This was a service call on a Beer walk in cooler that was in really bad shape the system was from 1993 and it had multiple problems including a bad compressor, bad condenser fan motor, and a refrigerant leak. I got the unit temporarily operational and we will return to replace the equipment.
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Today, we've got a keg, kooler fear walking about 48 degrees. Let's take a look at the backside. I've got a very deteriorated. Coil very old looks like the serial number since 1993.

Definitely gotten life out of this thing, so basically we got to start on the roof. The temperature controllers calling oh this - is my walking right here. It says beer walk-in, that's the culprit. Condenser fan motors not running so we're gon na get in there and see what we can find.

Yes, because there's part of them very rich family, let's bamberger's locked up, find the breaker for our car. Luckily, there's a big fat part number right there. Local supplier has it in stock. I'm gon na go ahead and go pick.

One up, fan, blades and decent shapes. I don't see a problem with that motors hotter than dirt and it was locked up so we're definitely going to talk to the customer about some potential equipment replacements, because this is an old r22 system. The original condensing unit original evaporator the compressors, been replaced once before, but that's about it and the compressor looks like it was replaced in 2004 from the serial number on top. So we're gon na try to change this again.

It's kind of one of those things where this thing is so hot we're gon na be lucky. If we don't have bad discharge valves, but there's not a whole lot. I can do right now, because we have such high pressure and the compressor is so hot. I don't even want to run it so we're just gon na go ahead and go pick up a condenser fan motor and then, when I get back before, I put the motor in I'll put my gauges on it and see.

I guess you know I'll. Just put my gauges on it: real, quick, it's not gon na tell me a whole lot cuz. I don't want to run it any longer. I just don't want to.

Potentially I mean I know that we're gon na have compressor damaged, but if we can get by until we can replace this equipment, that's what I want to try to do so going against everything. I just said. I turned it on and we do have pressure differential. So the valves are somewhat still there.

I don't doubt that we've damaged it, though, but I'm gon na go ahead and try to replace the fan motors. If I don't get us by until we can do an equipment replacement. So we got the fan motor changed out. Pressures have pretty much equalized out in the system.

The R is my box temp, I'm using the field piece, JobLink ropes with the new manifold. That's my outdoor air temp 72 degrees. What's interesting is while I'm up here. I could hear that this fan learners got to they'll, have to change that, and this one I might be hearing a noise from this.

I don't know - or it might just be off on fan cycle, so I've got my amp clamp on there. We're gon na go ahead and fire this guy up. We're allowed to run one amp, let it run for a little bit we'll see if we can get this thing to operate. I already know we're going to change we're gon na talk to them about changing this equipment, but I'm trying to get it working, so I don't have to change a condenser and evaporator today, so we're gon na.
Let it run for that shut everything else off. So I can hear myself think we're under amps the unit's allowed to run 1.0 amps and we're at 0.77. It's going in the right direction. We've got a cold suction line.

Current pressures are coming down in temperature, we're gon na watch the Box drop in Tim. Like I said, I've got my psychrometer hooked up downstairs, so this R right here is my return air temp. So I can already it's going to be hard for me to show you guys this. This has one of these old-school player sight, glasses and they Venus flashing, so we're gon na.

Let it operate for a few minutes and then, if it's no flashing will top off the charge also, so we are pretty much down to temp inside the box 38 degrees and what we're going to do is a pump down test. I've got the low pressure neutral bypass, but I put a screwdriver under the bellows. We've got the suction service valve right here we're going to loosen the packing. I always want to loosen the packing before you do, those on a receiver or any other kind of out, and we are going to completely front-seat the valve.

We are going to watch our pressures on these older compressors. You cannot do this on the scroll, but on these older compressors we should pull down to negative 15 no problem and we're struggling. It should have already been down by now pretty confident. Well, I know we have a suction valve in here.

That's that because earlier I couldn't capture it on camera, but I could hear the compressor bypassing internally when we have high pressure okay, so it should have already pulled down by now. I know that much so what we're gon na do it's actually not even low enough. We're just gon na shut it off. Okay, and the pressure should not rise that fast, it's okay to rise slowly, but not that fast, the the suction valve inside whether it be the read on it or what is internally leaking and it's weak.

I have a feeling we have a bad discharge valve too there's like a little well. You guys know how compressor works. Oh so it's internally bypassing so we're going to come down in ten and it's going to be okay temporarily, but we are going to talk to them about equipment replacement. So I'm going to go ahead and back seat.

This valve all the way back out and then just crack it so that we have pressure on the valve. Okay, now it's cracked and then we got to make sure we close that packing back down, because these things Julie doesn't got to be like super tight. Just snug okay, so our box is down to temp, but we've got a weak suction valve. This will get the customer by we're still flashing on the site glass hard for you guys to see.

I'm gon na go ahead and clear that up and then we're going to go ahead and quote some new equipment for these guys and that compressor doesn't sound, very healthy either. Definitely got some stress going on, but it'll get them bye for now. So, like I already said at the same time, I heard this one, the condenser fan motor sounded really bad, so I wouldn't picked up a condenser fan motor for this, so I'm gon na replace this. You know I've mentioned this before, but I'm not a fan of using headphones when you're working.
I really don't think you should, because you miss out on other stuff, but it can also be a safety issue. So while I was working on this, I could hear the compressor up top. You know I could hear a problem with it, just because I'm used to the sounds and what it was was. It was running really hard because the convention fan motor had failed.

So you know that's one of those things where, in my opinion, you really shouldn't be using headphones when you're working, because you should always be able to listen to everything around you. You still got ta use your senses all right. So at this point the customer had approved the equipment replacement, so we had ordered all the equipment and I had it sitting in my shop and then I got another emergency service call on the equipment and you're gon na see right now. So this kind of seems like a bad dream.

This is a Saturday night over honey share. This call: we've got a bad connection, fan murder. We can do compressors red-hot, okay, it's gon na be some Frankenstein stuff right now so because this equipment was already spec for replacement, I happen to have it in the shop. I don't really want to change the whole condensing unit tonight, if I don't have to so.

I'm gon na try to steal the shroud and motor off it here and make it work temporary we're just going to disconnect it. It kind of matches up height wise. It matches perfect width wise, it's a little shallow, but I think I can make it work. So we're going to take off this whole shroud and you'll see the fit on there.

So so what I did was temporarily put on the shroud from the new condensing unit under that guy make sure it's not over amping I'm gon na watch. Psych glass is clear enough: the old-school Cyclops we let it run for a little while here's the old motor and I had just changed that motor recently too. So there's something going on. You know I'm going to check to make sure we're getting a proper 208 volts to that motor, but so we're in it's running still coming down to town, so we're looking good so far looks like our compressors.

Okay, like I said I know it, has a week valve weak suction valve, but this will get us by new condenser fan motor. For now - and I checked the condenser fan motor voltage, it's 207, so I'll come back out and change this convinced you know we're gon na change, the evaporator coil too, so alright. So this was some really old equipment. We had a service calling the beer walk, and you obviously saw that we had the original call where I had a bad condenser fan motor and then diagnose the system to have a weak compressor, convinced the customer or submitted a quote to the customer to button change Out the equipment and upgrade it and they approved it, and then I got that emergency service call before I could get back out to replace it and found that the condenser fan motor that I just replaced had already gone bad again.
So obviously something was going on there so because I already had the equipment ordered. I took the entire condensing unit out to the job. With me thinking I was gon na. I was thinking the worst that that compressor finally took a dump or what, but it was just kind of a trip.

I had the idea of taking off that fan, shroud and temporarily putting it on now. Once I put that fan shroud on, you know, was up and running and and got it going again, so we'll have the replacement video coming here soon, where you guys will see what we did, but that fan shroud got me by until I could get back out And replace all the equipment. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these videos and it's pretty much it on this one. I will catch you guys on the next one: okay,.

41 thoughts on “Beer walk in too hot”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Thacker says:

    Never heard about releasing the packing to open up valve.If you look hard enough every other compressor would need to be replaced ! Are you in Kanata ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars regan larke says:

    "We know how a compressor works…." , its 3am and I'm watching someone fix walkins while im stuck at home in quarantine …. I just know you don't touch them

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 38 bubble says:

    That sound in the outdoor unit of the beer walk in like sounds like a loud mother that is broken it sound so weird

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars keith chapman says:

    did you figure out why the new fan motor puked? voltage was good,amped out right, maybe just a bad motor from the factory?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Harrell says:

    😂😂😂 how hot is dirt Chris over there in so cal lol I love it keep it up

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marriage Partners Ministry says:

    You could megohm the compressor and get an idea of the winding condition after the beating it took. Poor megohm reading helps push a client into doing what's best for them anyways, buy new.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yurunning says:

    Have little to no experience in this HVAC stuff, but it feels like im actually learning something.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fickri Hossen says:

    One of the thing that you did not check for failure condenser fan motor is if the condenser is clogged.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Do work on chillers at all I know you can but no videos Service area Barrhaven??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    I had a friend that could walk to a chiller and tell you were to look first by the way it sounds wild but he could

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph santos says:

    You are the reason I’m starting HVAC. My friend got me into it, and I really don’t understand what you’re doing in the videos, but I can tell you’re very good at what you do, and it’s absolutely fascinating to see you problem solve as well as you do.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tu Hermano says:

    Thank you!
    I am understand very well.
    that information is very important. Are you in Nepean ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! TOM PIPPS says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Arnold says:

    I agree Chris about the head phones. My ability to hear plays a very important role in my job. When I am doing my daily morning mechanical rounds, I can catch odd & other subtle sounds on my equipment that other building engineers miss on a routine basis. Because I spend a great deal of time around my equipment performing preventative maintenance or repairs, my ears become highly tuned to unusual noises. Noticing these noises allows me to identify problems at the earliest stages before they become major issues that leads to equipment failure or loss of services. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OcRefrigeration , Hvac & Electrical Video's. says:

    and they usually call me mcgyver. 🤣 thats some crazy stuff pulling a New cond fan motor and shroud & using it on a old unit. good thinking though. ill have to remember that one. Service area Orleans??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars darksabatta says:

    How do you test a scroll compressor?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny A says:

    @ HVACR VIDEOS we appreciate the videos. Great info . Thank you for taking the time to shot/ edit/ and upload these videos!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory Calhoun says:

    Dude… I have been in this biz my whole life… I am 42… I started out working with my Grandfather… I have been out of the scene for a couple years turning over trucks… However I will be heavy into reefer service again starting next week… Your vids have been awesome to get me up to speed again… Thanx a ton bro…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Murray says:

    Way to think outside the box 👍.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali G says:

    I really want to pull the screen protector off your gauges!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd T says:

    I dont know on the commercial units ,but is there a cap that could have killed that fan motor, or it it what some other commenters said ,just a bad part

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    And of course, these things doesn't happen on monday 8 am

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikyjim Gaming says:

    Is that the same rack you fixed up the swamp cooler on?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wwolf771177 says:

    Instead of the pump down test, couldnt you have done a compression ratio to determine if the compressor is not pumping efficiently?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dean Mohamed says:

    What would cause the condenser fan motor to go bad that fast?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Mcleod says:

    I’m just waiting for the day for YouTube to start blowing up these types of videos, way Chris is going he’s gonna be the first, there’s a reason he has got over 22k subs, I haven’t seen an hvac channel with more
    And also I’ve not seen any hvac channel go Into depth like how Chris does, makes people like me who have no idea what’s going on actually feel like they know something lol

    (My comment wasn’t directing hate or saying other hvac channels suck just saying that I’ve not seen any other hvac channel go much into detail as chris)

    But keep up the good work man
    Greetings from Vancouver bc

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ginge Fletcher says:

    I know you have a business to run and everything. But it would be awsome if you did like a beginners series explaining how compressors work and stuff!!!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Genek says:

    Have you experienced bubbles in the sightglass and psi are about correct and not overcharging it just to get rid of the bubbles can you discuss more on that subject !!?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Granados says:

    Best hvac channel on YouTube forsure 👌

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nota newbie says:

    A cond fan motor failure?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfonce Jean says:

    music and manual labour in my opinion dose not mix.
    Whenhever I see someone doing anything manual and listen to music I imidiatly questions is profetionalism.
    But I know I'm an extrimist as I think the same about music and driving.
    Or I may be influenced by my good earing and terible filter ( I hear a lot of stuff but I have trouble telling sounds apart to the point where I can't have a normal conversation if there is some music background)

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Supa Mild says:

    So did you charge the customer for the fan motor and labor that you just put in and died?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Deeter says:

    1993 damn it ran for a good while Are you in Orleans ?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob D says:

    Keep the vids coming brother, steel sharpens steel

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uxwbill says:

    That second condenser fan motor failure is absolutely crazy.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan TX says:

    Hot beer box=alchohol abuse!..good job cooling down the suds! Very detailed information you sir are truly dedicated to quality work No hackery here👍👍👍

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Air Conditioning Guy says:

    I'll say it once and I'll say it again. Gotta love when you find the problem right away. Nice job! Service area Ottawa??

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harts Fire says:

    this is going to be a fun video to see how you jam a new unite in that small area.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe says:

    I have done something similar to the fan swap on condensers. I carry on my truck spare parts from condensers that have been removed from service and some of their shrouds. One time it was the motor went down on the weekend and I did not have the original motor but I did have one of these fans with its shroud that was smaller. Shroud would not mount but cut cardboard to have the shrouds opening and gorilla taped the cardboard to the existing shroud and it worked for late fall into January before another motor was gotten for it. This was on a merchandiser for ice in a store.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars devildog says:

    I want that old sight glass for my collection

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abby Cottontail says:

    As someone who's deaf, hearing loss SUCKS.. so I totally recommend headphones or rather ear protectors. Use it to dampen loud sounds rather trying to eliminate sounds.. the problem with these is while they aren't dangerously high levels, it's repeated exposure to them. Kinda like how we can deal with a dusty place once or twice.. but repeated exposure to dusty places cause problems down the line. Just something to be self-conscious of.

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