This was a call towards the end of the lockdown for a walk in freezer that had been iced up for the last four months, the Ke2 controller has been doing a good job of keeping it running...
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So all that i do is just spray it from the front and just take steam and just let it keep going, let it keep going, and this will eventually happen. This is insane like you know how thick that is. This video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition. All right today, you can see, we've got an evap, that's like really iced up, and this has a ke2 thermi, vap efficiency controller on it.

Uh and i just walked in here. It said high room temp, but then a few minutes before that i also saw excessive defrost, so we're going to get this guy defrosted and figure out. Why, but i mean the ice is completely packed behind that fan motor. It's insane! It's weird, though, that it's actually still somewhat cold in here with that much ice, but we'll get to the bottom of it.

Look at that look at how iced up that is big old chunkers in there too, um sucks man. This fan blade is cracked right here. These fan blades are a pain in the butt to get ugh. Well, let's just keep going with this and see what happens.

It's going to be almost impossible, not to make a mess in here and i don't it's a walking freezer. You don't want to get water on the floor because it'll freeze and expand, but you can only do what we can do so. I've got power, turned off we're going to go to town most walk-in freezer ecm motors have some sort of water resistance, but i still don't want to dunk them in water. You know that's where this wand really comes into play.

I've shown this a million times, but it's got all the different settings on it, but i really like it because you can just go nice and slow and i've got a pan down here, catching a residual drip drip and uh yeah just a little bit at a Time normally i work from the top down, but because i don't want to saturate the motor i'm working from the bottom up, which is a little counter-intuitive, but it'll still get the job done and i'm lucky too that the customer has hot water. So that's nice, a little bit out of time! It's taken me quite a while just to get to this point, because the drain pan is partially frozen over here too. So just got pans down there to catch everything see it's just uh, nice and cold in here. Right now, this drain is draining really slow and i keep having to put these pans in here to catch a bunch of water, so i pulled it down just ever so slightly and uh drains plugged up right there with like zip ties and stuff.

Luckily, it's right there, so i'm gon na clear it out, and hopefully this thing starts draining better, the back of it, like i showed a minute ago, still full of eyes. So all that i do is just spray it from the front and just take steam and just let it keep going, let it keep going, and this will eventually happen. This is insane like look how thick that is, that is a giant ice chunk holy crap all right. I got all the ice in the electrical section.

It was really bad in there too. I got that all melted, all behind the coil and very surprisingly there is none in the expansion valve section, go figure all right, but there is a big old fat ball on the suction p-trap, which there's not a whole lot. I can do about that right now, because i don't have insulation so all right, i'm laying on the shelf. I went ahead and cut the p-trap off completely i'm going to send someone to go.
Get me some insulation and we're going to try to permanently fix that. I'm not great at cutting and making them perfect, but you know i'll do the best i can. The other thing is more than likely just from experience, we're going to have bad sensors in this coil, and this right here tells me something see how loose that sensor is. That's our suction temperature sensor.

So that's going to fudge with the superheat, but it was insulated. Pretty well i'll give them that much. So maybe it's okay, but i'm pretty confident we're gon na have coil temperature sensors that are bad because it was reading excessive defrosts um and due to like how difficult it is, i'm just gon na go ahead and change. The sensor since i have the coil apart uh, making a pretty educated guess here, but i'll try to pull it up.

I have the software so when i get it all done and fixed we'll pull it up and we'll analyze the history and uh pretty confident we'll show bad coil sensors, so i'm gon na go ahead and get changing those right. Now we also had a cracked fan blade, we're changing that too. So all right, i got the sensors put back in the evaporator, the suction line. I still got to wrap it with tape.

I got it nice and tight and then the air temperature is back there. Wired into the coil i'm going to be able to access the coil via the ethernet port right here and i'll plug in the wi-fi service tool and we'll access the controller parameters and everything from on my tablet. So i'm going to start assembling this thing. My fan motors are coming back and then i've got some insulation coming back too.

All right, i will never claim to be an insulator okay, i'm sure people are gon na make fun of me, but it'll work. I just got ta seal some more stuff up and i'll tape it up too so, but that's better than it was. I guess like i said i am not an insulator, so i bet you anything. This will be all ice tomorrow, but it's better than what it was before i got here, so i still got to put a little glue in a couple seams, but i'm also going to make a little piece for around this sensor right here to make it nice And tight and then we're going to start this guy out.

Okay, so i got the suction line, sensor nice and secured. So it's good and we're going to put this guy back together now um. This is my uh ethernet port that i plug into i'll, plug the wi-fi service tool into that and then be able to access. Everything from my tablet came up on the roof and uh.

The sight glass is flashing, i'll zoom in for you, it's not bad, but it's definitely flashing and this rack is full of pigeon crap uh. We put chicken wire around it a while ago, but these damn pigeons keep getting underneath it make an s in here, but yeah, so we're gon na have to get some gas on this thing too. Oil level looks good, though, so all right, so i've got it pulled up on my tablet. Um it's just connecting to the wi-fi service tool.
Uh box temp is 10 degrees. It's already getting cold in there. That's quick, um coil temp. I mean, i don't see anything very scary, superheat's a little high right now, but let's give it some time it's still trying to pull down.

Let's look at the graph. Oh yeah! Look at that! So that's a lot of d for us. It just kept going into defrost, if i remember correctly, usually on these smart evaporators, there's some sort of an algorithm, and it looks at the difference between the room, temp and the coil temp, and i believe that's how it goes into demand. Defrost.

Typically, when we have this problem like this, my experience is that it's a bad defrost sensor or a bad coil sensor. I mean air sensor. The room temperature sensor doesn't look to be bad, but the coil sensor looks a little funky so anyways i changed them all. Usually that solves our problem, um we're going to watch it.

We got to jump up on the roof, though, and, like i said, put some gas in it too. So let's look at our set points here. We're set for negative 10. um everything looks fine, superheat's set for eight degrees, we're still using demand defrost on it i'll go ahead and leave that on yeah everything's, looking good, so we'll watch it for a bit.

All right they are up and running cycles has been clear for a while added extra gas for the winter charge. Um we're gon na talk to the customer and see if they want us to come back and do a thorough leak check and that's pretty much it we'll tell them to keep an eye on it. Now, like i said this, this thing started happening before covid. So who knows what the cause was? It's possible? It was those sensors, i'm gon na try to check those in ice water right now, but we'll see all right.

My box is down to three degrees. We topped off the charge fixed the p-trap and uh changed the fan blades one of them was cracked change. The sensors preemptively and, i think that's it. They're gon na have to reorganize their box because it's a mess in here now, but so the customer's story on this one is that it's actually been freezing up like this for about four months now, they said about a month before the whole covet thing started is When they started noticing ice issues, they saw the ice, but it was still maintaining temperatures so as we're coming towards the end of the lockdown.

Actually, this was shot about a month ago, three weeks ago, something like that, but as we were coming towards the end of the lockdown um, they decided they wanted to get it taken care of, and so i went out there. So, that's probably why it was so thick because that had obviously been like that for a while and the look at the back of the coil. When i showed that ice back there, you could tell that it had been thawing and re-freezing, because it was like soft and had smooth edges to it. The ice did so.
It's been like that for a very long time. It's really hard to say exactly what started the issue: okay, um. I went out on a limb and changed the sensors and the main reason why i changed the sensors is because, in the past, i've had this problem and changing the sensors solved it right. But i had the whole coil apart and i had all the product moved and, to be honest with you to have to come back and do that again it was worth taking the shot at putting in a couple sensors.

Actually, three sensors um financially. It was actually smarter to make that move, because you know i was already up in there and i did relay this information to the customer and they were aware that we were taking an educated guess and changing the sensors. But they trust the opinion that i gave them on that. Okay now um.

Certainly again, i do not know if the sensors were 100 of the cause um, it's just one of those things. I really wish that this customer would let me install a door switch on this walk-in freezer door, because i also have caught them several times, leaving the door open, it's very small and they're walking and i found them. You know someone will open it and then walk away because the on the other side of the walk-in freezer you walk through the walk-in cooler to get to it, so there could be a bunch of things going on um the p-trap uh. That was another thing too guys i, i am not a genius, i am not an expert.

I do not know how to do everything. I'm not you know, like i do my best with the insulation, preferably um, to do that insulation to where i would never have a problem again is cut the refrigeration lines and feed new insulation down the pipe and have it as one solid piece. I know. That's not even perfect either, but that, in my opinion, is the best way uh, where we we tend to have the least amount of problems um.

Unfortunately, because this box is so small, the customers stack those boxes up against that p-trap all the time and they just rip the insulation off um. So you know i did my best to cut some pieces. It clearly did not look beautiful. I would not want to put that in a place like in a big uh box, store or something where you know you go to costco or sam's club, and you look up and you could see the the the piping and everything for all the refrigeration equipment and The insulation's on point - usually it looks really nice this.

I would not want to show to the public um, but you know it's actually been a couple three weeks or something like that, since i've been there i'd, be kind of curious to know. I do next time. I go up there, i'm going to go in there and look at it. I am kind of curious to know if the ice came through that i spent a bunch of time even after i stopped filming making sure that the glue was filling in all the spots.
I tightened it down as good as possible held it made sure it was nice and tight and then also taped it. Obviously the tape made it look even worse, but um. It served a purpose, but so i'm kind of curious to see if it actually still has ice coming through or if it's actually solid, be kind of curious to see but um. That was that i did find a leak or did not find a leak, but we did top off the charge i actually brought to the customer's attention.

I did a quick leak check on the roof and i want to say that about two years ago. I think we had the same situation when i worked on this. I think i had to top off the charge you know. Sometimes these calls it's it's hard to remember some things like i might have put gas in it.

The last time i worked on it too, but anyways um customer. You know i bring everything to their attention and they didn't want to look for a leak at this time, so i'm at their mercy. So we just do what we got to do so, topped off the charge, got it up and running um haven't heard from the customer since so no word, i'm assuming is a good thing, so you know that's pretty much it. I really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch this very very soon i will be having my website go public and when that happens, there'll be a merch store.

I'll have all these shirts that are behind me and the hats and everything up for sale. Uh, if you guys are interested, keep an eye out on that uh. The website will be right now. I think it's just a coming soon page.

I have a website developer guy working on it. So last i heard there was a coming soon page but uh when you guys do go through check out hvac I i would say from the upload date of this video, i'm hoping for the website to go active within a week to a week and a half or so so should be pretty soon that that'll pop up, i'm still trying to figure out a few things with, Like the whole store portion and everything and how that's going to work in sales, tax and shipping and all that crap, but i'm doing my best to keep the prices of the shirts and the hats down as low as possible. Obviously i got to make a little bit of money on them, but i'm not looking to break the bank for anybody um.

Just a couple. Bucks per shirt is what i'd like to make in a profit, so we'll see we'll see how it all works, and you know all that good stuff. Uh keep in mind. I do live streams monday evening, 5 p.m, pacific time on youtube, uh work permitting so long as i can get off work.

Where i talk about these videos answer questions interact with you guys in the chat and uh yeah. I think that's it uh throw out that true tech tools offer code big picture. One word: if you use that code on's website you'll get eight percent off of your guys's order, there's a few restrictions with certain tool, brands and stuff where you can't use it, but you guys can figure out all that stuff. Okay, um! That's going to be it for this one, we will catch you guys on the next one: okay,.

43 thoughts on “It’s been iced up for four months”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor Bateman says:

    Why not stick those thermistors in ice water and ohm them out to verify the bad one? I’d still replace them all but I’d say the low charge was the culprit here.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars puncher davis says:

    So after some analysis we determined that is the same iceberg that sank the Titanic. The Titanic Foundation would like that back please LOL

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Smithh says:

    P-trap insulation was excellent compared to what garbage I see out there>

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Jacobs says:

    They were getting started on the next ice age !

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wood says:

    I had to have a manager get the owner in o show him how his staff were packing goods around the evaporator topping air flow. They have been having issue for sometime. The owner mark wall to show area to remade clear. Guess what,no more problems.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Penprase says:

    Thanks for the video sir well done Are you in Barrhaven ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bluehabu says:

    Been frozen up for 4 months……but i need it working tonight. Like in a couple hours I have a delivery. Is it working yet? You’ve been there 15 minutes. Lol. Been there done that.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeMad Max says:

    Enough ice there to keep my beer cold for 4 months.


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael VanWinkle says:

    I worked for a store that has a lot of Blue vests, we were always having to defrost those freezer bunkers because they would be frozen up like that. They never wanted to fix what was causing it just had us melt the ice and move on.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina McClure says:

    I know you have service records. With all the tech nowadays it's almost taboo to not be keeping track of everything on a computer somewhere. Lol, this coming from a 45 year old that can hardly run a laptop without asking for help. I know how all the parts work in a computer but don't ask me how to set up a spreadsheet. Thx for the great video and keep up the great work.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 723lion says:

    ColdZone sucks. Good luck talking to the factory.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doc Dat says:

    Yes spray it hard with your warm goodness

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars junk man says:

    In a more humid climate would you suspect air infiltration into the box causing the ice?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hey You You Hey says:

    Do you run the insulation through the box walls/ceiling? I have found moisture wicking following the tube/insulation.
    On repairs I removed the insulation about 1 inch above and below the ceiling and foamed the space. Seals moisture out and also supports and isolates the tubing from contacting the metal

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Wallace says:

    I worked a store floor that had one duel rack, one on left, one on right iced to the drain tray in 24 hours of power to the fans failure. Told the boss he said ooooooo it's probably just slow on the de frost. Some hours later meat man chewed him out sure enough fan power supply was burned out. So much ice built it ripped the drain rack off when mid day de frost came on.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Rocha says:

    Been an installer for years, I've been wanting to make a change and my dad said he would give me a business investment loan for a van and help me with advertising (that's what he does for a living) my question is how much in net do you make per day?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gostevo79 says:

    Do you have any of those hats with a neck flap?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Kavulic says:

    Why did youtube recommend me this channel and why is it so good?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Frohbieter says:

    Clogged drains will cause freeze up issues on walk in freezers. Are you in Ottawa ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mtaalas says:

    Who has gone medieval on those fins? Like someone's hit them with a hammer or something? all bent and stuff 😀

    did the ice bend them like so?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Sylvester says:

    not a genius a super genius a brainiac for sure Service area Nepean??

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Datin says:

    I took those plastic hanging strips down because they kept getting in my way….. Service area Kanata??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ToIsleOfView says:

    Great work and well filmed. That's a lot of hard work. For new service techs, this hard work can be scary. Modern refrigeration is also part plumber, part electrician, part computer diagnostic.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ToIsleOfView says:

    The time it takes to remove ice this way runs the bill way up and water dripping on the floor can damage the floor panels. I remove the drain heaters & use a wet-vac to suck out the drains. I think customers need to plan for their walk-in freezer to break down and removing the product to a temporary freezer for several days so the box can be shut off and the ice allowed to melt on its own. The service person should show up FIRST, to fix the drain pan, evaluate the repairs & parts needed. THEN educate the customer to empty the room of all products & turn off the power breaker so the whole room can warm up & also dry out. Service-man can come back in 3 days and complete the repairs. I am big on preventive maintenance. Thawing out a walk-in freezer is needed every 2 years so it can be cleaned. It's horrible how dirty the freezer floor becomes in a couple of years of use. Service area Ottawa??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daemon Can says:

    A/C unit or ice machine? You decide.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Funnagle Jump says:

    What would you do if you didnt have hot water, besides turn it off until it thaws…

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Jerry says:

    Couldn’t you have used seemed insulation with the self adhesive seem? Slide it on then pull off the plastic film to adhere it.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MajStealth says:

    clearly states "this side up" but no one cares….

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Lorenzo says:

    insulation looked perfectly fine, well done

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Greene says:

    Chris, you said those fans are hard to get, so if you know anyone with a tig welder out have a relationship with a welding/fabrication/machine shop they can run over over that crack and fix that problem.
    If you can leave a single piece or bring them a few at a time, you will have less cost per fan since there will be less setup.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Martin says:

    use black gaffers tape for your insulation

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Martin says:

    when customers surround the evaporator with product and starve coil for air.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hvac Matters says:

    It’s hard to service those smart coils without that wifi tool. I’ve used the LED screen but with all those acronyms it’s tedious. Are you in Orleans ?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legion Of The Damned says:

    as an electrician I feel a deep pain in my chest wen I see how fucking bad all those power line as made in these machines

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ß says:

    ill do the same job in germany…most time they call friday…we would shut down that mess…then we are getting to you. "yeah we watched it all the week" so they say…"cool, so it doesnt matter" thats my answer every time…they have to look after there stuff…in germany we call this "Sorgfaltspficht".
    You can´t expect that youre car ist running 2000 miles with a flat tire…thats the same thing!

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars braddeicide says:

    These videos are complete gibberish to me, but I keep watching them.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Applegate says:

    Dude your all good don’t had to worry about people talk ashit about your work. You did what you had to do! You will make customer happier than another

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Latting says:

    P trap looks good don’t beat yourself up

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    They have a fire alarm in the freezer gosh it could freeze and not work so it is a fire alarm fail it wouldn’t properly alert u of a fire Spector alert advance celine mound Service area Barrhaven??

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Clark says:

    Wish, you could check out our store's refrigeration issues. We are always having issues. Would be nice to get a second opinion.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rick w says:

    Your always so darn professional I can't even do the "wife has been iced up for longer than that" joke.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ian nash says:

    You know how thick that is>……….that’s what she said

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lonnie McNerney says:

    lol, this is late, but I love how poorly his comment aged: "As we come to the end of the lockdown…" yeah. ok. Still can't leave home, kids have been grounded and did nothing wrong, and even the dog is asking me why. or I am hallucinating, hmm Are you in Nepean ?

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