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This is a sign that your hot Tu filters are absolutely disgusting. Those filters capture everything from algae spores to dead skin cells. and your hot tub water is constantly circulating through them. So when was the last time you deep cleaned your filters? Give your filters a spray with a garden hose at least once a week and once a month spray it down with a filter cleanse.
But for a really deep clean every few months, you'll want to give it a deep clean. And that means soaking your filters in a filter cleaning solution in a large clean bucket. Add a hot tub, filter, cleaner, and warm water, and make sure to use enough warm water to submerge your filter completely, but not too much that the water is spilling out. Once you add the filter inside, place the filter in the bucket of solution and let it soak for 24 hours and then rinse the filter off with a hose and allow it to air dry before putting it back in the hot tub.
So do your filters need a good clean? Let us know in the comments how often you deep clean your filters.
Why the reason to let air dry? The same residue that may be there wet, will still be there when dry.