HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 07/20/20 @ 5:PM (west coast time) where we will discuss my most recent uploads and answer questions from the Chat, YouTube comments, and email’s.
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Do ah it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre q, a live stream if you're old enough grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not stick with apple juice, put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the chat and now, let's queue up the intro music yo. Hopefully you guys are doing good this evening. You know, as i'm looking in my office right now, um, you guys can't really see even my camera.

My other camera angle, wouldn't do it justice, but i'm essentially looking into a closet, that's empty, and i realized that my camera and my lights all have cobwebs going across them. So yeah. I need to get back there and clean a little bit um. The way that i made my office setup, i can't access behind my desk anymore and i've been trying to figure out a way to fix that, but yeah i am looking at lots of cobwebs, so i got ta get that taken care of um, i'm rolling without The pop filter today so hopefully i don't kill you guys with uh pops and all that good stuff, so hopefully uh.

Hopefully everybody is doing well yeah. I go ahead and disconnect me from that. If i'm still on a discord thing so um guys before the stream, i usually, if i get off working time and stuff, i'm doing show prep, i'm usually sending out emails, setting up links and setting up the stream and all that good stuff. And i usually hang out in this discord server that we have set up.

It's essentially just like youtube the youtube chat, but it doesn't go away after the stream, so everything's kind of saved, and you could post pictures and usually i play music and listen to music and stuff before so. If you guys are interested in that, we do have that i'll post a link, my moderator bot posts, a link to it every once in a while too so um. Here it goes right here. There's the discord, server link and no, i have not cleaned my pop filter, it's sitting over here guys when i turn off the stream.

I have all these intentions of doing everything, but then i look at it as now i have a week before i have to turn any of this stuff on again, so i just ignore it and then right when i fire everything up and start getting ready up For the stream you know this today i realized - oh, i should have done this and oh, i should have done that. It's getting to the point where i got to figure something out, because it's starting to turn into something that it's like ugh, like i enjoy doing. The stream, but it's just the process of getting ready for it and everything is - is labor intensive. So i got in here today, probably around 1 30, 1 30 to start getting ready for the stream and it's five o'clock now and we're live so um.

I'm realizing that it's taking me a lot more time to do show prep and stuff. But in all fairness, i don't do a lick of show prep all throughout the week um the whole prep involves me answering your guys's emails, looking at youtube comments, because that was the whole point of these live streams. The reason why i started doing them was to um start, or you know, give my family more of my time when i first started my youtube channel when i just had a few hundred subscribers. I was so obsessed with everything and i felt like i had to answer every single comment and respond to them and come up with like a intelligent answer and you know, and while uh it basically started to consume me, and i never got a complaint from my Wife, i never got a complaint from my kids, but it just really i felt like i was an ass basically because i was just ignoring everybody, so that was the whole point of doing.
The live streams was hey, okay, i'm gon na go monday live, and i'm gon na consolidate all the questions. Now in the beginning, when you know i i had you know, thousand subscribers or whatever it was really easy to answer all the questions. In fact, i ran out of content, usually okay. Now the list of questions that i have is is ridiculous.

You know, and i shouldn't say ridiculous - it's just insane how many questions i get and unfortunately i can't get to them all. I try you know, but i just can't uh when you're when you're getting you know, i i don't get like crazy numbers, i probably get i'd say about 100 to 150 youtube comments a day and then emails. I probably get three to five emails a day um, but you do that for a week you know, and then it just kind of starts getting crazy, but anyways. The first world problems right.

I'm not complaining. It's just one of those things i just got to learn to work around right, so i really really appreciate you guys coming in here to hang out with us. Thank you very much for that super chat. I really really appreciate it.

Okay again super chats all that stuff isn't necessary if you guys feel the need hey. Thank you so very much but um. I don't do these. You know for the revenue, it's always appreciated, but you know it is what it is um.

You know if, if you guys wanted to support the stream you're more than welcome, but there's other ways to do it too. Okay, you can support my content um via uh just watch the youtube commercials. Let youtube pay me okay, um, but i will say that someone had said something to me last week and then someone said something to me. This week apparently youtube put an hour-long commercial in one of my videos.

It was skippable, but they put an hour-long commercial. That's absolutely ridiculous, and basically that is youtube reaching right now for cash um. I imagine advertisers are probably you know, skimping on them a little bit or something like that, but i couldn't believe that when someone told me they put an hour long, commercial, that's nuts. So when it comes to youtube videos and commercials and different things like that um as a content creator, i actually have control well some control of the commercial.

So when i create a youtube video one of my normal videos two times a week, i have the ability to choose when a commercial pops up, and i have the ability to choose how many commercials. So i think, on all of my newer videos, i don't ever do any more than two commercials. I usually only do one commercial um, because i don't like to watch a video and get like 50 billion ads and that kind of stuff and in all honesty to be fair. I have youtube red.
I know a lot of other people have youtube red too. So what that means is, i actually don't see commercials anymore. You pay like five bucks a month or something like that and you just don't see commercials and um, but anyways i'm going off on a tangent as usual, but yeah. I thought it was kind of crazy that youtube put an hour long commercial in there.

That was nuts and then what happens if you guys well i'll fix i'll, try to remember to fix it, but when this live stream posts? Okay, what i did was, i clicked the little chingus on there that says monetize it's like a little scroll bar like a little button and uh. I can't choose anything yet until the video posts after the live stream is over. Well, if i someone will message me and say: hey dude, there's like 15 commercials in there and i'll go in there and youtube will automatically put in like 15 commercials, it's nuts and then i got ta, go and delete them all and just break it down to, Like one or two kind of crazy how they do that, but anyways we're going off on a tangent um, the other way i was kind of saying, support. The other way that you could potentially support, if you guys are interested, is go to hvacrvideos.com, there's merch for sale on there.

You can also use my offer code with true tech tools. Big picture big picture. One word like picture on the wall. One word: uh: we'll get you eight percent off your order? Okay, so let's get on we're done with the formalities.

Let's get on with the stream, really really appreciate everybody. Um someone asked in the chat right now. Can i make videos more? I'm, assuming you mean often um. No, i can't actually so i commit to two videos a week so long as everything goes good.

I do videos on uh sunday morning i usually release one and then thursday afternoon. I usually release one now every once in a blue moon. I throw up a bonus video, for instance, tomorrow, uh tomorrow afternoon, probably posting around 12 p.m. Pacific time will be a bonus, video that i'm gon na post, but it's not normal.

So i normally only do two videos a week. It's just too difficult. My videos, guys people, email me and they'll say hey. Can you do a video on this or hey? You should do a video on this.

It doesn't really work that way, because i do service call videos. I don't plan my videos per se, okay, every once in a while, i can say: okay, the next time i get an opportunity, i'm going to make a point to film this. I can do that for sure, but i don't go out. You know and make videos like i i just go on a service call and i turn my camera on and i start recording my craziness.
As i talk i've said this a bunch of times too. You guys, if i didn't, have the camera on i'm not joking with you guys. I would talk to myself the same way as i do with the camera on that's the way that i troubleshoot things is to verbally walk through them. Oftentimes i'll be driving down the road.

Having a conversation with myself about a conversation, i'm gon na have with someone else like preparing for a conversation, it's kind of crazy scott. Thank you very much man. I really appreciate that super chat. That is awesome, z, hunter awesome.

Thank you guys very much: okay um, but uh. No, i don't. I don't need the panhandling stuff. I really appreciate it, but it's not needed.

I know you're joking scott, but um. Now that i got sidetracked, i don't know what i was talking about. I lost my train of thought, but it's all good we'll go ahead and get on with the show and we'll start covering some of the questions and different things that i had okay. So this last week i had two videos that i released uh.

The first one was on uh the 18th and it was the walk-in freezer was down for three days. Okay, now, in that situation, the customer had called me they actually put in a service call saturday morning, i think - or maybe it was friday afternoon, whatever it was. I remember seeing it and it said our walk-in freezer's down, but we don't want service until monday, and so i was like wow. Okay, that's a first, so i went ahead and went out there monday uh greg.

Thank you very much for that super chat. That's awesome! Bud um, so i went out there on monday and you guys saw the video right when i walked up the refrigeration rack. I could hear the compressor going off on internal pressure relief inside the compressor. Oh deja love deja levy levy.

Thank you, dude. That is an amazing super chat, bud um. Yes, i will get into winter charge here in a few minutes. Do not let me forget that i will definitely address it.

Okay, actually, i'm gon na put it on my list right now winter charge for rezzy. I will address that right now. Okay, so i'll put that i'll address that here in a little while, but let me get through what i'm doing so um so on the walk-in uh. Thank you guys, uh, you guys with these super chats with questions in them.

Those are amazing, they're awesome. I'm gon na cover my thing that i'm covering right now. So don't let me forget to answer that: okay um, i will definitely get to it hold on just a second i'm going to copy and paste that and uh yeah. I get distracted here i i am not a good multitasker, so i will get this one too um.

So on the video when i walked up, the compressor was going off on internal pressure, relief and uh. I already knew what was going on. That is a problematic system. I mentioned it in the video.
I've changed the compressor three times and the reason why this is the third time, but this third time that i changed it. I put that evaporative cooler as a supplemental cooling device or a pre-cooler for the refrigeration rack, because the last time i changed, the compressor i diagnosed the condenser being undersized, which led to a lot of problems: okay, um here in southern california, i have a hard time Using manual reset high pressure controls, okay, so that was one of the questions that someone said: hey how come you don't have a manual reset high pressure control on there? Well, the reason why i don't is is because i'll get nuisance trips because we have such high temperature swings i'll, be out there every week and push and reset on that that manual reset. Now i realize there's a give and take with that one, because when you have auto reset pressure controls on there, this is the kind of stuff that happens. That condenser was really dirty.

The thing had probably been going off on high pressure, auto resetting until the point that the pressure, the internal pressure relief, let go and it bypassed. Okay, again we're seeing a lot of this stuff because of the whole virus and everybody's coming out. Preventative maintenance isn't a big thing right now, it seems like i mean i guess i should be thankful, but most of the calls i've been running lately have been uh cleaning issues like today. I was cleaning stuff blowing out drain lines, it's very common, okay uh.

So, let's see in that situation, though, for that walk-in freezer, i did go to the customer and i said: hey guys, here's the deal. You know you guys tried to save money right. It probably would have cost them an extra 200 on top of the normal service. Call to have me come out and clean that condenser right because it was overtime, but they decided that they wanted to wait, and i told them.

I said guys you almost ruined that compressor and that would have cost you like what four to six grand somewhere in there. I go to save 200 bucks because you didn't want to spend overtime. That's crazy, let alone they had a walk-in freezer sitting at 30-something degrees. All weekend, like that's just nuts guys and uh, you know, but this is what's happening more and more in the restaurants.

This is how it's going down. We just have to learn to deal with it. It's kind of a pain in the butt, but all right. So the next video that i released was a walking cooler that was iced up, and that was the one where the door was literally missing.

Now i was told, like the day before i got there to to work on it. They said we just had someone come out and welded it. It was one of the cook's friends, okay right that sounds really good. One of the cook's friends came out and welded the door and it was a mess.

What they did to it too was ridiculous. They welded a pin back on it, so it can pivot and they welded it crooked. It was just a joke, it was stupid, but anyways i had to defrost the system. You guys saw the electrical room, that's something that everybody gets triggered on when they see these electrical rooms.
How come you don't call fire department code enforcement? A lot of guys. I can't call code enforcement or the fire department on my restaurants. I would never do work for that customer again and if you think, that's horrible, i see that all the time like every day, every restaurant has a bunch of crap packed into a mechanical room or an electrical room or they put shelves in front of electrical panels. That's just how restaurants work and it's just a pain in the butt, but you just have to learn to deal with it.

Obviously, i'm not going to ever let myself get into a situation where it's extremely dangerous. If i had to go into that electrical room and change motor starters or do something you guys saw how twisted those motor starters were up on the wall too, like that's a joke, but if i ever had to change those, then yes, i would have the customer Remove everything from that box, so i'm drinking hot tea tonight, because i was born again over the weekend and uh i'm not gon na drink. For a while. Let's just say that i i had my butt handed to me friday.

After the overtime show we had friends at our house right, hvac overtime show guys, let's give them a plug um one of the overtime guys go ahead and post the link inside there, but um. I'm on the overshine show on friday i always drink a couple beers on the show having a good time - and i was kind of had a nice little thing going on when i left the show. But we happened to have friends at our house and then we sat and we were hanging out in the backyard their kids were here. You know the kids were all playing around the house in the yard and my wife and i and our friends yeah.

We drank way too much and i felt miserable all day saturday, it's one of those like i'm, never gon na drink again moments like oh good gosh, so it's gon na be a couple weeks. So tonight i'm drinking hot tea to keep my voice from getting all twisted up all right, so um, i'm gon na get to the chat questions real, quick guys. Let me see so winter charge. Someone had asked me to explain winter charge.

Okay, so winter charge is a vague term for the flooded charge that the system needs. When you have a head pressure control valve it's it's mainly for refrigeration systems, but sometimes you'll see it on built up air conditioning systems. But absolutely is it not needed on a residential system? Okay, so what we have is we have a uh head pressure control valve in its simplest form, i'll grab one back here, a couple different things back here, but we have a head pressure, control valve or an lac valve you'll see it in a refrigeration system. Okay, again, you do not have to worry about these on residential systems.
You will only see these on like server room, air conditioners and or built up air conditioning systems for like supermarkets and big giant industrial places, um you're, typically only going to see that valve. That's a small one. They make much bigger ones, but the purpose of that valve is to maintain a pressure differential across this expansion valve the winter charge. We call it the winter charge, but you're not actually removing and adding refrigerant.

Okay, the system holds the winter charge. All year long or the flooded charge, okay, so it's not something that i'm removing in the summer adding in the winter. I know some people did that way in the past, but we don't do that anymore, because our systems are typically built up for it. Okay.

So it's just the refrigerant needed, because when this valve starts to bypass this valve will bypass when it gets really cold outside to maintain head pressure in the system. That's the easiest way to explain it. This valve maintains a head pressure because, as it gets really cold outside and our refrigeration equipment is still running, then the head pressure in the system that is affected by the ambient temperature right is going to drop and when the head pressure drops the expansion valve again. This is a lot of old-school technology.

Older expansion valves had an issue when we had a and that valve just broke into pieces, but uh older expansion valves had an issue when the pressure differential, wasn't exact across the valve. Newer valves aren't so critical with the pressure differential anymore, okay, but it still does matter and i'll have to put that expansion valve back together later, as is falling apart um. So when the temperature drops the valve starts to flood, but when it starts to flood what it does is it actually backs up refrigerant in the condenser and it's the same effect as putting a piece of cardboard in front of the condenser and not allowing air flow Through it, okay, so your head pressure's driven up same concept, but this is a little bit nicer on the system, so that is the winter charge. The winter charge is the added refrigerant.

We need to flood that condenser in the winter time, when it's not being used. It's just simply stored in the receiver. It's not taken out of the system. Okay! Hopefully that answers your question.

We're not going to go too much more in depth into that, because not a lot of people are dealing with those right now, but absolutely on a residential system. You do not need a winter charge. Okay, no um and don't let people fool you, you shouldn't have to add refrigerant to a heat pump system and remove it seasonally, okay, something's wrong, if you're having to add refrigerant and remove it. Okay, all right! Let's get on with the next question on a piston ac system: do you charge to correct super heat or correct head pressure for seer rating? There are times, superheat is good, but head pressure is low, okay, so on a piston driven system.
Okay, your super heat is calculated by your indoor, wet, bulb temperature. Your and your uh outdoor air temperature, too so you're going to use target superheat okay, target superheat is a is a number that is going to change as your indoor conditions and outdoor conditions change. So it's very important. You understand that, okay, so as far as your head pressure being low, what tells you that your head pressure's low? What i would highly suggest you do to help you to understand.

Some systems is download the measure quick, app, okay measure, quick on any of the app stores download that app, even if you don't have smart bluetooth, gauges and different things like that, it will work with just simply typing in the pressures, and it will help you to Diagnose the system now personally, i don't use measure quick to completely do all the diagnostics for me, but it is really nice to have all the information at your fingertips. Okay, while i'm at that one of the questions that i had um, let me answer this one. Huseman hvac, you said so. I only need winter charge with a head pressure control valve and not a fan cycle switch.

That is absolutely correct. The flooded the extra refrigerant needed to flood the condenser due to a head pressure, control valve and or an oroa valve. There's all kinds of different head pressure - control valves is only needed the flooded charge with that valve. If you have a fan, cycling control, it does not take any more refrigerant, but i will preface that with saying what i propose you do fan cycle controls are not my favorite okay and the reason.

Why is because they're very violent on the system? So if you have a single condenser fan motor, i work on a lot of walk-in coolers for smaller restaurants right. So, if you have a single condenser fan motor that has a fan cycle switch on it in the winter time. When that fan cycles off and then turns back on and then turns off and then turns back on to maintain head pressure, look at your sight, glass and what you're going to see you're going to see your sight glass drain and then you're going to see it Fill up and then drain and then fill up and it's going to be a vicious cycle. Well, guess what it's feeding that refrigerant! That's all messed up, right: liquid, not liquid, liquid, not liquid down to the expansion valve and the expansion valve struggling.

So it's important that you understand fan cycle controls can be kind of violent in the system. Now your system can still work, but it's going to kind of confuse people they're, going to think that it's low on charge when maybe it's not actually low on charge. But you do not need extra refrigerant when you have a fan: cycling control, no, okay, all right! Um! Let me get back to this question right here. I don't know why i got distracted anyways but um greg.
I had a question from the discord server greg had asked me and there's a place in the discord server. To ask me questions for the live streams. Guys so greg had asked me what certifications i have and if i had an osha 10 cert, an osha 30 cert, okay, so greg, i do not have any osha certifications. I do not have 10, i do not have 30..

The only certifications i have is the universal epa section 608 certification that allows me federally to to buy and purchase refrigerant and work on. You know: refrigeration systems essentially um and i have some nate certifications. I have a, i think, a heat pump, nate certification and a light commercial refrigeration, nate certification, and when you get the heat pump, one you get all the air conditioning crap and all that stuff too. But those are the only certifications that i have.

I would love to have more certifications and i'm going to go ahead and step on this soap box that i have right now too and talk about certification. So someone had asked in one of the facebook groups. I don't know if it was a comment to me or if it was just a comment in general, someone had asked a question about certifications: here's my opinion on certifications, nate esko rscs, all these different certifications; okay, just because you have a paper that says you're certified. Doesn't mean you know anything: okay, it means that you can pass a test.

That's all it means okay, but the cool thing about certifications is that to maintain those certifications, you have to continue your education. Okay. If someone comes up to my door asking for a job, let's just say, i have two guys asking for a job. One of them has nate certifications.

One of them has an rscs certification whatever and the other one doesn't have anything the guy that has certifications. I'm probably going to spend a little bit more time. Looking at his resume. I may not hire him yet because he's still just because he has one doesn't mean he's better, but it's going to make me take a second look at his resume.

Okay, because it means that he took the time to take a test, and he took the time to maintain that certification by doing continuing education. Okay, so any certification is better than none, but a certification does not make you an amazing technician. It just means that you can pass a test okay, so you have to be a good people person. You have to be a good troubleshooter certifications, certainly help and everything.

Okay. So, but i'm a believer in certifications, you know some people aren't frankie. Thank you very much for that super chat. Um.

Let me see it says you have a one-time train classic unit. You just had a tech come in and tell you that, because your compressor is high on amps and have a bad txv. Would i condemn the unit frankie there's a lot of meat there there's a lot that goes into that comment. Depending on the age of your system.
It may be smart to condemn the system. Okay, but doesn't i mean, ask for a quote to repair it now? Here's the thing, don't just look at one quote: go get two more quotes. Okay, but don't expect free quotes from everybody because i don't do free quotes. If someone calls me out, i'm a commercial guy though, but i don't do free quotes.

So if a customer says hey, i just had a company come in here and tell me that i needed a new compressor and i don't trust them. Can you come out and look at it certainly can, but i'm gon na bill them for all my time to go out there and diagnose it. So don't expect a free quote from someone if you're getting free quotes more than likely you're getting sales pitches, so companies that do free quotes - and i don't mean to stomp on anybody's, toes or anything like that. Okay, but companies that advertise they do free quotes.

That's an in the door that's to get their foot in the door so that way they can quote repairs, okay and or replacement. So just keep that in mind, i'm not saying they're a bad company, but just keep that in mind. Okay, there's companies out there that fix things. There's companies out there that simply just replace things your system very well may need to be replaced depending on the refrigerant how old it is um.

It very well might need to be replaced and it might be a smart decision. Okay, but there's a lot of factors that go into that. What's the cost to repair it right now, are the parts going to be readily available tomorrow? Does it have any potentials for leaks? You know all kinds of things on and on and on so there's a lot of a lot of information in there that we don't know that makes it a little bit difficult for me to talk about your specific situation. Frankie.

Okay, but i would highly suggest that you get a couple different quotes and just ask people's opinion okay and then make a decision. Let me see what else we got okay, so i'm gon na get to my list of things here. Um, okay, serge had asked me in the discord server about starting a business. This was actually a really good question, so he feels that he's a great technician he's not bragging, but he's just saying you know what he goes, i'm a good technician.

I know what i'm doing but he's considering starting his own business, but the problem is: he has absolutely no idea about business and he wants to know where he can learn more about running a business. Okay, um tariq tariq. I think that is your name. I i hope i didn't butcher your name.

Thank you very much for that super chat man that is awesome, okay, so uh serge okay. I talk about people all the time and i get these messages from people that says you know that already started a business and they say uh. How do i figure out how much to charge um? I feel like i'm, charging too low all this different stuff? Okay, so before you start a business, i am certainly not an expert on business ownership. Okay, i run a business with my father.
My father started the business 25 years ago and i've been slowly getting into the position where my dad wants to leave tomorrow, but i won't let him okay, so my dad is ready to retire, but i'm not ready for him to retire with. That being said, if i was to start a business today, here's how i would approach it first off, you need to come up with a financial business plan. Okay, i would highly highly suggest that you do not go into debt to start up a business, especially nowadays. Okay, i am not a fan of debt, my personal opinion, okay.

I know that there's a bunch of guys on facebook right now that look like the best business people in the world and their businesses are booming and they're opening locations everywhere and they're buying service trucks everywhere, and they make hvac business look so great. But then guess what as they're posting all that stuff there's there's several different people out there doing it every one of them right there. It's it's they're, like oh yeah, i'm doing so great. I've got all these trucks.

I'm hiring all these people, i'm opening up a separate shop and all this different stuff and i'm killing it right, they're, going on all kinds of crazy stuff, they're yeah, that's that's as far as i'm gon na go about that, but every one of them is also On the side, saying: hey, guess what i'll train you, how to deal with a business like mine, i'll train you how to build my business up i'll, do training i'll, sell you this i'll, come to your shop and i'll teach you how to be a salesman and All this different stuff, okay, be cautious. Okay, those people on social media that make business look so easy, and so awesome, they're lying to you business is not easy. Business is brutal. Okay, when you start getting a few employees, i run a small business, very small and it's a stressful thing, there's days guys that i want to go work for someone else.

There's i've seriously seriously considered it in the past. Okay, when things were really really dark - and i was having a bad time with business - i wanted to go work for someone. That's how bad it gets. Sometimes i'm not saying everybody's business is that way, but don't let those people on social media make you think that it's all it's awesome.

It's amazing! It's so cool you're gon na make money hand over fist, especially if you're starting a business in california. If you're starting a business in california, you need to just hand your money to the government, that's that's a whole other thing: okay, but the first thing financial plan again going off on a tangent financial plan. Talk to your cpa. You need to find a good cpa.

You need to sit down. You need to discuss things with them and come up with a financial business plan with what your plans are, where you're going to get the money from where's your startup capital. Coming from how much money do you have saved up? Are you using? Are you leveraging your life to start your business? Okay, i highly don't suggest you do that. Don't take a mortgage out on your house that your family lives in because guess what? If the business fails tomorrow, who's going to pay for your house and where's your family going to live so be very careful about starting up with massive amounts of debt? That's my biggest suggestion to everybody: okay, there's several several different groups of people out there that help to train.
I would highly suggest looking up your local small business association or the sba. They have local regional groups that help you with business. So, for instance, when i was doing my video stuff right, i set a business up for this videos thing right here and i reached out to the sba, and i said: look i'm it's been a long time, i'm setting up a business. What am i forgetting here right, they're, just another set of eyes: they're not getting involved in your financials, but they're, just giving you advice, hey here's the easiest way to set up this, here's the person you want to talk to to set up this.

You need to figure all that stuff out. Okay, i don't suggest just jumping in there and going to business tomorrow, because you're going to get your ass handed to you, exp or especially if you live in a state like california, where we have all kinds of laws and rules so um. I know i didn't give you much confidence in the whole business thing uh, but you need to do some research and certainly you need to understand that there could be some bad sides to business too. Okay, right now, with the covid thing going on, it's sketchy guys.

You know it's very scary because there's some businesses that you know like, for instance, on the residential side, you think hey, i'm going to open up a residential company and i'm going to sell equipment. You know go try to find residential equipment right now. There's a massive equipment shortage right first off a lot of the factories have shut down because of the virus, but then, on top of that, the the salesmen out there are killing it right now and they're selling equipment like crazy to the point that people are having A hard time getting equipment, it's insane guys. I saw another super chat come through.

Thank you very much for that um. Let me see right there, uh frankie, dixon yeah, oh yeah. I did answer that. One okay, cool, so um yeah be cautious and do some research? Okay, hopefully i'm not just on your parade right now, but it's time it's tough, okay, so be cautious about that all right! Um! Let me get to the chat right now and look at daniel gaming.

Thank you very much for that. Super chat, um all right business. In california sucks that's right, thoughts on new osha ladder, safety requirements; uh, honestly, i'm not up to date on the new osha ladder, safety requirements, and it's probably something i need to look into. I'm sure that there's some new rule that says the ladder has to be anchored into the concrete with 72-inch lag screws, and it has to have anchor points every four feet and you probably have to have a crane as a backup to to grab onto your safety.
Harness just in case, you fall off the ladder that way the crane can catch. You, i'm sure, that's what the new osha requirement is, but i'll have to look into that. I haven't seen it yet, though, for real joking aside, um, let's see what else um thoughts on carrier's new blowers, mr green, so i have seen some interesting stuff on social media about carriers uh, they call it their eco, blue technology, i think, is what it is, And it's a giant axial um, blower, ecm blower, basically uh, i'm kind of scared of them. I do not want to talk crap on anything, but i work in a lot of nasty restaurants.

You guys see them! Well, i shouldn't say nasty, but greasy restaurants and the kitchen acs are usually covered in grease. The blower wheels are covered in grease, the blower assemblies are covered in grease, and i could just imagine a giant axial fan motor covered in grease. How you going to clean that? That's my only concern with those new blowers. It's very interesting, though, so what is a bypassing compressor on a walk-in cooler, john deere fan so uh.

What that was my video that i released last week and inside the compressor is an internal pressure relief that basically will let the the discharge, gas and the suction gas equalize within the compressor, even though the compressor is still running, there's a little chingus in there. That opens up whenever the pressure differential gets to be too high and allows the pressure to equalize out so that way the compressor doesn't implode on itself. So there's an internal pressure relief device. One of these days.

I think i have a video. I don't know if i ever released it or not, where i cut a part or scroll compressor, and i show that internal pressure relief, it's literally just like a little snap disc and it lifts up and allows the pressure to bypass um all right. Let me see what else oh you're right fly eagles fly. You know what we can't have a crane, because the cables have lead in them and they would cause yeah.

You are absolutely right, so it wouldn't be a crane. So, okay: well, i'm sure the new osha requirement is going to require something different then so have i ever come across fractionation on r404a. I absolutely cannot say that i have ever seen fractionation on any refrigerant um. In my opinion, there's been several times where i've been questioned or questionable about different things: okay, 404.

A has a very low fractionation rate. It's almost impossible to make the gas fractionate. Even if you vent vapor, i mean i don't suggest doing it, but it's always charged in a liquid, but it's very very hard to get fractionation with it. Okay, um, but with um see, i see lots of good questions coming through, but i don't wan na um.
So with the fractionation, i've never seen it, but there's been many times where i've been questionable about the refrigerant like hey the system's, just not operating the way that it should be so i'll, just recover the charge and start fresh. I've done that many times. But majority of the time, i honestly don't think it was fractionation. I think that it was people mixing refrigerants.

So i've worked in restaurants, a lot where second companies come in behind you and i've heard excuses from people. Well, i didn't have any 404 and it had 134, so i figured it would work. You know i've heard those excuses from other companies. In fact, i've done some repair calls where i used to work for a hospital customer and they called me out saying: hey our walk-in cooler's, not working a giant, walk-in cooler and i go out there and they said yeah.

It had a leak over the weekend and he topped off the charge and i go up on the roof and it's an r22 walk-in cooler, mind you and there's a drum of r502 sitting right next to it, a 50-pound drum and a set of gauges, and i'm Like did he put 502 in this? Oh, i don't know, but it's just operating really weird, so i removed all the refrigerant recovered it all and then charged it with virgin refrigerant and ran fine. So you know i've. I've come across it a lot, but i don't think it's fractionation that i've run into um. Have i ever okay, sorry to answer that one? How do i use my videos to train? Do i ever show customers the videos um? I don't really uh make a big deal to show my customers, my videos, okay, they're, not really meant for them.

I don't use them as evidence or anything like that, but i use the videos for my own technicians. Okay, the whole point of my youtube channel when i first started youtube the first two videos. If you go back the very first two videos on my channel right now: okay, one of them was a beer walk-in. I honestly don't remember the second video, but the beer walk and the fuses were blown and the second video.

Whatever it was. Those two videos were meant for my employees. They weren't meant for the public. When i did this whole youtube thing.

It was literally, i never planned on it, turning into what it did and i never planned on making the videos public. I was very nervous um to do it, and i was anxious that i was gon na get a lot of crap talked about me um and that kind of stuff, and i i finally hit the public button and wow what happened is insane but um. So my videos are used to train my employees all the time. Now my videos are not meant to to you know i'm not a diy channel and i don't ever want to replace a trade school or a proper apprenticeship.
The whole point of my videos is to share the little bit of knowledge that i have my little tagline right and to try to keep you from doing the same things i did that screwed stuff up. I want to share my mistakes. I do the same thing with my employees. Sometimes it'll probably come across in my videos, because it's like hey, do it like this, i'm not telling you you have to do it that way, i'm actually talking to my employees when you hear me being direct.

So, thank you very much for that super chat that just came through matt. That's awesome bud. It says, replace the compressor on a 20 ton rtu and it's tripping high head and there is oil full in the liquid line, header plugged or over full on oil. You didn't add any extra oil besides the refrigerant okay, so i have heard of situations where oil will get logged and it'll get it'll basically blow out of the compressor and it'll get logged in the liquid line and different things like that.

So if the system will run then so be it, but if it won't run what you can do is, you might just have to start cutting the system up and blowing the oil out, but i would highly suggest trying to run the system. You can do a couple different things. I purposely i've honestly never been very successful at doing this to try to get oil to return, but i've heard other people tell me otherwise you could do things like turning off the condenser fan motors drive up the head pressure. Push crap through the system.

You could do things, you know, move uh turn off the evaporator fan. You know different things, but got to be very careful and know what you're doing, because you can really screw some stuff up too. In that situation, though, if i can't keep the system running, i'm probably going to have to start cutting some stuff up and draining oil out of certain situations. Crankcase heaters are very important.

Make sure that they're running crankcase heaters definitely need to be working because they can cause some serious oil problems. Okay, oftentimes. What can happen is uh. You can have um without a crank case heater there.

You can have refrigerant leave the compressor. The liquid refrigerant will go somewhere else and when you start it up, it'll slug the compressor and come back to the compressor it can wash oil out of the compressor it can wreak havoc on the systems. So you want to make sure your crankcase heaters are definitely working. Do i have any compressor, cutaways grey gas? No, i have some.

I think i have a video or two where i cut them up, but no, i don't have any professional cutaways there's. Definitely some on the internet, um, okay, cool, mr hamster 2004. How does the viper condenser coil cleaner? I use work on cottonwood, okay, so first off there's a couple different types of viper: condenser: coil, cleaner. You have the yellow pack, we're talking about the venom packs and you have the blue pack.
Okay, the blue pack is basically identical to the other blue cleaners out on the market that other manufacturers have. It is corrosive, it will etch the coil, the blue stuff. Okay, it will eat away everything that it touches, be very careful about it. The yellow, cleaner is absolutely metal safe.

It will not harm a single thing. It is just essentially soap. So in that situation, the best thing when you're cleaning condenser coils is water open up the coils flush from the inside out clean all the big debris off. First, then, if you have to use cleaner and decide which cleaner you're going to use, if you're going to use the yellow venom pack, if it's a very greasy condenser in my situation, because i deal with restaurants, you're probably going to need to do a couple passes Of the venom coil cleaner, okay, if you're going to use the blue stuff, it's going to eat whatever it needs to touch away.

It's a high foaming, condenser coil cleaner. It will work really well, just like the other blue cleaners that you see out on the market. Okay, the biggest thing that i want to stress about the refrigeration technologies cleaners is that they are safe, guys, especially the yellow stuff right, um they're, safe they're, not gon na eat a hole in your foot. Okay, um.

You know you and you're gon na use a lot less cleaner right if you buy the refrigeration technologies, coil gun, which i kind of jumped on board. With that recently i've been using the hell out of it. Um the refrigeration technologies, coil gun actually uses less cleaner. So i find that you have that venom pack that venom pack will actually do like, i think it's eight gallons or something i'll usually get about five to six out of it, because i run a little bit rich on my concentration.

But if you think about it that little pack right there you get five to six gallons of cleaner out of it is what i use, because i mix it kind of thick. So it's amazing and it saves a lot of space. That's why i like it. I can put two of them in a bucket and it does a whole roof and i'm good to go, but i haven't done any cottonwood myself, but i know that the blue cleaner would do fine on cottonwood.

So all right, um going back to crankcase heaters. You've been told numerous times that here in socal they're not needed. What is my opinion on that? No crank case eaters are definitely needed in southern california. You need them for sure.

Okay um, depending on what you're working on a case, heater still serves a purpose. A crankcase heater is not there for when it's negative 10 outside okay, crankcase heaters um will help the system, no matter what they're not going to hurt it at all. Okay, i have to be careful on the residential side, guys i'm going to explain something to you guys. You may not know all right on the residential side.

Typically, the compressors don't have crank case heaters. Okay, let's just say a standard scroll compressor in a 5 ton carrier package unit on the side of someone's house typically do not have crankcase heaters, okay, but what they do. If you notice that the contactor is not a two pole contactor, it's a shunt contactor right. So one pull so basically one leg is always energized line.
One or line two is always energized to that compressor and they're only disconnecting one line, that's acting as a semi-quasi crank case heater by keeping the windings warm. I honestly the magic of how it works. Kind of still baffles me, but that's the purpose, that's why, when you see a residential system that has a funky looking contactor on it and only one side is disconnected the other one's kind of basically jumping right over that's for crankcase heater purposes. Okay, so they're not running a dedicated crankcase heater, so if you go and throw on a standard, two-pole contactor on there you're actually doing the customer a disservice.

If you don't put on an actual physical crank case heater on it, okay, so be very careful about that and understand. That's the whole point of why you see that single pole contactor on a 208 single phase system is because it's acting as a crankcase heater to keep the windings warmed up. Okay, just like, if you actually put a belly band wrapped crank case heater around it, but yeah you definitely need them. Okay, now have i seen systems run without crankcase heaters for years and years.

At a time sure i have but the moment that you have a problem with oil, leaving that compressor you're going to wish you had that crankcase eater on there, so just put them on there. It's simple all right is overtime ever going to be on apple podcast. That's a great question: uh adam is overtime ever going to be on the apple podcast app he's, probably you know. I've heard i've heard and things that i read that it takes forever to get approved by apple, so um all right.

Let's see what else, what viper cleaner? That's all purpose for evap, condenser and cabinet, okay, so very important to understand. Viper makes a evaporator cleaner too. It's the green bag. Okay, viper also makes a all-purpose cleaner, that's a purple cleaner and then they make the blue and the yellow and the venom packs.

Now the yellow is actually safe to use on an evaporator, but there's some things that their actual green evaporator coil cleaner. Does that the yellow doesn't do the yellow is actually okay to use, though it's not going to make corrosive smells. It's not going to scare the customer out of there it's going to clean, but the actual evaporator cleaner works a little bit different. It foams a little bit more and i noticed that it actually cleans the grime away a little bit better when it comes to the evaporator, and i believe it has some not sanitizer in it, but it has some properties that help to clean the coil internally.
Also now viper also makes a sanitizer. It's called a strike back sanitizer i've been using that a lot lately. So when you're done cleaning an evaporator, you spray it down with the sanitizer, you have to pre-mix it and it's just kind of a peace of mind thing. So that way, you know you kill any viruses that you, potentially you know put on that coil.

Does a bad evaporator fan motor cause the coil to ice up on a walk-in cooler? No, the the bad evaporator fan motor is not the actual cause of the iced up coil, but it will ice up if a fan motor goes bad okay. So if you think about it, the refrigeration system is going to continue to run and there's no air flow across it. Okay, so i guess it does cause it. I was kind of trying to be an ass when i said that.

But yes, if you have a bad evaporator fan motor, it can cause your system ice up, but the reason why it's happening is because you don't have air flow across the coil. Okay and the coil is going to continue to run and get cold. You have to have that heat transfer to keep the ice from forming on the coil. Is the whole point.

So, yes, it does cause an istep situation. If you ever have a bad evaporator fan motor and you need to replace it or you're going to get one. If you're gon na leave it running block off that evaporator fan motor, if it's like a three fan or a two fan, so that way it can, you know, run a little bit longer without icing up as fast uh dennis slasher. Thank you so very much for that super chat man.

That is awesome. It says you've finished an electrical mechanical training program from rsi in phoenix, and you feel you need more experience. Would apprenticeship be good? You're, 29. Well, of course, an apprenticeship is the best way to go about it um.

Unfortunately, a lot of people right now are looking for a tech that can hit the ground running and you need to be very careful because there's a lot of businesses out there that will hire you from trade school pay. You 30 bucks an hour and throw you in a truck and send you to the wolves. I don't feel that that's the best way to go about it. I feel like you need to work underneath someone and learn that do and the do not things and work.

Your way up into that 30, an hour technician range okay, so um yeah. I definitely think an apprenticeship is definitely worth it, whether you go union or not. You just need to get hired on with the company with someone that is willing to train very important. All right, let me get to my list of questions here um.

What are my thoughts on salvaged systems? Would i consider installing one? Would i recommend it? So this was a discord question and someone had said that their contractor is saying that they have a system. They can sell them, it's a used air conditioning system and it was working when they pulled it out of the system, and it should be fine well in that question alone, when your contractor said hey, i have a system that was working when i pulled it out. The fact that he said that is kind of a disclaimer he's saying it was working when i pulled it out, so it should be fine. Should okay he's not giving you a guarantee.
If you buy a brand new unit, you are going to get a warranty. That says this unit will work, that's it and then the contractor that installs it is going to warranty his work. Okay. So if you're buying a used system, if you're paying that contractor to install a used system, is he giving you a warranty? Is he guaranteeing that the system is going to work? Is he guaranteeing that tomorrow the condenser fan motor doesn't go bad? I don't know i'm not a fan of used equipment.

I don't sell used equipment, i won't install used equipment. I don't even harvest motors to put in temporarily okay. I don't do that, so i'm not a fan of used equipment. I suggest, if you made the decision and or if it died, and you don't want to repair it, that you replace it with brand new okay.

My personal opinion um: do i educate the customers on how and why they should clean their equipment, and this is in in thoughts with my videos, where it's all nasty in the restaurant - and you know things are smelly and drain lines are plugged up.

9 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream 07/20/20”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Forde says:

    What was the song at the very start of the video (not the intro music)? It goes very well with refrigeration for some reason.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Rodriguez says:

    The 3 haters must be super techs lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Comfort Systems HVAC says:

    Come to Italy,,,whit have nice wine,,,,😃😃😃🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🍷🍷🍷🍷 come to visit me SARDEGNA ,,WILL HAVE SOME CAMPING ⛺️,,,

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Lamb says:

    Hi Chris, I’m a boiler operator at a large pharmaceutical company in Orange County. Recently I’ve had a chance to move into our HVAC group. Your videos have helped me increase my learning curve. I’ll make sure to buy my new HVAC tools using your offer code “bigpicture “.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sal Castillo says:

    Cris thank you very much for your teaching, and criticism doesn’t matter, Service area Nepean??

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC-ATLien says:

    Good stuff Chris ! Always a good Tuesday listen , every week!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiny Toons says:

    I don't know who you are but am a little intrigued . . .

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bigpond CableGuy says:

    Coldwater should be used for bleach as hot water decomposes the active ingredient of bleach and renders it ineffective. Just sayin' Regards from South Australia.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Mc says:

    Love your videos man. I don’t even do refrigeration mostly residential but I’ve used things from your videos in the field. It’s like vicarious training for things I’ve never seen. I really wish I was out west. The would defiantly work for you just to learn how to do refrigeration the right way.

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