I go through 3 things that I've heard other HVAC technicians complain about. Some may surprise you. Words like freon and hot water heat covered. Pet peeves, homeowner quirks, and customers armed with information. It's all covered!
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Beginning
1:01 - First Thing HVAC techs Hate
3:22 - Second Thing HVAC techs Hate
4:42 - Third Thing HVAC techs Hate
6:50 - We'd love to earn your business
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Hey guys, hopefully you can hear me - i lost my voice a couple days ago, so i'm just now getting it back. So i wanted to do this video on a few things that i have noticed that heating and air guys and folks in our trade hate. So if you've caught this video, the first one's kind of funny and then the other two are uh, maybe not so funny um they're still funny to me, i uh i've been stepping on some toes with my youtube channel and some of my videos, and i know That because i've gotten some messages from some other guys, people messaging me saying: hey, stop telling people this or that or i disagree with you or whatever, which is fine. I mean you're allowed to have your own opinions and - and things like that, i base most of my information off of my own experiences and uh when other heating and air companies or professionals say.

I don't do that then, that i think that's great uh, but with this particular video, i'm gon na be calling it three things that heating and air guys hate that i have noticed in the industry. The first one is kind of funny to me, and that is some heating and air guys hate for other heating and air guys, and sometimes even customers to use the wrong verbiage with some things. And what i mean by that is some guys call refrigerant in our trade. So it's called refrigerant, there's different types of refrigerant that go into your heating and air system.

Your air conditioning system heat pump and they will sometimes call it freon and some guys seem to get a little frustrated by that. It's not it's actually not called freon uh, we'll get customers call us all the time. They'll say: hey my freon's a little low or my they'll even call it free zone. I've heard it called before my free zone's kind of getting kind of low um, but it's not called freon.

Freon is actually a brand. It's a a brand. It's a product uh! It's was created by dupont who actually owns the name, or at least used to, and it's it's an actual, it's actually a product, so freon is actually a brand name or a product. That is also a refrigerant right.

So there's all kinds of refrigerants that are not freon, but then there's freon, which is just another refrigerant, so hopefully that makes sense uh. Another thing i think, i'm just gon na throw this in here before i move on to the next thing: that heating and air guys hate, and that is some guys that are plumbers and even some guys that are heating and air guys that also do water heaters. They hate for you to call it a hot water heater. They they can't stand it, they get irritated.

In fact, i think it's so funny that i will sometimes call them hot water heaters just to irritate them uh why they get mad about it. I have no idea, but they do they. Some of them get very irritated that they're. You know they'll even correct you on the internet.

You know they'll they'll, comment and things like that. So usually i'll comment just to mess with them and reiterate that it is a hot water heater if you could think of another word or verbiage that some guys in our trade uh dislike or hate when people use it incorrectly put it down in the comments uh. Some of those are actually kind of funny to me. I don't know why, but sometimes i like to just ruffle those guys feathers i'll use those terms anyway, just to uh to mess with them.
So what about number two of the three things that heating and air guys hate? What is number two one of the things that i have heard. Lots of guys in our industry complain about, and i have no idea why they complain about it, but they, it seems like two out of every three guys that do what i do: the fix air conditioners or furnaces or even plumbers. They hate for the customer to look over their shoulder if you will to watch them while they work why they hate it. I have no idea.

I like it uh it. I think it creates rapport. I think it gives me the opportunity to get to know the customer possibly win. A customer for life, create a relationship and i'll usually chat with them, but some heating and air guys they hate for the customer to watch them to watch over their shoulder.

They feel, like you, know, they're being supervised or whatever um. Sometimes, customers will ask questions or even make suggestions. I mean, oh by the way, it is their system. By the way you know it's, it's the homeowner's equipment, it's in their home, they own it.

How horrible would it be for the homeowner to make a suggestion or to ask for something to be done to their own unit by someone that they're about to pay money to, but some guys they just hate it. They hate for the customer to look over their shoulder to watch them constantly and so on, and then the third thing that we'll touch on that heating and air, guys technicians, professionals in our trade hate, and that is an informed customer and if you're, a heating and Air guy and you see this - you might say well, well, i don't you know, i don't mind if my customer is informed - and i think that's great - but a lot of heating and air guys hate for homeowners to have done a little research to have asked a Friend, in fact, i had a customer today say: hey, you know, i have a friend that's in the heating and air industry. He said this this and this and that's not really lining up with what you guys put in my home, and i was able to explain to that customer, not necessarily that their friend is wrong, but the reason why we did it the way we did it. I think what that boiled down to is uh.

It was a mobile home furnace and it was had a coil and an outdoor heat pump that we installed and i'm guessing that their friend is just not used to those types of systems um. Some of the concerns that he was raising to the homeowner just wasn't lining up with what we're used to seeing and things like that, and why we do some of the things we do so again. There's sometimes different schools of thought. It's not necessarily that anybody's doing anything wrong.
It just boils down to sometimes there's more than one way to skin a cat, but some guys hate some. Some professionals hate for that homeowner to do some research to read some stuff online to ask a question, and things like that and they'll actually get irritated. You know i've. Actually, i had one guy that i employed a few years ago and he would call me saying: oh this customer's saying this or that and i'm like you know who cares if you're confident in what you know and what's right and wrong? Who cares what somebody read on the internet? You know you should be able to just say to that customer: hey look! This is why we do what we do.

This is why it's the right way to do it, and there are times where it's okay, to say to the customer. Hey. I hear you if that's what you want you're allowed to have that i'm just not your guy, that's okay and then. Finally, if you are in the market for a new heating and air system, if you're in the middle peninsula or northern neck of virginia give us a call griffin air, we would love to earn your business.

But if you're not in our coverage area, you're somewhere else in the country - and you are in the market for a new heating and air system before you spend thousands check out my new website, it's called new hvac guide, dot com, i'll, put a link to it Down in the comments and this website, i basically wrote a book made it a guide, put it on this website and instead of having a book that would be outdated within a year or two, i'm able to constantly add things on there. If new things come out and the other thing is i've even put information on there that people in our industry don't even want you to know so i've got a whole page called no-no's and you know just things to stay away from and so on. That being said, thanks for watching hit that subscribe button, we'll see you next time.

2 thoughts on “3 things hvac techs hate! weird things i’ve heard over the years.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Again Mr. Griffin: I agree with you 100%; we all have heard such comments before. The Internet and social media are here to stay so may as well use it to educate our customers as well as the general public to the best of our ability. In our area we have lots of mobile homes; I always tried to steer away as they stay around for awhile and then move on!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prince2thethrone says:

    i cant see the comments

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