UV air cleaners, ionizers, whole house home Filtration all on a budget.
Griffin Air is a heating and air contractor in Virginia. Visit https://www.griffinair.net/ for more information!

Tips to improve your indoor air quality on a budget right now, hey guys, Joshua Griffin II are serving the middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck best eating an air and plumbing company in the area and just want to do a video about indoor air quality and maybe A few tips a lot of folks when they hear that they think we're trying to sell them something trying to sell them a you know a two thousand three thousand dollar dehumidifier some fancy systems, something they don't need, and I just kind of wanted to go through A couple things that I think that might help that. I think that you should consider things that I do in my own home. These aren't things that you know I'm just trying to sell, and it's not even something that I believe in and things that you know. I think that if you were to implement, you could actually see a difference in your quality of life, and you know so just gon na touch on a couple things.

The first thing is, you know again and or air quality does not have to be this expensive investment. You know it used to be that you know people would hear that they would. You know expect that they're gon na have to spend thousands of dollars to improve the humidity levels or the you know the pollutants in their home things in the air of the you know the air that they breathe, and the truth is that you know we have A number of different products at Griffin, air, one of them being you know we have these April layer filters that are you know it's basically like a filter on steroids. They last a year.

They - and you know, unlike some of the filters that you can go to some of the big box hardware stores and buy you know, I know that they have these filters, that you know they're supposed to filter out all these different things and so on. The problem is that they restrict the airflow, so your you actually end up having enough efficient. You know systems as far as your heating and air system, because it's starving for air or you know they they simply just don't let enough air pastor to do their job or so on. So, unlike that, you know we have these filters that have high Merv ratings and if you don't know what that is, that's a whole nother topic, but basically the airflow is still high, but it can reduce the pollutants in your home filter that air clean the air.

As it goes through there and the cool thing about those is the media for them. You know it's pretty affordable, it's like 30 or 40 bucks. You know some of these filters and some of the big box hardware stores cost more than that. So you know - and you might say why don't get those filters.

I get the two or three dollar filters. If you do the math, the you know, if you're only replacing a the media in your whole house home filter once a year, these filters can actually end up saving you money and you'll have cleaner air breathe in your home. That's the first thing. We have other products like UV lights.

We have air scrubbers, air cleaners, ionisers things like that that are relatively inexpensive for your home. The EPA says that the air inside your home can be up to two to five times more concentrated with pollutants, then outside of your home, believe it or not, and what we're seeing is you know what we hear folks say some from time to time. Well, I didn't have these products growing up, you know. Why is it all of a sudden a need, or you know something that I need to be concerned about? Well, the homes are not built the same today either you know so years ago.
Homes, breathe the hole a whole lot more than they do today today, they're all about building these airtight efficient homes that you know save all this energy, but the problem is the home itself doesn't breathe like it used to so you're, not getting that ventilation that air From outside that clean air that you would normally seep into your home and breathe, believe it or not, another thing we can check is those humidity levels. If you want to give us a call, we can come out check those humidity levels. There is a safe zone. You know a zone that you want to stay.

You don't want it to get above 50 to 60 percent 60, if you're above 60, it's definitely getting too high and then obviously, if it's too dry in your home, there's a safe zone that you want to stay in to reduce the the chance. The atmosphere for some of those things to grow in your home that you don't want to be breathing and then, finally, if you just want to give us a call, if you just want to kind of get an assessment of your home, no home is created equal. That's why I'm not pushing any one particular product with this video? Obviously there's you know good products that do different things and so on the cleaner air. You breathe the better.

Obviously, but again, no house is created equal and what I mean by that location of your system plays a role. The house itself, the age of your home, different factors of your home. There's, there's different things that that you know you should consider. As far as this goes but again, the point of this video is, you know if you're looking at you know the air you breathe you're concerned about.

You know you may not even have necessarily have asthma, but you know a lot of the illnesses that we have today are directly related to the air we breathe. It's been proven, and so you're kind of you know if you're looking at that, you kind of got some questions and wondering, what's best for your home, give us a call. We can kind of go through some different things. Our website has a ton of information as well on some of the products that we offer, but again on a budget you can do SAFF you things to improve the quality.

The air quality in your home, dramatically, we'd love to earn your business. Give us a call. Eight, oh four: five! Oh five, zero! Two, four! Seven! Thank you!.

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