This was another iced up walk in cooler, I got the unit defrosted for the customer and on a follow up visit added a new defrost clock to get them by until we can repair the broken door and replace the equipment.

Got a service call today on a walking cooler: that's not working! It's all frozen up! It's an old heat craft diaper to quell from 95 get this thing across that already turned off the condenser. So it's already defrosting right now, but I'm going to get the hose defrosted, really quick. So we need to pay attention to the fact that only one side is iced up of a ceiling mounted coil that sites not ice tough at all. So that thing does matter we're gon na get a defrost it and then will troubleshoot from that point.

When you defrost these types of coils, you got to make sure that you put the screws back in the screw holes. I put water in there to show you guys, but so when you get the families out, I just have them hanging right now you put the screws back in and then you defrost it, because that is still your drain pan just one of the bad things about These coils, I tried to do my best to plug up the holes, but there's so many holes because it's closed so old, you can't plug them all up. I went ahead and politely. Let the customer know it's gon na make a mess and they're cool with it.

If this was a walk-in, freezer we'd be in trouble. This is a walk-in cooler and it has a tile floor if it was a freezer, you wouldn't want water, you get on the floor, cuz, it could freeze and then lift up the floors, but it's a cooler. So we're cool with it always want to make sure you get up into the expansion valve section too. There's a lot of ice up in there and if you don't get it it'll make the other ice come back, but again a little.

Concerning that there's not ice on the other evaporator, it could just be because the door see their door doesn't shut. It's busted so we'll see we're getting there slowly, but surely put that liquid light. It's kinked, not horrible, but it's not great. I think that's been like that forever, though cuz that's an original valve things older than dirt.

Well, we're just about done getting the defrost, it's put it all back together and turn it on and check the superheat and see what's going on. This is an old coil. So there's no superheat port down here slowly and the sensing bulbs, not in the greatest place in the world, all right, so I got a multi frosted, I'm going to turn this back on. I don't have my service gauges yet, but we're gon na turn it on and running, and then we'll check everything out.

Other things working gauges in steady state, glass lips to be clear. We will see we'll check everything see. We marked this receiver without a weakness and change. It's not what we'll double-check to make sure it's still where it's supposed to be.

Okay, I didn't get any footage of it, but I put my service scoots on the unit. Everything looked fine cyclases, clear. The evaporator is feeding evenly. I wasn't able to get a super heat reading on it right now, but I'm not even gon na waste.

My time on it because listen to the sound of this compressor but what's frustrating me, is that the customer, the doors messed up and they can't keep that door shut like they're in and out in and out. So I can't even see the box stem come down. So they're not getting any more of my time today, it's Sunday afternoon at like 4 o'clock, so I'm out of here we'll come back and do a follow-up during the week, they're gon na have to replace this equipment, because this is our 22 system with that evaporator They're not going to put any money into it so, but I'm yeah well more than likely come back and do a follow-up. I ended up adding about 15 minutes to the defrost, which is excessive on a walk-in cooler.
I normally don't want to run any more than 20 minutes, but because of that door, I set it for 35 minutes. You know this is just a temporary thing until they can get that door repaired or replaced and then get this walking equipment request. So we're just not gon na waste any more time today. Okay, I'm following up today came back out here.

You got verticals, not iced up it's starting to get a little frosty. What I'm gon na do today is I'm going to put a new defrost clock on here, a different one. I'm gon na put a grassland on here temporarily until we can get a new equipment. Basically, the customers gon na order it, and so so yeah we're going to put that defrost clock on and then I'm suspecting this box out for replacement.

So I need to measure the height width and depth of the box, basically the length the height and the width and then I'll do a proper load calculation, but yeah we'll do a proper load calculation and then we'll go from there. I'm also gon na measure out for a replacement door and they use bolts on doors here. So I have a special order form that I have to fill out. Basically, the width, the depth, how big the jamb is, where the electrical is all that good stuff on the door.

So, okay, so we added a new defrost clock. We put an excessive amount of defrost in this system and if you notice in the middle of the night, would you like an hour and a half long defrost. But essentially we did defrost every three hours, pretty much for 15 minutes and then an hour and a half in the middle of the night. This is excessive, but this is going to help us get mine.

Another thing I want to point out is the shape of this contactor. I know it's hard for you guys to tell, but I can tell you that this is an original factory contactor and the serial number on this unit says 1991, I'm kind of curious. If that's accurate, I think of the evaporator might have said 93, but um. This is factory.

You can't make them like this anymore. You know just not off-the-shelf contactors from our suppliers. They sell junk contactors this thing's rebuildable, you know and there's no voltage drop. It's starting to have a little slight discoloration and the points, but there's no voltage drop across it right now.

This shows you that way. We used to make high quality stuff, so there's no way that the heat craft unit that I'm going to replace this with it's gon na last. As long as this one did it's not possible, but anyways everything else is checking out. Okay, at the moment, we're gon na put this unit back together and then fill out all the paperwork for an equipment replacement for this customer.
This was obviously a service call on a walking cooler that was not temp incorrectly. What I found was that the unit was iced up, went ahead and defrosted it like you, guys, saw okay, paying attention to the customer, paying attention to the mess that I was making. I made sure that they were aware that there was gon na be a mess and they were okay with it. I offered to go ahead and clean up the mess for them, even though it was Sunday and I wanted to go home.

I still was polite and just said: hey. I have no problem cleaning up this mess. Is that something you want me to do, but I give them the option and they chose to let their cooks clean it up just because obviously their cooks cost a lot less money than I so anyways. But you know we're always even when we're frustrated and out there on a Sunday night, we're still trying to be courteous to the customer.

Okay, you know it is what it is, because you know it's those things that make them want to keep calling me. Basically, okay, so anyways went ahead and brought to the customers attention the facilities department, told them the diagnosis with the unit. Let him know that the equipment needed to be replaced. We have a compressor going bad, the evaporators in really bad shape.

The drain pan obviously needs to be changed on the evaporator, because the screw holes are all stripped out for the fan guards. What else we put a new time clock on the unit, just kind of went through the regular stuff? Okay, this really wasn't a hard one. Just you know it's kind of frustrating that I had to go out on a Sunday night, but other than that. That was pretty much it.

42 thoughts on “Iced up walk in cooler”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina McClure says:

    Offering to clean up the mess of water on a Sunday evening is amazing guy, I'll bet 95% of people would not do that. Now if you're the boss and you are making the 150- 200 or more dollars an hour( I have no idea what the charge is) then I could see that it wouldn't matter what time a day or week it is. It just shows your good work ethics. And yeah they don't make em like they used to. Thx for the video. Are you in Kanata ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Problems seem to happen to often with a walk in freezer just like owning a sky light walk ins freez up and it’s a leaker mr grinch

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad says:

    Wow they made stuff better in the 90's?Quality just keeps getting worse lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Delgado says:

    I can watch your videos all day long

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rolex Enforcer says:

    Now that's a proper timer !

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dads , Cavaliers says:

    If the unit was full, then you had a distributor restriction on the dry side of that coil and/or a poor feeding txv,sceen half plugged?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dads , Cavaliers says:

    Why did the cond mtr look like it was turning half speed??

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    more or less ROHS and lack of being able to use good materials…. so you get chinesium grade and quality.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:

    👍👍👍 Are you in Ottawa ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timmmoc says:

    Awesome video👌

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Waechter says:

    Dude, unreal detail in your videos. I watch each one multple times… usually wake up with HVACR VIDEOS blaring away on the tv, lol. For apprentices, like myself, these videos are invaluable. Thank you so much for taking time to record, edit and upload these

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE HVAC DUDE says:

    Exact coil I had the video the other day …haha..hell yeah..hate those

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Warren Sharp says:

    You got that right junk contactors Are you in Orleans ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank says:

    Yes sir…all the new stuff is junk !!!!!!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars More350Power says:

    I have two of those contactors….. one was about 30 years old when removed from service, still works…. It amazes me when I see some of the old compressor rooms with old equipment still running. Always enjoy your videos, have a great weekend !

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigJoe941 says:

    It’s the pre expansion, expansion valve lol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheColinputer says:

    Ahh i miss old contactors. Back when they were made with real metal and oversized contacts. You could pull far in excess of their rated load before any issues. Now they are made so cheaply with thin contacts and rubbish metal.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dallas Fan says:

    Going R448A I hope. : )

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Waxsoda61774308 says:

    love da vid

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave says:

    What city is your business located? I watch your videos and appreciate the quality work that you do. We have restaurants all over the country and would love to have you out if we have any near you for service.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blake says:

    #158 Thumbs Up! Love your videos!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Jackson says:

    Don’t make em like they used too.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Great job

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Space MC says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Embree Smith says:

    love Institutional Customers $$$$$$

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Figueroa says:

    Can I ask ask you something? Ok first off one half of evaporator was frozen… ok but then again that txv looked to be restricted if I’m not mistaken. And compressor as you mentioned might not be in good shape. But, yet you put a new defrost clock on it,. And yet you said it could be cause customer was opening door to much, now what I would like to know is why the condenser and evaporator have to be replaced when it could possibly be a leak, or just bad compressor, or instruct customers to not try not to keep opening door which lets moisture in n could clog evaporator? If you would not mind if you can describe the details and why, and how it lead to you thinking it need a whole new unit??? Unless there was a leak in the low side somewhere, or compressor is getting bad, I just want to know, if you didn’t take proper superheat, is that what made you say, this unit is in bad condition we have to replace it. If you don’t mine can you elaborate on that good intelligent sir. Im in no way smart or as experience as you that’s why I want to have a clear explanation in case it happens to me, cause I’m a newbie on this trade would really appreciate it if you can share your knowledge. Thank you for making these videos you are very gifted no doubt. Like your videos really do, you know so much I want to be like you someday sorry if I sound corney

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Foster says:

    Where did you get those gauges?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mad Sexy says:

    Why don't people just replace things when they brake ? I know it can be pricey but you be paying the same or more in the long run.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Grant says:

    Good repair

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jermyn chua says:

    Ur Number 1 sir Service area Kanata??

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    If it is a Freezer/Low Temp……..Then a heating element is present…… If its a medium temp/ Cool Room … No heater shoul be present……then that Drain looks iced up too me… Ive seen coils fully iced up but drain clear….. But i have also seen Dfully iced up coils with Drains fully iced up… If drains in a cool room is fully iced up with evap coils….. I know that drain blockage is present…….If coil is fully iced up only…… Then Humity is present….. Still do your checks regardless…. I always Knock on the drain pan to feel if it is hollow or solid…… That tels me the story.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    If it is a Freezer/Low Temp……..Then a heating element is present…… If its a medium temp/ Cool Room … No heater shoul be present……then that Drain looks iced up too me… Ive seen coils fully iced up but drain clear….. But i have also seen Dfully iced up coils with Drains fully iced up… If drains in a cool room is fully iced up with evap coils….. I know that drain blockage is present…….If coil is fully iced up only…… Then Humity is present….. Still do your checks regardless…. I always Knock on the drain pan to feel if it is hollow or solid…… That tels me the story.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    All im saying is if 20degrees farenhite is -6 degrees celcius through a working evap coil….. I know at these Evap temps if you have a blocked Drain it will freeze watter as it removes heat in that water…. so coil will ice up during the process pluss opening and closing of door will make it worse….. So your LOL regardless……Any temp fom 0 degrees C to 32 F is freezing point….. It removeds heat where heat is present….. Evaps are like vacuume cleaners….They vaccume what is present……But heat is mosst in evap coils. If a coil is fully iced up it is a multidude of problems…. But it can be obviouse….. Every Refrigerant has its own state of absorption…..R 22 is pretty good…. But im finding more in refined refrigerants…… Regardless. So i guess you can comment LOL! Only my opinion in my experience.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Glasgow says:


  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars What's happened here? says:

    Did that evaporator have 1 or 2 TXV's? The icing could be from the valve being open too far, or from a dud defrost element (unless the defrost is fan driven). And if the refrigeration system is all running smoothly it can often be where the warm humid air from the kitchen hits the coil first and condenses and freezes up. Air curtains can be really helpful with that

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prime time says:

    i'll take the Condensing unit off your hands ! lol Service area Barrhaven??

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    Door Gaskets….. Opening doors frequently….. Defrost Time/Timer adustment/ Dripp time is very imporatant. Remember Freezer is Hot gas or Electrical Heater……CHECK….CHECK….Double CHECK……….Likeeee they say Measure Twice…Cut Once

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    I find when there is a blocke Drain it can ice up coils….. so always check drains…… Any molicule of ice up will ice up coil.Go tthrou you system checks to determine probable causes becaus everything can count. Service area Ottawa??

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    R22 is a High pressure temp Gas….. Works very good but can be a problem

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elias says:

    WOW!… That is an iced up cooleeer…… Problem.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Generation X Nation says:

    Dude, I'm working on 2 condensers from dec 76 and rebuilding all wiring and electrical components….now that's old Are you in Nepean ?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Montalvo says:

    Good stuff. Recently ran into a very similar problem at a panera. Door won't close causing it to freeze up over time. Only they just have me come back every few weeks to defrost instead of rehanging the door

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