This was a service call on a Kairak reach in that wasn't working properly. The unint was a disaster that had a major leak in the pan chiller and the compressor was pumping air. I got it operational and had a specialist come in and disassemble the cold rail and make the repair.
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So today's call is a chi rach region. That's not working properly honestly subjugate experience, condenser fan motors, running compressors running, but it's hot suction line is leaf. Warm discharge line is red-hot pressured, consult bypass, high pressure at this point - we're an f1 foot service cajuns on it. Currently, trying to pull the condensing unit out because everything's in here this is just kind of lots of parts that don't belong pressure, controls, okay, but look at how he ran this.

That's that the gauge on that wire. That corn is not big enough to run the entire content in it, and the way this is running is the entire condensing units. Power is running through this pressure control. That's not acceptable! Here's the thing I understand putting these pressure controls in when it's really difficult, but here's the pressure - that's all right here, because this box opens up and you changing you just put the factory one back end I mean but oh well.

I mean I've done it before. Maybe I didn't know what they were doing or why they did it. Maybe they didn't have it but anyway, so I'm pulling this out to be able to access this compressor and put my gauges on it's just really tight. So I've got my gauges on it.

Now. Sucks, that's that compressor still running so the pressure controls bad for sure, and it's completely out of gas. Pretty much somebody go get some nitrogen, there's, probably just enough refrigerant left in there to be a vapor trace. You know I could have a low side leak in that 27 psi and the high side could just be air.

That's been sucked into the system, let's turn it off and see what happens. Looks like refrigerant okay. So this tells me that high side pressure is just air because it's dropped since I shut the system off and when I smelt the refrig, what you know what was in there, it doesn't smell like refrigerant, so that's it's got a big enough leak. More than likely on the low side that it's sucking in air and pressurizing, the system, which is not good for the compressor valves.

So what we're going to do is put a tracer of four or four and then top it with like 200 psi and nitrogen. And we're going to find this leak. I have a very strong feeling it's gon na be up in this coal grill, but we will find out a little bit more. You see this rail right here, it's Boston and it's just hanging and that's a the refrigerant lines.

Come in here loops and then comes back so got our refrigerant cylinder up we're going to go ahead and open it up. I already purged it pressurizing. The high side put a little bit of gas in there. That's bottom more than button shut it off and then we'll put nitrogen on top of it.

That is just a tracer gas. So that way, my electronic leak detector will pick up the leak, because, if I did it with just nitrogen, it would be hard. You would just have to so bubble it and if it's big enough leak, so bubbles will work. But and now we've got a nitrogen hooked up going on test.
First raise the high Stein open it up on the low side. So it's leaking right up in the pan chili. So I'm going to talk to the customer and see if they want me to do a temporary, they have a guy that will come in and fix this familiar when cutting help me cut the top of this and very well that we've done boy. Is this thing butchered look how they fit a flared valve in there? This stuff makes me laugh, okay, so what they will customer wants me to do.

Is I'm going to temporarily isolate the top from the picture, so we're just going to cut this guy, maybe like right here and right here and we're gon na pitch it off and weld them shut. So that way it doesn't leak anymore. Now that kind of stinks man not a great way to do this sucks. I try to make it easy for the guy, but he's probably going to need to change this valve, to get it going.

There's no room in there for me to really cut it anywhere else, really sucks, but okay, so we're gon na isolate the top. And then we can pull a vacuum and get the bottom section running okay. So here's what we got going on, there's a guy that used to work for this company Kyra at least that's the way. I've heard it and he knows where to cut these boxes.

So that's why I'm not doing this repair, so what I did temporarily was. I pulled the cold rail out of the picture. Now it's not completely isolated. This solenoid valve I'm gon na just disconnect power to the solenoid valve.

Normally, if I was doing a pressure test or something I pull the solenoid valve out of the picture too, but this is just temporary because this guy's literally coming in tonight, so all that I'm gon na do is turn off the temperature controller shut down. That solenoid valve I cut the top and I've raised it shut now. The other thing is is that this is where my expansion valve sensing bolt is gon na go. There was really no good place to cut this, so I gave the guy a couple options just to be nice.

I made him a swage fitting to renew that whole thing and he can cut it up in here, but he's gon na have to pull this coil out to get in there to cut that, or I made him a straight fitting with a swage on the end. I'm just trying to help the guy is that what he's saying here tonight, but he's gon na, actually cut the top of the box. So I'm gon na be done with this. I'm just going to vacuum the system down and charge it up, and then the customer has this guy coming in he's done this a bunch before where he has to cut the cold rails, and I honestly would rather not have the liability of cutting into that, because I don't know where the refrigerant lines go, so I'd rather say good riddance, but he's essentially probably I've seen him going he's gon na get in here and cut all this back out and then get in here and repair that see it's it's right in there, where The lines come down, there's like a little crack.

You can kind of see in that corner, but it's actually leaking behind that. So he's gon na have to probably cut more so into here, and my thing is, I don't know because these lines go from each thing. I don't know where they're at so I'd, rather not even be a part of it, so this guy'll get in here and then Hilary's support these I've seen him do it before he resupport s -- these rails. But that's what happened? Is this rail over time? This is an old box, it just fell down and then the weight of it broke the line behind the wall.
So what we're doing is isolating the top taking it out of the picture to get the bottom running, so they have a base section. The company before me, just you, know, hacked the hell out of this thing, but we'll get it back up and running all right, so the systems running the compressor does have bad valves, though the suction valve is leaking by inside the compressor, but I think it'll get Them through I'm gon na have to talk to them and give them a big-picture repair. They got to get that cold rail fixed tonight and probably have to put a compressor right in. I would suggest we get rid of that pressure control.

I would suggest we tie in a high pressure control again, unlike this one change the dryer, but for now the bottom is coming down in temperature. It'll, get them through the night also suggest that they, let me get a fan guard on that you've got longer that that's it. Sometimes you got to do these temporary repairs, that's what the customer once they can't always go the way you want them to. They can't always be perfect situations where you get to do new installations.

Sometimes you got to do what you got to do to make the customer happy. Okay, this is one of those situations sure I'd like to tell them they needed to throw that whole box away and clean it. You know, put a new one in there whatever, but that's not necessarily practical. Okay, I'm not perfect nobody's perfect.

Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do so in this situation, the customer ended up having their guy come in repair that cold rail. We ended up going in there like a week later, putting a new compressor in the box. Put that fan guard on and other than that they left it alone. They didn't want to change the expansion valve because it was still working so and I get it.

You know why not spend money if you don't have to now we'll address. If we ever have to change an evaporating oil or something in that box, then we'll put a new expansion valve and repipe that inside so it looks all pretty, but you know sometimes you got to do what you got to do, and this is a perfect example Of a typical refrigerator, you're gon na see in a restaurant, okay, they're gon na be beat up. You know, they're gon na have aftermarket components on it. I prefer them not to, but they do they're gon na be dirty okay.

This is this is normal. You know you're, never gon na go see a shiny, shiny restaurant. Like you see on TV or anything like that, okay, they're dirty, it is what it is. You know to be honest with you.
I don't even notice that the dirt, when I'm working on these things, because I just it's force of habit, I put gloves on put cardboard down when I lay in the box and just move on okay, it's just one of those things when you're dealing with restaurants. That you have to learn to deal with, so that's pretty much. It guys appreciate you guys taking the time to watch my videos, please consider subscribing. If you haven't already and check out some of these other channels that are popping up, they got some great content too.

Alright see you guys next time.

45 thoughts on “Kairak reach in disaster”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. J says:

    Using lamp cord to power the entire condensing unit is a…. Bright Idea 😎

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stormeagle28 says:

    This piece of mess is ready for the scrapyard…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillermo R. says:

    So. You did a lot of extra work for not doing what is required to do?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Write says:

    Why do you need them as a customer?

    Looking at the box it seems as if they don’t care about cleanliness, maintenance, or much else. I would be concerned about my liability doing work for them and that some governmental agency might question why didn’t you report this. Idk just thinking out loud.

    Love watching your vids keep them up!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lane Wells says:

    Seems like it would be better to buy a new one

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe A says:

    What does air do to a compressor

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Customer always right ha!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isma Delgado says:

    Nice video.
    If you need a new evap coil for these units we have different types and sizes mostly are 10x12x2 or 6x12x2 for bases also we do custom pan chillers.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Arnold says:

    I share your pain regarding junk units & I have experienced the same problem on my jobsite where corporate wants to polish a turd. We have a small packaged Trane air cooled R-22 chiller that is past its prime. Instead of replacing the unit with a new chiller which would be more cost effective, energy efficient & be covered under a warranty, the company instead spent a massive amount of money replacing the condenser coils, chiller barrel & a compressor motor. Also some sensors & the EEV have been replaced adding even more money to the bill. The unit is still giving us headaches from time to time. All that money invested in a worn out piece of equipment that is used to cool the Cath Lab in a hospital. Unbelievable!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gcanno says:

    Thank you for the Explanation without spending the Whole Video putting down or Complaining about the Tech who came before. Just valuable info about What's wrong and what you can do about it in a good amount of Time. I'm glad i subscribed.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Mack says:

    He does a good job. He's flown out here for some national chains and redesigned the entire pan chiller. Much better design, kairak is out of the pan chiller business

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Voshage says:

    Once those Kairaks start going they REALLY start going…money pit.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mychoclabwinston says:

    Has anyone ever worked on a Subway restaurant prep table? If a leak in the evap, whole unit is garbage, no access to it, brazed aluminum, and foam injected. Talked to manufacture, and even they said replace entire unit

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Capitol Refrigeration,Heating,and Cooling says:

    I dont want to eat there,nasty!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad M says:

    Use 410a for leak routine its worthless in refrigeration world lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Adams says:

    I did that work and walk in coolers etc years ago. Often we would tell the owner just make the call and get a new one today. Often the major repairs cost as much as a new unit. Evap coil replacements often cost within a few hundred of a new unit (basic coolers not topload prep stations) Oh and that wasn't dirty as all. That was a very clean unit compared to what I used to work on.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike hawk says:

    The fridge looks nasty man

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nsboost says:

    I have a building engineer that we have been working for as long as I can remember. At the current building he manages, he can’t get corporate to buy him new ptacs. So I’ve been spending time there replacing compressors, bypassing coil loops with leaks, and repairing all these ancient r22 ptacs for god knows why. But customer is always right and you do whatever it takes to make them happy!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lazz says:

    That unit is a hot mess……….
    Awesome video

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Gaddis says:

    I would of condemned that pos. Besides our man here that is a pro this poor cooler is what I call a Frankenstein created by other techs and this slum lord of a restaurant owner. If a restaurant owner has to nickle dime repairs over putting the proverbial horse down theres a larger issue at hand.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hvac IR says:

    ill do the same kind of work and it's true, I go to restaurants in Malls and it's a disaster. as you said you learn to move on. Thanks for the video, will see you in The live stream Are you in Orleans ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars david1700000 says:

    this unit is real like to replace the whole, the owner wanna to replace the parts one by one? what kind of owner you deal with? I have to say they didn't care their investment and never have a good company to take care of them. I believe you can educate them to back to the right road. Service area Barrhaven??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars More350Power says:

    That looks like it was a mess the whole way around. I hate to think how much a whole new unit would run, cant be cheap

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Good and interesting vid Chris Are you in Barrhaven ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mesedrew says:

    If that was my prep table, I'd cut my losses and buy a new one! This is assuming I was the owner of that establishment! Mainly for peace of mind! That undersized wiring, scary! In November of 1980 an improperly wired condenser unit in a cabinet that had been piped to a pie rack display case at The MGM Grand caused the infamous fire in the Delicatessen that smouldered and burned in a bulk head area of the wall and ceiling, then about 7am broke out and raced through the casino! Are you in Nepean ?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tedy says:

    This is one of the TOP TOP rated channel in the HVAC/R industry!
    We will support you with any advertisement, or even product placements, that you come up with.
    We want this channel to continue serving the HVAC/R field.
    Every apprentice that i know of is following this channel because of it's great quality technical content.

    Its mind blowing what you learn in this channel
    should be called The Masterpiece.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Woods says:

    Quote for new buddy! Service area Orleans??

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Figueroa says:

    How come all the freezers have timer clocks installed but only a few coolers have timers? I know some coolers don’t have timers but some do, why?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ponce de Leon Refrigeration says:

    The guy before you, saw this video. the only 👎

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Stevenson says:

    They need a new unit

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Giampietro says:

    Evidently this customer believes in preventive service and not preventive maintenance 40 years in the trade and still going this is the norm

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Mains says:

    Hey!! I say this because I respect you and how detail oriented you are. Brazing is not welding. It’s a high temp glue that doesn’t melt the base metal. Welding melts the base metal. I love your videos and how thorough you are. Thank you!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Restaurants. Love them or hate them.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Василий Шабанов says:

    rus : если вокруг компрессора все в грязи и жиру , что тогда происходит с конденсатором? как очищаете конденсатор? почему сейчас этого не сделали?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Artic Air Refrigeration says:

    You are so right about the cleanliness of most restaurants and in my area they hack the equipment all the time

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akvan79 says:

    Have you ever walked away from a job and told the customer no on a repair? Or have you had an instance when you had to refuse a job?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AZhvacr says:

    Preventive maintenance and respect for our work is key. Sometimes customers do not see it right away but will always call you back

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Bowles says:

    Great video thanks for sharing

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Barker says:

    I can tell you that the dirty issue…my Health Inspector would have tagged out that unit (inside the cooler box and the prep rail space) Service area Kanata??

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    it's very normal for me to see common dirty and butchered refrigerators but that's way in most restaurants. whenever I work on refrigerator like replaced compressor , or fan motor I'll clean it up as best as I can. Thank you for sharing , sir.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nor-Cal Refrigeration & H.V.A.C says:

    Looks like home to me. 😂👍👍👍

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ_Make says:

    Yep, looks just about right.. Way to go the extra mile for the rail guy!. Are you in Ottawa ?

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    Restaurants are nasty to work on, its amazing that the food, and dishes dont look like that. Why they don't clean it is beyond me. If I had a restaurant you bet your butt I make the help clean it.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:

    Another great video 👍👍👍

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Ramzan says:

    When you have to deliver this is what you get… Service area Nepean??

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