This was a service call on a Kairak Blu unit that was not working properly. I found that the controls were all bypassed, the unit had a refrigerant leak and than some.
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Like the story of my life with these kyrat regions, look at this one complaint is that it's not tamping, but look at all the components are just. I don't know why I should need to be surprised. People just bypassing everything, Art's, just something wires, going everywhere. Good grief, Katniss and off the receiver King, so the complaint is that it's not working, then burgers not running start from the beginning.

Okay, so I pulled the unit out to check power. Unless, if you guys can hear this, you can hear it clicking that clicking was relays. Turning on there's some kind of a break and electrical wire someone, I don't know if it's here or it's probably been styling but we'll investigate and look at this plug first see if it's here. That's that's, that's it but a bad.

It's got a bad plug and it's not making good contact. So that's a problem, so that needs to be changed and receptacles jacked up to and temporarily I just plugged into the bottom of that receptacle looks like Mikey over, but also it's also warm. So we get condensers kind of so was a sound. You got pressure control back here, just sitting all the wires.

This timer isn't. My guess is that they're using the low-pressure control to control temperature brain wires, sound the union also needs casters. The drain pans man Newcastle. This is a tiny little guy.

You may consider replacing him. I don't know to see if it comes on the temperature. I don't know why. Every time I open these up, I'm surprised by how packed they are many wires are just.

This is what it should look like. I mean everything in the control panel, sensors being used. You know that's how they should look. All that is oil, so the king valve is leaking us such a service, costly, which is very common on these.

So it's gon na happen. We also that's to get the gauges on, but I got them on now about a 65 degree. Ambient temperature 66 there's no sight glass on this unit, so we're just going to use a rule of thumb about 25 to 30 degrees above ambient on that liquid saturation temperature, so 66, 70, 686, 96, so we're low or suction pressure looks low. Also in the box, temp is high, so we're gon na add some refrigerant.

We've got some right here, which is basically Indiana liquid saturation temperature up higher about 30 degrees above ambient. We know it has a leak, something I got ta fit. So I'm just going to put gas in it to get it going a little bit higher than it needs to be, but it's fine because we're leaking so get them by we're. Gon na submit a quote: get this repaired ASA! I'm gon na watch the boxing down! Attempt, yes, we're getting started on fixing this thing.

We got the approval, so we're gon na gut it and then put it all back together correctly, we're going to start by pumping down the liquid line. Receiver front seating, the valve changing the dryer fixing the suction valve leap. That's back in there we'll try to clean up the things up. Pam litter put the controls back in new sensors and go from there, but one thing at a time: pump down and fix the leaf in the dryer first decided that recovering the charge it's going to be just easier rather than trying to.
I cite pho to hear the whole just takes couple seconds. I don't even have to call fancy I'm just using crappy hoses how much gas in this thing at all, almost there okay, so recovered, slid out the condensing unit. Now you can unhook the glycol lines drain. It and pull this whole skid out, but I really don't want to have to deal with burping the glycol and all that stuff.

I could slide it out enough to be able to get in here, raise this fitting on and do this drier. So I could do everything right here. This is all that I'm gon na do I don't want to go through the hassle of that, so we're gon na change this valve pipe. It in here put a new dryer in a sight glass and then we'll worry about all the electrical and everything else.

We're going to focus on the league. First, okay come over here, or at least try to hold this camera and then push right here. You can see okay, so we're having a hard time, because we can't get this road a lock, nut free and it's kind of a problem so we're trying right now. I've got someone pushing down on the compressor and I'm using a big-ass pipe wrench and it's not budging.

We put some. You know Russ Buster on there trying to get it to break free. But at this point I'm if it wasn't in an awkward location, we could bolt down the skin and do it. But at this point I'm probably gon na call this before we create a bigger problem, because I could still get this unit running today and we could possibly just change this compressor.

That thing is just seized on there and you could see. I mean I've been. I went from every wrench. I can do my giant channels or medium chances that my small channels, I've done everything that I could putting a cheater bar isn't going to help because the problem is, is we can't get enough weight to hold the condensing unit down? While I'm pulling up so this guy, I think we're gon na call it and we're just gon na tell me we need to change the compressor, but we're gon na go ahead and continue on with changing the fan, motor and changing the controls and then we'll change.

The compressor after okay, so sometimes we run into these kind of problems, and the point I want to make is just because I already knew when I was coming in here to do. I didn't start butchering everything, because you never know the problems. You're gon na run into you do things systematically and you pick the most important thing. So my goal was to do the refrigerant league first right so now, since I can't get that wrote a lock nut free, I can still vacuum this unit down and charge it up and get it going temporarily.

So that way they have a refrigerator. This can go for a walk in cooler, walk and freeze, or anything so, just because you're going to do a big job, you want to do things systematically, just in case you run into these problems. So now, what we're gon na do is I'm just gon na go in here and start replacing the controls and get the unit operational, we're finishing on the fan, motor and we'll get it running and then we'll come back on another morning. I got here at 7:30.
7:45 this morning - and I don't want to be here - til three o'clock in the afternoon - because they're gon na have a really really busy lunch rush right now, they're gon na be slamming in here they got a whole cooks line of stuff and they'll, be jamming here. In just a few minutes, so you always want to think about the customers best interest and also doing your job as efficiently as possible. So if you take things slowly, then you can. You know in case you run into problems.

It makes it easier to figure it out, so I've got this almost finished, but you see how much cleaner that is now. I'm gon na we're gon na end up changing this compressor and I'm gon na fix the routing of this pressure control. I might even change it, I don't know we'll see, but I redid the court made extra for now. So that way, when later we can do some stuff, but you see how I ran everything weren't supposed to go everything to put back relays we're all in you know.

I mean this is so bad that the bracket that holds the digital display is missing too. So what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na go over to another one disassemble it and take that bracket over to my stainless steel shop and happen fabricate me a bracket now to just galvanized, I called PI rack and it was gon na be like six Weeks build time so for like a five dollar bracket. So I want to I'll just go to my stainless shop and they'll: have it done in a day but yeah? So you see how we're going we're putting it all back together, systematically and making it look. Nice and clean, unfortunately, this cover is gon na, be missing because I don't know what they did with that, but but we're almost there.

Okay! So now we're going to drill the hole in the glycol cap right here, okay, so that the sensors can run down. You know a pilot hole right in the middle. Try not to ruin their floor, sacrifice my healing pad - Oh no pun intended. So next thing we're going to do.

Is we got to figure out its cutting there's a half inch conker line right here, but that happens property we've got to go all the way to the bottom of that. So what we do is we go ahead and put this cap on we're gon na mark, where we want these things that way, once we get them down in there, so it needs to be the bottom of this tape needs to come to the top of this Stack bottom of this tape right here, so I'll put like a mark right there too, once we shove it in there that go ahead and feed this down, then remember it's going to come to about right there. So what we're going to do is we're going to go on the bottom side of this we're for the fat water team. So that way, someone can't get the sensor out of the hole so take one about right there, because I've had these, where someone will call me they'll pull the sensor right out of that.
So now we've got that right and that essentially right there, but you can't pull it and it was so okay. So now before we put the cap on is the tricky part. We've got to feed this in and that's why I use the zip ties. You got to get it right down into the middle, so you should go to you'll, feel it when it goes down on we're pushed all the way down into there.

So now it can sense the right wan na tape there. So that way you can't be accidentally pulled out and usually what I'll do to give myself room on the other side is well sit. Tie in here take these sets of wires and zip tie into something. So that way, it can't that's another way to make sure it doesn't pull we're getting.

Will silicon this whole no question here on the top. It's in that hole on this side. That's it okay, so our sensors are ran somewhat pop that covered our sensors. I ran the ran down into the glycol solution, you're going through there, we put a chance nipple.

So that way the cables don't rub out and that's pretty much it so. My unit is already down to temperature satisfied. We will come back and we will clean this up. Remember I said I don't have the holder for this right now, but this will eventually go right here when I get a holder man, so we're gon na Rob it off of another box pressure control will figure out a good place for that.

When I come back to and clean that up, but for now we're already down to temp and the box is satisfied, so we're just cleaning up on messes temporarily we're going to put the cover back on and then this is back down to 10th and then we'll Come back we'll change, this compressor put that cover on and be done with it, okay, so this is another box, and what I did was I came and robbed this bracket off I'll. Have this bracket custom-made I'll, have and copy this? This one temporarily will just dangle in here, for now I put the screws back in, so they don't get lost and then, when I finish this one over here, that's when I was working on it'll end up. Looking something like this, where the liquid line comes around cleaning it out the pressure control back in there. Can you see, since I didn't have the factory control, which again you know, there's certain things, I'm okay with using aftermarket on and that factory that controls one of them? It's a single loss forever.

The factory controls go bad all the time, but I put a whip on it. You see in the back of port. So that way you can pull it out to work on it. If you ever need it to to make your life easier.

So it'll end up. Looking like this, you know with this cabron we are back. We have our new bracket that we're gon na install and then we're gon na go and replace this compressor, because that roto is just jammed on there. So we're working on it right now.
We've got the gas recovered, we're gon na repipe this dryer. This thing had just about ran out of refrigerant teeth: it's a vehicle, ice ball and the expansion boat, but um yeah we're gon na get it going, and I'm gon na see. If I can clean up this low-pressure control also so the plan is, is that we're going to kind of redo some things so we're going to unswept from here? That's the liquid line, we're gon na unswept from here. That's gon na pop up we're gon na unswept from here.

That's going to drop the suction out we're going to unswept from here when we do that. We'll have nice, clean connections. So that's the plan. I moved everything out of the way so that we can do it we'll have to get this bracket out of the way, and then the news site, glass and liquid dryer we'll come around the front and then connect right into that.

That is the plan at least pretty much it and worry about moving things confessor out. Okay, it's a lot of work, but we got everything prepped and ready, so we're going to start grazing here in a minute we're just going to get the nitrogen just like that. You know I don't like this being so close, because it makes it difficult to change the dryer without ruining the sight glass, but you can only do so much these systems typically don't come with a sight glass from the factory they never have. So we add them.

It does take like an extra two ounces, a charge or something but yeah, so we're good, so we're gon na get a nitrogen purge on this thing and then braise everything on and what I did too was I added service port on the liquid line service port On the suction line, so now we don't have to pull it out to get to the valves, because if any of you guys have ever worked on these, it's a pain in the butt to pull these units out to get to those valves and I'll be able To seal them up to be done - and I forgot to mention that I pulled the suction port rotor, lock valve out and braised it outside of the box. That way, I could get it lined up perfectly so that rotor, lock just needs to be tightened. We've already got the o-ring in there, so that's done so we're gon na do this joint right here we're going to this joint right here. These joints, these joints, these joints, these joints, these joints and the joint on the receiver and then we'll pull a vacuum and do the electrical and we'll try to clean up the sensing ball.

Hopefully, without breaking it and the same thing with the pressure control so get it clean, we've got the nitrogen flowing. Try to do this Domino's and everything okay before I then down I'm gon na fool that joint and I'll click, something underneath the unit, and that way it doesn't fall like that, where the towel try not to let it catch on fire. The karate joint that sightglass and we don't want to overheat the sight glass plus we don't burn the dryer too much, I'm not going to green. I know people are gon na, say, Akamai didn't use a beat compound, actually more than enough solder.
Alvin isn't old enough and always be perfect notice. Normally, you don't put coffee put solder on the fitting before, but because this is a sensitive one, I put it on there and then suck it in check the site class sacrilege to take a piece of solder, weld round rod Harris fly rod. Now this one's not gon na be pretty, but it is what it is it's a bunch of solder from the old is that it we got that joint those joints, those joints inspect our wells, but our system is running. We're coming down at temperature, 56ยฐ ray got a clear sight, glass notice.

The way I did things and you'll see it better. Once we push everything in, but we've got our ports here, so we can access. While it's pushed in, we went ahead and wrapped the dryer with foam tape. So that way it doesn't let someone lean in here and push down on that line and bend it, because there is some room there.

We insulated the txb outlet as best as possible and the sensing bulb as best as possible and we're going to clean up some of this wiring for a not bad. I mean we're charging to a clear sight. Glass, but essentially, we've got a 30 degree TD on the evaporator, but it's also under a heavy load, because our box temp is 47 class. You know almost 32 days audience of change and then about a 30 degree, TV or a temperature rise on a condenser.

But again, those are just rules of thumb. Numbers we're what's going on a clear sight. Glass is what we're watching so we're dropping in 10 steadily we're gon na, monitor everything and we'll get it cleaned up, even more so all right, so we are all put back together, clear-site glass. So now you see that foam keeps the line from going down.

I put some foam just to protect it from this guy. Rubbing on there, we zip tied up everything that way it's out of the way nice and good everything's in there. Nice and neat we've got a little whip on that pressure, control on nature. I curled up the lines to where they're not rubbing the capillary other things, looking good, clear-site, glass and work.

The thing I think comes down to 34, so this thing is just like a Charlson. That's 0: a 1, it's the same patrol as a Charleston, so our set point is 30 all the other stuff. The sensors there's a CB EO & ll ll is not the liquid line sensor anymore, because I've said that before they reuse it ll is my hair. 10, BL and CB are the glycol temps they're a couple degrees apart, but it's okay, so yeah and that's it.

We don't really mess up any of the other settings so we're back in business gon na. Let this guy come down to temp and we're gon na wrap this one up. It is a hundred percent done so all right. These jobs, they don't always go as planned.
I had all intentions of fixing that leak on that suction service valve and you know stuff happens. I couldn't get the rotor lock, free and, like I had mentioned you know in a perfect world, I could have bolted down that condensing unit and I guarantee I would have gotten that rotor lock free, but there was nowhere to bolt it down to be able to Still get in there to access that, so you just got to kind of look at. You know what the cost of the compressor is. You know how much labor it's gon na take and you got to evaluate things.

Ok, so it was easier on that system to go ahead and just replace that compressor with the cost and everything so customer totally understood. I have a good relationship with my customers and this one in particular, and I just told them like look. This is what we got to do. It's gon na be the best bet and they're like ok do it.

You know you know and beginning the video I showed like how hacked up that box was. I I think I showed that in another video before, because I've been waiting for this one to go down the customer. We knew when I took over this restaurant. I've been basically rebuilding each one of these one at a time, and we've just been waiting until they became a problem.

So this one, you know, we've known it was coming and then, when it finally had a leak, it was time for me to get in there and replace everything, and I cleaned it all up. You know tucked everything back in there, nice and neat, and you know it all turned out really well, so you know just I just want to stress that you know you need to systematically do things and if you, if you approach things with a systematic approach and Look at the big picture right, like I always say you know you can catch these problems so had I gone in there and started chopping up that suction line and different things before I tried to undo that rotor lock, you know that could have been a problem Right then, I would have had an issue with it and I was able to luckily get the system back up and operating that way. I wasn't working in the middle of their cooks line in the middle of a lunch rush, so you know other people have different ways of doing things, and you know it is what it is to each their own. You know I just have my crazy method that I do things and I find it to be very, very successful.

So I really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these videos. Leave me some feedback or when you do leave me feedback. That's awesome! If you guys have questions feel free to leave common, so you guys can send me an email to HVAC our videos at, and you know until next time. I guess.

Okay, we'll see you guys.

44 thoughts on “Kairak blu unit”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Price says:

    Hell of a nice neat job. When I work like that guys tell me I give a dam to much.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason011975 says:

    I totally understand the refrigeration system but what's up with the glycol?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Sweeney says:

    You must have second thoughts eating at ANY restaurant given how gross and so Ill cared for so much of the equipment is.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wades623 says:

    pointing the flame right at the hose was super sketchy. i would suggest you try keeping the hose behind you instead of a loop right next to you. those hoses can get dried out and start to crack and if it lights up you might have a big mess to deal with. also get some one way check valves for it. Service area Barrhaven??

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Dees says:

    I keep my Viper wet rag on my torch rig because I am also lazy and don't want to go get it!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glitter Fart says:

    "youll feel it when it goes down the hole"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zack E says:

    Out of curiosity, would it be bad to try to use the torch on that rotolock nut to try to help break it loose?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eva Paz says:

    "How hacked the unit was. " Hacked is no the word, hammered.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James T says:

    You rock you are so proper with every unit and understand fully what you are doing the rite way no short cuts I love your work ethic I'm alot like that Are you in Orleans ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Second time watching 9/10/2020

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Delgado says:

    You turned that mess into a really clean and neat area! You deserve a raise haha!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom O says:

    You do nice work

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wiresgalore says:

    I was genuinely surprised when you took that service panel off the front of the unit, that this unit functioned at all before you got to it! Looked like a parts unit that had been stripped to make others work, with a few wire nuts added in for flavor haha!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Penfold8 says:

    I see you subscribe to "Bigger the gob better the job".

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dynorat12 once says:

    if you have a end wrench or adjustable wrench put it on the nut and smack it with a hammer

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tmackinator says:

    That receptacle is a complete fire hazard. I have been an engineer for 40 yrs at the company that makes the angle plug. Replacing the plug and receptacle should have been the first steps.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Andreassen says:

    I love the way you work. Any apprentice should watch the way you work. You do what you do in the best way possible. Real world is really different than school, don't stop really love the trouble shooting. Surprising it helps in other places (couldn't find the right word). Really love your channel wish I could help more but funds are limited. Budgets suck.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pedro jardim says:

    hi —-great job—–very ned work –thank u so much for sharing this grate videos with a rest of the world —

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars riga mortis says:

    Nice work.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rusty Coad says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electroimpex says:

    Good Job, guys ๐Ÿ’ช

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drake Tamer says:

    Firstly, that electrical was disgusting. Why is there salad jammed into the socket. Secondly…., 6 weeks to make a bracket?! Service area Kanata??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Sherman says:

    It's like major surgery! This fellow now has a new heart, kidneys, a built-in IV line, … neat, tidy, and accessible. Sweet!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Cottingham says:

    I'm always amazed at how dirty some of these kitchen appliances are that you are working on. Those are commercial kitchens and they're nasty!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Murawski says:

    Damn, you fixed that whole unit, not only did you fix all the jacked up work, and you added a sight glass to make it better, bravo sir

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JT H says:

    Lol talking about welding different kinds of solder together – when I started in hvacr silver was $50.00 an ounce… you never wasted ANY silver

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JT H says:

    Next time you run into a roto lock that is too tight get a long punch with a nice big end – I have also used very big dull chisel put the chisel on the unscrewing side and whack it smartly with a hammer.. the blow will shock the nut in the loosen direction – I have not run into one that I haven't been able to get off …

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Levering says:

    I like your vids, I have been doing HVAC for 18 year and would like to learn more about Ice machines. Can you recommend any self training sites to learn more about them looks to me lack of maintaining is most common.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Nice work very nice Service area Orleans??

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 404 Refrigeration & HVAC Services says:

    Good video Chris. I would have been tempted to recommend replacement, but if your customer is on board with you rebuilding the existing equipment then it looks like profitable work to me.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojoe Murphy says:

    Sporlan has a combo sight glass and filter drier, CSG-163S. Super convenient

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojoe Murphy says:

    Gotta get some Knipex pliers, they woulda got that roto lock off for ya Service area Nepean??

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars walt radcliffe says:

    Could you use a little bit of heat to loosen that fitting?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Versace Cooks says:

    On days like that i be saying hvac is not for everyone.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Versace Cooks says:

    What a nightmare of a day.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:

    Ugh, once again, killing a fly with a hammer. Oxy on 3/8" copper ???

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drew says:

    Man we had a roof top unit that some one was working on and man they had that thing messed up. We are trying to just get it replaced because who ever has been working on it has it barely put together. Screws and everything missing. Everything just a mess on this one. The panels are being held by one screw. Kinda crazy.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Banicki says:

    Never mind the janky reach in…that place is nasty! Serving food like that. Smh… Are you in Ottawa ?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Southwest Mechanical Inc says:

    Where you buy the sensors,for this units? Are you in Barrhaven ?

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Southwest Mechanical Inc says:

    How you record your videos?

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moose HVAC says:

    When in doubt jump it out!

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Richards says:

    Nice job dude.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Gamez says:

    Thanks for the great videos. They do sharpen my mind, specially when it comes down to old equipement you make it seemed easy, but im sure you worked hard to get where youre at. Videos like this can help me to be at your pro level one day.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armen Moskovian says:

    How do you have most of these compressor and main components in stock most of the time?

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