Bryan and the crew demonstrate how to install the new GreenSpeed Extreme.
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Hey thanks for watching this video. This is a quick review of our first installation of the new infiniti green speed. Extreme this particular match up is a 22 seer, four ton heat pump, which is just unheard of numbers. It has a lot of really interesting new features.

Such as bluetooth, connectivity for diagnostics and commissioning on the condenser now one thing that you're going to notice because we as we shoot the video we're not running the video the whole time. One of the things that we ran into, which is part of the training. But something that you have to do on these newer pieces of equipment is, you have to upgrade the firmware on the control and on the condenser, and that's something when you connect to the bluetooth it shows up. One thing that we found out is that it goes a lot quicker on the firmware upgrade if you use a pre-loaded sd card you'll find that from your carrier, territory manager, if you don't already have it, you can give you the link to access that software.

You pre-load it on the sd card and then you load that in the thermostat, if you do the standard wi-fi setup, it takes a little bit. So that was just something we learned along the way and we don't show that whole process here in the video. So here we go: it's the new carrier, infinity green speed, extreme, it's a mouthful 22 seer carrier, heat pump, installation all right. We've got the new carrier, infinity system going in today, so i'm just pulling up on the job.

Let's see what we're pulling out here looks like a lennox heat pump coming out so they're already pretty far along they've already got the air handler set. This is a heat pump, see what we got. Here's the old linux all right. Let's see what we got here, got ourselves a big boy: hey, it's manny, zack zack's not used to this.

Yet under pressure test right now, holding nice we're using the icm 493 in and out, because this is still an inverter driven piece of equipment. We always want to be careful to make sure that we're not giving it continuous over voltage or power surges, which is what the icm4983 does well. Both a phase monitor voltage, monitor and a surge protector, five metal oxide varistors in parallel, so we got one two. Three four five metal oxide baristas that helps protect it because, again you don't wan na spend all that money on this bad boy and have it go out and when i roll up - and i see the big blue kit ready to rock that's what we like to See all right so there he is uh almost done he's gon na mastic everything we always tape all of our mastic lines.

So that way, when we peel the tape off the mastic's nice and straight, we build up a little bit off the platform top to make sure we have access to put a filter in and out again. This is a very florida setup with a plywood platform top. We put a new top on just to make sure that it's nice and solid three quarter inch. We always re-trim everything, we're needed to make sure that it looks nice and clean and then paint everything up when we're done so that way, it's a nice clean, complete installation, one thing interesting with carriers, they still do use thermostatic expansion valves rather than electronic expansion valves And they do function the same way i mean in both cases the job of the expansion valve whether electronic or thermostatic is to maintain evaporator superheat, and so it still does a good job at that.
But it is one thing: that's a little unique with these units. You can see you have the all aluminum evaporator coil, and one thing i always look at is just making sure that we're not going to have any vibration that could result in something rubbing where it shouldn't like right. There that's a little bit of a concern point. So i'm going to make sure that we separate that and put a little foam tape in there just to be 100 sure that we're not going to get any rubbing.

The factory does a good job, but we have to double check everything they do as well. Just to make sure it's all good before we leave small thing, but anytime we're working on a vertical application. We always remove the horizontal drain pan because it's just another thing that can catch. You know extra dirt and just gets in the way causes turbulence in the air stream, as well as the little horizontal gooseneck i mean.

Does it make a big difference? No, but getting it out of there in a vertical application, just as other reduction in turbulence, so manny is now using seal tight, even on low voltage, which you know some places, they've done that forever in florida. For whatever reason we haven't done that, but this is definitely what we're doing from now on bringing the seal tight car flex, whatever you want to call it on the low voltage line as well, looks really sweet, so well done there. Nice, looking joints very pretty well pulled in you can see you actually heated it up properly, so it actually drew that alloy into the joint just like you're supposed to all right, just kicked on the vacuum. Oil is clear, level is good.

He's starting manny is a purist, so he's starting with the gas ballast open and uh we're doing it. The the true blue way, the way we do every vacuum - true blue in it pulling from the suction side, and so that way it's got to pull all the way around. This is a decent length line, set probably anything 80 feet, something like that yeah so it'll take it a little bit to first start showing, but once it starts showing it'll come down really quick, because we're measuring all the way on the other side of the circuit. All right we're about uh what a minute in yeah and now we're already done at 4 500.

see somebody like zach can't appreciate the suffering that we've had to go through our whole lives before we got these proper setups makes life so much easier way: better negative 30 way better than just watching, you peg the needle yeah yeah absolutely, and you just feel so much better about your work. You know one interesting thing with this: is it actually has a sub cooling curve based on your ambient temperature? So as your ambient temperature goes up, your required sub cooling also goes up. I'm not talking anything huge here, starting at like 6.2 and then going up to 7.2, depending on a really wide range from 65 to 105, but that's just how precise they're being with it and then you have the heating check chart as well. Again, you always read the manual to make sure that you're doing what you're supposed to do when you got a brand new piece of equipment.
Another thing is: whenever you're installing a new system, you just become familiarized with the components in the system and double check. All the factory electrical connections and we've seen cases where there's been lugs that haven't been fully tightened, and you just don't want to have those issues so always double check, not to say the factory's doing anything wrong, but you just always want to double check everything. Bluetooth diagnostics: in it you can walk right up to it and see any errors that you may have right from your device super careful when you're dealing with inverter driven equipment because you have much higher voltages. So once you disconnect power - and you confirm that it's disconnected at the disconnect - wait two minutes before taking the panels off.

I think this is kind of cool note on here. It talks about before replacing the txv complete these steps. This is right on the air handler panel. Verify airflow is correct, check, sub cooling confirm, txv, bulb is properly attached.

Verify system is free of contaminants and moisture and the only good way of doing that is by doing your proper procedures to begin with flowing nitrogen while brazing and then doing a proper evacuation and then make sure everything's clean. I would also add blower wheel to that. So often the txv gets blamed because people think of the txv as being a valve that is responsible for feeding charge to the evaporator coil. But you keep in mind that heat load is such a big factor in what drives superheat and superheat is what drives your txv open and closed when that superheat drops because of low airflow that valve's gon na throttle down and your suction is going to drop.

It's not always the txv you can see here too much. Airflow can actually cause high velocity and can actually cause condensate blow off on this specific brand. So we set it to 350 cfm per ton in florida in order to optimize dehumidification, but you can actually get condensate blow off. If you have too high of airflow microns, so we're going to let it run a little longer.

Do our isolation test. We shut it off at the valve, make sure that it doesn't rise beyond the acceptable decay limit which, on this generally, we our rule is you pull it below 500. You know in the 300 range valve it off if it doesn't rise above 510 minutes you're good to go. There's the mastic line, it's nice and clean, and the line dryer indoors to protect it from the elements looks like.
We've got 10 kilowatt heaters on this. I don't know actually seven and a half seven point: two kilowatt: here's your blur motor gen tech. If you've never gone to the, it's a great resource for diagnosing ecm motors, either x13 ecm 3.0 2.0. Whatever you got, 50 amp on the air handler heat strips and we've got a 40 on the outside condenser big part of the testing is to make sure that we're not exceeding our maximum voltage in our market, which is another reason why we put the icm 493, Because, in our experience exceeding the maximum voltage on these can result in failure maximum fuse 40, so we're good to go, and on this we could actually put a number 10 wire, because that is the minimum circuit.

Opacity, don't believe me, look it up before arguing. I like these straps because they pretty closely match and in florida we have to use hurricane strapping as part of the job make sure that these things aren't going to blow away always keep plastic garbage bags handy to pick up your mess, as you go, makes a Nice, clean job site all right, there's the infinity controller, it's nice, because you can check your static pressure and airflow right through the control, which is very handy. These little milwaukees are great for doing the trim, leaving these hog hair filters as the primary filter. I would suggest not doing that four inch media special, you know like the infinity air purifier, something like that or filter back returns in this case, we're going to put the three-inch honeywell filters in the filter back returns so that we've got the larger media, but still Utilizing the filter back this little guy has been holding steady now for 10 minutes, or so i think it's moved five microns something like that.

I mean this is a tight system. Again, every system has microscopic leaks that will show up under this level of deep vacuum. Even just the seals, you know that you have on your connections, but that's a very tight system, so we're ready to release the charge all right. So we did the firmware update on the inside controller with you can either do that with a micro sd card, or you can do it after you connect to wi-fi and connect to my infiniti and then once we connected to the app, then it allowed us to Do the update on the condenser, but now we're waiting for it to come on and we're going to do a full measure, quick report on it and make sure everything's working the way it should all right we'll get some additional information off of the display here shows Us super heat line, voltage static pressure, but really good on static pressure, even at our uh 1180 cfm on this everything is looking good now did all of our tests did our measure quick report and we also checked it outside with the bluetooth connection to the condenser.
So this match is this ahri number that you see up top here, this 205 272762? It's a 22 seer 13 eer match, which is really really incredible, because not only does it have a great sear rating, but also a really high eer rating aluminum evaporator coil dimensionally. We had to use this one to make it fit, but a really great value, as well as the bluetooth diagnostics, which we're going to go over all right, so we've got to use the carrier service tech app for this situation, this equipment - absolutely. Of course i accept so we can either log in as a guest or log in with hvac partners to get the full access. If we log in as a guest will give us some stuff, but we can't log into the equipment unless we are logged in under hvac partners.

So again you want every technician: installer to have unique hvac partners logins for this purpose, all right. So we are pairing. The equipment using the carrier service tech app see what we get all right. We are connected, see the wall control software version is out of date and will not support the new updates all right.

So i'm gon na update the wall control. Okay, so we'll go! Do that first, all right, so we've got it in test mode. We've run we're running it up in high load and testing everything out we're also taking our own measurements outside to verify music. Super heat looks good, we're going to confirm our sub cooling using measure quick.

This is actually through the carrier, tech app all right so again, a few things we'll do some more videos moving forward on this, but a few things to know about the process. Here you connect to bluetooth on the outside. You have to use your hvac partners login best if you have your latest thermostat or controller firmware loaded onto an sd card, and you can pop that in the thermostat to make the process a little quicker. We waited for the wi-fi upload and then also you follow.

The same process for charging that you normally would on these infinities estimate line, set length, weigh in any changes, but then also just follow that charging setup. Initially, we ended up making a few small changes, because the line set was a little bit longer than usual, but all in all product worked great. We followed up with a customer about a week later and customers thrilled with the operation. The dehumidification is excellent on this product due to the turn down and the ratio between the airflow and the system capacity, so it just gives it really nice consistent dehumidification, which is what we look for here in florida, so that was the carrier green speed extreme.

If you want to find out more about how you can be a dealer, you have to go through the training. You have to be a carrier dealer in order to work with this product. Definitely not something you can buy off the street. Definitely not something you can install if you're not a licensed contractor who's already set up with carrier, but go to or contact your local carrier branch or distributor in order to find out how to become a dealer and get the green speed.
Xtreme training, thanks for watching we'll catch you in the next video.

41 thoughts on “Greenspeed extreme install”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Anderson says:

    Has anyone had issues with the PEV on these

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E F says:

    Your knowledge of these was awesome to watch. I have a 4 yr old infinity greenspeed that is giving us static pressure, sweating, and failed compressor issues. It runs good static up til 1200 cfm then goes way high. 4 ton system. Any idea what to look into first? Ducts or adjust blower speed? Are you in Kanata ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Wood says:

    Thankful that after 45 years in the hvac trade I retired 4 years ago. While technology has drastically changed over the years I cannot justify the overall cost and complexity of these systems. I was a Carrier service tech for most of my career and I would never recommend one of these units. The return on investment will never be accomplished and after the warranty is over any repairs will be astronomical.
    Engineers coming out of school like to impress and design systems that, on paper, seem great but, they are not REAL WORLD applicable.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ViiV Creations says:

    Lol i like how when you pull up the app it has a 2 star rating xD Are you in Orleans ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam says:

    I replaced the inverter board under warranty for a Green speed from 2012. Took a week to get approved by Carrier probably because it was $3,800!! Out of warranty repairs for these type of units are insane.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars umeng2002 says:

    Why would a customer pay extra for all that bluetooth junk just to make the service tech's life easier? A savings not passed on to the customer. As a home owner, the first thing you should ask is how much does it costs to fix. I'll deal with the extra $10 a month in electricity.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC 2.0 says:

    Thanks for making this, glad to get a look at the system! May put one of these in my house (unless I cheap out and do a VNA8…) That ICM493 is important, we lost our first two compressors due to dirty power.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jerry lockhart says:

    Don’t freaking sell it man.!!!!!L?!!
    Better have 10 years parts and labor every time or might as well forget about it🙉🙈🙊🐒🐥🐥🐥🦄🐸🐷🦖🦑🦀🇺🇾🇿🇼

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave K says:

    Partnership with samsung..hmmm.. didn't Samsung have the mysterious exploding boards after a few years. Not a fan of lennox Are you in Nepean ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Percy says:

    Great content! I'm a bryant TM in the northern CA market and my Dealers are getting great customer feedback so far. Excited to see these units in 6months-1year and some service work performed via Bluetooth. Should really help more "green" technicians and assist with the labor force shortage.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars soundslikebstome says:

    Imagine…..a system that costs more than your house is worth.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Johnson says:

    Do you guys always leave the sensing bulb inside the cabinet. We always pull them outside of the cabinet. Just curious

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PickleRix says:

    I just installed a new Goodman 16 SEER HVAC system myself. The Goodman furnace supports Bluetooth and I was to upgrade the firmware and configure the HVAC using the free Goodman CoolCloudHAC app. I had never used the app before but it was intuitive and easy for me. I agree that flashing firmware is much faster using an SD-Card. Just make sure you have the latest stable version on the card before flashing.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rod Graff says:

    Airflow is ALWAYS the first thing to verify, just like water flow is the first thing to verify when starting up, or troubleshooting a chiller. On that number 10 wire… the wire size also depends , on the length, so it is not cut and dry. Carrier supplies specific guidelines for sizing the wire, and it is not minimum circuit ampacity. There have been a lot of hard or no starts due to low voltage at LRA, due to electricians trying to get by with the minimum wire size on single phase residential units without hard start kits. I know this unit is probably different because it is inverter driven and probably has a soft start, that would reduce the surge.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Court Rutherford says:

    This video is dumb. It's marketing wank. You move the camera around too much and you try to sound cool and you're not.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 777 Smitty says:

    You couldn’t give me that junk. the cost in the long run omg !!!
    I had a heat pump so happy it died !!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris and Max says:

    Been working for a small HVAC company for thirty years that are Carrier dealer.these systems are extremely expensive for the customer.the parts are astronomically expensive when they go out and the warranty has expired.when you tell the customer the circuit board outside is bad and you have to order it and it’s 1200 dollars,they go crazy.i personally don’t believe you save enough in energy cost to justify spending on these systems.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Mc says:

    Lennox has the 25 seer we install. Does carrier only sell a 22?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ٰ ٰ says:

    Excuse me my English not good
    Why split ( cooled only ) ac compressor have thermal isolation wrapped around in hot county ( T3 )
    -not on the top of compressor only around ?

    max weather temperature ~ 49°C/120°F

    Is this make it jump from T1 to T3 ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve The Plumber says:

    Not sure who is going to buy a system like this…. I mean this is pretty much overkill and we're in a deep recession.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jan says:

    I love that carrier

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximum Dank says:

    Yay more unnecessary shit to break. Service area Kanata??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robson Grant says:

    I'm not an A/C tech but I really enjoyed this video. Great tips for techs and the new Carrier Infinity with Greenspeed Extreme Intelligence is super cool! 😉

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Wietelman says:

    If it’s carrier it has to be junk. Aluminum evap will leak. All that electronics = more money for repairs Service area Barrhaven??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars william Lauer says:

    I've been in the industry for 30 years. I all for innovation. But how do you tell a customer that when the system is out of warranty and a circuit board goes bad when its 95 out and its three weeks out from the factory. Sometimes say for contactor and capacitor and general defrost board if its a heat pump. I wouldn't put that in my house. All the money you saved is right out the door on the first repair.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ_Make says:

    Good stuff. Thank You.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars behvac says:

    It takes 7 hours to do a change out on this Computer with a compressor, 2 fan motors, you will save $70.00 each year on electric bill. Will take the boss or a $40.00 a hour tech to start this up and about 6 hours to read the books for the correct setup pins. In 1993 carrier gave life time warranty 0n heat exchanger all are rusted out. Indoor blower will last till the first lighten storm. The motor will cost $1600.00 to change out in 6 0r 7 years. We will only give 5 years on that GreenSpeed. Give you a 10 year on a 14 to 16 seer. unit that last 20 years. Carrier trophy units nothing but call backs. and they will blame it on the person that installed it. boards short out from ants, homeowner must keep it under contract maintenance if not we won't fix. 40 year tech stay in the 14 to 16 seer units it will run a long time

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jerry lockhart says:

    10 year parts and labor cross the board then it’s good

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Savner says:

    "The customer is thrilled with the system…" I predict that will change within two years after they have have spent thousands of dollars in repairs for all of that fancy "connected" tech. Replace this board here and that thermostat there, it tends to add up very quickly and causes ill will towards the company that sold it to them and then charged them to come out and replace the broken bits all within the "warranty" period. I see this happen around here with Trane and Carrier "smart" systems, I can just imagine what all of that connected equipment is going to cost to replace. Service area Orleans??

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Green says:

    Interesting cant wait to see how they hold up over time

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GLhvac says:

    Nice install. Have one question for you. Do you not install your heat pumps on pump up feet?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven herd says:

    All their computer hardware and Bluetooth connectivity what could go wrong!!🤕

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randall Sammons says:

    I don’t know how they would have got 22seer with a 4ton ducted unit with a txv indoor metering device.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Hall says:

    Do you break your vacuum with the micron gauge attached? For some reason no one except HVACSERVICETECH shows the vacuum being broken.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Shearer says:

    Glassfloss makes the 4" filter back media's and they are still 4" thick and a lot cheaper than honeywell started making them 3"

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Leeds says:

    What do I need to do, to acquire the amount of knowledge u have.. seriously what do u do lol.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Cooley says:

    I love the weathertight T stat wires nice touch, You always have great content and explanations Thanks for Sharing always appreciated

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Jones says:

    Looks like they got rid of that muffler on the suction line also, nice

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    Nice I did two of these with Hybrid heat a few weeks ago. Luckily my dealer had 3.0 thermostats so no flashing for me.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dalton Hadley says:

    Installed one of these a week ago and couldn’t figure out why the stat wouldn’t find the outdoor unit. Definitely have to update the stat then reinstall equipment on the stat

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ says:

    Hi Bryan 1 question about filter driers. I have a split 5 ton that was installed with 2 filter driers. Any problems with this set up as far as restrictions down the road? Service area Ottawa??

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