Do you have algae in your pool that keeps coming back, no matter how many times you vacuum, shock or clean your pool? Don't worry: it might be an easier fix than you think. Here are 5 pool cleaning tips to get rid of algae in your pool.
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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction to How To Stop Algae In Your Pool
00:35 - #1. Lack Of Sanitation
01:25 - #2. Water Chemistry Is Off
01:48 - #3. Poor Water Circulation
02:16 - Pool Care Video Course
03:02 - #4. Algae From Floats Or Bathing Suits
03:45 - #5. Didn't Kill All The Algae The First Time
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Why does pool algae keep coming back into my pool? I have skimmed i've. Vacuumed and i've ran my pool pump, non-stopped i've used algaecide, and then i shocked the heck out of it. It went away and everything was fine, but now it's back, and the thing that's starting to worry me is that when i backwash my filter, it normally comes out clean, but then it clears up. But now it's coming out green again, so the algae just keeps coming back and there's a few reasons why that could happen.

Check it out. First and probably the biggest reason is a lack of sanitation or neglect. So, if you're not keeping your sanitizer level in your pool at a normal operating level, that's recommended for that particular type of sanitizer. In this case, let's say it's chlorine.

You need to keep your chlorine at three parts per million. If your chlorine dips below that at any given time, it goes to zero. During that time, at zero, your pool is susceptible to algae growth. It's gon na happen.

So obviously we don't want that to happen, which is why we have things like uh automatic chlorinators that just constantly add chlorine to your pool. We just wan na make sure that there's always chlorine in your pool or always a sanitizer in your pool. That's the first line of defense, and you know you really wouldn't need an algaecide. If that was the case, because chlorine is technically, it kills algae, so analogies cannot grow in a pool that has sanitizer the other reason it could be.

Your chemistry is out of whack. So maybe your ph and alkalinity are low, maybe they're high. Maybe your calcium is low, maybe it's high and when these things are low, even though you might have enough sanitizer in the water, it's not going to be nearly as effective. If those things are not in balance, so if you put those things in balance - and you have enough sanitizer, you are protecting your pool from an algae infestation.

The other reason it could be is poor circulation. So if you have parts of your pool that are just not being circulated well, you have like these corners crevices underneath ladders or on steps and you're just not churning all that water and letting it go through your filter system. Well, a couple of things are happening. One you're not dispersing the chemicals through your water enough and those little pockets can start breeding algae and then it can get very out of control.

At that point, real quick before we continue if you're looking for an easy to follow tutorial. That'll answer all your pool questions go check out our pool care handbook and video course you'll, get over 30 in-depth video lessons and a step-by-step downloadable guide, covering everything you need to know about, pool maintenance, it's packed with money-saving tips, so you can save money and time Keeping your swimming pool clean: this is the ultimate manual for every type of pool, including in-ground above ground and in-text blow-up pools the best part is we always keep it up to date, so once you buy it, you have access to the latest and greatest version for Life so because you're watching this video, you can go to pool and use the promo code. Video. The other thing it could be is floats.
Bathing suits things that you maybe took to the ocean maybe or to the to our lake, or you took it out of your pool. You took it somewhere else, maybe you took it to somebody else's pool without an energy problem and now you're, adding that back to your pool and it's just gon na keep coming back, because even if you go and kill all the algae, that first happened. Then you have this float that you didn't, kill the algae on, and it's just gon na keep adding the algae back to your pool, and so that could be it could be bathing suits. So just wash those disinfect your floats, you can use.

You know a mild bleach solution if you want to just to kind of kill any bacteria or algae spores that are on your floats or your pool cleaning equipment. Any of that and here's the thing if you didn't get rid of it, the first time that could be the problem right. So maybe you had all this green water. You had all this algae and you tried to get rid of it, but you really didn't get rid of all of it.

You didn't do a good job rushing you know, because if you have a a little crevice somewhere and you didn't brush the algae out of that crevice to get it into the water and then you know shocked the heck out of it and killed it well, it's Still there and it's just gon na keep coming back, so you have to make sure that you're really killing the algae. So if you have algae currently you brush the entire pool, you vacuum the pool. You skim the pool you get all of that algae off the walls, because it likes to cling to walls and steps and all the other things in your pool, so get it off, get it mixed into the water. You want to chlorinate it so that it kills.

It now, when you do that, you're going to kill all the algae and that's going to be great you're going to keep filtering. But at that point you want to make sure that your sanitizer level is always good and that your chemistry is always good and that you have good circulation after that, and then the algae will not come back. That's it. If there's a pool care topic, you'd like us to cover in a future video, please leave a comment to let us know and hit the like button below.

If you found this video helpful, if you want to learn more about pool maintenance and troubleshooting subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one and check out the pool care handbook and video course at pool, don't forget to enter the promo code. Video to get 10 percent off, that's it thanks again and happy swimming.

19 thoughts on “How to stop algae in your pool from returning | swim university”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jolene Weaver says:

    Same issue with brown algae Service area Orleans??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars irma dominguez says:

    How about a cartige filter I can’t back wash it

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danfrd says:

    I have an auto chlorinator but I can't get it dialed in for the life of me… one day it will have too much chlorine on the lowest setting. The next day it will have no chlorine reading while the chlorinator is on the highest setting…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BEAUTY BY: SAMMI says:

    I AM IN NEED OF SOME SERIOUS HELP!!! My dog dug out one of our poles (all poles are sat upon 12×12 inch blocks to keep pool level)
    We bought a new pool this year. Same size just everything new. Our old pool did not have a cover so it has collected 3 years of leaves and algae. I want to get the water back blue and sanitized before getting into it to remove the leaves and then once I have removed all of the leaves were going to mgmt take the old pool down and put our new one up. ALSO there's only 5 inches of water left in the pool right now and it is a 24’ x 52” summer escapes elite frame pool ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED! Are you in Ottawa ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Molano says:

    Could you please tell me where I can get a good kit to test the water of my above the ground pool. Thank you!!!!!!! Service area Nepean??

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chesi _7_0_7 says:

    How much chlorine and shoker for a 17×25 3 .5 feet pool? I always kep it with neutral PH levels and still got algae

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Otavio Maffud Cilli says:

    I have waterfalls in my pool and it is very difficult to remove the algae because of the porosity of the concrete. I am thinking to apply a concrete sealant to the parts of the waterfall that are underwater. Is this a good idea or there is something easier?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lori duvall says:

    When do I add the clarifer? Right after I add shock of next day.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The White Rabbit says:

    My dad has been in charge of our pool for awhile and for years we have had mustard algae and did everything. It always comes back but manageable.

    REEEE hoping this video and me taking over will get it gone.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whiskey Shaman says:

    I heard using a small amount of copper sulfate will kill the algae.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michele Gnazzo says:

    PLease do a segment on Phosphate control/remover

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Rikh says:

    Very helpful, thanks …love the videos !!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Foster says:

    Thank you this is very informative can you please do a video on cleaning stains on pool walls?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gian Lee says:

    gas heater for above ground pools please

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GRINGO says:

    Love the vids man, keep at it, this is by far the best pool/spa channel on YT, you really found a great niche here!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angela Mayfield says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Pedro says:

    Chlorine is pretty much the easy solution for everything Are you in Barrhaven ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hilary Black says:

    One thing to mention, as an in ground pool owener, is making sure your CYA level is good. Without that, the sun will evaporate your chlorine at a rapid rate and algae will definitely come back. Add liquid Conditioner until your CYA is between 30 to 50 and add as much chlorine as needed for your levels. Best thing available is the online pool calculator that's free!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rhinox Tv says:

    Green use to be my favorite color until I bought a house with a pool. Now its blue

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