The customer called frantic saying the walk in was too warm and the Health inspector was there, I got there as fast as I could but they could have prevented this......
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00:00 TEASER
03:14 WTF MOMENT #1
05:30 WTF MOMENT #2
08:39 WTF MOMENT #3

I really like the the spoiling catch on see all our sight, glass and dryer, but i like the flare with the male female sight glass, because then it just couples in there and i've said it before. I'm a huge fan of using the flare dryers on the roof um, because, theoretically, if there's ever an evaporator leak, i don't have to bring my torches on the roof to change the dryer. You just come up here swap out the dryer, with your tools, pull the evacuation and you're good to go. So this video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition.

So uh we got a call on the walk-in cooler, not working. We're saying it's at, like almost 50 degrees, thermostat says 48 back in the coil. It's really dirty, but problem likely gon na be on the roof. My uh condensed unit is over here, so we have a beer walk-in.

We have walk-in freezer and then we have walk-in cooler. So this is the one we need to jump into and try to figure out where our problem might be. I noticed that it seemed kind of warm in here. Compressor is really hot condenser.

I bet you this guy's off on high pressure. That compressor is really hot and uh. The condenser doesn't look plugged, but i bet you it's dirty on the inside. I can kind of see some light through it and it just turned on all by itself.

I didn't do anything. I bet you it's going off on high pressure. We're gon na get some service gauges on this guy, all right, um! You can see the high side. Pressure is at 397 at the moment and the unit shut off again.

So it looks like we're going to have dirty condenser on this one. More than likely, because both the fan motors were running, the fan cycle switch was turning the fans on, so i think it's just gon na be a plugged up condenser. So, let's start with cleaning the condenser and uh see where that gets us. So i came from the inside out.

I pulled the motors out too by the way and just kind of set them up there, but like and there's barely anything even coming out of this condenser. So this guy's hammered so we're just gon na get it nice and wet from both sides and then go ahead and put some coil cleaner on there and let it penetrate and do its job we'll go ahead and rinse these other guys too. These ones, i'm not going to disassemble, i'm just going to rinse them because they're working, but i will turn the power off and give them a quick once-over. So right now we're just getting them wet, basically and then uh yeah.

Let's go ahead and mix up some coil cleaner and see what we can do. I just got done spraying that one i'm gon na give it a second, i'm spraying the non brightener, the yellow, cleaner on these other ones, because it's also micro channel safe. So we're just gon na get it on there. Let it soak in there again these ones aren't as bad for some reason, so i'm not going to disassemble them, but um i'm going to go ahead and rinse this guy right now, because we can get that brightener off of there man.

This condenser has taken two passes, and this stuff is still coming out black look at that that thing's dirty. So this is a second pass of letting it sit on there. It's crazy see on this side right here, yeah still nice and dirty in there all right. I'm gon na dig in a little bit deeper check out these clouds.
It's a trip. How they're like right in front of the sun, it's kind of pretty all right. We are back on and running um. The fan cycle switch is holding the condenser fan motors off the coil's wet, so i would imagine 250 260 ish there we go 230, something like that.

Both condenser fan motors are running and see they're. Turning on and off so that's going to happen as the coil dries out. Um sight glass is clear at the moment, but let's let it run for a little bit and see what happens. I've never been a fan of fan cycle controls, especially when they do both motors.

I really think that they should have two separate fan cycle controls. I mean you can see now granted it's about ish degrees outside right now and we still have a wet condenser, but i mean look at how much we're cycling on and off the condenser fan motors turn on head pressure drops down immediately and then boom turns back Off you know - and it's like this is a vicious cycle even on cool days. This is the same thing. It doesn't run for very long and then boom it'll shut off, and then you know this is the longest.

It stayed on right here. I'll be honest. It's weird because look at my i'm at 205 now now granted, that is liquid line pressure. So i do have to be careful about that, because the fan cycle is on the discharge line, but um it's weird how quick it was turning on and off, i'm not liking.

How that fan cycle switch is working. We might have to change that all right. Well, it's running. I don't like that fan cycle switch because of how much it was turning on and off on and off, and then it was it's out of whack like it was turning on and off at these pressures last time, so i am gon na bypass the fan cycle.

Switch um and i'm not a fan of these, because the um there's no way to get this out without doing like a pinch off or something like that, they should have put a schrader port right there. That's kind of frustrating because to put a fan cycle switch on the high side, i would have to put it on the liquid line and the pressures are lower on the liquid line. So you really want it to be on the discharge line. So we've got a couple options here: we could come in and braise in a tea.

That would be one of the better ideas raise in a tea and then have that to access the system pressures put a schrader on it and then a schrader depressor. We might do that and i'll talk the customer into. Let me come in here and put two fan cycle switches, like i said, put a t right here, we'll recover the charge knock it out. It sounds like a plan really system's still running and it's coming down to temperature, i'm just kind of looking at everything else.
What i'm gon na do i talk to the customer we're gon na go ahead and do this uh we're gon na come back. We're gon na go ahead and recover the charge, we're gon na go ahead and put in the t up there and we'll put a swivel t on it. That way, we can put two fan cycle switches, one for each motor, we'll go ahead and change the dryer, uh sight; glass, probably clean it all up um and then we're gon na clean that evaporator coil too. That was all messed up uh.

I was just kind of looking at everything else, while i'm waiting for it to come down to temp. Looking at the defrost clock, it was a little bit off. It said 1pm when it's four or something yeah, it's almost four right now, so i changed the time on that. Don't really see anything else going on with that um i'll pull the cover to this guy, just to see what it looks like if we have to we'll change that to two.

So this is a fan cycle switch right here and it's set to turn on at 250 or turn off no turn the fans on at 250 with a differential of 55 so below 200. Basically - and it wasn't doing that, like you guys saw it - was like on off on off on off at weird pressures and stuff granted. I was on the liquid line, but still it was kind of wonky, so we're gon na put something here and because they braise these in you can't easily change them. It's kind of a pain, so we'll come in here with two of them.

Like i said all right, we are back, i brought half my van up on the roof and then we still got to bring up torches, nitrogen, a few other things too, but i you know when possible, i like to bring up certain things and then like the Recovery machine um recovery tank we'll take that down, then we'll bring up other stuff, so we don't have to do a whole lot. I've currently got a guy cleaning, the evaporator coil, so i'm going to go ahead and disassemble this guy. It's been working fine through the night, so i'll disassemble it get the recovery process started and go from there. I've got a brand new recovery cylinder here.

You've got to make sure you understand the difference between the brand new ones that come with nitrogen, the ones that come evacuated. You've got to make sure you got what you know what's going on um, because i'm recovering the gas from this guy and then going to put the gas back in because there's nothing wrong with it. So you got to make sure your cylinder is properly evacuated. You're not mixing gases.

Anything like that, so we're pulling a vacuum on this and then i'm going to finish continuing to get it set up for the recovery. You know a lot goes into these manufacturers. Making these units and a little extra thought would make it easy for the service technician. This is a factory ran suction line.

I can't even get my wrench really on there. You know to properly get on that stuff, liquid line's too close to that these guys. Really don't think about the service technician when they make these units. It's all about profit, and i get a company needs to make a profit.
I get that but make your equipment serviceable guys. I have never been a fan of these rdi units because they're just not service friendly at all the unit just turned on from a pump down. We look over here, yeah we're running so we're gon na go ahead and uh to make things. Go faster.

We're gon na go ahead and pump it down into the receiver, so we're not pulling from the evaporator core we're gon na. Let the compressor do the work, sucking all the gas out of the evaporator and we're gon na just pull from the receiver. Oh wait! You know what no we can't you guys are getting my thought process here that stupid receiver valve i'm pretty sure shuts off the flow when you front seat or when you uh front seat the king valve on that receiver. I believe the flow shuts off to that port, so we're just gon na, have to go and do it as it is right now, so we're going to uh, kill the power and then just recover like it is all right.

We're getting ready to set up the recovery machine, and i want to stress the importance of having a scale underneath your cylinder. You need to understand how much refrigerant is the max refrigerant. Just because that's a 30 pound cylinder does not mean you could put 30 pounds of gas in there. Okay, you got ta uh.

Do the calculations or find a chart online that'll tell you for the type of refrigerant um, how much gas you can add uh. I didn't do the calculation myself right now, but i'm pretty sure with 404a it's right around 17 18 pounds or something like that. So we're going to go ahead and hook our hose up to it right and then we're going to once we have our hose hooked up to it, we're going to zero out our scale that way. We know how much gas is going into that guy.

As far as the recovery process itself, we're using the field piece set up here, the cool thing is, is that you have the scale weight on the manifold too. This is the s man 480.. So right now we have redundant it'll, it'll measure right here and it'll measure on that handle um we're ready to go on this, we're going to open up the high side and then what i suggest you do when you're doing this process is leave this guy loose Right there, okay, then, when you open this up, your system is now purged right. You purged all the way to here and you're ready to go so we're going to go ahead and uh open this guy up.

We have a vacuum down recovery cylinder. So it's going to pull in as much as it can we're going to go ahead and get my extension cord over here hooked up and then start up the recovery machine. All right. It's already pulled in almost two pounds of gas.

Even before the recovery machine was turned on we're set to recover we're purged we're gon na go ahead and turn it on. It's got a soft start which is really cool and we're pumping refrigerant into this thing. Right. There uh i'll go ahead and open up my low side because we're pulling from that side too now um.
I am pulling from a schrader on this one right here and technically i'm pulling from a schrader on that. One too, i probably should have taken those out, but i'm not in a huge hurry right now. So it's okay, but um this one, it's hard to get the schrader out, but i'm going to show you the solution for that when we're done with this repair, because we're gon na eliminate this valve right here. There's no need for this valve because we have that one right there so we'll eliminate that valve, make a connection right here, go directly into the dryer setup and we'll be good to go one of the cool things i like about this is the auto shutoff feature.

So this guy went ahead and pulled down now. What we can do is uh. We could start it again, but my suction pressure's not rising, so it auto shuts off and then, if you hit it again, it'll pull down even further um, but i don't think we need to so. While i was waiting, i went ahead and mounted the fan cycle.

Switches, i'm gon na go ahead and get rid of the recovery stuff and then go get my torches and nitrogen and we'll do what we have to do all right. We've got nitrogen flowing through this guy, so we're gon na braise up these fittings, real quick. So so try not to light the place on fire. We've got a bunch of uh leaves right there, so i don't want to burn them down, put a little wet towel there, okay and last one over here.

All right! That's it we're good all right! We got everything brazed up. We need to go ahead and tighten up the flare, nuts and everything and get those taken care of um and then we'll go ahead and put service fittings on these and work through it. All right, dryers, installed. Sight glass is installed, we'll support it right here with something, but it's all brazed in for this guy right here.

So i put two ports and i put schraders in them. Okay, these guys right here have schrader core depressors in them. So now you'll be able to change them. If you do fan cycle and or eventually a high pressure, you'll be able to change them with pressure in the system, because you can always unscrew this fitting and the schrader will close all right.

But you just got to make sure you got the schrader depressors in there now on this side, i'm going to take the schraders out and because these guys right here do not have schrader depressors in them. So we're going to put the fan cycles on this one, and then this one right here will just be for high pressure, if need be so when it comes to the schrader fit or to these guys right here i use nylon, nylock blue universal for poe. You can use it for mineral too. It's not a big deal, but it's not a thread.

Sealant. Okay, it's a thread lubricant. So what i do is put it right here on the mating surface right where the flare nut is going to spin, and then you spin it all right and then yes, i do put a little bit on the threads. It doesn't take much okay, it's just a lubricant um.
If you are going to use this on the threads, you got to be careful if you're using a torque wrench, because it could kind of mess with your settings schrader depressor in there, and then it's just gon na screw down and then tighten on there. Okay, so we'll go ahead and torque it on okay, we got the vacuum pump running now we're pulling through the system we're going to start cleaning up our messes because i got crap everywhere, but i want you guys to understand the logic here: okay, so high side Pressure port with a schrader for both the fan cycle controls. Okay, i put another tee right here and braised in or braised in another tee, with an access fitting and then also put a service tee. I put a schrader in here and a schrader on both sides.

This is so if we ever have a high pressure control failure, which is this guy right here, we'll be able to add another pressure, control port right here without having to recover the charge or anything. So i'm thinking ahead trying to make it easier for the next guy. Okay plus, it gives me a port to measure the high pressure itself instead of just having the liquid line port on the receiver. Now i did eliminate this service valve right here, because it's not needed as there's a king valve right here.

So this is just redundant really just makes it accessible, but still there's a cage, so it doesn't need to be there we'll strap it down. So we're pulling the evacuation. I've got the vacuum ballast open right now, we'll let it close. Once we get down we're at about 3 700 microns and we're just kind of cleaning things up, wiring up the pressure controls or the fan cycle controls and just got a giant mess everywhere.

So we'll clean some of that up. I'm waiting for the evacuation to finish, and i kind of cleaned this up a little bit in here. It's still ugly as i'll get up, but fans are wired in uh. What about 1100 microns right now and dropping so we're getting there we're just uh trying to clean up our messes, like, i said, all right, we're all good we're charging the system we're putting as much gas into the high side as we can.

Although i can't front seat the king valve so we'll have to start it up before we get it all in there, but anyways i'm rambling um, but yeah we're looking good we're going to do an electronic leak search. Even though we passed the pressure test in the vacuum decay test, we're still going to do an electronic leak check too, so so we're still adding refrigerant but um, i'm watching uh the fans, because i want to make sure that they're set okay. So this one turned on at about 215 - that's too low, so we need to adjust it. I want this one to turn on about 225 ish we're going to try to maintain about 90 degree condensing temp, but trying to keep a separation between the two all right.
So again, we're trying to maintain about 90 degree, condensing temp, because that's how the expansion valve was sized for the the delta p or the pressure differential across it. So we shut off about 198, which was about 88 87 degrees, saturation temperature, and then, let's see what it turns on at, i still have to add a lot of gas to this system. I'm purposely leaving it low. So that way i can test the fan cycle.

Controls and see where they're cutting in so i would like to see about 235 ish on this guy right about there. We're gon na go a little bit higher okay, so we got that guy operating. So this is now gon na, be the last one to shut off and then we're gon na go ahead and set this one up now this one i'm gon na set to uh cut in around 250 and that's actually what it's about set for. So we're going to add some gas and see if that guy turns on about 250.

Now all right, this guy should be cutting in the second fan any minute now, but we got to make sure too that the pressure cut ends like when that fan turns on. We want to make sure it doesn't drop. The pressure for this fan. Doing dual fan cycles can be a pain again, i'm not a huge fan of fan cycling, but that's what this system has.

So i'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here. Um we're almost there. It should be cutting in any second now there we go all right now it cut in so, let's make sure the head pressure doesn't drop too much to drop the other fan and it doesn't look like it's really doing. It looks like it's.

Okay, i'm gon na keep adding gas, we're still uh we're just putting in what we pulled out so just adding refrigerant. That's why my suction pressure was so high, so yeah i look like it dropped and then that second fan turned off, but the first one's still running, which is good and also the fan that we cycle uh, the least, is gon na, be the one closest to The inlet, the header uh, the one furthest, is the one that we're gon na cycle, the most all right, cool, we're looking good so far, we're just gon na keep charging the system. It looks like the sight glass just cleared, i'm gon na run over all my braze joints with the leak detector make sure we don't got nothing over these little fittings just to make sure again, even though we did a pressure test and everything i still want to Check everything not picking anything up, i wouldn't be surprised if we picked something up around the packing glands, but no nothing. The only thing i wish i would have done different is.

I wish i would have brought some insulation to clean that up, but we're just gon na i'm gon na have someone repair it with some foam tape. It's not gon na look the prettiest, but the insulation is still good. It's just so. You know like getting uh.

It's like the foam tape that someone used on top went bad or something i really like the the spoiling catch on see all our sight, glass and dryer, but i like the flare with the male female sight glass, because then it just couples in there and i've Said it before i'm a huge fan of using the flare dryers on the roof, because, theoretically, if there's ever an evaporator leak, i don't have to bring my torches on the roof to change the dryer. You just come up here swap out the dryer with your tools. Pull the evacuation and you're good to go so yeah, i'm a huge fan of using the flare dryers, but the sporelin combination here does a great job and of course, you get the protection that it provides too by cleaning the system um. I, like the really big sight, glass too, super nice to be able to see the system all right.
The box is down to temp it's working good. We got the evaporator cleaned up. The coil itself is not in too bad of shape. It's fine so uh they got a little more life out of this guy and it'll last a little bit longer all right.

So this one was kind of an urgent call, because the customer called and the health department had showed up and the walk-in was just you know ever so slightly too warm and they were really frantic um to the point that they were actually mad at me when I got there earlier than i said. I was going to get there because you know they. They had told us. You know the health department's here.

They want to know when you're going to be here and we were like. I don't know you know with traffic and everything it could be a couple hours and then we showed up in like an hour and the lady was like almost in tears and i i feel bad, but i mean you know i i don't like to under promise. Basically right so i i had told her, you know it's going to be a little while and then she uh when i showed up she was like freaking out she's. Like you said you weren't going to be here till 5.

and now i failed my inspection and i'm like what what do i do. I said i dropped another job and rushed here as fast as i could. Whatever you know it's, you can never please anybody with this stuff, but it is what it is right. So we got out there and mainly it was a dirty condenser right.

That was the big issue, but again guys big picture diagnosis right, so condenser was plugged cleaned the condenser, but i didn't like the way that the fan cycle switch was operating. It was going on off on off, it was acting really wonky and i went ahead and talked to the customer and got them to approve us to come in and replace the fan cycle switch and instead i put two fan cycle switches which i've talked about it. Many times, but when you have uh fan cycle switches, i'm not a huge fan of using those because of how violent they are on the system. But the way that i set this up is much better than what they had.

Okay, because what they had is just on off on off and if you ever watch a sight glass when both of those condenser fan motors are turning off every time, they turn off and turn on that sight. Glass is going to empty and then fill up and start flashing for a minute and all that vapor is going down to the expansion valve and it just messes everything up. So if you can cycle them in stages like i did it's much better and it's much easier on the system. Of course, the best bet is to go ahead and put a head pressure control valve in there um.
But again i wasn't trying to reinvent everything. I just threw fan cycles on there. It's gon na be fine all right, but you know when i talk about the fan cycle switches because we have mild weather here in california - that's where it really comes into play because you get that violent on off on off, because if it's you know, 70 degrees Outside um, you know right when the fans turn off, you know the they turn back on and it's just a back and forth, and it's just super violent. If you go to the midwest or back east, where it gets really cold, like you know, unlike california, with our 60 degree, winters um, you know fan cycling might be better because they're not going to jam on and off as fast as they do here all right.

So um again looking at the big picture and thinking about the next guy, i went ahead and added that extra set of ports in case we ever have to put a high pressure control on here for when and if that fails, those little peanut controls on these Systems they fail all the time. So when the high pressure control fills now, it's super easy and nobody has to recover the entire charge like i did, and i really think manufacturers should do that more often just like i did on this because there's nothing worse than having to recover the charge. To put a high pressure control on there like that, just seems like a waste of the customer's money um, you know it's just silly and i'm not a fan of doing the pinch off thing. You know if it's under warranty, like manitowoc ice machines.

You know warranty only pays to use the pinch-off tool. Okay, fine, but when you use the pinch-off tool you you weaken the copper and it's just a pain in the butt. So that's why i talked to the customer. They were good with it.

We went ahead and recovered the entire charge. Did it right put in a new sight, glass and dryer? I love using those flare dryers. You just got to make sure you tighten them appropriately. You don't want to over tighten them.

I would say i mean either way if you under tighten them. Obviously they're going to leave, but over tightening them you leave and it's going to that flare. Nut is going to back off and you're going to come back and it's going to be leaking. You know and it's just a pain in the butt.

So just don't over. Tighten the flare nuts okay, so went ahead and took care of all of that got the system operational had another tech with me that helped me out, because i had to take all that crap on the roof and i had him cleaning the evaporator coil too. So it was a big help to be able to have someone else with me, especially all those multiple trips to the van and stuff. You know i was able to rely on him to help me go get some stuff while i was doing things so that way, we could keep moving with the entire system, and it wasn't me having to go.
Take 10 minutes to walk down to the van to get a part you know. So that way i was able to stay productive and he was bouncing back and forth and helping out so when it, when you can get a helper, it really does help out to make things go smoother. Okay, so um we got the system operational. I set up the fan cycle switches.

The way that i wanted to um. You know that way, they're slowly, you know staging on and off, and i think it's going to be much better. So time will tell how it works. I really really appreciate you guys making it to the end of this video.

If you haven't already, please consider subscribing to the channel guys. It really really helps um. My motivation in general just to be able to see the subscriber count and the views and stuff go up as much as i say. I try not to pay attention to those numbers.

It still gets me every once in a while. So i really do appreciate all the support um. The comments that you guys leave are awesome again. I appreciate all of those if you guys are interested in supporting the channel there's a couple different ways simply watching the videos is the easiest way.

Okay, all the way through and um, but you can also uh support me. By going to my website, we got hats and shirts and all that stuff available, we'll get them shipped out as soon as possible. We're just about. I think the the large extra large hats are going to be in stock.

This monday, which should be 4 4 within, i think, they'll, be on monday. We'll see they're scheduled to be delivered, so maybe tuesday is one we'll get them up on the website, but once we get them up, you know we got a hundred more that i ordered so they should be in stock and they should last a little while so Um stay tuned for that uh. You can also become a youtube channel member, which is just like a a monthly commitment. You know, like you commit or pledge to you, know, give this much a month or whatever check in the show notes.

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Here we go. I really really appreciate you guys remember. I do live streams monday evening. 5 p.m.

Pacific work permitting as long as i can get off work in time and then also myself and the hvac overtime, guys um go live on hvac overtime, youtube channel on friday evenings uh, there's a link to the hvac overtime youtube channel in the show notes, and we Have another youtube channel, it seems like they just keep coming uh hvacr tools which actually has been around for a while, but we started posting more stuff. There's a link in the show notes here too so we're doing tool, reviews myself in the hvs overtime guys. So all those different ways to support us, please do. I really really appreciate you guys and uh.
We will catch you on the next one. Okay.

47 thoughts on “Hurry the walk in is warm and the health inspector is here”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Larsen says:

    That's a bummer. Seems like it's status quo in the resturaunt business.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prime time says:

    see Chris this is where we differ the fan cycle control is suppose to be on the liquid line

    1. Discharge is always higher
    2.i want to control the pressure after the freon has circulated through the condenser.
    3 to change anything simply close the reciever

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt luongo says:

    "not trying to reinvent the wheel" Proceeds to do so.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Great job and video like always

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SilentSword says:

    so they just make the heath inspector wait while you fix it?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Pirlot says:

    Again. This is why you always check your fridges and freezers. I have remote sensors, mechanical thermometers and the digital thermometers mounted in every one of them. Every Morning I check these temps and a couple times a day they are to be checked by other staff. This is how you never fail an inspection. Every Morning I take a walk around the restaurant and make a note of anything wrong. A few minutes of checks can save you a world of hurt.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hvguy says:

    Never understood fan cycling… Why not reject as much heat as possible for efficiency?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AaronCo29 says:

    "Under Promise, Over Deliver" Those are words to live by, in my opinion. I became very successful and built a business with that. I have also had people tell me, "We failed our inspection" but the truth is, its on them to make sure everything is on point, when it needs to be on point. I get it, we are all in this together to some degree, but if that manager goes on vacation, do you know? My guess is no, you don't. Now, with that said, I will still take into consideration, and have given a discount, or reduced cost, but that is my choice.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AaronCo29 says:

    On the service friendly aspect, I grew up with 2 guys, they are both engineers now, one for Whirlpool, the other was for Chevrolet, and I have had conversations on facebook with both of them, they both said the same thing, "We have computers now that tell us it works fine". sad to say, that is how they think, they let a computer think for them, rather than let common sense and reality come into play. Are you in Nepean ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AaronCo29 says:

    once those disc type cycle switches go bad, I change them separate cycle switch and solder in tee, recover etc. since we would have to do that anyway, its a little more cost, but beneficial in the long run

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vin R says:

    Do you service home AC units?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Fischer says:

    What is the name of those channel lock type plyers you are using. The red ones.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ‍1marcelfilms says:

    I should learn to braze pipes

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ‍1marcelfilms says:

    Must be tempting to be as slow as possible every time someone says hurry Service area Nepean??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Nielsen says:

    I work on Trane water source heat pump units, in which the ENTIRE electrical compartment has to be removed to do a compressor change out. When my friends and family ask about recommendations, I think about serviceability. If your system was installed correctly (brazing with nitro, proper vacuums etc) the brands dont really matter unless you care about the bells and whistles. The most basic Goodman unit, installed correctly will work better than a hastily installed Trane. Manufacturers really need to understand that people fixing their equipment are a big marketing opportunity, and should design their equipment to be as serviceable as possible. "Hi restaurant owner with 5 franchises looking for new equipment. What do I recommend you ask? Well let me tell you based on my experience…."

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paul espinoza says:

    The most hilarious part of this video is when you pull the sniffer out and say I'm going to check all of my brazed fittings after you've already put the charge back into the circuit!!! I needed that thank you 😊

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 20somthingrealestate says:

    Why would you need to measure discharge pressure vs liquid line pressure after the receiver?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clasped003 says:

    about how long did it take to recover that walk in condenser given the setup you had? Are you in Ottawa ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jman0870 says:

    I almost got myself into trouble once by trying to cycle fans independently. You have to be very careful that the second fan doesn't spin backwards with only one fan running because PSC motor torque sucks and will actually start backwards if it's torque isn't enough to stop the motor and reverse the rotation. Typically it's not an issue if each fan has it's own venturi it sits in. My experience was on a 7.5 ton York split and the props don't have venturis because York sucks.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian T says:

    Great watching, you know what you are doing,i worked in the refrigeration trade for 40y mostly in restaurants. I miss that smell that you get on your hands from a evaporator coil. I would love it when they called you out at night to fix the walk in freezer, they said it was at temp and few hours ago. But you saw the ice cream melted floor or 4 feet of ice on the evap coil lol.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snap-On Auto Tech says:

    Hope that chem (Hazmat) does not end up in the storm drain. All it takes is 1 drop for violation. Kommiefornia Service area Kanata??

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Devine says:

    Never use a schrader core on a high pressure safety control.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig marshall says:

    Great video 😉

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clayton Kendall says:

    I had to work on 3 reach ins and a walk-in last night. Got home at 3am and it’s all because the health inspector showed up and threatened to shut them down 🙄

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bighappy says:

    It doesn't surprise me that she was upset. I get the same treatment with POS systems. Having the 2 fans cycle in that manner makes the system most efficient in the long run as you are not running both fans thus saving power. Just my 2 bits. Service area Barrhaven??

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2kric says:

    The suns not as far away as they say….crepuscular rays

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Nickless says:

    So I fix things. Always have. Cooked, managed, purchasing, then worked for IBM Fixing things. Boeing, POS, registers, printers, servers. phones, Looking back on my varied career I wished I would have just taken refrigeration in my youth. Fascinates me, and I think I could have been good. Love your videos…

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Barker says:

    What about Fan Cycling AND Head Pressure Control in the same system? Say your OWN system??

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blaine Bugaski says:

    They don't make machines to be serviced, they make machines to be replaced.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TransGal Gaming says:

    You mean the designers dont care after the fact? Almost like they design cars and make an automotive techs life hell to replace a simple.part

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RagazzoMafioso says:

    Nice job. I counted 16 commercials breaks! Are you in Barrhaven ?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph santos says:

    Im not a "fan" lol

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE HVAC DUDE says:

    Use the yellow hoses instead of the red n blue one. 10x faster…I use the yellow for everything 😉

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrExistien says:

    HVACR guy from Germany… honestly I'm a little glad to see that even half way around the globe we all have the same problems with customers and manufacturers xD

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wisconsin.pikachu says:

    Is it required to collect the refrigerant if a building is getting demolished? My local mcds just got torn down and I never saw a hvac truck there before, the place was open the day before demo

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyle Diamond says:

    Question: I have a heat pump, heats fine one heat mode pressures etc., switch it to cool mode, valve switches pressures rise to 225/75 (r22) very good then suction pressure steadily drops over next 10 sec. gotta be a restriction I’m thinking. Thoughts.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mtaalas says:

    I'm no HVAC guy, but I can recognize a person who has pride in their work and doesn't like to do shoddy job and makes sure it's done properly and the next person in mind who has to deal with their work.
    That's not so common anymore. I'm an electronics designer and sound technician.. .and I can recognize the mindset… keep at it! 🙂

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Hicks says:

    Good video as always, but with you guys having the warmer Cali temps why not just cycle one fan motor? And to each his own but I despise flare fittings have you used the zoom lock dryers?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zack991 says:

    Emergency for them because they don't do their part to maintain their equipment makes it no Emergency on my part. I don't care if the inspector is there or not.. Learn the hard way to maintain your equipment.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curious HVAC Guy says:

    random cut away for cloud coverage, priceless

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Martin says:

    You were talking about the head pressure and fan cycling after you cleaned condenser. Your pressure measurements are not accurate due to the fact your covers are off… Are you in Orleans ?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Chapman says:

    Leave the 2nd liquid fitting next time. Just makes it really easy to check pressure drop across the drier.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Arata says:

    Locktite is not lubricant. It's glue intended for use with metal. Just thought I'd point out that egregious mistake.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafa Navarro says:

    How come no no filter ? i would put a filter before the recovery machine machine .

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HARRYAZZHOLE says:

    To speak on your fan cycling issue. I live in FL, my mom has a window unit in her house that has an "ECO mode". I turns off for about a second and then turns right back on, she has it set to 75*🤷‍♂️ . I told her to place it on COOL mode and just let the compressor cycle, because that will be easier on the whole system and the power bill. I know the compressor requires a 3 minute complete unit shut down if the power goes off, but I know if that is the same with the "ECO mode".

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Biberdorf says:

    Why didn’t you change the high pressure switch to a manual reset one? Who know what damage that compressor went through cycling on and off.

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Roquemore says:

    Would that coil cleaner be safe on residential units? Could a homeowner buy it?

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