This is a little project we are gonna work on to explain how we manage to live and work in the HVACR industry and live the HVACR Life , I can't do it all on my own, and I decided to bring my wife in to help me explain our situation and how we do it. This will be a multi part series so please leave us some feedback and let us know how we did and what we should cover next.
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Hello today, we are doing something a little bit different here. I had an idea a while back about kind of humanizing myself and if that makes sense and making people realize that I'm just a normal person, I go through a lot of struggles. Just like everybody else. Don't you know, I know everybody goes to these struggles, maybe not the exact same ones as me, but that's what I want to kind of do here.

We're gon na do a little series here, a little experiment, and I have my wife Jill sitting next to me here. Hi, everyone - and I want to you - know kind of talk about some things that we go through kind of explain some things so like I said this is my wife Jill and my name is Chris and I make these HVAC our videos. If you don't already know me - and I just do these videos to try to help the next person originally, I started making these from my own employees as a training aide, and then I decided to make them public and then next thing you know they turned into What they're turning into and it's just kind of going everywhere, but I get all kinds of questions and comments and in different things and people praising me and people chastising me and all kinds of different stuff, and I just want to explain you know my situation and Kind of give some context on my story: okay, so Jill and I have been dating married forever. Okay, so we met in high school.

I was a junior in high school, no you're, a senior, that's right. She was a junior. I was a senior. We went to the rival high schools, we met through a mutual friend, so you know I I'm 36 now or I'm about to turn 36, and I just you know I've done this.

My whole life - this is all I've ever done. This is all I've ever known. Is HVAC? I had a very small time where I was working for a body shop, but not even mentionable. It was so little so you know I.

I hear a lot of things about people that have marital problems and I'm not saying we have a perfect relationship. What we have works for us at least at this moment, unless you have something you want to tell me, that's pretty perfect. Okay, all right we're good, so you know just making sure you weren't leaving me you don't got nothing, no secrets. None of that.

She didn't like my jokes, so you know - and I just kind of want to pull the curtain back and review if reveal a few things. Okay, this is gon na kind of be a series. We're gon na talk a little bit about stuff we're gon na go into some details. We're not gon na cover it all in this.

Okay, we're gon na try to keep these somewhat short to where we're not spending an hour and a half. We honestly already recorded something kind of practicing for this, and it ended up being so long that I was like there's no way someone's gon na watch this whole video, so we're gon na try to break it up. So this one's really gon na be an introduction. Just kind of explaining and excuse me giving context to what we're doing here.

Okay, so I've been an HVAC tech. I grew up in the trade. Alright, I I work with my father. I still work with my father to this day we're partners in a refrigeration and air conditioning company, but before that I was just a little kid.
Okay grew up working with him sitting on his bucket holding his flashlight. You know decided that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with this trade. I hated it and then right after high school in 2002, I decided that I wanted to come to work for him full-time, and here we are now it's been just over 17 years. I think, and I've gone through a lot gone through good things gone through bad things gone through normal stuff that I know that all you guys go through to okay Jill and I we got married, very young and had children very young.

How old? How old were we? Oh, we got married when I was 21 yeah, 22, 22, 18 yeah 22, and we had our first child when I was 22 shortly after and later that about a year later yeah, and we did everything family, probably that everybody else has done. We did everything very early. We got excited. We bought a house at a really young age right before the first housing right in the middle of the first housing boom in the 2000s and rided.

Just just before the housing market crashed. We bought this giant house that we couldn't afford, and you know we were just like everybody else. Starting a family got a dog had a cat yeah, just like the perfect little family, yeah yeah, a thing that we had going on. You know, and we made a lot of mistakes just like everybody else, I'm assuming you probably learned from a lot of mistakes boy.

If we could change some things. We've had these discussions that we could both man. It would be amazing if we could but anyways. You know you live anyway.

What we know now yeah then right, yeah, hindsight's, that's how it works 5050 in 2020 or whatever it's called okay. So you know we we kind of want to cover a few things in this. Okay, so, like I said, I've been attacked for about 17 years, we've been married. What is it now for 18 years were seniors and against 14? That sounds about right by me, yeah, but I mean we dated all through high school, while not all through towards the end of high school.

You know, so we live together for a little bit. Some things that I kind of wanted to ask Jill about and kind of get her perspective on is first off. When you met me, I was already an HVAC technician and I was already working a lot actually. No, you knew me when I wasn't an HVAC technician.

You're gon na body shop - that's right! I was working at the body shop. So do you think that do you think that things changed like as far as my intensity, and you know how much I guess obsessed with what I do. I don't know if that's the right word, but I mean do you think my conviction has changed since I became an HVAC tech from a body shop type, I think, from the body shop. You left your work when you left the body shop, HVAC tech like that work, follows you home, okay and to add context.
I've always worked for my father's company, so there's always been an ownership aspect, even in the very beginning when I wasn't an official owner. Yet it's always been treated as if I owned it so yeah. I guess I guess that does make sense, so I don't know if any of that relates to you guys, but I've always treated this before it was mine as if it was mine - and I obsessed with it now so from the beginning to now just just kind Of a quick idea I mean it, has it has my obsession with everything changed or do you think it's still the same, I um the like the HVAC work life. I think it's always pretty much been the same.

Okay, because you're all you know, you're you're, the go-to person a lot of the time so yeah from what I can remember, the body shop and stuff. It's not like people from there we're calling you after hours for help - or you know, calls or whatever and with this it's totally different, but I'm used to it so, okay and so guys we're gon na dive a little bit deeper into this too, but we're just Kind of covering cliff notes a little bit in this one. Okay, to give you guys an idea what we're gon na talk about in depth later? Okay, so now, when it comes to other things that have happened along the way, we've gone through normal life struggles. Okay, I've I've always had I'm gon na call it a mental disorder.

I don't know if that's quite the right word. It's really not as serious as it sounds, but I've battled with depression. I battled with anxiety just like I know everybody else has okay guys, so it is real and I know that other people go for go through it, so you know just just bear with it and I'm gon na do an episode on that too. Talking about mental health and how I I feel like I've learned to live with it and learn to work with it, and you know, learn to cope with it.

Essentially, okay - and you know, Jill has also gone through a lot of health problems too that we want to cover. Well, how old were you when you realized that you had she has? She was diagnosed with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's well, in some context, who we're gon na? Go into some more detail, but you weren't necessarily diagnosed with Hashimoto's from the beginning. No, it took a couple of years, a couple years of stress and and worried, and you know if trying to figure out why the medicines not working in different things. You know, and - and that was at a critical point in our life, because we were going through a lot of stress at home and then you know all the sudden.

You know I would work a really really long day and then I would come home and Jill would already be asleep and it's not like it was like 7:00 p.m. so yeah, like once I got the kids to sleep. Okay, I was going to bed too, and I kind of just linked it to being tired as a mom, but it really sucked like being not tired. I can remember coming home, sometimes during the day like sneaking home for whatever I was in the area.
So I'd stop by and she would literally be - and this and again these are all signs that we see now and we understand now, but this was really interesting. She would be laying in the sunlight of our one door door yeah going into the backyard it at certain times. In the day, the Sun would shine through it and if you can picture this, we had cats right and our cats would lay in the Sun and they would move as the Sun moved. I would my favorite spot for a while yeah, like literally on the floor.

I would come and find her laying on the floor in the sunlight like she was a cat. You know sunning herself now you know signing yourself is not a word, but you know so we're definitely gon na go yeah. We're definitely gon na go into more detail about that, because it wasn't just cold. It was more than just that.

Okay, so you know we. I really want to it's hard for me not to totally go into depth on the mental disorder stuff and everything, because that really really did affect us. But you know I just just kind of want to you know touch on this and I want to touch on some other things too, such as you know things we have to think about now. Obviously, I'm gon na use the phrase adulty and adulting sucks right people joke and say that adulting sucks, but there's a lot of things as as a parent and as a business owner that I have to think about that really does suck okay, for instance, you know Yesterday, my daughter, long story short, my oldest daughter, wanted to learn how to ride a skateboard.

She got a skateboard and then I decided to go, buy a skateboard with her, so we're out front we're riding skateboards around in little things cross your mind like what happens. Something as simple as me slipping and falling, and I break my arm or I you know sprained my wrist or whatever I have to be able to work. I know like I have to. I have to think about all that stuff, and not only do I have to be able to work, but I have to be able to run a business at the same time, and these are the things that they wake me up and anxiety starts to build, and You start to get you know, you just start worrying about everything.

You know we it's very interesting. Do you do you notice that I worry about all that stuff I mean, does it? Is it really or is it? Do I hold it in? I think you hold that a little bit, yeah yeah or we just don't do things like we used to really but there's other reasons. Definitely why we don't do those, but definitely I mean you know we part of it and I'm sure everybody's different before they have kids, but before we had kids, you know Jill worked just as much as I did. She was a waitress and literally she would work all night and I would work all day.

So we we might, we we were lucky if we got to say hi to each other, as we were passing going to work, yeah kind of working and living that life again at the moment, yeah. It's interesting how you, how you go back to it, because jill has since gone back to work and yeah, so we're living that right now, it's maybe not as as horrible as it was bad, but it's definitely interesting because now you had kids into the aspect and You know we have children that are old enough to stay home alone now, which is a trip right, because you're leaving your kids at home, but for many many years we couldn't and that added extra stress to everything, because you know Jill didn't just recently go back To work she's gone back to work a couple times in our life, yeah on and off, and that added a lot of crazy stress to our lives too, because back then, when the kids were so young, you know and - and I was still working and she had To go to work, she would have to figure out a place for the kids to go, and I will admit fully that I was no help than that. You know I was going through some stuff too, and and basically I put that on her and so she had to. I know you had to deal with the stress and the anxiety of having to worry about making it to work on time and me being a Butthead basically and not acknowledging any of it.
And - and I realize now, but it's these little things that. But it's also the points where I got me to stop working because it was so like stressful, just not just for you. You already felt it, but then for me like eventually you would see that and you're like it's just too much yeah yeah. Definitely you know, and and going through all that stuff we went through normal.

You know, take the business aspect out of it right. We went through normal stuff that every couple I'm assuming goes through. We went through fine Anne Shiell problems. We were in debt up to our eyeballs and beyond that we were charging everything on a credit card.

We were, you know, just spending money we didn't have, and it was really easy to do that because we were hardly ever together, so the very very small times or the very minimal times that we were together. It was really easy for me to justify what we don't get to do anything so guess what we're going on a two-week cruise to the Bahamas. I think we did that once and we did all kinds of stuff where we're just the big road trips just that unplanned not budgeted lifestyle yeah, definitely so pay for it later and yeah and we paid for it still paying for it still paying. For it I mean you know, yeah anyways in different ways, yeah.

Definitely so if any of this sounds familiar, it's not just you, okay, we go through it just as much. I understand that there's a business aspect to what I have involved here and that's a whole nother we're get this like. I said this is a series, we're gon na kind of go into depth about a couple different things, but you know we just kind of wanted to give you guys an idea where we want to go with this. Okay and Jill is gon na, be okay, real life definitely, and I kind of want to give perspective to any other spouses that are out there that are watching.
That are wondering, because I do hear people having problem with their spouses or spouses having problems with the you know the whoever right, as you guys, work a lot. We do work a lot and at the same time, you know if, if you have undiagnosed mental disorders, anxiety, depression, it adds a whole nother aspect of yeah, crazy aspect. And so I and again I will go more into depth this, but I mean I went through personal problems because of family stuff from when I was a little kid. I had suppressed anger and men's stuff, and you know, and for the longest time I I didn't want, I you know, I saw my parents go through problems, see my my stepmother was very involved with the business a long time ago, and I saw my dad and My stepmom go through a lot of problems because they were all involved, so it was really easy for me to decide from the very beginning that Jill was gon na, have nothing to do with this business, and I went crazy with that and I didn't even share Anything about work with her so for many years I just suppress everything when I would come home angry, I would just get quiet and then every once in a while would explode and that led to a whole thing.

So it's real! The struggle is real. It's not just you guys that are going through this okay and we're definitely gon na dive deeper into that, and talk about that a little bit more okay, and - and hopefully this can - you know, make it - you know, make someone who's coming into the trade understand what They might run into make someone that's been in the trade for a very long time. You know see what it's like and and hear a spouses perspective on. You know these things and you know just kind of explain some things so we'll definitely cover more.

So in - and I want to point out too - that this is not gon na - be a replacement of my normal videos. Okay, this is gon na, be a bonus series. This is not going to replace my Monday's or Friday's videos. Okay, so you're gon na continue to see my Monday Friday.

Videos - and this is just gon na - be a bonus, and you know, hopefully you guys get something from it. So I'd really appreciate if you guys leave something down in the comments, how many questions yeah. Definitely, thank you guys. You know if you guys have questions or three or your wives have questions or your spouse's have questions.

You know I just need to make this work yeah get into it. Okay, we're definitely gon na get into it and and give us some ideas of topics that you want us to talk about. You know if we have experience we'll talk about it, okay and we'll go through that. All right so really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch.

This, like I said, leave us some feedback down in the bottom and I guess we will catch you guys on the next one. Okay, see you later bye.

42 thoughts on “How we live the hvacr life part 1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars codie burge says:

    i just subed last week and decided to look into ur older vids man hope its going good

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars burrito rustler says:

    Is this the Real wives of Inland Empire series?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew driggers says:

    Nice start to this series. (2 years later im seeing this video but its still true to today) This video hits many bullet points that are true to most in the field. Thank you for sharing and opening up to the community.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Appomattox Ross says:

    My wife (before we were married) told me that she has anxiety. I really didn't know what that was. I found out.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunter Covington says:

    You have no idea how glad I am that I found those. So much of this is resonating with me. I really appreciate your videos

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaysonhines1 says:

    How can anyone put a thumbs down on a video like this. Thank You Chris and Jill. Service area Ottawa??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m tucker says:

    Thank you for opening up and sharing, both of you. Hoping maybe my wife will watch this with me too. Are you in Kanata ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars craig Mills says:

    I'm 26 with a 6 year old. Have full custody and it is extremely tough being a good dad when you are only 2 years into the trade. I'm not experienced enough to run my own business but also more than just a helper. I have turned down higher paying jobs because I know I would be working 60 hours a week. Which isn't a possibility for me. I've found a niche in this trade that is working for me at the moment but it is stressful knowing if I want to make big money I won't be with my kid as much. And thats not an option for me.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remco Meeder says:

    Great video Chris!
    This really helps in getting people more open in talking about the struggles in life. Being open about mental problems is still a big issue in tech jobs.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Urgitus says:

    Yeah Chris, having depression and anxiety is real for sure. My wife had it and I had several conversations with her before starting my business for HVACR but like your wife she’s a good one. My wife passed in 2011 and I’ll never find another like her. Being in business is a tough row to how man. I always put my customers first. It’s not for everyone I’m telling you but it was a good life. Right now I’m retired and miss the field.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FixItStupid says:

    Good On YOU HAPPY FOR YOU Power Though

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sauber von Herzen says:

    Chris and Jill went up the hill to check on an A/C unit, the condensor was down and that made Jill frown because Chris had to work overtime to fix it.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diener Christi says:

    My family has had a locksmith company for a very very long time. I grew up around it and after a few years of working other jobs, I also went to work with my dad and we have been building it as co-owners for a few years now. It is DEFINITELY tough to have a β€˜normal’ life while managing a business. Getting called out on holidays and all that. I’m not married but I can relate to the struggles of worrying about your business.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Advanced Technical Solutions says:

    I've been struggling with severe depression a majority of my life and watching these videos helps me understand that we are not alone. I feel i'm alone and no one fully understands what I go through on a day to day basis. I've trashed many relationships and been alone most of my life because of it. I cry myself to sleep a lot to the point where I can't even see when I wake up in the morning until I clean my eyes out. I never felt so low in my life as I do now and hopefully all I can do is go up from here. I left my electrical career too early due to being laid off and not having the work and having a boss that wasn't being a good mentor through the electrical trade as a result I had no logged hours and after 4 years the state wanted me to start over with m apprenticeship. This left me extremely angry with myself for being so ignorant and I moved on to work as an old man's part time butler with the impression that I was going to succeed his business when he retired. I answered to every beck and call to do anything from driving 3 hours out of my way to install software on a customer's paint system to spending a weekend washing his 2nd story windows all the way around his lake front home. He was paying me 300 dollars a week and I did this for almost 10 years of my life which caused me to sink deeper into my depression and made me think I was useless. After he sold the business to some young man that was running a body shop that was succeeded to him(he started out sweeping the floors at that shop and became the owner after 4 years) he threw me out on the street to fend for myself. I now work side jobs doing what I know best and that is electrical work. This is a bomb waiting to go off because other contractors know who I am and know what i'm doing and at any given time can turn me in and have me arrested. I don't know what to do because I have to eat and stay warm and it's the only thing I know to do. My past boss and I had a falling out and he just doesn't seem to want me back so I have been trying to find a job that fits me and I either go hungry or work a dead end job like McDonalds. Most of the time I sit here sulking in my sad and depressed life wondering where my next meal is coming from. I really feel that there's more out there for me but having to pick myself up is very hard to do and watching your video's gives me hope that there is other highly skilled jobs out there waiting for me. You give me the hope and having a general understanding of a skilled trade gives me the drive to want to go out and do something with myself. Thank you so much for this channel.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Tugwood says:

    I really like your videos Chris,I’m not sure the life series is such a good idea. We all have problems and we all have our own ideas of how to resolve them. Surely the right person to talk to is your partner/wife/significant other and if you’re having troubles seek professional help.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stephen connell says:

    Came to this late but agree with everything that was mentioned in this video. I was working 7 days a week.15 hours a day in a family business in 1982( I know Dinosaurs were still around) when I married m wife Jennifer after a whirlwind courtship. She was still,working so I left the house at 4.30am,she at 7.30am and we would not see each other until I arrived home at 9pm that night Not much time for talking about the days events just dinner and to bed to do it all over again tomorrow.
    She would be home on weekends but I wouldn't be so the settling in period of a new marriage was disrupted ,no special dinners,no going out and no socializing as the family business consumed my life while eroding a fledgling marriage threatening its very existence as the pressure mounted. i argued that she knew what she was getting into before we got married but m commitment had become greater due to challenges in that business and the dependence on me to support it had increased so this business had become my unwavering focus but all Jennifer wanted was some free time with her Husband so we could grow as a married couple.
    The marriage was almost over in twelve months but we pulled through I had to carve out that time if I really cared for her and 37 years later,two Adult children in their 30s and much more in between then and now we are still chugging along.
    Sorry for being so long winded but the challenges never stop just take different forms abut with experience you learn to handle them better so keep on moving forward and never stop talking to each other
    Thanks for the vids and keep pushing forward,

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arrow Head says:

    This is gold!!! Thank you for this. I came here to here hvacR work but I got something better

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hamilton Mechanical says:

    CHRIS, I have a problem. I have an interview monday at 10 with an hvac maintenance position. The problem with this? I'M IN SCHOOL FOR INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY! LOL But with the wonderful support of you and your cohorts, I got my 608 universal, and now this hvac company is the first to call me back LOL.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yucel yeniceri says:

    you are great man/technician/husband chris, respect from turkey.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike August says:

    I've been a HVAC/R tech and electrician for 40 years. It's a stressful career. There are times when you do repairs and you leave and wonder "did I miss anything"? And there's nothing worse than being "on call". Late night calls because a walk in is down on a Sunday night can stress you out. It's not the career that many can do. And I take stress meds and it is do to my career. I'm glad I'm close to the end of my career. It s not the job for the meek. You are very involved and very intelligent. As you go farther in your career and the years go by you will definitely start to burn out. At that point you can take your talents into another branch of your career such as maybe work for an institution. Like a maintenance dept for a government our private sector. Because you WILL get burned out of the 24/7 calls and late night jobs on a dark lonely roof.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Ron says:

    I hope i can see you one day st my work..United refrigeration so i can take a picture…keep doing the good work

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Fish says:

    I understand what your talking about i have been the sole income for the past 12 years. Both of us decided it was for the better of our family as she brought our kids up and not daycare. I to suffer from anxiety, didn't know till i was 33. It can be tough and hard to understand where your significant other is coming from when they want your help with kids yet you just got done working a 10 hour day and want to relax. I admit i was not the best at that, but i have gotten better with age. I like that you guys can sit down together and talk about difficulties of work and home life. keep up the good videos.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Polygon Tech says:

    Dude, after watching this, it Incredible how extremely nearly I identical our situations are. Apart from the profession it's damn near identical. I also struggle with depression and loads of stress. combine that with minor OCD and some days its a real struggle. I'm 36 now and run my own commercial two-way company Its been a absolute struggle but I've leaned to adapt and turn my ocd into a advantage. Stay strong and keep going, your a inspiration to others in your trade and others as well, I know I've learned a lot. We have to continuously get stronger because the challenges will never stop. The only way to win is to play the game. keep doing what your doing and I wish you the best of luck!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iTzJmOn says:

    Chris, i cant thank you enough for you're videos and for taking the time out to try and help the next guy become a better hvacr technician, i wish you were my boss because the time you take and the care you take into teaching you're employees is ridiculously unreal and this sort of teaching is what makes the difference between a regular tech and a great tech. I have learnt more from you're videos then i had through my entire 4 year apprenticeship with my company and thats even with trying to understand the american temperature reading and all the other systems you americans use different to us aussies. keep up the good work chris, i really appreciate it. much love from Australia

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:


  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Shreiner says:

    I just found your channel somehow. I'm 34 Y.O. now and just became a single dad (50/50 with their mom). I'm also working on building a new business and contend with depression and anxiety. I'm looking forward to watching all if your videos.

    Check out some of my videos if you want. I also have some HVAC videos that I've made private that I can share too. My videos are mostly Trane related.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil McEneaney says:

    Hi, I stumbled upon your videos on YouTube and now I'm hooked. I'm a fridge and controls guy from the UK, although I'm no longer on the tools, and as I watch you vids I instantly know what you're going to do next. Great I love it …..knowing I've still got it πŸ˜€. Just watched the 2 videos with you and your wife, which is pretty much a mirror of my wife and I's life. Being married to a fridge guy, working long hour's call outs anxiety over work etc. It made me think how brilliant she was looking after the home children etc, and working herself. The support and understanding she gave so unselfishly, and watching your wife talking about your life bought a tear to my eye. I am now heading towards early retirement (Feb 20) as UK Head of Sales for Stulz UK, I shall miss the fridge game, mentoring the young guys and girls in tech, fridge, design and control philosophy. Keep at it my friend your are credit to the industry. Ps, R22 has been band in the UK on all new equipment since around 2002 existing plant can still run on it, but you can't recharge with R22 if there's a leak etc. Phil

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K&A Mechanical HVAC says:

    Great Video Chris … Your a mentor Wow incredible video

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wilson 7800 says:

    Very well put.
    21 years on field service
    ( not hvac) but all the same.
    Working on my Second marriage .
    My current wife is understanding of my work and appreciates my work ethics. It takes a strong couple to stay together through all the ups and downs of a tech. …..
    I'm off the watch part 2 !!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J W says:

    do you still use that charging cylinder behind you?? I had one like that years ago

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David HvacPro89 says:

    Thank you both for how much effort and time you put into our knowledge! Thank you both

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Y says:

    I've been learning the trade for 6months now, I love your chanel it inspires me to do better and sponge up so much information. Keep the videos comming you just got yourself a loyal sub. Ready to learn more

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Fabian says:

    Glad i found your channel. Im 22 myself and ive been working my tail off and learning stuff the hard way since i was very young. Ive done so much in the short period of my life so far and battled all kinds of problems. Many different career options. I finally settled on the sheet metal workers union and things are starting to look better. But its nice to hear other people's honest perspectives too. Best of luck to you and your family

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mychoclabwinston says:

    The trade is a tough one on family members, missing some events, not always being home on the weekends, def takes a understanding spouse. Service area Orleans??

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Hope says:

    Thanks for the Video Chris, it takes a lot of courage to admit to what you have said, relay look forward to this type of bonus videos.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory Calhoun says:

    Fightin' the good fight for cold beer. Wisconsin has sun… and more… Ever been to to the Dells? I used to have anxiety but I have been on a spiritual journey since 1996. I'm starting to get some gray hairs in my mustache so now I Iet others get anxious. Northern California natural medicine always helps a lot. Wine too. I'm not an alcoholic, but the best boiler guy I ever knew was a raging alcoholic super nice guy too. I used to drive him around because he did not have a license. Lol. One smart f$$$$$ though. I have relatives in Wellington NV. Just throwin' that out there. Going to buy a new vac pump today. Well back to the races. Are you in Ottawa ?

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! edward blanco says:

    thank you both for being real. Lots of respect. Gone through the same stuff. Love my trade though and takes care of our families. God Bless you both.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Barker says:

    I can relate to the depression and anxiety….this trade is like the ocean it will take you in and out with the tide…always looking to roll with it and learn along the way….I believe that because this trade is mentally challenging during our day that it is hard to leave it at the door step…

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDeafMechanic says:

    I understand some struggles as I am hearing impaired and also have an anoxic brain injury from birth so I struggle a lot with memory and also anxiety and depression. It's very hard some days to cope with the stress from being a HVAC Apprentice Technican. As my "instructor" isnt the most understanding nor do I think he wants to do this. But other than that i love my job and the other people I work with. Service area Nepean??

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Wrench Master says:

    I am a automotive technician I work on vehicles just from understanding hvac in cars and electrical I can fix theis things with out going to school for it just because my automotive electrical training pretty neat how you can use electrical knowledge in multiple trades Are you in Barrhaven ?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Bee says:

    Chris, I suffer from the same disease, RESPONSIBLE ADULT HVACR TECHITIS. My Dad was not an Hvac tech, but I started very young. My senior year in high school I attended a skills center (SCROC IN TORRENCE).
    Dad's job moved us to Oregon just as I graduated high school , I was still 17 and began doing refrigeration and major appliance repair. 2 years with RCA FACTORY SERVICE, 8 YEARS WITH SEARS SERVICE, 12 YEARS MY OWN BUSINESS. At 44 years of age I switched to Commercial HVACR doing 130 ton Trane Intellipaks and Liebert Computer room A/C systems. The last 12 years of residential I bought my own business, my wife dispatched and we struggled. I taught Hvac at the College for the local apprenticeship program for 6 years ( level 2,3 and4 ).
    Chris, your videos are Awesome! I am a Trainer at the Commercial Hvac Contractor that I work for and I have my Apprentices watch your videos!
    You are knowledgeable, Conscientious and very professional. After 48 years doing refrigeration I can spot a Rockstar, and you are one.
    If i might offer a little advice,
    You need one night a week where you go do something with just your wife and no talking about work.
    I take my wife out to breakfast every Saturday morning. And one night a week I take her out to dinner. She was 19 and I was 22 when we were Married, a year later we bought a house, a son, then a daughter right away. My daughter now works Hvac at the same Company that I work for. Train another tech to share the "Go to guy" role with and learn to relax just a little. Being an Hvacr tech will "HIJACK YOUR LIFE".
    Thanks for the AWESOME VIDEOS , and try and relax a little my friend , my journey is almost over but yours has just begun. Service area Kanata??

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