehend that an 11 year old needs a cell phone it just it's still. I have a hard time with him, but I know times have changed and my wife has had this big discussion with me and it's just.

It was hard for me to realize that my kid needed a cell phone. You know I just my wife's like she needs to take it to school and I'm like no like she doesn't need a phone at school come on, but I remember I didn't even have a phone in high school same here dropped it? You have to be honest policy, I'm 36. Actually, I'm sorry. 37.
I just hit 37 right on yeah, I'm 35. So about the same so yeah yeah nice, like I think we gave our oldest a phone when he was 12 and when the other two became. I think they were like 10 years old. He got mad cuz, he was saying I had to wait, till L was 12 and they got it at 10 and then nowadays I wish I would have never given him a phone.

I really wish. I could just take him away, but it's it's pretty difficult man, I mean that's society today, yeah and you do have to admit - and I even I admit that now that my daughter has a phone like I understand and it's it's nice because like for instance, my Daughter had a sleepover at a friend's house and I had to go pick him up and I didn't know where I was going and I couldn't get ahold of my wife and I just turned on the GPS app and I tracked my daughter's phone and I was Like okay, this is where she's at and I knocked on the door, and you know it's like. Oh, that was kind of nice like being able to know where my daughter is at all times. That's cool.

You know, yeah yeah, there's definitely pros. I just don't know. If the the social built the in stairs today cuz, they could be on their phones, 24/7, they don't even go outside and yeah run around and play with the other kids. You know from the neighborhood or anything so I was watching.

There was like some. I don't know meme or whatever thing going around on Facebook on my personal page and someone shared it, and it was talking about like our generation, people that were born, you know no later than 84, and it was talking about how we still know what it's like To to play outside because we were before the internet like we, you know the Internet came out and became popular when we were still kids. So we remembered a time without it, and - and that is true because our kids don't know any different, you know, and they you know it's just normal for them to want to play on a computer all day and we try to get them to go outside and They enjoy it, but still you know interesting, yeah, definitely different times. Nowadays I mean I mean we got our kids bikes one one Christmas and I think they used them for a month and then we just got rid of them because we got our kids bikes last.

Well, I shouldn't say: we Santa got our kids bikes last Christmas and they're still sitting in the garage I mean they might have used them three or four times and yeah me and my wife were just looking at them going wow yeah. We really got use out of those huh exactly it's just definitely different times man, I mean yeah yeah, dark storm in the chat you had asked. If, if I ever work on clean restaurants, I actually believe it or not. If you think that the restaurants that I work in our dirty, you should see some of the dirty ones, because I mean, for the most part yeah.
I my restaurants are pretty clean and when you, when you work in the and the restaurant industry - and you get to see some of the nasty nasty ones, you know yeah, but trust me, my ones are clean and I tend to let I'd like go of customers. Not just because they were dirty, but there was a lot of factors, but that was one of the things where I couldn't handle working with the customers, because they're so nasty and and they didn't pay in different things. But yeah my restaurants are pretty clean. So I don't think you can see the chat.

Can you Reuben? I cannot actually yeah so there's a whole YouTube like if you watch this on youtube. There's the normal YouTube chat if you've ever seen my livestream. So there's 66 people watching this and they're all chatting in the YouTube light thing right now too. So there's like whole conversations going on over there, but they're all sitting there watching this yeah, I'm sure they like.

Looking at my face, yeah, let's see, says hi. You know what yeah work with that fool: oh okay, yeah. He said that he's gon na get on on the live chat as well. But, of course, like always, he chickens out well insemination on this one, because I'm nobody so come on Daniel Aziz.

Come on in buddy, we'll take it easy on you yeah. It only hurts for the first now so I take it you're in Texas, then yeah I've been a four with for what section. I wonder if, and you see or hear me well I mean I against my bag over on attend. I can hear you fine, okay, not bad, and then I think that it's it's fine right now, mail than lunch, ah ha ha.

Oh yeah. I think I was having issues with my weight cuz I had my bluetooth connected and picking up excessive noise. I have my wife and kids like watching TV on the lodge or something that's probably what you were hearing yeah it's a little bit of a mouthful yeah. I just disconnect today I'm just going straight off the computer now, so my wife was too walking past me.

Look at me, like I'm crazy talking to the computer yeah. I do have to admit this is a little bit weird, a bunch of guys getting on the computers to talk to each other right yeah. It is a little strange if I'm retarding ya she walked in, like I tell you what so, since I started making these videos, you know I get communications from people like all over the place. That's really cool and I've had some interesting people contact me.

So that's! That's been interesting, you know like where I just got like random messages from people and no joke. I got a phone call from someone too, and my phone numbers not published. They had to work for it. I don't know and when I found out how they got the number, it was very interesting and actually that the person had meant no harm.

But it was just kind of creepy at first, because this person called me and was talking to me and it's like how did you get my number and then, when the person like told me what they went through to find my phone number, it was just kind Of like okay, that's cool yeah little strange yeah, it's kinda creepy, but yeah security like okay, yeah kinda, makes me start to wonder like about my family and stuff. I'm like how much you know I don't know. I guess I not worry about that. Like people trying to apply for your company as well uh yeah I've had a few people come.
You know. I mean I've made a public that I'm always looking for technicians and stuff, so yeah I've had a few people. Send me resumes, haven't hired anybody yet, but if the people that are watching - and you guys I'm sure everybody realizes that - I'm very particular in the way that I work - I guess I'm - I guess you can say I'm an so if it comes across in my videos. It's pretty much an so I I have a pretty strict criteria of hiring people so yeah.

It is what it is. You want to make sure you doing a good job. You don't wan na there's a lot of companies out there already doing what they say: hacks, yeah yeah! Definitely so hey Justin, how you doing man hey? What's up yeah, so there's a lot of a lot of well, I should say my customers: they demand a certain amount of quality from me, because we've had a lot of customers that we've dealt with for a long time, and so you know we've built relationships and Then, when we hire new people, it's like it's not that they don't know how to work. They all know what they're doing it's just getting used to the way that we do things and deal with our customers and the customers expect certain amount of communication from us, and so it's just you know, that's the difficult thing is when people come to work for Us it's just getting them used to the style and the way that we deal with customers and different things.

So Justin you're the one that talks to me about the McDonald's right yeah. I don't. I do oh they're eating cooling, air conditioning or refrigeration and I do the cooking equipment. Okay, yeah.

I don't. I don't mess with the cooking equipment, but oh yeah, it's it's! Some of that stuff can be a little bit dirty, but I guess you know some people like working on the cooking equipment, so I guess whatever you know. I don't think it's too difficult right. I think some of it, especially with though, when you get into the fryers, it's probably just kind of hard to get into some of the the pumps and different things yeah.

We got a pretty uneven split between gas and electric to Alec. I hate working on electric fryers, changing the heating elements, just a nightmare, the gas fryers I mean they're, pretty basic. I don't actually get a lot of problems out of fryers, though that's cool yeah. I would say that you know when I'm working in the restaurants.
I don't see no fryers being worked on, definitely not as much as I see the refrigeration being worked on. So you know what's funny Chris, you were talking about hiring and a certain quality and all that when I got hired at this company I, when I got interviewed with my boss, it was actually a few phone interviews because he was up here in Fort Worth and I was down south in Brownsville, is an eight-hour drive or so, and so when we were, when we were talking and chatting back and forth it was I mean I I told him, I'm like look at. I've done commercial air conditioning, but I have not done a single second of refrigeration, whether it's your basic, you know small list of your refrigeration systems. Anything else - and I explained to him that I was a that I was looking to get into refrigeration for a few months now, but nobody would give me a shot mm-hmm, so it kind of ended up working where we like.

I said we just spoke a few times and you know I just said I just need a. I just really need a shot. You know it's, I I I don't know exactly exactly what I'll bring to the table but and he gave me a shot man. You know he was cool about it and not gon na lie.

I've had I've had a few days where it's a you can tell it's it's a little, a little rough going from air conditioning to refrigeration, just some of the bells and whistles on the systems, but uh yeah. You know, I'm I think I'm getting the hang of it pretty good. Just you know it is a different animal for for anybody that just thinks so. I'm gon na go from straight-up residential systems to commercial refrigeration or refrigerated warehouses, and all that it's a it is a little different man.

It's something you definitely got to get used to yeah the refrigerated warehouses. I mean I realize I know a little bit about my small sector refrigeration and I realized it's the same concepts, but I would be intimidated myself working on the bigger stuff, but I mean I, I know I'd be able to step back and kind of figure it Out but I'd still be intimidated for sure, just being humble yeah, I just had one actually um Wednesday. The day before Thanksgiving and my boss just happened to show up at the at the job site that I was on and I had been there maybe an hour and long story short man. I was getting.

My ass kicked by a unit with low charge so, and that was it, it was just low on charge, and it I mean I I think I would have eventually figured it out like you said, step back and think about it, but something as simple as a Low charge with with a few more bells and whistles or definitely get you yeah anybody that's coming into the live stream right now, if you don't already know we're just kind of doing a Google hangout, I also have the chat going. You guys are more than welcome to come into the Google hangout. If you guys want to just email me at HVAC, our videos at and I'll. Send you guys the link to join the light.the, the Google hangout, if you guys want to? If not, you could just watch and look just lurk around yeah.
Is that what is uh that the song that NorCal Dave sings on his videos? We love the lurkers. You know what I've never even heard that song before until I saw his channel. That's it! That's him singing, I'm pretty sure yeah, that's his own. You know, yeah he's, I'm pretty sure.

That's been singing in a band, so cuz cuz the the YouTube stuff. You got to be really careful about putting music on your videos because you'll get copyrighted stuff. So I know dave has a band and I'm pretty sure that's him singing, because I know he is. If I remember right in his videos, he likes that kind of music like the trying to think what that's called but yeah.

I'm pretty sure. That's Dave singing in that yeah he's a pretty cool guy. If anybody, I'm sure everybody in here knows who NorCal Dave is, but if you don't check out his channel just look up. Norcal NorCal refrigeration, I believe, is what his channel is called yeah.

So cool dude from Boston Boston is Chris Cassie. So that's uh, CSC refrigeration, yeah, that's the one. I thought. Oh you tell balls.

Yeah he's a good guy, very good guy Chris started his channel. Just a little bit after mine he's he's uh it's hard for him to get videos, though, because he goes into a slow season right now. I know he's told me that before so, but um yeah he's a really cool dude and then you've got a Rick in here too, with Northwest Ohio, HVAC videos he's in the chat. He does some really good videos too.

So he's been really hustling on those yeah. I've checked some of his videos out he's he's a good guy, yeah, good guy, good video, so yeah. The YouTube community was really interesting because I've watched a lot of guys on YouTube for many years before I did my channel, and they definitely gave me the the motivation to do this, because I myself am NOT a very I'm, a very private person and I usually Don't share stuff like that. I if you ask me three years ago, then you know if I would had a youtube channel.

I'd say hell. No, I wouldn't do that, but Rick its HVAC here I'll just type it in the chat dude. I thought about making videos. Maybe for about the last year or so, but like you said I never, I never really thought about other Arden.

Oh, you should just try it. You know maybe you'll like it, and I mean it's definitely something to do. You know just put some stuff out there. Yeah, why I mean that's, I mean a year ago I was looking at NorCal Dave's channel, for I want to say a couple months straight, just because I wanted to see what refrigeration was all about cuz I like I said I had zero experience whatsoever, so I Think I was stuck on this channel for a few months and from there that's when I found some other channels like Alex.

I found your channel on there. A few others that I follow so Alex was definitely one of the ones and then you get you know some of the old ones like the Jim paedon, auto yeah. You know he doesn't make videos anymore, but he he had some great videos. I I'm pretty sure I heard through the grapevine, though, that he just got eaten up in the comments and different things and that stuff starts to get to you after a while I mean even I get a bunch of in the comments that you know you got To just kind of try to let it go but but Jim you know, he definitely came from the old-school methods, but I mean that's kind of how I learned to was learning from my dad and my dad had a lot of old-school style and he, you know, Taught me a lot of a lot of good and bad things.
So you know, and then I I learned which things to use and and and it came from a different time, though, because like my dad started in the industry and the early I'd say probably late. 70S early 80s and things were different, then you know they didn't. They didn't have things that were as efficient and fancy as we do now, and you know like I'll, be honest with you to this day. If I asked my dad would super heat as he doesn't know, you know I don't use that crap.

You know I mean he. You know he always taught me just to do things. You know just by charging my pressures and different things, and it's not that I'm knocking it it's just that was a different time, and that was the way people did things differently back then. But I tell you what I mean before I started working with my dad and now we own the company together, but before I started working with him, his business had been successful in for many years, so obviously he was doing something right so just different times, but Yeah, the Jim Patton auto, you know he has some old-school ways of doing things, but there's an even NorCal Dave does, but I mean there's obviously something to it.

You know I mean if you've got the mentality and the ability to break things down and fix them. You know I'd say like NorCal Dave definitely has adopted a lot of them new style and new technologies and and he's a very smart dude. You know so he give away about that veto. Bag.

Yeah yeah that's gon na be coming out because I'll probably do it on Monday. When I do my normal live stream, I actually had so many entries. I'm gon na give away a second bag too, so I'm gon na be giving away the MB bag, which is the small little one that I had in there and then also. I have an open top bag that gosh, I think it's an OT in a shoot.

Oh TM, something or other it's a big open top bag I'll give that away to. So basically everybody. That's all you! What's that sorry, I think it's the OTC OTC that sounds about right, yeah, so I'll give that a way too. I actually won that a while back like in a raffle and never even used it, so it's still sitting there brand new.

So I figured why not so we have like 300 or something entries so still good odds. So yeah I'll do that on. I commented on there cool yeah, then you're in it if anybody's, watching the live stream and they haven't. Yet.
If you watch my video, where I reviewed the Vito bag, it was like three videos back watch the video and it tells you the instructions on how to enter the giveaway I had originally said. I would only do it for two days, but I'm just gon na. Let it go until Monday, so keep doing what it says in the video and I'll I'll get you guys entered and we'll do that giveaway Monday. When I do my livestream at 5 p.m.

Pacific time and I'm gene just more in technical life, you right yeah! Well, it won't be a Google hangout, it'll just be a technical. I usually do them for about 45 minutes to an hour on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, and usually what I do is I because I get a bunch of questions between, because I do two videos a week. So I get a bunch of questions so I'll.

Usually answer the questions from Friday and from Monday's video and try to lump them in there and then answer everybody else's questions too so, but yeah I'll do the drawing on that live stream. So on some videos I know you'll go live and stuff, but you know, as you get caught up and get home at 10:00 and night or some definitely, but that's always why I live streams go up as a video to on the YouTube channel, so you can Always watch them again and there's usually nothing inside there, guys that have sent me emails. I'm gon na respond to you guys right now, so I just have to find this link. I need to get better at this, this internet stuff, because I know there's easier ways and I know I'm I'm gon na not doing this the right way and I'll get better yes and a lot of different social media platforms, yeah and I'm definitely feeling very, very Old when it comes to being able to navigate all this stuff, so yeah cuz, I see song on the youtubes that people are like.

Oh yeah, I hit you up on Facebook other than this and your email then yeah I try to I'm. Do i do decent with facebook, but I know a lot of people. Don't like Facebook anymore, I'm probably not as active as I should be on Instagram. I know that's a more popular one right now, but I'm getting there getting a little bit better.

It was good for something like this. I think Instagram is more social. I think any company you know come out like company, wise or informative videos, I think, is better Facebook. My opinion true Rick, coming in right now, how you doing right, hey I'm doing good.

Can you hear me okay, I can do just fine man, I see see. I see you're in your office. Now I saw you sound good, okay, cool. Are you what uh? What Mike are you using? It sounds pretty decent.

It's actually on the computer, I'm using the webcam on my laptop. Oh, that's, cool yeah, it's built into the computer, I'm using a Toshiba. There you go yeah. We were just kind of talking earlier that I was talking to Ruben about, like I was doing some Christmas shopping and it's kids are getting expensive.
Man, kids are getting a little more expensive and me and my blog can't really talk right now. Cuz. My kids can probably hear me in the other room, but yeah they're getting expensive, so Jan, it is what it is. Ben just yeah learn another truth.

Yeah. It's been interesting too, with our kids, because over the last couple years you know my wife and I were never very good about budgeting and stuff like that, and we've definitely over the last couple years, gotten a lot better with that, and so then the kids had To get used to it and they were so used to us just spending money like crazy, and so it was kind of like a culture shock to them because they're like what we can't just gloss a dinner every night anymore - and you know it's like now - we're Not doing that anymore, you know like ten different people at one time. You know. No, I'm not.

No, it's probably they probably do you have a youtube one right now. At the same time, oh yeah turn off the YouTube. Oh my bad yeah. I did that on one of the the Hank are the live streams that I was doing on Monday afternoon Monday evenings and I was all confused, because that was one of the moment that I really felt like an idiot cuz, I'm sitting in here and all I Hear is my head's just exploding and it's like what the hell's going on and I'm like trying to mute.

Everything and - and you know I put the stupid mixing board over here and I don't know how to use the thing and I'm like what buttons and I'm pushing buttons and trying to shut everything up and yeah. I do on the weekends - and I you know I should have known now this. Basically, yes, I saw your mixing board on like a Facebook post or something like that that thing's huge dude but you've got a lot of stuff going on, because they're paying on the church, band and stuff right. So they've got a lot yeah.

2 thoughts on “11/24/18 hvacr videos google hangout”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rudny Ranum says:

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