Every Tuesday is a weekly show Josh plans to do at 8:30 PM Eastern standard time. We will be discussing all things HVAC including heating and air-conditioning news, AC tips, ductless, mini splits, and more! Josh will also be sharing some of his personal stories too!
We will also be taking some questions. Email your questions to Hvacguide1 @Gmail.com

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Favorite Air Cleaner here: https://www.daikinairpurifier.com/?affiliate_code=ThMSZHEks4&referring_service=link
Favorite Air Filter here: https://amzn.to/3vpVbWl
Air Tester/Monitor here: https://amzn.to/3oJ3LvD
Dehumidifier here: https://amzn.to/3Q4woPp
Humidifier here: https://amzn.to/3ilZ9vq
Smart Vent here: https://amzn.to/3JDfGDX
HVAC Soft Start: https://amzn.to/3kMXlwT

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Griffin Air and Joshua Griffin have partnered with Daikin on multiple projects. FTC requires disclosure of these relationships due to the compensation received.

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Foreign, Foreign Foreign. Thank you foreign Thank you hey guys. Uh, we are live. Sounds like I Still got some music playing on one of these fronts.

There we go. Uh so coming to you live taking your heating and air heating and air questions live. If I can talk tonight, we've already got a few of you on here. So hey to Gary Mark TJ Welcome to the show! Wanted to start tonight's show out with a a story that I should have probably covered last week and this story's coming.

It looks like it it says the the Cape coast and Islands I think the story is from up, uh up north somewhere though. So I'm not exactly sure where that's uh, you know where Cape is but um, this story is not Regional Um, it was very interesting. We had a gigantic Heat Wave um I Guess it was about a week and a half ago and it was maybe maybe about a week ago and a bunch of schools were letting out the students because they had no air conditioning in their area. They're not used to having those types of temperatures and so they were letting the kids out of school.

it says coming off a hot Labor Day weekend many students around the country had their return to classrooms cut short Schools along the east coast and in parts of the Midwest change their schedules, in some cases sending students home early due to heat advisories and lack of air conditioning districts in New Jersey Connecticut Pennsylvania Michigan and Wisconsin called for a half day on Tuesday to get students home before the temperatures peaked at some schools in Pittsburgh and Baltimore So Baltimore is not far from May about two hour drive really. Students were told to stay at home and log on for virtual learning. Milwaukee Alice Kirtley finished up her first day of fourth grade at 11 A.M I'm sure Alice will never see see this, but hey to Alice in the fourth grade. She says her teachers at Maryland Avenue Montessori are trying their best but the classroom still gets really hot Quote: They have fans and they open their Windows a lot.

but I would appreciate air conditioners and so I think this the reason I wanted to cover this is you know there's parts of these. There's parts of the country where schools have never needed air conditioning before and and now that might be something they need to look at. And you know that's obviously not a cheap, uh undertaking having to add air conditioning to all these schools. Especially if this were to continue.

Maybe it's just something that you know a fluke thing. or or maybe this is going to happen again and again and again. We'll see a District representative confirmed that 56 percent of Milwaukee's Public Schools offer full or partial air conditioning for students and staff, but that leaves almost half of the schools in the district without. It's not just a Wisconsin lack of reliable air conditioning is a problem.

Nationwide A 2020 study from the U.S Government Accountability Office found that an estimated 41 percent of districts needed to update or replace HVAC systems and at least half of their schools. Big city districts like Baltimore, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh often have old school buildings and can't handle AC for one reason or another. so that opens another pickle. So it's not just air conditioning.
If the building. You know, if they can't put the air conditioning there for one reason or another, then they've got to figure that out. Are they going to have to build an entirely new school? An entire new building? In many cases, they try to find workarounds for a handful of hot days each year. Uh, blah blah blah.

Let's see his. Let's see, his classroom does not have AC And he's clocked temperatures as high as 90 degrees indoors. Even with the early release, everyone is walking out of that building sweaty and exhausted. So yeah.

Crazy story. Uh, I Meant to actually talk about this last week, but as you guys know any of you, that, uh, join us every week, know that I had some technical difficulties last week. But you know, pretty crazy story. I Uh I Do wonder what this means for the future, you know? Or these what? What are some of the solutions these schools are going to come up with? Will they need to build new buildings? Will they need to put air conditioning and all parts of the school? Or or maybe they'll just you know, maybe do it.

Uh, fate in phases. you know, just put air conditioning in this part of the school and maybe move the kids there until they can you know, do the entire school or however they do it. but I Just thought it was interesting and obviously uh, you know some of you guys that join us on this show. Um, you live in certain parts, you know parts of the country that this is taking place.

so um I feel bad for the kids. You know if they're having to be sent home, they're They're there to learn and you know they're not able to because of the air conditioning. Uh let's see. hello to Sound engineer Sound Engineering Very clever name and hey to Frank I Think both of you might be new to our show and so welcome to our show.

Frank says South Side um let's see we had a show or a a question. come in early this morning. uh Hector is probably not with us if he was on our Channel at seven o'clock this morning but he said what is your opinion on Mr Cool Universal and I'm just gonna say no comment, no comment on that. So anyway, um yeah so if you have any questions, feel free to drop those in the chat.

Hey to Ryan Ryan's one of our regulars. Good to see you and um, you know we'll dive into this. if you ask a question that I don't know the answer to. uh, we usually have some other Pros on here that might be able to answer your question or maybe at least point you in the right direction.

um I uh I Wanted a let's see, we've did our new story here. Let's um, let's do our go ahead and do our lovely segment where I share goofy inventions with you Again, if you do have a heating and air question, please drop that in the chat. In the meantime, it's time for Josh's goofy inventions. Bear with me guys.
my uh, setup here is acting a little goofy. Give me one second here. Okay, hopefully that fixes that. My whole screen was blinking while I was trying to uh to uh, do our show here.

Uh, so tonight's goofy invention is, um, probably not that profound. Uh, probably not that. uh, clever of an invention. But tonight's goofy invention is is basically we.

We all know the the future holds a place for robots in our lives. We already see a lot of robots. Um, you know, doing all kinds of things. especially when I go into certain factories.

Um, you know, robots are certainly a thing. Um, but what if you were to have a robot that were to just you know instead of having to heat and cool your entire home? What if you had a robot that followed you around, literally followed you around and kept you cool always? Um, you could set you know your entire home. Let's say you know it's hot. It's let's say it's the middle of summer and you set.

So you're not having to cool this entire home and waste all this energy. You just set your thermostat at say three, four, five degrees higher than what you would normally keep it at. And then this robot would just blow comfortable cool air on you. Um and and keep you know you and everyone in your home.

You know everybody have their own robot. That's tonight's invention. What if it looked like this, you know, kind of like a looks like that guy from this from Star Wars movies kind of following you around and blowing cool air on you? um Let Me: let me know your thoughts on that. Would you be okay with a robot just following you around, blowing cool air on you, keeping you comfortable at all times? Uh, that's tonight's goofy invention Josh goofy invention.

And if you you know if you want to steal my idea and patented it and create the product, feel free. Uh, back to our chat. Uh let's see Frank says your videos got me interested in Daikin Uh good. um we I'm obviously a fan of it.

We sell it at Griffin Air and we've done a few videos about Daikin and a few a few things. I'm working with them on and so you know I'm probably drinking the Daikin Kool-Aid right? Um I Uh, I've tried multiple Brands you know when I started Griffin Air I I installed all the big Brands and you know and and some of their defense. Maybe some of the issues I was having may have been more of a regional problem. Maybe it was a problem with the supplier, but in some cases it it wasn't and and you know it didn't take long after we put a few of the daikins in for me to kind of see a difference to.

You know, really, you know that's all we sell. Now we we do. If we have a customer that has a mobile home, uh, Daikin does not sell a solution for those folks. uh.

or at least let me rephrase. Probably they probably have a solution, but they don't make a mobile home electric furnace and uh, so because of that, you know we might steer away from them in those particular scenarios. But other than that, it's all we sell Now you know. I Just had a customer the other day and they said you know, hey, you know, will you sell me this brand instead? You know my my brother-in-law said you know that's a good brand and I said no, we we only sell what we sell.
You know for a number of reasons and so you know I think that that's important if you are doing business with a heating and air guy uh or a company I don't care if it's Daikin or any other brand you wanna you wanna do do business with somebody that does drink the Kool-Aid of whoever it is they're selling you, they you don't want a guy that says oh I'll sell you whatever you want and just call me if you have any problems. um you know I I just I think that that I wouldn't want to do business with I would want the guy that says hey I'm telling you this is this is what I would install in my own home This is what I would say to my own family and this is what I think is great and and that's the guy I want to do business with right somebody drinking the Kool-Aid and really believes in and will stand behind what they're selling you Sound Engineering says is there any direct drop in for R22 or that just works something that just needs me to do a dryer filter change only Yes, there are several options and uh, honestly, there's probably more than a few. Um, there's probably at least at least seven eight that I can think of. Um, we did Mo99 for the longest time.

Um, but I I think there's a few others and uh, and I do know that some of them do require certain things, like some of them may require changing the seals. Some of them may require Like you said, changing the filter dryer. Some of them may even go so far as to requiring uh, oil, something done to the oil. whether it be change it or or you know, do whatever And so I would, uh, probably uh instead of telling you which one to go with, I would defer to your local Pro and go with whatever it is that they like and will use and will continue to use.

Um, and you know I don't think that we're gonna be. It won't be too much longer. We're going to be having these same questions about 410 and we're also I Think there will come a time in the very near future where R22 will just it. You know it's kind of already gone, but it'll be gone.

gone, right? It'll be something that we'll we'll talk about. You know, Hey, do you remember those days? the good old days of R22 right? Uh, Hey to Carl Welcome to the show Ryan says what if a unit like Mr Cool Universal or whatever is installed by a pro? it's basically the same unit as a reflex or GE connect? Not every budget-friendly product is installed by homeowners. Um, yeah, I mean I'm not sure what your question is. Are you saying what if you have a pro that likes that brand? is that the brand that you should go with I mean I I Guess the answer is yes.
Um, but you know I'm not going to get into the ins and outs of Mr Cool um but I mean I think that again, whoever the brand is, whatever the brand is, you know you want to go with a pro that likes a brand for a certain reason and it's sort of like if you're gonna buy a car who wants to buy a car from a guy that'll just sell you any old thing and you know too bad. if you have any issues, you know a guy that's going to stand behind what they're selling you and they're gonna you know they're gonna feel bad if you call them back and say hey, I'm having issues. they're genuinely they feel bad because they sold you on this product right? That's how I feel if I were to sell someone at Daikin and they have a major issue I Genuinely feel bad because I'm like I told you to go this route and now you're having an issue, right? and so I think that's part of it. but I also think that it's more to it than that I think that you know regardless of the brand, having a technician, or a company that loves a brand or or whatever for a certain reasons, they can actually say to you oh I love them because they pick up the phone when I call them or they have good parts availability or they you know they're very reliable and and whatever.

You know, whatever their reasons are a reason that they love that product right? they don't. Just they won't just sell you any old thing, you know. I think some people actually think it's better or more noble to go with a company that will sell you any old thing. um, that they are.

You know that they're not pushing in a corner kind of thing. and I I guess I can kind of see that side of the argument. but by gosh, if I'm going to spend that kind of money I want to go with it. You know I'm going to pick out the best contractor and then I'm going to go with whatever they recommend to me.

Yeah, you know. and and that they have already been on the front lines of selling them, installing them, and so on. And and that's you know where I would want to go with that? That's just my two cents. You know there's other ways of looking at it for sure.

Tech Junkies. Uh, point out a couple other replacement refrigerants. um and and I think Tech Junkie, you're bringing up a good point. I think regardless of the refrigerant you go with I do think Txvs have their place? you know I know for a while there guys you know hated Txvs but you know that's the but if you're gonna if you're gonna go with you know, especially a replacement refrigerant.

you know, putting in the the proper expansion valve that is going to operate you know, open and close and give you the most efficiency out of whatever refrigerant it is you go with um, that's that's a really good point John says how do you feel about using solder especially or ESP especially I think is what you're saying especially if say 30 Silver versus brazing refrigerant lines on new installs especially re valves. Um so John I'm gonna be completely honest with you I am not one of these guys that I've seen other YouTube videos on guys I I am not I haven't I haven't experimented a ton with all these other products out there. we have I use the same thing that I was taught on. which is you know we use an oxy acetylene um torch we or Turbo Torch just depends on the situation or the technician.
um, but we flow nitrogen and we use our typical standard brazing rods. Now do I think that's a good thing that that I'm still doing it the way I was taught years ago. Maybe not necessarily. You know, maybe there is better things out there I haven't found them yet.

but I will tell you that uh, very, very soon. It's going to be not unheard of for more and more guys to be making more aluminum uh, repairs. you know, aluminum coil repairs and so on. And so because of that I think you're going to see more guys.

Um Brian says 30 percent is high. Yeah, 30 percent. I can't remember I think the ones that we use I'm wanting to say they're 50. they're 12 or 15 percent because I know this.

What? What? The cheap ones I think are six percent right? Um so I think the ones that we use are like 15 if I remember correctly but I could be totally wrong. I I Honestly, I don't really I we just get them like I order them and we we install the systems and we don't have issues. So I don't I've never went any further than that. I mean full transparency? That's where I'm at with it.

Um Donald says Griffin air is a dike and comfort Pro Correct how difficult is to obtain that certification? Yes, we're dyking. Comfort Pro was not hard for us. The supplier that we use was very motivated for us to become one at the time they didn't we were his first one. I installed the first I can fit in this area at least I think I am until someone tells me I'm wrong on that.

I'm going to continue to claim that uh, take that stand and um and so uh, it was not difficult for us at all. We we signed up for it and installed a few and I think we took a class but it was not one of those deals where I don't I don't remember at any time they were going to say no in all of that um they have other classes they they you know put on for us and um in fact I don't want to speak out a turn because I don't know if this is offered to everybody but I will say that Daikin also offered a few other perks for marketing: Co-op dollars I guess you could call it uh when we came over and they have a really good dealer program they they want they want you to grow and and do well with them and I don't I'm not gonna get into all the ins and outs of why don't feel that way about other companies but I will say that there are other companies that I don't feel that way about like there are other companies that I felt like they they gave us really low prices to sell some of their equipment and then and then it's almost like they get their teeth in you. You know they they, they've got you. Now you know you're you're drinking their Kool-Aid and they they're You start putting on your website and you you put it on the side of your hat and you you know you're really starting to push their brand and you're signed up with their dealer program and all that stuff.
You even pay some of them to be a part of their dealer program and then once the the teeth are in the claws are in then they're really gonna Stick it to you and that's how I felt with a couple other companies. John says what do you feel about jump ducks on a new install John Can you give me a little more context I'm going to be honest with you I don't know what a jump duct is. Maybe that's a a A a term. A jump duct is a short per piece of insulated flex duct typically thin inch in diameter installed in the Attic and attached to ceiling registers.

Um I Don't think this is really something we do a lot of jump duct. jump duct John likes to ask me questions and make me look dumb. Live on TV Live on this show. Um, jumped a jump.

The jumper duct allows air from an uncomfortable room to flow out and into another room containing a return. Once in the other room, the air can flow back to the furnace. Oh okay gotcha. Um I've just never called it that but I have seen that now I've never seen it quite like the pictures that I'm seeing here.

Let me show you what you show you guys what I'm seeing so it looks like they they're installing basically a vent in each room and then connecting them with a duct here. and um, that's not something we've ever done. Um, but we are also very particular about some of the things that we do. You know? So I'm not going to get into all the details, but there are certain jobs like there are certain builders in this area.

they won't even hire us because I will not cut Corners I won't do it and I know other heating and air guys say that too, but they're obviously cutting Corners because we're having to fix their stuff later and I'm not saying this is a cutting Corners thing I mean I'm kind of getting off topic, but I will say uh, we're very particular about the things we do and about what we'll what we are willing to do. But um, let me go back to your original question here: John You said, how do you feel about them on a new install I mean I don't really feel anything about them. we've never used them luckily. but um, I I think that I could definitely see a place where you could or should.

Um, and so I'm curious John why you asked that question? Have you had to have you dealt with any of that? Have you had to? Maybe Brian can tell us if he's had to use that uh, strategy in a home. Um, I could definitely see a place where you would do it. Maybe not this particular way of doing it where you have the two registers, but there was another picture. Where did it go? Okay, so like this one.
We've done through the wall fans like this: where you pull conditioned air from one room to the other and and I'll usually install these in houses. In fact I did a YouTube video on it years ago but we will install something. It's not this particular model, but we will install them sometimes. uh in homes that um if they do like mini split you know.

so if they have like a bathroom, they've got mini splits in the hole upstairs. We're not going to put a mini split in that little bathroom but we could put it through the wall fan in there and we like to put it on a variable switch so that what they can they can turn it up and down like they want to. In fact I have one in my house I have a I have a closet that we have guns and and I've got our security system in there and all kinds of stuff and I put a I actually put a through the wall fan in there so I could definitely see where you would probably. you know I could see a house where that would make sense for sure.

So um, some of you other Pros like Brian let me know if you have done any jump Ducks before. uh let's see Mr uzman I'm not even going to try to say your full name because I'm sure I wouldn't say it correctly. But Welcome To our show, what is the difference between Application Engineer, Design Engineer and estimation engineer in HVAC or all of them of these rules should be handled by a single guy. Hmm, Well, I I do want I am curious where you are in the world Um, and the reason I asked that is apparently in Europe Engineers are what we and the states call technicians.

So in the States we call the guy that comes to your house and repairs an air conditioner. We call those technicians. You know that's a heating and Air technician. Uh, you know a Master Mechanic um, Journeyman Mechanic or engine OR Technician.

Those are some of the words that we use verbiage that we use. Um. In fact, at Griffin Air, we don't have helpers or apprentices. we have senior techs and we have Junior techs and I have a project manager.

but we don't have. You know I don't I don't I don't like to have terms like helper thrown around and and I'm not going to get into all the reasons why, but there's reasons for that, but I will say uh on your question. Application Engineer: I don't know what that is I'm just ignorant. uh I've never even heard that term used um in residential and then a design engineer or estimation engineer though those would be two different roles for sure, especially if you're talking about commercial.

uh or Industrial Heating and Air excuse me? Um, but getting back to the Europe you know your European verbiage. Uh, I did a show I did a YouTube video and show with a guy um from the UK and they call them instead of technicians they call the guy coming to your house an engineer. So in the U.S an engineer is something totally different. An engineer is someone that will Design things almost similar to like an architect but they're they're gonna do blueprints of Designing other things than just homes right? So we have civil engineers and we have aeronautical engineers and we have.
You know, all kinds of Engineers You know so electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, all those guys. So um yeah, hopefully that answers your question. Quinn Welcome to the show says I Have a single stage gas furnace with only one y wire. Is it possible to get an inverter heat pump? have a single stage now? uh yes.

Look up. uh look look up some of the non-communicating inverter systems like Bosch Ryan says people drink the Kool-Aid on Brands and products we don't like just because that's what they offer, it might not be the best fit I agree I like the choice I like Choice personally and proper installation to each their own. Yeah, I think that's a good point I think that's another way to look at it I I think you know I think considering that the homeowner has may may or may not have a brand preference, um, and so you know I I um I think that's a good point uh I I just was if I was a consumer I would not if I had a guy come to my house regardless of my previous my my preconceived feelings or or how I feel about a brand if I have a technician come to my home I I Want that guy to have something he knows and believes in and and a lot of them do right? I mean most heating and air guys I feel like most good ones. they have a preference, you know and I don't care what that preference is, but all my friends in this trade that um, that I consider to be good at what we do.

um, they all have preferences. You know they have brands that they hate. They hate to work on them, They hate to install them. And they have brands that they love that they love to work on them and love to install them.

So that's just my two cents on that. Brian says Dyken changes the name of that program every five years I am coming up on five years. so I will test that theory if I will see if they change the name of the program. dealer program was buy everything from us.

That's a good name. That's when I'm going to start calling uh our our heating and air program at Griffin Air Done! Welcome to the show says I Live in Houston Texas Very good I Just I was just there last week. Y'all have some great food down there when outside temperature is 100 to 180 degrees. My AC runs continuously for several hours and it never goes under 77.

10 P.M to 9 A.M it can go down to 75 is my AC working normal I would say no I mean you should be able to reach temperature. um and and so I don't know if that means there's something wrong with it or if it's undersized, but you should be able to uh in my mind Maybe not maybe it might you know, run continuously on a 100 degree day, but in my mind it should reach temperature at some point and you're saying it never is. so that's at least I think that's what you're saying so um I would not be okay with that warm of a house. In fact I keep my house pretty cold compared to most Brian says jump duct is just the same as cutting the door.
well that's true, just less sound transfer. Very true. Very true. John says so you put returns in all the bedrooms, then on new installs.

no we do not. Um, but there are times when we will tell folks that they need to have better airflow under a door and um, and then there are times when we will add a return to a part of the house if not the master bedroom is a good example of that. Um, if if needed, you know Ryan says also I think that companies stick with Brands too long and get left behind if the company they are hitched to doesn't innovate as fast as others. Not a question, just a comment on my Layman's opinion.

That's a good point too. I I Say it all the time. uh I if if who I think is best changes tomorrow I'm not married to anybody you know if I don't think this is going to happen. that's why I can say it with all confidence if I thought that dyke can drop the ball in one way, shape or form tomorrow Griffin Airwood just immediately switched to whoever I think is best at that point and so that's why I can say in all confidence my my daddy didn't start Griffin Air uh I didn't inherit it and and no, no offense to anybody that does have a generational business I Actually think that's quite impressive when you have a business that can go on for years through the generations.

But my point in saying that is when I started Griffin Air almost 11 years ago now I um I tried multiple Brands nobody nobody. My dad didn't tell me what brand to sell, my dad didn't tell me what brand to know and like and love and to tell my customers are the best even though I'd never tried anything else. I Tried multiple brands at the unfortunately at the expense of at times having to eat things, eat costs, eat a repair to try to get get someone happy. when I found out that a brand was falling short in one way shape or form and so that's why I'm so passionate about it now.

There are certain brands that by gosh, I do hate them I hate that's a strong word I hate that brand. Uh, one brand in particular I'm not gonna say it now, so don't even ask. but there's one brand in particular that I have shared in some of our videos that they do not stand behind their warranties. They look for reasons to not honor them and I had to eat a pretty big job one time and ever since then I hate their that I will never sell their brand again ever for the rest of my life I'll never sell that brand again.

And so that said, I kind of got off topic just because I like who I like if if somebody else comes along and is better at it or does something better or or or the company I like falls short in one way shape or form I I will I'm not married to anybody I'll switch and I think that's a really good point Noah says best way to Market on an HVAC business ooh good question that is not a homeowner question Noah you must be a business owner or at least a part of the trade. Best way to Market it man I'm gonna give you a secret that I hope hopefully none of my competitors are watching this. It's not a huge secret, it's not. It's not the um, it's not.
you know, groundbreaking or anything like that. but there is three things that Griffin air that we do and all of my guys. If any of my guys were sitting here with us, they would be able to tell you what our big three is. If Ryan or or Kenny were sitting right now and I said hey, what's our big three, they would say they'd be able to Rattle them off And so what they are is we have our um, our VIP Club that we will and and I'm not going to get into everything that's involved with that, but that's essentially our maintenance Club and we actually we give some certain perks discounts.

it's there's actual real value in that and we every time we get a new customer we tell them about our VIP Club the more customers you can get on that, the healthier your business will be. Um, so that's the first thing. The second thing is we put out yard signs. I Think yard signs are one of the best investments that a small business can make, especially a small service business in comparison, you know you could.

You could certainly spend money on lots of other things I Know a lot of people push the Google pay-per-click and all these other things, but yard signs. If a neighbor sees you working at a neighbor's house and they see that sign out there, um, we have gotten. you know what's a sign. It's 15, 20, 25 bucks and if you sell one job off of it, it paid for itself and so I'm getting way off topic because a lot of you folks are are homeowners but you know Noah asked So yard signs.

So VIP Club our yard signs and then our third one is we ask all of our customers for a five star review on Google Facebook Um, Yelp Wherever they're willing to leave us that five star review and that's our big three. Um, so that's in my opinion, that's the best way that we've been able to grow our company. We've we haven't We haven't jumped as high as some companies or anything like that, but we've grown every year. and um, and I and we do it slow and steady and healthy.

and you know, and because of that, it's taken care of us. So that's that's my opinion. There's other things too. Uh, I could go into things like websites and and strategy and design and all that good stuff, social media strategies and things like that.

Uh, but I'll leave you with one last one. Noah is I would learn. What's called the three Second Rule of marketing and that is every company. Every consumer you have less than three seconds to make some sort of impression on them.
So if they're say driving by your billboard on the side of the road, you're gonna get three seconds for them to look at that billboard or less. if your van passes them on the road, you're gonna get three seconds. If they see your yard sign out there, you're gonna get three seconds if they come across a social media post or even pop over to your website. You got three seconds.

And the reason that three seconds is important is when you're doing your marketing, you need to like if you look at my hat right now. Not that it's the greatest design in the world, but you know and you know exactly what I'm trying to get across in that three seconds, right? Let me show you this that that is our yard sign. That yard sign I Don't put anything fancy or anything crazy on it. Um, it's for the three second rule.

I Wanted them to see call 50 50 Air that's our phone number and I wanted them to see in a different color all of our services and then the company name and and and that. It's very simple. It's white it there's way cooler colors and designs out there. but those all all those cool colors and designs.

They break the three second rule. So Noah that is my class for tonight on marketing. Hopefully you got something out of it. John Jump Ducks Of course are cheaper, but running returns to all the bedrooms increase your resistance.

I Guess it's a trade-off It's it's true. You know it it. I Tell you. The other thing is you probably might feel a little draft there, right? Ryan says I Recently had to bend my return Grille louvers to help with the airflow noise.

Interesting, but it's not the prettiest thing. Is there a type of return girl that isn't noisy out of the box aluminum grills? Ryan Definitely check the square foot, the square inches, not square footage square inches and you want to be less than 200 square inches per ton on your return grills. Um, because if you if you, um if you are under that then that might be why you're having the the noise you should, you shouldn't really. I mean I'm not saying you won't hear it, but you shouldn't hear it.

too bad Mr Uzman says I am in Pakistan Very cool. So we're we are worldwide tonight. What time is it there? um I'm just curious if you're on the other side of the world. Is it morning time there? That's that's pretty cool.

Welcome To our show Brian says I have seen on the plans First value engineering change cost reduction removal never put in yeah I've never put them in either Brian says my son is a mining engineer. Very cool. There's Engineers for everything and I'm sure that's man I Can't imagine that's that's pretty cool Mr Uzman says application engineer uses selection software for optimal selection of specific HVAC equipment we call that uh, what is that now a manual? What is it? Brian is it a manual S I think is what they're called I don't know there's so many now. Best Sports Media TV Welcome to the show Go! Cowboys Oh I said that on live TV Ah I'm not embarrassed for the first time since I was a child to say who my football team is because I think the rest of the NFL league was put on notice this week just saying as long as we can stay healthy they are on notice.
Best Sports TV says question with the dike and fit Pro five ton unit. Is it louder than the smaller ton units I have a four ton train now, but it sounds like a Mack truck on the startup. So the dike and Fit is an A communicating inverter system. So um I'm not saying it's whisper quiet, but check out my video where I actually compared it to, um, a single stage system.

We literally took the decibel levels I walked 20 feet from it to see if we could still hear it and um, because the fan blows out the front away from the house. um I would be very surprised if you would even hear it inside the house. Um, it's on its way out and I'm thinking about the five-ton Daikin Fit Pro unit for faster cooling my home thoughts or expertise please. Thank you! Yeah, definitely.

check out that video I think it's called Daikin Fit versus loud unit or something like that. Check out that video. Bran says my, but my bedroom AC has a faulty sensor back ordered back ordered stole a used sensor from a Desd Mitsubishi for my Dyken almost two weeks now. Very interesting.

Um, let me reach out to me tomorrow Brian I might be able to help you with that I might be able to put you in touch with somebody. get that sensor for you a little quicker Maybe John says do you try to avoid zoning or single system unless it's communicating full modulating inverter system I Don't avoid it entirely. but I do I would prefer it I would prefer it be an actual communicating inverter system if they are going zoning. but I mean we did Zoning For years before inverters were a thing.

You just got to know what you're doing. you gotta, uh, whether it's airflow or um, they also have those sensors and things like that. um, they are they. You know there's there's ways to do it and it's not as but.

But let's be honest. if you're if you're zoning any system, there are going to be times when it's you know you've got to do something. Whether it's bypass dampers or whether it's Those sensors that shut the blower down or slow it down or whatever it is that it's doing because you have, let's say a five ton system with the capability of pushing all this air and then you're restricting it down to, you know, a tiny little hole at times if it's only one zone calling. Um, so uh.

that said, I would prefer uh, you know a communicating inverter system Frank says I humbly brag about janitrol Goodman Home HVAC system is 23 years old and the condenser fan died last week I fixed it but it's time to replace the whole system. Estimates scheduled nice Frank Let us know how that goes John Great to have you uh on our show. He says you're a sweet guy. you can't hate anyone I don't hate anyone I just hate that brand.
Let's see Eric says I am getting my new Hvacc system installed on Thursday Is it difficult to customize a return Grille to fit a five inch deep filter instead of a one inch. Every house is different. You know, sometimes it is difficult, sometimes it's not difficult at all. especially if you're just putting a system in.

The main thing I would be uh, making sure of is making sure that it's going to be easy to get to to replace that filter. When the time comes, you know, just you know, make sure they're keeping that in mind Ryan says are you on the side of 2PM visits per year or just 1 pm during the shoulder season where you can check so we do two for our VIP customers. Um, but I think bare minimum folks should be getting it once a year right? Um so I we offer it as as two. uh PMS just so you guys know that's he's talking about preventative maintenance act and and we call them actual tune-ups and and I you know I do that because I want I want customers to know that we are offering more than just kicking the tires.

Our guys actually clean the coils, treat the drains, try to make the system as newest possible again. and and so that's why you know we do that. Yes, it's six a.m way too early pal. why are you up out of bed then? I'm not a morning person oh see Brian chatting it Ryan Rad RV Welcome to the show! Any experience with the Bosch Mini Splits Good or bad? I don't have any experience with the Bosch Mini Splits I would assume that Bosch is probably not making them.

uh, maybe one of you other Pros know who makes them? They're probably a rebranded you know, Medea or Gree or one of those other brands but I I don't know. Um, that sensor is not at the factory 17 Seer Not my favorite line. Budget friendly gotcha? Yeah huh? Mitsubishi is eight and it works. Interesting.

Uh Ryan says I Saw last week that the Amana S, Series and Goodman will now offer its Daikin Fit style unit. How do you feel about Daikin selling the same product across the brands? Wouldn't they want to keep it premium? I think that I actually asked this question uh when I went to the factory and I talked to the guy that's kind of really he's in charge of all of that and he was basically saying that you know they always roll out uh things to the Daikin dealers first but it was always intended to to be a you know, a product that they offered across all of their brands. It doesn't bother me. I I will tell you that it's they.

You know it's the same product or at least for the most part it's still going to be a side discharge inverter system but it's not the same controller and it does not have the same line. It doesn't have their Daikin one ecosystem either, so maybe it will at some point, but they're they don't have the Daikin One controller for theirs. um and I actually just asked uh my guy that he's their. he's a friend of mine and he's a a rep for Goodman and I was like Hey I want to get my hands on one of those controllers that you guys are going to be using so I'm hoping that he he will do that at some point.
Brian says I'm quoting access doors on 225 units never touched since 75 feet hot water and cold water. Uh let's see we're gonna do um another segment. Bear with me here. I'm gonna share with you guys another story out of this one is out of Jacksonville Florida Come on this thing is there we go.

So this story let's jump to I just saw that. hold on. uh actually we're not gonna do that story I'm gonna I'm gonna hang on to that. Instead we're gonna do an a question for you segment and tonight's question for you is is a serious question.

Uh honestly. So I I really like some input on this and my question for you guys tonight is what's the one thing you're surprised that I have not done a video on So I'm actually looking for some input on this. What is the one thing you are surprised that you have not seen me do a video on? um so put that in the chat I'd love to hear that. uh let's see I I giggled John because I saw I I thought I told you we're not supposed to call it that anymore um when I went and toured the factory they they have a new uh product that's going to be added to the Fit family of products and they were calling it what John's calling it here I'm refusing to say it because they told me that to not say it you know I had it in uh the video that where we shared that news and they said hey you know we had a marketing meeting and we're not going to call it that anymore so don't call it that in your video.

So um but yeah John I I uh I think that they are supposed from what I remember from the media or when I toured the factory um I'm wanting to say that they s they said that that it should hit the production line um this year so I'm wanting to say they said November Maybe um because I think as um as Ryan just pointed out a moment ago, they are currently working on getting the Goodman and the Amana S Series you know dike and fit equivalence out and then Daikin is then going to have the you know the Daikin new fit and so whatever that newer better fit is that is going to be um I Brian says changed another name of something. In their defense, the product had not even been made yet so I was getting a snippet a little bit of a behind the scenes before they had even settled on a name and so I heard you know, heard them use that term and then you know John was on our show that week and he heard me use that term and and so you know that's that's part of this you know I probably came came out with saying that name a little early um I will say though and if they if anyone from Daikin sees this video I mean I don't even know if they watch my stuff. Um, but if they do I liked that name. the name that John is using I liked it.
uh or at least because what I told them is you know a lot of the names that they are using I don't I don't necessarily I don't think customers understand the difference right? So like if Mitsubishi has their Mitsubishi uh M series and then they have their hyper heat line, well hyper heat sounds could. Can we all agree that hyper Heat sounds better and it's not that Mitsubishi thinks their M series is bad or anything like that, they're just saying hey, this one's got hyper heat you know and so that's one of the things I kind of mentioned to them when I did do the tour down there is. you know it would be nice to have some names that you know, almost like a silver, gold, platinum or a good better bust you know, type wording and so um, you know it would be nice if they were to adopt something like that where one definitively sounds better than the other. So uh, John that's the only news that I have no new news on that product I think they're on schedule? um I think as Bryant or I'm sorry as uh Ryan uh Ryan If you haven't seen that video they've done with the meeting of the Ryan's you have got to watch that.

It's hilarious. Um, there's an actual guy named Ryan and he does this meeting with all these other Ryan's um, and it's it's hilarious. Uh, but anyway, and so I think they're on schedule. so I think I think what? I remember from from what I remember them telling me by October the Goodman and the Amana S Series products are going to start being uh produced and then just after that I'm wanting to say they said November but don't hold me to that I don't remember and that's when that newer, uh, more capability fit will be coming out for Daikin Um, so we'll see.

Bruce says hey, Josh is it carrier than one that you don't like? Come on, tell me if I have a Bryant uh, it is not carrier. it's not carrier. Although I've had my quarrels with that c word um, no, it's not. It's not carrier.

Ryan says I would like to see a video where you switch someone from propane to electric heat strip only for Heat and the amount they saved with a communicating inverter. That's a good idea. Um I Can't think of a customer right this second that comes to mind that we've done that. I'm sure we have, but uh, we've done.

We've actually done a few uh, propane systems and we stayed propane, but they went with an inverter uh, dual fuel system so it's gonna run off of that uh, you know, inverter heat pump and um, Brian says Amanda's is already out. Okay, very cool. Um, so maybe that that other fit will be coming out very soon. You know, maybe they're ahead of schedule.

It sounds like well, it sounds like they are ahead of schedule if they told me. October So um, but that's that's pretty good idea. Ryan Eric says have you done a video on comparing the static pressure drop on different brands and the murder ratings of filters I have not done one where we've compared them necessarily man I I would probably have to set up. you know, quite a setup to, you know to do that.
and unless we were to have the static pressure and slide one filter in versus another. um and see you know what the the pressure drop would be then. um so that's a good idea too. Uh, Skida says I gotta fit in Tampa so that's awesome.

Let us know how that goes for you and welcome to the show! I don't think I've seen your name on here I'm probably not even saying it correctly, but um anyway. I uh I think it's been a pretty good show tonight guys. Hopefully you guys are enjoying it. Um I'll uh, let's end the show with this.

Um, if you have a good Heating and Air company in your area, um Skeeta, whoever put your fit in, maybe you want to share them. Um, but just go ahead and share the name of that company and where they're located. Let's give some shout outs to some good companies: Across the Nation and um, you know, give them some love as we close out our show tonight Ryan says would like to see a video on showing terrible installs or hacks before your company changes it out before and after to show proper installation. Ooh now that is good I actually really like that idea.

um be considering we just did one a couple weeks ago. um I'm not gonna mention the name, but any of you that have been watching my uh videos for a while I know some of you just hate that I won't share I'm just not trying to pick fights I've already done that and I'm over that right? I picked fights a couple times when I first started my YouTube channel and I'm not a fighter I'm a lover. but um. anyway, any of you that have been watching my videos for a while there is a a particular brand that I'm not in love with.

We started tonight's show out with this brand and I said no comment on them. um and and for those of you that weren't here at the beginning, it's the brand that they like to do DIY stuff. So that way you all know who I'm talking about. um I'll just say it.

Mr Cool! We had a Mr Cool system a couple weeks ago and um I don't want to give all the details but ultimately the guy said Mr Cool fell short is what he was basically saying I put this system in and they've fallen short for me here and I I'm tired of it I'm tired of the headaches and I want it done right. Come to my house and so uh, isn't Mr Tony I'm not gonna say his last name but Mr Tony said come on to my house and and we we did and that would have been a really good one for that. Ryan um to to kind of show. You know the the right and wrong ways of doing it in the same exact house.

That would have been a really good one, but that's a good idea. So I I probably might actually do a video like that Ryan very soon Gary says good show Josh Enjoyed tonight and look forward to next. Tuesday All the best Just so you guys know. uh, the first week of October we will not have a show.
Um so the first those of you that join us every week um and which by the way I very much appreciate. um but October 3rd we will not have a show. uh, most of you know I I've pretty much been here every Tuesday except for one one night we had really bad technical difficulties last week. I was super late because of the technical difficulties.

um but I've every other Tuesday I've been here. um but October 3rd I will not be here. Um so just so you guys have that on your calendar and October 17th um I will be back in Houston and I'm not sure if we're gonna have a show that week or not. I'm gonna try.

Um I try every time that I'm down there. Um but uh, Daikin's actually having a conference and they've invited this chubby face to speak on stage at their conference. So very cool. Um I don't know what they're thinking but uh, I'm just I'm just some guy that grew up in a trailer park and learned how to fix air conditioners and uh, you know, so it's just crazy.

So uh, that's gonna be really good time. and I'm actually gonna shoot some video too when I'm there for that. so maybe you guys will get to see some of that. we'll see.

Frank says great show. Your passion is evident. Wish you service the South Side South side of What? Frank Are you at the south side of Richmond or are you south side somewhere else? um Craig Griffin You know Craig you must be a handsome guy. I've told you that before you know all those Griffins are just handsome.

but Craig says Rob's AC and Marrero I'm sure I'm not saying that right? So I apologize. but Marrero Louisiana Just installed two new fit heat pump full systems and our full in our remodeled house and Luling I'm sure I'm saying that wrong to Luling Louisiana Great friendly text, very neat work that's awesome. Craig Very cool. Um Rob's AC Let's let's go a step further on this.

We've done this before. We've given companies shout outs but we don't We've never ever gone this far and we're gonna. We're gonna do it. We're gonna go to their website here and give these guys I think this is the right one Rob's AC and I think this is right in Louisiana Celebrating 30 years in business.

So shout out to these guys I Don't know them but uh Craig thinks pretty highly of you and is giving you a good shout out. So if you're in the Louisiana area and these guys coverage area, here's their phone number right here and it's Robsair.com is the name of their website. So Craig giving them some Love Tonight Back to our chat. We're going to be wrapping up here very shortly.

If you have a good Heating and Air company, make sure that you get them put in our chat here before we, uh, get wrapped up. Frank says Virginia Beach Okay I uh I make it down your way from time to time. Uh, that. We've been to a few concerts and we also we like to come down your way when it's not summer time, when uh, because we like to go to the aquarium.
We you know my little girl and we like to do things like that when it's not so busy. so we uh, we don't come down there very much. when it's summertime though, Ryan says when would you offer the Vrv life over the fit I Don't hear much about the Vrv life anymore. Last question: Thank you! Awesome show as always! Thanks Ryan for your kind words.

The Vrv life obviously can be paired with mini splits as well. Um so there are times that I will you know? um you know offer it Every house is different and you know it just kind of depends. You know I have a uh my brother-in-law called me and he said hey I want I want the best I don't know what it is or or anything but I want whatever the best is out there and I said to him I was like well the best is probably the Vrv life for residential uh but you're just getting many splits. Are you sure you want to go that route? You know we could probably do.

You know we could probably do some Aurora series or something like that. uh that Daikin offers and he's like nope I want the best So so we actually did some Vrv lifes there. um you know, so that's that might be when I offer them and then obviously. the only other thing is that the you know you could do the Vrv life.

it can do the Mini Splits and it can be paired with a gas furnace. Whereas the Fit is obviously just a straight split system one-to-one you know normal ducted system so you know it just depends on what the customer is after. and sometimes when I go in a house and they're like, well I want this, this and this a light bulb will go off and I'll say well then you want the Vrv Life. If you want a system that can do everything that you're saying, that's when that'll come up, you know, So it's some.

It's more organic than me offering it, you know, versus the fed or whatever. I think the Vrv Life is just so Universal It can do so many different things. and um, one of the comments I Got tonight on our channel. The guy was like I don't think Daikin's very good I think that Mitsubishi and LG and Fujitsu and all these different brand he was.

He was basically saying that Daikin was not. You know at the top when it comes to Mini Splits and that's fine. uh if that's how he feels. But my response to him was when those other brands have something comparable to the Vrv life and they make it all themselves, you know they don't They don't have to work with another company to have a gas furnace option or whatever.

Um, if at all, when all those companies can do what the Vrv Life can, then you can then we can have that conversation. But until then you know in my mind I can is King You know their King because of that one product line. sorry not sorry, right? Everybody else has their opinions. So I get to have mine too.

Jacob Welcome to the show! Do you know the new Eco or systems? We do not and have that? We don't even have a good supplier in our area. but you're like the third person that has asked me about them so they must be getting pushed somewhere. Uh, their Bosch's competitor has the humidity issue been fixed with them? Ecor is very different because you can put it on a brand air handler Any Brand's air handler. how would this affect humidity? Variable speed compressor with one speed blower.
So let me let's see. Let me just make sure I know what we're talking about here. Give me one second here. Ecoer I Think from the picture I'm already looking at a picture of them.

This looks like in the picture it almost looks like it's made by Medea which so is Bosch So that's not. That's not a a big deal but but in this picture they're more showing um, this little device that gets mounted on the system. In fact I think I've I think I actually when I first started uh, getting sponsors for our Channel I'm wanting to say I either spoke to someone from this company or um or or a company that makes something very similar to this because I have seen something like this before and I remember it's been a while. but I remember talking to somebody about something like this.

So anyway, we don't have a good supplier uh, in our area for that. so Jacob says he's in New Jersey and his concern is humidity. Yeah, you've got to. Really, you've got to cut down the airflow on those.

Especially like I did a Bosch one up 1.0 in my house. You've really gotta be mindful of the airflow. and and then you've got to turn on that dip switch that uh, calls for a colder coil Brian says it is a Bosch The device is very, very cool. It offers a 10-year labor warranty.

Thank you for all your knowledge! Tom Thanks Bruce Um I Was saying about the Vrv Life two air handlers and furnaces. Instead of zoning in my house, hopefully a pro thinks it's a good idea. The one thing I will say Ryan is it only goes up to five ton. I think so.

If if your systems add up to more than that, then then maybe you know. Like I said it only it's only a good fit when it's a good fit pun not intended on that, right? Because we're talking about the Vrv Life Jacob says you need a two-stage blower motor. Single stage won't work. No single stage will work.

You just gotta. Um, you've gotta set it correctly. You've gotta. So instead of instead of saying you know, 400 or even higher, uh, Cfms per ton, I'm going to lower that thing as low as I can to still keep temperature in the house.

So like where I live, it's very humid as well and so I'll lower that airflow as low as I can on that outdoor unit with the Bosch's I'll lower the capacity if I need to. Um, because it, you know they've got that switch for that. And and my goal, my whole goat. My whole goal is to lower the airflow as much as I can going across that coil.
and it's ultimately only because I'm trying to get it to run longer I'm trying to get it to not cool so fast in that house and run longer and remove more humidity. So all right guys, that's our show for this week. Thanks for joining us! We'll be back next. Tuesday at 8 30 Eastern Standard Time find out what that time is in your area if you are not on the east coast and um, hit that subscribe button If you haven't already, we are.

We've got a goal to get to 100 000 subscribers and uh, that way we can get behind the closed doors at a few places that I haven't been able to get behind there yet. So other than that, I appreciate all you guys! We'll see you next week and make it a great week. Take care.

9 thoughts on “Hvac guide live show! technician answers questions.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom.K says:

    I beat its Lennox ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Joshua I apologize for making some comments "the day after" as I stopped your video to give answers that were already offered by some of the other pros! Your show gets better and better all the time. Like someone else said, "you are passionate".-

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    The answer to Mr. Phan is that a 20 degree drop is normal unless the unit is undersized or needs service work like coil cleaning or filter change or upgrade.- Are you in Orleans ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    The alternative and this is used in new homes where they cut the bottom of the doors one extra inch or two! More expensive!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    A jump duct or bypass duct is a section of duct installed between two rooms like bedrooms where doors are kept closed at night. One louver is installed at both ends of the duct. It works like the old systems that had returns ducts in most rooms with the exception of kitchens laundry areas and bathrooms.-

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Joshua I believe NASA has their astronauts wear uniforms which are airconditioned and they don't have to have a robot follow them around which will be very annoying and getting in the way in their crumped spaces!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    Those schools without air conditioning can lease temporary self-contained units which will solve the problem!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob boscarato says:

    I did!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kauai Reed says:

    Did I miss it?

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