This was a service call on a water leak from a make-up air unit. We found that the unit's evaporative media pad was frozen solid due to a stuck water solenoid valve. I let the unit defrost fro a few days and returned and diagnosed the unit, all togather we have high airflow, a bad motor pulley, a stuck water valve and some bad metal mesh filters.
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So we got a service call of a water leak check this out, that is ice frozen solid, so the temperature controller or a water valve was stuck on and fulfilled the entire sell back pad up and they've been dropping into the 20s at night time. Here. Look at that, it's insane uh, so we've been getting the drain clear and then I'm gon na fire this unit up. It's direct fire, make up air unit stuff.

I'm gon na get this guy to fire right now and try to melt this, but I'm gon na tighten up these belts. First, we have to we're gon na go, have to leave this panel off right here and we're going to go ahead and set the heating temperature controller, which is this guy right here. It was set at 45 degrees. Well, we're gon na set it a lot higher.

So basically, it's going to run almost all the time and that's gon na help, because I can't shut the unit off because then the building will be so out of balance that they'll freeze the customers in the dining room. So we need this air going in, but we need that heater on it running so we're gon na probably set that around probably 60 degrees or something like that and it's expected to get into the thirties high 22 high 20s. Basically, so then we're gon na leave. This panel off and then we're just gon na let this slowly defrost it's gon na take some time, so I'm back now.

This thing is fully defrosted like it should be we're gon na pull this whole cassette out right here that has the cell dec media in it. So that way I can inspect the cell back. I have a feeling that the cell that's gon, na, be damaged from all that ice. The problem is, is that it's not budging, so I'm worried that handles gon na rip off, because I'm gon na have to put a rope on there.

They really should have put two handles or two handles side by side or something so it's difficult to get my hand in there, because I couldn't pull hard enough by putting a rope on there and just coming back about three feet. Give me a little extra leverage. Then pulling power so now it's sliding out so pulling out this cell deck. You want to be cautious because you don't want us to drop onto this rubber or plastic roof and damages.

So I put a cinder block under there to catch it when it comes down, because I don't have two people here right now to pull this thing out, so cinder block down there and then I'll be holding this back end right here, because I don't want it To jam down on my gas line either okay, so the cell deck was damaged a little bit by the ice. It's not horrible, but the cell deck in general is disintegrating. When you touch it, it's just yeah. It's definitely time to replace, no matter what we do.

Even if that ice wasn't there it's time, because it's just disintegrating with my hands. This is just one side. This this gap usually isn't here on this. I believe, that's from the ice compressing getting stuck between them, smashing the cell back down over on this side.

Over here, because, usually those things fit in there pretty tight here's the other side, you can see that I stepped in between this gap and just compressed in each direction. Smashing it in up here's pretty it's just disintegrating all this stuff is just like cardboard. So after it's gotten enough water on it eventually just goes bad it. You need to replace this occasionally so we're gon na definitely as part of the quote to repair this unit, we're going to change this cell back pad, but I'm gon na go ahead and pull this unit out and finish diagnosing.
So we currently have about forty five-degree air coming into this, make up air unit we're just going through our troubleshooting steps. The first thing I want to do is test this temperature controller, so we're going to turn it and listen where it clicks. So the temperature controller for the evaporative cooler section is working fine and starting on an offer on 45. Let's go ahead and look at the temperature controller for the heating section just to test that to temp control for the heating section is also working properly about 45.

Okay, so I have the unit powered down completely at the disconnect no power and operational power, and I turn the water on and we are spraying across all the misters. Well, some of them some are really dirty too, so they need to be clean, but we have got a bad water solenoid valve. It is stuck open in the open position, so we are gon na have to change that water solenoid off it does look like you. Can take it apart, but the screws are all rusted out.

So there's no point in that, so we're gon na change the water solenoid valve and then go from there, but right now, it's winter time. So we don't even need the evaporative cooling so we'll have to order a water solenoid valve and then we'll we'll take those guys apart. The misters and clean them and use like ice machine, cleaner, clean, the tubes, get them spraying and then we'll replace the cell back pad also, and everything else seems to be working. Fine yeah everything else is good, so temperature controllers are fine heating sections working good.

So I'm gon na put that cell deck back in there. I don't want to leave it on the roof, because we have high winds here and I'm afraid it'll end up on the freeway, so we'll put the cell deck back in get this guy started up. So before I left, I wanted to see the burners light again on this guy and I was having a hard time. I couldn't get my airflow to prove it would prove and then it would stop.

And when I say prove I mean the pressure switch, because we've got a two pressure switches on you're wired in serious to sense if we have essentially low pressure high pressure because it wants to be in that happy number. So if you look inside the book, it says that it wants the pressure differential to be between point one, five and point: eight, Oh, which right now we're at point five: five: okay. But we got a couple problems here in order for me to prove that pressure switch, I need it to block off air flow because I had way too much air flow going to this unit. So what I did was, I just took that panel and partially covered the airflow and my precious, which proved okay, so we're moving too much air.
Now I'm gon na pull this panel out and show you guys so right now my pressure differential ISM is bouncing around still but 0.5 0.6. I saw 0.7 once all right. I pulled that panel out, okay, so the panel's right there and then now look at my pressure differential 0.9. It jumps all the way up to 1.1 1.2.

So we've got an air flow problem here now before I start I mean I could easily just adjust the motor pulley. I can do all kinds of stuff, but here's the problem number one. We know our cell deck pad is compromised and it's not you know. It's not filling the void correctly because it's been crushed so we're passing some air through on the cell deck.

Also, it's all these little things. Also we've got filters that are messed up. I don't really think the filter is gon na, be the problem per se, but we are gon na change that filter and we've got a pulley. That's going bad, so I'm not gon na try adjusting on that pulley at this time.

What I'm gon na do is. I'm gon na go ahead and quote this guy. We can adjust the pulley when we come back. If we need to.

I don't want to mess with their building balance too much, but you know there's always a possibility that it's been improperly adjusted from the beginning and maybe they're trying to move way too much air through this unit we'll find out when we come back so we're going To quote to replace the cell deck pads, okay to change that water solenoid valve we're gon na quote to change the motor pulley or sheave whatever you want to call it put new belts on it and then we'll test the system. Again, it's also possible that I could be having an airflow issue, this particular location right now. The wind is blowing directly at me right now and it's blowing through the filters through the cell dekat into the unit, and that could probably explain some of my bouncing around that word how its 1.03. Then it drops all the way down to 0.7.

That would probably be explained by the wind and, if that's the case, that's going to be an even bigger problem, because this is an installation problem, because this is basically you know directly at the wind. We come up a mountain pass up here and that wind blows right through this unit straight into this unit. So that could be the problem too. But I'm not gon na jump to conclusions.

Yet we're gon na go ahead and fix the problem at hand, which is the water solenoid valve, we'll put the new pulley on there and then we'll go from there. Then we'll bring it up to the customer and let them know hey. This is what we need to do to be honest with you. They really, I mean you usually don't see direct fired make of our units in California.
For the most part, this is up in the high desert, so it does get pretty cold currently right now, it's in the 40s. For us, that's crazy. I shouldn't say crazy. I mean they drop into the low 20s and then like as an extreme up here, but that's about it.

So so right now, you know when I was talking to the cooks. They kind of mentioned to me that it's always hot in the kitchen. Well, in my opinion, what's happening is: is the kitchen AC is running the heater all the time, because this is blowing cold air into the building and basically the sensor for the kitchen is in the front of the kitchen and all throughout the kitchen, they're just dying, Because the heaters running all the time well, I think if we could temper the air on this, make up air unit a little bit more and control the temperature, then maybe that kitchen ACC's heater wouldn't run as much so like I said we're gon na you know Start with the simple stuff and then we'll talk to them just to get a look at the burner section. I really don't see any problems, you know, there's our dampers, they open up and you know everything seems to be doing pretty good.

Our panels have the spring action to them. They slam them shut, so they're not getting cooked open. That could be a problem if the spring closing hinges on these panels. Weren't working but yeah other than the burners assembly is being dirty and kind of rusted out, probably because that evaporative cooling solenoid valve had been running wide open for a while, probably should do a good little cleaning inside there there's a bunch of dust buildup and everything.

Corrosion but yeah I like on these higher-end, make up air units how they have the pressure test, ports for you and everything. So that way you can that's. On the other side, that's what I was hooked to and then there's another one right here. So you can see both sides of the burner assembly, so it's pretty nice yeah blower assembly back there don't see any major problems with it, looking good so far, so all right, so this was a service call.

Well, originally, a service call on a water leak. When we arrived, we found that the cell deck pads for the make up air unit were completely iced up, because the water solenoid valve was stuck in the open position and it was just basically running and running and running the outdoor air temperatures. This is up in the high desert of Southern California, so the outdoor air temperatures have been dipping into the high 20s at nighttime, and on top of that, the fact that it's not just flowing straight water, it's misting water. So it's dropping the pressure coming out of the misters, so it's basically creating a snow machine and you know that water's freezing then creates a giant ice block.

So when that happened, it's it just kept running for quite a while from the looks of it and eventually it started leaking water down into the building. It ended up damaging the cell deck pads, as you guys saw it pulled the unit out and the cell deck pads have damaged, there's air, bypassing the cell deck pads. Now, on top of that, when I first arrived the first time I was here, the unit had loose belts and then, when I went to go, tighten the belts, I could tell that the motor pulley was bad. It was worn out so we're going to go ahead and replace the motor pool wall.
We're gon na submit a quote to replace the motor pulley we're going to replace the cell deck pads, replace the water solenoid valve. Then we got to figure out the air flow issue so, like I showed you when it was iced up, I had no problem firing up the burners, but right now now that there's no ice on there, I'm having a really hard time proving the correct air and We're getting too much air; essentially, it could be a factor of a lot of things. Okay, so, like I said, we're gon na change that we're gon na change all the parts that I talked about first before we go any further into figuring out the air flow issue: okay, because the cell deck pads, they need to be solid and tight. You know the the motor pulley needs to be working correctly, and then we can try some things.

We can adjust the motor pulley slow. The blower down worst-case scenario is we're gon na, have to add a transition and turn that eyebrow that the metal mesh filters are in the opposite direction. So that way it doesn't get blown by the wind from you know the the wind coming up their mountain paths that we're right by. I really don't want to go that route.

I really think we can solve it by just slowing down the airflow, but we will see when we come back, so that's pretty much it guys in no way am i a professional with these direct fired, I mean, am I an expert with these direct fired? Make up air units really we don't deal with these very much here in Southern California, I mean, but if you just use some common sense and read the manual which you know, that does a lot for you, you can kind of diagnose them and that's essentially what I did I mean I, I've never really encountered other than two or three times those modulating gas valves that are on this and you know. But if you just start with the manual check the basics, you can usually figure them out hey. I just want to say thanks a lot for taking the time to watch these videos guys I always say this, but I truly mean it. I mean it humbles me very much to know that you guys are actually watching these videos.

I mean it just kind of blows my mind. You know I try to share the little bit of knowledge that I have with you guys, try to share it so that way, hopefully you don't make the same mistakes that I do and just give little tips, and you know I hope you guys are enjoying these. I also, if you haven't already, I suggest you guys subjet are subscribe to my channel and really appreciate it. Leave me some feedback down in the YouTube comments.
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I suggest you guys check them out, because everybody makes some cool stuff and you can learn something from all these people. Ok, so pop it up right now check these guys out, ok! Other than that, I will see you guys on the next one. Ok.

43 thoughts on “Captive aire makeup-air water leak”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Sundby says:

    What was the name of that cellveck media? I probably butchered it. I’d like to know how to properly spell so I can research

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandon HVAC/ANTS says:

    Those need to be winterized every fall that way this doesnt happen. I have seen the water distributor freeze before. Are you in Ottawa ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars motazuk says:

    Love your videos. ⚘

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eggman9713 says:

    I've never been a big fan of direct-fired MAU's. They just seem to be far too finicky at times. I've used them in warehouses and industrial applications, but usually not kitchens.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ser Zambrano says:

    New account lost ability to open video

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JT H says:

    I used to work on the north coast of Alaska- we had some 5 million btu direct fired heaters – they were trashed when I got there but I resurrected them. I was surprised to find parts still available for them – even burners. They had 2 inch fuel gas lines coming to them… they did keep things warm when it was -50 outside. There wasn't much makeup air needed in the winter lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Erber says:

    What’s a good cheap leak detector that’s affordable?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faisal Razzak says:

    Yes your right your tips sharing with us help us to do perfect job

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Ferguson says:

    I believe your pressure was jumping around because you had the evap door open allowing it to suck in a lot more air than it was balanced for. Did you try measuring the pressure after closing things up?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R. A. says:

    All your videos are great,
    Thank you,
    I learn a lot from your work.
    Millions times thank you.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😊😊😊😊😊😊

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio.RicanCubanKing says:

    Freaking amazing work and troubleshooting. Question how long have you doing HVACR. I love watching ur videos brother u leave me speechless

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars -HaZe- says:

    It's always hot in the kitchen… I hear it every day.. and guess what.! it's a Kitchen… lol — Great video man.!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC Student says:

    I'm a student in a HVAC school in dallas. I watch your video's some mornings while driving into class.

    I really enjoy your real world situations, diagnosis and follow up analysis post completion of jobs.

    I will continue to wat h your videos and thanks for sharing and not hoarding your knowledge.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Reilly says:

    Dude, I'm not even in the business and I watch the videos, I'm a Lighting Designer for concerts lol. You have interesting videos. Service area Kanata??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob D says:

    Out your van widow shows chemtrails everywhere, that's air conditioning on a global scale. Love your videos brother; Peace

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Richards says:

    Thanks for all your hard work,,,, kudos to you!,, Are you in Barrhaven ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars José De Alba says:

    man how do you know so much? do you read the mannuals? or what is your best tip?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars royalwithcheese says:

    Im not a hvac guy. I do enjoy your videos. What is and what does a make up air unit do?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Txepetxcc says:

    The burner burns directly into the stream of air that enters the building, or has some heat exchanger? I would think it is the second. But don't see it on the video. Also would love to see the burner in action !

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wizzkidelectronics says:

    Always through been watching you and nw Ohio HVAC. Thinking of making a career change and trying hvac out

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Vander Waal says:

    Never seen anything like this before. Great video learned something new today!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    Don't you find it sketchy to working with a ring on? even if it's not metal we work with moving parts

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texture6 says:

    Thanks you. I went on a journey watching this video. It started with DUCT BLASTER and duck leakage test science. Then I fell into RESNET and HERS Rater certification.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prjndigo says:

    Classic push-tab bug bombs are very very bad for cell material. Any acidic gas of any kind is going to hit that moisture and turn into acid. Cell Deck claims they're self cleaning and in the end they are… right down the drain. Cheap is the operative word tho, supposed to be thrown out regularly… like that ever happens.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Wright says:

    Always interesting hearing about your work..

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott van Ruin says:

    Those side dampers for the profile plate on the burner should open in cases of high airflow by passing the Burner, it would change your discharge air temp but should still keep the burner on.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott van Ruin says:

    Why not have DX cooling coil installed if outside air can get that cold to freeze water, seems like a dumb design?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott van Ruin says:

    How did having the heat on help defrost it, the burner is downstream of the Cell? Service area Nepean??

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jr Agent K says:

    Couldn't you just build a small wall a few feet in front of the unit to stop the direct air flow, I feel like that would be one of the cheaper options.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars toshi無法, ブライアン , says:

    yap its been cold the last few weeks here in the desert. its been as low as 27. right now its around the mid to low 30 for night time. normal temps for this time of year.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dabsfordays says:

    I have no idea what you talking about but yet I can't get enough of your vids you seem like you would be a great teacher thanks for helping a bumblefuck out!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Good vid Chris … Young'ens learn from you and other's in these trades … Enjoyable …

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    Big two thumbs up !! I never encounter this unit before. I got offer from company that owns 32 restaurants from A.V. , SF, and Ventura for HVACR
    maintenance. I'll find out by Monday for interview with owner. this might come handle if I visit this unit like yours. You know you're our mentor. Keep it up with your good work and share. Big thank you Chris !

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jlwhitt77 says:

    Awesome video. I service 5 direct fire make up air units at a prison here in Missouri. They are heat only, no swamp cooler. When I started the job, not one of them would 🔥. They had a major air pressure problem due to them not running them during winter. Mold everywhere from all the steam and water in food service. The ignition module was like nothing I had ever seen. It was a board with about 6 relays plugged into it. I can't recall the maker of the ignition module. I couldn't find any information on the make up air handler itself. I ended up ordering all new relays for every unit. Bingo, we had heat! Ended up with employee of the month for saving the institution an estimated 7k in repair costs. There is a push button circuit breaker on this particular control module. Every once in a while one of them will trip. I still haven't figured out what causes it.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SyazTYT says:

    was this recorded at the UK?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Major Tom says:

    Great attention to detail man. Love it. I know where you did this job. Its like 5 minutes away from me haha. Hope they agree to the fixes.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitch S says:

    Hey man I don't even work in your industry, I actually work on cranes haha but I just enjoy watching and listening to you do what you do. I quite appreciate the way you explain everything 👍

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D W says:

    I work on these units all the time in Canada. Every single one of these captive aire units with the yellow rtc solutions amplifier (temp control for the modulation gas valve) and discharge air sensor in the blower section has been faulty. They will all run too high of a discharge air temp when the heat is on due to this, as they can not properly modulate the gas valve. I have replaced the amplifier and discharge air sensor with a maxitrol 1014r and a ts114 sensor and have had no issues since on about 10 units so far. The gas valve itself is a maxitrol so it makes sense to control it with a maxitrol amplifier.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars realvanman1 says:

    I hadn't realized when you said Direct Fired that it is literally a burner right in the air stream until you showed it. Interesting. So the products of combustion go in with the air. Quite an eyebrow raiser for the ignorant among us. I guess dilution is the solution to pollution! 😉 Mostly just carbon dioxide and water I suppose but still seems odd. You're right in my area. I live in Mission Viejo and have friends in Hesparia and Phelan. Are you in Nepean ?

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave tatro says:

    Worked on a 5 million btu make up air today, weather-rite. Same air flow issues. Found the dampers not in a great position, left and right side need to match. Making the pressure differential so big it would lock out. Happy hvacing! Service area Barrhaven??

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrTurboturbine says:

    That burner looked crazy, I would like to see that thing running

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uriel Rodriguez says:

    Have some of those on Chicago running with ac drives and potentiometer for the gas valve and the ac drive that all the time affect the building pressure affecting the burners of the ovens inside the area do to the crazy wether in Chicago the occupants have to be adjusting those potentiometers causing some other issues on the productions machines

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Minecraft says:

    Great Video! Keep them coming! As soon as I seen you video I clicked instantly… I know its alot of work, slowing down you Job and having to edit your videos but we appreciate it! Are you in Orleans ?

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