Welcome video for Griffin Air's Channel

Hey guys, Joshua griffin air, if you're checking out our videos and our channel, I wanted to do a quick video just giving you an overview of what our channel is all about if you're, an actual professional heating and air or plumbing professional. These videos are not necessarily geared for you. There are people on YouTube and out there that are way smarter than me that have been doing it way longer. Our videos are geared towards homeowners, folks that are just trying to learn a little something or about to buy.

Maybe get some behind-the-scenes secrets and things like that, so, if you're a homeowner or someone in the market for some sort of heating and air system, maybe a plumbing system of some type. Our goal is to give you some of the tips and tricks that sometimes are not as easily accessible, and so, if you're in the market, for a new heating and air system, you have to check out my new website. It's at WWE new HVAC guy dot-com, and this website is going to give you all the behind the scenes, tips and tricks and things that heating and air contractors and manufacturers. Don't even want you to know in some cases, so we have a whole page.

That's even called know knows things this. To avoid whole goal is to help you avoid headaches and some of the problems that other folks have when they get a new heating and air system. So if you're checking out our Channel, please click that subscribe button and we appreciate it.

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