After doing several videos about secrets that HVAC contractors do not want you to know, I thought I would do this video one secrets that they do want you to know. Some of these may be tough to hear for the average homeowner or customer. However, I think they can actually help someone if they watch this video. Understanding the perspective and what your contractor wants you to know can help.
I feel like unlike a lot of other transactions and appliances you might buy for your home, HVAC and the company you select for your system plays a big role on how happy you will be with your heating and air system.
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0:00 Intro to 3 secrets HVAC contractors DO want you to know
0:38 Homeowners don't always like honesty
2:55 Small HVAC companies care
4:51 Pricing is more than just Labor + Materials
7:30 Griffin Air and New HVAC Guide

Hey guys welcome back to the channel in this video, unlike some of the other videos, i've done where i might share secrets that heating and air contractors don't want you to know in this video we're going to talk about secrets in our industry that a lot of Contractors want you to know, they actually want you, the homeowner, to know these things and in some cases they can't. They can't just be so open and honest with you, because a lot of times you as the homeowner don't receive it very well, and so let's go through these we're going to talk about three secrets that heating and air contractors do want you to know. First, being a lot of cases - and i kind of just touched on it - homeowners do not want us, the contractors to be honest with them, and you might say what are you talking about? Of course we want you to be honest, we want you to be open and honest and tell us the truth about some of this stuff and the truth is you don't want us to be honest? Um i've actually met homeowners that if you were to say if i was to be open and honest, if i had someone call me in my coverage area and they were to say, hey josh, i'm getting three quotes and - and you know, you're going to be one Of them so you're going to be one of these other quotes and i'm also comparing you to company a and company b over here and i'm getting quotes from the three of you. I can tell you, because i have a front row seat to it, and i've talked to other homeowners and contractors and suppliers and all that stuff, i'm around the industry.

Every day i can tell you, based on the three contractors they just shared with me in a lot of cases. I already know what those other companies are going to offer. I already know what their pros and cons of going with their systems going to be. I know if they're going to be the cheap guy or if they're more premium company - and i know if their installers are good or bad, but i can't tell you that i can't say to you as the customer: hey look.

I i hear you you're. Getting three quotes there, but even if you don't choose me, choose this guy, don't choose this! Guy. Homeowners don't receive that stuff very well. They think you're bad-mouthing another company - and i know i've talked to other heating and air guys that will harp on that.

They'll. Even comment on this video and say: oh you shouldn't bash other companies, it's sowing bad seeds and blah blah blah. I personally think that if i have a customer i will tell them sometimes i'll say: look, i don't care if you don't choose me, but definitely go with this brand versus that brand. Even if you don't choose me based on my experience, stay away from that right.

There, but a lot of homeowners - they just don't want to hear that they don't want to hear the truth. I'm here to tell you as someone that you're just watching here on youtube. If you get a contractor that you trust give them the ability say, look, i'm going to hear you out feel free to be honest with me and tell me who sucks and who don't number two secrets that heating and air contractors do want you to know this One's kind of simple and i'll just say this: a lot of heating and air contractors today are usually mom and pop type businesses. I know my business and i know several of my other competitors.
They either are a maybe it's been in their family for a while. So you know maybe their parent or their grandparents started the business and it's been in their family for years upon years and it's still operated like a mom-and-pop business. They know that even in a small town or even a big city, but especially in a small town, if you do a good job, word will get around quick. But if you do a bad job word will also get around quick or, unlike those folks, that's been in their family for a while, maybe they're like me, and it's not been in their family forever and they started their own business.

They've put their blood, sweat and tears into this business and it's operated that way. I take it probably way more personally than i should if somebody leaves us bad reviews online or they say something unkind about us. I take it personally because we're talking about even if it's one of my employees, it's still my baby, this business is, is something that i started when there was nothing there and i built it up into what it is so because of that, we will a lot Of times treat homeowners way better than maybe even they deserve, and what i mean by that is uh. You know we'll do sometimes to make someone happy.

We will do things for free or just do it to make you as the customer happy. I think, ultimately, what i would say with this secret is in a lot of cases, a lot of businesses. If you meet someone you like and they're genuine, they actually do care about you as their homeowner. They don't take it for granted that you could have called someone else and you chose them right and they care and then finally number three of secrets that heating and air contractors do want you to know as the homeowner, and that is pricing.

Okay, when we're pricing systems or repair work is not just labor and materials. Okay, so many folks, i've noticed over the years, and maybe that is the case in a lot of other industries, but a lot of times when folks are pricing jobs, it's not just labor materials they've got ta factor in way more than that they've got ta factor In the cost of doing business, their licensing, their insurance, their fleet of vehicles that they need to maintain and keep nice looking, because you want someone that doesn't pull something up in your driveway and leak oil all over the place. They've got to pay for those uniforms. They've got to pay for unforeseen things out there, there's just so much that goes into owning a heating and air business that in a lot of cases, folks, just don't understand that it's not just oh, how much you charging me per hour and how much is the Part in fact, a lot of companies have gone to this flat rate pricing and that's how they're doing it so whether it takes them 10 minutes or 10 hours.
This is their price, so that way, they can factor in all of that stuff into the price. And oh my gosh, but horrible thing: oh by the way they might have a little profit in there, too. God forbid somebody make a little profit. I think the thing that i would just say in a lot of cases, especially if you feel like as a homeowner you're being taken advantage of, i would say most companies today.

If you were to meet the owner of that company they're not driving around a bentley. You know they're not taking advantage of you so bad and you think you're just being attacked from a standpoint of your money. I think if you meet most of those, they might even have employees that live better than they do they there's times of the year, that maybe they accept a little less salary to make the business work. Maybe they're just trying to get by maybe they're trying to take care of their family just like you are, but i'll get off of that.

The point is just realize that, unlike some other industries or work or whatever, when these guys are pricing, jobs they're not just pricing - that little part that, yes, you can google it and see how much it is, and it was only twenty dollars, but then they charged You 200, to put it in it's not just the labor and materials they've got to factor in all this other stuff too. Hopefully that helps. I know some of this stuff, i'm saying i'll, get some comments or some guff on it, but i'm kind of getting used to that all that said, if you're in the market for a heating and air system - and you are in griffin, air's coverage area in the Northern neck or middle peninsula of virginia, we would love to earn your business. Give us a call.

We will give you the best warranty in the area and a free estimate, but if you're not in griffin, airs coverage area and you're in the market for a heating and air system before you spend thousands check out my website, new hvac guide, dot com, the whole Point of this website is to help you as a homeowner through this process, it's one of the biggest investments, a lot of homeowners make and before you get scammed or taken advantage of, or have a headache that a lot of other homeowners have check out this website. We go through a lot of that stuff and help you avoid it. There's information on there that a lot of heating and air contractors and manufacturers don't even want you to know. I've got a whole page called no nose a whole page for good and bad heating and air brands, and before you spend thousands, please check out that website.

All that said thanks for watching hit that subscribe button. We'll see you next time. You.

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