Here are 8 tips to keep bees and wasps away from your inground or above ground pool. Nothing can ruin time in your pool faster than bees or wasps buzzing around your pool!
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โฐ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction to Keeping Bees And Wasps Away From Your Pool
00:19 - #1. Set Up An Alternative Water Source
00:41 - #2. Use Dryer Sheets
00:54 - #3. Cover Your Food And Drinks
01:05 - #4. Avoid Wearing Bright Colors
01:15 - #5. Change Your Landscaping
01:26 - #6. Make Your Pool Water Move
01:40 - Keeping Wasps Away
01:50 #1. Use A Decoy Wasp Nest
02:09 - #2. Try Using Meat
02:29 - #3. Call A Professional
02:54 - Pool Care Video Course
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Nothing can ruin your pool time faster than a bee problem and even worse, having wasps hanging around. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep bees and wasps away from your pool so check it out. Number one give the bees an alternative water source bees buzz around your pool because they're looking for a place to drink. So if you provide them with another water source like a shallow bird bath or a dish, they'll find your pool a little less attractive.

And if you set up this water source before you open your pool for the season, the bees will then establish that as their water source, instead of your pool number two use: dryer sheets, dryer sheets, actually repel insects and they're a cheap option for deterring bees from Your pool try placing a few dryer sheets around your pool, like in your patio furniture number three keep your food and drinks covered, sweet smelling and sticky. Things like soda can attract these unwanted cool guests, so keep a lid on your drinks and food when possible. Number four avoid wearing bright colors. Anything really colorful like swimsuits and towels can attract bees.

Number five change up your landscaping. If you have a serious bee problem, consider changing up the flower arrangement in your yard. It may be as simple as moving these bee friendly plants. Far away from your pool number six make your pool water move to a b turbulent water means danger, so bees will avoid landing near it.

You can use an automatic pool cleaner or turn on your pool jets to make the surface of the water move and ripple. Now, unfortunately, wasps are a bit tougher to get rid of than bees they're also a lot scarier. But here are a few tips specifically for wasps number. One use a decoy, wasp nest.

Wasps are very territorial and don't like living near other wasps. You can buy fake wasp nests and hang them away from your pool and your house place them early in the pool season before the real wasps start building their own nests number two try using raw meat if you're enjoying a picnic or a barbecue. You've probably noticed that wasps are attracted to meat, so you can try hanging a bit of raw meat in other parts of your yard and as far away from your pool as possible, to draw the wasps away. Just don't use too much meat or leave it out for too long, because it'll start to rot and then number three call in a professional.

If you have a serious wasp problem, don't hesitate to call in a professional like a pest control company, make sure you tell them that you want the wasp relocated and not sprayed with insecticide. The last thing you need is toxic chemicals blowing into your pool water or landing on your grass, and that's it that's how to keep bees and wasps away from your swimming pool. If you're looking for an easy to follow tutorial, that'll answer, all your pool questions go check out our pool care handbook and video course you'll, get over 30 in-depth video lessons and a step-by-step downloadable guide covering everything you need to know about, pool maintenance, it's packed with Money saving tips, so you can save money and time keeping your swimming pool clean. This is the ultimate manual for every type of pool, including in-ground above ground and in-text blow-up pools and the best part is we always keep it up to date.
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Please leave a comment to let us know and hit the like button below. If you found this video helpful. If you want to learn more about pool maintenance and troubleshooting subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one and check out the pool care handbook and video course at pool, don't forget to enter the promo code, video to get 10 off. That's it thanks again and happy swimming.

11 thoughts on “How to keep bees and wasps away from your pool | swim university”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teresa Mattingly says:

    How to keep sweat bees. They hurt and welp up!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheal Dennis says:

    Sorry dude I'm talking about bees

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lacey M says:

    Any suggestions for keeping black flying ants out of the pool? I've tried treating the yard but living on a farm it's hard. By the time I can skim them out more are flying in. Thanks! Service area Orleans??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marina and The Devil says:

    These are actually cool tips

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars may powis says:

    Hi I noticed that when I fill my hot tub, a hour later the water has lowered to to the jet. Does this mean there is a leak in the jet?
    I tried to fill it a couple of time, and the water drops to the level every time?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Segesta says:

    Have you tried the Algeciras Skill-it? Worked on wasps in my pool. Kind of amazing really. Changes the surface tension of the water and they drown.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Mullins says:

    You guys should cover curing ammonia in a pool and what type of shock is best for it!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MK719x3 says:

    Will these also help with gnats, ants, moths? We have ants crawling all over our pool. We have a pest control company, we have bird baths. I just didn't realize how many gnats/ants like our pool! Thanks for these videos though. They've really helped this first time pool owner!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Joel inATX says:

    Love the tips as I was struggling with this as well. The fake hornets nest helps. I also mix up essential oils Mint, water and a little dish soap and spray it around my pool before we go in. This seems to help as I know they hate the smell of mint.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Sanchez says:

    Hey Matt, great tips! Ive recently taken on a pool and just managed to get it from green to blue. Hurray! One topic I think would be useful that I never knew when starting out was CYA (Cyanuric acid) I made the mistake of adding too much Stabilized chlorine at the start of the project and then having the issue of shock not doing the job because my CYA was way too high. So after lots of research and talking with my local pool store, I had to drain 50% of my water. This was one problem I could have done without. So I believe a video all about CYA would be really beneficial and help to save time and money. Thanks for all your help! Happy swimming!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barney Bryson says:

    Thanks Matt for the article. I don't have flowers around my pool, I have my jets set up to create a "lazy river" effect, bees like the minerals (salt) in the pool water, alternative source is 2 birdbaths, and a kiddie pool set up at the far end of the property, food and drinks – so people have not been to the pool in 4 years now because of bees. Disrespectful, inconsiderate neighbor has 52 hives in less than 1/2 acre. This is where the Apiary community needs to step in and correct the Co-President of their East Central Illinois Bee Keepers Association. Kinda like white people stepping in to put an end to the racism. Once again thank you for your information.

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