HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 08/21/23 I will be discussing recent videos and answering questions

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Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre Q A live stream. If you're old enough, grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not, stick with apple juice, put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat. And now let's cue up the intro.

Music: Foreign, foreign, foreign, awesome videos. Thank you Yo! What is up everybody? Welcome To the Hvacr videos. Live Stream for the new people that are here. Um, and I say that because I I See in the comments that there's new people always coming.

So that's why I'm interviewing this this way. I Know that a lot of you guys watch this on a regular, so you're regulars, right? But you know the whole point of these live streams for the new people is, um, to answer questions that I get on my videos. Okay, I post a bunch of videos and it's actually been quite a few videos since I did a live stream. It's been over two weeks.

but um, anyways, when I post the videos I get a lot of repetitive questions or very unique questions that I think would be awesome if we answered them in a public format. So that's the whole point of these screens is just to kind of consolidate things, save me some time, and then obviously interact with the chat. So um, if you're new, uh, the easiest way to catch my attention on these live streams if you're watching on YouTube is to put your questions in caps lock. I Mean if you're watching anything else too, put your questions in caps lock.

That helps you your odds. Basically, then I'm actually going to see your comment. There's a lot of comments going through here I Can't really keep up to them all Brian Sanders thank you very very much for that. Super Chat Man, that was awesome.

Thank you. um uh. lost my train of thought there. But anyways, uh yeah, see, look, look what you did there Brian You totally confused me I Totally lost my train of thought.

Gosh darn it. There we go. Well I do these live streams just to kind of consolidate questions and uh, you know, just answer them here so we're gonna get to it. Um Brian said uh, the Super Chat was for surviving the rainstorm.

Uh yeah, you know we did just have a rain event go through. Uh, tropical storm? You know, the remnants of a tropical storm after it, you know, changed from a hurricane. Uh, made its way up through. Southern California To be honest with you, the projected path of where the storm was gonna hit was off by probably 40 to 100 miles.

So we actually got rain, but not as much as other parts of California like the the way um Eastern side of California got a little more rain into Nevada and Arizona than we did. Uh, we really didn't get very many wins or anything either, just we got consistent a nice decent amount of rain. We did have a few uh, incidents where we had mudslides and different things like that. Not in my area though because I'm more of in the suburbs.

It was more in the mountainous regions and stuff so there was people that were affected. but it wasn't really anything to be concerned about where I was at. Of course we were prepared and everything. you know just in case.
but people are insane man. people are going to the grocery stores and stuff and buying out all for what you know. like buying out everything. It's kind of silly.

but anyways, welcome to the stream. um let me see. yeah, thank you very much there. Brian that was pretty funny.

Um yes, I am growing my beard for Bill's contest because I do a show on the HP Casey I'm sorry on YouTube on Friday evenings with my very good friends. Um, it's called the HVAC overtime show. It's on the overtime YouTube channel I Always promote it on this uh platform too so you guys see it or if you follow me on Facebook you'll see me promote it. but uh, we do a show on Friday evenings and my buddy Bill has a beard contest going on.

Now here's the funny thing is that Bill did not tell any of us he was doing this right. So this is a show of four people and Bill just decides to run a contest without talking to anybody and just bam puts it up there. and okay, so now I guess we're all in a beard contest, right? No. Bill's funny though.

but uh, you guys definitely want to check out the show if you guys haven't uh, it is a not safe for work show. Be very careful if you are offended by bad words. I Can 100 promise you you are going to be offended by watching our show? Okay, Um, so all right. Uh, let me see what else we got going on in the chat right now.

Um, let me see. Could I talk about starting my own business and hiring in managing employees and such? Um, let's see. Sand Fishing is asking me this. Uh, let's see.

he's sure. um Okay cool so you know. So he's asking about my business. Okay, first and foremost, I did not start my business I'm second generation my dad started this business.

Um, he still works in the company. He's basically on his way out. Um, rightfully so. He has worked a long career so he's slowly phasing out of the business and I'm taking over the business and have been kind of running day-to-day operations for a very, very long time.

Okay, so yeah, um I run the business now. but my dad started it so I can't take credit but I can't tell you what I know he did. Okay. my dad started, um as a normal service technician working for my uncle's company.

uh, worked for them for a while then decided to go out onto his own. He started his own company. um with almost nothing. Okay, uh, you know, a little Mazda pickup truck.

one of those little mini Mazda pickup trucks and a service bed and you know, just all that good stuff, right? So he worked his way up built a customer base. Um I came to work with him officially in about 2 2002 but obviously worked most of my childhood working for him Summers type things like that, right? But I came officially in 2002. Um, you know, worked my way up, partnered with him and then have taken over the company. You know I mean he's still there again, he's still got his finger in the the business a little bit.
So I'm not going to say it's all mine 100 but I cannot take credit for starting this business. All I can do is say that the things that I learned from my dad um and I Grew From the lessons he taught me became my own person and started adopting my own ways. And you know, bringing that perspective into the business, changing how we interacted with customers and you know we've just been growing successfully with that. Okay, so I can't take credit for starting it, but my dad did.

Um, let's see what else did you ask inside there? Um, okay, what about hiring employees? Hiring employees has been a struggle for a very long time and uh, most recently I hired actually a viewer of all things someone that watched my videos that reached out to me I don't know if I've ever said that on so on on the stream. but yes, this person is a viewer of mine started watching the videos reached out to me, actually reached out to me long before I hired him because people do send me resumes a lot and this particular person had sent me a resume and I didn't know I I it just slipped through the cracks. Um anyway so second time around he sent me another resume I checked it out and it's really cool story too because um, long story short: I know one of his family members I'm not going to reveal too much because I don't know how much he wants revealed but I know one of his family members because one of his family members has worked in a supply house for many, many years. So it's kind of funny that I didn't know this particular person was looking for a job I kind of knew him in a roundabout way or at least knew someone in his family and um, anyways, long story short, he works for me now.

Okay, so I hired a viewer Um, the cards aligned and he did a full apprenticeship with me where he rode with me for an entire year and then you know we started having him do light service calls. Okay, he's not my Apprentice anymore, he's a normal service technician and he's doing great now. This was a new way of doing things. This worked for me, obviously hiring someone and giving them a full one-year apprenticeship where they're literally just riding with you every day that costs a lot of money.

But I decided to try something new and this worked out really well because he got what I think to be the best training I could get I was capable of giving him right, but he had already gone to school too. So that's my new method of trying. This is I want to try to give people a full apprenticeship, have them ride with me for a very long time, and then, um, you know, slowly release them out into the field I find it to be fun to be able to train them that way, So that is the new model of how I plan to hire in the future. I'm not saying that I'll never hire another service technician that's experienced of course.
I'm always looking for that unicorn technician, right? Um, but you know I like the way of training apprentices. So as far as hiring, that's my new method. I've tried all the methods of you know, sending, um, job finder, websites, all that stuff, ads and newspapers and you know, just it. None of it has worked for me, right? All that money that I spent the best.

Um, you know, in order to find them, it's just to train them. Really? to train them from the beginning. That's the way that's working for me right now. Um, let's see.

Dave Johnson's asking if we had an earthquake. Um, so yeah, we did have an earthquake in southern California when we were having the tropical storm remnants moving over us. uh I actually did not feel it I must have been driving at the time so it didn't affect me at all. Nobody was home at my house, we were all driving in the car coming home from Barnes and Nobles of all things, we were bored out of our minds sitting in our house waiting for the power to go out.

So we went to Barnes and Nobles and um, anyways, it happened when we were coming back from that so I didn't feel it. It was also north of me, about an hour and a half north of Me Maybe 90 miles north. uh is where it happened. So I know people in my area felt it, but I didn't So um, but all is good all right.

Uh did I create a mini Chris with The Apprentice No, Um, this particular technician is just a really good Tech though. but he's not a mini person. a mini me now. but I tried to give him the best that I could.

So um see I'm not gonna re I'm not gonna read that one Brian You almost got me though. You almost got me man. All right. So had a couple videos since the last uh, last stream.

um actually had four videos if I remember right? So we had the one leaks leads to another that was a air conditioning unit that you know the EVAP or the condenser was leaking and I just once you fixed one, just holes kept opening up because the copper was so bad. Actually got a lot of interesting questions about that video. People were asking me how come I didn't use a pre-made U-bend because you actually can buy those from the supply house pre-made 3 8 U-benz and then you can like pull them off and slide them back on to the little connections if you can get them to fit. um I Used to keep those in my truck but honestly I didn't use them very often.

It's really not that difficult just to try to lay a braise on there. I was probably running my torch a little hot I tend to run my torch a little hot because I like to get in fast and quick and get out but at the same time I was using a super small tip I was using a zero tip so you know minimal amount of heat coming out of there with the tip but still I was probably running it a little hot and that's why I was getting those flare-ups as much as I did so. um so that was a pretty interesting video. I had quite a few videos like uh, you know I posted something on social media the other day saying uh, you know it's kind of funny when um, you have those epic service calls right? but the the most epic service calls for me.
they typically aren't amazing in the moment, they're really frustrating in the moment, or it's just something that's really taxing your brain and then when you figure it out that dopamine release you get from that, um, those things are you know, like I really dig those calls right? but again, in the moment they're really frustrating. But I had a few of those in the last couple weeks that have been pretty cool. Some of them you guys have heard about. some of you will see in future videos and stuff.

um but I'm kind of having fun right now. uh my my happy place is being a tech out solving technical problems like different things like I do enjoy that right now. I'm having a lot of fun too because uh, you know we've got a lot of monsoonal moisture in the last couple weeks and then we have this uh, this tropical storm moisture that we have so we're getting relative humidity levels in the 70s right now? 75, 80 um you know on some of these days in in my area then sometimes it's more in the 40s and 50s but still any humidity is different. We're used to like 20 relative humidity so it's making for fun service calls, moisture calls, high humidity calls, and it's really interesting because I've got this one that I'll kind of tell you guys a little bit about, but it's a restaurant.

I have two restaurants in a similar area that are near the coast that have been having a lot of humidity problems because they have, uh, uninsulated spiral duct and they have warm air sitting in the ceiling. You know, just just. they're having all kinds of issues here. and uh, it's just fun to be able to diagnose these because we don't get this kind of stuff very often, you know? So I'm having to do with what I have because we don't typically install dehumidifiers or anything like that.

And our problem with our restaurants right now is restaurant business has slightly gone down so restaurants aren't as full. they're not packed to the max, right? and they typically design those buildings. Um, for pack to the max when it comes to air conditioning and all that stuff, right? So we've got a lot of oversized air conditioning equipment. Um, we're We're not having long run times, we're running into those issues and it's been kind of fun again to be able to solve some of these.

So hopefully I'll be able to edit some of those videos down in the future and you guys will see them. So um, yeah, yeah the tropical storm is is past us and it's all good. Everything was fine, so um yeah, my first job. That's right, my first.

uh Del Mar remembers a story that I told uh with my dad when I was a little kid where um, uh, that's that's a good story Dale thanks for reminding me about that. So when I was a kid I was working with my dad I must have been probably 13, maybe 12 I think maybe at the time. um maybe it could have been nine or ten though. I don't know I worked with my dad a lot right? But I was pretty young and we were working on a roof and for some reason I didn't understand what he asked me to do but he asked me to hold these two wires or no, the one wire one where he said hold this wire and don't let it touch anything.
Okay, now knowing what I know he had me hold a 24 volt power wire. Okay so when he said don't let this touch anything why I don't know I should probably ask him. he probably doesn't even remember this story but he asked me to hold it and I held it and he said don't let it touch anything and I said okay and I'm standing there holding it and he went downstairs into the restaurant to go do something and I'm standing there like a little kid looking at this wire going. why don't I want to let it touch something you know I mean why not? and so I remember the logic going through my head and me going well.

he wouldn't have had me hold it if it would have been dangerous like I remember thinking that so I had the brain capacity to think he wouldn't have told me to hold a dangerous thing right because I trusted my dad so I said what's the big deal so I just went ahead and grounded out the wire and it blew a Transformer and uh, the conniption fit. that ensued because my dad was pissed at me and just you know, it was just funny, but it's just one of those things like one of those core memories that I have as a kid growing up with him. I remember sitting on his bucket holding his flashlight and I tell this story because um, you know, maglites. We didn't have two cell D's we typically had three or four cell D's because they would sit in a bucket right? And if you guys don't know what I'm talking about, the mag lights had a long cylinder for um D batteries and uh, you would you know you would it would either hold two, three, four, sometimes seven D batteries for these giant Club Hopper ones and um anyways, but as a kid it's hard to hold those right? So you know my dad would be like I would be holding that flashlight for him incandescent bulb, right? because we didn't have led back then.

So incandescent bulb you're holding it and I'm a little kid being distracted by everything. So everywhere I look the flashlight goes with me and I remember him saying God damn it Christopher Focus You know, like it's like oh, little kid. but yeah, those are some fun core memories that I have. All right, let's get back to my questions.

Um, let's see. Uh I Got a couple other videos to talk about, but I'll talk about some questions first. Um so I had a video this last weekend. uh, that actually happened over the weekend and I edited it and filmed it and you know, released it and it was on a bar cooler that was, uh, not working properly.
It was a really fun video If you guys haven't seen it. Definitely go check it out. Um, it's an epic bar cooler. issues the name.

it was a video that was just released on Sunday But anyway, some questions about the video that I got. Um, well first. uh, one point. uh, everything was approved.

All my recommendations that I mentioned in the video about swapping the boxes, moving everything around was completely approved. So now it's just a matter of everybody getting their schedules together to do the swap and the install. My part is more than likely going to be somewhat supervision, just making sure everybody's doing everything right and then I'll replace the baffle that was missing I already ordered it today I'll get the condenser cover for it and then um, we will. The condenser cover will come that we'll have the temperature controller cover on it like you know everything's going to be put back to normal and then I don't know I need to get clarification from the customer on what they want me to do too because when we swap the boxes over again, my company's not going to do it.

I'm just going to be kind of making sure everything gets done right. Um, when they swap them over, the tap heads are going to be on the wrong box. So I think they're going to move them back to the right area because they want that as the focal point of their bar and we'll probably have to get a skin for the top of the box to patch the holes. we'll have to spray foam, them, cap them and then we'll have to figure out something to patch the hole on the side of the box too for the old beer lines because uh, that one needs to be black so that'll be interesting because as a black textured finish.

So I'll have to figure that out. So hopefully I'll get to film some of that that will be coming. So when it comes to this, you know, uh with that video, uh again. if you haven't seen it, definitely check out the video and you'll understand it more.

But with that video, you know what involvement do I get with the customers like do I Do I go and tell the customers that they need to contact their lawyers. Do I Do I push the customers and say they need to make sure they don't pay bills. Do I get involved in any of that drama? No I don't Okay I Felt guilty even sending an email that mentions that other people did something wrong. I really hate being part of that whole entire process I don't want to be a finger pointer I don't want to be.

but sometimes you have to put information out there and the customer and you know they I Just give them the facts and let them deduce the reason as to why everything happens. Does that make sense? Okay, um, you know I try not to get involved in too much of that stuff. So I did send the email but it just basically said here's what happened. Here's what needs to be fixed and that's it.
I'm not getting involved in. you need to make sure you don't pay or any of that stuff because I just don't know so. but I will say one thing that does baffle me. it makes me upset and I was just talking to my dad about this today is: uh I get extremely frustrated when we do something wrong because I feel stressed I have an obligation to myself and to the customer to make sure that that job is done to the best of our abilities.

and I can't cut corners. So I get stressed out if I find out we have a call back or something happened I'm worried every single one, not one of them is brushed off the shoulder. okay I literally lose sleep for every callback we get. Um, so that frustrates me that I know that other companies can do subpar work and then just continue to work for the customer.

Why am I stressing my life away? You know you get where I'm going with that like I I It's just frustrating sometimes. So all right, um, seeing what else we got. uh seeing if I miss anything else in the chat right now. um Mike B says he loves the intelligence systems.

Oh I got some announcements coming too because uh, um I got some cool stuff going on. so stay tuned. Um, concerning intelligent stay tuned. Okay, so um, cannot say anything else except for stay tuned because there's some cool stuff coming All right.

Uh, let's see what else we got going on in here. Um, with that customer that had the beer system that was butchered, Why in the heck don't they use a long draw beer system where they have glycol lines run into a Power Pack Unit That's cool in the beer, right? Why aren't they using that in this particular location? Every restaurant's not cookie cutter. There's lots of of reasons as to why they're not going to do a long draw system in here. It would be a difficult, very difficult install um, and their walk-ins or exterior to the building so that makes it a little bit more difficult like it's a it's an interesting Dynamic So but I don't know their their final reason is they don't as to why they don't have a long draw I just can kind of put things together.

It'd be a really difficult install at this particular location. So have I ever considered putting a whole house generator on my house? actually? I would love to. but um, you know that's one of those things that I have as like a dream idea for my house someday. um I'd love to have like a solar array at my house that is not on my house.

That's another thing too. I But I I have such a hard time with solar though because it's just so unaffordable. like yeah, you get subsidies and rebates. but I really, really despise having you know local cities and agencies and different things knowing anything I don't know I just don't need them being involved in my house and stuff I don't I don't like having to deal with them and it's really, um, you know, expensive to install solar if you're not going to get all those rebates and all those discounts if you were to pay outright, almost nobody can afford it.
But anyways, I'd like to get solar array on my backyard like on my hill? Um, that's one thing I'd like to do. uh, some sort of a generator or battery backup. Yeah, I would love to have that on my home too at some point. But again, my frustration with a lot of these products is they're out there.

but they're just unaffordable unless you're getting rebates and subsidies and different things like that. So yeah, those are ideas. Uh, let's see what else. Uh, what compressor would I recommend for residential? well? in gamer: I Mean, you know I you cannot.

It depends on what kind of residential equipment, but I am a fan of Copeland scroll compressors. The the way they're put together, the way that they run, they really are awesome. But I'm not certainly saying I'm certainly not saying that you can't get by with another brand of compressor you can I have no affiliation with Copeland I Just happen to like the way that their compressors are designed and the way that they operate. But I do know that there's other compressor manufacturers can do, you know can basically produce the same results essentially so you know they're not the only one.

Um, let me see I could say and check into Eco Flow Eco Flow is kind of affordable. very interesting, something I'll have to look into like um yeah, it was good talking with you Jeff last weekend. Uh, so it's really cool too that um, you know I can reach out to people, right? So Jeff has reached out to me at some point we communicated or started communicating and you know he happens to work on some equipment that I work on regularly so we can bounce ideas off of each other. you know? So it's really cool that I'm able to connect with you guys in this way.

Um, we kind of talked about it with Tai when he was on the overtime show. what was it last weekend I think it was right. we talked about it. You know we like that the way people are collaborating and stuff so it's really cool.

It's neat. social media has definitely helped out the stream. what's up Jennifer Um, my very uh, good friend from The Misfits of HVAC um one of the co-hosts actually Ryan and Jennifer run that show and uh, actually just listened to your podcast today Jennifer with uh Bill spone she was on a uh on the building HVAC science podcast so you guys should definitely go check that out. Um, Yup, yup, just me.

Blonde, blonde, blonde, all right. Um, let's see through here. Uh, you know one of these questions I get like super I Know it's probably not relevant to a lot of people, but one of the more common questions I get is what kind of equipment I use when I'm filming right my videos and stuff. Um, right here.

my phone. That's it. my phone. uh, this is it the brand of phone I mean the cameras are all amazing.
Okay this I really do like I do not like this this little clip right here for a normal phone. but for a phone that I'm filming with all the time I do because you can rotate it. so if I'm filming YouTube I can just hold it like that, walk around not blocking the microphone with my hand because I figured all this stuff out because sometimes if you hold cameras like this and things, you can block the microphone. But for right now, the the S23 Ultra is what I'm using to film with.

I like the little case, you can film with almost any phone out there if you want to because I started certainly on some really low quality phones and it worked. um I don't really use camera gear I have GoPros I have a few GoPros that I do and have occasionally used. but I don't use them on a regular basis. The phone is just the easiest thing.

I'm a creature of habit too. So all right, let's see what else. I will say though that I have decided that I am because I keep two phones on me anyways. so I also keep a smaller S23 that's like my normal work phone that I use to talk on and everything.

So I have a separate phone for work than I do for filming that way I don't because the worst thing about filming when you use your phone is if someone calls you in the middle of it and then like the video is messed up and stuff. it just messes everything up. So I learned to have to have a separate phone for that. but I am probably going to go ahead and get an iPhone Um, but I'm going to still have both because I'm going to still have the work phone so I can still switch between two different ones I want to try the camera on the iPhone so let's see what else we got going on here.

Um, there you go. William Um what year did my dad start the business? Um what year did my dad start the business? um 1980 Seven? no no I think it was like 1990 1991 I think is when he started the business. so um let's see what else. Uh, right on.

um let me see what else I got going on in the uh what did I miss on here? um oh I didn't talk about that one. What about the uh. the video that I released was the they said please hurry the ACs are not working was the name of the the video um and that was the one where it was the two seven and a half ton compressors. that's that's one of the compressors I've only cut one open.

Uh, because the rains came and stuff. but that was another fun one. Um, lots of that one. You know.

Again, go watch the video. You'll learn out more. You'll learn more. But this particular location has issues with sand and so the problems that I have there East year are pretty insane.

Um, that that are sand related. It's really interesting. um, and very predictable. A lot of it too.

But unfortunately the custard customer doesn't do as much routine maintenance as they should, so issues get caught. You know, get buy the maintenance program basically because they're only doing it every four months. So um, read through that one. All right.
cool, let me see. Steven S Um, Okay, right on. Steven is not an HVAC technician. He's a firefighter paramedic, but he enjoys watching the videos.

Um, oh, that's really cool and he says he takes the big picture diagnosis uh, mentality to what he does too. You know it really is something fun and I certainly didn't create that method. Uh, you know it's just something that I've coined for the the quirky way that I am with, you know, trying to delve to the root of the problems. Uh, you know.

what's interestingly enough is I didn't used to be this this strange right? This odd the way that I troubleshoot it I used to be the the person that just went in there and threw Parts at it and you know and I learned from that I learned from that and uh I didn't want to go back to that kind of regretful feeling that I had when I couldn't fix problems. so I just I'm driven by the fear of going down that path again. so I just always try to be better is all that I try to do so I know I'm not perfect or anything. Um, right on.

So JCC says he's not an HVAC either, he's in I.T and you know what was interesting was and I said this I think I don't know if I've said this publicly I think I did. but you know when I first started making these videos when I released them, they were for my technicians right before they were like anything on YouTube they were for my technicians but someone told me to hit the public button I made them public and I started creating them and the channel grew from there. But you know at first when I realized that there was a lot of people that were not in HVAC that were watching my videos I actually kind of got bummed out because I was like wow I wish more HVAC technicians would have watched these right? Um, but then what was interesting was I just kept on I was having fun with it I mean there was still HVAC techs watching them too but I was having fun with it I was just moving on and what? I started to notice was a couple years later I started getting emails from those people not everybody, but some of them and said hey I was in this trade in the covid times or whatever and uh I decided I needed a change and so they changed HVAC because they started watching my videos so that's a really and I've gotten quite a few of those similar emails so that really kind of made it. You know, um, cooler.

Basically, you know, knowing that there was people that were not in the industry that started watching these that transitioned over right? So that was cool. Um, that's a good feeling to have. Uh, let's see Brandon thank you very much for that. Super Chat Man, uh I really do appreciate that.

So um, what percentage of customers do I get from maintenance or third party? Um, big restaurant. So let's see franchises use a company to set up service harder to get on location without doing a few of my outside. But okay, so what percentage of my customers do I get from maintenance or third party? you know, big restaurant franchise I don't know what you're quite asking there Brandon I Need a little bit of a clarification on there, but I will say that um, a good majority of my customers I only work directly for the customer I don't know if that's what you're asking me I don't work for the third parties at all Um, I will not work for any of the third parties. That's just not my thing.
I'm only working directly for the customer. Uh, so I'm not being called in by a third party I'm not working for places where a third party manages the work that I do. There's one customer that uses a program called Service Channel I Again, I Don't know if this is what you're asking, but I do have a company that uses a company called service Channel and um, but they don't use service Channel like other people do and this one, they just use it for the invoicing. basically.

So I still deal with the corporate office directly. So um I I don't know if that's where you were asking me with that question though. So uh, let's see. let's see what else we got in the chat.

Um, all right. Uh, Nasty says that he loves Cormax, you know I get a lot of people, you know given uh Flack on the Cormax fittings. Yeah. I Do agree that the Cormax fitting in general is kind of a silly thing.

right? It it. I Think they tried to solve a problem you know, making vacuums and things go faster. but they really created a bigger problem with refrigerant leaks because those Cormax fittings leak all the time. But they don't really bother me because it's like whatever you know.

So if I'm gonna be opening a system, yeah, I'm probably gonna be cutting out the coremax. but if I'm just doing a repair, I'm just throwing in a new one I'm not cutting it out on a repair. just you know, whatever. they're a pain.

but I have the tool for it. Yeah, it costs like 420 bucks I think when I bought it a couple years ago which is silly just to change a little valve fitting. but all I do is um, basically subsidize that and throw it into the cost of the fittings. I just add a couple bucks to every fitting.

and so when I sell a fitting, my tools already paid off and it's starting to make me money now. So um yeah, I just roll with it now. but I still try to do best for the customer. If I have the opportunity, I'm gonna cut it out yeah for sure.

but if I'm doing just a simple repair, no I'm just putting it back in. Um, let's see Dale Maher says I can do a backup 220 generator set up for about a grand. Uh yeah, that's something I would consider for sure. You know that is one thing I want on my list.

um I Also would realize like just for the fun of it I have no reason other to do this but I'd really like to get one of those uh, smart electrical panels that has the monitoring systems and stuff built into them. There's a company called Span I have no affiliation with them. haven't even researched it that much, but their electrical panels are really cool and I'd Love to have one of those on one of my homes too. So one of my homes, my home.
I Only have one home. Um, how's the weather? The weather's really chill here. Kevin We had a little tropical storm go through. by the time it got to me it was little and it was also a good 60 to 100 miles away or something like that.

I don't know, it was a ways away from me. Um, so we just got the outer bands of it and it really wasn't anything bad where I'm at. Um, let's see what else we got in here. Um, all right, have I had any problems with my JB r290 scale? Uh, you found out your Schrader depressors aren't sticking out enough which is not depressed in the shaders.

Uh, Tiffany I will say a hundred percent. Yes, I did have that problem on the JB scale. What I learned is just take the shredders out I Don't leave the schraders in the scale I I Don't even understand why they're there. There's no point.

Um, just leave the Traders out. Problem solved because the cans typically have a valve on them where you can open and close the cam that way and then you're typically going to have a valve on your gauges. So why do you need to have it valved off? Uh, basically with a Schrader right at the scale head. I Just don't understand that.

So I took those out but that was a problem that I had with my scales where it felt like the gas wasn't going through the scale because on the JB scale you screw the can into there and it runs through. um and it was having a hard time depressing them. Uh yep. All right.

um I guess that is it guys. I'm gonna actually end this early because we are having dinner right now. my wife's out there so uh I'm gonna go eat dinner with the family I Really do appreciate you guys making it into the stream. Um, it is really cool and uh I'm gonna queue up the outro music and throw this up there and we will catch you on the next one.

Thank you Thank you Foreign! So uh I just thought about something since my dogs are part of the stream can they be a business write-off? like because animals are expensive? It's kind of ridiculous. All right, send me all your tax advice. We will, uh, definitely catch you on the next one. Thank you Foreign Foreign Questions! Thank you.

9 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream originally aired 08/21/23”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mission Uluna says:

    Interested on your videos bro from papua new guinea 👍🙏🙏Hvac technicians

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the_tux says:

    If you ever stumble over an apprentice who hates sand, don’t train him. He will go totally nuts later at one point and join the dark side of customers who don’t do regular maintenance.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FrankJFGuan says:

    This video is relevant and informative.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex - electrical engineering says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Ostrowski says:

    3rd generation Grew up in the business as well. Dad passed away in 2019 and now it’s just me. I can only hope to learn as much as they forgot. Working on getting Licensed as we speak. Really enjoy your channel Chris Are you in Kanata ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spencer H says:

    Missed it

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joeisacoolgamer says:

    I already missed it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZERO_FUN says:

    Second Service area Ottawa??

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars endgamer110 says:


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