This was a service call on a Kairak Blu reach in freezing their food, I found that the unit had a bad display and some bad temperature sensors.
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So today, we're working on a chi, rack, blue region and the complaint is, is that it's freezing all their food. So this is what I see on the display when I first walk up so we're gon na go through it. All you can see here. The tomatoes are just a problem: they're like getting way too cold on everything.

My display is not responding to button, so I had said I should get something. So I got no response out of my display just kind of doing a visual look at that electrical connector on that power switch looks like it's kind of melting, getting a little hot back there other than that everything else looks pretty good. This thing is missing: the guard right here by the street ends in great shape compared to some other ones, nothing to the bypass nothing's been hacked. I, like it a lot when a power cycle it, let's see what happens when we power cycle, so I turned off the switch.

Let's go ahead and turn it back on see. If that does anything still does not let me access anything okay, so quick call. The technical support. Kind of give me some answers, so basically what's happening here.

Is the display thinks that someone is taking the buttons on and off constantly to turn the display off? That's why it says display off display on so more than likely. What has happened here is someone has gotten the controller wet, which was my very first assumption. You can kind of see some water damage on top of the control and let me explain what we think is going on, so they instructed me to go over to this display hold the buttons down, notice, also display off, and you can turn it off. You can actually do that in the box and still run so.

The controller thinks that someone is pushing the buttons like. I just did right now and that's what's going on with that guy so and it gives you no no faceook, no nothing! You know you can't get into anything because the buttons are he said we can try playing with it, but regardless we're gon na change. This display - and I'm also going to have some sensors on hand because what's happening is the unit, is running kind of in a standalone mode. Without this display, and the complaint is that they're freezing products are more than likely, we've got some bad sensors.

So when I come back I'll make sure I have the sensors on me, I'm not gon na change the sensors, as of yet they'll just deal with it until we get the control we'll do everything at once. Nothing too crazy. The other thing I wanted to point out too was this new little Milwaukee 12-volt drill drivers turned out really nice. You know, I really like it so far.

You know still, you know it's only been about a week since I've had it, but it's it's nice and convenient it's smaller than my little Dewalt that I had in here. You know a nice little guy so far I used it for swaging the other day. More than enough power ice waged 1/2 inch and 3/8 no sweat at all, so nice little guys so far. This is a because people are gon na.

Ask me I'll have to get you guys that this is the half inch 12 volt drill driver and it's the fuel model brushless, so really nice little guys so forth, perfect example. The system is running right now, even though this display is doing its funky stuff. So it's basically running and using the sensors, okay and a little overview on this box. So this is the Chi right blue system, okay, so it's got a glycol pump in the back and the glycol pump runs 24/7, the temperature controller.
This is the human interface, but we've got a relay module back there. Okay, the the human interface, looks at the sensors and opens the solenoid valve, which lets the pressure through, which turns the compressor on when this opens up. The low pressure control sees a high pressure. Then the compressor turns on and runs okay and it uses three sensors.

It has one that shows a temperature on here. Just for us to see that sensor is in the air inside here, okay, but that actually has no effect on the operation, and then it has two other sensors that sense the glycol temperature and those are what regulate the product temperature, so basically they're. Just looking at glycol temperatures, that's all they're doing all right. We are back we're gon na get this guy replaced right now, controller here, so shouldn't be too difficult to swap it out, and then I have a strong feeling.

We're gon na have to change the sensors, but we'll check them once we get this guy replaced. Okay, let's see what happens Electrical loss. You can hit the alarm button to make that go away election alone, so we're actually reading temperatures now. So that's a plus and what we're gon na do is we're gon na go.

Look at our sensors now to the service technician, menu go to a-1 and we're going to go to be l and l. A l and c be those are our two, so fifty degrees 50 degrees. That's interesting, the sensors don't look like they're bad we're gon na. Let this run for a few minutes.

So ll is our air temperature, which is just for the display. It doesn't do anything to the controller, it's just so the customer can see a tent CV and al are our black contacts fifty-fifty. I still think we're gon na have sensors bad. I'm gon na watch it for a few minutes and see what happens still watching it.

Come down but I'm going to check something else too. So, let's check the setpoint a one set point SP, so it's set for as high as it'll go, which is 30 degrees, so they basically lock you out attempts. You can go for the 24 to 30 and that's the glycol temp, so it's set as high as it'll go so like I said we're gon na watch them down to temp, because the other thing I'm just thinking as I'm watching here is that we're gon na Have a relay that's sticking to progressive relay that could be a problem, so I need to see the box satisfy and make sure it's not getting too cold. You know in the controller's tell them to stop so this units been running for a while, and my sensors are showing a little bit of a discrepancy.
So CB is 32. L is 29, so I mean that's only 29 30 31. It's like three degrees, but because the customers complaining about freezing the product, I'm going to go ahead and change these sensors to these sensors are pretty high failure rate, so we're gon na change it without the controller module change at the display. So we'll just change the sensors now, okay, so we've got some new sensors.

I've showed this before, but you can't get to the old sensors, the like back inside here behind a bunch of phones. So you don't think that out the factory just tells you to but and relocate the sensors into the glycol model. You just have to make sure they get pushed all the way down into the bottom of this team, so we're gon na make a little rig so that way the sensors don't bend and I'll show you guys that once I get it all finished, so I use The zip ties so that way it kind of holds it straight and you can kind of flex it and bend it a little bit and then we're gon na feed it down into there. But before I do that, I'm not more to the level.

So that way, I know once it's in there and how far it needs to go down and then we'll drill a hole in the cap remember to put the wad of electrical tape right there. So that way, the sensors can't be pulled out of the tube that it's sealed up with silicone. I got to pull my sensors tight from the other side, we're good to go my sensors right here. They pull through it's kind of dummy proof.

The blue sensor connects to the blue jacket. Green sensor connects to the green jacket, the old sensors we're just going to discard because, like I said, they're encapsulated in that foam and they're, not using more so we'll just discard those. And then we got to get inside the cabinet and splice the yellow sensor, which is the air temp sensor when I am working with these tiny little control wires, I like to fold them over to give more for the wire not to grab so I fold them Both over and it gives it a better twist and a better grab. I just just kind of like something I always do to make my life easier, because there's nothing worse than trying to get one of these blue wire nuts on here and then it just keeps pulling off so and, as usual turn.

The unit on put my whole thing back together, now we're gon na. Let it come down a temp and then check all our sensors again. The electrical loss make it go away. If I hit my silence button see, is our air tip in the box? It's just for the display, it doesn't do anything with the box, so we're gon na get in here.

A one. We're gon na go up to see be 35 PL. 35. That's perfect! You want those numbers to be within a degree of each other and then ll is our cabinet temperature or air to it again does not affect the operation of the unit.

It's just for the customer to see so we're good to go we're gon na. Let this thing come down in town, okay, so this was a chi rack, blue region and that the blue line is their glycol line. That's pretty much, I think all that they make now anyway. So the complaint was that the unit was getting too cold and it was freezing their products.
Okay. What I found was that first off, like you, guys, saw in the video right away. We found that the human interface or the controller display was bad and it was they called it like a boot load mode or something like that where basically, it thought that someone was turning the buttons on and off, or something like that. Okay, more than likely it was caused by someone getting the controller, wet okay, went ahead and ordered a new display came back out, replaced it.

But then I had a hunch that we might have some bad sensors to the sensors are a very common failure thing on these kyrat regions. So if you do any work on these, I highly suggest that you have the sensors and in one of the the relays, I'm trying to think what they call the relay. I can't remember the name of it, but there's a little black relay, not the entire box, but there's just a little black relay and those fail quite a bit too. So I suggest you keep the sensors and the relays inside your trucks.

Okay, so I actually had the sensors the first day, but I didn't want to go through all the hassle, because I was going to be coming back out with a new display. Anyways so came back out, replaced the display at first the sensors looked fine. But then, as the box came down to temperature, we saw a little bit of a discrepancy in the the readings, so basically the two sensors that sense the glycol temp they should really be reading within about a degree of each other. So I went ahead and replaced the sensors to and everything else is working fine on the box, the Box, you know other than that it was in pretty decent shape.

The condensing unit section was looking good. Nothing was hacked like some of the other ones that I've worked on yeah and that's pretty much it guys pretty basic repair. You know moving the sensors into the glycol reservoir, like I showed you guys, that's what tech support or the factory actor recommends you do when you're replacing these sensors and then splicing the one inside the air temp or the cabinet is what they recommend too, because you Can't get to that because it's capsulated in the phone so other than that, I will see you guys on the next one, okay other than that. I really want to say.

Thank you guys very much for taking the time to watch my videos. You know please consider subscribing to my channel if you guys haven't already and check out some of the other channels. I recommend okay because there's a lot of other people that make much better content than I on YouTube, and I highly suggest you guys to check them out also, you know, there's a lot of room on YouTube, so if some of you guys are interested in this Pick up a camera, give it a shot. If you have questions or anything like that on how this works or what you have to do to get to start filming, send me an email.
I have no problem explaining that stuff to you guys, there's no secrets here. It's not a competition or anything like that. I think the more people that are sharing their knowledge, the better because we need technicians so bad in our industry as a whole, is hurting so bad right now, via the technician shortage - and you know poor quality service work. Okay, so if anybody has good knowledge, let's share it.

Okay, alright guys, I will see you guys on the next one.

41 thoughts on “Kairak blu reach in freezing food”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryst says:

    only lil pet peeve, clean your plates when replacing components, it isnt something your customer can clean so keep your units in a clean condition by removing gunk when you can. Service area Orleans??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad says:

    They should of made controller water proof

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Freeman says:

    You are so humble but you’re wrong.
    You have the best content that I’ve ever seen.
    Thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    I noticed since the weather is cooler I noticed the focus hase been moved to indoor smaller fridge units

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank says:

    That's a dirty fridge.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marthasmadman says:

    I want to get back into hvac I’m 48 now and have been out of it for awhile not sure if I can at this age

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Robles says:


    For tiny wires I loosely twist them together first then fold them over and put on the wire nut.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Gaddis says:

    Glad I watched this one. I've not worked on Kiaraks to often.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg778 says:

    ❤️ you’re video
    I think you’re going to be above 100k subs before year end

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph M Orost says:

    I do that too – fold the tiny wires over into the wire nuts. I use the gray ones on those little wires, though

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 44R0Ndin says:

    Tiny little control wires like the ones for the in-box temp sensor, I'd actually use some weatherproof crimp splices, they're offered in several sizes to fit various wire gauges, and the plastic that insulates them is actually some special two-layer stuff where the inside is hot-melt glue and the outside is heat-shrink tubing, so once you're done crimping it you run a heat gun over it and it seals it against moisture ingress. They're available at any auto parts store.
    If it's good enough to be used in automotive, it's surely good enough to be used in the not as harsh environment inside a reach-in, or in a package unit, or really whatever you can think of. It's the best way I can think of to both securely connect two wires, and at the same time seal water out of the connection. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Burns says:

    Thanks for the videos. I'm only in hvacr for a month but the videos really helps

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Martell says:

    How much would a repair like this run a sandwhich shop? We have a kairak 3 row glycol unit with 3 cabinets that needs ehat I assume is similar maintenance. We dont use it lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike C. says:

    We don't have any Kairak systems at any of my customer's restaurants, however we see a lot of those controllers fail because they got wet. Beverage Air was installing them about 6" off the floor in the bottom rail. Every time they hose down the floor or hose out the box, the control gets wet and goes bad. As a rule, if i have to replace the control, i replace the temp probes, because like you stated, they have a very high failure rate.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YHML Tube says:

    Awesome video bro, great job.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars winkhvac says:

    don't work on restaurant equipment but love you videos

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Reed says:

    Thank you so much for this, I have been learning alot. Have to work on a kbp-91s tomorrow and you have helped me alot to work on these machines. Are you in Kanata ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaddyBeanDaddyBean says:

    While I had the old display out, I would have cleaned the schmutz off the face of that little box, before someone is tempted to spray it with cleaner and ruin the new display as well. Is there any reason you couldn't run a little bead of silicone along the top edge, to provide a little protection against water getting in, but not so much as to make it difficult to remove again someday?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Montelaro says:

    What state are you in I and my refrigeration and air condition technician for 35 years I've worked on chillers and sound restaurant equipment I've worked on ammonia systems but I've never ran across a glycol system not I'm just curious I'm down in south Louisiana

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Arnold says:

    I don't understand how this system works. Are you using the refrigeration circuit to cool the glycol which is then pumped & used as the refrigeration agent to remove heat from the product?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed says:

    "Poor service work by technicians" "Shortage of technicians" You nailed it.The parts changers have taken over.Great videos

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BR S says:

    The 12v is great for service. Ive only had to charge it once or twice in 4 months so far.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Very good content Chris … If I wasn't already subscribed , I'd subscribe … Lol … Good vid …

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Riddle says:

    I've found for connecting the sensors instead of using wire nuts, the button crimps filled with silicone make great connection that keeps moisture out .

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cstolworthy says:

    Youtube randomly recommended one of your videos to me. I am not in HVAC at all, but I thoroughly enjoy your videos. You do a fantastic job of walking us through the troubleshooting steps, and breaking things down for those of us that don't have the inherent knowledge. You balance this really well against the pace of the video, not going too fast, but also doesn't feel like it drags on. All in all I am really enjoying your channel, thank you!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PHILLIP GROVER says:

    Your videos are great watching them gives me more confidence on call

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandon HVAC/ANTS says:

    I will never forget my first time trying g to replace the air temp sensor. I was like um insulation blocking me took me a minute to figure I had to splice.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars More350Power says:

    Uh oh, you spilled the salt…… My fave clip from that movie. Great video as always. I never leave without learning something new.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave tatro says:

    Kairak the same as traulsen? Same sensors and controller. Even the same password.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeroCaleb says:

    Did you fix the burnt stacon connector on the power switch?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan B says:

    I don't work on much restaurant equipment these days so it's cool to see a good tech at work

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Generation X Nation says:

    You will love that Milwaukee drill…perfect for techs Are you in Orleans ?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Sensors (& sometimes capilars in old ones with mechanical tstats) encapsulated in foam walls… could be THE HELL.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FrozenHaxor says:

    Is electrical tape resistant to glycol? I think the glue might goo up and cause some mess in the system. Are you in Nepean ?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Smith says:

    After binge watching your videos, I could probably have a conversation with an HVAC technician and he'd think I knew what I was talking about.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeepjones85 says:

    So both the blue and the green sensor are located in the same place, that seems strange, I figured the sensors would want to see some kinda delta T. That is a neat box

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    nice call on sensor before replaced, sir.

    it seems like you work on this same equipment for big chains restaurants?

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay B says:

    I laughed so hard when you threw the dumb and dumber scene in there.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatOneGuy says:

    Dumb & Dumber is hilarious!!!

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zeryl06 says:

    From a stability standpoint, is there any reason not to solder the new sensors, instead of a wire nut? Just curious. Service area Ottawa??

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafael Gomez says:

    How come both green and blue sensors need to be inside the glycol together? Service area Barrhaven??

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