This was our first heat wave of the summer and the calls were rolling in.
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This video is brought to you by Sporland. Quality, integrity and tradition. All right, we got a call that kitchen ACS aren't working. This one says 81.

This one says 84. But what I'm doing is I'm just turning every AC on for a few minutes. so I can hear them all and see them all running when I'm up there. But I'll definitely focus on the kitchen.

ACS So it looks like Ac7 and Ec6 are the ACs in question that we need to focus on. Right when I come up onto the roof. this is what I See, this is the kitchen AC one of them condenser is dirty. so I bet you we've got high pressure lock out and let's go over and look at this one.

This is the other kitchen AC right here and I bet you this guy's all dirty too. Let's have a look at. this one's not as bad. These ones have the older Prodigy board so it looks like it's running.

Don't see any active error codes drawn in outside air. This right here is an evaporative cooler and and I don't think it works. It's all plugged up on the inside. metal mesh filters on this guy jacked up and uh, you can't see this right now because this is weird, but it says active alarm 22 compressor one low pressure s87.

so compressor runs off on low pressure and it's going to have a dirty condenser. That's lovely. First thing I'm going to do is go ahead and clean the condenser. Get it cleaned up.

Yeah, it's dirty all the way through so we're gonna get this guy rinsed off, turn off power. It's a nice warm one today 103 outside so um, I'm going to pull the panel, get the condenser cleaned off, and then once we get it clean, then we'll finish evaluating the unit. One really good thing is they have very good water pressure here so everything is just rinsing right down. We may or may not even need coil cleaner.

It's so good and it looks like it's just kind of surface stuff so we'll see how it works. Get the spider web out of here and like I said, we're gonna I'll pull the inside panel and we'll winch the inside too. When I first do these things. I'm always looking to just get the surface stuff off first and then we'll get deep into the coil.

so you notice how my water is kind of pointing down to get the surface stuff off. so that way we're not embedding it further into the coil today. I Forgot how good this water pressure is. Got to be careful though, Sometimes this one's so high that it'll uh, it'll bend the fins.

so I gotta watch out for that. All right? I Did a quick rinse inside and outside. water is flowing through now. I'm not going to spend too much more time cleaning the condenser like you know.

I Probably want to use coil cleaner too, but we got to figure out if this thing actually has a refrigerant leak we don't want to go too far in the wrong direction. you know, spending hours cleaning to find out it's got another major problem or something. So I've got it clean enough to troubleshoot, rinse the unit off. Look at this guy.

Big old fat black widow right there. Look at that dinner. looks like she already had her dinner. Look at her husband right there.
it's all dead and wound up from her eating his head off. Look at that. She's a big one. She's eating some food right now too.

Dang, that's a big one All right. My unit is back together, back on and running. The filters are plugged on this thing. They were last Changed by us in January customers not doing maintenance right now so those things you can barely see through them, those are done.

We got to get those replaced. But the bigger issue is what? I feared first stage compressor has got no gas in it. We're at 1.6 PSI 1.1 PSI across the compressor so only second stage is running on this guy. so we got to find a leak.

see what's going on? I'm gonna go get some nitrogen and we're going to dump some into this guy and see if we can figure out what's going on. Well I put a little Nitro in it and it started peeing everywhere. and then I realized that the compressors missing one of its terminals. So yeah, we got a grounded compressor on this bad boy.

All right. Well, we're not fixing this today. Oh look at that. Go figure.

huh? Okay, that's not supposed to happen. Okay, well, there's nothing we can do about this. Um I don't know what caused the compressor to go bad. So we're gonna order a compressor TXV Suction Dryer, Liquid Dryer and come back out and change it.

This is really cute, huh? Look at this. Someone put a disconnect on top of the original electrical disconnect God I Hate following behind other people. Um, all right. Well, yeah, so yeah again.

I Have no idea what killed it and we're going to open the system up. so we're just going to change the TXV at the same time. All right it is. July 5th I am back I Was here on July 3rd when I condemned it but we took the day off for Fourth of July So I've got a new compressor.

Brought my Nitrogen Suction Dryer Liquid dryer TXV We may or may not put the suction dryer in. It just depends. The gas is already recovered because it blew the terminal out. I Did let the customer know it's going to be shut down for an extended period of time today because I got to take the panels and everything off to change the TXV So uh, let's get into it and see what we can.

hopefully get this done before it gets too hot. I Think it's supposed to hit just about 100 today, so try to knock it out as quick as possible. I Got the unit opened up, got the compressor all sanded up txvs accessible right there. Got the dryer sanded up so we know the system's void of refrigerant.

I'm going to start cutting out what? I can? Well, actually I got to unsweet the compressor. can't cut that out. Um I can try to cut out the dryer. It just depends.

but the more you cut out, the more difficult it makes it to put the new dryer in. So it all just depends. All right. I Got the dryer cut out I was able.
it had extended connections so I was able to just cut them off which is better. If you can cut them out most of the time you can't because if you cut it right here, there's not enough room to slide it back into the dryer. You got to cut back further. You know it just depends on the severity of the situation.

You make decisions based off of how much work you have to do, right? So what I did was I put a towel down there. We're going to give a couple purges with nitrogen now. this entire system. We're going to be sweeping multiple parts of it to try to get any contaminants out of the system personally.

I don't care for using additives or flushes or anything like that. I Just like using dry nitrogen pressurize, push it through and see what we can get out. So let's go ahead and do our first. Purge right here.

We're letting it build up so all I do is hold my finger over it, let the pressure in the system build up, and then release it. So that way we create a big pressure differential in hopes that we catch something and sweep it out. I'm not even getting dirty oil coming out, so don't think we're gonna have a problem with that one. Usually you can.

uh, you can see it with dirty oil right? Quick. So the next thing we need to sweep is we need to sweep from right here and it should sweep back that way coming down. I Took off my high side port and look, it's dripping nasty black oil. Look at that.

That's just from the oil stuck in that little trap right there. We'll have to make sure we purge that out too. Um, while I've got this right here. I'm going to go ahead and uh, just blast this into this towel and hope that it doesn't or I mean to try to get some of the stuff out of that.

Okay, so remember, this is just nitrogen and we're sweeping out the contaminants out of the system. I Gotta make sure we clean my gauges when I'm done too. Um, all right. So now we're going to hook up to this guy right here and try to push anything back down.

now. Why am I changing the TXV on this guy? The reason why I'm changing the TXV is because we don't know what caused this compressor to go bad. Um, and on these Txvs you have to pull the whole refrigerant charge out to do it. so we have the compressor out.

We have a bad compressor. We're going to go ahead and replace it because it's easy enough. It's it's right there and it's a common failure part when the power heads fail on these things. now, an even easier way to do it is I already changed that TXV But it doesn't look new because I rebuilt it.

This is the exact identical valve. so I just pulled everything out of it, put it in the new valve right, and put it back together. Now, once I opened it up, it's a possibility this power head doesn't look too good. If anything failed in the valve, it would likely be the power head.

It's very weak. There's a lot of corrosion on it I don't necessarily I can't necessarily push the Bellows up on the power head, but still. Well, it's something that we change. So I just rebuilt it really quick so that's back in there and then now.
I Need to get ready to put the dryer back in because I blew everything else out and I'm not seeing any other issues I Am still going to do one thing and we're gonna blow the evaporator out once. I undo the suction line. but other than that, you know we're moving along. So I'm going to start getting the compressor undone and ready to go the bolts out of the compressor and uh, getting ready to put the new dryer back in.

I Almost made a big mistake. Big big mistake. I Was cleaning everything up and I noticed that this pin I went to go assemble this valve and this pin wouldn't fit in the top. This actually is a different valve so see how this pin fits in the top of this one.

So I had this in there but it's not right. So I am going to have to sweat this in real quick. so I'm going to clean it up, get the Nitro purging again and then we're going to sweat in the body I Thought I was going to be able to utilize that, but I can't I very carefully bent the discharge line out of the way and I just have it being held up by this towel. but you got to be careful because there's a 90 right here.

so I didn't bend it here. I grabbed this line and bent it here because if you try too hard on that, you'll just Kink that 90. Just got to be careful about that stuff. So this guy's still completely intact.

So unsweet the compressor. I'm pulling it out right now. Uh, undid the bolts and everything and sometimes you can get it out. Sometimes you got to cut it because I was thinking I was going to have to cut it.

that's why I sanded it but I was able to move it nice and easy out of the way just to make my life a little easier. I'm putting ball valves on the dryer so we can change it later without having to recover the entire charge. and I'm going to go ahead and braise this out here. Flowing nitrogen and then we'll insert it and only have minimal braised joints in there.

just makes it a little bit easier. but I can certainly do it the other way. It's just, you know, it's easier to do a weld out here if you can. so let's get on it real quick.

So I'm being a little lazy. The last person that used my torch is used the number two tip. so I'm just going to go ahead and finish it with the number two. It's a little big, but it'll be fine.

Watch out because uh, concrete splatters so you don't want to heat up the concrete run into problems and again, we are flowing with nitrogen. So raising on valves and different things is oftentimes a little bit different than normal braising because you're always worried about protecting the valve and not overheating it. So sometimes your techniques have to be a little bit different. Thank you! Foreign, Foreign.
all right we're all brazed in um I need to cool it off and then inspect everything real quick. Make sure everything's good which I'm pretty sure it is. Take all the heat blocking compound and then we'll get it put inside that guy and get the final braised join in. All right, we're all braised in everything's good I Need to support the dryer with some Plumbing strap and get it all cleaned up and cooled off and then we'll get on to putting the compressor in right.

We are set up here now I Want to talk about a few things. Number one: I used a Sporland catch-all a 163 so that's a 16 cubic inch 3 8 dryer with an HH core. The HH core is high wax removal when you have compressor burnouts. uh, depending on the type.

Now this one isn't a severe burnout I believe everything's contained to the compressor I've still got a couple more things I need to do in the evaporator purging that real quick, but so far the dirtiness seems to be contained in the compressor as I'm blowing things out because I'm not getting anything else but it's always good bet when you have a burnout when you have potential acid that you use an HH core because again, it has the ability to catch the wax that acids might when it starts eating away at the windings. There's a wax coating on them that wax can flow through the system and cause things to get gummed up. The HH core is specifically designed to catch that wax now. I Went ahead and put ball valves on here okay with the ports on the inside, so that way I can with the system shut off.

I can ball valve these off, recover just a little bit of charge and change just the dryer without having to recover 15 pounds of gas or however much this takes. Okay, next question, Why did I use a 16 cubic inch dryer? This is a five ton system. Okay, this is a 10 ton unit, but it's a five ton system. Actually, it's a 12 and a half ton, but they're doing weird things with the evaporators, but it's a 510 compressor.

But if you use the spoiling catch-all box, they have a sizing chart. Now keep in mind, this sizing chart is for aftermarket repairs. Oftentimes you will see manufacturers using much smaller dryers on new systems because they don't expect a lot of contamination. But in the field, we're going to use this sizing chart and it tells you that a 16 cubic inch dryer is good through five tons of refrigerant.

It also gives you a the ounces of refrigerant by weight so you can compensate because if you go with a bigger dryer, you technically have to add a little bit more refrigerant to the system so that helps you to do that. Okay, so um, we're ready here. I need to put some schraders in these guys right here and then we can. Like I said, continue on with the compressor.

Oh and then also the other thing too I Guess I should point out is I was protecting the ball valves. okay and the dryer with a heat blocking compound. the Viper wet rag heat blocking compound. it's a putty.
when it gets dried out, you can just put a little bit of a couple drops of water in there, mix it up, and then reuse it as much as you need to. Um, once it completely changes color, then it's time to replace it. But yeah, this is from Refrigeration Technologies and you can see that it did a good job of protecting the top of my dryer the ball valves because there's Teflon rings in here and different things that we don't want to damage. Okay, so it's very important we protect our stuff as best as possible.

I Was able to take the old strap and just get a long screw. It went through but it didn't go into the coil. It's just right in front of the coil, not even close, not going to damage it and it's cinched down really tight. So with the added weight of the bigger dryer and the ball valves, you got to be careful and this becomes a weak point right here because it's got all the weight.

So I pulled it up ever so slightly, tightened it down and we're good on that. Now we can test pressure drop across the dryer and get a true pressure drop from here to here if we need. B So I'm going to probably go and put this cover on. and then like I said, we're going to get into that compressor now.

I was just blowing out the evaporator and nothing's coming out the suction line. but I could hear oil bubbling in this guy. So I ended up cutting that where I was trying not to. but I ended up doing it because I suspect that if I tilt this over, we're going to get nastiness coming out of it.

Look at that. So that's the remnants from the compressor that it had like blown out or something. So I'm going to get in here and blow that out with some nitrogen too. trying to clear that line I can look up into the that discharge line right there.

It's not very dirty, there's a little bit of stuff in there, but nothing bad, right? I can look into the suction line, it's not that bad. It seems like most of the stuff is contained to the compressor. I blew out everything with nitrogen I got no nastiness from over there or from over here when I blew it out except for on this. So what I'm actually doing instead of flushing I'm using polyester oil, filling it up with polyoester oil, letting it wash the walls of the pipe, and then pouring it out and you can see the stuff that's coming out as pure nastiness.

I'm going to do one more, then we're going to give it some sweeps with nitrogen and then hopefully we'll be about done all right. I Got the nitrogen flowing I Got the compressor installed. We didn't put the bolts in yet. We'll deal with that in a little while.

I'm purging I Got a coupling right here. Everything's all sanded up and ready to go. So we're going to braise these guys, this guy, and then we'll be ready to pull a proper evacuation on this guy. All right, compressor's all brazed in.
so I'm going to clean it up and then we're going to get the vacuum pump stuff up here and start pulling a vacuum on this guy. Actually, we should probably do a pressure test first so we'll do a pressure test, but we got to cool everything off. Been running the pressure test for about six minutes. We've lost nothing for a moment.

we actually gained pressure then I like went to one 124.2 and then come back down. That's all the nitrogen I have, but I'm confident we don't have any leaks. so I'm going to go ahead and vent that. just the Nitro let it come out of the system and then we're going to, uh, start cleaning up and get ready for an evacuation real quick.

All right, my unit is on and running I went ahead and pulled the filters out because they're plugged. I've got the vacuum pump running. It's not ideal but I have it just on the Uh compressor I pull it from the low and the high side. Got two Micron gauges on there.

but I have the system running. The reason why it's not ideal is because that sucks in outside air. but it is what it is because I wanted to get their second stage at least running so that way they could have something while I'm running to go get parts. So I'm going to leave the vacuum pump running I'm going to get some filters I'm gonna see if I can get a crankcase heater because the crankcase heater on this compressor was bad and when I picked up the compressor I tried but none of the supply houses in my area had them.

but I'm a little ways away. I'm gonna go to a different one. we'll see if they have it. If not, we'll have to order a new crankcase heater.

It's a little odd because it's a 40 watt one and the supply house is typically don't stock that one. Um, but yeah, so we're we're pulling and I'm gonna go do lunch. All right. Scratch that.

I Ended up having one of my guys get freed up for a minute and he's passing by me so he's going to bring me all the filters. Um, the evacuation is kicking but a lot faster than I thought it was going to. We're about 453 microns on that one, 443 on that one so we're gonna let it run for a few more minutes. But what I'm gonna do is I'm going to change this contactor because I think this might be part of the reason if not the only reason why this compressor went bad.

It's really pitted out and when I uh I had to put a new Molex plug on it this little guy right here. okay when I put that on, these screws were not even tight. they were like loose loose right there. and then I looked at the contactor.

it's really bad. So I've got a new contactor right here. We're going to go ahead and swap it out. I turned off power to the unit and then uh, this guy's going so fast.

I'm gonna be able to start it up here in a few minutes, but I want to get this contactor changed out. First contactor is replaced. we're good to go. Covers right side up.
The old one is just really pitted. It's hard for you guys to see, but um, let's check on my evacuation. We'll go ahead and hit our Decay test. We're at like 300 microns on that one.

400 microns on that one. so uh, we'll let it run into K for a little bit. I'm gonna go get some refrigerant and we'll get this guy charged up, hopefully in a minute. I Zeroed out my scale.

We are looking for 16 pounds, eight ounces micron gauge. is it about 951? 760? So we're good on that. We're gonna go ahead and start putting gas into the high side. Okay, close both of those down.

We're zeroed out on the scale and put that on, put that on, and then we're gonna go ahead and dump it in on the high side right there. All right. So we're putting 410A in this system, putting as much as we can in the high side. Then we'll meter the rest in through the vapor side.

Um, and again, we're looking for 16 pounds, eight ounces. I'm gonna go ahead and take these guys off now that they're at high pressure. So these guys can handle positive pressure. So as soon as you get into positive, just take them off.

You don't want to put too much pressure on them, but they can handle it and that's it. I'm just charging. It won't really take any more than six pounds of gas right now. so we're ready to turn this guy on.

Everything's back on. The Molex plug is on. We should be good. Everything's closed.

I'll add refrigerant after it turns on if it's short. Cycles I'll push in the contactor so we should be good. Just like that. Let's just hope.

uh, nothing blows up, huh? So we gotta wait for it to call. so we don't have a call as of yet. We'll give it a minute. The test mode on these Prodigy One controllers is dumb.

Some of them if I remember right, it only turns on the compressor. It won't give it a full call like first stage call I don't know. Silly. So I'm not going to bother.

I'm just waiting for the time delay to finish on the thermostat and once it calls, then I'll uh start charging it in here and we are running. Compressor's not making a weird noise so it's not running backwards. We're going to go ahead and meter refrigerant into the low side because it still needs 10 pounds of gas. So we're going to try to do it before it goes off on low pressure.

So I'm just slowly metering refrigerant in. we're up and running Off to the Races We are fully charged. It took 16 pounds, eight ounces I Overshot it just a little bit because I'm going to be taking my gauges on and off. I Usually overshot it by about four ounces because I'll probably lose about that much when I take my hoses off.

Um, I am going to probe up on this guy, but it's not looking bad right now so I'm gonna let it run for a little bit, take a lunch, and then we'll come back and probe up and we'll do a pressure drop across the dryer. I'm just going to clean up a few things. I've been kind of cleaning up as I've been going today so I don't have a lot left up here every time I went down. I've been cleaning up and my tech did show up.
He put the filters on the back dock for me so I got to go get those too. All right I am back from lunch we are all probed up. I got some new filters to put in. all the units haven't done it yet but I will.

Um, we're just looking at this guy so took off my normal gauges put on my probes. Uh, this is looking really good. Things are ranging: expansion valves open and closing. Nothing too crazy there.

sub cooling's high, but it's using discharge pressure so that's pretty typical on these. Um, outside air temperature is about 95 degrees Discharge line temp 151 Let's go ahead and go to Circuit Two Super Heats about six degrees. Let's give it a minute watching it operate. same thing with subcooling.

It's a little bit high, but I'm not too worried about it. Um Outsource Outdoor Air same tent discharge line 1061 Don't see any issues there. temperature splits about 24 degrees. What are we calling for? We're calling for about 23 degrees right now based off of the indoor condition, so that's not too bad.

Um, let's see our delivered capacity is about 126 000. BTUs we're calling for about 134 000. I Again, I Don't see anything too crazy with that. We're looking pretty good.

So uh, here's what we need to do I need to go back and we need to get a pressure drop across the liquid line filter dryer in here. We're gonna get a pressure drop so that way we know what it'll be next time we come back. We know you know when it's high or low or whatever. Um, so I'm going to do that.

Uh, we are going to schedule to come back and chemically clean all these condensers. I'm not going to do that today because I've been on the roof long enough I did tighten up the belt, the belt was loose I'm going to put filters and all the ACs really quick and um, they need to. They got like a photo cell falling off I'll have to look and see if there's something I can do about that. but other than that, the unit is operational, everything is good.

We probably need to come back. uh, the customer's cool with it and do a pressure drop test on the liquid line filter dryer. and then probably if we can do an acid test to see if I was able to clear out most of the stuff the dryer should be working its butt off. Now if this was a severe contamination, I would suggest putting in a suction line filter dryer, but I opted against that because it's kind of difficult to get those in and out.

So if I can get away with just the liquid line filter dryer, we're better off. Oftentimes this customer won't have me come back. So if I have a suction and a liquid I don't know. Just kind of a pain in the butt.

You have to make judgment calls when you do that stuff so well. Let's do the pressure drop across the dryer real quick. Uh, it. The numbers are kind of fluctuating around right now, but so far.
Temperature difference wise, it's about two degrees temperature difference between suction line temp is one side of the dryer and liquid line temp is the other side of the dryer. and then pressure wise it's three to four. PSI It's kind of moving around as we sit here and wait longer and longer. but so I'll mark it down as four PSI and two degrees on the temperature differential.

So we're working okay. like I said, we'll give it some time if the customer's cool with it. We'll come back and do another pressure test across that dryer and then, uh, maybe do an acid test if we can get some oil out of the existing compressor. Uh, what caused the compressor to go bad? I Really think it was that contactor but that was a really nasty burn.

So I'm not gonna I'm sorry. it wasn't a really nasty burn, but the inside of the oil of the compressor is pretty bad. If it was really nasty I would expect there'd be oil all throughout the the condenser evaporator and I didn't see any signs of that I only saw it in the discharge line. you know, about a foot above the compressor and everything further down.

I Didn't get any remnants of oil, nasty oil so if it had traveled through the system I would have definitely done. uh. suction line, filter dryer, maybe ball valve that off and then come back out and isolate it and stuff you can even put in flare valves or flare dryers I didn't really see the need for that. Um, so we'll just keep an eye on it.

and uh, but like I said, I'm not going to cut that compressor open because it's pretty nasty. so I don't really need to be making a mess with that I Kind of have an idea I think that because we blew a terminal out I think we had some voltage issues. Um, man, that's my my guess on it. but I'm not gonna know for sure because again, I'm not going to cut that one open.

no time for that right now. So that's it for this one. We're going to, uh, give the customer the keys. Uh, they're super stoked because it's cooling off in that kitchen significantly.

I'm gonna put all these filters in and then I'm gonna get the heck out of here. You know, when these customers aren't doing, you know, normal routine maintenance, it makes It difficult when we come out to these service calls because you know these problems. You know there's a possibility that we would have caught this before it became a real issue, right? Um, and if we're not like, we used to be there monthly cleaning all their equipment, making sure everything's good. uh, on this unit, it's not.

The condenser was a little bit dirty. The evaporator was surprisingly pretty clean, but the filters were dirty so the filters could have had something to do with the compressor failure. The compressor contactor could have had something to do with the compressor failure. The crankcase heater being bad, could have had something to do with it.
but I don't think it was the crankcase heater because I didn't catch it on camera. But when I took that compressor down to the back dock I did pour the oil out and there was plenty of oil so there's not oil trapped in the system anywhere. It just blew the terminal and surprisingly it didn't blow out all the oil inside the unit either like it just vented. Um, that's why I Really think it had something to do with the electrical failure? I Think the contactor being pitted, not sending proper voltage and then maybe you know, potentially a loose connection on the inside of the compressor on the other side of the Molex plug? It's it's hard to say right in a perfect world.

I'd love to autopsy that compressor, but I just don't have the time right now. we're running and gunning. You know? it seemed like summer was taking forever to get here and then it just hit us like a brick wall. We got all kinds of stuff going on so that's not one that plus the fact that that oil was so dirty.

I Really don't want to cut that thing open? it's going to be a nasty mess and I don't really need that right now. So um, this one's just a mystery, but we are definitely going to monitor it. I'm still going back with a crankcase heater. Okay, I ordered one of those and I will do a pressure drop test and temperature drop across the dryer again to see if I see anything and then we'll just monitor the rest of the system.

But another thing I noticed too as I was changing the filters on the rest of the package units. there's like two of them that the evaporators are completely plugged up so we'll have to get to that too and cleaning the evaporators on these units. If you can keep your equipment with clean evaporators, it's it's better that way, right? obviously for airflow and proper operation. but these are down shot units meaning that if I try to wash that evaporator, it's a slab coil at an angle.

When I try to wash that, that water goes directly down into the return air and drips right down on the customer. So it's just a pain in the butt to clean these evaporators when they don't maintain them like they should be. so you know we'll have to bring that up to them. But right now we got like, you know, a bunch of service calls and a bunch of big issues going on that like I can't really bring up evaporator cleanings like that's a hard one and um, cleaning those evaporators if like, even just one evaporator is pretty much a one day process.

You got to put down plastic trash bags, sheet pans like all kinds of stuff to capture the water because they're so dirty it is a pain in the butt. But anyways, I did my best to make sure that the system was operational. it is up and running, you know? I Kind of like was going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to install a suction line filter dryer, but I decided not to on this one because I didn't think the contamination was that bad. Who's to say though? we'll see when we, uh, when we go back to do a pressure drop in temperature drop test across the dryer to see if we noticed that the dryer's starting to plug up or anything.
I really don't think it's going to I Think like I said in the video, the majority of the contamination in that compressor was contained in the discharge line. Um, and it wasn't like I could stick my finger into the suction line and it wasn't even that dirty in the suction line either. So it just like blew whatever it was just into the compressor discharge line right there and it didn't really go that high so you know I kind of got lucky on that one. Um, I'm still I mentioned in this video I didn't really go into depth I'm actually giving them a quote too.

Uh, I mean with this customer like when I give them quotes, they pretty much approve it. but I have to rebuild their makeup air unit. They have an evaporative cooler. It has two water pumps I showed it in the video really quickly.

It needs all new cell deck pads, new pre-filters temperature controller, um, water pumps, water flow. a full breakdown and cleaning I did turn that evaporative cooler back on the first day that I was here and then when I got there this morning, it was leaking water everywhere. but it's not leaking into the building and the customers. You know it's giving them a little bit more supplemental Cooling in The Cook's line because it kind of tempers the air.

so you know, if you guys haven't already, please consider. uh, checking out my website My wife, you know she really tries to keep up on the merch and everything. So we have hats available. That's like our number one seller.

We have a couple different brands or types of hats. This is my go-to This is the uh, what is this one called? um, clean and no, it's dry I Don't know it's it's it's an active wear hat. I've I've said it many times before. this hat.

You can't but you can't see it on camera right now. But I can see light through the Hat It's a black underbill. Put a lot of design into this. It's very breathable.

You don't sweat very much in this hat. We also have a flat bill hat. We also have a relaxed dad fit hat. We have beanies, sweatshirts, t-shirts, women's t-shirts on the website.

I'm wearing this one. this is the Flag t-shirt there's This is available in the women's version too and it still has the flag on the sleeve. So just check it out. A couple other ways: if you're interested in supporting the channel.

The easiest way is literally just watch the videos from beginning to end. That's the easiest way. Uh, PayPal Patreon YouTube Channel memberships Those are all different ways that you can donate to the channel. There's links in the show notes.

Another really cool way is through If you guys go to and you like something that they have I have an affiliate code and offer code if you use my offer code. Big picture. One word: You get an eight percent discount on majority of the items on their website. not everything.
There's a few things it doesn't apply to, but when you use that I get a small commission. so it's a great way to help support the channel too. So check it out I Really, really appreciate you guys! Thank you so very much for all the support, the kind words, the encouragement, the feedback, the criticism, the comments I grow from it all. So thank you very much and we will catch you on the next one.

47 thoughts on “The kitchen ac is not working”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Se7enity says:

    Are vicious nasty spiders a major problem or just an annoyance.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken S. says:

    Fur Coats are Always an Issue. Keep it Clean and you’ll Receive many additional hours of trouble-free Service. 🤔👍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deacon Wanderer says:

    I’ve seen that same thing happen on numerous Copeland compressors it’s never clear exactly what causes their failure. Your decision for no suction drier is well placed since the compressor likely instantly stopped and contamination stayed near the compressor. Side note: I always chuckle at the warning stickers those Lennox units have on the panels. “Remove screws before opening panel”. It makes me wonder what made someone feel the need to install them? Unless it was their way of using the same panels from screw on to handle latch. Love seeing someone do quality work across the country. Are you in Orleans ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lunytoo says:

    I have a question on that measurequick is that a free app for techs?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panther Platform says:

    Some people call it a Kaiser blade. I call it a sling blade. Service area Orleans??

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kyberking says:

    Whenever I see a blown terminal, its always from high pressure, theyre soldered in to pop as a safety measure, I'm sure you know but that coil was covered, good call on the isolation valves and txv, nice work!🎉

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul S Rohrbaugh says:

    Wait these ACs take outside air and cool that? Not recycle inside air? WTF

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul S Rohrbaugh says:

    Please kill black widows and brown recluse if you see them. Other spiders are bros but not them.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Chuprun says:

    There no way I could let that spider live and work around there. That one was way too gnarly.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew McDonald says:

    Suction line filter drier read about it

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Hayward says:

    Your videos are great, I like how you look at the "big picture" every time. There are just a few occasions where you go for a "change everything" approach and don't isolate where the original problem was. A few customers would probably want a fix for that problem with an option to fix everything else. I'm not saying that's the right solution but if I came to fix one issue at a location and said it needed 10 things fixing/replacing (even if this is exactly what was needed), but one change would fix it immediately, there could be an issue. I think you guys must have a really loyal customer base to let you decide what does/doesn't need fixing on any job. Thanks for the content. 👍🏻👍🏻

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Dawson says:

    Ahh, compressor terminal pin blowout. The failure to end all failures – you have a dead compressor, puked your gas charge to the environment, and depending on the age of the equipment, about as cheap to buy a new unit. I've only seen it once, but I got to see it happen. Compressor finally ate it during diagnostics, internal short blew the pin apart, my underwear almost didn't survive. 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spencer H says:

    Hey Chris you should open the filter dryer see what's inside? On the Bus transit side Thermo King recommends 3F of Delta degree temperature. What does Sporlan recommend? Are you in Ottawa ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars byrd203 says:

    i wish more people would explain to customers more often if you do not do prev maintenance, if will cost you more in the long run if things breakdown and harder to diagnose issues and fix and say I want to save you more money in maintenance repairs

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nightone says:

    That purge setup when brazing the filter drier in is so beautiful! Ohhhh mannn it's so beautiful! Thank you so much for being you Chris. I love it

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L. Cross Jr says:

    New subscriber. May I ask why was the TXV replaced? Is it just a standard procedure Are you in Barrhaven ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Tee says:

    Haha…recovered to the atmosphere.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Perez says:

    Chris, have you ever retrofitted over Chatleff TXVs?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fluke196c says:

    someone watches robby layton Service area Ottawa??

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Green says:

    On a Lennox don't you charge or check charge via approach?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:

    Loving the early 90's porn music LOL Are you in Kanata ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karizmatic5 says:

    Hey Chris. Someone probably already asked this, but you typically like to go with the flare type drier in refrigeration systems. I would think since you went with the trouble of inserting ball valves, you would have put in a flare type filter drier. Maybe they don't make them in the 163s HH? Probably…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marron River Woodworks says:

    that black widow or whatever you saw, thats actually a Redback spider (i'm australian). you do not wanna get bitten by her, it will most likley make you very very sick.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Makeitcold says:

    Id love to see more on rebuilding the commercial txv's in the field. Is that an oem kit you order or some aftermarket universal thing?😮

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brad mironik says:

    Unfortunately their lack of maintenance brings business. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thaddeus says:

    I plan to be a HVAC repair man soon, these videos are for sure getting me ready for what I need to be ready for, that heat though, thank goodness I don't live in California, i could NOT take the heat!
    Great video like always, informative too.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillotines For Globalist Scum says:

    F that black widow spider! Scary!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex - electrical engineering says:

    Nice video as always 👍, I would love to open that compressor to see the carnage.

    A burned out compressor is kind of the worst thing, all the resin and plastic on the windings turn to horrible things (they are gooey and corrosive).

    By the way nice vacuum setup 👍

    Greetings Alex

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Hartwick says:

    Do you ever use a product like Acid Away?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Mcdermott says:

    Good work Chris.👍

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Space says:

    Why do you wear a dark hat and dark pants? wouldnt lighter pants reflect more heat energy transformed from light?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Lungwitz says:

    You pipe the dryer wrong?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Lungwitz says:

    On things like valves, i like to use 60% silver solder, it melts at a lower temp, and flows better, then maybe crown it with silphos.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DigitalIP says:

    What would dielectric grease do for a contactor? help keep it clean and less prone to pitting or just simply a dust/sand magnet? Service area Nepean??

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iippo82 says:

    how cute is that pink R410 vessel 😀 , here we got mostly aluminium or blue painted steel vessels for refrigerants and only label is color-coded 😀

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaneaLucy says:

    If you put valve's in, why not install a flair dryer?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Morton says:

    Just had a compressor blew out before the 4th as well after fixing the txv equalizer tube that snap off of the suction line, didn't realize the compressor was also grounded out until after fixing and BLAM! System was only like 3 years old. New compressor was installed by other tech and everything running again.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Presson says:

    Another awesome video

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Wf says:

    Every compressor install I do gets a new contactor

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wez says:

    Black Widow…

    #@%$ that

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash Duke says:

    Our ac stopped working, texted my hvac cousin. But trying to explain why the coil need to be cleaned to dad. Because of your videos kinda understanding what might be wrong.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul-IE-Repairs says:

    i would be curious to clamp on an in-line fuel filter when purging trash out, with nitrogen, to capture contaminants so you can inspect when you remove the filter media. its standard practice in the race car industry to cut and inspect your filters for wear materials Service area Kanata??

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elvis says:

    Hey Chris, why are you changing the crankcase heater? Aren’t the winters mild in the area? Or are you doing it to prevent refrigerant from potentially migrating to comp and prevent it from it starting flooded??? Just wondering

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Horne says:

    I don’t miss working on rooftops!

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rammyfernando says:

    You're explanations are very clear thanks

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rammyfernando says:

    I think the compressor terminal was born off due to factory default

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Harry says:

    I just wish our customers really truely understood that if they would pay us for PM ; they would save Hundreds in the long run. Sadly?? It is what it is ..what they pay us to keep their equipment up an running top notch saves them in electricity bills an ??? Sorry not mean to blow off here it’s just frustrating they don’t want to spend a “few” bucks to save themselves Hundreds.. 🤷🏻‍♂️. But I agree that system was not compromised from compressor burn out… nice job❤

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