Finally some peace of mind. Extended labor warranties are covered on new systems even if we didn't install it. Anything goes wrong in the first 10 years, not only will the parts be covered, but the labor will be too!
This is genuine complete coverage. Not like some home warranty where they fight you to get repairs done. The same great service from Griffin Air will be covered!

Hey guys josh for Griffin air serving the middle peninsula in the northern neck and we're actually doing a new install today, JP Ryan and Billy are working hard, getting a new install for some folks getting their heat on. I want to do a quick video on our extended labor warranty plans and what's cool is even if thought you know, you don't have to buy it on the front end. Even if you've had a system installed in the last year, you can still purchase an extended laborer plans, in addition to the manufacturer's parsed, warranty and, and that goes for. Even if you had another company install that system, you can apply and buy.

One of these labor plans, so if anything goes wrong in those first ten years, not only are the parts covered on that system, but the labor will be to you can have peace of mind, knowing that if something goes wrong on that system that discovered that the Labors covered that the parts are covered to something that you'd be interested in, give us a call at 80 for 50. 50. 247. Thank you.

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