This is a part 2 to a previous video where I diagnosed a bad water solenoid valve on a Captive Aire mua unit. I put new Celdek pads,a motor pulley, new belts, and a new water solenoid valve on the unit and got all operating properly.
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We are, we got us giant, we're not giant, but we've got this big direct fire make up air unit. This one has the evaporative cooler section that had a frozen and smashed up the cell deck pads. So we're going to replace those today change a motor pulley clean all the little mr. Orr faces and then put some new filters on this guy.

A couple of filters are busted evidence, so we've got a new pad right here. Whole new assembly, it comes. I've got a new water valve because remember the water valve is bad, so there's no power to this unit. It's completely shut off and the water valves stuck open, so we've got a new water valve and then we're going to go ahead and pull these misters.

Since we're in here and we're gon na soak them all a nice machine, cleaner, clean them up because they're not spraying very well same on the top, we'll get them all pulled out, then we've got a new motor pulley motor sheet. Whatever you want to call it and some new belts so got some work cut out ahead of us. So on this valve, the new one is identical. I'm gon na try to get these screws apart, they're pretty rusted in there, because it'd be really cool.

If I could just rebuild it and I'll have to change the whole thing, I don't know if that's possible, but that's what I'm gon na attempt to do. Let's just rebuild it, because it's identical so we'll see that's what I'm trying to do right now. I got one of them loose, but one of them already broke a bit on me. So this one right here I got loose, so I got some lubricant on them penetrating oil, so I'm gon na try to break them free.

So, in order to get this off, we had to pull it apart in pieces because of the way that it turned inside of here it was hitting the wall, so we had to pull the stem apart. But it's interesting because I'll pull this apart even more later, but it's there's like the valve is exploded inside internally in here you can see, Springs and stuff. I can't see that in the video right now, but I'll try to get a better shot of it later. Alright, so I was not able to rebuild the valve because I couldn't get the screws out.

They were breaking on me so but it's all good. It really wasn't that hard to change. Anyways, just pulled it out. Luckily, there's a union right on that side so pulled that out and everything kind of unthreaded.

Luckily they did it with teflon. So it was easy so now test turn it on and we don't get water blowing on. We have all this misters pulled out at the moment, all these work off of a misting device and we have them all soaked in an ice machine cleaner at the moment, just to try to get any calcium out of them and stuff and then we'll put them Back in and finish the rest of the unit, so I'm currently putting the new pulley on struggling a little bit. We got it all cleaned up, nice and good.

I used my pulley puller to get the old one off this one's a little bit tight. So we're just getting the keyway lined up and then pushing it on all right, so we've got our pulley on the alignment is straight looking good and I'm gon na see that on camera got my tension, nice and set good way. It's supposed to be it's nice and even the other pulley. Basically, we had uneven tension and I'll put it back together and show you guys, but the grooves are tapered and they're.
Not you know: they're they're, worn and they're not supposed to look like that. So - and it was just basically - we had a loose belt on the front tight belt on the back and they were adjusted basically the same so but this one's nice and good tension set where it's supposed to be so we're now just finishing up doing the spray Rail or the little misters all right, so we pulled all these guys out soaked them on some of them, the red ones they all had strainers, but the red ones. The strainers were so short that they were all plugged up. So what we did was we pulled.

The straighteners out - and my theory behind that is - is that if I can get another season out of these, yeah it'll probably plug up the holes, but by pulling the strainers out because they couldn't be cleaned any more. The strainers were just plugged with mud, so you know we'll get another season and then next year we'll just change them all instead of cleaning it, but these ones right here are really nice trainers in them that we're cleanable. So it's kind of weird how they have different strainers, but it is what it is all right: cell deck is nice and good-looking all the way across give it about a month and it'll. Look like crap.

Everything in here is good, so we're going to test this guy. Okay, so on the direct fired, make up air unit for the heating section, you've got a couple controls. You've got a high temperature limit right here. You've got a temperature controller that turns the heat on and off, and then you have a temperature controller that controls the amount of flame essentially or the amount of heat in the discharge air.

Today, the temperature controller should call for heat first, so we can do it right now, we're okay! So if you look here comes my sequence of operation, we're proving air flow right now and then we're gon na light, the flame and then we're lit, and now that it's lit, I control the amount of flame, and you can see it in the pressure right now. We're running really low. Okay and basically I can turn the heat up right there and you can watch it in your pressure, which is your outlet, gas pressure and you're gon na see it rise. We typically don't need a lot of heating because we really don't get very cold weather here.

So we have this set all the way down, like 55 degree supply air, and then we typically run this guy at about 45 degrees. Okay, so you know we're typically, not even gon na run this thing right now, you see obviously shuts off now. You also have your cooling section. Okay, so on this you've got a cooling media.

Okay, this is called Selden's all right and the air is being drawn across the cell deck pads and you have a temperature controller right here. Okay, so if this temperature controller gets turned low enough, okay to you know lower than the outdoor ambient. So now I have it set for 30 degrees, see my lights are on, so what it does is it has a bunch of different timers and you've got to read the manual and it tells you how to do it, but essentially there's a timer that says you're Going to turn the sprayers on for this long and then there's another timer that says the sprayers won't turn on again for this much time and you basically adjust it that way and the whole point of this style, and I'm going to turn this because we run This really high and run this about 85 degrees. The whole point of this is is that you do not want these paths being saturated to the point that there's water dripping in here, because this isn't like a normal evaporative cooler that has standing water.
In all theory, you do not want water coming down to this drain hand out, because you want it to be evaporated before it hits the bottom. So that's the whole point of the timer right here is: is that we spray just enough water on this cell deck pad that by the time the water would make it down to the bottom to go into the drain pan in theory, it should evaporate. So we do have excess water down in there right now, but that's because I've been playing with that. So these things really aren't that critical.

But our problem was was that this solenoid valve right here was sticking open and it was during the freezing time. So they had that giant chunk of ice, which I'll show you guys a clip of that right now too, but the whole thing was a frozen block known as ice frozen, solid. We come over here. You can see that you know we did this thing shouldn't be this loose these these pads.

You shouldn't have this play in here, and this was the problem. With these rooms was, they were just damaged from all the ice, but you see all that play that shouldn't be there. They they, they just basically destroy the pad. So.

48 thoughts on “Captive aire make-up air unit repair”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Larson says:

    You were supposed to show us the tear down of the old valve…. The suspense is so killer…..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Garza says:

    Where did you order the pad from?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drake Tamer says:

    Wouldn't the open flame introduce carbon monoxide into the building? Or is there another heat exchanger?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugh Jidette says:

    Can someone explain to me why these are allowed to blow combustion gas right into the building? Is it a matter of volume of air(including any CO) this unit provides vs all the other RTUs outside air/return air it mixes with just makes it inconsequential? Are you in Barrhaven ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHOMAHOMA says:

    Thank you for your videos again. They always help and I can't tell you how much I have learned since I started watching your videos. Keep it up. I will Keep watching.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAosn V says:

    purchase a small ultrasonic cleaner it will clean the strainers on the nozzels

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerald G says:

    "Mister orifices" ಠ_ಠ

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Robles says:

    Highly recommend a set of left hand drill bits like the $15 left hand drill bit and extractor set

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KJ Denesha says:

    Great Video! Covered everything nicely! Having a positive attitude on the job means you love what you do!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Christian says:

    I’ve never seen that particular modulating gas amplifier with the potentiometer built in. I like watching your videos to see what’s out there that I haven’t seen.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hvac01453 says:

    Wow…I noticed you passing everyone on hat freeway except one pickup truck, Leadfoot!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hvac EMS Ca says:

    I haven’t worked on this type of equipment with heat and cool MAU very interesting on mau that don’t require water and gas kept dropping videos great method of teaching . Service area Orleans??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Galvan says:

    Your videos are amazing thank you!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkooKnight says:

    I watched a couple of your videos now and I've got to say a go pro like set up for your camera would suit you and your work a lot better.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CitizenPerkins says:

    Greetings from Riverside! Love watching your vids! 👍👍 Service area Barrhaven??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Douglas says:

    So I'm 4 years in as a commercial tech, and videos like these do nothing but help guys with great tips. Appreciate it 🤟 Are you in Kanata ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrfrenzy says:

    Did the water valve get damaged due to freezing?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Wilmot says:

    I've never dealt with a MUA like this… It looks like the burner flame is directly in the air stream… what happens to the CO and other combustion products?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars username says:

    Do i understand? No

    Am i entertained? Yes

    Edit: thanks for the heart🔥

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars South Side Control Supply Co. says:

    I work on three of this units we are going to add are own cooling down stream of discharge and control with a t775 none Of the ones I work have coiling. But will be adding cooling to them

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars douro20 says:

    Gotta love working with R718…

    Any idea how well CLR will work on evap misters? Service area Ottawa??

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D and F Garage says:

    Is the motor in that unit new

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars coondogg729 says:

    great video. kind of cool seeing a celdek out in the field. i build those

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Like the end

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Never seen a make up air like this and I worked in a lot of buildings

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shack says:

    Every video is on point 👍 Service area Kanata??

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abolish federal reserve says:

    Extremely nice video ! I did not have a chance to work on a unit like that when I lived in Los Angeles !! Nice to see home on a video !! Love yours videos ! Thank you

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mick McLovin says:

    Love the driving scene and great music you put to it… !!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIG SHAQ says:

    So does this unit use water to cool the air? Like a swamp cooler?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Mcleod says:

    Honestly Chris (I think that’s your name sorry if I’m wrong) you deserve more subs everyone of your videos are so informational, you explain things well you least try to show/explain what you’re doing in a way that people like myself who don’t know shit actually sorta understand what you’re doing, the fact also that at the end of the video you do a recap of what the problem was and how you fixed it and explaining it in a way that really anyone with a brain can sorta get

    But anyways keep up the good work man
    Greetings from Vancouver bc

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    I have seen worse filters on a mua unit, to the point it was just flake dust when I pulled it out. Crumbled…what a mess. Good video on the prayer, timing, and what to look for on those units. Thanks man.HVAC ON!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PracticalCat says:

    Just curious but how are direct fired gas heaters installed safely?
    What I mean is how are these beasts installed in a way that they don't pose a risk of raising the co levels in the building?
    I was at a shopping complex a couple years back where they had vertical mounted directly fired duct furnaces which used the fan from the large evap cooler on the roof. When I walked in the place (large warehouse) it smelled fumey.
    I was wondering how people weren't getting poisoned.
    I came to the conclusion that large warehouses with exhaust fan's are ok to use them because there is enough ventilation.
    Still not sure if I would like to work in a building all winter with them breathing in that fumey air but what do I know haha.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ ΜΠΟΖΙΟΝΕΛΟΣ says:

    Nice idea to add the route with the car in your video!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    For those of us who live in wet areas evaporative coolers are a rarity. How regularly must be changed a masive cardboard filter like this? Because the deterioration must be surely fast.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Deeter says:

    Nice Chris

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STONEDay says:

    Should be getting paid for inspecting your work. lolz

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H 97 says:

    Awesome video ….👌

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike_HVAC says:

    Very cool and very detailed, we don't have units like this down on the coast here in Texas.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaunerchen says:

    So does direct fired mean, that all the fumes get into the make-up Air? Are you in Nepean ?

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars philip dias says:

    Looks like a jawa sandcrawler from starwars… 😂

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texture6 says:

    On the temperature control, what’s the minimum and maximum BTU.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesus santos says:

    always enjoy your videos very informative keep em coming''.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars royalwithcheese says:

    s, Im not an hvac guy, can you explain what a make up air unit is and does.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leif Hoganson says:

    Did you use matched belts?

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigJoe941 says:

    One question what are those cell deck pads made of ?

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex says:

    Good stuff!! Great attention to details. Are you in Orleans ?

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigJoe941 says:

    So amazing to see what other areas of the country work on , down here in Florida we do everything we can to get humidity out vs adding it in and almost no one uses gas down here for anything it’s all heat pumps and heat strips and great video too brother

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigJoe941 says:

    So amazing to see what other areas of the country work on , down here in Florida we do everything we can to get humidity out vs adding it in and almost no one uses gas down here for anything it’s all heat pumps and heat strips and great video too brother

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