Bert and Bryan prep for all that is THE 4th Annual HVACR Symposium. You can learn more about the event and purchase virtual tickets at They talk about some challenges and some things they're looking forward to.
This year's symposium has had some bumps along the road, including double charges. Anybody who bought a virtual ticket and was charged multiple times will be refunded. However, this year has some notable improvements, including a speaker & sponsor lounge, better restroom facilities, shuttle service from the hotels, better audio and video, and session videos hosted on our own website (for 9 months).
The event is being catered, has giveaways during lunch on the final day, and an official get-together on the first night of the symposium (sponsored by Refrigeration Technologies and Midwest Tool).
Virtual ticket holders can pay once and gain access to all sessions. You may only purchase one ticket per user; you must make multiple accounts and purchase one ticket on each account. You can access individual sessions and read about them regardless of your payment status, but only paid users will be able to watch the videos.
Bryan will also be attending AHR Expo 2023. You can visit that website at
Read all the tech tips, take the quizzes, and find our handy calculators at

We're going. We're yeah. Oh yeah, when it says that, that means that we're live. Okay.

If I get notified I mean you don't, you don't have to do that. Okay, I mean because I can I can see the chats right here. It says top Chat right here. All right.

All right. So um, actually we should be noticing pretty quickly here that some people are watching. Otherwise, otherwise let's just stay quiet. You want to just wait and just see.

Oh there we go. There's two people. now they're watching us. Are they important enough? I I don't even know who they are I can't I can't say it just looks like a little like a little like a little face.

Um I'm gonna stop looking at this though because then yeah that you got to speak directly to the camera I learned that from Ronald Reagan You have to. yeah? Ronnie Mr Gorbachev tear down that wall. Let's tear it down, you know? So uh, Symposium that's what we're doing here. Um, we've run into a few little a few little things.

All good things though. Yeah, you know, like every time every time it's a lot easier this time. Does it feel easier to you this time for sure for me because my UH responsibilities are really limited? Yeah, me too. Um.

I've been testing out some of the candy and snacks that they have for the speakers. Lounge it is. Oh yeah, well that's actually big news. We have a speaker's Lounge because like we don't pay anybody to speak here because we're Cheapskates um and also because you know we really don't it's not.

that's I didn't know we were Cheapskates just because they loved the trades because they love the trades and because this is a community event we tried to pay them. They were like don't pay us for this. this is we would not. We will not take your filthy money.

Yeah it was incredible. Yeah to see generosity but we do have a speakers Lounge Yeah and it doesn't say sponsors Lounge Even though I told Shonda to have say speakers and sponsors but Shonda doesn't care about the sponsors that's messed up, we know that's not true hahaha She definitely appreciates the sponsor. She probably has their own private Lounge probably yeah it's probably even better. but yeah.

so the dispatch office now has like Smooth Jazz playing in it. It's got some snacks, extra comfy chairs. This used to be a traffic zone for everyone, now it's eliminated. So I think what that goes to tell us is that we're becoming less a um, that event for the people you know and now we're now we're catering to the Elites.

Yeah, so more of a corporation, more of a corporation feel. Yeah, that's well. that's what I'm going for. Which you can also notice by seeing that we have installed stage lights for some of the conversation in our warehouse I Well I don't I Actually don't think that Dad has caught on to the stage lights.

Oh no, he should not. No, he should not. come by. you can see the stage I'm sure Nathan has already and that's uh yeah Hannibal says howdy from Texas what's up Hannibal that's a famous.
that's a famous guy right there. You asked if there's anybody good Hannibal You know really? uh from Texas somebody asked me um how many Advils does it take to deal with Bert How many do you take a day because that's how many it takes and they don't? Yeah, right? I I Probably they don't know that I am a massive over consumer of a Brazil you're already there I I I'm Fin, especially today has been very full of ibuprofen. um I Had a little bit of an intense moment because the live stream yeah has been a concern. Okay, so I just want to speak directly to those who have been affected by yes, they have been affected by this travesty.

First of all, we appreciate the extra money we do. We appreciate the extra money. Um, but our card processor decided to and I think it was I think it was I'm I Imagined to myself that there's a person sitting back in this card processing company and every time a transaction comes through, they do it on purpose because everybody was getting charged twice. Yeah, uh and I just imagine that there's maybe her name's Bertha maybe it's a guy named Ted that makes sense.

Could be a Randy and they're just sitting there and they're mashing that button twice on purpose. Yeah, Ted makes sense. Yeah, it could be yeah. So which by the way, have you watched Ted Lasso No the show.

Wow, You would love that show. That show is totally you should I Tell everybody what it's about right now. Yeah, it's about this. American Football coach he goes to England He becomes a soccer coach.

They try to set him up to fail, but you can't keep a good guy down. You just cannot keep a good man. I Would not like this show. It's amazing.

No, it's not. It's not about sports. it's about good, good old-fashioned values. you know.

yeah, um, and a lot of adult language. Oh, but that's yeah. not a kid's show. Not a kid show Ted lasso.

but a good one. Um, okay. so uh. symposium.

Who are you? uh, who are you especially looking forward to seeing? It's a symposium I Know you're kind of a golden retriever of a human. Everybody is kind of. you know. Yeah, everybody who comes is exciting to see.

but I would probably say my fans. um every year I Just look forward to seeing the people that are die-hard Burt Life fans and uh yeah, that's all you have. That's it. Just a joke.

I Mean no, no seriously. I Well the group of people. this is the fourth time. Round And Even last year that was one of the best things about it.

is that, um. seeing people. again and starting to feel like there was a relationship there and like things to talk about. It was actually really fun.

Yeah, so yeah. so you didn't give anyone specific? Oh it's you don't want to exclude probably about 10 people. Yeah, you don't exclude anybody. Um, that's good, that's good I feel the same, you know actually Leilani asked me that question like so who are you looking for to hanging out with.
It's like, well, you know there's only so much of me to go around man, you know I've been eating lots of cheesesteaks trying to increase the amount. um that there is to go around and it's it's uh, it's working Yeah yeah. I Felt like that was kind of potentially in a um, painful question because like I can't say everyone because I'm not. but I'm not gonna lie.

oh you don't want to say you don't want to say but then I start dropping names and there's always those people. Somebody gets left out. Yeah yeah well I already hung out with Chris and Craig and yep Craig is here. I come by and do like a video and yeah he didn't come say hello or eat any of our pizza which just kind of insult things a little insulting.

Yeah, I think he was just trying to uh, respect our space. He does. He's a very respectful person. He's uh, he's a big honor person.

um yeah. so he could see we were busy sitting on the coolers eating pizza. Yeah the um Jessica's already complaining about the lighting from this angle and it is interesting. From this angle, the lighting is much more warm.

I Don't know if there's like a is there like a uh, a lighting setting or something on the on the camera. Which one do? Which one do you prefer because I don't warm one? I mean I So I like this one. especially if they really like zoom in. You know, like you can zoom in on the speaker but it's just it's a little too warm.

you know? I look what? red as it is? Yeah, did you go to this one and it's like you know he feels what, it just pops. You know, yeah, it's a little cooler lighting I Don't know something to something to look at. we've talked about that, he's well, he's going to be working at me. Go ahead, switch over.

let me see, you want to see it again. Well now that now there's a oh, now he's got a napkin. Oh man. I was hoping to see the napkin.

Yeah, what's that? There's something in front of the screen that's weird. Anyway, um uh uh Eli says the quality of the video is not right. Is this our Eli or is this a different Eli Literally the guy who's doing this for us is named Eli and he's commenting on his own video saying uh now he says he's checked the settings and it all looks good on my end. I'm really confused right now whether this is him or something who's actually talking on this side, it could be a different Eli it is you, isn't it? He's just trying to mess with us man.

Um, okay so let's talk about some serious stuff. Appreciate the feedback Eli Any any feedback that you guys have for us? Yeah, feedback. We love this. We love this is a practice round.

Oh no, this is Eli Eli This is one of our our friends who always ask for the kosher meals. oh you know? um this is this Eli and that's good I Appreciate the level of uh, discernment and thoughtfulness. Yes, um every year I Will admit um for sure. So uh yeah.
So talking about the event, uh, we've got. We do have some improvements. So we do have the stage. What are our improvements? We already mentioned some of it we have.

We have stage lighting uh in the warehouses so you can see the speakers a little better especially for the virtual uh-huh Um, we are hosting our own videos which is Matt You're just I'm not getting distracted by anybody in the background making fun of us and acting like we're idiots. Um, if you guys want to come join, you know, feel free. If you have anything to say, say it in front of the whole class like everybody's doing. um oh, it's Eli from Telegram.

Okay, yeah and now I am using telegram. Now that's a new thing. There's a special secret super secret group that I'm a part of on telegram I Definitely trust his word. Have you ever used telegram before? No.

I don't know what that is like. Super encrypted. so what? What are some of the other things about this year we've talked about the speaker Lounge The the spot Lounge is new. the lighting is better.

Are the bathrooms improved by any chance? Oh yeah I Forgot to mention that. So last year we had the and the HVAC Overtime guys I I Literally just popped in on the live stream and they were and they were dissing my bathrooms again. The whole toilet yeah which means the whole toilet splashing situation. yeah which which is awkward when you have the toilet draining down into like the rest of the yeah yeah I'm pretty sure that's the reason why Tesco's not here this year because they were the closest ones to the Carnage that occurs and I apologize I feel really sad about it I do um but somebody pointed out um which I thought was a good point kind of the way that it happened because and I know it's a little gruesome, but like because like the question came up so for the porta potty to overflow like somebody has to be just like hey, this is full and I'm still gonna go in it but somebody brought up that if they're mostly using the urinals, urinals are higher, they're not looking in the toilet and they just keep going and then that's what causes the spillage up just being an accident.

That's what it sounds like. What a surprise! No one to blame I was I was looking for somebody to blame uh in this situation. So anyway we have a we have bathroom trailers which are very nice trailer um which is very nice yeah and that's up front up front front parking lot. Yeah yeah.

great. um Corey Peters asked what is your favorite small company name I just like to answer these questions as they come in because they're pertinent to what we're discussing. um, chucking a truck stand in a van or Freon Leon one, two or three Juan chucking a truck? Uh, that's pretty good I like Freon Leon yeah on Leon is uh is good. We can't say that though because uh, Kimores is one of our our sponsors.
We're very grateful the comores and of course there's a brand name uh, trademark some year long time ago Kimora's company. So um yeah, we don't make fun of those sorts of things. So we're definitely going to go with Stan in a van stand in the van. Um actually yeah no I feel like I can't trust Dan and Iran you know what I mean? Yep, oh I think I figured out what our Buzz is.

it's happening from these power cords here because I I touched them with my foot. This is Transformer that's what it is this. Transformer here is sitting. So one of the things at this event is there's a lot of buzzing I figured it out.

there's a lot of Buzz There's a lot of Buzz around this event. Oh wow I Feel like that. that color is better Now if you make an adjustment yes he did. Did you? did you touch a button? This guy skills.

This guy's a dad burn button toucher. Um yeah. All right. So uh, do we cheat him and how that's a good one? That's that's the law offices of Dewey Cheatham And how true story.

There was a guy who stayed and stayed in my, um, in-laws house at one point and he went by the name Willy Cheatham There's a guy they were helping out and they asked him what his name was and he told them that his name was Willy Cheatham Do you remember this? Well, yeah, no, this is a true story. This is a true story and they believed him and they called him Willy and they referred. Yeah and then the end of the day he ended up stealing stuff from them. Uh, and that's really surprising seeing as how he told them that his name was Willie Cheatham Yeah, yeah and he did.

The answer is Willie The answer to Willy Tutum is yes, right? Yeah, Um, that's not a real name people. Actually, somebody probably has that name. It's also a fake story. It's not a it's not a fake story.

Okay, please. we'll get Leilani in here to tell us. Um, Okay, so uh. so what else? What other? What else do we get? Better bathrooms? We've got better lighting we've got.

The virtual is going to be available for much longer this year. Incredible. Yeah, much longer. Um, the camera people have promised us that they're going to do active switching between the presentation and the speaker rather than just having two static frames.

Or you can't see anything on either because they're so far away. That was always kind of a challenge, especially on a cell phone. PC is okay, but my cell phone it was an issue so that should be better. Um, uh.

we ordered some amazing weather. Um, so it actually should be really nice this year. Feels great. Yeah, it's not even going to rain tomorrow.

Well okay. I'm on here. Let's look at the this is this makes for good television. Live weather forecast.

Um yeah. tomorrow. Seven percent Chance: 82 degrees out which is really hot. Actually it's going to be a little.

We're like we're running the AC in the warehouse right now. Yeah uh. Next day: 19 Chance of rain not great. 77 degrees 65 at night better Saturday Great temperatures oh high of 70, Low of 60 39 Chance of rain Okay, so we'll get it.
I'm not excited about that, but we have Elliott to pick everything up and rush around and take care of everything for us. So we did save the uh, best event um for Saturday afternoon. So um, definitely stick around through the rain for that. What? What's the best event? It's the one that comes at the end.

Uh, so it's just important to stay until the end. Yeah, the whole time? Well, we do. So at lunch on Saturday that's when we do giveaways. Ah see I don't know what they are yet? Um so we have to browse whatever we're catering.

Um, we have to Rob meet our sponsors. Uh last year Tec gave away two um Dg8 manometers which is pretty awesome. Wow because those are really good manometers. It was like the best.

Do you have any idea uh, what food we're gonna be having this year? No. I mean same as always good food. Lord's chicken? Yeah! Chick-fil-A We're having um a Latin fair from El Cerro which is always incredible. Yeah and Mission Barbecue not all at once.

three different days? Yeah Wow. Nice and uh. breakfast. Oh yeah.

uh. Just Bagels Bagels Donuts Coffee Coffee Man it's incredible. It's pretty. Yeah, it's pretty good.

Um, we all also really big news. We have an official uh, midweek or for after the first night. um get together. Never had this before so we always have kind of the end of the event thing.

A lot of people can't make it to the end and so this is the first time that we have a event. Um, that's after Thursday night and it's sponsored by Refrigeration Technologies and Midwest Tool. Wow, which is cool you know. I've used Midwest Snips for a long time.

Um, and yeah, they're they're buying all the drinks. so Mike uh. Pastorello is a really big uh supporter of HVAC School a good friend of ours. good friend of yours and mine.

Yep, and he's going to be supporting that. He's also some of you may not know this about Mike Pastorello. Um, but we've we've talked about it before. Mike is a level two sommelier, sommelier, sommelier.

I know exactly what that is. You know? No I don't Oh, that's a person do you know Elliot it's it's wine. It's wine. Yeah so he's like a wine expert.

So it's fun to do like wine tasting with. Mike you can do like the blinds. This is actually kind of fun because people talk about how like. So what is true is that it is actually hard for them to tell between qualities of wine like based on cost but a good Somalia I can tell you like what the grape is, where it's from, sometimes even the year and he can do that like I've actually seen him do it and that's pretty cool.

That is cool. So yeah they do the thing in the swirl And the spit. and I they probably don't do the space. Yeah, but um, so that's that's fun.
Uh Refrigeration Technologies Obviously awesome. Super bum. John Pastorello is not coming. Oh yeah, yeah, he was my favorite person that I was going to be seeing at this event.

Yeah, you forgot that and he's not gonna be here. He's not gonna be here. he's other, uh, other engagements he's not gonna be at HR either. which is super bummed.

Super big bummer. But I did get a chance to talk to him just the other day on the podcast, so that was fun. It's always a delightful, delightful human. Um, let's see what else do we got? Um, since you're in emit since sent you an email but since you're online for the virtual is it 20 for each session you choose or does the twenty dollars cover all the sessions? Well, first off, it's twenty two dollars, right? Stop trying to short us into this and that right there pays for.

Uh, start charging people double I know, uh, 22 and yes, it pays for all of the sessions. So the way the way it should work. And we again, we've had some issues with the site sessions during a bad sessions. Oh no no, this is the first year that I actually turned down speakers.

Whoa Yeah, just because we already were full and like we already have like the best speakers I mean literally the best speakers I I Honestly, yeah honestly. I mean I'm sure there's some other really good speakers out there. Yeah, well. I'm not speaking this year, so just think about what you're saying.

Yeah, you're speaking right now. Oh well, yeah. I'm glad you guys there it is. I Hope they're paying for this.

Uh, so to answer the question, you get all of them. So you pay once for any of the sessions or on the home page, you go in. you log in. So first you have to either sign up again, signed up before, then you log in.

Some of you are like hey, I have signed up before but I can't remember my password. Well, that's when you do the password reset thing. if it doesn't work because we've gotten some people saying it doesn't work I tested it and it worked I don't know why it wouldn't work. Check your spam if you still don't get it, then just send a support message.

And here's how you send a support message. Do you know how? Well, uh or you can just ask one of your kids to help you with the smartphone I had a I had somebody request that I send them a CD of all the sessions when we get done with them. Ah um Eli which uh again, no it's not Eli it's not in line. Um, it is our one Amish listener.

Okay, um no it's not true. Uh, it was just a guy who I think you know it. Actually think about it because at first I was like ha CDs and then I thought you know 10 years ago that would have been a completely reasonable request. like yeah, 15 years ago? maybe? Um so it has.

You know, times have changed times. they're a change in they are. to quote Bob Dylan Yes so all the sessions. But the good news this year is you get them for a full 90 days so you have your access to all those sessions.
No no more than that. What? No Like all year. Oh yeah, you get. you get access to the sessions all the way up until the next.

Are you kidding? For only 22.22 you get all that access. Oh my gosh, the best speakers in the world on HVAC All the best. Uh they have great voices. Are you kidding? How's the mic and the audio? Is there any like I don't know.

Perfect quality. oh my God Perfect. I mean not as good as quality of these because these are my old sure Sm7bs. This is my oh this is another thing to bring up quickly: I Know we're kind of, um, bouncing around here, but I will be at Ahr.

we are going to have our own booth at HR This is going to be the exact podcast setup we're going to use at Ahr Get Out and it's the exact one. We're gonna be like the same thing right now. Just imagine just saying. it's going to be better content because it's going to be actually talking to somebody who.

yeah, you gonna finish that who? um isn't as well loved I'm sure as Bert but maybe has a little bit more. Okay, you didn't hear that I didn't hear that I forgot you're wearing headphones. Um, so we're gonna have this exact setup and we're gonna have lots of interesting folks that we're gonna be talking to at HR as well. So anyway, that was just something I wanted to mention that's this whole backdrop and all this all this rig is for.

but um, yeah, it's gonna be good. The virtual ticket is going to be a great value this year. Another thing to mention is on each session session page, you can still access the page even if you have not paid. You just cannot access the video unless you have paid.

That's how it works. Okay, so those are like I don't see the video yet? Well yeah, because the videos aren't up yet. Once they go up, they'll be up and then they'll stay up. Um, some people have asked.

well isn't aren't some of them still going to go up on YouTube Yeah, some of them eventually. but not everybody allows their videos to go up on YouTube and it will take a long time and they will be a different version. You're also not going to get like the actual live um chat portion and on the site you also have the comments. So you may go right now into any of these sessions and actually leave comments or questions right? Um, for the speakers that they will see before they go on stage.

Let's try to keep the Uh questions relatively. um, clean. Oh sure, that's fine too. I Guess oh I Was just gonna say on point with what the speakers are talking about right? Um, so Susie Dunn says Bert you're the bomb Thanks is uh Laura is that you just making up fake names and getting out.

It's my mom. Actually yeah, it's probably your mom. Yeah and it looks. no, it's not Cheryl it's Susie um well Jessica apparently knows Susie so it looks like she is a real person.
Um yeah yeah. uh. Robert says I'm in the HVAC School website and I don't see what they're talking about. See, this is what I'm looking for right now.

This is good feedback. So I didn't I didn't give you even the basics I started off and I just I didn't even get the basics. You can go up to events or if you're on the you know on a mobile device you go up. you hit the little carrot.

it pops down. a little hamburger. sorry, pops down events HVAC School Symposium Or you can just go to Hvacr school. Don't forget the r The r stands for Radical no Refrigeration Oh Symposium Symposium It's kind of a long word.

It's actually exactly how it sounds with a why I know s, an M and a P and an Ozium and it's all right there. You can see our school dot com forward slash and just go ahead and just log in right away. Just log in. You can even right up in the top, right.

You can log in. There's like a million places to log in because this is the thing that everybody gets mad about. They show up, they're like, well. the button that makes allows me to pay the 22 dollars is is gray I Can't click the button.

You gotta sign in first, sign up first, then sign in. or just sign in if you already signed up before. It's like every other website where you have to sign in or sign up for something. It's just like that.

You have to do that first and then the button will go from Gray to Blue. You mash that button, type in your credit card twenty two dollars and it might not. It might charge you twice. But what? I What? I'm going to promise you is that we have somebody on the other side who's watching it and if they see two come through.

Wham They just refund it. Just like this. Wham They refund it. Thanks Ted I Was told that it's already fixed, but you just never know.

You never know. Um, all right. what else we got here? No, that's good instruction. Um Bert should make a video dressed like thumpasaurus.

Oh yeah I don't know what that is Dumpasaurus I don't know. you should look it up. okay Google it sometime afterwards. it's like a cross between a dinosaur and a thumper from Bambi Oh, you're getting really far away from the mic so nobody can hear you.

Oh sorry, there you go. It's mostly on my face All right. So big thanks to everybody who's organized this thing. Yeah Danielle Brian Wow I mean thank you for saying it.

but Danielle that's right. Shonda My sister Rachel's standing out there hi sister Rachel she can't she can't respond yeah, thanks for all that you've done. Yeah, my daughter Maya's there. um I don't know why she's doing that.

She's like no, she's saying me, oh her. She just wants credit. Yeah, yeah, uh. my daughter Elise yeah she hasn't done much, but she's a great kid.

She's a great kid. You know she's all through the Earth she was here part of the day yesterday. Yeah, everything. that's true.
Um Eli Who's here messing with the cameras? Look at this. Look at how good this camera looks now. Oh, it got a little warm again, isn't it? This is some sort of an auto coloring thing. Yeah, some sort of a strange thing because I look a little I know what it is, What is it? Well, it's because in the backdrop there is these white, straight, white uh cabinets.

That could be what it is. Yeah, and this table's not white so that makes a lot of sense. We could tilt this thing around a little bit. We're just, you know we're working.

This is what the Japanese called: Kaizen Continuous small improvements. Okay, uh. who else has helped us? There's lots of people on the parking lot. JD card.

Um, who else because a lot of people? Max Um, the uh. internet? Yeah, the Internet situation Andrew is helping us with the live stream, doing a great job. Yep, Yep. Robbie in the background doing things that Robbie does.

Yep, Leilani and Shonda Leilani and Shonda yep which we didn't mention yet. Yep, um yeah. lots of people making this all happen. Um, Eric and Mario have both done a lot in the warehouse.

It is true. Yeah, yeah, no. there's a lot that take that it takes to bring this all together. Uh, so some people may ask about parking.

Um, just quickly get a park off site. We have a special off-site parking lot. Do Not Show up Here And try to park here. Um, we cannot control what will happen if you park in other places people's places because they get real cranky about the fact that we're even doing this right.

Uh, and then they'll till your vehicles and I don't want that to happen and and I don't want you to come talk to me about it. If it does, you know I I love you I really do. But uh I I Already almost got into a fist fight with one of, uh, our neighbors one year. Yeah, because of some of the things that my bird did and uh I don't want to do it again.

I'm a lover, not a fighter. He's a fighter. but I am a fighter also. But I fight for love.

That's right. So that makes it. Yeah, so park in the right place. Park In the right place.

We have shuttles. We also have shuttles this year. Oh this is another big Improvement We have shuttles that are actually going to pick people up from the two official hotels. Oh wow, this is the Fairfield in Hampton Wow in Claremont So yeah, in the morning we'll go pick you up from 6 30 to 8 if it's like oh or I think 8 10 or the shuttles run all day.

No, they don't run all day. They run in the morning and then they'll run again in the evening as needed. Do they run in the morning as well? That's what we just said. Okay, well people need it in the morning and the evening.

Well, the evening. Yes, what I'm saying is the evening isn't Yes, they are going to run in the evening as well, but it's not going to be like it's gonna. it's gonna be as needed. Um, let's see.
Yeah, let's oh hey, look at that I Love that. Uh, it's going to be as needed with the um I did it on purpose Eli I'm just uh, it's going to be as needed when people request it. So like you're going to walk outside and the shelter is going to be like where are you going parking lot Fairfield Hampton right so you can hop on, just take a little loop around. you know, just like that.

just just like when you go to Dollywood and they ask you which parking lot you're parked in, you know? Oh I'm glad to hear you guys finally went to Dollywood It's amazing I thought it was just going to be have you bend it, have you been no I just don't know. It's like really nice. it's actually like no I totally thought it was going to be cheesy like I Thought this is going to be lame, but no. really.

good roller coasters, really clean, nice theming, great music. It's in the mountains. It's a nice place, great music. yeah so you have a lot of live music and it kind of goes with the theme.

It's like basically like Frontierland nice at Walt Disney World but an entire theme park Or Frontierland basically. And yeah, it's good. It's good. Not what I expected.

Um, let's see here. Uh, not a tech here, but a DIY who does all his own repairs up to a full system replacement. Learned everything online, including on this channel. Thanks! HVAC School Sometimes people say things like this to troll me.

Um, just so that others will yell at me. Um, I Don't think you probably do all that yourself. but if you do, God Bless you as long as you're doing it on your own house. Um, we'll just leave that there.

Uh, cool. Jessica says it's a long walk. I Did say at one point that you could walk from the parking lot just south of the Citrus Tower to the Symposium you can you can. It's probably what.

it's probably a mile. No, it's a whole mile I don't think so. Go to bed. How much? I don't know.

Uh, it's it's it's it's not really a great walk. There's not really a sidewalk the whole way. Um, so I wouldn't let's not do that. Uh, Don says he bought all the tools as well.

Brazing kit, fluke, mager, you name it. name it. Wow. that is commitment.

I I Commend you Don that is. That is a lot. A lot to buy. Although I will confess that even as a DIY or opportunities to buy really good tools is, you know it's fun.

I I Can believe it. Uh, 0.8 miles, 0.8 So okay. eight tenths of a mile? Yeah, so I was close so you shouldn't walk it. That's the that's the point.

Yeah, all right. Well, this has been, uh, this has been lovely. Anything else you want to leave anybody with here? um, you know and you look forward to seeing all of you stage wisdom. Um, yeah.

I Would just say from the years of experience I have of putting on this event and um, just managing what happens here. I've noticed that uh, the thing that make the most memories is having good conflict and having good debates around what we all do here. Yes, we call that task conflict, not personal conflict. Okay, personal contact.
No, it's very right enjoyable for the rest of us. No. Okay, so we're not gonna do that. We'll go a different route.

Uh, just. uh. having a lot of interaction with people. So um, make sure that you're filling the time that you're standing around.

Go walk. Go. go walk up to some of the speakers. Go go talk to some of your fellow technicians and have some great conversations.

Take some friendships home. I Mean a lot of what we've done here and throughout the years like even part of a huge part of our success as a company has been these relationships that we made and advice and input that people have given us and poured into us as well. So like this is the place for that. Yeah yeah.

in all seriousness I've been kind of dumb this whole time because I'm just talking with being silly and talking to you. but um yeah, that's the the whole reason for doing this is humans connecting with humans about things that, um, that we have as shared experiences, right? I mean uh, we can do our job in a vacuum and probably do it pretty well, but we do it better when we do it together and it's also just a heck fire. A lot more enjoyable. Yeah, and why don't we just speak real quick to the Imposter syndrome because I feel that a lot here, like 90 of people that are here, um, are smarter than me for sure and they have a lot more experience or knowledge in this field.

And yet I'm the face that maybe people see on this channel a lot. and um, I felt like for the first couple of years that I just had to keep my mouth shut so nobody knew what I didn't know. It's actually a lot more fun just to talk with people and learn and find out that there's a lot of us in this same boat that feel like everybody else knows more than us and we should keep our mouth shut. Let's not do that.

Let's just hang out and have a good time and be vulnerable. Yeah, and we'll really enjoy it. Yeah, it's not about proving anything to anybody I think a lot of people are actually disappointed sometimes when they dig deeply into what I really know compared to them, right? and that's okay. Like it's all right.

I'm just okay. too much. Um, yeah, this isn't about showing off. Uh, it shouldn't be.

and it should never prevent us from um, sharing, growing, asking questions, um, enjoying one another's company. That's the cool thing about one of the really cool things about this event is that the speakers and sponsors pretty much all stay around. I mean sometimes I might have to cut out a literally, but they they hang out, they watch each other's sessions, they bring up things we've had a couple times where somebody will bring up a question from the audience and they have a, you know, a healthy debate right there. I like that stuff.
Um, we can all handle it like we're all trades people and we can handle those kind of conversations. Yeah, it's a blast. We have a lot of fun with it on the panels. We do a lot of that where it's like there's been some pretty funny moments.

Uh, in some of the panel discussions I Specifically remember some phrases that Michael House threw out which was great. It was, uh, that was pretty funny. Yeah, um Jeremy brings up a good point. He says Watkins welcome on Saturday to check out the vendors.

The answer is yes actually Saturday um for locals and you don't have to be local but I wouldn't I wouldn't assume you're gonna fly all the way down here for Saturday alone. But on Saturday yes you can just show up and check out the vendors and all that. We ask that you don't come and just like eat lunch because that's not free. Um so Saturday is usually the day I get to meet some people's family and sometimes that is.

That's a good point. Yeah, it's a good day to bring your family. Uh yeah, if your family's down with you anyway, you can have them come over and actually that's another thing. Like for people who do want to have, you know maybe they have a kid with them or something and you want to bring them along, that's that's totally fine.

I wouldn't like probably bring like all 10 of your kids for crazy people of that many. Um, that might get a little bit. but yeah. ridiculous.

Yeah, some people bring their babies or their young kids so they just want to have experience. um some of this and I encourage you to do that and that's right. this is our turf. this is our home.

Yep, like nobody. Yeah, we're a very relaxed group and we just want you to be safe of course. but have a great time. yeah and so feel feel at home here for sure.

Good Hey Bert yeah thank you as always. Yeah, it's going to be a real pleasure having you around interviewing people talking to people. Bert's going to be doing a lot of that. Uh I'm gonna be mostly just hiding.

Um, perfect in a cave. so it's great. You've earned it. It's good.

It's good. I'm kidding. Um, that's gonna be fun so looking forward to it. Hope to see you all either in person or virtual over the next few days and uh yeah, cool, See ya.

9 thoughts on “Bert bryan talk training and excitement and irritation”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don says:

    Just for clarification, I didn't troll you in chat. I bought HVAC tools worth about 5 grand, even a recovery system and tank. In the past I have replaced caps, contactors, air handler fan motor and compressor on my old system. Replacing the compressor with a cheap old stock from ebay for 300 bucks got me another 5 years out of that old 2 ton Carrier system. Just 2 months ago I replaced my entire system with a 3 ton Goodmann. Even replaced some ducts / returns with larger ones to make up for the extra ton.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Talbert says:

    I appreciate your content I appreciate all the work and effort that y'all put in

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Stone says:

    Bert life is awesome and Jessica’s life to

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robson Grant says:

    Those SM7B large diaphragm cardioid dynamic microphone's sound crystal clear!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Wolfer says:

    See you guys tomorrow

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Hurst says:

    Can’t wait to meet y’all guys tomorrow. Made it to clermont just a bit ago. Sitting at chilis eating at the moment

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sebastian Toldan Restrepo says:

    Buenas tardes.
    Amigos cuando un canal en español? Saludos

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ding dong Mcgee says:

    Thanks for y’alls content! Not in ac field but in field service Are you in Kanata ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Stapelmann says:

    4rth year apprentice local 18 Madison

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