So this is a continuation of another video
( ) where I had a Ke2 Therm evap efficiency controller controlling a walk in freezer. I found it super simple to control the system and change parameters.
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Okay, so this is kind of a part two to my walk-in freezer evaporator with too many defrost. So I highly suggest I'm I'll pop up a card right now that I highly suggest you guys go watch that video first okay, then this will kind of have a little more context to it. Okay, so I'm gon na be going over the key to therm Wi-Fi service tool, okay I'll, go ahead and get into the video now and then I'll catch. You guys in the recap.

So we're gon na see how this thing works. Wi-Fi service tool, it's gon na, give me wireless access via my smart phone on my tablet, and I don't have to plug the ethernet cable in to the phone controller anymore. So at this point, I plugged the Wi-Fi service tool into the Ethernet port of the controller and simply just enter the IP address of the controller, and here we go. We have a full display allowing us to see everything we need to see.

So here we are inside the tablet. I've got a screen recorder going, so you can actually see and look. We've got live, real-time displays of our super heat of our suction pressure of, although this is your dashboard and then now we're gon na navigate through and we can look at, you know a graph showing the defrost and if you notice this one has smart defrost turned On so we weren't doing, you know we're not doing four defrost a day. Basically, the controller is paying attention to all of that.

You know it just shows you the abilities, and here we go back at our normal display, and you could just see the what you know how much information you can do just from your smart phone here we are, we can go in and change the parameters of The entire control all again Wireless from our smart phone, so this just shows the capabilities of the kita therm evaporator efficiency controller. When paired with the Wi-Fi service tool, I think it's a great great feature that they have and, like I said, I'm currently trying to sell this system to a customer that I I think, is a perfect candidate for it alright. So this was just a recap like I said, if you guys hadn't watched that first video walk-in freezer evaporator with too many defrost, I highly suggest you guys do that it'll kind of bring some more context. Okay, this was that particular video was my first intro to the kita therm evap efficient controllers.

I showed my frustration and I still have a little bit of frustration about the digital display that Scrolls and being able to adjust that from that display. It's kind of frustrating, but in doing some research I was really opened - or I should say I opened my eyes and was was very satisfied with the ability to be able to access the controller via the computer, which was fairly easy but then even easier to be Able to access it via my smartphone okay, so you know that's pretty much it. I highly suggest you guys consider subscribing to some of these other channels that are popping up right now, and I will see you guys on the next one: okay.

18 thoughts on “Ke2 therm wifi service tool”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim C says:

    Our company went with one of those “green” air-system management companies. The two buildings are managed by graphic software. Refrigeration compressors utilize chilled water, (chillers often fail to transfer between the two basement chiller systems, (while attempting to auto-restart, after a building power-transfer test), (monthly test). Had so many people involved to resolve the auto-restart trouble. Still fails. (Old chiller system). The newer 350 ton roof mounted chiller system works better, (if the AC breaker is not tripped). These buildings keep the facility folks hopping.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Allcroft says:

    If the wifi service tool were connected to a switch with multiple ke2 controllers networked to it would you be able to access multiple controllers over the phone/computer

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Robles says:

    I am totally going to make one of these units with the Raspberry Pi and battery pack probably alkaline cuz of the temperatures.
    Can make essentially a portable Wi-Fi router and the ethernet port built onto the Raspberry Pi like a Raspberry Pi 3 custom 3D printed case couple magnets on it I'll be happy.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moises Hernandez says:

    Is this the latest version of this controler? or do they have one with a built in wireless access?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mychoclabwinston says:

    Just put a MAP tool from Johnson controls on a 20T RTU, what a waste of money, sure it creates its own wifi, but can’t be 10ft away from the rooftop, without taking the doors off it, to get the signal

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nor-Cal Refrigeration & H.V.A.C says:

    K2T with alarms to BMS works great for the customer and service company. Basically generates service call when a problem comes up quick.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Connectivity is here. Whether we like it or not.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apprentice Phil says:

    Keeprite is also integrating similar technology into their evaporators and sellers them as a similar product to Beacon II Evans.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Whitt says:

    These KE2 Therm controllers are definitely a game changer. I can see in the future a service company such as yours monitoring multiple systems from the office. Similar to an alarm company. The customer not even knowing there's a problem.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars azfridgetech says:

    Very cool system…. didn’t know you could get the little WiFi box separately. Gonna have to invest in one of those. Definitely worth what ever it cost to not have to stand in the box and try and figure everything out.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    That's pretty neat thing, it will be much easy managing from home or office and more save time/money. I don't think my owner/operator don't willing to pay those KE2 for many stores. Beside I do maintenance all walk in box regularly. Thank you for sharing new stuff ! Are you in Orleans ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fél ypc says:

    Those KE2 are nice, even the lower end ones. Even better than this is getting a LDA with the subscription which lets you access it from the internet anywhere and setup alerts via email and text. Service area Kanata??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamie Lapierre says:

    I have been installing that evap efficiency for a long time now. If you sell your first one buy the wire loom and mount the unit outside of the freezer. (So much easier to install with the wire loom and easier to work on if outside the box.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randy handle says:

    Just found out from one of there reps the other day they upgraded there edge manager with the 5 sensor kit to be able to use it similar to the wifi service tool or the LDA. Can accept serial controllers or ethernet controllers to provide customer a dashboard for up to 35 controllers. Just passing some information

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Becker says:

    The link to the other video you referred to at the beginning doesn't pop up Are you in Ottawa ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC/TRUCKER Rodney says:

    That's cool Chris. Curious can you see those setting from a remote location? It would be cool to see what's going on before you hit the job site.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACR Survival says:

    How much money was that controller? Where did you get it from? Did you have to go through a supplier or could you buy it straight from the factory? You can text me the price if you like to not post it

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