Join Bryan Orr as he interviews Copeland Compression experts Josh Souders and Lancelot Sharpe at AHR 2024 to learn all about Copeland's newest compressor technologies.
Josh introduces Copeland's next-generation two-stage and variable speed compressors, explaining the benefits of each in terms of efficiency, comfort, and reliability. He also discusses Copeland's new variable frequency drive designed specifically for use with variable speed compressors.
Lancelot then gives an inside look at Copeland's brand-new oil-free centrifugal compressor featuring a revolutionary air lift bearing system. He discusses the development process over the past 7 years and what makes this compressor stand out from typical magnetic bearing centrifugal compressors in terms of simplicity and reliability.
If you're interested in hearing about the latest innovations in compressor technology straight from the experts at Copeland, don't miss this exclusive video interview from AHR 2024! You can learn more about Copeland compressors at
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So I'm here at the really nice Copeland Booth Actually they always do a really great job with this uh and it is officially Copeland now which we're excited about and I'm here with Josh Saers is that we say last name Josh Saers and Josh is going to talk us through a little bit about compressor modulation, so a little capacity control that kind of thing. So so what you're seeing right here is our next Generation two-stage product. So we offer a wide variety of products fixed speed, two stage, and then what we view is like premium Comers variable speed. So we'll talk about two stage here and then we'll go around to the other side and see our next gen variable speed.

So two stage. Really? What the benefit you're getting is the ability to run what we would call full load or 100% capacity. Or you can unload part of the scroll, eliminate it from the the compression cycle, and you can run about 66% capacity. So when you eliminate that part of the scroll from the compression cycle, you're obviously not doing any work.

So you get a power Improvement there. and so when you go to do your rating. When an Oem, whoever takes our two-stage puts in their system and goes to a rating, they get a huge benefit in sear uptick. Um, and typically used in non-bed systems, usually used in like 15 or 16 sear systems, kind of mid-tier stuff.

Um, so you you get a big uh, increase from that. You also get some benefits as far as humidity control when you go to that. So by not having to shut off and on the compressor all the time you're not, you're not cycling and the temperature and humidity aren't going up. and then you turn it on and you go low and you go.

so you're not getting the kind of peaking effect while you're getting. With two stages, more of a curve where you're kind of more closely following the building load line. Uh, and the demand. the demand line.

So really, that's one of the major benefits of. uh. the two- stage is, uh, improved comfort and then a humidity control? Yeah, I Always. I Talk about in terms of humidity.

Like you cannot dehumidify if the compressor is not running right. And also, if you're recycling the equipment off, then you're re-evaporated that moisture out of the drain pan. So you're actually losing some of that that work that you did all that moisture that's collected on the evapor coil. All that, which is a huge benefit as well.

As like you mentioned, the the sear benefits are also pretty significant. Yeah, so you know, typically really hot day you start running full load. you know you start getting closer and closer in your temperature to hitting your your load speed. Well, you know, maybe maybe you're uh, you know, a couple degrees off you can switch this to parlo.

Now it depends on the Om's logic and how they want to control it, but switch it to part load so you you still get a little bit of the cooling, but you can really get the humidity out of the air and and not you know, do that peaking back and forth And it's a really simple design too. Which I like about this particular compressor. Um I've worked with this compressor quite a bit over the years and this design is very reliable. Like you don't get a lot of issues out of it.
Yeah, so uh, the major benefit obviously between this and a variable speed is as you go to variable speed. You have all sorts of system cost adders, communicating controllers. You have an inverter that you have to add to the system so the the system cost starts to go really high. you do get better and more optimal comfort.

You know the superior level of comfort with a variable speed, but you also you're going to take it in the wallet. So by going with the two stage you get a very affordable package but still get that premium Comfort feel and uh, A With a lot of the tax incentives that are going on. now, most of the two-stage systems will qualify for a lot of those, whereas some of the fixed speed combinations might not just because the efficiency level isn't quite where those incentive minimums are set. One of the things I've talked about over the years.

a lot. kind of. Maybe too much people. kind of get annoyed with me sometimes when you go to more complicated Electronics They can do really great things and I'm very Pro that technology.

but you really have to look at the power. You have to make sure that you're not going over voltage. You need to look at things like transients and Surge and all that. So as we kind of move into this next Zone you always want to think about that and again we're talking about the compressor itself which is very durable.

Um, but a lot of times the inverters and everything that are put in by the OEM they are a little bit more sensitive. So if you're looking for something simple, durable, cost effective, this is a really nice nice option. Yeah you know to your point about you know the durability and electronics. I I Think variable speed is it's fantastic.

It offers. Um, you know the best overall solution. Obviously you pay for it, but to your point there are you know you get what we you know hear people talk about vampire power so the drive always has to be available to take a response. so you do get some of that effect.

So um and the ratings calculations do take that into effect. Um, but as I said, you know if you want simple, you want just just works, you put it in place. It just works. You don't have to worry about it.

This is uh, this is what we consider the the most affordable solution for that. And of course it's in the in the Copeland scroll which is, uh, really known to be the industry standard as far as reliability. So yeah. So for this particular model is our A2l compliant Uh version.

So moving to low Gwps with uh new refrigerants r454b and R32 and uh, one of the things we really focused on is uh, you know, changes that we had to made make to Main maintain reliability with those new refrigerants. So that was a huge portion of this new design release is just making sure we maintain that Copeland reliability that we're so known for. Awesome! Great Well now let's move on to Uh. option B here.
All right. So now we're going to show the variable speed uh, coping compressor? Talk to us about that. Yeah, so uh, this is our new Yv Again, A2l compliant comes out full production later this year. Um, as we were talking about earlier, with variable speed, you can really follow the demand line.

You get a very small flux situation and ideally these things never shut off. You know they run all the time. They just they, uh, turn up or turn down to kind of Meet the demand uh that you have from your thermostat. So I guess one One thing.

I Guess when you, uh, look at it though, you do require a lot. A lot of times you require a community gain thermostat with all sorts of control logic to be thrown in there to make sure you know instead of just an onoff signal, you need a a signal that's really going to tell it when it ramped up and ramped down the frequency. again. Yeah, like we talked about in the last one.

Load matching? Uh, the technology is now very stable. Um, obviously this is the latest, uh, the latest one out there. But talk a little bit about the how it's actually driven and how this works. Yeah, so uh, obviously with this we have a permanent magnet motor.

Uh, you can't just hook it up to, you know, your normal 230 3phase power. Um, we have a variable frequency drive, so every variable speed compressor is going to require one. If it's a true variable speed compressor, it's going to require an inverter to be able to drive it. So what will happen is your system controller and thermostat will send the inverter signal and tell it to adjust to Whatever frequency.

So this is our Eva3 drive. This came out last year. It's brand new from us. As far as I'm aware it has one of the best uh Power to size ratios on the market and we also integrated chokes and filters.

So a lot of times what you find is, uh, just due to drive noise electronic noise. you have separate components for filters and chokes and uh, it just adds more complexity. When you go to service, it adds more wiring So we try to integrate everything on one package. Um, this drive will take the signal the control signal.

It'll take your your power in, your single face, power in it'll um, do all the electronics and then push the signal and the power to the compressor and drive it at Whatever frequency you want. So our compressor goes from 900 RPM all the way up to 7,000 RPM with a nominal of 3600 RPM So we would rate it at 3600 So we'd say you can get like 190% speed. um which is really important in like heating applications. just bring up Yeah! and when you think about we're talking so much about cold climate heat pumps and heat pump capacity, it's really important if you want to be able to squeeze more heat out of this system, to be able to spin those compressors up and and uh and increase the frequency.
So that's really cool. Yeah! I Also like to point out that my favorite name for a variable frequency drive is the field name freak drive cuz that just sounds really cool. You ever heard that before? Freak? Drive No, they actually call it that. They call it a freak drive.

So so that's what that is. It's a freak drive. It's a very compact freak drive. So there you go.

Yeah! Josh This was really great. Thank you for introducing us to these compressors. Much appreciated. y uh good to meet you and uh, yeah.

like I said uh these are out all this year. getting ready for the big transition. Uh, we also have a Y Aw compressor that's coming out which is a vapor injected version of this. so we're adding for for the 100% capacity coold Climate Heat pumps.

Uh, we're adding line for that too. Awesome! Incredible! Thank you so much Josh All right so I am here with Lancelot and we are going to talk about the Copeland Oilfree Centrifugal Compressor I Definitely am not just reading this from the tag here. that's that's right in front of my face. So yeah, tell me a little bit about this compressor.

What's it all about? So this compressor is a oilfree technology. Um, different from the magnetic bearing technology. It's a Aerol leaf bearing technology. It's a hydrodynamic type.

Uh, Solutions versus what is existing. Uh, some of the best things about this technology. We're eliminated. Some of the complexity that you typically will see with the magnetic band technology, higher pressure ratio type of applications going up to 6.5 pressure ratio.

The baby you're looking at right now is 80 tons. We have a portfolio range from 50 to 200 tons. Uh, Refrigerant for 515b r1234 Z and 513a R 134a ref. So this is this is a big baby.

This is the Centrifugal compressor and I'm going to I have a I have a confession to make. which is is that when I was in Sydney I actually got to see this probably 2 years ago when it was still being tested. So so I just I I that's just a weird Flex that's all that is. It's no, no, no reason other than just to say that uh, it's pretty exciting.

It's a very very very cool compressor so talk a little bit about like so so yeah. Oil free for the people who don't understand what that means. Uh, you're not using oil for lubrication. which means that you don't have to have oil circulating through the system, right? Yeah, I mean outside of uh, the oil being eliminated from the system, there's performance improvements that you see on a system standpoint.

Uh, you'll typically see this type of applications or these type of Technologies in data center type applications where you get a lot more return back from your Investments right? cuz continuous power being being pulled into the system into the into the infrastructure. Uh, we've been at it for seven years. You said you came, you came about 200 and 20 20, 20. What was it 2022? All right.
So I I say weird like that2 why am talking like a weird person? Well anyways, uh I joined the team shortly before that, right? I've been with the team for about 5 years now and we've We've made a lot of progress from the initial design to the production design which is what you're looking looking at here but eliminated the oil from the system. Um, removing, uh, some of the complexity and the oil free uh uh uh. magnetic bearing that you typically see is what we were targeting and I think we've done a great job. Yeah uh with his design.

Yeah well. and that was what even at that time we were talking about was the ones that were on the market currently had a lot of complexity and setup. There was a lot of like, you know, just if anything got off kilter, it would be a problem. and that's a lot of what they were working on.

It looks like they've really delivered on that. Yeah, we took some of the feedback from the market space whether that was, uh, magnetic bang feedback but also our feedback from sampling and engage with some strategic Oems and customers. And we redesigned some of the some of the the casing because the one that you saw was probably a little bit different from the one from the existing one. So we redesigned.

uh we given a total solution to the market space for what they wanted. Awesome. Really, really, really great. Anything else? uh worth mentioning about this compressor? No.

I mean by July August time frame you start seeing this, these boys out outside? Uh, we have strategic Oems that are already talking to us about it. I'm excited about it. Uh, hopefully everyone else outside is also excited to see this technology. Yeah, Awesome! Thank you so much Lot really good talking to you.

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4 thoughts on “Copeland compression innovations at ahr 2024”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @leezhang6316 says:

    I wish I was able to be there 😞 Are you in Nepean ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-sn2gd5dn8q says:

    Why did you look scared on the last compressor 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wonderhomie2011 says:

    I will say the 12V solenoid or inverter does fail and there is no way just to repair that issue other than replace the whole compressor.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @smitty522 says:

    That was really cool to see all the new types of compressors that are on their way out the door and in businesses and in homes. Thank you so much for the information.

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