This was a call on a reach in freezer that wasn't getting cold enough, I found that the right side TEV was bad and the left side was out of adjustment. I got the unit up and running and the customer was happy.
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This video is brought to you by spore'ln quality, integrity and tradition. Okay, so we've got a nuisance service call not a nuisance, but we've got a pain-in-the-ass service. Call, that's been kicking our butt had another tech out here. They keep complaining that their freezers, not working they're, complaining that one sides half-ass working and then the other side isn't.

This is my supply air temps coming off the freezer? The left coil is 18 degrees, the right clothes 35 degrees. They have the same box. Temp fan motors are all workings. We're gon na check one more thing: we're gon na make sure that the defrost heaters not stuck on which I don't think it is after we check that, then that means that we got a bad txb.

If we've got one coil blowing out 17 degree, air one club blowing out 35 degrees there, obviously we're not working in a box 10th in general. Right now is 35 degrees, because I just defrosted coils and everything. So I'm going to open this up and we're gon na look inside we'll see what it looks like here's, our coils and this one just isn't blowing as cold. I have a return air sensor since 40 degrees at 35 degrees, the left, coils getting cold, the right clothes - not my TXV - is frost enough, so the more than likely have a bad power head on the expansion out, but you're not going to get in there change Our head, it's gon na, be easier to change them development, so tight in here.

I can't stand it before we sanded after it's the eyes, because damn that so tight okay, let me touch for that reason. Yeah! You got none sweat, no we're gon na get it out stupid valve, they didn't have a low temp C charge is medium temp, but because it's the same refrigerant, we can swap the power head out to a low 10 power, which is going to be the Z Charge SZ so we're just going to swap the power heads out push that guy on I'm gon na have to do to that. Is it ain't gon na push on push it on put a braise on there? It's gon na be tight. It's definitely not fun.

It's not a fun breeze, join us all. Okay, I can't get to the other side of the well. It's totally wine, I'm gon na be lucky if it takes so. I need to turn up my heat yeah.

It's got to heat up the whole creative. Let them melt the defrost heaters. I told you that before you got to learn how to weld, I literally can only get one corner of that thing. Bray's repeated that was an awkward very awkward.

I don't know what that was. I'm not looking for a raise. This birthday, hey - that was a very, very crappy situation there, man, that is a messy messy well, but it's our braised joint for all. You we're all breathing, please, okay ugly, is you know what slow to change the powerhead? Okay? So, let's, let's take the vacuum? Pump up with us this right here, some night log in the back of my bag, I knew there was a reason I use flare dryers because now I didn't have to bring my torches up here, so so we're just gon na undo this knot right here you Got it you got and we'll take it off nothing, the same thing right here, so the site loss isn't a pivot point, it's a solid nut, so you got to take off the outside to first, you got.
This is a little more difficult. Okay, sweater twist a new dryer on so we're gon na use the slightest bit of nylon that's more than enough, and just just right there. That's why yeah that's good and then go ahead and twist your sight glass on there. Remember you want the arrow pointing towards your sight, glass, good luck, get them to match up, meaning the writing and the arrow with it just never matches up right.

Okay, so you got that and now use leverage to tighten it. You want to go about. I don't know sixty degrees, so give yourself some more leverage use that yeah that one up there turn it nope there you go just like that. There you are.

They get it to the point where you can do it with one hand and it'll go a little bit tighter. That's a little far so twist. This wrench around there you go. Oh yeah cool, that's good, okay, dryers in the right direction, yep! So now we're going to put some Lube right here back just a little bit because right where the nuts gon na go there, you go right there, just a goober, that's fine! A little bit more nice little goober on there.

You got ta open it. There you go honey, okay, now bring the nut on and spin it and all you're doing is looping the surface see how the nut pulled the stuff on there. That's what you want! You want to see that you want it to be lubricated. Okay, you don't want it to go in the fitting, but you want it to be just in this area.

Right here, put just the tiniest bit on the threads. The cool thing about nine log is: is it's refrigeration? Well, so if it gets in the system, it's no biggie, that's perfect, just the slightest bit and then go ahead and thread that on finger tight. Let's do the same on the other side, not so far in because we had a little bit too much about right. There that's good okay, so we're just gon na thread this on right, good, nice and go hold on pull it back all right.

We did slightest bit on the threads right there just gon na help, so we don't get any too much. Friction! That's going to stop this thing from tightening down you're just finger tight before you wrench on these. You want, to one more time, double check to make sure the dryers in the right direction and it is pointing towards the expansion valve, because this one has a cover on it. It's difficult to see the sight glass, so you want the sight glass straight.

So that way you can see it from over here with the cover on okay. If it didn't have a cover, then I would say point it up, so you can see it while you're working on it, okay, but this one we're going to put it right there. So you're gon na compress, right here and right here about sixty degree turn should be using a torque wrench. But, like I told you, my elbow clicks when it's the right torque setting and if you over tighten a flare-nut it'll back itself off two days later.
So get another twist on that, but in turn there you go that's about right, no more than that! Okay same thing over here, just a little bit more! That's right, right, they're, more tighter than that! Okay. So what I need is five sixteenths and I got to get this other sensing bulb off and then cut. So I won't even attempt snips. If you want to hand me those I'm gon na try to get this out.

If I can these omni tempos there's something to be said about how tight there yeah they're up top above my head, I'm gon na cut my finger off. Let me see those tin snips, all right, Cinci ball, the old ones not coming out. Okay, it's gon na stay and she acts meetings in the nightmare place. Okay, so we're gon na do is wind.

This bulb up really tight. Put it down below. Okay. Let's get this one mounted.

Do you see anything John? Oh yeah, you can see everything you can see. What no I'm saying. Can you see what I'm doing yeah? Okay, so I'm tightening the sensing bulb on it's tight. There's no good way about this and we're just gon na have to route it through the front of the coil, which is not good, but it's a potential leak that way.

Okay, so I'm gon na do is just find a spot where we can bend the fins run it down through them. It is not a good situation. This is only a temporary because they are changing this box completely and there's no room to mount this thing. I hate on the attempt for this reason, and that is gon na - be a leak spot.

It's gon na rub that sensing bulb out, but you can only do so much. It's got ta run like that. I don't like it at all. It's a really crappy situation.

Yeah, it's just sometimes like drill holes in the side of the coil and come out and then but there's just no room on the side. So it's just a crappy situation and it's kind of leaked it's gon na rub out, but yeah you know again. This is only temporary they're. Changing this box in two months notice how the fan came on right away, someone disconnected the fan, delay it's missing completely or worse valve, apart more than like men thinking, the power head was going back.

Let's see if there's anything internally wrong with it, you don't see any problems there. The Pens, look, fine, no damage to the pens, not that there would be anything dirty, but nothing's plugged up internally and the Springs fine. So let's pull the strainer out. I'm not a fan of strangers in these tiny valves.

You see light right through the strainer. Strainer was fine internal ports on the valve. Don't look damaged, there's nothing stuck in it. So is more than likely just the power head going bad.

Normally you can change that, but on this one it was so tight and then you couldn't change it. So my performance is a lot better. I still got a little bit of a discrepancy between supply air, but it's huge so much much better. I honestly the left side coil, which is t2.
That's the one I didn't change a valve on that one has got a valve, that's over feeding, I believe. Okay, so that's supply here and I just opened and closed the door. That's why you see the discrepancy. It's about 18 degrees in a box right now, so we're doing really good.

What I ended up doing was found that this valve on the left side was out of adjustment. So I put it back to the mid submit position where it comes from the factory and we have the valve on that one. So this should solve the problems, but I'm gon na leave this work order open and call back and follow up with the customer. We cannot always be perfect, you know you, you have to do your best with what you have in certain situations.

You know in a perfect world, I would have loved to have just changed the power head on that expansion valve in a perfect world. I would have loved to have been able to get a heat compound in there and protect the new valve, as I was braising it in. But there's there's good in theory and there's what works when you're in the field. Then sometimes you can't do all the fancy stuff.

Okay, so I had to do my best and braise that valve without any protection heat protection on it. I couldn't put a towel on there. There wasn't enough room, I couldn't put heat compound on there because it was hard enough just to get the valve in where it goes. Okay, you know it's.

Sometimes you just have to make a decision and and do what you got to do, to get the job done. You know what I'm saying so in that situation we vacuum the system down after we changed the dryer we opened up because it was a pump down system. So we opened up the king valve on the receiver. Let the refrigerant fly and everything was good.

Now I didn't really get it on film, but I kind of mentioned it a little bit on startup that that valve that I changed was on the right side, evaporator coil, and this was a freezer system. Okay, now, on the left side coil, I was still getting some really wonky readings, and what I found was that something that valve was way out of adjustment. On the left side, someone had been wrenching on it when they shouldn't have okay. Most of you really shouldn't have to adjust an expansion valve on a 404 system unless the valve is oversized or something like that, I mean, if you're adjusting on it, something's going on there all right but anyways.

So what I did was, I pulled the the stem on the valve, backed it all the way out. Okay, because it was like way out of adjustment, backed it all the way out, and then I screwed it all the way back in, but I counted the turns. Okay, so you know, let's just say I got 50 turns out of it: okay, whatever it was so then what I did was I screwed it all the way in and I got 50 turns well then I backed it out. Half of that 25 turns - and I put that Valve back in the middle position - that's where it comes from the factory, typically, okay, most of the time, there's not really it's usually in the mid position.
So then, everything kind of stabilized out and my temperature started to calm down and they evened out between the left and the right coil on something like this. There's really no way to get in there and check the superheat okay, and this is another thing that you got to do what you got to do: there's no superheat ports on those coils, and even if there was, how are you gon na get in there to Get on a port like you got to put the cover on it. This is one of the things that you have to learn how to deal with when you work on regions when you're working in restaurants, okay, you know you typically don't get to start checking, superheat and adjusting valves that way, if you feel like the valves not feeding Right then, you just have to make an adjustment and kind of see what happens. You could always look at compressor, superheat on the roof, but on a little reach and freezer.

The insulation is completely destroyed. On that thing going, you know all the way up to the roof. So it's just one of those things. You just got to kind of learn how to deal with this stuff.

You got to use, you know your knowledge and your skills and just kind of your senses and evaluate what's up. You know, temperature probes go a long way and that's why we use the air temperature check. You know I wouldn't usually tell you to check air temperature on a walk-in freezer to see if the coils weren't, you know, because you can get in there and check the valve via the superheat, but on something like this, you got to rely on that. You know temperature sensor to tell you you know, and you use two coils and you assume that they should both be blown about the same temperature being that they're.

You know 12 inches apart, so anyways. What I'm getting at is is sometimes you have to do what you got to do to get these things working. Okay, I followed up with the customer. It's been like three weeks since we did that repair, everything's bitching on that box.

Now it's working good, all right! Really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these videos. Leave me some feedback down in the comments. Tell me what you think. Okay, let me know if you think, on the hack, I don't care just you know, I'd kind of like to know how you guys deal with things out in the field.

At least you guys that are experienced and they're working, I mean. Sometimes I feel like you just got to do what you got to do to get them running. So let me know what you think and I will catch you guys, the next one. Okay thanks so much for watching.

48 thoughts on “Cooks freezer drawers not working”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elwood Noble says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zack Armbrust says:

    Yeah hahaha this is a great video that shows 1 of the many types of situations commercial refrigeration techs deal with in the field. MOD is standing over you while you're welding blind, asking how soon you will be done while you lay in a 18×24 inch wet coffin of 9 month old food scraps and 5 year old kitchen grease, back spasms to go along with it too, all at the same time you're already honestly doing your best to solve the problem quickly as you already know equipment being down hurts your customer 😅

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina McClure says:

    Great job teaching and getting in that tight spot. Service area Barrhaven??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Robles says:

    Great example of when you're in a situation that puts you between a rock and a hard place to complete the repair or get job done Service area Orleans??

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy says:

    My hats off to you on that txv swap

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dynorat12 once says:

    smells like French frys lol Are you in Orleans ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dynorat12 once says:

    I hate working on those most of the time I do the daig and make the one of the other guy do the job lol it all pays the same lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars george curtis says:

    Man, that had me cringing the whole time. Cringing because of the work space and having to do what you needed to do. Yea, as a perfectionest, i feel your frustration. But man, some times a hammer is all we got to work with !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Andreassen says:

    Be nice to have human engineered products rather than needing to call smurfs not joking either, my fingers won't fit in some places that fail.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All Hours Maintenance says:

    Gloves are for girls!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruben Kelevra says:

    I feel a bit sadistic now, after enjoying to watch you braze in that shitty drawer 😀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Gillis says:

    Chris something touched my butt
    Other worker I'm not looking for a raise that quick

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alejandro Mata says:

    If that were a new box and the repair wasn’t temporary. How would you have done it in order to route the bulb and transmission tube through the back? Is there a way of removing that evaporator cooling unit out to work in the open if you were to unsweat the liquid line and suction? Definitely not a hack btw.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars keith chapman says:

    HAHA missed tightening a connection on the drier

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Standardstyle says:

    Couldn't you have taken the drain pan off to get yourself another inch

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Åreš says:

    Not hack at all bro. I would've done the same. Expansion valves go bad all the time. I always try to use adjustable txvs when possible. But I like watching your service calls. Your great guy and all service guys should watch your videos in the trade

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saltiness_ Incoming says:

    I enjoy watching your videos it's so like being in the classroom listening to teacher I'm not in the refrigerant HVAC field but if I ever did I would want a teacher like you I do really enjoy your videos Are you in Barrhaven ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! LSX_ moe says:

    The things I would do to be able to train under your supervision Are you in Nepean ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hittite King says:

    are there solenoid on these systems?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Never Mind says:

    “I’m guna cut my finger of let me see those tin snips”

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kody Waterman says:

    Wish I had someone like you when I started. Had to learn everything by myself since I work with guys who wouldn’t give up the old school thinking

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg M says:

    I might have to rethink nyloc

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg M says:

    When I work in a box I either have someone fan fresh air into the box or I have a box fan giving me the oxygen the torch needs for a nice joint.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Thorman says:

    “My elbow clicks when it’s tight enough” 😂

    Also, who designed that coil, Satan? Service area Ottawa??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anderson echeverria says:

    I really like this videos, you’re the real deal, I’m also trying to get my license; any advice about it?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars agpulido says:

    What a bitch to weld that expansion valve. good job. from Spain

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Herring says:

    Take a rag and RIP it in small strips get it wet and u can wrap that valve when brazing

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Herring says:

    Some one else hates working on draw units !!!!!!@ they suck

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dizziedallas says:

    Chris ,Thank you so very much for putting my channel in the closing credits I just noticed it. Great video.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Yuriar says:

    I usually drill those rivets out on side plate and run sensing bulb up the side on those damn things I agree those Omni coils no room to work but like you said at the end sometime you gotta do what you gotta do! Great job man! I like to see other refrigeration techs getting shit done to keep the food we eat cold lol!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh says:

    Can anyone tell me the purpose of a sight glass on commercial equipment?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:

    why not run the TXV bulb tube away from the coil??? why would you insist on pushing it into the coil?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:


  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arkham Asylum says:

    Restuarant work sucks….much prefer market refrigeration.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bureaucrat bayonet says:

    What is the perfect thermostat set temp for a residence in summer? When if at all should it be adjusted? Are you in Kanata ?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bureaucrat bayonet says:

    Really appreciate the honest look at how things are

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joel watts says:

    i thought nylog was meant to be used on the face of the male part of the flare fitting as thats the sealing surface

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emptech says:

    I think it's funny, sometimes you call it a weld, sometimes call it brazing. The alternative would be to put in a flare fitting, as long as you can get enough swing with a wrench.


  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesus santos says:

    dam bro awsome vid

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tanly84 says:

    Best video you posted so far. I learn so much from watching your work. Thanks!

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Michael says:

    Dude… I could almost smell the phosgene through my phone! 🤣

    This is one of the things that would shorten my lifespan given the frustration level of such tight spaces. I swear, when engineers design equipment, they are adamant about playing sick pranks on the techs that will come behind to fix it… It HAS to be a joke, or something.

    Nice work, as usual, man! 🤙 Service area Nepean??

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars feedmebeast says:

    Hey man keep that hard nose mentality when you train. Also the constant constructive criticism. I'm speaking from experience that helped me alot when I first started out as a helper. It builds great work ethics and strong foundation for critical thinking.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramon c says:

    I totally understand that you gotta do what you gotta do to get the unit to run. Been there done that

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars david1700000 says:

    will the inner soldering ring help if you have a limit space?

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jbftcmof says:

    Hunnnnnggggghhh *click*. Sounds like mine.

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adventurish says:

    The main downside is you get to smell that stank on your hands for the rest of your day lol😂😂

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin B says:

    you didn't even try and protect the txv from heat and you're flame was way to hot..

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vegas hvacr guy says:


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