In this video, Joshua Griffin goes through an article that he found that goes through some statistics in the HVAC industry. The article goes over how a company called DuraPlas with Pollfish interviewed several homeowners asking their habits on taking care of their HVAC system. Some of these statistics were quite surprising and Josh goes over as such.
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#hvac #statistics @duraplas

Only 30 percent of Americans do preventative maintenance on their HVAC systems. Today we're going to talk about that stat and a few others. This story coming from a company called Duraplace, a provider of Plastic Products in the Agriculture Industrial Energy and Greenhouse Industries and they release a study that reveals that Americans intend to use more non-hvac alternatives to cool their homes as inflation continues and temperatures rise and what is turning out to be warmer than normal summer Duroplast Partnered with third-party Service Platform Pole Fish and asked a thousand U.S adults around the country to share how they were planning to cool their homes this summer and so I want to go through a few of these stats. Found this article and I just thought it was very interesting the fact that only 30 percent of Americans schedule preventative maintenance on their HVAC systems I Talked about the stat the other night on our live that we do.

We do a live show every Tuesday night. If you've never joined us, definitely really check that out. We take heating and air questions live actually some other Pros jump on that show sometimes as well and we try to answer those questions so that's usually at 8 30 on Tuesday nights and that's Eastern Standard Time So find out what that is in your time zone. But when I went over that stat the other night during the show, a couple of the folks on our live show weren't surprised that they said that they actually thought that number was a little high I Can tell you in my area that number seems a little low at least with our customers and I Don't know if that's because my guys are just really good at educating the customer on why it's important or if that's just maybe our area.

Maybe homeowners are just more inclined to take care of their stuff or I don't really know. but I did think it was interesting. The guy that I was talking to how he said in his area he thinks 30 would be a little high. Let's go through a few of these other stats.

It said in addition into the 30 percent of Americans that schedule preventative maintenance, it also said 60 percent would follow a technician they trusted to a new firm. The study reveals: so if a technician's working for company A and you really like them and you trust them if they go to Company B they have no problem switching companies. it's not the company, it's the technician that they have grown to like which. I Also find very interesting, especially as a business owner.

I've got some really good technicians that work for us and so that would obviously not be ideal if we lost customers if one of our technicians were to leave. but it also speaks to how consumers really appreciate a good technician today. I Think that good technicians are hard to find? Let's put it that way and so let's go through a few of these others. It said that the survey was completed at the beginning of June 2023 and found that most Americans, while still keeping their homes at an average of 70 degree temperature no matter how hot it got, intended to use alternative methods to air conditionings to keep their homes comfortable in the summer heat and regard on how they plan to do that.
The survey found that 77 percent were changing how they plan to beat the summer heat due to inflation, More than 45 percent plan to keep blinds and curtains closed, and nearly 40 percent plan to use ceiling fans. More more than 30 percent anticipated keeping their windows open at night. Now what was interesting about that was, you know, depending on what part of the nation you are, obviously if you're up north, opening the windows will help more than it would if you say lived in the South where even at night sometimes it's hotter outside than it is inside. So opening Windows you know that's not going to help much.

It said folks living in the northeastern parts of the U.S plan to open their windows at night 37 percent compared to 22 percent in the South or Midwest at least I think that's what it's saying. It's kind of worded a little weird. Another one they point out is one in three homeowners. So about 33 percent of the folks that did this survey admitted to having concerns about the health of their HVAC system, while 15 percent said they haven't even thought about it and I would be curious that 15 Are they just in denial that they don't take care of the system and they just, you know, don't think about it much? Or are they a part of the folks that actually do have preventative maintenance And maybe that's why they don't think about it as much.

This article does not tell any more than just that. 15 percent said they don't even think about it. The article goes on to say most respondents said that they do take measures to reduce stress on their HVAC systems, but very few actually said they followed the best practices recommended to them by HVAC professionals. Now I Wonder if that's because they don't trust them, or if maybe there's other factors involved in order to maintain the system.

Health The survey revealed 30 percent of homeowners schedule preventative maintenance, 27 percent regularly clean their outdoor condensing unit, and 23 percent and consistently check blades and belts. I Think that's saying that the homeowner themselves that one out of every four, right? If that's saying that 23 percent ish, one out of every four feels 25, that would be one out of every four consistently check the blades and belts. It went on to say I'm going to wrap up with this that this may be in part due to the fact that many homeowners don't understand their HVAC systems, possessing only a broad knowledge of how they work. That's why we're here, right? That's why we have this YouTube channel.

That's why we have this website new to kind of help homeowners with some of this stuff. The survey found that 24 percent of respondents knew the size of their HVAC system. So that's again, only one out of every four, fourteen percent knew the role of each component and I would actually say 14 is probably a little high. I Mean when they say knew the role of each component, are we talking about knew the role of each of the indoor and outdoor units? Or are we talking about the actual components in the system? I'm assuming based on that, they just talked to homeowners that maybe they're saying just the indoor and outdoor units, what they do, what their role is in the grand scheme of things, and then the thermostat itself.
and then it says and 16 knew what a Seer rating is. So I Thought that was an interesting article. What do we take from this? What can you get out of all of this? I Think Ultimately, if you're watching this video, most homeowners that even come across our content are going to be a little better informed than the average homeowner and that's by default, right? You're watching stuff to try to learn more about your system. Learn what you should be doing.

Learn if someone is taking advantage of you. That's some of the things we talk about on lots of our videos and then obviously not just getting educated on it, not just learning more about your heating and air system, but also taking action on that knowledge. You know you should be getting stuff maintained better taking that action if you know that you should have some sort of component added to your system to help it clean in the air or do something else surge protection, something that should be protecting that system or you in some way. Knowledge is power, but only if you are taking action on that.

So anyway, I thought it was a pretty cool article. Let me know your thoughts. comment down below: I'd love to hear about those. Thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video.

I Think you'll enjoy this one even more. It's where I talk about how the HVAC industry is at a point where scammers have more abilities or opportunities than ever before. Check that out. Thanks for watching.

Hit that subscribe button. We'll see you next time.

10 thoughts on “New and surprising hvac stats!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garth Clark says:

    Generally, the public doesn't know much about HVAC systems, how they work, how to use them, how to or when to maintain them and really don't pay attention to them. Many don't even know about the filter and that it needs changed. How many hire HVAC to service and maintain their HVAC is likely less than those who do or have to due to a malfunction etc.
    I see so many folks these days with HVAC and they have their windows open during summer days ! You really have to wonder what is going through their minds when allowing warm air into the house just to get a breeze if any. Then, it's compounded the next day and after.
    Those who set their summer months temps to 70 degrees are highly ignorant to reasonable temperatures during summer. 70 in winter seems more reasonable while 76 to 78 would be during summer heat. Just like the HVAC subject, most of them do not realize how cold 70 degrees really is in summer when outside temps are 100 or so.
    It's so interesting that many folks could use an owners manual as a homeowner but even at that few people will read an owners manual, even those for their automobile.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jordapen says:

    I don't turn the AC on till it gets to 25 C.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Chadwick says:

    Seer is gas mileage

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Chadwick says:

    I don’t care. Homeowner sentiment

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Chadwick says:

    Sounds like gobletwy goop

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Chadwick says:

    I have been followed

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Chadwick says:

    30% is high.
    Am I a pro? Are you in Barrhaven ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles W Tuggle says:

    I watch your channel and others, because my system is 17 years old and when it comes time to replace it I want to go with a Heat Pump and gas furnace when it gets really cold. I live across the bay in Portsmouth. I also want a system with the new Freon that will be updated. Not the 410A. I have R22 now and the last tech that service it lost a lot of that R22 when he check it. That company won't be servicing my system again.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everything HVACR says:

    Interesting stats 🤔

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phone says:


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