This was a call on a Manitowoc ice machine that was overflowing water and not working properly. We cleaned up the machine and replaced a bunch of neglected parts and got it operating properly again.
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Servus call an ice machine, not working he's pretty gnarly inside. When I arrived, though it's off so we're gon na turn it on and check everything out. We'll look at that. Mclean was worth you.

This service, skirt, waterfall, safe things had all kinds of problems: we're gon na watch it and now, usually, when I watch them. They're like responding service data, obviously the t4 sensors bad and also look at your frequencies microphone thickness sensor. So you can see right here. This thing is just about to overflow: the water level is actually overflowing into the bin and water level.

Whoa, yes, water, high. No, so water trope is gon na, be nice and dirty on this guy. This whole machine needs to be cleaned, so water level, sensors, just calcified crazy, so we're gon na set it in some clean air, but we're gon na recommend they do a thorough clean on this machine because that's dirty it's so dirty that there was cobwebs back in Here so we need to get to do a proper cleaning on this first before we can diagnose any further same thing goes with this other machine. They were complaining about it, not making ice, but it needs to be cleaned first.

So when you're cleaning, I suggest you use a pan that this thing can't fall over and because you don't want it to be submerged scenting with a water pump. I put it and just fill it up to where you can't accidentally tip it over and hit the motor wet on the pump and then just like the stuff soap. And if you look at it, it's gon na be hard for you guys to see it. But you can actually see the bubbles coming off of stop so, and I use the VIPRE Nichols a vise machine clinical stuff looks great by refrigeration technologies.

You see that calcium comes right off now again. This is not a thorough cleaning. I'm gon na get them to approve me to come back and do a proper cleaning on this, where I tear down the whole machine, but I'm just trying to get them operating again, get that calcium off there. So it's not overblown anymore, we'll give them a rinse.

Now and the same with the water pump, so we are gon na clean these ice machines up today we had scheduled to do this and they were supposed to empty out the ice, but they didn't so. We filled up all their ice baths, gave them a bunch of ice for the day cuz. I'm not gon na. Have these machines running until about noon and we're dumping the rest of this out on the back dock? Okay.

So at this point, all these all these guys are off. So what we're gon na do is go ahead and put them into clean mode. We're gon na put this one into clean mode. We're gon na wait until it says, add chemical once it says that chemical we're gon na pour ice machine cleaner into here we're gon na.

Let it circulate once once it circulates, then we'll disassemble the machines and start scrubbing the first thing it does on a clean cycle as it approaches all the dirty water out. So you don't want to add cleaner to start because you'll have a problem, so it is technically safe to add cleaner right now, because we're in the water fill cycle. If you know the sequence of operation of the cleaning it dumps first, then, when the water fills done, it tells you to add cleaner after the water fill. It's gon na circulate for a set amount of time.
That 37 minutes is the total time. That's not necessarily the rinse time, because it's going to do several dumps and then refills and then dumps and refills. Theoretically, you can add, cleaner and not have to flush and give it out because the machine does it for you. I don't follow those steps.

I kind of got my own way of doing it. So at this point right now, we're gon na go ahead and add a little bit of cleaner, we're following the manufacturer's instructions using the correct amount. Okay, so we're using Viper Nichols a pointer, very, very good product by a refrigeration technology. So, okay, so now we're just gon na let it circulate it's still in the water fill, but it's got cleaner running through it inside there.

So we're just gon na let it circulate the first time it dumps the water, the first rinse. That's when we're gon na go ahead and empty it out here the Machine. Apart, put all the parts in my cleaning bucket down. There fill it with ice machine cleaner and then we're gon na get a hot water hose and start rinsing everything down and trying to descale this thing now on a machine this dirty, it's gon na be hard to get all this scale off.

It's never gon na completely come off, because it's so you know neglected, but we'll do our best okay, so we are still in the wash cycle, so it's still just circulating through we're gon na. Let it keep going. What we're doing right now is just kind of getting stuff ready. We're gon na run a hot water hose in a minute.

I just one thing I want to point out: I've got my Rubbermaid tote right here to put all my chemical in, but also to you want to think about where you set the chemical, you don't want to put it on prep surfaces or where they have foods Or anything like, for instance, they have a counter right here. We don't have stack chemicals or tools on that cuz. That's the customers work surface. We want to stay out of their way and try to be careful, so I'm using one of their carts, so cool with it, keep my chemicals on that and then I have all my my tools and everything on my cart and we'll try to keep it out Of their way too, it's in the dish area right now because they're not, but once they start using the dish area, we'll move it into somewhere else, we're always thinking about the customer.

So at this point we are in the first rent cycle, so once it's drained out, I turned off the water for both of the water filters, we'll go ahead and turn the Machine off we're not gon na. Let it fill and rinse again because we're going to disassemble everything, so this one right here isn't there yet but it'll be there in a minute. So as soon as it drains all the water out, we'll shut it off and take it apart. So you know we're trying to think logically, the whole top of this thing, this bin top, was really nasty and sticky.
So, while we're waiting for these machines to drain out or wiping it down, so we can lean on that today and not be all nasty, and you know, as your got downtime, you know look at look at this stuff. You could be wiping this down. You know keep moving, make the most make your stuff most efficient. Basically, okay, just keep moving keep doing so I'm waiting for this last one to rinse as soon as I hear the water stop draining and then I'll turn it off and then we'll take it.

Are you still pumping there yet? Okay, so the steps we're gon na wait till we shut it off, so wait till it's done so. The first thing we're gon na do is just disconnect the parts the water pump comes out. First, this hose unhooks. Then the water level sensor comes out and then once we get that stuff out, we can pull the curtains or the dampers, and then we can pull the drain pan and then these and you know how pretty much be it and then we'll just start scrubbing.

Okay, so we're gon na go ahead and disconnect disconnect and then we're gon na push our hose back up in out of the way it should push it off kind of tricky, get your hand up in here. There's a clip on the back side, pull the back, clip water pump out and then just start disassembling the machine we'll pull the drain pan out. Everything else I okay so on the bottom of these guys is a little set screw that set screw off again, not losing anything all my screws are going in one pan, not getting lost okay once we pull that set this guy pops off this way, and I Can't tip over so that's why we use that pan water level sensor we're going to pop it straight out, set these in this pan and you don't want to overfill them, okay, because they can mess up the components. In fact, this one have a little bit too much in it typically because these things that really start to become a problem, so you only want it to get to the tips of the sensors, because all you want it to do so and we'll stack those like That all these parts can just go on my bucket over here good I'm gon na push up on the machine next thing: you're gon na pull is splash, then we're gon na pull spray cups and spray rolls are coming out now, which is kind of tight hard To film but thumbscrews pop them out, i sticked our water low for ice thickness.

Microphone will come out then we'll rinse, with the hose you can see under here. It's nice and clean nice and clean we'll see if I can't find a poop stick for you guys again with this uh this big hose up in there I got my big brush and we'll make a nice poopy one again until they're dishwasher gets you we're gon Na leave these drain pans sitting up in here, just soaking with cleaner. So that way we can clean. I was real good try to overfill them, so that was enough areas that never gets cleaned on these things.
So I've got my brush soaked and cleaner and we're gon na go ahead and see what we get out of this guy. This guy's been a pretty nasty, I'm sure and you got ta watch out when it comes down because it'll surprise in the face. Oh man, look at that baby. Look at that hell on right! Look at that dinnertime, let's rinse, and see if we can get another one okay, so we're gon na push this brush all the way up into this other side, see what we'll get out of this thing to give it a turn and then slowly pull it out When he gets towards the bottom, go slow, I'm gon na put my hand here.

Oh God, that's dinner, yummy! Look at that! Okay, so we've got a dump valve. I went ahead and unscrew the bracket. What's gon na do is twist to pull it apart. Coils out now, then you can go ahead and pull your plunger apart.

Don't forget how they go together and then watch out for your seal, and this boot should come out too. If you can get it out, you might have to use a screwdriver or something like that because it gets calcified a nice. The inside of that that's why these things get stuck. They get full of calcium, so we may be able to fix that.

We may not we're gon na clean it. That's if it's the rubbers deteriorating we'll have to replace it. These things get stuck for that reason, so we're gon na soak this whole part this little part and then we'll save the coil. Obviously, all right so, like I said when these things are this dirty, you can only do so much.

I'm not gon na spend any more time because that stuff's not coming off just so neglected, probably gon na end up changing this. I'm not gon na mess with this when they get this dirty and you try to soak them, they they just become a problem. You get used to it same thing up in there. That's like styrofoam, and you know I scrub it and it just grinds away up the styrofoam.

So there's only so much you can do here. So we're gon na go ahead and start assembling things slowly and we're gon na change. This water inlet valve is leaking by and we're probably gon na change water level. Probes too, so we'll see we'll get to it.

Oh, the last thing is we're gon na pop these off these things get really nasty behind here, so we'll get an and clean those. So we're using the band as a sink because now they're starting to use their kitchen, so we can basically scrub rinse everything goes down the drain, so utilize what you have okay. So we change the thickness probe change. The water level sensor cleans the dump valve cleaned everything else on this machine.

We changed the water inlet valve. Take this sensor, water level Club. I have a feeling we're gon na have to change some thermistors, but well it's that in a minute we're running an ice machine cleaner through it one more time. Now that we've got a Falco assembled and again, you can only do so.
Much can't get this stuff up so we're running the ice machine, cleaner thread and when that's done, we'll run sanitizer and then do a sanitizing on the whole thing in the band and then we'll start them up and diagnose from there. Okay. So I'm currently running sanitizer solution through it. Okay, but I've got hot water and sanitizer mixed in here and we're just gon na spray, all the surfaces that we touched just let it naturally drip down.

We mix it correctly. You don't need to worry about it. Watch out for the circuit board and stuff so just strain it in there braid it in here we put on ice two burgers in there, so we're just waiting for it to finish sanitizing now and then we'll watch about so looks like you got some decent ice Down there are the cubes, they look to be decent size, don't see, any problems with them looks to be even we took a lunch and then came back. There's a burger on the wall off to get that out.

Rinse it one more time, looks like we're still getting some coming down. Looking good. So far, the burgers are doing their job breaking it up, got iConnect stuff hooked up that way. I can see dual probes and we'll waiting for the next cycle, so we can start and I'm gon na log, the temps or the pressures and then compare him to the man talk.

Okay, so initially we had a service call on an ice machine, not working, and you know when I got there, the machine was had a couple things going on. One of the issues that they complained about was the water was overflowing into the machine. Well, that was because the water level probe was extremely dirty and the water inlet valve was sticking open. Okay, so I went ahead and did a temporary cleaning got the machine kind of operating and then I scheduled with him to come back and do a full cleaning.

Okay, the full cleanings for us. We don't joke around. They pretty much take a guy majority of the day. This time I had two people, so I was able to train another guy and he just basically shadowed me as I was cleaning one machine, I'm pretty thorough on these things.

Okay, I break them down a hundred percent. I used my soaking bucket. You know, as you saw I I kind of have my own method of cleaning. I pay attention to the instructions on how Manitowoc says to clean their machines, but then I also skip a few steps, because I go a lot more in-depth into the way that I'm cleaning okay.

So if you follow their instructions, they basically tell you to pour cleaner in there. Let it circulate through and move on. Well, I ripped these things apart and tear them down, because this customer does not do a regular, routine preventative maintenance on these machines, and therefore you saw you know the calcium buildup that I couldn't even get off of them, but anyways. So I go through them.

Nice and thorough soak the parts sanitize the parts I actually ran, I think so altogether. I think they had three soaks with ice machine cleaner, the first initial one. Then I pulled all the parts and soaked in an ice machine cleaner and then, when I was all done and I put it back together, I ran ice machine cleaner through another cycle. Then, when you're, all done with that, you got to make sure you use the proper sanitizer to sanitize any surfaces that you touched: sanitize the inside of the bin, all that good stuff.
And then, after that, I went through and made sure the machines were working properly and watched a couple cycles. Now I told the customer upfront before they approved the ice machine cleaning that, because of how dirty these were initially, there was no way I could diagnose them until after we did the cleaning. I already had approval, and I know what I can do with this customer. So I went ahead and replaced a few parts as I was cleaning and what you didn't see on camera was.

I also went ahead and replaced the thermistors in each machine that were bad because they had, I think the t4 thermistors were both reading one. Actually, I think one of them was a t3 and one of them was a t4 and they were both reading really high temperatures. When there wasn't so, I changed those two okay after we did all that and changed the inlet valve water level, probes and thickness sensors on both machines pretty much. Actually, I only put it in live valve on the left machine, but after we did that the machines were working great.

The pressures were right on the money where they should be. We also ran up onto the roof and check the condenser out to make sure that it wasn't dirty or anything, and everything was good to go. Okay, so sometimes it just takes a really good cleaning to get these things operating. Okay really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch my videos, that's pretty much.

It pay attention to some of the other channels that are popping up right now and I will catch you guys on the next one. I guess: okay.

49 thoughts on “Manitowoc ice machine not working”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacques Osnel says:

    Thanks for the video, so can I have your number please sir.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kensue305 says:

    The water doesnโ€™t come out of ours. Bought a house and the machine came with it. I have no idea what to do

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tummas Eivin Kruse says:

    HCL and NaOH will fix most of the stubbern stuff. Both end up as water and salt neutralized, H2O and NaCl.
    I get often "you like stuff that makes your hands fall off". The answer is YES.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alligator Monday says:

    This is why I order no ice at restaurants

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everyday Projects says:

    I knew there was a reason why I don't take ice in my drinks, and the gunk you found inside that ice machine is the reason. YEKKKKK!!
    Good clean out.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gavelboy01 says:

    I just got done with a Manitowoc Indigo non-working. The WLP tube was filled with water and had 38 errors in the log. Replaced the WLP. Working fantastic, but now the contactor is super loud. I can't remember if it was that loud before. Any recommendations? Service area Kanata??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheXev says:

    I remember when I used to work at 7-Eleven Corp stores, the ice machine would be cleaned every month like clock work. Now I see why. If they had some kinda water treatment to pull that calcium out before hand, that likely would have stopped this machine from getting as bad as it was (unless they did and that wasn't being maintained as well). I can't believe they were using that machine for customers.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chief T33 says:

    I may not ever get ice in a drink at a restaurant again. Those ice machines were filthy. YUK

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KARAORS says:

    ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ฏ nice repair Are you in Nepean ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gammerr82 says:

    I am all for cleaning too bad you canโ€™t kitchen staff how do normal cleaning so that as bad

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lenawee Trekker says:

    "That's dinner."๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    Far be it for me to criticize another's dietary choices๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Seriously, I showed a helper what what comes out of the water supply line, and he quit the next day.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roddy Da says:

    What size brush you using?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RUSSIA 4EVER says:

    I have model 10246 not making ice but water running good and no error on display . Sny help thanks Are you in Barrhaven ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Herber says:

    nice video, i just clean the condenser too, because when is dirty inside, outside is going to be too, and check the water filters too, it just how i clean my ice machines, just giving my humbly thoughts

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lohphat says:

    This is why government and health departments and inspectors exist. You can't trust the "free market" to enforce hygiene regulations. People must do the inspections. Regularly.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Pensyl says:

    That's not dirty, that is freaking nasty. Are you in Kanata ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Wishyouknew says:

    when there is debris laying under the sink in plain site you can just imagine what the rest will look like

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atom starfire productions says:

    Why donโ€™t they connect it to filtered water?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josem2468 says:

    Yum Yum

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Misha Grin says:

    And you think why Europeans ask for drink no ice.. its interesting how I find Mexican, Indian and couple other ethnic restaurants i find in way bigger numbers things like this neglected, its sad so many Don't care

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Torrance says:

    Surfaces that have calcifications — what about spraying them initially with a slightly diluted mixture of white vinegar? The acid in the vinegar should dissolve the calcifications, making the surfaces easier to was down with a plain water spray – perhaps with your proprietary cleaners.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Torrance says:

    How is it that the relevant licencing and health authorities have not closed the outfit down for lack of machine hygiene?????????? They deserve to be prosecuted for dangers to health. This is quite apart from the dangers to the machinery.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mouhelen Ng says:

    LCD display Off Mode all the time.I pressed all the buttons but never changed. Is this the reason why my machine not making ice, do I need to replace a new one? Thanks.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Mashione says:

    How long does a typical service take on something like that

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gollammeister says:

    Isn't the restraurant meant to clean them ice machines?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ball Business Consulting says:

    so much value, thank you so much

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatOneGuyWhyNot says:

    Absolutely disgusting… Id be like hell no on servicing thoose things, thats a health offense right there, i hope you informed a inspector of this, you cant fix and just walk away from that nasty thing. Id should be a criminal offense.. as ppl said before this is the stuff that makes me not want to eat at places..

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justyn Zachariou says:

    Would it help to install a water softener upstream of this thing?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Wilson says:

    Any restaurant that's too cheap to properly clean and maintain something as critical as an ice machine is probably not a restaurant I want to be eating at (who knows where else they are cutting corners) Are you in Ottawa ?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Jones says:

    Makes you think what's in our ice from restaurants…. damn I might start asking for no ice.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Citizen says:

    One would think they would have food safety laws with cleaning them.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:


  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lance Rudy says:

    Every ice machine need cleaning all the time!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Lewis says:

    It should be mandatory to deep clean these ice machines every month, and if the staff is not able to do it pay a tech like this guy to come do it. Surprised we dont have more people getting sick from dirty machines.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars watsis buttndo says:

    I am surprise some of these restaurants are allowing filming back there as its a bit off putting just how skanky some of them are. It would be interesting getting the repair techs to do some anonymous rating on general cleanliness of these establishments.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Powers says:

    I have a Manitowoc Indigo machine. It took me a good 2 hours to throughly clean the machine.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Capitol Refrigeration,Heating,and Cooling says:

    you kicked ass on those machines,nice work

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars boogerhead0 says:

    Outstanding presentation, great info. Thanks !!
    What part of the country has calcium water like that?
    I am going to look at a machine today, in northern Arkansas, and water is, in fact, heavy calcium.

    Also, is that a set of Borland (blue/yellow) books on your bookshelf ?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Domansky says:

    Something to think about when munching on the ice in your next sweet tea at the restaurant……

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeroen van G says:

    Your experience in every part of the heating and cooling is amazing, thx for sharing it's really useful

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    I hat doing this but it is a must Service area Ottawa??

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Management Bistro says:

    Where are you located?

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sovereign-WV Citizen says:

    Check out Nor-Cal "Dirty Ice Machines" posted 2 June. I think he is new winner. Service area Orleans??

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars winkhvac says:

    never drink water in a restaurants

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Whitlatch says:

    I chose not to get into the refrigeration and ice makers. Just because of restaurant conditions and filth. Not to mention they're Pennywise and a dollar short. Service area Nepean??

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eliteaps says:

    I'm not sure if you've mentioned this already, but have you ever tried using a steam cleaner on the ice machines?

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Hildebrand says:

    aay there made an hour from me

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan Patterson says:

    Ideally, how often should an ice maker (any brand, not just Manitowoc) be cleaned out, balancing practicality and other factors like mineral content in water supplies, etc… ?

  49. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Great job again like always AA+

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