We had some concerns and comments on our video on the Bosch Heat pump. High Humidity was the biggest concern and some folks are even upset. This usually fixable and an issue with the installation that can be recified. HVAC systems will remove humidity and so will this one if it's installed, programmed, and setup properly.
Griffin Air info can be found at https://www.griffinair.net/
New HVAC Guide info can be found at https://www.newhvacguide.com/

Hey guys we're gon na get to the video in just a second, but before we get started, please click that subscribe button. Thank you: hey guys, Joshua Griffin, air serving the middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck of Virginia, and we have had a few comments. A few questions I did a video a while back on the Bosch heat pump system and I'm gon na focus mostly on the 1.0 series, the 18 seer line, mostly because that's what I have the most amount of experience with. I can't speak to the 2.0 at this point, so one of the biggest concerns we get is humidity.

They say you know, we've gotten multiple comments on our other video and that's always been a concern for folks, because the humidity is staying high in their house, and I have two suggestions that I think will alleviate a lot of those issues. I can't say that it's got a hundred percent every time work, but I think these two solutions should take care of the humidity issues. I'll put it this way, we've put in several of them, and I have one in my own house and we don't have humidity issues. So what are the two things that will affect this the most? So the first thing is: let's talk about what's actually going on, because air conditioners by default will remove humidity from a space.

But what happens is if you cool the space too fast, so when a system is say oversize for a particular space or home? What can happen? Is it cools the space so fast that it actually doesn't get time to dehumidifier nuf? So what's happening is sort of like when you take a turkey out of the oven, turkey stays hot for a while. What's happening? Is your air? Conditioner is cooling? The space so fast airs getting cool you. You know you're feeling a temperature difference, but everything holds heat in that house. The wall oles the furniture, you your pets, all those things hold heat and so, where heat meets cold things condensate all that good stuff.

So you can have actually bigger issues than just humidity, but obviously high humidity has its own problems alone. So how do we fix that? How do we fix that with the Bosch system? Knowing that in mind? Well, I think there's two things that you need to do. The first thing is, you got to make sure the capacity is set correctly. Bosch only makes two units, so they make a unit that can go from ton-and-a-half all the way up to three tons, and then they make a unit that can go from three all the way up to five tons and the way you program it.

The way you set it up that controls all of that, so the first thing is make sure the capacity is correct if it's set for five tons, and you only need three. That system is oversized at that point. The 1.0 series line, not the 2.0, but that 1.0 series it don't ramp down it, the end or coil or the end or fan motor just can keeps on running. The second thing that can help with this is one the outdoor unit.

Now this is something that a professional is going to need to do need to take a look at your installer, and that is the the way the bosch outdoor system works is the it monitors the temperature or the pressure. The suction pressure coming back from the coil and it'll ramp up and down, based on that, and it has a particular temperature that it's looking for so it's if it sees that it's coming back real hot. It's gon na ramp up if it's coming back real cold it'll ramp down and that's how it is an inverter technology. It's not like other communicating systems.
Okay, so with that in mind, if you go to the outdoor unit and currently now during the making of this video, it may change in the future. But currently there are four dip switches: there's a bank of dip switches on the outdoor unit board and you want to flip number four on okay, you got a cycle power, turn power off flip four on and then turn your power back on what you're doing there? Just so you know is you're telling that outdoor unit that you want to you want it to ramp up to a cooler coil inside which makes you dehumidifier. So if it's, you know setting for you know the lower temperature, it's going to make a cooler coil and it's gon na remove more humidity from the home. Lastly, if none of these things seem to work - and you know, you've even tried to maybe move the capacity down so like if you thought that the heat low calculation said two tons and then you set it up for a ton and a half right.

So you even kind of under sized it technically for the home and it's still having humidity issues, definitely look into a dehumidifier. I don't think that you know getting crazy and ripping out the system, and all of that is the answer, because you know who's to say you won't continue to have that issue with another system. I think the Bosch systems are great. I wouldn't have put one in my own home.

Had I not they've got you know things going for them that nobody else does so I like them, but you just got to know what you're doing and you got to get all these settings correct. So if you have any questions, put them in the comment section down below subscribe to our videos, I'm going to do more videos just like this one, and if you're in our coverage area and you're interested in a Bosch system, give Gryphon air a call. Last thing i'll say: if you're in the market for a new system, whether it's a Bosch or another brand, you got to check out my new website, new HVAC guy, dot-com and I'll put a link to it down in the notes. But basically, this website is set to help you avoid headaches, like humidity issues with the Bosch system.

It's set up to guide you through the process of from beginning to end we're gon na talk about things, to avoid in the guide, we're going to talk about how to select a contractor, what to look for what? What to avoid selecting a brand select. All that stuff, what not every system is good for every home. We talk about what systems you should look at. I mean it's a whole bunch of steps and loaded with all kinds of information tips, tricks secrets that manufacturers don't even want you to know.
We go through that on the guide check it out new HVAC guide. Comm. Thank you. You.

25 thoughts on “Bosch heat pump high humidity solutions”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Roan says:

    I had a 2.0 system put in my attic as a second zone. My problem is a get water accumulation in the pan. It looks to me like it’s condensation building up and dripping but it could also be a leak or something else. I used local installer and he’s not sure either. Has anyone else had this issue or know of how to trouble shoot this issue or recommend a solution ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conner Staley says:

    I have a BOVA 2.0 system setup for 2 stage heat & cool. ODU dip switches are set for accelerated cooling and adaptive capacity OFF (SW4-3&4 both ON), however I cannot ever seem to get my DAT (sensor located just above the coils) to drop below 49 deg. It hovers right around 50 deg regardless of which cooling stage the zone board is on. 1st stg cooling set at med fan speed, 2nd stage cooling set at high fan speed (I have 4 zones with in-duct dampers). What do you recommend my installer do to reduce the DAT (more in line with the 37 deg coil temp) and enhance humidity control? Thanks!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Richtofen says:

    What do you recommend setting the blower at? For low and high stage

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Lawson says:

    As a homeowner, how do I tell what capacity between 3 and 5 tons that my unit is programmed/set to run at? Is this a number that can be displayed on the board at the outdoor unit? Thanks.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Calabrese says:

    This past April we had central air installed. We chose the Bosch BOVB 36 1.0 18 SEER system matched to the Bosch BVA 36 air handler. I suspect because the air handler is a multi-speed system we have had zero issues with humidity. This past Tuesday the dew point was in the upper 70s and it felt like the Amazon Rain Forest outside. The air was thick, damp and heavy. Inside our house was cool and comfortable. Humidity level in the house was 52%. We could not be happier with our selection. The contractor was an authorized Bosch installer so he knew how to set up and adjust the system. We had him put in a 2 zone system with zone dampers. The system works flawlessly. We also had 2 Emerson Sensi WiFi thermostats installed. I'm in Lower NY state and back on Memorial day weekend the temps didn't get above 45 and the Bosch system kept the house toasty warm. I can't say enough good things about the Bosch BOVB 36 system.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Opalenik says:

    Thanks for all the good info here. I selected the IDS 1.0 for my install which is happening next week. I had a last min buyers remorse thinking I should have purchased the 2.0 because I like the idea of having the variable speed air handler. I originally thought the BVA-482n1-m18 was variable. The brochure states it's a "multi speed ECM blower". What exactly is this? Does it run at a constant speed 100% of the time? Help!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hydro Aegis says:

    My units are 20 to 22 SEER. How do I know what gen it is?
    Do the Climate 5000 units suffer from the same problem?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Harrell says:

    Change the cycles per hour on cooling. To run longer.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars famous dude says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mteske1 says:

    Just switched dip 4. I’ll see how it does. Located in MD. Humidity slightly high but not bad.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rex says:

    a wise man learns from other mens mistakes. hence from this video and tons of comments i wont be installing on in my grandmas house. shell be getting a carrier

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melissa M says:

    Do you come to Virginia Beach? Service area Nepean??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Walker says:

    Is your website down?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aectla says:

    We installed two Bosch systems last year. We've struggled with the humidity issue. We have someone coming out who is going to change the settings yet again. My BIG problem is that we just turned the heat on and within 5 min the humidity in the house had reached 90%!!! The ceiling had wet spots, the windows were so clouded with moisture you couldn't see outside. Had to turn it off. Service area Kanata??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Butler says:

    Thanks for the video! We're having humidity issues with a Bosch 2.0 with matching air handler. Can you explain how the passive dehumidification works?The manual for the indoor unit says this: "IDS 2.0 IDU has a Passive Dehumidifi cation function which lowers the fan speed (first stage) with a DH call from the thermostat. This function requires proper DH
    wiring from the indoor unit to the thermostat (with a humidistat)."
    The installer ran a wire from the DH terminal on the control board to the thermostat. It is a Bosch bcc100, which states it can be used as a humidistat. However, the literature for the thermostat states that it can only control a separately installed wired humidifer/dehumidifier. Do I need to install a separate humidistat to the duct work connecting it to the control board. If this is the case, do I put the humidistat wire on the DH terminal along with the thermostat wire, or do I remove the thermostat wire reserving that one a separately installed dehumidifier? We've already lowered the coil temp and everything else that has been suggested. I hope what I'm asking makes sense.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Whitaker says:

    Had too much trouble in some installations. One customer I had I removed 2.5 ton split system ac with gas and installed new variable speed gas furnace with Goodman coil txv and a 3 ton Bosch heat pump. Bosch claims they’ll work with any coil as long as a txv is installed. Now they say at least a 3 row coil. Did everything I could to get humidity down in home. Slowed blower. Overcooked space. Guy even had crawl space sealed. He did have a lot of humidity under the home but still high in the home. Finally removed Bosch and installed a gszc16036 and humidity went from 64% to 54% by that night. Next day it was 53%. That was in 2019 and in 2020 he’s not had any high humidity. His humidity at times would go as high as 70% in the summertime. I even flipped the unit to 2 ton max and slowed blower to 2 tons and the house would not get below 78 degrees. I flipped the coil temperature to 37 degrees but still no help. Put the thermostat to one cycle per hour to keep unit running and not cycling. I think I had to replace 3 of these systems doing this. I’ve had to install a dehumidifier in another location due to high humidity. But then I’ve got some installed that’s not given me any humidity problems. I quit installing them due to losing too much money. Bosch just tells me I’m missing something but they’ve been to a couple of my jobs and really had no idea. As for the 2.0 version I installed one before they even came out after having a 1.0 version give me humidity problems. It has a coil leak out of the gate but it was the aluminum coil. 3 Bosch representatives were on the job as we installed this and I’ve got to go back and replace a cracked drain pan ASAP. It’s been better some what but I’m just not sold on ramping compressor and not ramping the blower speed to keep my delta t to 20 degrees.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alli0 says:

    If I have a 3 ton heat pump, is it possible for my installer to adjust the tons used for operating cooling only? I have a 1600 square foot house from the 1900's and it seems to cycle on and off a lot keeping the house at 70 degrees with the temperature outside at 90 degrees. I will also use this in the winter for heating in Massachusetts where I think we may need the 3 ton capacity.

    I am having high humidity issues where the humitity is around 65-72 percent on my new system.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ReThink HVAC says:

    I have heard of widespread issues with dehumidifiing. Houses that are maintaining temperature but are running 65%+ humidity. Are you in Ottawa ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Stodolski says:

    So the BOVA36 is a 3 ton unit. My 1200 sq ft ranch requires a 2 ton cooling unit. Isn't it the air handler be 3 ton and the outdoor unit be at two ton? If true then the BOSCH IDS 2.0 may not work for me.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Pelletier says:

    Had my tech install a 2.0 bova 5 ton condenser and 4 ton 2.0 bva air handler last week. Was the first Bosch unit he has installed. When he set the refrigerant charge he charged based on subcool and had the capacity dip switch on the condenser set to 4 tons. He did use the "force" function and follow the OIM. I have since changed the dip to 5 ton as many say, including bosch, that this is fine and the unit will ramp as needed to match the 4 ton air handler load. Should the dip switch be set in full capacity (5 ton) or match air handler capacity (4 ton) when charging the system and setting fan speed for air handler for delta T? 2 days after the install I had some issues with the unit keeping up on a 94 deg day with both indoor temp and humidity. Wondering if there could be something off with the refrigerant charge, air handler fan speed, or maybe just need to flip that SW4 switch. Thanks for posting the video!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Merkle says:

    We had this system put in last year in NW Ohio and the heating over the winter was excellent and very economical. We are having a terrible time getting our humidity level down in our house now that we are in AC season. Our tech has tried everything under the sun and our humidity levels are in the high 60's and 70's. AC is cold but the humidity level still leaves things uncomfortable. I am not impressed with the AC with this system and don't think we should have to install a dehumidifier. You don't have to do that with other systems.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Levet says:

    Thanks for the informative video. Do all Bosch models. the 1.0 and the 2.0, have Mitsubishi compressors? I understand Mitsubishi compressors are the tops in the industry?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Djsmiley77 says:

    Very nice video and very nice website as well.
    I am thinking between 1.0 and 2.0.
    What I am hearing is that 1.0 have Mitsubishi compressors that are one of the best in the industry.
    2.0 have something else(Midea maybe)
    On the other hand 2.0 can stop(pause) air handler blowing air until certain temp is met to avoid cold air from the vents in the winter.
    What do you guys think?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miller Plumbing Heating & Cooling says:

    We are a gold star Bosch Bova dealer from Pittsburgh Pa. We only use the Bosch 2.0 series units because of the low noise levels low energy usage and the fact that no gauges are needed to charge or check the units. I would recommend to do a heating and cooling load then choose the appropriate unit 3 or 5 ton unit. Do not adjust unit size on circuit board as the unit has adaptive learning and will adjust to the structure ramping up and down as needed based on load. Most important when in force mode use digital temp probes in supply and return ducts to adjust fan speed to at least a 20 degree delta T if this is done unit will always try to maintain a 47 degree coil temp and humidity removal will be excellent. Are you in Orleans ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Gill says:

    I am a very long time HVAC&R service man or service tech in Chattanooga, Tn. I installed my first Bosch split heat pump last week and I am very impressed with this system. The only downside that I noticed is the lack of space around the service valves. There are only two Bosch distributors here, Ferguson's Supply and Baker Distributing. Neither stock Bosch equipment or parts. They have to order everything from their warehouse or a stocking store out of town. This is going to be a problem for me and anyone that buys a system from me. I bought the system from Baker and then they returned all of their Bosch equipment and part to the warehouse. They said that they did this because they weren't selling any Bosch. I don't think that they are actually selling much of anything and I wonder how long they can keep their doors open. Good video. I will check out your other site. Thanks.

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