This is part 2 to our HVACR Life series where we discuss a move that made our lives very difficult and what we did to remedy that mistake.
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Okay, so we're back here today and just to recap again: this is our how we live with the HVAC life video series: this is part 2, if you guys haven't already. I would strongly encourage you guys to go watch part 1. First, there'll be a teaser card. Popping up right now with a link to part 1.

So that way you guys can kind of get some context as to what we're doing, but I will reintroduce ourselves. My name is Chris and I produce the HVAC our videos. I make these videos just to help the next technician to share the mistakes that I've made and to share the little bit of knowledge that I have to try to help the next guy. Ok, next to me, I have my wife Jill sitting here hi and we just kind of decided to do a little project where we're going to kind of shed some light on how we, as a couple, have learned to navigate the HVAC life and how to deal With some of the hurdles that we've run into, we are not professionals, we are not into them yeah.

We still run into those problems to this day, we're not professionals, we're just sharing how we have what the problems that we have run into and how we've learned to deal with them. At least we think made it through so far, so we're we kind of wanted to start was in the very beginning. Before we had children. You know we were both working a lot.

She was a waitress and I was obviously an HVAC technician and we decided we got married and then we decided quickly that we were going to buy a house. We bought a house and like most people that were starting out, we weren't making very much money at the time and we bought way too much of a house for us. We bought it right as the market was going up in 2005, so just before it peaked, we bought a house for way too much money, and we just you know, realized a lot of things after we did that. I think we went in to it with the wrong outlook.

Like you know, in that, with a house when you're buying a house, you typically go into it like this is my house. This is gon na, be it we went into it with okay, like we'll see if we can make this work and if it doesn't we'll turn around and sell it yeah, and that's why we went with such a bigger house. You know a bigger house, a more expensive house yeah and you know we bought a house with no traffic about 45 minutes away from where we both well. Where I worked, you transferred up into the area, so we currently were living before we bought the house.

We were living in the Inland Empire and I was working. My office was in Riverside California and we bought a house in Victorville which was 45 minutes away and at the time victory was an up-and-coming area. Houses were quote, unquote, cheap for California. I know a lot of you guys in the Midwest and some of the places back east are not going to think what we say is cheap, but it was Nets.

Okay, it was a struggle for us, and but it was the only place we could afford a house. We had to move out of our normal area to go up there. 45 minutes without traffic was kind of a lie, because once we got there, we realized that a lot of other people had the same idea as us and they moved to the same area. So therefore, the way main way to Vegas that's right so any holiday weekend.
It was like, if you wanted anybody to come up and visit you. I was a struggle because you know somebody's gon na be sitting in traffic and I would say that on a normal day again with no traffic, it was 45 minutes, but more commonly pretty much. Every day that I went up and down the hill, it was about an hour and a half each way, because we sat in traffic going down the hill with everybody else commuting, and then I sat in traffic going up the hell with everybody commuting, so on average I spent three hours a day, just traveling up and down the hill. We lived on, you know up in Victorville to get to work, and that was added to my normal eight to ten hour day at the time yeah.

So you would leave early to try to beat traffic. You left much. You know much earlier than you yeah. On average, my days normally started at 7 a.m.

I used to have to be at my restaurants by 7 a.m. and I would leave at 4 a.m. yeah as when I would leave just to be safe, yeah 4:30 somewhere in there just to be safe. Because again, I'm a person that on time is a half an hour early and that's just the way that I work even to this day, I think I've even gotten you guys Noor used to something like that.

Yeah, usually, we will sit places and wait for people to get there so that way we can, you know, be pleased yeah beyond time exactly so we moved to a place that was way too far away. So because of that flash forward to when we had children, you know I didn't get to be at a lot of the stuff. Okay, even when you were pregnant with our first daughter, I probably made it to a handful of the doctor's appointments yeah and we kept our doctors up like doctors down. You know the 45 minutes away.

We didn't move doctors, we never moved doctors, we never because there wasn't too many options up there from what I understood. So I just went ahead and stayed with what we knew good care and stuff, but it was Drive always so yeah it was. It was everything like just not making everything, not the whole life up there, so that was kind of hard yeah. You know it was in it's it's funny, because we're kind of remembering as we're going through this Jill - and I are both remembering things - we're reminding each other things that we both forgot yeah.

You know you forget, yeah. We used to live like that. For a long time, so you know I wasn't able to make it to a lot of the family functions. You know or I'm sorry, my kids functions.

You know for whether it was dance once our kids got older or you know just school assemblies mm-hmm. I I don't know that I ever know because any time I ever said you were like, I don't think I'm gon na be able to make that yeah. I don't think I'll be able to make that and yeah so, and I really I mean there was, I think there was like. I remember, making different things yeah.
I don't think I did that, but I remember making it to our daughters pre-school, graduation. That's that's! One of the things that the only things I remember yeah was our daughter's preschool graduation and then I remember our daughter's first day of kindergarten because she went to school behind us yeah yeah. I went. I remember like going to drop her off at school that day, because I stayed home or some other state went to work late or something, but I mean there was so much that I didn't make it to guys very minimal and there's a lot of regret that I have there too, for a lot of stuff and I'll explain the regret, as we get further into this and that'll kind of make more context and everything, but so you know moving up.

There was just something we had to do now: some of the what were some of the hurdles, some of the things that I could think of by moving up there was the lack of family and friends. I mean we had some friends but but yeah we had a good family friend, move up there as well, like kind of with us yeah around the same time, so that was nice having her up there. But you know, schedules get busy. People are busy.

We have different, you know different things going on and it was still different not having family close by, even though when we moved up there, it was like it's not that far. You know like it'll, be fine and I remember we were doing something with your family and your cousin said. Oh, oh, haven't you like joined a mom's group yet, and I had no idea what that was. She told me to look up this website and she was like they should be.

You know they should be up there and when I did there was one and it was completely out of my comfort zone but yeah. I went and met with a group of moms and then it was pretty awesome, Meetup yeah and then even recently too now, like my kids, are bigger and stuff, but still a lot of like family. You know friends are far away and different schedules, so I kind of roll back into that and we joined another moms group and meeting new families and friends. It's it's always nice and the mom's group.

The first time you joined the moms group up when we were up in the dictor Ville area. Obviously you had our really close family friend who's, still a very close family friend. I wouldn't even call them a friend, it's a family member and yeah. You know we've.

We basically all adopted each other, her family and our families, kind of intermingle together and we'd become closer than brothers and sisters. I would say, but when you did join the mom's group, we still have a lot of those family friends to this day. The first you know out of maybe like the 10 friends you made or 15 friends. You know we probably still commute.

Ladies out there that were so. You know we still keep in touch and some of us still get together so yeah. It was really like important and it helped a lot with Chris being gone so much, and that was something that really helped me was knowing that Jill had something to do, because in the beginning, when we first had our first child, you were just home alone by Yourself, I mean occasionally a friend from high school or something like that would come up and busy you or we had our close family friend that was living near us, but you know you didn't, have a lot of people yeah. I was like plans like you.
You had things like they were, you know they, they go. Do things and you're like okay, like I don't just have to go with me and my kid like there's gon na be other people that I know they're tuned. It just makes it more like welcoming and fun and exciting, so that was a very, very cool thing that I was excipient. She joined the mons group because that just gave me so much more comfort to know that she had someone she had people to lean on a large group of people now to lean on, so it wasn't just one person, that's counting on all the time you know So that was a very, very great thing and other people to talk to you.

You know you're busy during the day like it's still like. I still had you know, friends, and you know people to talk to you. We joke, though an hour at least I joke. I have kind of a dry sense of humor and probably an obnoxious and say things that I shouldn't say at certain times, but I was a myth I mean I wasn't around.

So it was very rare that anybody from the mom's group knew me or ever saw me yeah. You know there was a few promise yeah. It was. I think that you know with the advent of social media.

It's helped out a lot because social media was still kind of up-and-coming. At that time. Yeah you know Facebook or whatever you know we use an Instagram, didn't even exist. I don't think Twitter.

It was just Facebook at the time. No at least I didn't take it to MySpace, because my space was even bigger, come on. I, like my space, better than Facebook, because you could have music on your page, and that was cool. So at this point you know Jill's made some friends, but it's not enough for her and she's starting to struggle with with the fact that I wasn't home right yeah.

I think I miss you like mist right. If I needed help, I needed a backup. No, no - and you know you kind of - had planted a seed a few times and I really wasn't having it about moving and about moving back to where we came from back down to the Inland Empire yeah. I just started thinking that it would just be so much more convenient the traffic.

Then tea was even worse. It kind of just seemed like every day. There was something else and it was like either you weren't coming home or it was taking hours to get home, and I just thought man. It would be so much better like if we just lived down the hill like you would be home already, and I really wasn't into that at the time.
But you know I'm gon na add some context to that too, which he just said. You know it's funny. Looking back on it now because there was several times that I didn't come home and when I say I didn't come home, I wasn't doing anything bad, but I was thinking about work and again we lived up in Victorville. We had to go through the cone pass and there was often times when the Cohen pass would get shut down, and I was deathly mortified of getting stuck up there and not being able to go to work.

I was always worried, what's gon na happen, if I can't make it to the work, I wasn't worried about getting fired. I was worried about the business me not being there again, I'm kind of a control freak. So me not being there stressed me out. So there was many times when we would have a rainstorm coming or the potential for snow, and I would just go stay at my dad's house and I wouldn't come home.

There was a snow storm that we had that where I wasn't home for three days yeah and she was again - this was kind of before the moms group, or maybe right in the beginning, the mantra because she didn't have a support staff, a support group. At the time she didn't have a lot of people and we had some unprecedented, like 11 inches of snow at our house, you were snowed in for one full day for sure where you couldn't leave yeah, and you know I couldn't be there. I was stuck. You know 40 miles away and couldn't come home and I was gone for two days.

I know it was. I mean we had everything we wished. You could have been there and I wish I could have been there too and little things like we joke to this day. But when we lived up there the climates a little bit different and they were probably will deal with yeah.

She thinks it was that much worse, we'll get into that in a minute, but what they liked and that's funny, because I didn't live up there. I I slept up there. That's what I did. I slept up there.

I did not live up there. She shopped in that freezing cold wind yeah, but you know one of the things one of the things that I missed out on the most, and this is so silly, but I missed out on the thunderstorms. Do you remember how excited like it was very rare? We would have thunderstorms up there every summer. We would have a lot of thunderstorms and it was very rare that I was home for a lightning and thunder storm, and I guys I'm obsessed with lightning and thunder.

I love it. I the very few times that we were up there. Do you remember the times when I would drag you guys all over the place, so we could chase the storm and watch the lightning. I would follow it through the valley out into Lucerne Valley or up into Barstow, just to be able to see the lightening and thunder storms in here and be close to it and smell it.

I was so to this day a lightning and thunder is one of my favorite things, but those are some of the things that I missed out on was what you guys, calling me and saying: hey, there's a thunderstorm, and I wasn't there. You know, and it's little things like that, just the little family functions that I wasn't home for so you had planted the seed. You had kind of started talking about moving and I just really wasn't having it. I wasn't in my head.
We were fine. What we were doing worked, but in your head it didn't yeah, not so much. I would just be better easier to be closer to move down so started kind of getting. I don't know fixed on the idea that that was gon na.

Like fix everything. I don't know yeah and to make a long story short. We ended up moving okay after a couple years ago, and back and forth we moved, and I will tell you that and I've told you this many times the first day that I woke up before work and I now lived. You know five minutes from my office.

I woke up 45 minutes before work, took a shower or got up, and I remember thinking this is why we moved down here like I was so excited to think. Like I, you know I, it was so normal for me to live an hour and a half away from work. It just did didn't faze me anymore. You know getting six hours of sleep.

Five hours of sleep, a night was no big deal for me to this day. I can't think of getting five hours of sleep right now like that would drive me insane. I need eight plus hours of sleep and I get that now but back then I didn't you guys. It made our lives so much better.

The world of difference like and the first day at school, to, like you, remember you getting a walker oldest up your school in the first year again, we like daddy-daughter dance, and you were there for that. I was there for like spring festivals and you're home. For that - and it was just like wow, yeah III - have family again yeah. I quickly realize like again how much I missed and how much it affected us, because there were so many school functions that I went to that first year and it was insane.

I went to everything and I was able to be there, the daddy-daughter dance that was so huge for me to be able to go to a daddy-daughter dance and, like you said, to walk our daughter to school for the first day, Walker up even now, as I'm Remembering, as we're talking is like, sometimes you beat us home in the afternoon, and it's like when you don't that's kind of like more like yeah yeah, there's a lot less late nights. It was so hard for me to think about moving. It was so hard for me to move down here, but once I did it - and I lived here for you know at least by the first week I was I was hooked and I couldn't imagine being that far away again and we struggle with that. To this day, because you know we're talking about moving again yeah and you know, the housing prices are insane right now and it's just stupid how much houses cost and like in the areas that we want to live.
I just can't I can't fathom paying that much money, and - and here we are like looking oh okay - well, we can afford houses that are yeah in this area, but we won't do it. We won't do it. I won't do it there's no way because I'm not gon na move us. I have these horrible images of if we move to that area, wherever it may be 45 minutes away, not even the traffic, just the grocery store visits, and you know I mean where we live now.

You know it made our lives so much better to finally decide to move closer to where we worked yeah, we had to sacrifice a little bit. It costs us more money, but those sacrifices are worth it to me and they've made. You know it's so much nicer to be able to be there for my kids. Now now we have our second daughters in fourth grade now, and/or she's going into fourth grade, and you know to be able to drop our kids off at school to be able to surprise our kids.

I mean I'm not saying I do it all the time. No and the cards at all up there. I don't think that our school, our kids schools, would let me pick them up up there, because they didn't know who I was besides, just being a name on the emergency pick up sheet, you know, I mean yeah, it was crazy guys, so so for us, you Know the hurdle of us living so far away from where we worked and where our lives were. You know we we, we thought that would solve our problems.

We thought just being able to afford a house and we could make a new life. It didn't really work out for us that way. It depends what you are. You know what works for you guys.

You know. If it, you know, we thought it worked, but then there's a lot of times like just petty stuff, like I think I would feel like irritated with you and I'd be short or you know, and it was just like I didn't like where that was going. So I don't feel like that you know was working for us, but if you can live you know far and you know, what's the word travel or can you commute to work and make your family life work, but it does feel a lot easier to be closer To work and to each their own, like you know, I mean because you know, for some people may work just for us. That was a struggle that really added to everything and it wasn't helping us yeah yeah stuck stuck that's a great way, and I think that's where we're gon na end this for this this time, okay, we kind of covered.

What I think we needed to cover. We have a lot more to go into guys. Some things that we want to address and some of the next ones would be. I really want to go into and it would it'll kind of intermingle into back into the house stuff that we had to deal.

But I want to I want to talk about my my depression, my anger, anxiety and then I want to talk about your mental mental, your health problems that you had two that affected you, because that all intertwines into our whole story and and the struggles that we Went through and guys I just want to clarify we we're not experts again in what we are talking about we're just talking about how it worked for us and in our hopes, are that you know again. I was you know. Our hopes are that we can. You know bring light to what some people might be dealing with them might not know how to address things again.
Don't follow just what we say. Obviously you want to consult someone who really knows what they're talking about family, therapist, family counselors, different things. You know, but um you know just just. Maybe our hopes are that us sharing our story might help to bring some context or help you with whatever you're going through.

So I just want to say thank you guys so very much for taking the time to watch this video. Please please, please leave us some feedback. Let us know guys just like I say in my technical videos. If I'm saying something wrong, tell me I'm I'm always looking for improvement and guys if you can tell us something that worked for you tell us in the comments.

Send me an email HVAC, our videos at If you want to address something that Jill says just put her name first say this is for Jill and then talk. You know, send me an email. Send me a text in the comments you guys.

We really really want to hear to your feedback whether it be good or bad, or you know just just share your story with us. You know, and in hopes that maybe you can help us with something because we still deal with stuff every single day, we're still struggling to this day. So again, thank you guys so very much, and I guess we will see you guys on the next one. All right,.

50 thoughts on “How we live the hvacr life part 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YK Mini says:

    You touch on a very big point about how habituated we are with the daily commute. I had a long commute for years and swore never again. Now I have a 10 minute walk to work and I drop my daughter off at school on the way. The older you get the more valuable your time is.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YK Mini says:

    the fact that you can put yourselves out there with this series shows you are a dedicated couple. I have never worked in HVACR and never plan to but I love your channel. It shows a wealth of troubleshooting skills and logic that can be applied to any trade and many aspects of life

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levi Walton says:

    I love lightning 🌩 storms as well. Reminds me of God's power and might.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jalford727 says:

    Yep.. your life basically matches up with mine! I had 3 kids under 3 at one point. My wife is a rockstar! I also bought in 05 except in Florida.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qwaszxpolkmncvb says:

    I was in a relationship that lasted nearly a decade. I haven't ever worked in your field. Contracting, especially if you are the "man on site" gets complicated. 3AM mornings to past sundown nights. On call 24/7 with little give. Months on end without day's off. It's really been the best and worst at times. Stay a team, a lot of people can't hold that together. Myself too be included.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars doors0ap says:

    Great video, it's like reliving my life I'm months older but been doing HVAC since 02 also whent to UTI in Phoenix Arizona , I was looking for some help refreshing my memory in the Hvac ,and I wanted to move to HVAR work ,thank your videos they helped alot and me and my wife also been together since high school, I did the victorville thing, got my contractors license to young 25 I wasn't ready,keep up the good work and the great videos!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arrow Head says:

    Very refreshing! The honesty! Thank you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rookie Refrigeration says:

    Very confident of y’all to open up on video. Definitely can relate with yalls struggles. 🤟🏼🤟🏼

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaylons skatechannel says:

    My name is jaylon. I am going to be starting hvac soon. Im 18 years old. I have done alot of research. And i honestly have to say im scared , there is alot of stuff that really turns me off to it. Like no time for others. I dont have a choice so im going to do it but im just explaining how i feel

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Shreiner says:

    Great video. Sleep apnea really took its toll on me and my family. Didn't figure it out until after the divorce. My CPAP has made a huge difference.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salvador Bribiesca says:

    Thank you for the advice, 21 year old technician here. I’m definitely going to sit my girlfriend down and watch this together. At times life seems so easy for her. I’m supposed to get off before 4 take her out to eat shop and make her feel special. She’s having a tough time understanding how hard this job can be not only on me but on families.. she is in Community college and getting ready to transfer to a university, I assured her that where she chooses to go to school I will follow because I’m confident I can keep working in the trade even if I have to start from the bottom again.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Towellie says:

    I grew up and lived in Menifee and worked in oc/la, so I know the struggle. I don't think the rest of the country understands the amount of traffic there is in socal. I moved to Phoenix two years ago, much better quality of life than socal in my opinion. We get huge t storms out here in the summer too haha

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Israel Miller says:

    My wife still gets mad at me when I’m on call, and I’m like I can put my notice in, and she’s no,no,I need to go shopping tomorrow 😂 Service area Nepean??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul M says:

    Thanks for the awesome videos and excellent production! God bless you and your family brother

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars coolezum says:

    Hey guys! Lived your life from 1980 on. My wife was my partner in our first HVAC company and went through many of your same problems but, there is much satisfaction and lots of challenge as well. That's funny as well, I figured 30 min early was on time. Good luck and much success and happiness to you both. Peace

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabe Jaghnoun says:

    Yeah driving long hours to and from work adds unwanted stress in our lives. That's why is hard for me to find new employers. Because I don't wanna have to drive mor than 30 mins one way to work

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rudy olea says:

    Blessed my brother

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vince Turner says:

    Chris, society tells us we need to be there for our kids, but nobody speaks about the value of having a parent provide for their family. It's overlooked or minimized, but those of us who have done it, or continue to do it should recognize that being a provider is a HUGE accomplishment. You're fortunate to have a good woman who has committed to partnering with you. Are you in Orleans ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell says:

    👍 Are you in Kanata ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars toshi無法, ブライアン , says:

    ya i am seeing people moving back up to the high desert with how the houesing is down in the enland empire. my mom bought a houes in apple valley for around $200k 4 years ago and over that time the house has gain $60k in equity. i know for houes of the same size down in the enland empire they can be over $500k or more.

    i feel your pain i had to drive thought the cajon pass every day for work back iin between 2010 to 2015 to riverside. i was a night mare

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wes Haynie says:

    Cool video bro

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Permann says:

    I am really enjoying this series. I struggle with anxiety, depression, and anger issues. My wife has medical problems as well so I am really looking forward to the videos coming up. This is by far one of the best channels on YouTube.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Leary says:

    Chris your wife is a kind soul, you are very lucky. Keep it up and you saying you're not Professional is BS

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sterling Archer says:

    Wow , leaving everyday at 4am , now that's commitment right there ! I feel like a little spoiled brat right now !!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lwanga John says:

    How amazing for someone to be in love with lightening 😂 thx for sharing your family life

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wilson 7800 says:

    Wow …..
    Man me and the wife moved to victorville almost 6 years ago.
    I am a field service tech . We do service the high desert area ….
    Fast forward to last month ..
    We are happily living in Beaumont, same distance from my main shop . But 90% more efficient to getting to my main service area .
    Before was 1 to 2 hours per way per day .(on a good day) Same stress , pacing the floor thinking you should just go now before they close the road .. …
    Nope no more , not worth the 3 service calls a month vs 300 down the hill !
    We need to talk over lunch one of these days !
    Great series btw !!
    You both are doing a great job !

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mEow mEow says:


  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Rozadilla says:

    Que linda pareja Chris , se nota el amor que siente tu esposa por ti en la forma en que te mira…..mis felicitaciones para ambos dos💓💑💑😀

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACR North says:

    Good vid chris.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Jackson says:

    Thats a very so cal story that fits alot of us. 100 miles a day commute here. Time vs cost… Are you in Barrhaven ?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Hope says:

    Great follow up, thanks again. Service area Orleans??

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    Its same thing with my wife and family…I was offered for another company wirh high pay but I have to travel for 1 or 2 hours away from my home… I decided to stay with my work and my boss was happy and give me a weekend off and slightly raise. my wife and me are happy. that's hvac life for us just like yours. you guys gave a good insight or probably help other new techies with their wives to understand better. I applaud your wife and you for sharing. Much respect !

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Lopez says:

    * I have same lifestyle

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Lopez says:

    Thanks for sharing… I love same life full time job and side busyness HVAC.. never home and missing everything. But I am lucky wife understands.. we’ve been together since junior high 20 years later we are still at it.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Superior Comfort Heating & Air LLC says:

    I agree, you got to live where you and your spouse is happy. Unfortunately when you have a parent health take a turn, and they are hell bound not to go into nursing home, that is when you have NO choice to live where you want to live. Although I had to completely relocate my business and start over again and my wife had to switch jobs and had to sell our home that we were happy with, it’s been completely rough, the good thing is that I am still with my wife and in time we are hoping that we will have that perfect location where we can live happily together. Service area Barrhaven??

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fightfor ccsvi says:

    Hey Chris, you obviously are very plugged in in California and I can relate to that since I thought NY was the place all other places could never even compare to. Boy was I wrong!! I moved to Henderson NV to make a new start since the cost of living with all the taxes, high housing costs, and the every day grind seemed like a never ending run on the treadmill. I reinvented myself and became a refrigeration technician in Las Vegas and was living in a new home in a place we could easily afford to be. Going out to dinner with the family and friends wasn't something we had to save for and the refrigeration customer base was fantastic with all the work I could handle. It afforded me the opportunity to retire early and I now have a 3/4 acre estate where I can do pretty much anything I want to. Something like this would only have been a dream if I didn't take that chance and step out of my comfort zone. What you shared sounds all so familiar to me, but looking back on the struggles and sacrifices and all, I wouldn't change a thing. Best of luck for a prosperous future, you have a wonderful supporting wife. BTW, we raised 5 kids!!

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevaughn hill says:

    I really like how you all are. You all are just like how me an my wife are.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Carman says:

    Chris, thanks for all that you do, bud. Despite owning a business and having a family life, you still make time to share your expertise and knowledge. There’s so much more to life than just trying to earn a living. My wife is an RN, and she works 3-12’s. You know as well as I do, we just work until the work is done or until we just can’t do anything else. We’re trying to get pregnant, but we had a miscarriage that really through our lives for a loop. Kristen (my wife) started experiencing some depression, and I felt terrible bc I felt like I couldn’t be there for her bc of my strenuous schedule. Our goal is to have a baby and Kristen becoming a stay at home mom. Did Jill become a stay at home mom after you all became pregnant? If so, do you think that helped the situation? Also, I would have thought that being a business owner would mean that you could have a little more free time for the family. I’ve been contemplating on getting my CL just for that reason. I work crazy hours now, and miss a lot of time with my wife now. I was kind of hoping becoming a business owner would free up some of that time. Anyways, thank you both for what you’re doing! Are you in Nepean ?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AVR 1961 says:

    Victorville has become an armpit you cant even go out at night with out maybe coming a victim of a crime so sad. Cant wait to get out of Calif

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory Calhoun says:

    I live in the Town of Brookfield in Wisconsin on two acres. Property taxes are $2,100 per year. Tax on lake property here is nuts. But otherwise it is reasonable and you can have some land. HVAC/R industry here is screaming for people, especially commercial. I am always looking for people to stir up shit. Plenty for Jill to do here too. As far as life goes in general… Just remember… You cannot take anything with you in the end. Wisconsin would love to have you both.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Glasgow says:


  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJParker says:

    Location location location. Sounds like a cliche but it is very real. If you want to move up in your area be ready when the real estate market tanks again. Ready means financially and mentally and often requires renting your current place at that time until the market revives. As it always does.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigJoe941 says:

    Absolutely amazing thank you for making these there are so many similarities with our lives can’t wait for the next hvac therapy session!!!!!

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Pederson says:

    Great video and look into your struggles. ThNks for sharing

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafael Gomez says:

    I'm actually about to go through your same issues. About to close on a house that's an hr away from NYC where I work 2 jobs so there's a lot of things I miss. Plus where we live I have my family 10min away so my wife always had help. Now she's gonna be on her own. Service area Kanata??

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Davis says:

    Question.. does Jill watch your videos or is involved in the process of editing? I would imagine she might tune it out🙂 Thanks for showing us the human part of you guys. Are you in Ottawa ?

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Cooley says:

    Your both gems for wanting to help others the world needs more like you. Thanks again and like always great work!!

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Burns says:

    It's very sad the housing cost in California. We're south of York, PA and we purchased a house 2 years ago for 115,000 3 bed 1 bath quarter acre taxes and insurance are only 2200 a year. No one around here talks about home prices like they do in california or new york. Is it really that bad? I mean we see the news stories on homelessness in california, and taxes being atrocious but the media has an agenda, so it's it really that bad? I imagine it's not as simple as liberal policies leading to the homelessness but it sure appears that way from the outside.

  49. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Burns says:

    If your early your on time, if your on time your late, and if your late don't bother. That's my favorite saying. I absolutely hate being late to anything. I always strive to be the first one somewhere I don't know why.

  50. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Commander Osis says:

    Hey there. Youre a lucky guy meeting a fine understanding lady that knows what its like to be on call all the time. They are a true rarity. Just wanted to give you a bit of info I found out today from GEA/FES regarding screw compressors. I know most of what you work on is commercial but I thought this may be helpful to pass on. I got an internal memo regarding screw compressors and R-22. They are recommending stocking up on R-22 and not switching over to R-448 because screw compressors and larger systems do not work well with zeotropic refrigerants. They continue on to say that they recommend switch to ammonia, R-134A or R-507 (all HFCs on the way to being phased out for high GWP) if you want to switch. Obviously this is not really the greatest option as you will only be in the same situation in 10 years time. I can forward the memo to you if you would like.

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