Four 2022 HVAC Secrets and a Bold Prediction. What's to come! Joshua Griffin has to be vague for now on some of these secrets, but the overall theme of this video is that the heating and air conditioning industry is changing and some big things are happening behind the scenes. Joshua sheds light on some of the info he's been privy to in the hopes it helps you and maybe more info comes to light just because of this video.
This one is a long one, but well worth it. Along with some of the secrets, Joshua shares some insight on what to do with this info and where the industry is heading as a whole with a BIG BOLD PREDICTION. Joshua admits he may be wrong, but all signs point to the accuracy of this prediction for the future in HVAC.
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0:00 HVAC in 2022
0:13 2 Reasons I have to be vague. Sorry!
2:00 First 2022 Secret. New Products Launched
3:47 Second 2022 Secret. New Product Line Launching
5:14 Third 2022 Secret. New Refrigerants. 410A Phaseout
11:38 Fourth 2022 Secret. Same Products, New Markets
13:50 Prediction Time. DIY HVAC products market share
18:56 Be careful. New product lines infrastructure
20:00 We'd love to earn your business! New HVAC Guide and Griffin Air

Hey guys wanted to do a video, because we are kind of during the making of this video getting towards the end of the year 2021 and we're going to be heading into 2022, and i wanted to share a few things before i get started. I just want to just say, because i've had comments on videos in the past, and that is, if you are not okay with me, being vague about things, go ahead and click to the next video, because uh this video will be a little vague. I'm going to brush over a few things, and there are two reasons: i'm going to be vague in this video, the first being that uh, you know, i don't want to be inaccurate. I've been told things in the past uh, you know things that were regurgitated from sales, reps or other people that i'm in contact with and they'll say you know hey.

I was in a closed door meeting and this is happening and, yes, you can share it, and i've done videos and shared some of those things only to find out that in the future those things were inaccurate. So, for example, i was told a while back that r32 equipment would have already been available by now on the u.s market, and it's not so, i think, there's a couple reasons for that, but that's for a whole nother video and then the second reason i'm going To be vague is some of the stuff i'm going to share. I've been told from my sources if you want to call it that, but just people that have told me that hey it's still too early - it's not okay to share this, but i'm just letting you know that you know things that are coming out or things that Are going to be launched in the future, and so it's not okay to share some of these things or in some cases it's actually not even okay. For me to even know about them, so somebody has shared something with me and i'm fortunate in that.

But i'm not supposed to even know about a few of these things. So again, i'm going to be a little vague about a few things, but i'm going to share some news with you and also make a couple predictions going into the year 2022. The first thing being that there are new products that are being worked on right now that i have been told about - and let me just say if you've caught this video, if you're in the heating and air industry or in some way shape or form, have some Sort of information that i'm not sharing that you are allowed to share and you're willing to share that in the comments. Please do you know i don't i don't have good sources or good contacts with every manufacturer and because of that a lot of times when they release new things i find out when you do when the public does again.

If you have something you can share, please do please share it below. So i'm sure there are things that are going to be hitting the market that i don't even know about, but i can say that i do know about two different manufacturers that are coming out with products very soon that not only are they new products, it would Be safe to say that the products that they're working on are going to be flagship products, if you will they're products that they're going to hang their hat on in the future, in some cases they might be products that are going to replace other products again. I know i'm being vague. Sorry about that, but in one of the cases it's a product that they've never offered before, and i think that they're going to plan on it being their best-selling product or at least the product that they're going to push the most.
So that would be the first thing again two different manufacturers that i am not allowed to share. Yet, as soon as i am allowed to share, i will be sharing it on this channel, but again they're coming out with new products, and not only are they new, but i believe that they're going to be very popular, i guess, would be the best way to Say it they're going to be products that they're going to advertise the heck out of and in their minds i'm sure hopefully sell a lot of the next thing. I'd like to share is. I have gotten wind that one of the big players again, i know i'm being vague, but one of the big players.

One of the big manufacturers in the industry, is launching a new product line. I think their goal again, i'm treading lightly with this, but i think their goal is to offer certain things due to a partnership that they've made with another manufacturer, but i believe that they're going to offer certain things to the market to capture market share that they've. Never captured before so, for example, they've never actually marketed their products to a certain demographic. If you will, and this new product line it'll be a brand that is not being offered on the market right now.

A brand you've never heard of during the making of this video that i think, will be a household name, probably in the future, and so i know i'm throwing a lot of vague information out there. Why does any of this matter to you as a homeowner? If you're a homeowner watching this, i think that again, i'm going to make a few predictions here in a moment. But i think that it's just important that you know that as time goes on, the things that are being offered right now may not be either offered in the future, or at least some of the big manufacturers. It's not going to be their leading product.

It's not going to be their flagship product if you will so again, if you're, just listening to this and you're hearing some of this information, just keep that in mind. Uh again, i have touched on this in other videos. My next little bit of news or vague prediction, if you will is there, are new refrigerants that are coming out and it's not necessarily that they're coming out like as in they were just invented, and i think in r32's case i've talked to other folks in other Countries believe it or not, who say this is nothing new to us. We've used it for years.

I think australia and parts of europe. R32 is the norm so for some reason we're a little behind the eight ball in that in the us or in north america, and we are still on the 410a train, but not for much longer. So again, if you're watching this video, i was mistaken, or at least was told a timeline that was simply inaccurate in the past, and that is that our 32 products would have been offered by now. But that being said just realize, as time goes on, uh 410a will be eventually phased out now because of the video i've done in the past.
On that i've had people say well, should i wait? You know if this is something that's going to disappear? Should i wait - and i think the answer to that is just understand - every situation is different. I don't think it's one of those deals where they're going to flip a light switch. I don't think it's going to be one of those deals where that you're going to immediately stop seeing 410a products and immediately start seeing whether it's r32 or another refrigerant, with some of the other manufacturers out there. Whatever that is it's not going to be a light? Switch, it's not going to be that you're not going to be able to get 410a or their products for a while, etc, etc.

I think it's going to be very similar to the r22 phase out that started in the late 80s. We started getting wind of it and then i would say in the early 90s, some of the manufacturers started coming out with 410a products, and i can tell you just based on my videos. I can go back in videos and know that this is 100 accurate. I was able to get r22 equipment as late as 2016..

The equipment was coming dry charged with nitrogen, but it was still being offered, so you could still get your hands on it. So you're talking about a 25-year time span from when we started getting grumblings of r22 disappearing to just a few years ago, being able to still get our hands on some of the equipment, and i don't know if 410a is going to look exactly like that. I don't know that it's going to be one of those deals. I think when 410a first hit the market, it was so different from anything that we had been putting in.

Before being that the pressures were much higher. It was a more volatile refrigerant, meaning changes being made, take a moment and such if you're properly charging a 410a system you're supposed to let it run for a while, either add or remove some refrigerant and then let it run for a little bit longer to equalize The balance for those metering devices to do what they're going to do before you take another measurement of the refrigerant. So in r22 i don't want to say it was an immediate change. It wasn't like, you would add a refrigerant and it would immediately change it, but it was much quicker.

You could add refrigerant and take your measurements and pretty much know if you were at least close. So again, why does all that matter if you're a homeowner again, i think, if you're making a decision, if you currently have a r22 or 410a system, that's on the fritz and you're looking to replace it just realize. I don't think it's going to be a light. Switch, i don't think it's going to be a year from now you wishing that you would have waited and got a different refrigerant and so on.
Now. Obviously, if it does anything like r22 did as time goes on, it will become more expensive and things like that. But again, that's we're talking about a a time span there that should not drastically affect you unless you just want to simply wait until the newer stuff starts coming out. I think there's also something to be said that just because new stuff comes out doesn't necessarily mean that it's all figured out right.

So i think that happened too. You know when 410a first came out, manufacturers were producing this equipment and started finding out all these different things that were problems, and so do you want to necessarily sign on to something new right away before the kinks are worked out. I don't know, maybe you do. Maybe you don't, but that's all just something to consider there if you are in the market for a new heating and air system, that's something to consider when you're making your decisions i did have based on a video i did in the past.

I had people reach out to me and say: well, hey. I hear you saying that this new refrigerant is coming out and 410a is going to eventually disappear. Should i wait - and i don't know the answer to that - i'm not a psychic. I don't know what the future holds necessarily, but i think that just you understanding that number one new products sometimes have kinks to work out and number two 410a is not going to just disappear overnight.

I think there will be a phase out just like r22. During the making of this video, i can still get my hands on a jug of r22. It is just like liquid gold. Now it's very pricey.

I remember guys. Joking years ago, saying: hey, i'm gon na buy a whole pallet of it. You know, because you can get that stuff for less than a hundred dollars a jug right now, and so i'm gon na get a whole pallet of it and hang on to it and then sell it in the future. Just like you would some sort of investments or stocks or whatever.

I don't personally know anyone that did that, but i think that looking back now, they were right. You know, uh, you could probably sell a jug of refrigerant now for way more. You know probably 500 percent or more than you actually paid for it and probably still sell it for less than r22 is going for now but anyway. So the point is, i can still get my hands on r22 and you still will be able to get your hands on 410a in the future.

Will it cost more as time goes on? Probably that's just the way the world works, but i don't know that that should play necessarily especially if you have a system, that's on the fritz. I don't know that that should play a role in your decision making. Currently, the last bit of news, if you will before i make a couple predictions, is that there are products that have always been offered that are now being offered to new markets. And what i mean by that is years ago.
There were parts of the country because they were so cold and things like that heat pumps did not make sense in that market. No one even sold them in that market heat pumps when it would get below a certain temperature would become useless. There was so much time in those particular markets or parts of the country that it was so cold all the time that it just did not make sense, and you know this video is not a political statement, i'm not a scientist, so i know one side says That climate change and one side says it's not and blah blah blah and the world's getting more warm. But whether you do or don't believe that i don't really care.

But whether you do or don't believe that the fact that technology has now allowed heat pumps to operate at lower temperatures is not something debatable. So i was talking to a guy the other night. That said, he was in canada and i think, when i was first starting out in this industry, heat pumps being offered in canada would have been pretty foreign. I believe i could be wrong.

Maybe there are parts of canada that there were heat pumps, but i think in most of the northern part of the usa and canada uh heat pumps were not even being offered, i mean they were useless and so now you're seeing products being able to produce heat And draw very little electricity and still produce heat at much lower temperatures. Now i mean there are systems on the market now that can still produce hundred percent capacity heat all the way down to five degrees, zero degrees, fahrenheit and even in some cases, even below that. I think that that's again something you're going to see moving forward, there are parts of the country and climates that it did not make sense to have heat pumps in the past, that you're going to see products and heat pumps, and things like that now being offered In those markets, so i hope that helps if you're in the market, let me just say real, quick uh going into 2022. I've just got a couple, vague predictions that i'll throw out there.

I think the first one is. I think that yes, you're, going to see new products coming out you're going to see technology, but i think the boldest prediction i can make is, i think - and i don't know you know you might be in the future and go back to looking at this video And you might say: josh you were right or josh. You were wrong, but ultimately i think that there will come a day very soon that you're going to see manufacturers that are household names that are going to get into this game of diy. And what i mean by that is for the longest time: homeowners could not even buy heating and air equipment if they wanted to, they couldn't buy it online, like you can now they couldn't go to certain manufacturers or certain suppliers and buy certain brands like they can.
Now, and so for the longest time there was this wall, if you will, between manufacturers and homeowners, with the contractor being that wall, and so i think that wall is still up in a lot of cases. I think there are manufacturers right now that will not sell to homeowners for a number of reasons, liability and things like that. In fact, a lot of brands out there right now won't just sell to any heating and air contractor you've got to jump through some hoops and show some commitment to their brand. In some cases they want some exclusivity.

They want a little bit more of a partnership than just you buying their product. In some cases just to sell a certain product or brand. You have to take training, you have to take classes, you have to prove that you're licensed and insured and you're, bringing all the things to the table that that manufacturer wants to see before they're willing to even let you sell their products. I again, i don't know that that wall will be down anytime soon for some brands or products, but i think that you're going to see more and more again, this is just me making a prediction.

I haven't actually heard this, but you're already seeing brands that didn't exist 10 years ago on the market, that a homeowner can buy themselves and install in their home, whether it be a ductless system or some other type of system. And i think you're going to see more of that. I think, as time goes on just like you can a dishwasher. You know a plumber can can offer a dishwasher to you or, if you're handy enough, you could go to a box, store a hardware store and buy a dishwasher and install it yourself, maybe not as good or maybe just as good as a plumber, but just like With a dishwasher, i think you're gon na see that in the heating and air industry you already see it certain brands.

Homeowners can get their hands on them. If they want to general contractors or builders can get their hands on certain brands. They don't have to be a licensed and insured heating and air contractor, and so for the longest time uh refrigerants were such a big deal too. So you to just buy refrigerant, you had to be.

You had to hold certain certifications or licenses and now we're starting to see that kind of dwindle down uh shoot. You can already go to an auto parts store and buy refrigerant for your car. Well, i i don't know i i think that that as time goes on you're going to see more of that in in the home as well, do i think that's going to be necessarily a bad thing for our industry? No, i actually don't. I think some heating and air guys would probably hear that and be like.

Oh my gosh, you know my job's disappearing. I don't think that's true. I think that, what's going to happen, is you're going to see those products you're going to see the diy side of things that even manufacturers that are out there right now are going to offer some of those products, but they're still going to be those special products Or those things in the market that only a license and assured someone that's experienced. That knows what they're doing could install the analogy i would use is a lot of folks can replace their brake pads on their car right.
They can diy that, but then there's still certain things in the auto industry that only somebody that knows what they're doing should be messing with. Does that mean there are other people that try to mess with it sure, but there's certain things in the industry that really only somebody that knows what they're doing should be even touching, and so i think that's what you're going to see in the heating and air Industry, i think you're going to see more and more products being offered to the public that were never offered before that wall is going to be not that wall i was describing, might not be completely down, but it's going to be more ways around it than there Ever were before, i might be wrong on that, but i don't think i am, i think, you're already starting to see a small little bit of change. You know here and there certain brands and things like that and certain products are coming out and the last thing i'll say with that is just be careful with that. I did a whole video a long time ago about you, know all the pitfalls or or downsides to buying heating and air equipment online or yourself.

But i think that one thing we're seeing there's this brand, that produces diy ductless systems right now and i actually know people who have bought those systems and had problems and then they try to call a contractor to have those repaired well shoot. We can't even get parts for them, they're made in whatever country they're made in and there's just no infrastructure here to get parts or support, or whatever i've done. Videos on that where i've explained that infrastructure is just as valuable as the brand or the equipment itself. Right, you can have a decent product right and you could go, buy a car, that's decent car, but by gosh.

If something goes wrong and you can't get a part for it, you just spent thousands of dollars on something that is now useless, and so just keep that in mind. Last thing i'll say: if you're still here and you've watched this extremely long, video is, if you are in the market, for a heating and air system before you spend thousands check out my website, new hvac guide, dot com, and that website is basically where i wrote A book i wrote an entire book that i can massage and change, whereas a book would become expired or inaccurate after time goes on, but i've put so much information on that website. I've got a whole page called no nose things to stay away from i've got my favorite heating and air brands and brands that i'm not so fond of for one reason or another. I tell you why, and i just think before you spend thousands, definitely take a look at that website and if you are in the market for a heating and air system - and you are in our coverage area, if you're in griffin, air's coverage area, we'd love to Earn your business we'll give you a free estimate for a new system and we'll offer the best warranty around our area, and you can compare that with anybody.
That said, thanks for watching hit that subscribe button, we'll see you next time.

5 thoughts on “Four 2022 hvac secrets and a bold prediction. what’s to come!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ginger Strand says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 顺利 says:

    Joshua Griffin Merry Christmas ⛄🎄 and a rewarding New Year!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Joshua I believe that some systems like mini-splits with pre-charged line sets will be offered to the general public but there may be some "buyer beware" with warranties. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Joshua part of the problem with refrigerants has to do with EPA particularly with flammable gases! We keep running behind like NASA after the Russians!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Joshua Griffin Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; we need no apologies from you. I enjoy all your videos and comments. Keep up the good work.

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