This is the HVACR Videos Q and A live-stream originally aired 3/11/19 @5:PM (west coast time) where I talk about my recent uploads and answer questions from emails and the Chat.
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Hello, how is everybody out? There hope you guys are all doing? Well, I'm doing pretty good, it's cool out here in California right now cold. I should say for us, but I know that's. I keep saying that every week every week I do this, I'm sorry. I know it's not cold for you guys in the Midwest and back east, but to us 52 degrees is freezing cold.

So that's what we're dealing with out here right now that got a few things right on I'm glad. I appreciate the guys in the chat that are letting me know they could hear my voice that helps me to not freak out thinking something's wrong with the stream or something like that. It seems like there's always something that goes wrong, and maybe this one will work out. Okay, that'll, be nice, so got a bunch of stuff to cover tonight and then I'll try to get some questions too and see what we can do.

The first thing I want to go ahead and talk about is the obvious, the spoilin BQ valve right behind me right. There released my giveaway video for it and just kind of want to cover some of the rules. There's bit. There was a little bit of confusion.

Couple questions and different things, and I want to cover some stuff so I'm using an app called King sumo, it's kind of a giveaway app and it kind of integrates things for me and helps me a little bit. Thank you very much to Bryan or over at HVAC school he's the one that turned me on to that app. So that's that's. You know why I'm using that, but it allows me to give you guys extra entries into the contest by doing certain things.

Okay - and I do realize that there's one function on there that isn't working properly and it's the watch, this video function, for whatever reason, I've gotten quite a few people telling me that you know for that feature when they click on the link either it doesn't let Them watch the video or, if it does let them watch it. It doesn't give them the bonus points. So I apologize for that one. I don't know that that part of the app must be broken or something, but as far as I can tell everything else is working properly.

So for those of you that don't know you know, I released a video today, I'd kind of been teasing it for a while about the spoilin BQ, TeV kit, okay, and I encourage you guys to go watch that video. It was my newest video that I released this morning at the end of the video. It tells you to look in the show, know for the video and, if you look in the show notes right, I don't know three four lines down: there's a link to enter the contest. Okay, you can also, if you happen to be watching this live.

You can also look inside the chat right now and every once in a while. The nightbot is going to continuously put the link in here to enter the contest and then also, if you aren't watching this live or even, if you want to do it this way. If you look in the show notes of this video, this live stream right now. It will tell you write the very first line.

It has the link on how to enter the video okay, and I do want to cover something really quick, because I know a lot of people have a hard time with how to navigate YouTube. Some people don't understand how it works. So what I'm going to show you guys here is where to go to see the so hang on. Just a second, and let me look something up here and I will show you guys how to see certain things within YouTube.
So that way, you guys can see it. If you don't already know how to do that, so I'm just pulling something up on my screen right now and then I will bring this up for the people that don't know how it works. So basically, I will screen share real, quick display capture. Let me transition it over.

Let me make sure there's nothing yeah, there's nothing on there. That's problematic for sometimes there's personal information on there. Okay, so we're watching myself type right now, because I happen to be watching my own live video. That's the one that I pulled up, but if you guys look right down here, okay, right below the title right here, it says right here: okay, right down there, it says spore, Len, bqt, Eevee, kick giveaway click; the link below click that sometimes on these videos.

It doesn't allow you to see that there's like a little triangle right here in the right-hand corner. You have to click on that and then it brings a drop down. You can also see this on your android device too. You guys can see that kind of stuff.

So I encourage you guys to to do that, because you will get extra entries into the contest, I'm sorry but anyways. That's the easiest way to do it, and I suggest you do that. The other thing I want to bring up too is that you guys should really really pay attention to how you can get extra entries into the contest. Okay, the the contest has like the biggest goal of this contest.

Okay is obviously I really really wanted to give away. One of these kits I reached out to spoilin and they agreed to take a gamble and try this out, because you know I told them that potentially I could get them more traffic. You know because people don't really know about this kid it's been around since the Ice Age, but a lot of people just don't understand how it works and didn't even know that it still existed. But I'm just trying to raise awareness for this kit and that's obviously gon na benefits, Portland, okay, but then I think it's also gon na benefit.

All you guys, because then you get to realize that this kit can be out there and you can have it in your trucks and it can save you guys headaches. The biggest thing here is is that we need to show spoilin our appreciation for this. So if I could really really get you guys to make sure that you are subscribed to their YouTube channel, that's a big big plus okay. That will help us to potentially do more stuff like this okay.

But if you guys do it through the link, okay, then you get the points for subscribing to their channel. Also, if you guys share it on Facebook, the way that it works through the app okay or through the link, if you share it on Facebook and someone else clicks on that link, then you get more entries. I think you get three entries for four for someone clicking on your link and signing up for the thing too, so you have the ability, so if you guys share it in groups or different things like that, potentially you have the potential to to get quite a Few people, you know, and quite a few extra bonus points. Okay for yourself, and you know, entry points or whatever.
Alright one last critical thing about the giveaway. Is you guys have to confirm your email? Okay, I have a landing page and I can see how many people have entered the contest today. It was like right around 200 people or something like that today, and it shows it tells me who hasn't confirmed their emails. So after you enter the contest, it's gon na send you guys an email to the email address.

You provide them. Okay, and you need to check for that email. It may not show up in your inbox and you need to check in your spam box, because your your entry, I don't think, is official until you confirm your email address, so you guys want to make sure you go ahead and do that and make sure you Confirm it that way, you guys get your official entry, because when it comes time on April first to do the drawing, I think it might disqualify you guys if you haven't confirmed your email entry. Okay, so really really appreciate you guys.

You know I just wants to thank you so much guys for subscribing to my channel and continuing to pay attention to what I put out. Okay, I'm very humbled by this kind of stuff, because I've said it so many times, but I'm just a normal service technician. Okay, there's plenty other guys out there that are better than I I've just picked up a camera. Okay, I encourage you other guys that haven't picked up a camera, yet to do so.

Okay, the more that we share our knowledge with the new people coming into the trade, the better it's gon na, be for us. There's an old wives tale that you know you need to keep your knowledge to yourself because it benefits you more and that it's gon na hurt you if you share your knowledge. Well, that's! Okay! Sorry, but you need to share your knowledge, because it's only gon na help. It's not gon na hurt you, okay, we are hurting for technicians.

Your job is not gon na get hurt by sharing the knowledge that you have. So I really really encourage anybody out there that does have knowledge to share it to you know, help someone, even if it's just a simple in a Facebook group, as is talking to someone in mentoring, someone in a Facebook group, you know when they ask questions, go Into the HVAC school Facebook page - and you know, help someone out there's all kinds of guys on there asking questions. Okay, I don't know if he's watching, but I do want to say I had like a really cool experience. I had a gentleman that contacted me from a military base overseas and he was asking for he wasn't really asking for help because he kind of already had an idea what was going on, but he just kind of wanted to reassure and get a second opinion on His diagnosis of something and it was really cool to be able to help someone like that.
Okay - and you know he was essentially again - he knew what he was doing, but he was, you know just looking for some help on the internet and he kind of struggled in finding it. And then he just so happened on my channel and you know reached out to me, but it's that kind of stuff. You know there's a guy, that's overseas. That is, is you know serving our country, and you know he needed some help and you know I happen to be able to.

I again. I really didn't help him much. I was just more or less an ear to listen to and I typed back and reassured his his diagnosis, but he already had everything figured out, but I just thought it was really cool and it's that kind of stuff that totally makes it worth it guys. I get guys sending me emails quite often from all over the place, new people.

You know it's it's just very, very humbling to to get this kind of stuff. So I want to say thank you to all you guys that are watching right now. I really appreciate this okay, and I want to continue to do these kind of giveaways, okay for the people that are just coming in right now, you didn't really miss much. I just talked about the video that I released today about the spore'ln giveaway, I'm giving away the spore'ln BQ TeV kit right behind me.

Okay, it's a fully loaded, TeV kit. If you haven't watched my video, please go! Do it it's the video released today. It's just a kit that you can keep in your truck and you can pretty much build any expansion valve okay, so the nightbot is going to be popping up stuff inside the the chat and pay attention to that. Because there's a link, if you guys want to enter if you haven't already and like I said, make sure you guys take advantage of all the opportunities you get to enter by.

You know sharing on Facebook and all that good stuff. And if, if you only do one thing, please please please subscribe to spoil ins YouTube channel. Okay, that's a big one, please! Okay! So now that I'm done ranting about the giveaway, okay and hey to everybody, that's said hi! I really haven't been able to come in here and say hi to everybody. I see people coming in here talking to me I'll, try to get back into here, guys and say hi here in a minute and see what you guys's questions are and stuff: okay, Ralph from Honeywell: hey, bud; how's it going man, okay, so just going to kind Of go over a few questions that I had this last week and I thought they were great topics for this livestream and I think it would work out really well and help everybody okay, so I had lots of questions about the direct fired, make a bear unit.
I think I released that video, maybe on Friday, and it was a follow-up video, because I had worked on a cap to bear unit ik mmm-hmm couple weeks ago, maybe a month ago, and it I don't know if you guys remember, but it was frozen because the Water valve stuck anyways blah blah blah. You guys can go see the video okay anyways, I kind of released a part two, because it was my repair video where I went in and changed the cell deck pads cleaned all the misting device misting or faces changed the water cylinder inside the unit and saw You guys, when the flame adjusted up and when it adjusted down, then I got a bunch of questions because people never understood the concept of a direct fired, make up air unit and they didn't realize that the products of combustion are going directly into the occupied space And I get a lot of people saying well: how is that safe, okay, first off the the amount of air moving through that unit, I'm not going to downplay the products of combustion because the products of combustion going down into the building. Yes, they aren't good, but you got to look at the amount of air passing by that. Okay, mixing with that and remember this unit is not a heater, it's just for tempering the air okay.

So it's not meant to bring the building air temperature down what it's meant to do, because we're forcing outside air into the building. It's meant to temper that just ever so slightly warm the air up. Okay, it's never gon na blow 90 degree air on the Kochs or anything like that. With that being said, there's so much air bypassing that flame, that you're really mixing more you're, bringing in more fresh air than you're putting products of combustion into that building.

Still that doesn't discount the danger there and that's why we have interlink devices this direct fired. Make up. Air unit cannot run unless the exhaust fans are running at the same time. Okay, and that also helps to make sure that we don't fill that building up with nasty stuff, that's going to make people sick, okay, so lots of questions on that.

Okay, the next one that I got was digital gauges. I get this one all the time, I'm just gon na address it right now, people asking me: what's my favorite digital gauges out there, okay, there's all kinds of brands, guys it's to each their own, whatever works for you, okay, I can't talk anything bad about the Testo products I've said this before, because I've never used the testo product. So not, I really don't have anything bad to say about him. The only thing I would say that I don't care for the testo stuff is is a lot of their stuff is made for another country and it's adapted for the United States.

So you can just tell the way that the app is kind of set up and everything with the smart probes that it's it's just kind of a little different, but again their products work great okay. I know they don't have the Bluetooth range at this moment that, like the field piece, products do okay, but I have heard little rumors here and there that they were gon na be upgrading their Bluetooth range. I don't know if that's true, okay, now for what I use, I happen to use the field piece, JobLink probes and I use them with either the field piece, app, and/or the measure, quick, app. Okay, I, like the measure, quick app and the really cool thing about the measure quick app is - is that you can use a combination of different smart devices.
So if I want to use the I manifold probes, I can use those along side of the field piece. Joblink probes and the testo probes, so I can have suction pressure transducer with the I mantle stuff. I can have a temperature clamp with the testo stuff I can have. You know I mean you can mix match and it would still all sync and work correctly with the measure quick, app, okay, so the measure quick app is really really awesome.

Currently, right now, the measure quick app is best, as I know, does not have a refrigeration version. I know that it's been said that they're working on that, so that's hopefully coming in the future. I'm a big field, piece van when it comes to the digital products. That field piece makes.

I've always just been really good to me, but I've also heard other people say that they don't like their products: okay, so again to each their own. I'm not knocking anybody because they don't like their products, it is, it is what it is guys. Okay. So I'm a big fan of the field piece s, man 480, and that is the unreleased new manifold and they also have the 380.

So the 380 is the three port manifold. The 480 is the four port Lana fold. Okay, they've got a lot of cool features and the the 480 and the 380 will communicate with the JobLink probes if you, but they are not going to come with the Jobling probes. Okay.

So if you, if, if you go and buy and sman 480, when it comes out, it's not going to come with wireless temperature clamps, it's just capable of working with the wireless temperature claims. Okay from field piece, it's gon na come with the standard wired thermocouples. Okay, just like they always have, but that that manifold, I'm not going to go on a tangent on that, but it's a really really cool manifold. I've been beta testing it for a long time for them and they put a lot of innovation into that.

Okay. So I like to field these products when it comes to the digital stuff. Let's see, let's go I'll, get to the chat. I see some questions there in a minute when I cover something that I was turned on to and wasn't completely aware of, and it was actually a Ralph's you're in here right now.

It was actually Ralph that brought it to my attention about the new rule that state of California got ta, love the state of California, guys, okay, we're always the pioneers on everything right. So I mentioned this in the last live stream. Last week we had those EPA laws that were going to come in and they was going to change everything and a lot of the refrigerants were being phased out and you know there's a lot more information. I'm not super smart with that, but we had an administration change.
A lot of things changed and a lot of the EPA stuff was put on hold. Well, the great state of California decided that they couldn't have any of that stuff put on hold, so they adopted and wrote their own rules. So there's all kinds of rules that I was not aware of that past January, 1st that I am now aware of and basically on new installations. We can't be using 404, eight ok, so that was an interesting smack in the head, because I really wasn't paying that much attention to that stuff, and you know just it just took some changes on my part.

I just had to change a few things and it wasn't a really really big deal, but for those of you guys that don't know on a new installation, my understanding and again, I'm not the the utmost expert. But my understanding is that on remote systems, you are not allowed to use r4 for a refrigerant as the replace or as the new refrigerant for it anymore. You have to use one of the alternative refrigerants. That's a lot less global warming potential, all that good stuff.

Okay, so the alternative that I used was our 448 a and I was actually very much impressed when I did use that I used it on an install that I will be releasing a video on and it's the head pressure was insanely low. It took me back to the r22 days, it's very, very similar as far as the pressures that it operates at reminded me. So much of our 22. I think I was running like it was a cold day and I think I was running 175 head pressure or something like that, which was kind of a trip to go from 404, where you're running the higher head pressures.

Basically to go down to this. This, you know are 448 a but yeah. There was nothing difficult about it guys. It was nothing to be afraid of it's just one of those things you got to do.

We don't need to get political in here and say: what's good, what's bad, all that good stuff it just. It is what it is and that's the law in the state of California. So we just got to follow those, and you know, unfortunately, for you guys that aren't in California New York, you guys are next, because that's just how it works. California's first in New York is second and then everybody else follows so sorry guys, even though the federal government put a hold on everything, the state governments are getting involved in it and it is what it is, and things are changing.

So, okay, that's one of the things I wanted to cover. I'm just kind of marking off my list, as I usually do on this want to go ahead and cover want to go ahead and cover. Another question that I had was on, and I've covered this one in depth a lot I actually did a podcast with Brian or about it on HVAC school and that is coil sensing temperature controllers. Okay got a couple questions about that in the last week and just basic stuff: okay, so I'm not going to go into total and depth on those.
But I've got videos if you guys want to go back into the archives and look up videos on those but coil sensing temperature controllers, essentially is a mechanical temperature. Controller doesn't have to be mechanical, can be digital too, and the sensing bulb is basically located in the evaporator coil, and the benefit of doing that is is that we have a built-in defrost, essentially so, whether it be digital or mechanical. If the cutting temperature of that temperature controller is 40 degrees and it's above than having the thermostat sensing bulb or the digital temperature controller sensing bulb mounted in the coil were a lot more likely to make sure there's no frost on that coil before we turn that System back on right, because if there was frost on the coil, the coil would potentially be below 32 degrees. So if we make sure that our setpoint is set above 32 degrees, then the sensing bulb being mounted on the coil kind of acts.

As a self defrosting feature okay, so the question that I had about coil sensing temperature controllers was someone was just you know asking me for reassurance in that when you do install a coil sensing temperature controller, you do have to let the unit cycle many times, often Times on the little regions that I work on sometimes five or six times before the unit will actually stabilize out and come down into the normal operating temperatures. So it's very common on a coil sensing temperature controller, especially a mechanical one, the first time that the unit shuts off and then turns back on its going to turn on at like 45 degrees and then the second time it's going to turn off it or turn Back on at 44 degrees and then you're, just gon na have to watch it cycle after cycle and then eventually, it'll, usually stabilize out on the delfield boxes that had the mechanical temperature controllers that I used to work on a lot when you set him at the Number three on the dial: it would range from 34 to 39 degrees, and that was perfect operation. The one of the problems, I wouldn't say problems, but one of the things you have to understand when you're working with coil sensing temperature controllers is that they are very susceptible to system problems. And what I mean by that is is if the expansion valve superheat is not 100 % perfect, then the temperature controller might shut the box off too soon or too late oftentimes.

We diagnose a coil sensing temperature controller as being bad when it's not necessarily the problem, it could be that we have a loose sensing bulb on the thermostatic expansion valve and it's causing the unit to run a cold, evaporator coil and therefore the box will shut off Too soon and won't come on in time, because the coil will still be nice and cold okay. So it's very important that you you, you pay attention to what you're working on and think about it before you just jump in there and diagnose porter control, or especially when their coil sensing. I also had a video that I did a while back to hey Ralph. Thank you so very much man.
I also had a video that I did a while back where I had. It was one of my other technicians had diagnosed a bad temperature controller, and I went out to go and replace it because it was gon na be a digital retrofit, and what I actually found was that it had a bad evaporator fan motor the evaporator fan motor Was spinning, but I could just tell it was a true box, and I could just tell it wasn't spinning fast enough. The unit had a coil sensing temperature controller and that basically got the coil so cold that it was shutting the box off thinking that it was cold enough inside the box when it wasn't, and it was all because the evaporator fan motor wasn't moving the air across The evaporator fast enough and it was making it run, a colder evaporator, so the temperature controller was doing its job, but we were just having you know. We were moving the air across the evaporator fast enough.

So that's that's an example of a problem. You might run into with a coil sensing temperature controller and it was very, I don't fault my technician for diagnosing it as a temperature controller. He just didn't understand. Okay, so you know we explained it to him and now he gets it and he knows okay.

So we can't - and I made lots of those mistakes too, especially when we, when we started doing a lot of delfield work and they were using the constant cutting controls. That was something you know I was like hey this temperature controller is bad, and then it was. We would go and change the temperature controller and then it still wouldn't work right and then okay and on the del fields. Back in the day, the biggest problem was they were never strapping, they're sensing bulbs on their expansion belts properly.

So the thing would run a really really cold, evaporator coil and it had insulation on it. So it looked like it was good, but if he grabbed the sensing bulb and moved it, and I've showed that in my videos - a bunch too so that caused a lot of problems with those okay. So I'm going to jump in here into the chat and see if, if I see anything in here, if you guys got questions, let's throw them down to the bottom, okay, for something larger context, you need to give the same fuses. R44.

Yes, Shawn, yeah! You you! You typically get with the are 448 a you typically get. You have to upsize the condensing unit. You know like basically one size bigger than a 404 unit and well. This is if you're using heat craft equipment.

Other manufacturers, you don't have to do it it. Someone was explaining it to me. It has. It has something to do with the glide and people not coming to a common consensus on how to measure superheat and that's a whole technical thing that I don't want to get into right now, but but so yeah.
If you're working with heat craft equipment, they want you to upsize the condensing unit and then you can actually almost downsize the evaporator coil, because, with 448 a you get more BTUs out of the evaporator coil, but total tech really appreciate it man. But again I am NOT an expert on that stuff guys, but Shawn you are on the right track. There yeah, you definitely do okay and let's go up into here. It's really not a big deal, working with the 448, a it's I mean it's just another refrigerant! No big deal guys so just make sure that you're, following all the proper refrigeration practices, and then you know it's charge it and call it a day.

You know I'm I, that system that I did the install on the reason why I haven't released the video yet is because I'm actually going to go back to Morrow. I did the install on Friday box was really high in temp, so I let it go through the weekend. It was. It came down to temp before I left, but I let it go through the weekend and I'm gon na go back tomorrow and do a superheat adjustment or just check the superheat on the evap coil.

So those dual coils so and then I'll sign off on that. One and hopefully finish up the video and get that edited and dropped out so yeah Damian. You yeah, definitely interesting there, but so okay, yeah California, has got some interesting things there bill see some guys yeah. The are 448 a is the blue jug, but don't remember colors, don't mean anything anymore guys because there's so many different refrigerants out there, because wasn't that mo 99 crap blue too so yeah be cautious about going by colors.

You got to go by the ashtray number on the refrigerant cylinders now and I think again, I'm not a super genius with this stuff, but I think we're going to like a common, color and gon na stop doing the multi colors. I thought that's. I thought that was a rule that was going to be coming out where we weren't gon na it was just gon na, be like all one color cylinder and then just stamped with the numbers which I know there's problems in that too. But I thought that was coming, so I'm just kind of going up into here and seeing what I missed inside here.

What kind of questions see what I'm missing here, Gary black, you said: what do I have is in every day carry every day carry. Obviously, I'm not in my work clothes right now, but I usually keep a thermometer in my pocket: pocket screwdriver and inspection mirror and then a pen. I don't carry a notepad anymore, because I keep notes on my phone. Obviously, keep my phone in my pocket and a flashlight pocket knife, nothing fancy! I don't carry an expensive pocket knife, just like a $ 50 pocket knife from Lowe's or whatever, and I replace it about once a year because I beat the crap out of it.
Um yeah, nothing, nothing else. I don't carry any fancy tools on me. I mean. Obviously I have my tool bag.

You guys have seen my tool bag videos nothing's really changed to my tool. Bag. I've had the same tools in it ever since forever, but you know one funny thing, though, is I carried two sets of keys on me, two keys from my van, because I constantly locked myself out of my van so instead of I used to climb under my Van to find a hide-a-key or I'd have to call someone to come open up, my van so now I carry a key in each pocket so that way, and it also helps too because I'm working with helpers quite often or other people, so I can always send Them down, if I need something out of my van, I can give them my set and then I always have another set in my pocket. So I'm gon na go down here guys.

If yeah there you go, Dallas fan 20 20. All cylinders will be gray, so yeah, that's coming too. So it's just another thing guys: it's not that big of a deal. You know we don't like change, but you know oh well it just it.

It makes the guys that that aren't afraid of change. One step ahead of the next guys: okay, so just embrace change and roll with the punches okay, and it is what it is. Okay, 4:48 TXV is going to use our 22 power head and as far as the orifice sizes and different things, I don't know what that off the top of my head, but I know it was in our 22 power head on there. So, okay, let's go into here yeah every day, carry Glock nope, not in California, but still haven't gotten my CCW license.

So for those that I'm sure you guys aren't living under a rock - and you know CCW is that concealed carry weapons. Permit! Okay, yeah! I used to have a hide-a-key under the frame, but I don't anymore so yeah multiple sets of keys man, always because I just locked myself in my van all the time. So you know hyper threat on ously. Don't work with a lot of Reznor units here in Southern California, I mean for the guys that do like Home Depot work.

They have to deal with the resinar units because I see those in all the Home Depot's, but I don't. I don't really deal with Reznor units because I'm doing restaurant work, so we really don't see those those types of heaters most of the stuff that I deal with this package units and whatnot. So I don't know if there's more people in this chat that can talk more about the Reznor units yeah, but I don't deal with them too much so, okay, interesting one Joseph. What do I love and dislike about my job? Okay, so my job is a little bit different than most okay, because I'm a business owner, I'm a technician.

I could tell you what I absolutely love about my job. I love fixing things. I love troubleshooting. I love making videos and helping other people.
I love that what I don't like is having to deal with drama. We really don't have it anymore, but we used to have a lot of employee drama. That was a pain in the butt, but again the crew. I got going right now.

We really don't have those problems, so it's much much nicer, but in the past yeah employee drama was just a pain in the butt almost made business ownership, not worth it. And you know, I mean customer drama, it's not fun, but I really really do like the intricate troubleshooting problems. I like the difficult ones, even though they piss you off and their head scratchers and they frustrate you when you do figure them out. You usually look back on them and be like oh yeah, that's what it was you know and it helps you to learn.

So I love troubleshooting. If I could just fix stuff everyday and not have to worry about the business side of things. I'd be a happy camper. What's the new flavor for retrofit for r22, I don't even know Danny, I mean ever he's got a retrofit for r22.

So I don't even know at this point: Ralph Holly, Holly Lee. You said: how long do you think till all regions and ice machines use our 290? Well, all regions are pretty much arching 90. At this point, right now, depending on sizes, pretty much every region that's being installed. This today is our 290 and as far as the ice machines go, the ice machines are on their way, but I was just in the Manitowoc training class and the Manitowoc ice machines.

Haven't they have some tiny European models? I guess that our our 290 right now, but they haven't, switched over to our 290 as of yet, but they will soon they're getting there. They've got a lot of 1480 machines right now, which is another one, that's being phased out, so it won't be long. I'm sure that the the current guidelines and stuff are already in place and they probably have probably till 2020 or something like that. You know I know I know.

2020 is a big year for a lot of changes. So that'll be interesting. You know so yeah roll with the punches again. The biggest thing that's holding people back with the our 290 changeover is the government restrictions on the charge limitations right now.

The charge limitation on a refrigerator is 150 grams, which is five ounces and some change. I think so you know that limits some of the refrigerator manufacturers from you know, building a box. That's big enough! One of the interesting things about our 290, though, is, is more efficient and they could do a lot more with a lot less refrigerant. So you know 150 grams, that 5 ounces can run a unit that let's say I'm not I'm pulling these numbers out of my head, but it'll run a unit that previously had you know 12 ounces in it or something like that of our 4.

For a you know whatever it is, I mean they, you know they. They tweak some things in the box and get some more efficiencies, I'm sure that they bump the insulation size up in the box and stuff like that, so Adam Smith. What about the giveaway hold on just a second? So the giveaway I mentioned in the beginning of this I'll talk about it again. The giveaway is gon na be the official end date and the announcement of the winner is gon na, be on April 1st, okay, it's gon na be in my livestream on April 1st.
So I think, that's about 20 days away or something like that for those of you that haven't already I showed in the beginning of this livestream. You need to go to the video that I released today. Ok on the spoilin BQ kit and in the show notes or the description of that video is a link. You need to click that link and follow the instructions.

What I highly suggest you do is sign in with your Facebook account and share it in a group, because every link that you share in a group, if someone clicks on that link and signs up you get not only do you get credit for sharing the link, But then you get credit for that person clicking on the link to okay, so I've seen some people that have gotten already. I don't think they've been doing the sharing and the groups on Facebook, but I think the the most entries I've seen someone get is 22 entries, and that's the biggest thing, though, that I asked of you guys if you could please, as is go to spore lens Within that link, make sure you click on spoil, ends, YouTube channel and subscribe, make sure you do it in the link, because then you get credit for you get extra points for signing up. Okay, and you obviously get extra credit points too for subscribing to spoil ends. Podcast and liking for sport lens facebook page for subscribing to my youtube channel and like in my facebook, page too.

So but yes, so the giveaway will be coming soon. Alright, let's go into here, yeah Manitowoc, Jeep Jones. You said man talk using 410 in the new ice machines, and the interesting thing is is that they release that 410 in their their budget model ice machine first i've yet to work on too many of those. That's the cool air ice machine have not come into my realm, so i'm still working on the Manitowoc indigo machines and, as of my point right in my time, right now, the machines that I'm working on with a quiet cube models.

So they are still four. Oh four, eight, but I don't know how that works with all the new restrictions right now so yeah, I don't know it's a whole thing yet Dave I. I could not begin to explain how an industrial gas train works. I am sorry guys that that is something that I do not know anything about hyper threader's.

Thank you so much man. I really appreciate it. Okay, so Trevor hold on wait. Let me get to this.

One you'd have to put it in check. I don't have a facebook anymore, sorry, bud. Sorry, Jeremy, hey Ted, how you doing man yeah a Dallas fan had said he was telling total tech that the 440 a day is more efficient than our 440 and it is and it's a trip to because the the pressures I was blown away. I mean I read that the pressures were close to r22, but when I was looking at my my gauges, I was like what you know, like kind of took me back to the late 90s, when I was kind of first starting out working with our 22.
It was like wow cuz, that's all we used in refrigeration. Again, I'm not. I remember working with some r12 stuff too, but that was when I was really really young. So the most of my time was starting in the late 90s and early 2000s and we still had a lot of r22 refrigeration equipment.

So still those numbers still pop in my head. When I see those saturation temperatures - and you know the pressure is based on that. So, okay um now let me get back to questions here. Okay, so Trevor you said: did I find ice machines very challenging at first yeah yeah? Definitely so the interesting thing about ice machines is there's so much going on there right.

You've got an intricate defrost system, whether it be the hot gas defrost system. Okay, the Hoshizaki is, in my opinion, are the easiest ones to work on when it comes to their defrost system, but the man it walks they're a little bit more complicated when you get into their their pressure regulating valves and different things in the defrost system. But they're really not horrible. Once you get used to them, you know they're, not that big of a deal but yeah ice machines in the beginning, sure cuz, because you know you can't I'm not gon na say that you can go up to any air conditioner out there and just fix it.

But a lot of the air conditioners they're fairly simple, to work on right and even the refrigeration systems. If you get into a basic reach and it's pretty simple to work on right and the sequence of operation is pretty simple on a refrigerator but on an ice machine, there's all kinds of stuff going on right. You got to know how long the water fill cycle is, and then, if there's something wrong with the water fill cycle, you got to know what Annie she hates all those different cycles. If you're working on a hoshizaki machine, you know the the water float has to see so much water in the sump before it'll put the machine into an ice making mode and all kinds of different variables in there and then with an ice machine, you got ta.

You got ta understand how the defrost system works and what initiates, defrost and dot it out. You know so yeah ice machines are definitely a challenge. The biggest thing is is just stare at him. Watch him operate even if you got to take a little bit of time, call your boss and say hey.

I need a little extra time. I'm not gon na bill you for it. I just want to stare at this ice machine. You just got ta watch them.

You got ta watch the sequence of operation. What I suggest you do, I don't have any in front of me but take a notepad. You know and write down the pressures and the temperatures and, what's going on in the cycle, every minute and and just start doing that or every two minutes and then just start doing that and analyze those pressures and compare them and and just just by writing them Down is gon na help you to remember what the refrigerant pressure should be. You know and take notes lots of YouTube videos explaining how different types of ice machines work, download the service manuals.
That's the biggest thing: there's their service manuals for everybody out there, so download the service manuals, and you know, and eventually it'll come to you and it'll start making sense. Okay, I am I'm still learning okay and then right in the middle of everything. When you think you got a machine down like I thought I had hoshizaki machines down, then they put a new circuit board in there and they do a positive harvest pump out in the middle of the you know. They basically turn the water pump on in the middle of the harvest cycle now, and it's like wait what's going on.

Why did the water pump turn on in the middle of the harvest cycle? You know things everything changes, okay, so you got to pay attention and pay attention to all the new stuff that comes out so, okay, let me go down here. How do you get trained to do HVAC system HVAC systems? You would like to learn how to work on them. Jeff. I would highly suggest you look up your local community college in your area a lot of times the community college have colleges, have low-cost, HVAC programs lower cost.

I should say - and you know, if you're just interested in learning a little bit - you can just take like one semester or something you can usually do night classes or whatnot. So I'd highly suggest, looking up a community college also, there's a really really good website out. There called HVAC are school.com, it's a ran by mr. Brian or, and he also does a podcast and also has YouTube videos where he instructs you.

So if you want to learn more about HVAC, I suggest you guys check out HVAC school. So, let's go up into here. I do have to acknowledge the nightbot just put up a thing saying, thank you to my patreon supporters. Thank you guys very much.

I really appreciate that what my fear first first name, last name, you said: do you mind telling me what my favorite lettuce breed would be? I don't know, I know that's kind of a troll question there, I'm assuming, but I guess iceberg, yeah or romaine. I mean whatever alright, let's go see what else I'm doing here, so you still have some r12 equipment in one bar yeah. I I still up until recently I had a hospital that had a bunch of our twelve equipment still on it. I've still got a drama r12, a drama 502 drama MP, 39, all sitting in my shop 408 a still got some of those.

That's why I'm very hesitant about buying all the the next flavor of our 22 replacements, because I'm sick again stuck with stuff. You know it cuz stuff changes and then I'm stuck with the drama of it. So I'm very cautious about buying every new refrigerant that comes out. Okay, mayhem, refrigeration! You you ask: if I'm doing an r44 a retrofit, am i keeping the same valve changing just the powerhead, getting a new valve so with the 448 a it's a totally new valve? It has a different power head.
It has an r22 power head on it and then the the valve cartridge was a little bit different too. So yeah, it's it's! It's not the four for a valve. Now, I'm not the best expert on that. I have heard of some people using some things, but I'm not going to comment too much more on that, because I don't want to lead anybody astray on how to do a system changeover.

Okay, so, but my understanding to do it properly, you need to change the expansion valve, but I am not again. I could be completely wrong on that one. So, okay, um HVAC school, Lord. Thank you so much man, Lord Phil fuss.

I really appreciate that. But okay, thank you! So so much yeah, HVAC, so well ray ray, says: HVAC school has a daily email sent out on different topics. You guys Brian or bust his butt. To do that HVAC school stuff.

He puts out a tech tip every day and if any of you guys are interested - and that's that's another really good point too any of you guys that are interested in doing these kind of videos right where I'm doing Brian gives you an opportunity to do it Without going full-fledged like I did right, so you can be a contributor contribute tour to HVAC school if you feel knowledgeable on a topic anywhere in the HVAC trade. Brian is looking for people to send him articles and different things and he'll proofread them and and clean them up I mean it doesn't have to be like a crazy, a plus essay that you wrote for your 12th grade English teacher. Okay, if you can just write an article and it has enough meat meat in it and - and it makes sense - Brian wants that stuff so reach out to Brian reach. Out to him on Facebook, go to the HVAC our school website.

I believe there's a contributor tab on how you can contribute and you can contact him he's also looking for videos if people just want to like try, try out making a video. You know you can basically get your video and he'll give you credit for it. So if you want to do that, if anybody that wants to help, I highly suggest you reach out to Brian he's, given everybody the opportunity - and you know for me, it was a little bit scary to put myself out on YouTube and the way that Brian's doing And helping people to do that, I really think that's a cool way to get started. Even if you want to like he'll, promote your channel too.

You know I mean if you, if you write a good article, you know he'll say written by Chris with HVAC our videos. I mean he's a really really cool dude. So if you guys have something that you, you feel a knowledgeable on yeah, the other thing you got to know, though too is is that it's got ta, be something that he hasn't already written an article on so go through the archives, but yeah he's he's. Looking for contributors to help them out, so all right, let's see what else I'm missing in here.
The link right there for the spoilin BQ kit is in there and remember, share it on Facebook, get extra entries guys so, okay, how or where this is Ralph. How, or where can I find out when Hoshi or manna talk, is having a class near your location? So you want to go to Manitowoc ice calm or Hoshizaki America, calm and they'll have a training tab on their website. Click on the training, tab, it'll show your local region and it'll. Tell you when they're having those training classes same thing goes for scotsman ice machines.

Ice-O-Matic ice machines followed ice machines. They all do training classes. If you can't find it on their website, then just call their their 800 numbers. Excuse me, the tech support number and just ask them ones.

You guys's training, classes and they'll, send you the links and different things. So my local area, we already had our we already had our delfield service training. We already had our Manitowoc ice machine training. I don't know if the Hoshi one is past gen.

I need to actually look that up because it might be here anytime. So I got ta look that one up, but uh yeah, I'm. I probably won't do anything any of the other ice machine trainings, because I'm not really working on too many full. Let's even anymore, even though I just did a full at ice machine today.

So but yeah right on yeah Taron, I don't know if I butchered your name bro but yeah cool thanks for helping out with Brian or with hvac school yeah. It Brian's a cool dude, so yeah and look at your like wonder whom he said. Look for your regional parts house for out here for Hoshizaki, it's Hoshizaki Western they're in Brea, California. You know, I just call them and they'll tell you when the training classes are too so you can definitely do that.

Ok, how do you do vacation time and personal days for your employees? So the state of California has a lot of different rules and we really don't have a lot of choice in the vacation time and vacation days essentially from day one the employees are awarded. So many days or whatever, to be honest with you, I would have to do some research on that because a lot of times with that stuff, it's in one ear and out the other we like set the proto. We have a secretary that does everything for us. So I honestly don't remember on the vacation days and stuff, but I mean and then once they hit like once they hit one year, then they get a certain amount of pay yeah in vacation time and different stuff like that, so okay Rob eg.

Couldn't you use one 34 in place of our twelve if you got most of the oil out, not the best solution, but on a system the old customer is buying the time? I would highly suggest that you use in a situation like that. I wouldn't suggest you do it that way if you were gon na use, if you still had in our 12 system and you had to get it going, I would use one of the drop-in refrigerants for our 12. I, when I say drop-in, you guys know what I mean you can't just put it on top of the r12. You have to remove the r12, but the one thirty-four a doesn't really work.
It's not copacetic with mineral oil. It's got to use polyester oil, so you need to do an oil change and or the easiest way is to do a compressor or condensing unit change, but I know there's a lot of new laws out there. So I don't know what the rules are with that stuff anymore, but in the past we would just use like a hot shot or something like that until the customer would let us change the condensing unit. I mean I can't see you changing the oil and an r12 compressor these days.

That just doesn't seem like it's cost-effective. So in that situation I would probably put a new condensing unit there and then you'd be pretty safe to just leave the evaporator in the TV and just use 134a refrigerant. So, okay, yeah again I don't do any r12 stuff guys. So when I say hot shot, that was what I used.

Actually I never even was a fan of hot shot. I was using our 409 a was what I was using back in the day and then our 408, a for the 502 replacements. Okay, um, let's see yeah. What am I missing here? No you're good Ralph.

It's all good bro, keep keep talking to your you're, not bugging everybody in here's yeah. I appreciate having a manufacturer's rep in here that can talk about different things, because I'm not the smartest guy, you guys you can Delta Ralph who's. Dallas fan he's a Honeywell refrigerants guy, so he can. He can probably answer some questions a little bit better than I but ya know you're good to go man no problem at all happy birthday.

I will law tomorrow happy early birthday, let's see r22, I don't know if I should buy four jugs or not superior that one's on you, but that's cheaper than I can buy it right now so good for you mmm really appreciate it. Darkstorm a total tech. I really appreciate that, thanks for the nice words, let's see just kind of reading through you guys's comments here you guys, if you guys, got questions, let's throw them into here, so we can get them done. I mean so.

I can get them answered for you guys. So a Kiwi HVAC. What's the best work boots for HVAC our dude? That's a that's a hard one man. You know everybody has their own preferences on that stuff.

I've always been a Timberland Pro from my work boots. My work boots just phased out. It's time to get some new ones, so I was thinking about some Red Wings, but I really like the fact that I get the seven months I get out of the Timberland Pro. So I don't know the Red Wings are a little bit expensive, but the Timberland pros, I think, I'm spending almost a hundred and fifty bucks already a hundred and sixty bucks.

8 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream 3/11/19”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacques D says:

    California is the stupidest state in the country!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Nasty HVAC says:

    What kind of twat dislikes a video like this? Do us all a favor and stop watching. Lol. Always appreciate your videos man! Keep up the good work.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    …the refrigerant replacement mess has begun in The States. Good look in your shop & trucks. Here in Europe has begun a years before & still wanna die dealing with it. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hon Kwok says:

    go to grainer web site found good deal for boot. just to price low to high. i got pair keen steel toe shoe for 35 bucks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GrifFungin says:

    Do you own you own business? Service area Orleans??

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nordvik Refrigeration says:

    I have had good results using Supco 88 to free up a sticky txv

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nordvik Refrigeration says:

    A engineer told me you should not use 448a 0n a 404a power head

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eliseo Valle says:


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