If you’ve got cloudy pool water, should you use pool clarifier or pool flocculant? While they both help with regular pool maintenance and they both clear up a cloudy pool, it’s important to know which one to use for your inground and above ground pool
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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00​ - Introduction to Pool Clarifier vs. Pool Flocculant
00:16 - What Is Pool Clarifier?
01:26 - What Is Pool Flocculant?
03:11 - Should Your Use Pool Clarifier or Pool Flocculant?
03:35 - Pool Care Video Course
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If you've got cloudy pool water, should you use, pool clarifier or pool flocculin, while they both help clear up a cloudy pool, it's important to know which one to use and when check it out all right. Let's start with pool clarifier pool clarifier contains polymers that clump together those nasty, tiny particles that cloud up your pool and when you add clarifier to cloudy water, all those tiny particles coagulate together into bigger particles that your filter can actually capture pool clarifier has a few Benefits first, it's less work, just add the pool clarifier to your water and wait for your filter to do its job. Second, it's good for mild cloudiness. If your pool is just a little cloudy, but you can still see through it.

Clarifier is the way to go. Third, it saves water, it helps your filter to work more efficiently, so you won't have to remove any water from your pool to clear things up and finally, it could be used any time, even when your pool's not cloudy. You can add a little clarifier to give your pool that water clearing boost, but, of course, clarifier has a few drawbacks. First, it works slowly.

It may be a few days before your pool is completely clear depending on how cloudy it is. Secondly, you'll need to clean the filter once the clarifier has worked. All those clump particles will be in your filter, which means it'll need a good cleaning. Okay, let's move on to pool gloculin aka full clock just like pool clarifier pull flock coagulates together particles, but it creates larger clumps that sink to the bottom of the pool.

These can't be removed by your filter and must be removed with a manual vacuum. What are the benefits of using pool plug well for one it works quickly. You won't have to wait days for your pool to clear the particles clump together at the bottom of your pool in a matter of hours, and it's effective, no particles get left behind. So you won't get stuck with cloudy spots in your pool and it's ideal for sand filters and de filters.

Sand and de filters usually have multi-port valves with a waste setting. That means it's easy to bypass the filter when vacuuming out the clump particles, but, of course pool flock has a few drawbacks. It's definitely more work once the clumps form at the bottom of your pool. You will need to remove them with a manual pool vacuum and when you vacuum it may stir those particles back up clouding your pool again now, if this happens, take a break and allow those particles to resettle then begin vacuuming again, you may want to vacuum two Or three times to remove all of the clumps and you want to vacuum slowly.

Secondly, you'll lose pool water. When you vacuum the clumps out, you will need to vacuum to waste, to bypass the filter. Your water level will decrease and you'll need to replace. What's been lost, finally, you cannot use cool flock with a cartridge filter if you do not want flocculant in your filter that heavy duty flock will block everything up.
That's why you have to bypass your filter when you vacuum, so unless you have a custom, plumbing setup that allows for this, you won't be able to use this with a cartridge filter so which one should you use? If you want your water, clear, asap or you've got a really cloudy pool, then go for pool flock. The vacuuming takes more work, but it's faster. If you just opened your pool or it's just a little cloudy up for the cool clarifier you'll also have to use pool clarifier if you can't vacuum to waste or bypass your filter. If you're looking for an easy to follow tutorial, that'll answer, all your pool questions go check out our pool care handbook and video course you'll, get over 30 in-depth video lessons and a step-by-step downloadable guide covering everything you need to know about, pool maintenance, it's packed with Money saving tips, so you can save money and time keeping your swimming pool clean.

This is the ultimate manual for every type of pool, including in-ground above ground and in-text blow-up pools the best part is we always keep it up-to-date. So once you buy it, you have access to the latest and greatest version for life. So because you're watching this video, you can go to swimuniversity.com pool and use the promo code. Video.

If there's a pool care topic you'd like us to cover in a future video. Please leave a comment to let us know and hit the like button below. If you found this video helpful. If you want to learn more about pool maintenance and troubleshooting subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one and check out the pool care handbook and video course at swimuniversity.com pool, don't forget to enter the promo code, video to get 10 off.

That's it thanks again and happy swimming.

23 thoughts on “Pool clarifier vs. pool flocculant: when should you use them? | swim university”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tama tetera says:

    Floc plus pool robot good idea?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YNot Success says:

    I have a cartridge filter.. My pool was green. I shocked it, then it became cloudy. Ran my pump 24/7 and it didn't clear up. I put clarifier in, it still didn't clear. I took my filter out and added floc. Let the pool run for 2 hours then turned off pump. Next day pool clear. I did have to vacuum. But the floc worked for me

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anita Ybarra says:

    Hi, I have a 42× 14 best pool. Along with the stock filter & pump. I haven't upgraded yet. & I have no vacuum, I use the net& a smaller net. Can I use floc with this??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1rokslut says:

    So my pool is clear but has very fine silt on the floor that the filter just can't get. Any suggestions? I've tried vacuuming it up but just comes back when water settles

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marisol Rivera says:

    please help. took the pool down for an event. cleaned liner with vinegar and water mix (saw on internet) filled it up and now it is yellow. do i need to drain and refill. shocked it and it is still green. HELPPPPPPP Are you in Nepean ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BJ Nichols says:

    Do you have the filter pump on while the flocculant is working over night?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dirk G. says:

    Can I use clarifier with a sand filter?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BOLERO MIỀN TÂY says:

    I got cloudy bad, i have cartridge filter intex, i used clarifier but not work, then i used floc, it work next morning, i used vacuum hose take all cloudy bottom out to garden, it take around 20’, it is super clear now, very happy. Weekly test, maintain balanced chemicals in range, run pump 8hrs daily by timer 4hr morning, 4hr evening, water good crystal for months summer despite of much rains sometime. Thanks for your video.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eyezayah says:

    Why can’t you vacuum the floc sediment through the filter instead of wasting all that water? Just gotta rinse out the filter a couple/few times during right?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P. Ness says:

    Vaccuum slooooooooowly with flocc

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio H says:

    What if we have a very cloudy pool but also have a cartridge filter? Do we just keep on adding clarifier?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Viggers says:

    I only have flocculant and right now I am using the OEM summer waves cartridge filter/pump because my sand filter broke. Is there any harm in "bypassing" the filter by removing it and redirecting the pump hoses to drain?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruben Renteria says:

    Hey I was new to pool scene and used floculant in my pool and running it though my filter what would be ideal to fix or did I damage something that isn’t fixable ? Thank you

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bianca Perez says:

    Oh great I didn't vaccum to waste. They didnt tell me that detail at my pool store. What do I do now? Are you in Orleans ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vivi says:

    how do you use floc in an above ground pool ? it’s a summer waves elite with the cartridge filter it comes with .

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gutz Man says:

    I have an above ground pool and recently had a blue canopy next to the pool and the wind blew it into the pool so it was in there overnight. Now my water is green and liquid chlorine is not clearing it. I use a sand filter. Should I use floc for this or could it be dye from the canopy and may need to be just emptied and refilled?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Scheppler says:

    I added clarifier to my pool now my filter cartridge it seems to plug up and the water won't pass through the filters. I'm not sure if this is from the clarifier or if I got a batch of bad filters?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Erasmus says:

    What about a automatic pool cleaner

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Abdel says:

    Hi what about the sulfate copper I saw a guy putting it in the pantyhose and just put it in the skimmer and he’s claiming that it’s good to clarify the pool very well

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars perspective11 says:

    good information thank you Service area Kanata??

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cordelia0704 says:

    Pool store sold me floc. I have a cartridge filter. Glad I saw your video before I used it. Now I have no idea what to do though.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marjolein van ingen says:

    Ha. Wish I had this video 2 weeks ago. Needed to use clarifier, I used floc. 2 weeks of blood, sweat and tears and a new pump, but my pool is finally clear

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt says:

    Can you make a video specific to weekly maintenance on salt generator pools?

    Is the weekly Bioguard Mineral Springs “Renewal” product good or necessary? Service area Barrhaven??

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