Talking with Joel... about why you need to get your Tickets... NOW!

We're live. We are from uh claremont florida. Third annual hvac, our symposium, your first first annual many more to come so joel shafer. Here how's it going joel.

We know as new bert, no yeah. That's that's! That's what we know wow. I don't think i've ever heard that yeah. If you turn away from the mic, we can't hear you you know.

Oh, you have to try to maybe do a little mic adjustment here. So we can we're going to teach you a mic technique here. Yeah live on the internet. There you go.

That's all right, all right, so yeah we're uh. The the purpose of this live stream is to uh. Oh hey, jason melroy's, not there, hey, jason, how's it going any questions, we're good to go. I'm not! I'm not hooked up to ethernet, yet so uh anyway, uh yeah, so the purpose of this live stream is to let you know that you need to get your tickets now for the virtual symposium if you are going to get them now is the time right there.

You may have waited. You may have thought to yourself. You know the time will come. I can wait.

I can uh delay. I can pause uh, but now is the frame refrain. You could refrain right, uh and but but no longer no longer at this. At this point, it's happening it's happening right now.

It's well it's happening tomorrow, but uh. If you want tickets, you need tickets now yeah you want to get to tomorrow, and so it's not happening right correct. So, are you aware why today's the day, if you're going to get your tickets today's the day to get them well, if you don't get them now, then you're not going to get them at all right? Well, i mean you can buy them throughout. The symposium, like you could say, yeah so so say say you know.

Thursday comes around you're like oh hey. I just missed half this day now, i'm going to buy my my tickets right, but you're not going to be able to see all of those prior sessions until the recordings get posted, which could be days, and i i want to see the beginning. I want to see the whole thing well exactly, and so let's say so. Let's say, for example, that you have a nate certification and you want to get your continuing education credits for your nate certification.

You got you got a giant ladder coming in here right now, so that's a good time for this. But let's say that: that's what you say: that's what you were intending and then you're like okay. I need to get these 16 nate credit hours and then you show up halfway through well now, you're gon na have to wait to see the session until the session goes up and you may think to yourself. Oh i'm going to game the system, i'm going to say that i attended 16 hours and i in fact did not.

But do you know what's going to happen what's going to happen? Nothing you're not going to get your credit hours and you may say, and you may say: oh well, i didn't attend 16 hours, that's so many hours, but i just want to. Can you just give me eight because i attended eight? Do you know what i'm going to say to that? I think i think you'd say no, i'm going to say no. You know why, because my session is for 16 hours and that's it so it's 22, which, if you think about 22 dollars for all of this education you're going to receive, i mean it's pocket change. Really i mean it's actually less than pocket change.
I mean if you have big pockets like if you throw your your pants in the washer, all that money gets crumbled up. That's what that is right. Are you familiar with the uh with the disney afternoon cartoon show from the 90s called ducktales? I've heard i've heard of it, and i know people that have watched it. The person that haven't you haven't so you're a little too young for for ducktales.

Is that what we're saying i wouldn't say so, i think i there was the abilities for me to watch you just weren't yeah. You were just like too you're, too cool for that, but anyway, so there's this character in ducktales called scrooge mcduck. I know screw okay, and you know one of the things that he does every morning when he gets up. I don't so he gets up in the morning and he dives into a tower full of gold coins.

Okay and he swims around in it. And the point is, is that 22 is 22.? Is so little that, like just the dust from having swum around well for some people, this might be an investment. We don't want to get away from that, but it is an investment i mean it is sure you're going to reap the reward. That's true! That's true! It is heavily worth it.

Let's say that you uh wha. What's one of your favorite lunch joints that you go to, i mean i'm, a big chick-fil-a fan, chick-fil-a fan. Okay, so yeah i mean 22 dollars is. If you get, you know a number one mm-hmm.

Do you leave the pickup on i'm hoping all right, all right, dude pickles, but okay i'll leave it on for you. This time, though, just just in terms of disappointment um. So it's really high right now. So but you get a number one and then you get a lemonade, you get a milkshake yeah and then you get a cause because people typically get both well, you should, and then you get the um, the mac and cheese.

You know with the like kind of the crunchy top. I mean that you're already over 22, i think you're at like 15, but with very high taxes. Yes um, let's say that you're in california, i was in colorado. I don't think colorado has high taxes.

Well, let's say it's just a far away: chick-fil-a so you're paying the gas get the gas to get there right and the gas back. This is going to be less than that and think of well, i mean, but just also think about it in terms of investment. How many additional chick-fil-as you're going to be able to buy with the riches that you gain? Career-Wise, that's really what you're getting you know: you're buying you're buying one meal and you're getting several more right, you're, getting several more because of the riches like you get a brain meal right really right! Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but it can buy you a virtual ticket, well that, but also ever try to stay focused here, a virtual ticket to the hvacr symposium third annual in claremont florida, which is starting tomorrow tomorrow right. So if you want to get a ticket now is the time to do that.
So do you have a sense of like some of the people who are going to be here at this symposium? I know we have some different vendors coming, but as far as people uh, i know you're gon na be there okay, i will be there, i'm gon na, be there right, jason in the back's gon na, be there uh. Actually, i don't know jason jason's, probably not gon na, be like so forget that he's here now um. So that's all i know. Personally, i mean i've never done this before we've got jim bergman.

You know measure quick, you've heard of that before right yeah. So you know measure quick, jim bergman's going to be here. You've got uh bill, spone from true tech tools is going to come, they're going to have a a cornucopia of tools to to review. They'll literally have the cornucopia and there will be tools just spilling out of it.

Just so many tools for you to experience you can you can smell them, you can touch them. You can uh. What are the other senses? You can see them. You can hear them.

I just forgot what the senses are. You cannot taste them. There will be no tasting of any tools allowed here at all, um we're going to have uh. You mentioned some vendors, but we're not there.

Yet we're going to have david richardson from nci is going to be talking or coming down. We have joe maddosh one of our favorite. You know. Building scientists, we've got ed, jonah who's going to be talking about um design.

We've got alex meany um. Who now has his own consulting business and formerly writes off my tech, but now has his own consulting business who's going to be talking about duck design. We've got nikki krueger from santa fe who's going to be talking about. Dehumidification we've got jordan, cummings and roman baugh.

I mean like these guys are the guys on vrf. We've got two literally the two best trainers on ecm. In probably the world wow um i mean maybe there's some guy in germany who we don't know about, because germans do have a lot of you know. Smart people there, but in the us will they say chris mulholly and rick streaker - are both gon na, be here chris mahali, of course, from regal beloit.

I think they changed the name recently again. They like to change the name a lot, but you know he's been around a long time and we also have rick streeker from packard who's going to be coming down. Talking about ecm, i mean you know ecm right. I do yeah electronically commutated motors.

You know you're familiar with this okay. I certainly certainly hope so seeing it's how you represent representatives, my business yeah uh out there um, i'm trying to you, know i'm missing so many others, but you get a sense and then we've got from a sponsor standpoint. You're going to get to see the new hillmore line, cleaning kit, yes, which i'm really excited about yeah, so hillmore and diversity tech are going to be here. Of course, we've got our two presenting sponsors, accutools makers of the amazing evacuation hose set and the blue vac micro engages we already mentioned.
Trutech we've got uh testo coming down with their whole line. We've got field piece coming in with their whole line. We've got inficon yeah, we yeah. Absolutely we got we got inficon coming in.

Oh, i forgot to mention tony gonzalez from field piece is going to be speaking: oh well, okay, so good old, tony yeah, tony's, a good guy um and we've got uh. Who else? Oh inficon, with their new uh electronic leak, detectors that we're really excited about, and and many many more i know, i'm missing a lot, but you know oh retrotech is coming in the energy conservatory. So, on kind of the blower door, duct testing side - we've got these folks, i mean that's just that's a lot of knowledge right there. It is it's a lot of knowledge and again so when you think about all that knowledge and then you think of how much money are we talking here, 22.

22 right right, i mean why not well or or you could say to yourself. Well, look. 22 means a lot to me right, for example, you would say that, because you're very cheap me yeah, you are yeah, oh i mean aren't you and that's the reputation. You have that's what we talk.

That's what we say about you really, that's, not true. Okay, uh! I don't know i i prefer you know the best the best and do you know when i, when i want the best of the best i come to the hvac training museum. I do notice that you're wearing a fossil watch. I am so that's.

That's an indication of uh kind of the your willingness to come off of the the kids say coin nowadays. What do they say? Do they say cheese? You know what do they say? What do you say for money nowadays i mean i, i don't know what the kids say. I haven't been with them in a while. You haven't okay um.

What do you say? I just i. I call it money, oh, but i would call it. You know dough um right what what's the last one bands bands right? Well, that typically a band is like a thousand a thousand dollars right right, but yeah yeah. I know that from a uh song by 21, pilots, okay, um uh called bandito; no wait! No! It's not that one.

He talks about loaning someone a couple: no floating them a couple bands, okay, which would mean, i guess, loaning them several thousand dollars. Yeah, okay, yeah but or you could just say, like a large amount of money yeah. But we're not talking about that here: yeah, it's not even one day, so much less so much it's only it's like 22 dollars like if that was a ban, we're right here, scratching the surface uh. I think, let's see here, we i don't know um, oh wow.
The comments are pretty rough. I mean i wan na they don't wan na read those uh anyway. The point is so now we need to tell people where to go in order to get their tickets, because i don't think we've done that at this point yeah. I actually don't know where to go.

You don't know where to go, so you need to get your virtual ticket, so you go to symposium and so a lot of people are saying. Well, i don't know how to spell the word symposium. That's that's tough, understandable, right yeah, so just go to Okay, then you go up to the top.

It says events, you click that there's your drop-down menu just like that. It makes that sound and then you go in and you click the link that says symposium 2022, because that's where we are we're in 2022 - and this is the symposium you click on - that it opens up. It gives you a bunch of information, it gives you the schedule it gives you who to contact it gives you frequently asked questions if you're going to be here in person whatever, but then it says, buy tickets right. If you buy tickets, you may be thinking.

Oh hey, i could still come in person, but there's a problem with that. You know what the problem is: um, we're sold out and we've been sold out for weeks so um, because this is sort of like well. So i explain it like it's like the woodstock of hvac. Are you familiar with woodstock summer 69 summer 69? Woodstock new york? Okay, okay, i wasn't even a twinkle in my daddy's eye at that time either, but but woodstock you know they had this small event and then a lot more people showed up than they were supposed to and so actually we're not like woodstock, because we don't let More people show up than we're supposed to we're, also not like woodstock, because there's no music there's no free love, there's no nudity, basically we're just a bunch of hvc people who are really nerdy talking about hvac and r and building science right.

So the woodstock metaphor example doesn't work at all, so i don't know why i was really confused where you were going well, it's like that in the sense that it's a little it's a little casual. You know um uh. There are no drugs like at least not that i'm okay with or aware of so it's unlike it in that sense, um jimi hendrix, will not be here. Um wow.

Actually, this sounds like a terrible event. I wouldn't come to this. If i were you anyway, the point is, you can't buy an in-person ticket because they've been zoomed out for weeks, but you can buy a virtual ticket in which you will get to see every session. Yes, um, it's going to be.

We have professional videographers. We have professional crew here, who's gon na make sure that you get access to it. Okay, when you go in and you buy your ticket you're gon na get a login you're gon na be able to go in and see them live. If you don't see them live, then they will be uploaded.
You will have 60-day access to all the sessions. Yeah i mean you could watch all of them several times in 60 days. If you wanted to right and the other question a lot of people have, is what, if i'm here in person, do i get a virtual ticket? The answer is yes, and the reason is because, let's say you know, you got three sessions going at a time. You're, like man, i want to see all three of these.

You know if you were at woodstock and you and you wanted to see more than one it'd, be like too bad right yeah. You know you can't yeah, but we're here but we're here, unlike woodstock, where you have the virtual ticket, they don't have a virtual ticket to woodstock. There isn't such a thing right, yeah, that's true right! I mean there wasn't at least then i don't know there may be. I don't know anything about it.

I didn't, i don't know anything about woodstock. I don't know anything about burning man any of that stuff. It all sounds awful to me yeah, but this sounds pretty good. I mean like not amazing, but i counted when you were listening at the steps.

There are actually only three things you have to do: okay same against, you go to the website. Okay, click on events. What's the website again, do you remember? Well, i don't know how to spell symposium, so i'm just going to go to right. So so it's the word: simp, okay, you know how that's the thing that kids say all the time right so think of the word simp and just with a y, okay and then ozium at the end, maybe just go to yeah driving events, events gun symposium Right symposium and then right there i'll show you how to spell it correct so uh in terms of other questions, um, the nate thing is a big is a big thing.

It comes up a lot, it's like how am i gon na get my knight credits after it's all done and we go through and we look at what sessions people have whatever we're going to send out a a questionnaire we're going to receive in that questionnaire. Your feedback on the different sessions, what we could do better what we could do worse, why would we want to do anything worse? Why would we want to do that? You know well, the answer is that we wouldn't, and so we're not going to we're going to keep doing it better, but we're also going to ask for your nade id and then we're going to match up and see what sessions you went to and then issue. You the 16 hours, if you get over that that threshold, which again is easy to do with all these sessions, i mean it's just it's a full slate of sessions that you're gon na go through that you're gon na find some talks that work for you now, Like joel, for example, he's gon na he's gon na do what kayla's employees always do when they come to the event they're like oh we're, too good for this we're too good to sit in a session. Oh we're so fancy we're so cute and then he's gon na like he's gon na well, because you're not even certified yet are you i'm not but you're gon na be you know, sam and when you get nate certified you're gon na be like oh hey? Where are my credits? I'm gon na be like listen here you if you would have taken the symposium more seriously, then you would have these credits and now you don't yeah.
So i i i wasn't gon na plan. I wasn't planning on doing it. The way you described um, but i think i'm gon na what way were you planning on doing it um? You know the right way. You know sit on the talks right.

Ask questions, listen, raise your hands yeah when somebody says something that's wrong, say well, actually, yeah. That's that's required in the middle of live sessions. Right, actually, that's not how that works, and then i would go wrong right and explain for them. Have them take myself exactly yeah! Oh hey! I forgot to mention jason object, co-author of the racked manual and you may say: oh what's the rack manual, only that big giant blue book that we all read right.

That's like the bible for the trade. So, if that's the bible for the trade that makes jason obshoot moses, okay, okay, you like where i went with that, because you thought i was going to say god that would have been sacrilegious but correct, moses. You know it's like coming down with the with the tablets right, but then he comes down with the tablets, which is the rack manual in this metaphor, and he comes down and he what is what does he come down to? Well, he comes down to the symposium right and he comes down to share what he knows. No, but then i'm just telling you stick with my metaphor and then he sees you and you're down here and you're, like partying you're, like not paying attention you're like making a golden calf.

I don't know what the golden calf is in this metaphor, and then what does he do? He breaks the racked manual now, luckily with modern publishing, that's not a problem because he has multiple copies. Yes, so it's not nearly as big of a deal. It's not nearly as big of a deal as it was in moses's case now i to see that whole rack manual on stone that would be pretty cool but it'd be very time consuming or a very small script, one of the other with laser etching. Nowadays, it is possible there's a lot of things that are possible now, all right.

Let's try to focus here. Okay, all right, so that's it hvac! Third annual symposium, some of the best trainers, some of the best community. Also, i forgot to mention another reason why you want to get your ticket now and not like during the event. Is that you can participate? You can ask questions, that's true, you can see the live comments.

You can actually interact right, i'm going to be asking questions and that's a good one and you're not going to be doing virtually you're going to be doing it in person. But if you were virtual, but i could do it, i could do it both. You could do both you could be on your phone and actually it works really well with phones too, like we've optimized all this for devices, you can go right on your phone and do it it's going to be so easy right yeah. We don't want it to be too easy.
Actually we want it to be really easy, so we want it to be too easy, but we just want you to do it because otherwise, afterwards you're gon na be like. I didn't hear about this because i get that a lot. Well, i didn't know this was even going on and so like what else can i do? I sent it on the email list. I did it on facebook.

I've been sitting here with joel talking about nonsense. Losing all my credibility on youtube live yeah, i didn't, i didn't even know he was going live. Actually when he did this, i thought we were just testing the mics right, but so but you're fine yeah, but you're fine with that. So you have no problem with it.

I can tell you have no problem with it, so um yeah so watch out for joel in future videos, newbert or joel or yeah. Just call me joellife. You know out there on the internet um. I think we're done here.

Do you have any other anything else you want to add? I think we, i think we should. We should be done yeah. I think we know we have now when you say it like that we have the. We have the information there yeah.

They know the information. I know you know the information yeah symposium or go to events at the top get you tickets super easy. Yeah, 22 bucks, hey! Hey all right! Thank you! Joel! It's been nice speaking to you. Oh, that was awkward.


2 thoughts on “Get your virtual tickets for the training symposium now!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilbert Cortez says:

    Alright! Where are them tickets?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Lasater says:

    I do appreciate your instructional videos and content. Thank you! Service area Ottawa??

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