We are giving up..... on posting audio podcasts on youtube. If you want to hear the podcast download the HVAC School app available free on android or the apple podcast app.
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Let's see how this goes, I'm never gon na live stream on YouTube. Before. Let's see here, chat, guess that's the thing that the kids do nowadays they chat so um. It's probably not a really good idea to just go.

Live on YouTube, probably doesn't really work. The way Facebook does so, I don't know if anybody's gon na watch this or not, is anybody out there how that light is really bright? That's just not that's! Just not working for my complexion. That's just not working for me, Michael says he's here. That's good good to see him Michael.

I definitely need to do this with a better webcam if I'm ever gon na do this tersh is here masquerading his icebound Brian Chadwick, GE Anderson. I don't know, I don't know what G stands for. Maybe it's God Bren Ridley is here Michael Glasser, awaiting further instruction, my fearless leader, not quite fearless, not quite fearless. By the way, if you ever have you seen the latest video that I put up the speed cleaning video, I don't know what I'm wearing like.

Why am i wearing that green shirt under the sweater thing like what what's going on there? It's messed up John Alex Gavin says I know this guy, like my children, are not allowed to be in this in this chat. Uh-Huh Michael House says that he watched the video in my my sweater looked tight and when you say tight, there's two different meanings that you could mean you could mean it looked tight as and it looked tight like good, like that was tight bro. But my sense is: is that you don't mean that I think you mean my ample man-breasts for showing I hate it. I hate to say that, but but I think that's that's what we meant yeah Chris says that you drink a lot.

Michael. Is that true? I trust Chris, he seems like a smart guy. Actually, I didn't, I forgot to forget, to bring anything in here with me anyway, so I've got an announcement to make and I'm making it on YouTube, because, because YouTube is where it stands to come up, let's, oh no! I just okay that didn't work. I must try to increase my volume there anyway.

This is where it stands to come up and again. Forgive me. I've never gone live on YouTube before so. This is like.

Is this real life? Where am I hey? Jason Hines is here man, Jason Hines? We even have Jason on the podcast sometime that'll be an interesting story. We're gon na do that Jason Nicholas says he likes how I have multiple cameramen: hey that's how we roll in the open, kalos, bruh, multiple camera man's alright sirs the announcement. The announcement is that I'm not putting podcasts on YouTube anymore. I know I get a reasonable amount of views.

I'm getting to that John John asked why we were here tonight: okay, yes, it was a. It was a clickbait. I think that's what the kids call today. A clickbait title: I am NOT putting the podcasts on YouTube anymore, I'm still creating the podcasts and I'm gon na talk about where you can find the podcasts, because you do not need to be listening to podcasts on YouTube.
I mean what is wrong with you: people you don't need to listen to podcasts on YouTube, YouTube is for watching videos and we put out plenty of videos, listen to podcasts and a podcast app, and the reason why I'm doing this is that I was just chatting. I was just texting with Andrew Greaves. Let's see here see if I can pull up he's making fun of my my thing here. I'm gon na read what he said.

I'm gon na read what he said verbatim. It says right here. This is so this is it. This is grieves.

Let's see what you see this, no, you can't see that this is terrible. This makes for terrible video anyone I'll read it to you. I get that everyone's trying to net listeners across as many platforms as possible, but I truly believe that everybody posting podcasts on youtuber making mistakes doing so now. He's talking to me so he's not throwing anybody else in the bus he's.

Throwing me out of the bus. Cuz, I do this more than anybody who makes more podcasts and puts them on YouTube new viewers that click on your channel will just see a wall of bland title photos and think thumbs down lame town, and I think he's right. We need to you know: podcast need to stay in their home and the home for a podcast. Is the podcast app I'm gon na speak in my wife's family's accent, which is boy that was really bad.

Let's try to get which is Wisconsin, miss Sheboygan. No, that's! Not it like Bostonian, I'm not gon na, do any more accents, but anyway, the way to listen to a podcasts on the podcast app and there's a couple ways you can do this so like you should hear. Let's see if you can actually see this logo on my phone. I know this is gon na be kind of insulting here, but you see that app there that looks like a purple radio tower.

It's right there, it's right there glares bad right. There looks like a purple radio tower, that's how you listen to it on an iPhone. If you listen to it on an Android device, you can listen via any stitcher the Google Play app, but for HACC school, especially you can listen on the HVAC school app. So you literally go to any App Store type in HVAC school and you can listen there.

It's pretty easy, so we're not putting them on the YouTube channel name or I'm sorry. I see what other comments we've got here. So we can. We can kind of turn this.

We can just have fun with this. We can just do a little chat here. Brandon says: if that's your wife, did you pull that off easy? You know when we start getting a wife talk that gets a little. It can get.

You can get hairy quick, but um. The answer is, is that we were very young and - and she didn't know any better - she didn't know that it was gon na end up. My hair was gon na end up like this, and I was gon na end up being a white chubby, dad Joker, um and now she's stuck because we're Christians and she won't divorce me so Sandi, you know, comes in really handy at times. Alexander's refrigeration says I got the app not bad, so you can listen to the app the one thing some people get stuck on the app Herman, I'm gon na show you the HVAC school app real, quick.
We got some updates coming real soon. I'm not gon na. Not gon na tell you what they are, but the one thing people sometimes get stuck on the app is this app. This is HVAC school app here you got a swipe right and left quite a bit to change menus.

So if you want to go to podcast, you just click podcasts, but then see it's like it's not moving, it's just on podcast. So then, you swipe to the left, and now all the podcast show up see just pick the one anyone listen to and you hit the play button. Nice and simple, I'm gon na add commenting to this soon. That's one thing I can reveal to you, so you can comment on different parts of the podcast and ask questions and that sort of thing James says that he enjoys listening to the podcast while he relieves himself.

That's gross. Let's see here Mike locust, said ha Kim said the same thing. I can see that, let's see here uh, it took me a good minute to figure that out. That's probably the swipe thing so that isn't the most obvious thing in the app it's the swiping right and left, but once you get once you get the hang of it, the app is quite simple: it's also got some nice calculators in there.

All the tech tips are in there. James James says he loves me. That's a bit much a bit much James, but hey. If you guys haven't listened to the podcast on pneumatic controls with with Jim Loring.

You should go back and listen to that. Do you know what it's like working in the snow with HVAC? That's a good question. Louis and the answer is absolutely friggin. Not it does not snow in Florida.

So I'm looking at the weather - and I you know I I confess I am feeling a little sorry. I do have the ability to feel - and I do feel sorry for those of you who work in it, but mostly I'm thankful and thankful that I don't have to work in it. So there you go. We do work in some pretty hot summers, though, so I think we make up for there.

Although I working in like negative temperatures, I can't even imagine, because I go out of state - and I just I feel like I'm gon na die just walking outside so Nathan says. Can I comment on the podcast apps wait? Is this Nathan? This is D Nathan. Nathan? Is are you you're, the guy you're, the guy at ahr? It was chased me all over. The place is that is that you is that who I'm talking about? Is that who we're talking to you right here that Nathan, ya and Nathan? You can come in and anything you want to comment.

Nathan is one of the most entertaining human beings have ever met good to see you buddy, so you have duck board I'll, take the cold. If you keep that bleep, I get it duck board is not pleasant, but you don't get cut by duck board. There's that it is itchy. We are trying to go away from duck board and flex as much as possible moving forward, but it's still the industry standard in Florida.
Let's see here see if I'm missing any other comments, yeah. So one thing so I was watching the live stream with Zach and Andrew last night. I'm not generally a big live streamer on YouTube, but that was very entertaining and I thought you know. Maybe we should do more of that here, every once in a while James says.

Can I subscribe on the podcast app James? If you have the podcast app the HVAC school app, you don't need to subscribe. Every new episode shows up in that app every time it comes out um. If you have an iPhone, then subscribe in the podcast app on the iPhone literally in any app podcast app that exists. If you type in HVAC, you will find in search.

You will find the HVAC school podcast, I'm not gon na, say first cuz I'd be hissed achill, but you'll find it very high up on the list. Hey. I was first okay. I was first, let's see here.

James says I, like your mustache, Oh something to point out: okay, hey! Let's talk about this, let's talk about Bert life. Actually, that's one thing: I'm gon na do some live streams with bird at some point. So what do you guys? Think of Berg life? Have you if you've watched those videos like them, don't like them, not serious enough funny? I should fire him. What do you think? I I think it's hilarious.

I will point out that some people think that I told him he had to shave his facial hair and that's ridiculous. I did not tell him that, have you seen my facial hair, it's terrible like can i? But yet i still try to grow it, because it's better than the other option, which is showing how fat my face is. It does slightly decrease the fatness appearance of my face, so I did not tell Bertie had to shave his facial hair. Those texts are a lie.

Israel says fire him dudes hilarious, I like them, but it's great Burt's, a keeper well-produced who did the editing, Burt, okay, yeah, so questions about editing, because this is actually something so so we have a significant number of contributors. Now people who are you'll notice, the channel is not always me now a couple things: I'm gon na get into the field more and make more field videos field videos are better, they just are a combination of field videos and then the kind of training classroom videos. I'm gon na do more of those, but but we are going to have more contributors, and we have several different editors. Burt and Sam are two guys who work at kalos who have been producing the most videos and they they do a lot of their own editing.

But then we also use a kid named Austin who's, actually Mike locust. His son, if you see Mike here in the group, he's very talented young man and he's been doing some video editing for us. So that's that so I'm gon na I'm gon na quick because HVAC our videos, which is Chris Stevens, is asked I'm late. What did I miss? The answer is that I'm giving this all up Chris, giving it all up.
By that I mean I'm, giving up posting podcasts on YouTube. Andrew encouraged me. I knew I was doing the wrong thing all along by posting them on YouTube. I've got some people addicted to it, so they're gon na go looking and when they go looking and they start griping, you need to remind them the way to listen to the podcast, isn't a podcast app or the HVAC school app or you can go to the Website HVC our school comm and you can listen right there on the homepage.

There's all the podcasts right there on the home page. You make it nice and easy, but we're not gon na fill up our YouTube channel with audio because it makes people mad. I've been told, but I can understand it - I wouldn't want to go to you to a YouTube channel, expect to see a video hit play and have it just play. Sounds in my head in my ear holes.

Okay, let's see here where the heck are your 30 children and how is your house so quiet? So this is my um. This is my office. We've lived in the house two years and I still haven't set up my office properly at home. I do most of my podcasting at work.

My kids are all in the living room and they're screaming and driving my wife, crazy. That's what she does. Let's see here, John Denmark says Islam. I think I think John Denmark is one of these like spanning myrrh types.

Let's see if I can know how to do this, let's see here hyde user on this channel. That was fun. Okay, first time i getting to do that in a live chat. Gavin says he can run in oh yeah, come on in gavin.

If you want to come in and and be in front of everybody, and have everybody see you that would be very narcissistic, let's see now you're being encouraged, that's good. This is this is what we've come to. This is what we've come to see. Corey says the videos in the field are amazing: we need lots of that yeah and that and that's just it, the the videos in the field are always better a lot of times they're more niche, and so you need to make more of them.

Chris is the king of this HVAC, our videos Chris says: can you please clarify to viewers that I and you are not the same. I mean we're both white guys with with not very much hair, so there's that similar there's a lot of things about Chris that I would like to be like. I would like to do more refrigeration. That seems fun he's.

Probably a nicer guy than me seems to be, but we are not the same person chris has an excellent channel. Hvac our videos go check it out boys and girls. Let's see here, James still says. First time I've caught you live rock on Brian James Hill.

Recently, tech Avars, who did the t -- xv videos, has the best of waste in Kalos. So if you want to hear a really good voice, listen to James need to get him on the podcast. Just so I can hear those those pipes, great video James. Thank you for that see here.
Does kalos hire a students at a school Kevin asked that yeah we do. But, generally speaking, though, I don't prioritize, I got ta be mmm. I don't want to criticize schools. Oh hey! Look! There's more of this more of the spam stuff, alright, I'm user! On this channel, I don't prioritize school.

I prioritize people who come in with the right mindset. So if you've been to school great, that shows commitment to the trade, I'm sure you learn something there. Most of the schools in our area are really bad, and so, in a lot of cases, people come in expecting that the school means something and often I have to reteach them everything that they learned anyway. Danny says hello from Palm Beach County.

Looking forward good to see you Danny, let's see here, Ryan's, has some nice things about me. Thank You, Ryan. I appreciate that so be in hiring. Actually that's one thing that I spend a lot of time working on today.

I'm I'm going to be coming up with a quiz and a basic to our course. So, just up I throw this idea there to you. I think I think you'll like this. Whenever people apply from now on, I haven't done it yet, but this is the plan.

I'm gon na make I'm gon na make like a two-hour course that has a bunch of videos and some quizzes at the end that anybody who applies has to do before they even apply with us and then that way. When I give them our tests and quizzes and they'll be prepped, and so if they are a person who wants to apply themself and wants to learn the trade, then they'll, then they'll have the answers just by doing the legwork and if they even regardless. If they've been doing it thirty years, if they don't follow up on the little mini course before they interview, then they're - probably not gon na get hired. Because to me the number one indicator of success and our business is interest in self-development and so a lot of people, if I say hey if you'd like to interview here, here's a two-hour course to take a lot of their response is gon na, be I'm gon Na take note to our course, if you're, not even gon na hire me, how do I have never gon na hire me and that's an obvious attitude problem, because of course anybody should want to better themselves.

You know to ours to better yourself. That's not another! Big deal, I'm free, you know, but there will be some who will say that it's not worth it and I think that'll be an interesting way to deter those who actually aren't serious about the trade, which is what, which is what icebound is saying. Kersh. Let's see here, Hosea nice meeting you as well at solder well, today, char very, very nice meeting you I get to meet a lot of people.

I learned something, though, and I remember who it was so if it's one of you here forgive me, I'm a naturally a very sarcastic person and I can only handle so much sincerity in person and I had a you know. Quite a few people coming up and saying nice things which I obviously I appreciate and one guy came up and finally he just said: oh, I really appreciate your podcast, you know so on and so forth, and I said I said man don't tell me that I Hate that don't tell me that I was joking, of course, but obviously my sarcasm didn't come across so like really defended the guy and then I had to like talk him out of it like know do them. I was just kidding so anyway, if you, if you walk up to me and I'm sarcastic, that means that I, like you, let's see here, let's see here hello from fort lauderdale, yep yep yep. I do they have to draw a psychometric chart.
No and again like I want people to learn the basics: basic refrigerant circuit, basic electrical concepts, thermodynamics, those are sort of the core things that maybe some installation best practices. You know pipe fitting best practices, those sorts of things thrown in that's that's sort of the basis. I'm a big believer that you want to learn some things that you can apply before. You spend a lot of time learning deep theory, because the deep theory doesn't tend to stick for anybody other than really academic people.

You can learn the deeper theory once you've had a chance to apply it, and you see why it matters. I mean, as an example, psychometrics makes a lot more sense. Once you've already had a had an experience with a humidity problem, say, and then you start to really oh okay now and I understand how this impacts the field. So that's my that's generally my concept there and we use the kalos job posting as a template for our company job posting yep, no problem at all.

I'm happy that you did that's uh, that's the sort of thing that I encourage and we're gon na be giving away more of that type of content. Moving forward. I haven't spent the time to put a lot of the kalo stuff out there and, frankly, it's because I'm still working on a lot of it. I mean we've, we've developed it over years, we're a functioning company.

So it's not like you know I set out and have edit everything perfect before we launched a couple other things to mention. I have another live stream in a while. So I'm just taking this as an advantage to dump some things that I'm working on Haiti. A lot of people have asked me about Haiti.

I was actually just talking to my contact down there. I'm gon na be posting some opportunities to be involved with that, possibly even going down with the team or with myself or some other people to to do some training there. For some of you who are really interested in that I mean it's, a commitment going to 80 is, is a you know, it's it's it's a challenge so that something's coming up and then also what else was I gon na mention hmm got some books, I'm working On I actually have a business book that I've had written essentially for a long time, and my goal is to get that out there to where to where you can get it within the next few months. It's called the.
What is it called? Actually, a small business manifesto, it's I've gone through a couple different working title. Small business manifesto is my current working title, which is a is a basically a list of all the different things that I've learned through the struggles in business and I'm still still working through. Certainly, let's see here a terse said is that the one I have yes, oh, I sent that to you a while ago tersh to look at and yeah. I think we're think I'm finally gon na go ahead and get that thing.

Complete austin austin cookus is here he's the one of the ones who is edited a lot of the videos and I Austin will like gears voice here in front of people. You know kids like to be celebrities. You know on that Austin. He is a great kid.

Even though he's really really hassled me about BattleBots the last couple days cuz and I actually can't go into that, but um there's some things with BattleBots coming up. Possibly let's see here what else I think, that's it. I think I think we've got it. I think we get it hammer down, so we're gon na do a lot of good podcast coming up.

I have a lot of ideas for new types of podcasts. Really, we've got a nice full bucket of podcasts videos, you're gon na see more and more from new contributors from the field. A lot of them are gon na be shorter, but I think it's I think it's exciting to get people who work in different parts of the country producing videos. Now I'm tech tips, you're gon na see more tech tips from other people.

You'll notice we've been a little more consistent recently, it's because I'm getting more people writing, which is, I think, it's pretty cool. A big part of what we do at HVAC school is not just you know me teaching it's getting people involved in teaching and getting people involved in growing the industry, building the industry filling the skills gap. I know a lot of you have already been participants out of the ones who are on here. You know a lot of you have already participated in one way or another, so I'm excited to see continue to do that.

Yeah, yeah, exciting things happening. This was fun. Doing this I think the next I need to learn about this live streaming thing, but I want to do one with Bert and maybe some of you other, maybe some of you other kalos guys might be fun to bring you on camera. At some point, let's see if there's an easy way to do, I don't think there is.

I want to check this out, though, put user and timeout add moderator, hide user and gently add-on. I don't know how this all works. I know there's a way to add. Other people to the video - but I don't know all right, so that's that thank you for watching.

It's flattering that a hundred-plus of you decided to come watch me ramble on, but the news just to finish it off or anybody can missed it. The news is, I'm not putting podcasts on YouTube anymore, podcasts are audio and they are going on audio apps only so subscribe there. If you have not yet liked this channel, if you've not yet liked the true check panel, if you haven't turned on notifications the little bell on this channel, please do we are looking to grow the YouTube side, doing more videos, you will notice. We are doing more.
Hopefully, they're getting better, I'm always open to your feedback. If you enjoy bird life there's a lot more of those coming, Austin is editing the a lot of the bert life video, so you're gon na get some pretty funny stuff coming on. Along with you know, good training as well. So if you haven't seen the new true tech tools, video go over and watch that that's bert, using the the new field, peace probes to set super heat, which is a topic you've heard before, but birds pretty funny.

You'll enjoy watching that. So, thank you all appreciate. You have a nice evening.

30 thoughts on “It’s been a long time coming… i’m giving it up”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alpha Leader says:

    Videos make you more of a celebrity. It would be cool if you staarted a television show.☺ Service area Barrhaven??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alpha Leader says:

    You are An H.V.A.C. God. A genius. An inspiration to. All of us young technicians out here who have a passion and dedication to The industry and science. I would keep them on YouTube because mabe people in other countries can only watch videos on youtube and dont have access to a podcast by takeing your videos off in the future people cant go back in the past to see what you have to offer. I have all 3. The app , youtube and podcast app 😁😉#1 fan dude. You have no idea how much you have helped me understand physics and the science. Thank you …the impact you have made on my life has been incredible and invaluable to me.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Urena says:

    Also already subscribed on PocketCast (Android)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EC Tofix says:

    Brian, I don't know your challenges in doing YouTube stuff, but as a former instructor myself, I highly appreciate your tremendous efforts. You're a wonderful communicator of technical info for this industry. I'm presently helping a young man who's interested in the trade and your podcasts (and videos) are a HUGE contribution to the info I want to relay to him (along with SAM literature on RSES). I LOVE the interviews you've done with the masters in the trade.
    THANK you!
    Your website is an invaluable tool for my endeavor. I'll continue to frequent your website for more quality material.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Wright says:

    Utube is the platform period.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Aguilar says:

    😔 Service area Kanata??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris M says:

    im going to hurt myself once a day everyday until I see a new uploaded podcast to youtube, thanks

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Holt says:

    It was very nice to meet you in person in Atlanta at the show!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Total sense. Audio in audio apps, video on video enviroment. Since I listen to in Stitcher or iTunes, don't see necessary "listen" to in youtube anymore. Agree 100% the move.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Curtis says:

    May I add a couple of suggestions? Talk a little slower on descriptions of things you're doing, and take time on showing the details of certain procedures. It's easy to get caught up in what were doing because were familiar with it, but some newer guys just getting into the field might not. I've found that when I took that approach with customers they really appreciated it and sometimes called the company to thank them for sending me.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Joy says:

    I love the videos 😀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whites heating & air & appliance repair says:

    You have been great. I wish you all the best. Your a great teacher. I appreciate all you have done. Take care.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tinymanthebeast says:

    I really like the podcast. 😔

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Superior Comfort Heating & Air LLC says:

    I guess I need to start looking at the “description below the title” instead of jumping to conclusion, when I first seen the title I thinking oh no not another owner/technician getting burnt out with HVAC, so I am glad I was wrong. What you contribute to HVAC is great and I just wanted to thank you.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Lambrecht says:

    I agree , audio podcasts on YouTube never makes sense. I listen to podcasts daily while driving , at work, working out. Would never want to “watch” an audio podcast as it ties up my phone and doesn’t allow me to do other things with the phone. Service area Ottawa??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Pearson says:

    Agree podcast audio should not be a YouTube thx Are you in Orleans ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars t lech says:

    i listen to all your pod cast in a real pod cast app, and watch all your videos here on YouTube

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max says:

    She won't divorce me, lol.

    True, youtube is for videos.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony McKay says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Johnson says:

    You should have made this a podcast and put it on YouTube! That would be original. Haha. Smart move

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 242sp says:

    Keep up the Bertlife videos, even my wife was laughing at that character, and she doesnt really care for HVAC centric humor!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texture6 says:

    Thank you I love your genius!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene_K Hvacr says:

    Its was so great to meet you at the AHR you cool Guy Thanks for taking time for Taking photos with us !👍🤝😎 Are you in Nepean ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene_K Hvacr says:

    Its was so great to meet you at the AHR you cool Guy Thanks for taking time for Taking photos with us !👍🤝😎

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Cone says:

    For Android, I use "Podacst Addict"- variable speed playback, good integration with Ford Sync, etc.
    Keep up the great work!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Old Thinker says:

    Will the old podcasts still be up on the channel or will they be taken down?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars r aeronca says:

    I enjoyed them but guess this old man needs to figure out how to do that or this weekend my grand-son can show me how.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TEXAS STAR HEATING AND COOLING says:

    Mr Orr Please don't stop posting videos ,Thank you for all you do for the HVACR Industry !!!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Shearer says:

    If you did a video of the podcast like Joe Rogan that would be even better than a podcast

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    Hi buddy

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