In this video, Joshua Griffin, interviews Jon Higginbotham about being healthier while doing your job. Jon goes over some healthy eating habits, how to feel better, and have more energy throughout the day when performing your job. Joshua talks about how making healthier choices is not always convenient when doing his job, and John provides some tips on how to make better choices. Finally, John wraps up the video with some of the supplements he believes everyone should be taking at a minimum based on how deficient a lot of our diets are.
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#heatingandair #fitness #nutrition

I'm going to do a video that's a little different from my average video. It will still be in the topic of HVAC the topic of service providers, but we've actually got a guest tonight. John has become a good friend of mine and he's a expert on nutrition. He's an expert on all things health and this is something that I think that a lot of folks in our field don't think about enough.

It's not something that regularly talk about. However, I think that it's something we should talk about way more because can only speak from my experience I am guilty of sometimes just kind of taking that quick break. you drop by 7-Eleven you grab something on the go and you're on to the next call. John If you would, just go ahead and introduce yourself and we'll just kind of get this thing rolling.

I have been mean: I'm just I've just been ecstatic about my health really for a long time but in 2008 I had a serious accident I wasn't in great health and and I shouldn't be here. so I went on this massive Health Journey trying to self-educate and then I got to the place where I went and continued my education and so anyway I've just had a mad passion about um Health and Fitness for many years and I just love sharing it with other people. We're in the middle of creating a health coaching business in the future will be offering um actually to other people, not just me, you know, just telling friends and family. Let's just I guess to get started, you know most of my audience are.

well honestly most of our audien is you know homeowners that are looking at buying a heating and air system but we do have some pros and other service provider type of folks and what would be just a general synopsis? a 10-second commercial if you will. it might be a f minute commercial but just kind of what you would tell the average Joe like me, uh when they are working and they're probably not following a very strict regimen of any type. I Been a contractor and done some work and you know you always find yourself eating out of a box or a bag or out of a 7-Eleven you know or something and on the go. so making a concerted effort to make sure that you're eating well and probably eating number one you know.

But I don't take it just out of on the job site or during the work day, you know. but also we need to. we need to sleep well and things like that. So if if you and I are working right? So let's say you and I are installing an air conditioner tomorrow and you forgot to pack lunch and I say to you John we don't have time.

we're going to walk in 7el real quick. What is John picking up and buying for lunch that day? Yeah, good question so you know 7-Eleven have um you know there's some sandwich stuff there I tend to lean away from things that are had to have a lot of bread or carbohydrates. Um I would tend to prioritize protein. you know, like a chicken salad wrap vegetables? You know, a lot of these little trays you can buy that have little tray in this.

Maybe it's a vegetable tray with a little hummus dip or ranch dressing or something. Prioritize protein first and uh, and then you know vegetables second and then clean healthy water. You're not grabbing the Little Debbie cakes and oh yeah, no, you can't do that. So what are some quick and healthy snack options that one could carry and stay energized? dur during a busy day.
if you're bringing stuff from home, it's easy enough to use some kind of low carb tortilla, put a little chicken salad in it. you know, get you a little bag of veggies. I Think fruit is is fine too. Cucumbers and watermelon are hydrating.

so having bottle water with you instead of a Coke you know is probably a better choice. So, but it's so easy. you know you grab something, it tastes good. Um, it's definitely going to have to be a conscious choice.

There's a big Trend these days doing these salads in a mason jar. You kind of mix it all up and put it in a jar and shake it. Little things like that that are fairly easy to do that. You could whip up four or five of them at a time, and you know, just grab them and go in the morning on your way out.

So I know one thing I feel like I've gotten to know you a little bit. And one of the things I've heard you talk about more than just diet, but I've heard you talk a lot about exercise. You literally are reducing your lifespan by not working out. and it it it's There's a definite positive benefit.

It's like a 70% increase, which is, uh, it's which is insane. Exercising at least 3 four five days a week is probably the best thing that you can do to offset, um, maybe maybe a cheat day or two, or or a or overall bad diet. But diet you definitely should work on. But exercise really does help mitigate a lot of the big problems.

Being active and eating less energy or least no more energy than you're expending is a good idea I Feel like a lot of guys would probably say well look I don't have time to work out all the time I don't I don't even have the desire to to be ripped. but I do want to feel better. and I think a lot of these Health practices play a big role in that too. It's not necessarily about being ripped, it's about feeling better and and living longer, sometimes getting out of breath every now.

Again, it's not not such a terrible idea, but there's plenty of things that you can do with just your body weight. I've got a routine that I do in the morning that it literally is just all body movements. It can be air squats and push-ups and sit-ups and stretches and knee bends and jumps and it can be as simple as that. So I mean that's that's something that you can do.

probably just do a little. T My routine probably takes me 10 minutes and I really think that's a big piece of why I feel good and why it's you know I feel like I have lots of energy for for my age is 10 minutes. It literally makes a huge difference. And then what about supplements? I know that's something I've heard you talk a lot about what's some supplements that some of these folks should be looking at I mean is a multivitamin good enough? or is there is there more to it than that? No.
I think um I think a multivitamin ought to be the number one thing. If you if you could only choose one thing, I would take that, it's a close second to Omega-3s You know, because uh, Omega-3s they found now. Not only do you know miraculous things um, you know for your body, but they also help with protein synthesis. and as we get older, we tend to not process protein as efficiently and so turning that on is the main thing.

So I would probably start with multivitamin first. Omega-3 second. Um. Vitamin D is probably one of the things that you know we have the most deficiencies in I would take that with vitamin K2 because that kind of helps with you know what your body does with the D.

You know whether it you know pulls calcium and things like that into the bloodstream or and back into your bones so that makes a big difference. And then the other thing that most Americans are deficient in is magnesium. So probably those five D K2 Um, Omega-3s multivitamin and magnesium. Not in any particular order necessarily, but I'd probably start with the multivitamin if you weren't only going to do one thing.

but the Omega-3 is is a good good addition. Okay, as we wrap up, how could folks get in touch with you? How can they follow you I know you're working on several different things and if they see this video and they want to learn more, how can they find you? I've got a Facebook page. Um, you can find it. Most everything that I have is on Instagram it's metcon RX me, TC n RX and basically that's metabolic conditioning and RX is just my prescription for being metabolically flex flexible.

So um on that Instagram page I have a Facebook page for the same um and then I'll have a new group and then we're going to start doing I'm going to start doing group and individual coaching. Uh, for people that might be interested in that. So we'll have a page that'll be advertised on all those platforms, so it'll be easy enough. But either that or just email me at J N Metcon and it'll show up in my inbox.

Okay, and we'll put a link to that down in the description as well.

4 thoughts on “Healthy eating for professionals!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelwalker4071 says:

    FAT!! Why is fat always overlooked?? Fat is so good for you especially now more than ever… the amount of inflammatory foods we have, fat is the golden marco! smh.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ChuckBalsamo says:

    This is amazing! You guys covered all the bases. Thanks!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @XX-qf5zj says:

    Tradespeople are infamous for their horrible diets and overall bad health habits.

    But in general health is greatly misunderstood at a fundamental level.

    What is generally agreed upon in science as health by measuring vitals and body fat is a poor measure of health in the first place.

    Also, the paradigm of disease, such as infectious and degenerative diseases like cancer are woefully wrong.

    This is not accidental but designed. It is enabled by ignorance and driven by arrogance.

    My diet consists of a bit of juice and water perhaps twice a day. A week before new moon I will eat plant meals once or twice a day as part of a regiment to clean my liver on new moon. Then, I return to a non food regime.

    My focus throughout the day is thankfulness and appreciation, connection and gratitude, communication, commitment, and deep work of laser focus and mindfulness.

    There is a bit of meditation but breaks and rest especially.

    All that in place of stimulating foods, non foods and beverages.

    My energy is level without dips. I have no desire for things that are too much or bad whether screen time or addictive behavior of any kind. My skin is clearing, my breath is clean without mouth washes and no deodorant needed. Just showers once a day.

    I can’t “catch” bugs, I don’t think it’s possible. I believe it is like a yawn and I’m not tired in the least so when things “go around” my bodymind doesn’t need to participate in the healing/disease crisis that others communally share in.

    Cancer is Not a disease,

    Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse,

    Living on Light,

    Super immunity,

    The Wonder Method,

    The Secret of Quantum Living

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @garysmith8455 says:

    Soda, liquid sugar drinks are NOT good at all, and people don't realize what a strain it puts on the pancrease, which puts you on the road for diabetes!

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