Every Tuesday is a weekly show Josh plans to do at 8:30 PM Eastern standard time. We will be discussing all things HVAC including heating and air-conditioning news, AC tips, ductless, mini splits, and more! Josh will also be sharing some of his personal stories too!
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Foreign foreign foreign. Thank you Foreign Foreign foreign foreign thank you hey guys. uh hopefully you can hear me okay I had some technical difficulties tonight and uh so we got a little different setup if you can't tell behind me and uh you you take for granted at home when I'm in my home studio. some of the things that I normally have so uh, good to see everybody.

hopefully the camera's coming in Okay, this is a actually the camera on my laptop I was uh I was trying to use the the camera that I normally use uh from from home I brought it with me I brought everything with me but apparently the one thing I didn't bring is the right cable so you would think all of these same uh I think they're called micro USB or mini USB whatever they are. Um, you would think they would all work the same, but apparently some are only for charging and some are used for cameras and things like that. and so I think that's the issue I have tonight and so finally after fighting it for about 15 minutes I decided to just hop over and just use the camera on the laptop I think it looks okay. um but the other thing that's different tonight is my microphone.

so please let me know if there's an issue with the microphone. uh, blowing out the sound bar? Got it Gary says blowing out my sound bar? hold on one second Gary All right, let me know. did that help any? Gary let me know if that sounds any better. Did that help at all? What? I just did there.

does this sound any better? or am I still? Extremely Loud I'll just wait or anybody else if am I how am I sounding Carl says better. Okay, all right, sorry about that guys. Yeah, like I say this is not my normal setup. uh as most of you know that, join me every week.

Um, this is not my normal background I'm actually in a hotel room in Houston I'm going to be on uh daikins uh accelerated HVAC Success podcast and uh, let me show you guys. for those of you that have not seen it I've shared it with you guys a couple times, but accelerated HVAC Success podcast So this is kind of what that looks like and um, they have guests on that. You know he look at their setup. that's a really cool microphone they have too.

So anyway, I'm excited to get on there. I'm gonna actually talk about some of the things we do here on the YouTube channel and um, you know that's going to be a lot of fun and they had me down to Houston to be on it. So it's an honor and so that's where I'm at. That's why the background doesn't look like it normally does and all that good stuff.

So I wanted to start out tonight's show with an interesting story, a heartbreaking story out of Uh Las Vegas and the stories from earlier this year and Uh says an 82 year old Henderson woman died waiting for an air conditioning repair survivors of an 82 year old woman who died while waiting for her air conditioner to be fixed while have filed a wrongful death loss lawsuit against the company that sold her a home warranty policy. So this is a another one of those home warranty mishaps and uh, home warranties? or uh uh, if you've seen any of my videos before, you know I'm not the biggest fan of them, at least from the contractor standpoint and it looks like the family of this poor lady uh uh is blaming the Home Warranty company it says Virginia Desapio hopefully I'm not saying her name too I'm sure it's probably not pronounced right, but uh was found dead on August 22nd in her Henderson home near Valley Verde Drive and Passio Verde Parkway when the corner when the corner arrived, it was 120 degrees inside the home according to a lawsuit filed Thursday in Clark County District Court and so I guess this was uh last August so not this past month Because this articles from earlier this year the lawsuit names Fidelity National Home Warranty company and honestly, I have not heard of that company but that's not unheard of. There's a lot of different home warranty companies that use different names so you know maybe this is one of The Usual Suspects under a different name. or maybe this is just someone I've never heard of.
I'm not sure. Uh, six damages for causes including negligence, breach of contract, and wrongful death Surviving nephews Gregory Kelly Troy Gregory are plaintiffs in the lawsuit along with the state Co Special Administrator Janice Gonzalez they are represented blah blah blah. Her death certificate States her cause of death as quote: Environmental heat stress unquote calls by quote prolonged exposure to elevated ambient temperatures. Unquote.

The death certificate also indicates she had lung cancer. So heartbreaking. She sounds like her air conditioner was not working and what a lot of folks don't realize. And I'm not going to go this whole show.

We can do a whole show just on home warranty companies. In fact, I've done whole videos on home warranty companies. Um, but I will say that you know when there's a Home Warranty company involved. So if you have paid for home warranty, you know, uh, for your home and you are expecting it to be paid for by them.

Uh, unfortunately. and I'm not saying that's what happened here, but I'm guessing that it could be and that is the Home Warranty company is in control at that point and so they can tell the contractor how long there it's going to take to approve it. They can, um, take a long time to approve it. They can say oh, we're going to push I Remember one of the things that when we used to do them years ago they would always say oh, we're going to send this up to our R D Department to look it over before we make an approval or or tell you where we're going to go from here.

And so the point is, you know that this poor lady was waiting for whatever reason for her air conditioner to be fixed. One of the things now we're not in Vegas so that the temperatures are very extreme in comparison from where I live to Las Vegas But um, one of the things that we do in our area is if someone is elderly, if someone has an infant in the home. um if someone is. Honestly if they're on our VIP Club at Griffin air we will give them a portable air conditioner to get them through it even if it's just one in their bedroom so they can sleep at night and so I I wonder you know from what I'm reading so far? if that alone, if if the Home Warranty company or the contractor had provided that, maybe this poor lady, her life would have been saved.
The lawsuit describes an ordeal that began on August 11th when Desapios Air Conditioner stopped working. She notified the Home Warranty company. Nevada law includes an air conditioning failure as a problem requiring an emergency fix, but the lawsuit alleges a response that took much longer than required in a completion date that was 14 days after. Virginia Desapio was found dead repeated Communications with Fidelity show that even the First Communication stating it would take longer than three days to make repairs came after five days had already passed and all the lawsuit alleges Fidelity sent five statements saying the repairs would take longer than three-day requirement starting on August 16th and ending on September.

1st the company's reason technician researching price to begin with and parts on order starting on September. 1st the lawsuit: States So I will say that in the I and I'm not in the game of Defending home warranty companies, but if in their defense, if a part had to be ordered, that would not be their fault. Um, but that's when you have other Solutions like I was talking about with the Portables Desapio's home warranty policy costs her 635 dollars per year. It covered heating, air conditioning, evaporator, evaporative coolers, and ductwork.

The lawsuit said the lawsuit seeks General and special damages punitive damages nominal and liquidated damages blah blah blah so and attorney sees so very heartbreaking story again. I Don't know that we know the whole story. We don't know, you know all sides of it. but uh, in reality we've got someone here that waited longer than they should have for some sort of relief and unfortunately paid dearly for that so very heartbreaking story.

I Want to start I don't I don't know that I Wanted to start tonight out with a sad story but I just thought it was a very interesting uh HVAC story I Know some of you know that you know I'll sometimes start our shows out with some news across the country of heating and air related matter. So, uh, very sad, very sad. Uh, let's see so let's let's go back to our chat here. Hey Gary Carl NYC Gill uh mark Aaron Hopefully I'm saying your name correctly.

Um, depending on where you're from, maybe that's pronounced. maybe that's better I don't know but um I'll call you Aaron for now until I know uh Gary says You must enjoy that steak dinner slowly actually I had Mexican tonight. uh you know being down here in Texas they've got some great Mexican food so that's that's what I had tonight. um let's see Emery says it sounds good, good, good, good, good.
Gail Ann good to see you Bruce BTL Any thoughts: Any thoughts on Bosch heat pumps? So uh BTL I don't know if you're the guy that I'm helping on our website new HVAC God if you guys look way over there in the corner Um, that's our company where we help people through the process of buying an HVAC system and give advice. and uh, we have a step-by-step process that we will give them on hopefully missing. You know, not having some of the problems that a lot of homeowners have when purchasing uh heating and air systems and um, the uh I'm helping someone on there too. and we're talking a lot about Bosch So any thoughts on Bosch My thoughts haven't changed a whole lot except for a couple of things.

Um, the one thing that I used to talk about Bosch with is it was a very budget-friendly inverter option that uh, homeowners could purchase and get a an inverter. Now it wasn't a communicating inverter system, but it was still more. Superior to a single stage system was kind of the point. and at the time when they first came out, the 1.0s you could get them for around not much more or around the same price as a single stage system for a lot of other brands.

So that's what originally drew me to them. and because of lots of different reasons that we're not going to talk about in this show. Uh, the price of their equipment is not as budget friendly as it once was. now.

does that mean that the quality went down or does that mean I hate them? No, it's just that one thing that they had uh is not there anymore. and the other thing that I'll just mention about them is they did have a small problem and I say small, you know there were. there's been multiple manufacturers that seem to have a a problem in the supply chain. Even still, today, here we are years after the pandemic.

Depending on how you look at it. I Know some folks are saying it's still here or coming back, but from the original pandemic when the world fell apart and everyone was having supply chain issues, um Bosch seemed to be one of those as well and it continued for a while and I got aggravated a couple times. but I think that seems to be at least alleviated a little as well. So other than that, uh I think they're fine.

they're You know they are what they are. They're a non-communicating inverter system. they need to be installed properly so you don't have humidity issues and some of the other issues that folks have. And the last thing I'll say is they have probably the most efficient residential package unit on the market right now.

Now until some of these other brands make one or care enough, you know it's maybe it's not enough of their market share for them to care yet. Um, but you know they. Bosh was probably the first to the table on that and you will probably see in the future more folks coming out with something similar. So that's my overall thoughts on.
Heap Uh Bosch Heat pumps Kendall says Hey Joshy For those of you that don't know, Miss Kendall is Mrs Griffin air so I told her to jump on I was getting on my live show John says Josh where do you like two thermostats I think he's asking where do you like to put them maybe uh, most occupied most windows. So where I think I think John I think you're asking where do I want to put the thermostat Is that? Correct me if I'm wrong I think that's what you're you're going for here. And my answer is we all know every house is different. You know, so there's going to be there's going to be houses that you know I might break this rule, but uh, for the for the most part, most homes I'm going to put that thermostat in.

Well, there's a couple rules of thumb here, right? So I I want it as close to a return? Maybe the biggest return if possible Right but close to a return if possible. I'll tell you in my house it's not close to our return and that's okay. Uh, but just in general I'd like it to be close to a return if possible. Okay, so that's the first one the next one is I wouldn't want it to be any location that it could be affected by something else in the home.

So one an example of that might be if there's a fireplace I don't want it near that fireplace I wouldn't probably wouldn't even put it in the same room if possible. Um I wouldn't put it beside the front door right? Uh, full transparency in my house I didn't install my system I'm just you know. So I don't even know why I'm telling you, But in my house? um, the thermostat is right beside the front door and it's probably not a good idea, right? So every time that front door opens and closes, it's going to affect that thermostat, which can affect you, know, the overall performance. You know that system might kick on.

Uh, because the door opened and uh, not actually necessarily need to come on yet, you know, kind of deal? Um, I wouldn't put it in a kitchen. You know, because cooking You know you might be cooking one day and that could affect it. Um, and then I Guess the last rule of thumb that I would probably stick to is I would probably try to put it as close to the middle of the floor plan as possible, depending on where returns are depending on sunlight coming in. Windows and and the kitchen and all these other variables right.

And then once I consider all of those variables and now I've got this, what's left over I'm going to put it as close to the middle of whatever that is left over as possible. And so for a lot of homes, you guys know it's probably this way. Maybe in in a home you've lived in and that is in a lot of homes, they will put the thermostat in the hallway, going to say some bedrooms. so they've gotten it away from the kitchen, they've gotten it away from that front door.
and so for a lot of homes, that means it will be in a hallway in the middle of what's left over and and a lot of those hallways. The return might be located in that hallway somewhere too. So that's my overall. Spiel I Probably missed something.

Uh, because you you know you asked me that question and I was just kind of coming off. Um, you know, just thoughts, you know I Hadn't really sat down and thought about it, but that that would be kind of the gist of it. especially if you're looking at moving it or installing it in a location for the first wet first time ever. But John also says washes great if you live in a cold dry climate or warm dry climate.

If you have to deal with humidity, forget it. This is by Design not hating on Bosch Yeah, the the humidity is their weakest link and and that is where. uh, the non-communicating inverter systems. Um, just like you said by Design they're not going to perform quite as well as a communicating inverter system and on that front, Sean says just swapped a single stage AC at our cabin with a Bosch Ids2.

So far so good. Uh, where's that located? Sean Where's your? where is your cabin? because I would assume if you if you say cabin, there's probably a lot of wood there and humidity depending on where you are in the country. Uh, you don't want a lot of humidity certain times of the year, so love to. If you wouldn't mind sharing, where is that cabin located? you know, because excuse me if it's if it's in a humid location.

Um, you know that's something that everyone has to consider at the end of the day, right? Emery says hey Josh Met a guy who works as a design engineer for Train in Tyler Texas and he designs residential AC systems Very cool, very cool I Have been to the the the plant there in Tyler and it's a it was a lot of fun. um and uh if they ever have decide they want to have me back maybe I could bring a camera with me. we'll see hello. which do you prefer? carrier or train Christopher says well Christopher if you've seen any of my videos before, um my answer to that question is I would probably um, care more about the contractor than the brand, especially looking at two of the more um, acceptable Brands if you will, If you were to throw out you know carrier or and then fill in blank some brand that I I would just tell you just I would just tell you right off the bat, don't do that one And of course the question always becomes well, what's that brand Josh I don't have one.

there's like a hundred but if you said but if but if you're saying just those two, two of the big three right? I The Big Three are are Daikin which makes Amana and Goodman carrier which makes Bryants and all the ICP Brands and then Trane which makes American Standard and a few other brands and so those are the big three and you've named two of them and so because of that I would say let's look at the contractor more than the brand. Um, now if it's the same same contractor offering both Brands My response to that is why are they offering both Brands Wouldn't you want to go with a contractor that's drinking the Kool-Aid for one or the other that they'll say to you hey, I've tried both I've tried multiple Brands and this is the brand This is the one you gotta go with and here's why that's the company I would want to do business with. They love what they're about to install in my home, right? So just a few things to consider there and then I Guess the last thing I'll say to your question is which one between the two do I personally prefer? If I had to sell one or the other, it'd probably. Ah, I don't know if I'm gonna answer that question I Think if you guys saw my show last week, you you know which one of those two I am not very happy with right now because they think their parts are made of gold.
Sam says what is the importance of inverter with communicating versus non-communicating It's not about the importance of the inverter, it's more about the importance of the technology behind communicating versus non-communicating And I think we I don't think it's come out yet. or maybe it has, but we talk a little bit about this exact subject. Um, and so non-communicating just to make it? well, let me back up. Let's let me just give you a real quick 10 second commercial.

Um, inverter systems by default are like a dimmer switch on a light. There's a lot of in between. There's you know where a normal light might be on or off. No in between.

An inverter system is going to have a lot of in between. It's gonna be like a dimmer switch and it's going to ramp up and ramp down for multiple different reasons. Uh, non-communicating systems because they're non-communicating Meaning, they use a 24 volt thermostat. They are just because of that technology.

The thermostats are just like what we've been used to for 50 years. They're just a literally a set of switches inside of a a digital display or a mechanical display years ago, right? But they're just switches and a series of switches that will close based on what you set it at and what temperature you set it at. And because those switches closed, they send voltage and it tells the system. Hey, it's hot in here and the system turns on.

what controls the inverter Side of that is now I Think couple brands do it different ways, but ultimately, it's looking at the coil or the suction pressure. the temperature of the of that you know, evaporator coil. In reality, it's looking at the pressure really. And um, it will ramp up and down based on that.

a communicating system. In contrast to that, instead of having a series of switches in the thermostat, your thermostat, your indoor unit, your outdoor unit, they're constantly sending data to one another. uh, using DC voltage and and stuff honestly that I'm not, you know I'm sure there's some binary codes and all kinds of crazy stuff that I would never even be able to explain, much less comprehend, right? But they're sending data just like the internet to one another and they're talking to one another and they're saying hey, it's not that hot out here or hey, it's really humid in here or hey, this is happening or hey, whatever. And because of that, the system can operate as efficiently or as optimally or as quietly or as can, we could just keep going.
As the point being: performance, removing humidity, reaching temperature. All those things, but drawing as little amount as refrigerant I mean refrigerant refrigerant electricity as possible. And so it's just two different Technologies Both have the ability to ramp up and down, but because of the technology, you hear guys making YouTube videos I Saw one this week where the guy was talking about one of these non-communicating inverter systems. And don't get me wrong, they they have their place I Put one in my house years ago when they first came out.

um, they have their place but he was almost trying to pretend that they're the best or they're better and they're just simply not. They're a good budget friendly option, but they're not as good. Okay, so we did a video recently where we talked about comparing three different Uh ratings or ways of breaking systems down. When you're comparing them instead of comparing Seer and all the other ratings that they compare on systems, check out that video If You haven't seen it.

It's called Bear with me. Hold on. my computer is going slow. Bear with me.

Come on computer. There it goes. It's called three HVAC Efficiency Types Three HVAC efficiency types and I'll put a link to that in our chat here. Okay, back to our chat.

Roberto says and Roberto forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't know that I've ever seen you on our show before, so welcome to our show. Would you know how to get in the service side cleaning p-tac units in a hotel motels? California Would you know how to get in the service side? Would you know how to get in the service side? I'm not sure what you're exactly what you're asking Roberto if you're asking how to service the units um, instead of uh, instead of going outside or inside or any of that most P-tac units you take a few screws out and you slide it out like you would a window unit. So I'm not sure if that's what you're asking. Um, let me know if if I'm not.

uh Ryan Ryan always asks the tough questions Ryan Ryan Ryan he says for new system installs, what size media filter do you normally install one, two, four, five inch or some other size and why do you choose that size? Well, Ryan it kind of depends. Uh, we do. We try to be mindful of the static pressures and um, we try to be um, you know, use that as as part of this as well, but we usually it just depends. So I would say in general most installs we're going to just do a normal filter grille and they're going to have a one inch filter and I'll usually try to talk them into using pleated over fiberglass and that might be the end of it.
Um, but if we do offer some sort of an upgrade then we usually usually we'll install those four inch media filters that have the the um I don't know what the word is the Ruffles or whatever where you could cut the ends off and stretch it out. It's got a lot of surface area and so because of that it's less static than if you were to have less surface area right? You know if it started to get dirty, M-a-m-r says are you sponsored by Daikin So Daikin has sponsored some of our stuff, but years before that uh Dyke I was selling Daikin and um, you know, so they don't they don't sponsor our Channel they don't own our Channel although some of you probably think I do they do, but they don't Um so I Always say and this is true that if tomorrow if who I think is best changes, then I'm not. You know they don't own me, you know I Just personally right now think they're the best uh, and a lot of things you know Uh John says why do you want to locate thermostats near a return ultimately because of control uh and and Optimum comfort. So if I want and I think in the industry as a whole, that's a general rule.

Um, for guys, they'll they'll say and a lot of times try to keep it near the return. In contrast, if you were to say put it closer to a supply event, then the air blowing on that thermostat or near that thermostat could affect the overall performance of the system. So the idea is, if you've got it closer to the return versus a supply, then you're going to be able to have an overall picture of the Comfort One thing that does drive me nuts though is you see these people, they'll have an issue. a duct work issue for example.

So they'll have one room that's hotter than the rest. The rest of them get real cold. That one stays hot and it's probably a it could be a duct work issue. It could be an issue with the home, right? If there's an insulation problem with that room or something else causing it to stay warmer than the others.

But you'll see these guys. They I don't I don't mean this in an ugly way, but they just don't know what they're doing. and you know. or at least in this particular scenario I don't I don't know everything.

but I do I do know that relocating that thermostat to that room doesn't solve anything. Uh, relocating the thermostat to a room that's hotter than the rest will just cause the system to run more, making the rest of the house get even colder for that room that's hot to reach temperature. And relocating the thermostat to that room does not actually fix anything. We're going to take a break from our chat and uh, do a segment that I know some of you guys have grown to love.

and uh, this week's uh segment. bear with me because I'm not on my normal computer. It takes me a little longer, but uh, this week's segment of goofy inventions And so this week's segment of goofy inventions is we? um, we've seen thermostats come a long way and uh, we've seen them. You know? Now they can do geofencing and they can do uh Wi-Fi and they can do all these other things.
They they can do adaptive technology where they learn how long it takes to reach temperature and and then that. We're not even talking about all the communicating stuff and what it can do with alerts and stuff right? So uh just just in general. uh if you guys remember years ago, do y'all remember the TomTom GPSes So um they they you know they had a you know of course your GPS it wasn't like in your phone like today. it was a a whole nother part you would buy and you know connected to your windshield.

maybe some of you guys still have one I don't know but uh the TomTom GPS's and they you could download different voices. and so this week's goofy invention is if you were to download a uh voices inside your thermostat maybe this is a thing already and I just don't know about it. Maybe one of the thermostat companies has this and I'm not aware of it. but I Remember, you know with the TomTom you could download different accents you could have.

you know you can have someone with an American accent. You could have someone with an Australian accent. Um I Remember a friend of mine had downloaded the Austin Powers voice into his Tom Tom and so that this week's Goofy mention is if you could download those different personalities or voices in your thermostat, we'll call them the TomTom thermostats and um, the the Austin Powers one. And that one just always stuck with me because you would take a turn and it would go Yeah baby! Yeah, that's my awesome powers.

For those of you that you know I know you're impressed. Um, but uh I just think it would be cool if you were changing the temperature and it was like yeah baby, yeah you know. So that's this week's goofy invention. Let me know what you think of that invention down in the uh, down in the chat? Uh, let's see, let's try to find where I left off at in our chat.

Bear with me Emery says how far should a thermostat be away from a return vent? Um, wouldn't putting it near return calls at the turn off prematurely? No. I would say it's probably the other way around. I would say put putting it near a supply event is what's going to make it act you know, um sporadically. Yeah buddy.

Love the name says our HVAC manufacturer warranties generally transferable to a new owner if you sell the house. um I would say you know you you said generally I would say generally uh in most locations of the country and the reason I say most locations of the country is there are states that have passed Laws Texas being one of them recently. um where they have said you know those have to be transferable to the next homeowner and I think more states are going to be passing laws like that soon. but currently generally you know because you said generally currently generally the answer is no I would say a lot of the brands and States uh do not currently require that or offer that.
Um and then the ones that do, some of them will will offer it but then it'll offer it at a fee. So I remember selling another brand years ago and they would they would let you transfer it but then you had to pay like 99 bucks to transfer it to the next home owner. So right or wrong? Um, you know I think we could. We could probably say that in general would be nice if they always transferred right? Um, but they don't in all cases.

Right right now let's see Sean says mountains of the Pacific Northwest Dry climate Got it? Got it? Yeah, so you don't have to worry about humidity as much. Nice. I Thought the isn't the Pacific Northwest You must? You must be maybe in a more drier area, but usually. uh, there's parts of Oregon and Washington in general and for the most part and and then up into Canada where it's it's cold, but it's uh, not dry.

so maybe you're maybe closer to the Rocky Mountains or something up that way. Um, but you know it, it'll be cold, but it'll be clammy. It's there. they still have to, you know? look at humidity and all that good stuff.

Um, M-a-m-r says true. All depends on contractor. Sean says I actually need to add a humidifier and waiting to see how much the humidity increases this winter versus running the furnace. Interesting Yeah, so you you are definitely in a drier area if that's what you're looking at Ryan says I Recently visited family in Pennsylvania and many only have furnaces with no AC Could they just add an indoor evaporator coil, an outdoor condenser to their existing system or get a new Full system that's fully matched? I would say in general, for the most part, they should be able to add something.

Um I think for years that wasn't unheard of. Uh, now you know, if you're trying to take advantage of certain rebates or this or that, then you know you might have to do an entire system and make sure you're getting that cute little Ahri certificate. But if you you know if you have a furnace there and it's moving airflow just fine, just fine, you should be able to. You know, just install a coil and either a straight AC or a heat pump and turn it into a dual fuel system.

and uh, maybe even save some gas if they've got propane. If they've got natural gas, they probably don't care. Don says is Goodman a decent system Watch my video on Goodman Dawn it's called Goodman good and bad. Uh, let's see goodness I'll put a link to that.

Let me find it here in that video I Go through um some of the reasons that Goodman may or may not have a uh a reputation good or bad um and I and I talk about some of the reasons why that might be. um. so definitely check out this video. I'm putting it in there right now.
Let's see Ryan says if you have a communicating inverter system like The Fit do people really need a separate dehumidifier or does the communicating system handle humidity well enough I Think it depends on the situation I Think in general they're gonna remove more humidity versus a non-communicating inverter system by rule typically. Um. but to say does it remove enough? Well, that just kind of depends on the house, right? You know it depends on how tight the house is or the environment they live in. Some of them do need a little help.

in fact, in my area I would say a lot of them. I'm near the coast and there are times of the year that they do need some help and that you know even the best system on the market at removing humidity still might need a little help. They you know the main reason that they're so good at removing humidity isn't not. It isn't just because they work well or that they're inverters by by rule of thumb right? it's more of and I think we all know this.

It's because they are meant to run longer. You know they're meant to ramp down and and barely be running instead of that on off, on off. And because they have longer run times drawing less electricity, not more. Um, then they you know because of that they remove more humidity Christopher says I've watched your vids I Have a carrier for 28 years still working Good for you pal.

You got your work money's worth out of that. I did ask them for several of your several of your questions. what to ask a contractor I had last year a new circuit board and blower put in nice Gary says Josh you have photos of my full split system right now in Massachusetts it's 79 degrees at 80 percent humidity. oh that's really high I have just the single 15K BTU going right now here in Massachusetts Oh maybe you're talking about outside.

it's 79 degrees and 80 or you you're talking about inside. That's not good pal Gary says 75.5 in the home and 46 percent Got it? Okay, just contributing my current stats: t-stat In the long hallway with a smiley face Sean says have a bright communicating inverter in Seattle Area can see real time how the system responds to humidity and other things, but it doesn't control humidity enough. in my opinion. It's more comfortable though.

There are things that you can do Sean to also. um not you necessarily maybe your pro can do maybe they can lower the airflow and that could help too. So if the system is set up to say run at 400 Cfms per ton, maybe they could lower that a little bit. Um, just depends.

I'm I'll be completely honest: I'm not as familiar with the Bryant carrier communicating stuff we've worked on it, but I don't claim to be as seasoned as you know, possibly your local contractor with it, so they may know some other options too if you raise that concern to them. Um, you know it may be a deal where you might see them make some tweaks and changes to to really go after that humidity, but maybe you might see it run a little longer or you might see it blow a little less or whatever. Um, just throwing some ideas out there. Roberto Says how to get work cleaning them, how to get first time on live thinks how to get work cleaning them Roberto I um I think you were the one asking about the P-tac and uh, if you're asking how to get work on cleaning them, um, you know I'm I'm not sure if that's what you're asking or not, but if it is, you know, maybe call some of your local hotels where they have a lot of those P-tac units.
There are probably areas where they could keep you quite busy. Gill says Roberta Wants to know how to get into the service side Of the air conditioning business Josh Oh gotcha! Um man, that's a loaded question. In fact I did I did a uh I did a video on this one time where I talked about some of the guys that we have applying for jobs with us and the hope and dream was to try to help them or people trying to get into the trade on you know, when. Especially it right now.

Most good companies are looking for good help, right? especially during the busy times of the year. And uh, though, you know if if you're willing to get in there and work and learn the trade and all that good stuff, they would probably love to have you. and uh, so yeah Roberto confirmed. Um, but I did a whole video and I don't remember exactly what it's called off top my head right now.

but I talk about in that video, how to get your foot in the door in a few of these companies and um, you know, maybe if they're getting 30 resumes in a month, right? If they've got a job opening and um, you know. Let's say 28 of those 30 are guys that have zero experience you need to look at. How can you set yourself apart from those other 28 guys, right? So two of the 30 they may have experience, but maybe they are rough around the edges and the company doesn't hire them for one reason or another. or maybe they've got something in their background check.

Or maybe they're you know, doing something dumb in their picture on social media. You know that's one of the things I talk about in that video too is get that crap off of there. You know, get it off of your social media. It's not a good look and nobody wants you working for them.

You know, no offense, you know you, you can disagree with me and then you still won't get hired. But you know, if you've got pictures of you partying or flying a Confederate flag or um, you know, doing something you shouldn't you know illegal in your social media posts, companies might not want to hire you. you know, no offense. And so Roberto I'm not saying you're one of those guys.

You probably don't need to do that. but um, but maybe the last thing I'll say is of those 28 resumes, figure out a way to make yourself set up. You know, be be apart, set a part of those. Maybe go get your EPA license CFC license.
Um, they're not hard to get. It's usually a quick little you know, class or read a book and then you take a little test and um, and and you get your license to be able to handle refrigerant. That'll set yourself apart a little. and then you know I I think I say in that video maybe on your resume just putting big bold letters hey, I have no experience, but I'll be your best worker I'll be here at work I'll be the first guy here every day I'll be the last one to leave every day.

and if you are willing to teach me this trade, I will be your best guy you've ever hired. If you wrote that on a resume, I would hire you I I would at least get you in for an interview and so you know that's that's what it is. I'm not telling you to do that. Maybe that's unprofessional.

What do I know? But um, just figure out a way to make yourself set apart from those guys and getting back to your original question on cleaning P-tech units, watch a YouTube video. Well, you know, find a YouTube video on the matter, figure out how to do it, figure out how to do it well, and do it right, and uh, take a few pictures of yourself doing it, and then maybe show a hotel or something. I mean there's there's ways to be creative with that and um, you know I'm sure you'll get there. pal.

Chris says is there alternatives for an April air pleated filter? Um, there's Alternatives Yeah, there's other brands I think Honeywell makes one I think a lot of the manufacturers like Linux and carrier Daikin All of them have their own. uh, whether they make it themselves or re-label it. um is a you know? I'm not sure but um, a lot of the those brands have uh filters that are comparable or similar to the April air ones. Congaree Cruiser hopefully I'm saying that name correctly.

I'll call you Mr Cruiser How about that Mr Cruiser says thanks for your videos I learned so much I purchased the Daikin heat pump paired with a big efficiency furnace for the coldest Minnesota winter days and I used a local Daikin Pro Company Nice. Uh, keep us updated on how that goes pal. Um, and I'm actually going to send uh the I've got a friend of mine at Daikin that I usually when I see nice posts like this I'll send it to him. so I just took a screenshot of your post.

um let's see Brian says you can do that in Waze Cookie Monster Congress has big meaning if high efficiency furnaces that works with heat pump per my settings Gary says I have an older Garmin and it has many of those voices uh Gary did you like my idea? You know is is that is is this thermostat with personalities goofy invention? You know? Is this the next thing you know? Maybe we should patent that get our garment or or Tom Tom thermostat you know with personalities uh where they talk to you you know another one might be um instead of Olson Powers but maybe just have like you know some lady that you know that is seductive. You know like you change the temperature I did a YouTube short like that where she was like ooh you like that, you know oh You Like It Hot So Brian says warranty transfer is happening now with a fee at 150 dollars an area Ryan says talking thermostats would get mired in my house. my maybe I'm not saying that right, but for accessibility I Know that would help for many people and some people respond better to men or women's voices differently. Interesting, It's a good point.
Congress says the 12-year Parts on labor warranty was a huge reason. plus your videos Nice pal. good to hear I Hope you like it. Uh, hopefully I didn't steer you wrong and um, you know, let us know I mean even if you do have an issue with it, keep us updated Adrian What's up pal? you're probably not even here anymore Adrian Does a show on Tuesday nights as well.

It usually starts right as mine is ending. Uh, reliable Hvacr and um, his. his stuff is, uh, way more technical. He has guests on his show that you know they do a lot of commercial stuff and they'll talk about a lot of HVAC stuff when it comes to that.

So, but hey to Adrian Ethan says HVAC guide for homeowners how you doing today hey Ethan I'm doing good down here in Houston that's why my background's different Sam says follow-up question How does a non-communicating inverter decide when to ramp up and down and what controls that speed and capacity? For example, a light dimmer has a manual dial over a manual dial User control. Uh, good question. Um I Can't speak for all the brands, but I know at least some of them. Uh, monitor the pressure.

They got a pressure sensor that monitors that pressure coming back from the evaporator coil and decides if it needs to ramp up based on the target temperature programmed into that system. And so you can change that Target temperature in some cases. and so it will. You know, Um, ramp up and down based on that.

So their argument to on an extremely hot day is the temperature coming back. it will. It'll automatically ramp up right? But we all know that that's not as um, it's It's just not the same technology as a communicating system. Christopher says how is the system Guardian Guardian Is that I Think that is that an ICP or is that a no, no, it's made by.

According to this, it's made by York Um so I'm not a big huge fan of York but maybe that's just because we don't have a good supplier in our area. Um, but I would say if you have a contractor that's talking to you about Guardian as a brand, I would go by how good the brand is versus I mean sorry how good the contractor is and if they you know if you've got a good contractor and they're willing to stand behind whatever they're installing then you know then I would say go that route. Okay, somebody says Josh is cute and that's why I'm here. As a bonus: I'm learning something about HVAC You're cute too Stacy Says Recommended Mini split for snow Um Stacy You want to look at some of the models that have low ambient.
That's the verbage you're looking for low ambient technology. Um, and and I think that it's great that you're looking ahead. you're trying to find a system that's going to work in a extremely cold environment, right? And so a lot of the brands uh, a lot of the big Brands they're going to tell you what the they what temperature they work down to. now realize if it says it works down to a specific temperature that it does still lose capacity as it gets down to that temperature.

and so that's why I get annoyed when we see some of these Brands they'll say oh well we we make a system that's this many Seer and I'm like yeah, but if you start looking at the performance charts that you know it's still it's not the best system right? Um, but you want to look for a system that's low ambient I know Daikin has their Aurora and then I think their new atmosphera product goes uh no I could be wrong on that. The atmosphere don't hold me to that, but Aurora does pretty well at extreme temperatures. I Know Mitsubishi has their hyper heat and I think Fujitsu has a I forget the verbiage they use, but it's got something similar to Mitsubishi's hyper heat so you know you want to be careful. Um, with some of the brands outside of those bigger brand names.

um and it's not all about the brand right? but it's You know there are a lot of Brands out there that that they're it's just you know companies that are making the same products but they're just slapping different American words on those you know products and so I'll find that, look for the low ambient capabilities and hopefully um, you know that'll help you. Um, the last thing I'll say is get some quotes, get talk to a few contractors and see what they recommend or or you know go. I Would defer to your local contractor and their opinion. Carl says usually a heat only furnace has a narrow throat that is restrictive allow AC That's a good point I mean that's something you always got to keep um in mind.

but I I think if you I think Carl you're talking about the original question where they were talking about adding AC and um I think in general, the answer to that original question is yes though right? You know if you've got a furnace there and it's moving air, you should be able to ins in most cases install that evaporator coil with a you know an AC uh uh Emery says how does the condenser fan reject Heat reject heat Emery I'm not sure exactly what you're asking unless you're talking about when you say reject eat are you asking like how does it operate like why does it have heat going out the top of that fan and and it's I think it's what you might be asking and it's because air is being pulled across that coil inside that unit Um Brian says Hotel work is P-tech Chris Your videos cause me to buy my new dike and fit system. Let me let me know how that goes for you Chris hopefully uh, hopefully good but even if not, let us know Miss R Welcome to the show I Don't think I've ever seen your name on here. How common is mold and metal air vents just moved open. Return to change the filter and found dry black mold dust on the inside of the frame.
some slats in the vent in the South Concerned for deeper issues? Um I would if nothing else, have a company run a camera. just make sure that you know they can see all the Ducks and make sure everything's on the up and up on that. Um, as far as how common is it, unfortunately, probably more common than it should be, but that doesn't mean that it's okay. So have a company run a camera or if nothing, if at the very least, inspect your indoor if there is, if it's a split system and there's an indoor unit wherever that air handler or furnace area is, pop some covers off and let's let's get everything inspected real good.

Um, and and you know, be proactive with that if it is mold. uh and check out my video where I go over mold and ductwork. uh Ryan says since you live in the coast on the coast and deal with corrosion on coils, do you ever apply Coatings or sprays to help protect the coils products like golf coat or coil guard Honestly I never have. um I know Daikin has the bluing I forget the verbiage but the protectant on their coils and then some of the brands actually have all aluminum coils that are meant to.

You know be protected from Salt Water spray. But to be honest with you, I don't deal with it as much as you might think because I'm not on the ocean I'm actually on the Rappahannock River Mostly some of our customers are on the Chesapeake Bay but um, it's just not something we see a lot of. I have my supplier supplies a lot of folks down in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and they deal with it a lot. you know I don't I don't think there's a spray on this Earth that can save some of those units like they just look like they, uh, you know they.

they look like they've been dipped an acid after, you know, a handful of years. It's just nuts. The beating that some of those systems take. um, Brian says don't say all that unless you unless you commit Gail says Josh is correct on having a clean look to your social media when wanting to be hired and representing a company.

Yeah, it's it. Unfortunately, it's true. people look at that. You know before they make their hires.

I Do you know I I've got a guy that's applied for Griffin air. Maybe he'll see this and maybe he'll finally take it down. but he's applied with us at least. no joke.

10 times and I would love to give him an opportunity or I would have loved to give an opportunity, but he'll never get one because he has the Confederate flag all over his social media. Now this is not me saying if you're one of those people and you're you want to fight over whether it's right or wrong for him to be able to fly that flag. I'm not saying he doesn't have that right, but I also have the right to not consider hiring him because he's going to be in people's homes you know? And and I don't just look for that I'm just saying in general, clean that stuff up, you know, make it private if nothing else and it's just not a good look. It's not very very professional.
This is a professional. trade. You're going in somebody's house and you're being paid money to do a professional, a professional trade and you should act like a professional even from the very start if that's something that you know, if this is something you really want to do or at least consider doing Bob sorry I'm late, no problem Bob Glad you're here, pal. Ethan says I keep my air on 74 to 76.

that's warm. We keep our ours much lower than that, but lately it's been mostly on 74. Do you think that's a good temperature for the system? Yeah, I mean I I think that uh, you're keeping it warmer than I do and you're probably saving energy and you're probably having less wear and tear on your your system because of that. Um, my uh, my wife has a good HVAC guy that'll repair her system if something goes wrong.

so we keep it on. Uh, we keep our house all the way down on 70 70 to 71 depending on, um, the day you know, but usually 70. we keep it pretty cold in our house and I'm a chubby guy, right? you know? So wow. The comments are really rolling in guys.

we're going to be wrapping up here soon. get your questions in. Um, it's getting late. You know it's not that late where I am today, but if I was at home um I'm in another whole time zone over and I'm trying to be mindful of that but um, it's it's getting a little late so you know, get your questions in there Gary says actually it is a good idea Josh after all my smoke and CO2 detector yells at me when I test her that is hilarious.

Um let's see I I want to do We usually we used to end every show with shouting out good companies. um let's switch it up this week as we start to wrap up. I'm gonna get through these last bit of questions but um I want I'd like to do a as we're wrapping up if you have something that you like a I don't know how I want to word this a setting or a feature in your thermostat that you really like or that you make sure it's turned on at all times. look comment in our chat I'd like to just touch on that as we wrap up our show.

If you've got a setting I've got one that I'm going to share at the very end here and um if you've got a setting or a feature in your thermostat that you love about that thermostat or you always make sure is in a thermostat before you purchase it, that thermostat put that in the chat and we will go over those as we wrap up our show tonight. Ryan says I met a talking thermostat would get muted in my house. That's hilarious. Uh Annie hello welcome to the show Ryan says Fujitsu extra low temperature heating.
Got it Xlth got it. So that's that's their low ambient right? Ryan Is sharing there? Yeah Buddy says our variable speed blowers sufficient enough to remove humidity when paired with a single stage system. It just depends on the house. You know, are they sufficient? They should be.

Hopefully more sufficient than a regular single stage system with a single stage PSC or even ECM motor. But they, um, but are they going to be sufficient? Well, that just depends. It depends on the house depends on many other variables to know if if that's going to be enough humidity removed from the house without a dehumidifier? where I live it's not. You know, it sounds like a lot of you folks asking questions.

You're trying to get away from having a dehumidifier in your house where I live. It's not uncommon to have a dehumidifier in the house regardless of what system is there. It's just a matter of installing a system that you hope it removes more humidity versus less right? Annie says I get a lot of dust in the house? What's up with that? Um, well. Annie First thing I would say is let's look at your um, let's see if it is something to your heating and air system.

Maybe have your ductwork inspected. They can even do a duct blast test in some extreme situations and find out if there is a problem with duct leakage that could be pulling dust from other parts of the house. Um, but you can also install some filtration and things like that to remove some of that dust in the house and um, hopefully help with that. um Tech Turkey said.

Also, get an air quality test done. That's true Christopher says for a Cape Cod House one and a half floors is a single stage or two-stage system. good. um I mean if it sized properly I'm sure it's fine.

You know you just want to make sure it's everything is sized and inside and installed properly. Bob says York used to make outdoor coils with a coating on coils exposed to salt, water and similar environments. Yeah! I think a few of the brands I know carrier had their coastal line um A trained in America standard of course have the spine fin that's all aluminum and then you know or Daikin has their blued coating on a lot of their products Emery says what is the best HVAC Trade school in your area in my area I I haven't found one that I'm in love with yet now. I do know that our local Community College he they got a new teacher this past year for their heating and air stuff I have not met him I um I've tried to reach out to our local school multiple times to set up a good relationship with them.

I've even offered to donate equipment to them. and um, there's a there's a little bit of a barrier there. um I I Looked at it like if I could create a good relationship with them and maybe send stuff to them. Maybe if they've got a, you know, if they get a good kid in there and and he's doing great and he's learning the trade, maybe they'll send him my way.
and um I don't know. Maybe they've already got that with someone else and maybe that's why I I don't get a very warm reception from them when it comes to that stuff, but um I tell you. I've been, uh, going through some of the online stuff just, you know, kind of checking out some of the online schooling and courses that are out there and there's obviously you can't do any Hands-On stuff, but there's some really good stuff out there that you can, you know, consume um, online. Ethan says that's cold I never go below 73 in my house and have never went above 77.

Yeah, we keep it cold and we keep it cold in the summer and winter so you know it's not one of those deals where we love consuming energy and so you know we because I've been in some people's houses that they don't want to consume energy. so in the summer they keep their temperature really high and then in the winter they keep their temperature really low and they're trying to save energy. Uh, whereas with us we keep it the same temperature year round, it's just colder than most. We keep it around 70 in the summer and then around 69 to 70 in the winter.

So I'm a chubby guy? uh, and he says what's considered a good filter? That's a loaded question. Annie And we're going to be wrapping up our show? Uh, but I have done several videos on filters. check out a few of those and um, you know, go through. You know it just depends on there's a lot of variables to that.

Um, but I've I've done a few videos. just I think if you just search my videos and then search filters if you go to my channel and search the word filter there I've done multiple videos on different types of filters, electronic air filters um, whole house home filters, and of course disposable and washable filters. Gary says great show Josh enjoy your continued dike in education. Catch you next week! Thanks Gary Have a great week! Uh Tech Junkie says interesting fact my house at 77 degrees at 50 humidity is very uncomfortable.

um I'm sure it's not I'm sure that is that sounds really high to me. My grandma's house at the same conditions feel perfect I wonder what the so if she's at the same humidity because if the humidity is different as you know Tech Junkie then that would affect your comfort. Same conditions. feels perfect.

That goes to show there's more to going on in that building that's unknown. Very true. Larry I Would like a pen number to lock out my wife Larry They make thermostats for that. they make thermostats uh where you can lock the screen or we installed a dummy thermostat one time where.

uh now it wasn't a spouse that did it, it was actually a college where they installed these thermostats where the college kids thought they had control of things in the common areas and the school put the they were basically dummy thermostats. They they didn't control anything so Roberto says my favorite setting is fan on turbo mode. be careful with that if you live in a humid area. Uh, and he says how to clean outside units there's videos on that I would if you don't know what you're doing I would get a pro though.
Uh, it's usually not that expensive to have a pro, just do it correctly. Um, um, we're almost wrapped up here just going through the last few comments here seeing if I just want to miss anybody's questions or comments on our our trade program will give you a grant for training the kids I Heard that the the Federal government is is starting to look at taking care of a lot of schooling for folks even at the local levels and they they understand that this is a big problem and so they're They're starting to offer more and more free schooling. Ryan says I like the feature on my desk to preheat or cool earlier than the set time on my program schedule. This way in the morning temperature is what I want since at night I sleep on a cooler setting.

Yep, that's a good point. Different, different. um Brands call it different things, but yeah, where it basically uh, will I think Ness You call it a preheat or pre-cool Some of them I think Honeywell calls it adaptive intelligent recovery or something like that. but it's basically where the thermostat will learn your home and if you haven't set at say, 6 a.m to reach a certain temperature, it will learn well I actually need to turn on at 5, 15, or 4, 45 or whatever to reach that temperature Ethan says that's exactly what my grandma does with her AC 73 during the day and 71 or 70 at night.

Hilarious is great news. Thermostats lock up Larry You are going to start wars pal. Um Emery says how is a vaulted ceiling affected by heat load calculation? It does affect it a lot. You need to keep that in mind.

If you have vaulted ceilings, it can change your um, you know your heat that that's why I get annoyed when people go by just square footage alone. Vaulted ceilings are a good reason. A good example of why just going by square footage would affect your heat low calculation dramatically. I Told you guys that I would wrap up tonight's show with a setting on my particular thermostat.

that I really enjoy that I use a lot and I'll actually give you a couple of them. the first one is I Really enjoy the um I have a Honeywell 8000 so it has the backup heat stage timer and it also has the heat droop settings and I like that because in the winter time I can tell that thermostat. you know, hey, if it gets down to this temperature or that temperature, that's when you'll bring on the heat strips. but it'll have a timer so it'll give that heat pump a chance to reach temperature before bringing on those heat strips.
It'll save energy because of that. Another thing I like about that thermostat is I I like the extended fan run time I'll turn that on. Um, it gets the last little bit of energy sometimes out of that evaporator coil or heat strips and you know it's only 30 seconds. runs longer, but that's something that I'll sometimes turn on.

or actually I'll leave it on all the time so my system will reach temperature. you'll you'll actually hear a click and the outdoor unit will turn off and then the indoor unit will continue to run for 30 seconds longer across that coil or heat strips. and um and that also is good for you know other things like you know, dirty sock syndrome and things like that. um so anyway uh that's pretty much it guys.

I Appreciate those of you that have stayed this late, this is pretty late for the east coast and I appreciate you guys. We're going to be back next week starting at 8 30 Eastern Standard Time Find out what that time is in your area. keep in mind coming up in a couple weeks, we will not I know tonight we got we were a late start and in a couple weeks we won't have a start at all. Uh and I'll let you you guys know as time gets closer.

I think it's going to be the first week of October We're definitely not going to do a show that week because I will be on I'll be out of the country so um anyway, thank you guys I Uh, appreciate all your support if you haven't subscribed to our Channel We're uh, really trying to make a good push for 100 000 subscribers. so that way I think that'll get us in a few doors um, that we're not currently being able to get behind and we'll be able to, you know, say Hey You know we've got a hundred thousand audience members that would love to see what you could show us here, right? And so we've actually got one of those coming up that we're going to be kind of like we did at Daikin where we're going to go behind closed doors on a few things. So excited about that! But if you haven't subscribed uh please do And thank you for all your support. We'll see you next week.

Make it a great week. Take care.

One thought on “Hvac guide live show! technician answers questions.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars viper1vxxx says:

    I have a question for you can you run a portable ac 15 hours a day with no rest cycles 15 hours contulesy nonstop or will this burn up the compressor or is it ok to run it

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