Hitting uh, intro and uh we're gon na see if we can also answer the questions on youtube as well see if i can prevent from knocking my computer over this um, this studio is really not conducive to having two people in the same room. All right. Let's x, that out, let's see if we can get this on here, make sure our volume is off. Okay, live chat, all right, so that's what you're going to watch right there.

If we get any questions, so we're going to be taking questions from the audience here. In zoom, which there are 35 of you currently got mike from chicago from princeton plasma physics, lab d.o is from the princeton plasma physics. It sounds like i mean he sounds a little too smart. It sounds right.

First, it's either one of two things: either you don't belong here because you're far too intelligent for us or you're making that up to sound smart, in which case i give you a lot of credit even for that. So even if you just made that up. That's probably too smart for us all right. Let's go ahead and get our oh okay.

Let's make sure that we got the screen share on all right, so i'm gon na do this one more time. If you can all just confirm oh january's here, if you can all just confirm that you see the screen that says what's going on with hvac school in early 2022 just make just. Let me know that you see that, and we will. Mr texan wants to know what the topic is.

The topic today is just all the stuff. That's coming up. It's also just a general q, a so now's the time this is actually the first time. I think i've ever had leilani on a live stream.

So now is the time to also ask her any any questions um about like if i'm real and if i'm a nice person and the answer to all those things is no so i'll. Just answer that right now you never talk over me. I never die, and i never criticize when you do this when you want to when you want to say something right, a microphone like that, anyway, all right so we're gon na oh craig's, here too emperor palpatine. That is what i get called on occasion because of my red kayla suit.

Alright, so here's what we're going to be talking about leilani's joining me, because she is one of the folks uh and the most important one of course uh in my life, but also at the symposium and at the ahr conference in vegas. And so we're going to be going over uh what we're going to be doing in vegas. What we're going to be doing at the symposium we're going to talk briefly about the fraca conference and the educators conference. Those are sort of the four different places that we're going to be, but there's meetups that go around it there's all kinds of different things that are happening, and i want to talk through.

What's going on, who the speakers are all that sort of stuff? Now, as we go along, feel free to ask questions, um we've got the youtube live folks up. Am i from sworland what someone's asking if you're from sportly yeah um - i mean, i don't know she could be a plant from sporeland um uh. I i i met her uh many years ago, so if she was at sportline, you would have already been there when you're like 13 um. It didn't tell me, like a secret agent, that's possible.
She could be playing the long game with me, but no leilani is my wife and um. Co-Conspirator, i think, is what we have on her business card. So here we go all right, so we actually have a booth at ahr, and this is this: is it pointing at it? So this is las vegas january 31st, through february 2nd. We have a booth booth c6846.

Put that in your day, planner put that in your blackberry, put that in your palm pilot. If you have one of those and remember that so uh we're actually very close to the. If you look just up above us here, this booth c67, whatever it is, the arrows covering it, that is the haven booth. So those of you who want to go visit haven, formerly known as zoa, which is a really uh great product and a sponsor of ours, and really interesting to look at on the iaq measurement side.

We're going to be right around the corner from that, and another nice thing about where we are, is we're right here by the concession stands. So i don't know if you can see that, but we're right by the concession stands. I'm gon na get my little uh. Let's see we'll just eat all day, we can just eat all day.

Yes! Well, i do that because that's um, because you're getting old, it's what we call it's. What we call geriatric bladder, uh syndrome, i think, is what that's called um, i'm not judging, but anyway, try not to judge me so anyway, we're right here. There are two different halls: there's the central hall and then the what's. What's the other hall, the north hall, the podcast pavilion hold on my voice is pretty bad, so i'm going to be taking lots of sips here, while you're taking a sip of tea check out this event, we did on brian, then venn diagram that was leilani and Uh, who was that john oakes john oaks and marin did marin help with that too? Okay yeah, so i don't know if they can read it or not.

But it's it's a venn diagram on my life. It's yes! Yes, it's special! It's definitely worth it. They said turn your audio up. It's not a matter of your audio being up.

It's a matter of you getting closer to the microphone which we're working, we're working on here, mic technique there. It is all right so um, so we're gon na have our booth. We're gon na. Have the podcast pavilion uh, actually two podcast billions, which we'll talk about in a second which are in the hall between the central hall, and i think it's the north hall right.

Yep um and those are going to be have plexiglas sides we're going to have um interviews going almost constantly between us and several other podcasters um. Oh eric kaiser's, here eric is actually going to be with us um. So actually, let's go through that quickly. Before we move on from this slide the different folks who are going to be with us at ahr and i'm going to take i'm going to take a sip of water while you go over that, do you remember who um well, i think we're going to have Nathan orr, which is brian's brother uh, pretty much everyone knows who nathan is right: uh danielle wexler is my assistant pretty much the most important lady there pretty much i mean, does all of the work, so there's actually yeah.
So there's really well. There's two there's two reasons: why? Because people always ask how do you? How do you get all this stuff done? It's like well you're, looking at one of them here and then the other is danielle other than that. I really don't do anything i show up for some podcasts um play golf yeah. You know, um just tell us what to do just boss, people around all day, long all day uh.

So who else do we have uh eric kaiser, which we yeah eric and rachel? And his wife rachel yes and we have caleb zeliby. Yes, caleb is going to be joining us uh, really big into the iaq stuff. Caleb is actually going to be moving to new york city, yes um shortly. He is there.

Is he there now? Okay and uh is jim bergman gon na be yeah. Jim bergman, jim bergman is gon na spend some time at the booth we talked about. I talked to him on the phone just a couple days ago. He doesn't have a uh a dedicated booth this year, so he is going because um accutools doesn't have a booth this year and so he's going to be spending quite a bit of time at our booth.

We are going to have a full podcast set up there. So um for anybody who wants to record you know if you're hanging out there and you want to record something with jim, have it show up on the hvc school podcast. It's just going to be a matter of mash in a button and smash a button. We have jessica egan, which is our lady service deck here in claremont florida yep at kayla, service tech, who happens to be a lady.

You know yeah. She just happens to be a lady. She said she's a amazing service tech in her own right right. You know so uh yeah she's, the ladies.

So it's super cool because you know she's breaking the trends yep and let me think who else do we have there uh? I mentioned rachel kaiser eric kaiser um, caleb nathan jessica. You danielle, that's it yeah, that's it so that is that is our group um. My schedule is really booked, but every time that i do have any free time, i'm gon na either be at our sponsors booths. I mean i'm definitely going to be spending some time the first day.

Actually, the first morning, i'm going to be at refrigeration, technology's booth, um leilani's, going to look up a few things on my calendar um, but then we're all i'm going to spend time at the uh at the hvac school booth, because it is both close to food And bathroom, so the thing i would encourage you to do is when you want to take a lunch. Just come on down to our side, grab your lunch and just hang out with all the folks who are going to be gathered around at the booth, all right. Moving on jessica, says, she's so excited and she just can't hide it she's about to lose control and she thinks she likes it and eli already got his ticket to the symposium. Yes, okay, sweet, not sure where you are from eli, but we're excited to see you.
Where are you from eli um, so the first day at ahr, so we're going to get into the nitty gritty here, as nacho libre, would say, january 31st, which is sunday. So that's the day before, if you're, making it in early we're going to have a meet up from five to seven. This meetup is brought to you by diversitec, so they're taking they're picking up the bar tab. We're gon na have um the first 40 people we're going to be providing some drink tickets at firefly, tapas, kitchen and bar, as shown here on the screen.

We will have those details leading up to it on social media, but if that's something that you think you want to do, maybe take a screenshot of this or write it down real quick that is the sunday before ahr in vegas at firefly, which is very close To the convention center, i think it's actually. I don't know exactly where it is it's close to the convention center, though, so we try to pick something really close. So that'll be a great time to meet up with all the different influencer folks, people that you've always wanted to shake their hand and say hey to so join us there for that all right moving on um, so we're going to be doing a lot of stuff At the podcast buildings, i didn't think i had this, but i do actually have this. So there we go um the podcast pavilions each day we have different people who are going to come in and do interviews with us.

This will be published on the main ahr website. If you go to the hr website to their homepage, you'll be able to find out more about the podcast pavilions, but they don't tell you exactly who we're going to be interviewing? I don't think we've given them that information, so they may put it up, but especially on that first day, pavilion one, the system commissioning with jim bergman. I think that's one you're not going to want to miss um we're doing one with emerson, i'm actually going to be. I did just find out it's going to be with andre patnaud talking about co2, i'm officially losing my voice here.

Um, i'm gon na be talking to those guys, um my pastoral refrigeration, technologies and then brain box ai, which is a pretty cool ai solution. That is the first day um second day i'm going to be moderating. This is one that i think you're going to enjoy. I'm going to be moderating a leadership panel, so these are the different leaders of a lot of the industry.

Um organizations so ashrae hri, hardy, uh, nafa and nci are going to be there and we're just talking about you know the effects of covet on the industry kind of how they see things moving forward. These are people who have a lot to say about um, our industry and, and i'm gon na be moderating that panel. So i'm not gon na be doing a lot of talking, but i'm gon na be asking questions and just kind of moving that along. So that will be something to join us for and then on that same day, glad you're losing your voice now now's a good time.
Now, that's a much better time to lose it than yes. Hopefully i gain it back by that time. Yeah all right so that same day on tuesday uh i'm going to be doing uh a a training presentation uh. Just me talking yakking away, like usual uh, king blah, blah style on how to prevent callbacks and warranty returns.

So this one's cool, this one's going to be good, i think it'll be pretty good yeah. It's it's going to be targeted, whereas most of the stuff i do is targeted towards technicians. This is going to be targeting the entire um industry stack, so manufacturing distribution, technicians, contractors um. In order to prevent these things for the end user, we're going to be focusing on why that's so important, so why training is so important and how everybody can kind of join in to help reduce this, and i'm going to talk about.

You know kind of hot button topics like hey how about make your evaporative coils not leak, and how about putting capacitors that don't fail all the time stuff like that, you know so, so it's not going to be just targeted at technicians. It's going to be talking about the entire industry, a little bit more about the uh, the different leaders and, again i want to pause here quickly to say: i'm yakking a lot here. If you have any questions about any of this stuff, ask as we go along and if you have any other questions about anything else, you want to ask put them in there and we will answer them at the end. So this is also an ask me anything session or really an askley lonnie anything sessions we're going to throat lozenge.

Now, that's definitely going to be not gross hearing me suck on that. Now he's really going to enjoy this um so anyway. So this is the this. Is the uh you're going to pause now, just let that simmer? Okay, yeah mm-hmm, okay, this washing is really helping.

Well, do you have anything to add that you want to anything that i'm missing here so far that we should uh cover, while i'm allowing my throat to okay yeah, all right so um this group, i i've already kind of set up the um the outline for It uh these are the things we're going to talk about a lot of it is pretty high end, especially for contractors, people in distribution, that sort of thing i think you're gon na find it uh interesting and just anybody welcome to another episode of terrible asmr uh Yeah, the um, the lozenge, was a bad choice, we're going to just kind of we're going to kind of stick it down here. Dip style, my my groveland, my friends from groveland florida, have done this for many years and been able to cope so so should i all right, then, the um, how to prevent callbacks from warranty returns, pulled a couple slides out of it. Um just kind of cover. We're going to talk about uh, customer communication side, commissioning best practices um the reasons why we need to address this problem, how to address it from a training standpoint in order to um or to just prevent it, because it's a major issue, especially when parts availability is Getting far worse and shipping is more of a problem than it ever was it's uh.
It makes sense for the industry to focus on this problem uh from top to bottom and actually invest some money and time and reducing these uh. Reducing these issues are we getting any questions over there? Are you paying attention to what's going on youtube, uh, they're kind of talking together, okay, they're just talking to each other yeah? That's fine! That's fine! All right! All right, then! On wednesday, we have more podcast pavilion, stuff um, i'm gon na, be speaking with carrier on pavilion. One field piece we have rick streaker from packard, um rick is actually one of the like really underrated, educators in our industry. He talks a lot about motors and electrical stuff and all that, but he was at the symposium last year and he's coming and actually doing three presentations at the symposium this year and he's got really great information.

A really great instructor, um there's a lot of videos that were that have been put out over the years by packard and something to definitely check out and then we're going to talk about legionella, management's, sort of a big shift of topic there, but a very important One for people who do um that sort of stuff eric says that rick is a motor god, i'm not sure how one becomes a motor god, but uh i i do. I do think that eric's, probably right about that. He somehow accomplished that all right. So this is just kind of showing the the broad monday, tuesday wednesday um at podcast pavilion one.

You can see. You know, we've got some um some slots here very highlighted us. Then there are some others, and i'm sure i mean i'm sure they'll be fine as well, but you know definitely check out the podcast pavilions. I think that's going to be a lot of fun, especially because the first time they did this was in orlando.

That was two years ago, and it was kind of off to the side. Um this year, it's going to be like right in the middle of everything. It's going to be absolute chaos, there's going to be an intersection of both halls coming together, yeah we're literally going to be blocking everyone's way, and so we're going to be like forced to listen. Yeah, it's gon na be a giant irritation.

All these podcasters taking over the uh, the convention hall but it'll, be a good time non-stop party uh second day. This is us two um you can see. There's some there's some folks who don't have a lot, but there's some good ones here. Mechanical hub is going to be there um.
Those guys are great women behind the wrench. Also great phil zito for the kind of smart building building automation systems type stuff is going to be there. So a lot of different folks that you're going to meet at the podcast pavilions, our friend terse blissett tool, pros i'm sure brent ridley is going to be the the one there for that, so excited for all those folks. Uh eli hopes that you feel better so that he can see your face without a mask.

Well, so that's the thing about ahr hr is going to require masks. So that's not an ahr thing. That's actually a vegas thing all throughout vegas. All these casinos require it all.

The public areas are going to require masks. So it's not going to probably be the place to try to try to get around that. I think they're going to be enforced, pretty heavy, so uh yeah going to be a bummer, but when we're speaking they're not going to require us to wear them, it doesn't sound like for doing podcasts that sort of thing they're not going to require them, but the Audience you're pretty much all going to have to wear them all the time it's going to be kind of a fuss. We've got another question of what's this about what is this about yeah? Just this whole thing, this whole thing this is, we are talking about everything.

That's going on conventions, conferences, conventions, conferences, everything that's going on um over the next couple months that we're going to be present at and then also just an opportunity for you to ask any questions you want to ask. So i haven't done a live video in a while, and i decided to pick a time when i have no voice whatsoever, so that was um uh bill says that i'm giving my wife kovid. That happened. Trust me a long time ago.

Trust me um. There's a lot of sharing a lot of sharing sharing is caring, um all right, so the symposium, our training event, is coming up. Um, i'm excited this year to not look as fat as i look in that picture um. That is one thing that i've been working on this year.

I think that's a pretty good that, yes, this is claremont florida just outside west side of orlando um, all the information for this, and actually i'm surprised. We don't have a link here for this, which is odd. That is hbacrschool.com symposium. If you want to know how to spell symposium, it's right there on the screen, hbcr school.com symposium february 17th, which is a thursday through february 19th.

All the best speakers and sponsors that we can think of or bringing in one place doing technical training wall-to-wall. We actually do have some more business content. This year we have two different business sessions for people. We have a lot of requests for that um and this is brought to you by accutools and true tech tools, they're the ones who came up big in order to help fund this thing to make it possible yeah we've got you've got classes going in different places.
You have uh breakfast and lunch is served to everybody who attends it's a fun and warm event. Yes, yes, it is um. John white says that he hopes that i educate people about alice. Parker alex parker alice parker is very hard to educate people that i have actually talked about her and written about her um.

She was an african-american lady who invented a specific type of gas furnace, um, really kind of ingenious zoning type system. But there's so little information about her. We actually reached out to a bunch of scholars to try to get more specific, detailed information, but it is, it is tough to do, but definitely a big contributor to our trade um all right. So why attend the hvcr training symposium? Well, it's just one of the best places to actually connect directly with um educators in our space people who are thought, leaders, um manufacturers, it's a it's a very small event and there's only 200 actual attendees locally at the event.

And then we have a lot more virtual tickets. So if you can't make it in person, we do have virtual tickets available. So you can see all the sessions over a thousand people - oh yeah, on the virtually yeah this year. I think - and that was really last minute, so it ended up being definitely worth their time.

It seemed like they were happy with the virtual ticket as well yep yep, yep um. So one big thing that a lot of people like about it is: you do get 16 hours of date, continuing education, so long as you take a full slate of speakers. So as long as you spend the full 16 hours so for people who need to get their name either, the virtual or in person can get you all 16 hours that you need for all two years so for people who need to get their name recertification. That's a really great way to do it all in one fell swoop.

Um i mean you know it's just some of the names but jim bergman, david richardson uh. We've got a question here about the symposium specifically, is it hands-on stuff or is it more book stuff? It will be both an idea a little bit about it. It'll be both, so there will be presentations um where they actually have equipment. We have demo equipment that they're going to be showing things on, for example, craig migliaccio ac service tech is going to be doing.

One on gas furnaces we're actually going to have a working gas furnace going over it um on saturday, which is the third day we're actually gon na, have a working lab with a gas furnace and a heat pump. Where all day long people are gon na be able to go and put tools on so if there's tools, you've wanted to use um from our from our sponsors, uh jim bergman's gon na spend a lot of time in there going over measure quick with everybody you're Going to get a chance to use the true flow grid from the energy conservatory is going to be there. So a lot of different things that you can do hands on there as well, and that's mostly going to be on saturday um. Let's see uh lunch if you're in person, lunch is provided each day, so we're gon na have uh we're gon na have lunch, i don't know, do we know yet who our lunches are gon na be, but i'm sure we'll have chick-fil-a at least one day yeah.
We usually have a barbecue place: yep, usually we have a latin food one day, barbecue one day and then chick-fil-a one day there goes my voice almost officially. Oh, this will get interesting all right, symposium sponsors. A lot of the same people have supported us over the years are continuing to support the symposium, accutools and truetech being the two biggest diversitech coming in at platinum, but we have emerson, fraca field peace, uh, retrotech, navac milwaukee is coming in this year, which we're excited To be more involved with them, refrigeration technologies, ultra air by santa fe, formerly um - i actually know now it is it's not yeah. Ultra everybody, santa fe yeah, so they're going by santa fe branding and then ultra air is the kind of sub brand and then rector seal is also coming in and supporting the event, which is pretty awesome degrees.

What is at the symposium? He has been at the symposium every year. Somebody asked if andrew grieves was at the yep. Andrew grieves was at the symposium this year as well. Yes, he will yep andrew will be there.

Um chris stevens will be there from uh uh, ac service, tech, um or sorry uh. The qriket lachio chris stevens um is also gon na, be there uh a lot of influencers. The hvc overtime, people advanced refrigeration, um, the guys from advanced refrigeration. Podcasts are going to be there a lot.

A lot of folks are going to be there. I extended invites to almost everybody uh in terms of the influencer community, podcasting community youtube community um that i could think of uh who can make it uh. Let's go over the schedule a little bit so um i'll. Let you kind well i'm trying to find opportunities for you to talk, so i can give my my uh.

You think you think i'm doing! Okay here i mean yeah. Do you just you, don't have to try so hard, just like just calm down a little bit? Okay, maybe it'll feel better just chill. Okay, all right! We're just gon na chill all right man, so uh hands-on activities. Are they good for total greedies? Oh yeah yeah? For sure, there's no level of like knowledge that you need to have or experience to come to this or to benefit from it.

I think it's a great mix of beginners and advanced technicians and leaders in the industry for sure yeah there's a lot of um. The symposium has a lot of building performance type, stuff um, so how to how to affect comfort, but the information that you get will benefit everybody all the way up the stack. So, regardless of how experienced you're inexperienced, you are you're, going to learn something from it. But there's a wide range of information, a bunch of different topics so - and you can kind of see here - i'm not going to go over every single one, but ty branam is going to be opening up.
Tai is a really dynamic. Speaker he's very inspirational. I'm really great instructor um, so he's going to open up the event uh when people start coming in at seven and get registered, get bagels and coffee that's one of the best times, because you get a chance to just kind of hang out talk to everybody um. Every morning take advantage of that and lunch um.

I also indoor outdoor events, so when you gather and there's there'll be tents, so most of this is actually like partial indoor, outdoor yeah, it's mostly it's even even the warehouses. You know they're in warehouses and they're fairly open, very high ceilings, kind of open doors. That sort of thing um somebody asked. Is there available tickets in person um there? I think there are a few tickets left.

If you go to hvcrschool.com symposium, can we like type the link here, um sure we can type the link here, but that's only in zoom we're not going to do that right now, hbcrschool.com symposium. If you go on our website, it's right up there in events and then there's the symposium drop down as well um. Then then we go straight into so everything here on the left side, that's the main stage. So those are the those are kind of the big ones in the big tent.

We have a big tent in the parking lot and then you have some breakout sessions that you can also attend um. This is probably going to shift around a little bit. We keep kind of adjusting it based on uh trying to get it as even as possible. Um yeah timing for this.

It's tricky because not all speakers come in the first day, and so we have to try to figure it out, for example, this first these first couple, it's like already a bummer because, like all six of these, i would want to go to they all are really Great um, but you kind of got to make your choice, and the nice thing is: is that even if you're an in-person attendee, you still get access to the virtual ticket, so you can go back later and see all the ones you missed. So try to pick the ones you want to see in person kind of your top and then you can kind of go from there. Yeah neil says 10 a.m is also a problem yeah. I think we're going to actually adjust that one.

I think we're going to slide steve rogers to a different slot, so we have a little more variety, because those three are all really big building science topics, um, all really great. All really great speakers wait. Neil had an opinion about that. Yeah neil has an opinion.

That's there's a shocker neil comparado everybody asserting himself and his thoughts that never happens all right, so um rick sims is coming back this year. Those of you who attended rick sims talk on conductation know that he was like the one of the favorites for the event. Uh he's coming back um, we have a new speaker, um hvac, mensch, uh and all of a sudden his name is escaping me. Uh john chavez is his name, he's actually been on the podcast a while back he's going to be talking about vrf and ductless, because i wanted more content on that.
Russ king is going to be in person. Ross was virtual last year, but he's really great on the design side. Uh and we've got tony gonzalez from field peace, steve, rogers or kaiser. All really great.

I'm really excited about jordan cummings, and it's not listed here but jordan's, going to be presenting with christian christian baugh on vrf and they're, going to knock it out of the park on that. I'm sure those guys are great uh. It's just not going to be on this day where we have to move it because jordan's coming late, uh the event. The symposium event will be in claremont florida, central florida uh local to where we live actually at our it's at our office, the kayla's offices, all right, uh, jason objet, is going to be coming to the event.

For the first time, he's going to be talking about a2l, refrigerants kind of the phase out he's the expert on that topic. So we're excited to open with that um david richardson's, coming back ed johnowock, who is now the contractor training director? I guess for i'm making that up, because i don't remember exactly what the title is, but he's the the big shop for contractor training at akka. So he's going to be talking about manual s and some of the changes. Um, steve rogers has a really great presentation at the same time, once again, a tough choice to make we've got a hole here, that's actually being held for don gillis um.

He did just confirm. We don't have his topic yet, but don gillis for emerson is going to be there doing. Some training he's always excellent. Yes, um jim bergman is going to be talking about vacuum.

Shocker there um and then rick streaker's got a whole bunch. Another one that we're really excited about is chris mulholly um from regal re uh. He is like one of the best instructors on the ecm motor side of things said ecm motor on the ecm side of things. I know eric kaiser is going to correct me.

There um and he's going to really excited to have him back. I'm also excited, as i mentioned, have craig back ac service tech, the most subscriber youtube channel on the internet. He lets me know it all the time actually wait. Where's.

I want to find my plaque that he made for me to make fun of the fact that he has more subscribers than me, but anyway yeah, it's not worth it. I mean i'll, get upset i'll start yelling. Where is it? Oh here it is yeah. This is the um last year's um, i mean old south um chat here, asked about last year's presentations at symposium they're available.

I believe for 60 days after the symposium. So last year's presentations are not currently, some of them are available on youtube. So if you go back through youtube um, you can find them there uh, but not the whole session. Not everybody allowed us to put them on youtube publicly.
They will all be available at this time we're going to try to keep it up for longer, um we're. Looking at 90 days or six months, because some people were, you know, did miss out on that, but uh but yeah we got ta got ta abide by the requirements of the different um speakers. Some of them do not allow their stuff to be put on youtube. Don't worry about me if i die on camera at least i'll be remembered all right saturday.

We clear out the commercial warehouse, so we don't have any uh presentations there and that's where we do the hands-on session of the portion of the symposium um. Let's see chris stevens is going to be opening up. That will be really good. He always brings it um really well and um yeah, that's it advanced refrigeration, guys are going to be there.

I'm excited to see them. They focus on more the market, refrigeration side. So they're going to be kind of representing on that front um. We do also have a teardown class um that - and i think i missed that one oh alex meanie's, going to be there too: hey alex meany there.

You are right there. If you wondered where you are on the schedule there, you are excited to have you um see. Where is that? Oh there? It is trevor matthews, compressor, teardown class, that's also going to be great um, and this is kind of a new thing. We're going to have a ask us anything panel, we'll take questions from the audience, so prepare questions.

If there's ever anything, you wanted to ask jim um, oh, i didn't tell eric kaiser that he was gon na be on this. Yet so i need to ask his permission, but i figure he's probably down, for it he's usually down for almost anything um. I was originally gon na be on it, but i figured it'd be better if i had just asked people actually, no more than i do. Um and that's that, then, at the end of the symposium, we have a meetup at plant street market in winter garden.

Um. The meeting time is, is to be determined, but it will be after the event, so pretty much just head over there. After it's, it's done and that's going to be brought to you by measure quick, so we're going to have some some snacks, some drinks, all that kind of stuff and there's a nice uh nice outdoor space, indoor space for everybody to kind of hang out and just Get that one last shebang in before we all there will be free drinks. Yes, it will be free.

There will be free drinks for 70 people, so first 70, the show up are going to get something and then it may run out and if it does well, then that's why you have a credit card. That's what i always say. That's what leilani always says about me too. That's why i have a credit card.

Something like that anyway. Um are you gon na be at the conference in march? Is something that robert asks? Yes, robert and we are getting there. So there's two other conferences i'm going to be at and speaking at so the first one is the fraca conference, which is the florida florida version of akka. It's at the florida hotel in orlando.
I'm actually doing two presentations there, one with jim bergman, on vacuum, going over everything, that's in the vacuum book that we updated um and then i'm also gon na be doing one with my dad first time, i've ever spoken on stage with him. So this will be interesting. I don't think i'll be actually talking much, but we're gon na be talking about ethics and business there and then at the hvac excellence educators conference in las vegas. I'm going to be there uh speaking on, i'm actually going to be doing a co-presentation with um uh dick wurst, we're gon na be talking about different education styles for different uh ages and stages of technicians.

Uh dick is the author of the um uh louis vuitton. My mind is going blank here: uh commercial refrigeration for air conditioning technicians book and then i'm also doing a closing talk, uh about recruiting and training uh the next generation of technicians, uh, focusing on uh sort of millennials and gen z and how to get them into The trade and then how to train them and keep them in the trade as we move forward. So that is that now it's time for questions. So anybody have any questions about any of this stuff that i just talked about or any of the stuff.

He didn't talk about. I didn't talk about yeah. Anything you want to ask what time is it yeah see? We went pretty quick here. Let's see here, wait.

It's 7. 37. 30 minutes yeah, that's yeah! I guess that did take a little while um. Let's go back to the milwaukee piece at the symposium: what are they doing uh? So those are so all the sponsors are gon na have tents, they're gon na be bringing uh product out they're gon na be bringing um.

You know get demos allowing you to try out stuff. The um uh truetech tools is gon na have all kinds of stuff there um, so truetech is gon na have all kinds of tools you can put your hands on as well uh. Let's see um more jello. Please um uh one of my favorite icons out there uh says sorry, i'm late man, you don't sound good yeah.

I told you that right out the beginning, i'm sounding worse and worse. I brought leilani on to do talking, but i can't help talking over people. So it's just getting worse and worse as i go, let's be honest, i don't have anything to say a really random question. Have you heard of akka manual c? I found an old book that says manual c.

First edition never heard of it before aka manual c. Nope, i don't, i don't know what that is, but i also honestly um other than kind of like the standard residential manuals. I don't know the manuals really well, there are a lot of them. A lot of them, alex meanie, might know alex meany.
Have you ever heard of akka manual c before you will see first edition? Actually no alex, i mean he hasn't either so yeah, that's a fake. It might be fine if alex hasn't heard about it all right, more jello. Please does have an actual question, so you can read that. Why does my vertical a coil leak down onto my filter, causing it to rust, it's a merv 8 filter in a new bryony, evo system, low static pressure, etc? A lot of different reasons why that can happen.

You know i've seen cases where something gets on the evaporator coil and it drips off so something that is causing it to drip. The thing to do in those cases is to take a piece of plexiglass and put it up and kind of just watch and see where it's coming from um, but there can also be some weird. You get strange currents even just around the around the drain pan. They can cause it to pop out in different spots, so uh we always kind of use the use, the plex and glass method to try to figure out what's causing it.

Omar asked what this video is about. Basically, brian's going over the stuff - that's going to be happening here locally with hvac school and the um coming ahr convention he's going to be attending so he's going over some stuff that he and a lot of other people are going to be um engaging in and Just kind of inviting on board to stay tuned to what's happening in the next month or two yep uh joe shearer, is going to also be one of our panelists and he is answering your question. Uh slant coil raining off on the off cycle. Yes, we do see that from time to time too yeah yeah um all right.

If there's no other questions, then we're going to wrap this thing up um. I am going to take uh this information and we will put it into a um, an email. So you all have it we'll uh, we'll format this into one of our daily emails that you get so all that information will be in one place if you are interested in getting one of the final few in-person tickets for the symposium go to hvacrschool.com symposium um Yeah, it is very limited space yeah in person, so those will go pretty fast now and also you can. It is up now, so you can purchase the virtual tickets as well um and get right in we kind of we made it a little easier this year for the virtual.

It's also going to be a lot better uh in terms of the visuals. Last year we had static cameras, so this year we're actually going to be doing some more active camera management in order to make the views a little better. So the virtual experience will be better this year. Um.

Is there a general email you you have so we can contact you, you can try. My email is brianbryan. Hvcrschool.Com things about the symposium, though um i would request that you would, and this is actually uh on the site. I would request that you email danielle.wechsler at kaylosflorida.com, because she's my assistant she's handling all those details.

I get like about 300 emails a day, and so it's hard for me to get to all of those um but always feel free. If it's something i can help with, i will try to help, and that is brian hvcrschool.com. Yes, the virtual ticket is live for a few months. We're going to see how long we can get that to be available at least 60 days, and hopefully maybe a little bit longer this year this year, yeah we're targeting i'm trying to get it for for six months.
It's just a matter of yeah. It's it's a matter of um hosting it for that period of time, because there's a cost involved with that and we're already spending a pretty good amount and upgrading the video and and some other things to just make the streaming experience better geo says: hey brian yo, Jio sup um yeah. I wanted to just kind of get that up here again, because the one thing that i think um a lot of people do miss is, if you do need nate um ceus, it's a really great event for that, because they're 16 hours all right. So i think that's it for me anything else, nope good! All right! Thank you all have a wonderful evening, and next time i am speaking.

Hopefully you will be able to hear me better. Have a good one.

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