HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 07/06/20 @ 5:PM (west coast time) where we will discuss my most recent uploads and answer questions from the Chat, YouTube comments, and email’s.
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Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre. Qa live stream if you're old enough grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not stick with apple juice, put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat and now, let's queue up the intro music. Let's see how this works tonight, hopefully we don't have an epic failure like last week right my internet last week just took a crap right in the beginning of the stream, and it was just you know.

The funny thing is, is that in the past I would get all stressed out and like, but I really was super chill I was like well, it is what it is. I thanks for so much or thanks so much for becoming a channel supporter. I really appreciate it so yeah I had the internet, people come out, they did some stuff and change the modem, and you know whatever we'll see how it works. I I don't have complete confidence that they fixed everything.

To be honest with you, the day before they came out, they came out last Friday. It started working and it was working fine, but I still like pressured him. I was like dude just change the modem. Please, like you know, I didn't want to have a problem again and so far I ran the numbers and stuff, and today was looking pretty good.

You know the Internet in general, for everybody right now is kind of crappy. You know, especially in the really densely populated areas that don't have like fiber. You know I don't have fiber here, I'm still on copper, but it's like gig speeds. I get like a thousand up.

Well, I think I get 900 up or I'm sorry 900 down and about 35 up usually is what I get so yeah. You know it is what it is. I'm stuck with the only thing I can get, because I've only got one provider and that's a spectrum. Our Charter is the only provider - that's here so anyways.

Let's start this stream off. Okay for those that are new, because I know we have a lot of new viewers in here. Okay, my name is Chris, I'm an HVAC, our service tech here in Southern California. So I own a small business.

I run it with my father. I grew up working for my father and partnered with him and we run a company together to this day about, in 20 November of 2017, I started making videos and honestly I didn't intend to make them public. Okay, I kind of wished. I could make him public, but I was a little bit nervous and I was really making training videos for my own employees.

Okay, I wasn't really planning on per se. You know pushing the public button, so the first two videos on my channel. You can still go back because they're still on there, the very first two videos we're just me showing my service technicians. You know like hey.

This is how I troubleshoot did a call. This is where the problems I ran into, I think the first video I ever did was like a fuse issue right. It was like a blown fuse and I was like look. We don't just change a fuse.

We figure out why the fuse blew because fuses, don't just go bad, something caused them to go back just like compressors, don't just go bad to get murdered right. That's the the phrase that we use and there's truth in that okay, I mean there's an occasional, very small percentage of compressors that do fail because of whatever issue but anyways. I started a YouTube channel eventually, after the first two videos, I hit the public button and this happened. It just exploded.
I never anticipated. I probably don't treat this the way that I should, but here I am, and this is what you get okay, so I produce typically two videos a week and then I do these live streams to kind of answer questions so now that we've got the formalities out. That's why we're here? Let's talk about what we got going on, so I tried the live stream last week. It didn't work.

So therefore, I got four videos to talk about now and I got a whole list of questions. I want to talk about lots of stuff going on in the chat. Thank you guys, so very much special announcement. First thing right off the bat.

A lot of you already follow my social medias. You already follow my channel and a lot of you already supported me in a big big way. Okay, I've been working on a website for the last I'd, say four months and it's been super stressful, okay. I tried to do it myself and it was a nightmare because I've got my own like particular way that I, like things done, I want a certain website.

I wanted to look this certain way and I was just stressing out because I could not figure it out. I watched so many YouTube videos on how to create a website. I paid so much money for like website builders and all this different stuff, and then I finally just paid the man. Okay, I had a guy design a website for me.

It is officially launched. There is merch available on the website. I do have grand plans for the website eventually. The first thing I wanted to do was create a merch store, because you guys have seen all this merch that I have behind me right here.

I've had it sitting there for the last couple months. In anticipation of this website launching okay, so the website is HVAC our videos dot-com super easy right. Just like my youtube-channel hvac, our video is calm. You guys can go check it out if you're interested their shirts.

There's hats there's all that stuff. I should caveat that with saying that you guys blew me up. I was very nervous when I ordered all those shirts, those shirts right. There were very expensive.

Let's say that: okay and you guys have really been blowing it up. I launched the website Saturday evening. I think, and I think we already have over a hundred sales and thank you guys so very much for doing that - naca, fire and security. Thank you.

So very much for that super chat. That is awesome. Let me address that right now. I really do appreciate the super chats and people becoming channel members and different things like that.
That is awesome. It is not expected. Okay, I'm gon na keep doing these videos whether or not you guys super chat, whether or not you guys become channel supporters or not, because I really do enjoy this now with that being said, because I enjoy this, I'm gon na continue to do this. The way that I want to do this, yes, I do have some people that I work with some sponsors spoil and refrigeration technologies, but I work with them in the way that I want to work with them.

Okay, nobody dictates the way that I run my channel and I like to have fun doing it. I have to be honest with you. The website was a pretty stressful thing and in in in hindsight, I didn't have fun doing the website. That was not fun because I tried to do it myself.

I probably should have just paid the guy from the beginning. Maybe that would have taken some stress off me, but anyways no blah blah blah, but I really really appreciate the support. Okay. Thank you guys.

So, very much so as far as the the merch and the hats and different things go, my initial, all the large hats, I'm completely out of I think you guys bought like 25 of them or something like that. They're already gone, I already placed another order for hats. There's another 50 coming I'm a little conservative with the ordering, because again that's money that I'm putting out there that I'm a little bit afraid to do because it's like we're in this weird time. Right now I didn't know how this was gon na work out, but you guys are awesome.

You have been supporting me. Thank you very much for those of you that are still interested, definitely check it out. Hvac our videos calm, and I did say that I do have plans for that. So eventually, I think my next goal right now is to go ahead and do like two links and eventually I'd like to have like video links, different things like that.

But again, I just want it to be a place for people to go to to get information to find information about my videos that kind of stuff, so you know I'm having fun with it. So that's the important thing. So, let's keep it fun. I don't ever want to make this a job.

I don't ever want it to become a thing that I dread every single day. So let's just keep it fun and that's what I want to do all right so again, thanks for bearing with me with the intro. So we got a whole chat going on right now and a great question, quad voltage xx asked me any ideas for any plans for a giveaway. Yes, I do have plans for a giveaway, but I'm gon na say that I'm not gon na do it on this stream.

Okay, because the initial launch of everything there's so many of those shirts and so many of those hats that are no longer available. So my wife and I what we did my wife is gon na be and you guys will start seeing communications from my wife, because my wife is gon na, be the person handling the merch fulfillment shipping and different things like that. So more than likely, you're gon na see messages coming from her. Her name is Jill you'll, see a message at HVAC our videos com coming from her.
If she has any questions about your order or anything like that, so we were kind of talking about everything and because of the way that everything kind of sold out I've got again. It was blew me away, but I've got just about a hundred orders already since Saturday and I'm just mind blown again. Thank you guys very much so with that being said, I don't want to give away something that I don't have, so I will do giveaways coming up soon, but because the stock is so low, we only shipped out four orders this morning as a test, and it All went great, so the software and everything that I'm using is working like it should be so once we get everything figured out and get more stock in will definitely do giveaways and different things like that. Okay, so just not on this stream as of yet okay.

So, for those that are new thanks for coming in here, okay, I usually go over a list of things for those that are in the chat. I haven't been paying attention, but hey how you guys doing okay, we got the overtime crew in here I see Adam. I see Joe, I don't know if I see Bill yet or not for those of you don't know, I do a show on Friday evenings with the overtime show. Okay, I they allow me to come on to their show.

I really appreciate it and it's just like a hangout okay, so it's kind of an extension of this live stream. We do go a little bit educational, but it's more of a genuine hang out with the guys, and we talk a little bit of shot back and forth. We talk about our week. What think what happened and stuff like that so definitely check it out over time.

Guys feel free to go ahead and link the the overtime show and the chat, I believe the moderator BOTS gon na throw a link here in a little while so let's see Ike yeah. He says he sees my modem yeah, my modems right down there. I keep him back there. I got my modem and my router they're, both sitting back there yeah, so my internet company came out and changed the modem.

So alright, so I try to pay attention to the chat, but I'm gon na go ahead and go to my list of things because I got a lot of stuff to talk about. Okay, so we're kind of bouncing off a couple different ideas: I'm not gon na announce anything officially. Yet, okay, but there's a very good possibility. We might bring discord back into the HVAC.

Our videos thing, okay, but it's gon na be different. It's not gon na be an epic failure. Like the last time we launched a discord, it was just out of control. I didn't like it there's a very good possibility, but again I'm not gon na share any links as of yet but stay tuned.

I have some ways that I wanted to work out. I don't want it to see it like the last time we did a discord server. It was just it turned into something toxic and I didn't like it, but this time we're gon na try to change it. A little bit so that's gon na be coming soon, very soon.
Okay, I wanted to get through this website thing and now that the websites done I've got some other plans, so we're gon na get moving on some other things, so the discord servers very soon. Gon na be coming: okay, let's go ahead and talk about my last four videos, because I didn't do a live stream last week right. So, let's start with the very first one, the very first one was: why is the air flow so low and it was a kitchen AC that just wasn't working quite right? Okay, the airflow was very low on it and what I found was the indoor blower assembly was completely plugged up with crap. Okay, the wheel was just jammed with stuff coming out of the first lockdown that we had right with the virus and all that crap.

You know - and here we are going into another one, but still coming out with the first one. We had a lot of restaurants that were saving money HVAC with Greg. Thank you very much for that super chat, but that is awesome. Okay, so coming out of the first lockdown, we had the restaurants, basically calling us left and right.

The service calls were going through the roof and every call pretty much even to this day has been cleaning. Okay, epic cleaning, like my gosh, what we have to do to get these units cleaned up, because a lot of these restaurants actually weren't shutting off their equipment and it was just running and running and running. They weren't changing filters or they didn't have filters. That kind of stuff, so we had a service call unit, a kitchen AC, not working, I dove into it.

I made a video about it. It started with one thing: we noticed that the indoor air flow was really low. We had a loose belt, we had a dirty blower wheel diagnosed the unit previously actually in a video a couple months ago about about disconnect, but it all just kind of came to it because the customer never approved it. So I ended up having to change a disconnect.

We ended up having to change some contactors because they were in really bad shape and after we did all that, we got the unit up and running it pretty good. It still has some issues. You know these units that I work on they're, not perfect, okay, and I can't necessarily fix everything to a hundred percent perfection, because the customer doesn't have the money to do that. In my situation I was running a little bit high on the head pressure and I noticed that the the condenser fan motors were the wrong condenser fan motors.

They were aftermarket condenser families and the stack on the motors was too long, Joe Shelby. Thank you very much for becoming a channel supporter dude. That is flippin awesome. That is you guys's support.

Just blows me away. Thank you very much. Okay. So the condenser fan motors were the wrong fan motors, but I had to leave them in there.
Okay, because I can't just change everything they were still working yeah. We were running a little high on the head pressure, but we got the unit operating as best as possible. Okay, the next video that I have is it's been iced up for four months. That was the video title: okay and again coming out of the whole Cove it the first lockdown the customer called me and said: hey, you know.

Actually let me step this back. The customer called me before the first lockdown and they said hey. We got ice on our walk-in freezer, okay, but then everything happened and they said no, no, no just hold off its operating okay. So we went through the whole lockdown thing and then we came out of the lockdown a couple weeks out and they called me back again, so we went out there and we had four months of ice built up on that EMU operator coil.

Okay, I had to make an educated guess. Essentially, while I was in there, I went ahead and changed the evaporator sensor, the coil sensor or I'm sorry, the evaporator sensor, the suction line sensor and the air temperature sensor. Because I was weird I felt a weird thing on my neck, but I had to change their I didn't have to. But while I was in there defrosting that coil, I ended up changing him.

Okay. That was a long day too, because while I was working on it, I had another service technician with me and while he was driving to the location to meet me to help me his van broke down. So you know this is how business works. He was driving out there, his van started to break down.

He turned around. Actually, he was going to get me parts, that's why he was already there and he was going to give me parts and he had to turn around and he came back and we had to call a tow truck to get his van okay again having to deal With this stuff, while I'm trying to repair something getting a tow truck, lined up and everything tow it to, the dealership ended up being nothing in secrets. Thank you very much for that super chat man. That is awesome.

So after that, while you know, while I'm doing a service call I'm having to deal with a broken-down van, I ended up giving to my van to the service tech having him drive down and get me the fan. Blades from that video and Danny had to pick me up what else did you have to pick me up something else? Oh some insulation tape. I think, or something notice, an insulation. That's right and I redid the insulation on that suction, p-trap, hey when we're doing this stuff.

I can't always be perfect. I'm not the best service technician out there guys. I can't make I'm not an insulator, so you saw me insulate that suction line in a perfect world I to cut the refrigeration line and slid the insulation on, but you know I couldn't okay, so I just cut it up. It's not perfect.

I did what I did. I taped it up. It was what it wasn't the most beautiful thing in the world, but it was functional. I actually have to go back up there to do something else to work on an EC, and I want to go look at that walk-in freezer to see if that suction line is still.
If it's got ice buildup if the insulation completely failed. I was kind of curious if my insulation job was gon na work or not, but okay, so I covered those two videos. I'm gon na take a look at the chat, real, quick and then I'm gon na jump to a couple more okay. So let me see if I'm missing anything right now.

How often do t xv's typically go bad HVAC kid t xv's, usually don't fail. Very often, okay, t xv's, there's a couple different failures on a t, -- xv. I've got two of them right here hold on just a second. There we go knocking stuff down, go figure all right, so um.

Let me pull this t. -- xv open right here and I'll show you guys. So I have a cutaway of a t. -- xv right here: okay - and there goes the pin - but this is the cutaway.

Okay, there's really not much to a t, -- xv, I'm sure that that's not coming through soo super amazing, but I got lots of videos where I show this cutaway okay. So how often do t xv's failed? They really don't fail that often things cause them to go bad. For instance, this is the t -- xv from my most recent video of a walk in a beer walkin that wasn't temping properly and the t -- xv wasn't working correctly. Okay.

So what causes t xv's to fail? Well, this one had a couple failures going on, but I noticed in my most recent video that I had really high superheat and guess what the strainer on the TX V is plugged up. One of the most common failures of a t, -- xv, is the strainer plugging up. We put a strainer on there to protect the insides of the TX v from gumming up, but I'm gon na show you guys something with this t: -- xv. Okay, this is the one that wasn't working right and the reason why there was a couple things that led me to change this, but it was pissing gas out of the superheat stem right there, but it does have a packing and that's something I wanted to address And I'll get into that a little bit more in a little, but the packing was leaking on it.

Okay, but not only that. I had really high superheat more than likely caused by the plugged up strainer okay, but the insides of the TXV can often be very very dirty, especially if people are brazing without nitrogen and again I'm gon na get into that a little bit more here in a Minute we're gon na talk about that in depth. Okay, so T X, bees don't fail very often unless they're installed incorrectly there's lots of factors that go into a t. -- xv, that's failing! Okay! So let me see what else I'm missing in here: okay, nothing there! Yet all right now, let's get to the other two videos, and then I want to dive into some things: real, quick, okay.

So then I had a video on a walk-in. I'm sorry a water leak from a kitchen AC that was this week right or that was last week, water leaking from the kitchen, and it would be due to a plugged up main drain. Okay, again, all my stuff has been cleaning issues lately right, so we had a call. I went out there, it wasn't full of water, you guys saw in the video, but then I sprayed down the evaporator and the drain pan filled up and then it didn't drain.
So I knew that there was something going on in there cuz that coke knows already starting to itch. I don't know what it is about live streams in my nose itching all right. Let me see. Let me turn that off real quick.

This is not the perfect stream, I don't have everything all lined up, amazingly and stuff. It is what it is right, alright, so, on the water leak issue, I showed in the video how I blow out a main drain for a building, so in that particular situation I got so many questions on that video. This was the water leak from the kitchen ec Y in California. Do we pipe our condensate drains into the sewer okay? Why do we not just drain it onto the roof? Well, in a lot of cities and a lot of municipalities, it's actually the code.

Okay, we are not supposed to drain our condensate directly onto the roof. It's just how we do it, so we pipe them into the sewer HVAC our wizz. Thank you. So very much for that super chat.

That is awesome, hey! You know what HVAC ro is great point. I am gon na work on stickers for the merch, so those will be coming up. I had to get the shirts and the hats out first, because those were already designed, but yes, there will be stickers soon. Okay, so in that video, why do we call? Why do we pipe our condensate down into the building? Because the code requires us to so it's very common.

We do not just typically drain it onto the roof. Okay, because in California we're near the ocean and all of our stuff goes to the ocean, inevitably, okay, so they want to send it into the sewer. So that way they can process it clean it and then dump it into the ocean, because, inevitably anything you you you put into the sewer, whether it be toilet, water or anything like that inevitably goes to the ocean. That's just how it works, but they run it through their hypothetic or their filters, and all that different stuff right.

On another note, in the city of Los Angeles and County Los Angeles, there's several cities that they actually have reclaimed water running into the drinking water system. And they say that water is actually cleaner and safer to drink than other water. Like bottled water, which is a whole nother thing, but anyways tangent right last, video beer walking at 50 degrees, okay, that was the one where I walked up to the unit and it was working. But then I found a couple different things that was the one where we had a failed TXV, so the TXV failed for a couple different reasons.

Okay, now the question is: why did I change this TXV when I could have potentially just cleaned the strainer, when I could have potentially just tighten the packing on the valve? Okay, this is an older G series valve. It could have been repaired. Okay, Joshua, sweet! Thank you very much. Send me an email, Joshua, sweet HVAC, our videos at gmail.com.
I can definitely give you some advice on your residential air conditioner. That's not working! So send me an email, okay, so the walk and III arrived. The unit was down to temperature, but what I found was when I went onto the roof. I just found a lot of different issues.

Okay, I found that the low-pressure control was not cutting out. I found that the unit had really high superheat. I that the temperature controllers differential was way too close. I didn't like how kite it was okay, but it was working.

So you know I just kind of looked at everything and I decided to start tackling the issues one at a time. The first issue I was going to tackle was the temperature controller. First off. I said that I didn't like that style of temperature controller.

I want to make it clear that was an older danfoss temperature controller. It looked like a pressure control, but it actually was not a pressure control. It's just a style of control that they make Ronco make some a bunch of different manufacturers. Make them like that.

I think even Johnson Controls might make them like that, but it looks like a pressure control. It uses the body of a pressure control, but it's not it's an actual cold control. It uses air temperature, but I just don't like that style because they're a little bit difficult to work with I'm not very comfortable with them, so I've always wanted to change it, but I've never found a justifiable reason to change it. Okay, cuz: it's worked pretty good and you've got to give it credit that particular control has been in there for damn near twenty years and it's been working fine.

So even though I don't like it doesn't mean it has to be replaced. Okay, but because the differential was very tight and also notice that the differential is tight, but then the cut-in and the cutout kept changing right. So one minute it would cut out at 38 degrees. You know, then it would be 37.

It was going back and forth and I just didn't like it. Okay, so I went ahead and I started with changing the temperature controller. I used a key to therm temp + defrost controller. Now that particular controller has got defrost built into the control, so someone had actually asked me in the chat.

Why did you take out the defrost clock because the control has defrost built into it? It's a a microprocessor based control and it has logic built into it. So we through 6 defrost at 15 minutes an hour or 15 minutes and it's gon na you know it's gon na handle all that by itself, so that took care of that problem. We eliminated that, then we moved on to the next thing. I noticed that I had really high super heat, so I went to try to adjust the valve and then I noticed that the super heat stem was leaking at the packing.
But then, on top of that I just looked at the shape of the valve, and I thought you know what this really isn't worth the headache to me. I don't stock that power head. I could have tried to pull it apart. It was gon na be a little bit difficult, but it was easy and cheaper for me and I was way out in the boonies out the middle of nowhere.

It was easier and cheaper for me to take my spoiling kit, build a new valve and then just replace it. Okay. So another thing I wanted to point out - and someone pointed it out in the video okay, but I think I even addressed it in the video. I was not brazing with nitrogen guys.

I am not perfect. I do not always follow every single, perfect step. Perfect everything, I'm not that perfect technician. Okay, I'm a real-world technician.

You can't always braze with nitrogen. Sometimes it's practical, I'm gon na tell you why it wasn't. Brazing with nitrogen, in that particular situation, it was a hundred in whatever it was ten degrees outside I was hotter than I was tired. I would you know I just didn't want to drag my nitrogen up under the roof.

Okay, so I did what I did. I'm not perfect. Okay, I was lazy. I've said that many times so I wasn't brazing with nitrogen it'll be fine guys.

I I try to follow proper practices as much as possible, but I do have to be honest with you guys. I came up from an old-school technician that taught me beer can cold then that day, all that stuff worked for a very long time now our equipment is not as forgiving anymore, okay, but it is what it is now another thing about that expansion valve. Why did I change this valve? On top of everything? I didn't have a good feeling about the valve anyways. This is a two-ton expansion valve that system required just under a one ton valve, so it was already oversized.

So when I saw the high superheat when I saw how old the valve it was when I saw that it was oversized, I knew you know what it's time to change that valve. Had the spoiling kit made a one ton or a balance, port half to one ton valve, threw it in there called it a day. It was good to go okay, so I can't stress enough. I am NOT a perfect service technician, but I try my best.

I think the most important thing to understand as a service technician as long as you understand the right way to do things as long as you understand the proper procedures how things operate, then, if you choose to take shortcuts, if you choose to make a guess, an Educated decision, at least you understand how things work: okay, I'm not the perfect person that pulls the perfect vacuum all the time, but I try and I also know the right way - to pull a vacuum, but there's times that it's practical there's times that it's not right. All right, so I'm gon na look at the chat, real, quick and Elam Sylvia. You said it'll be fine, he's exactly right. I don't know if you're talking about me but most of the time guys we have these proper, perfect procedures that were taught and all this different stuff.
But there's what's book-smart and there's real-world smart and you have to find a happy medium between the two okay. So nobody is perfect. Nobody pulls a perfect vacuum all the time. If you see the commenters in my chat, saying you didn't burp braised with nitrogen, okay, guys, nobody braces with nitrogen 100 % of the time.

It's not practical. Nobody pulls a vacuum. 100 % of the time I've said it so many times a perfect vacuum, I should say 100 % of the time. You need to be pulling a vacuum every time, but nobody pulls a perfect vacuum every time.

Okay, there's there's practical and there's real-world so or there's that is practical. Now that I say that so all right, let's see what else can I change oil and compressors while it's filled with refrigerant? Yes, you can, depending on the type of compressor, especially the scroll compressors that have oil fill ports and the old semi-hermetic compressors that have oil ports. You can do an oil change, while the compressor still has refrigerant in it. There's a couple different things: you have to do a pump the system down.

You can drain the oil via the pressure in the system. It's never going to be completely drained. Although there is some devices on the semi-hermetic compressors I used to install them. It was like a dip tube that would run into the crankcase of the compressor and you could actually it would.

It would pull the oil from the bottom, so it is possible Gregg. If I was not into HVAC. What would I do? What would be my second job pick? That is a great question. Greg I've actually answered it before and okay.

So here's what you did I am NOT going to. I said I wasn't gon na do this, but I'm gon na. Do it alright. So here's how this is gon na go the first person that sends me an email to HVAC our videos at Gmail, calm and tells me in another life.

I've said this many times on my stream before so, for those that are in here, you guys will know what I'm talking about in another life in another world. What would my job be? Okay, if you send me an email, the first email that I get that has the right guess as to what my job would be. If I was in another life another thing it would not be HVAC, okay, the first person that sends me an email to HVAC our videos at gmail.com. I will send you a shirt.

Okay. I said I wasn't gon na do this, but I will do this. Okay, so I is permitting that I have the right size or you might have to wait, but the first person that sends me an email to HVAC our videos at gmail.com. That has the correct guess as to what my job would be in another life that you're a true fan.
If you know what my job would be, so I'm monitoring my email right now. I want to know the first Dave already got it guys. Dave Weaver already got it Dave, Weaver already emailed me. Okay in another life, Dave Weaver is the first person Wow and guys it is a park ranger.

I would be a park ranger of all things. I would be like Yellowstone National Park out in the middle of nowhere. That would be my other job. Okay, so Dave Weaver, you got it Dave Weaver! I will uh.

I will send you a code that will allow you to get a shirt, okay Dave, so that will come Dave. You need to. Let me know your shirt, size, Dave and send me another email that says winter or something like that. So that way I remember it.

I'm gon na go and put a star next to your name. So, yes, I would be a park ranger in another life. That would be my job. I am an outdoors person.

I don't get to spend as much time as I want to in the outdoors, but I thrive on being out in the middle of nowhere with nobody around me that I have to hike to a campground that I have to carry everything on my back. That I truly love that I don't get to do it enough, but I love backpacking. So all right, let's see what else we got in alright know. Some of these guesses are pretty funny, though that is funny.

I really really appreciate it for those and I seize compensation. You said you use my true tech tools discount so for those of you that are watching right now, if you guys want to support the stream, I really really appreciate the super chats. I really appreciate you know people buying, merch and all that stuff, but there's a really easy way to support the stream. If you guys are considering buying tools, you guys can use my offer code with true tech tools.

I, like true tech tools. I've used them for a very long time. It's true tech tools, comm if you find that their prices are the best, and I I encourage you guys to price shop BK, because sometimes you can find stuff cheaper and you guys need to make that decision. So don't just buy something from a website just because I said to, but if you like their tools, if you like their prices, you can use my offer code.

Big picture. One word big picture. Okay, you got to make sure you spell picture like a picture frame correctly big picture. One word: you'll get eight percent off your order and I get a very small commission from that, but it helps to support the channel.

Therefore, you're not just sending me money, you're, actually getting something for it, because it's a tool that you were gon na purchase so compensation. Thank you very much. I love the field. Peace, probes, they're, very, very high quality.

If you have any problems, the field, Pete probes, don't hesitate to email me compensation. I can answer your questions, but I trust them very much, coupled with the measure quick, app, you're gon na be a happy camper. Alright, I'm gon na get to my list of things to talk about because we got a lot of stuff since last week was canceled and let's get to it. Okay.
So let's get some business aside. Okay, spoilin has a webinar July 16th coming up. It's methods of temperature control, okay, talking about solenoid valves and definitely want to check that one out and temperature controllers there's the night bot mall I mean the moderator bot is posting it in the chat, so definitely check that out I'll post a link again right now. Okay, you guys, if you guys, go and register for that webinar and attend it.

It actually helps me out because it makes them realize that I do have clout with you guys so check that out. Okay, but I really do like the spoilin webinars I usually tune in via Facebook, or something like that, while I'm working and just check them out, because they are great webinars, okay, Quick Connect fittings. Someone had asked me a question about what my my thoughts were on. Some of these new quick, Quick Connect fittings that are popping up in the supply houses.

Okay, if you guys go to united refrigeration, which is a nationwide supply house, they are really showcasing and pushing these quick connect fittings. I can't remember the manufacturer of them okay, but what is my opinions on them? I am an old school technician. I am very, very slow to adopt new technology. Okay, because I have trust issues when it comes to anything that is brand new that is emerging in the market.

Okay, I am very interested in trying out the spoilin Zoom lock tool, not because they are a sponsor of mine, but because I'm intrigued by it and it has been tested. A lot of people have used it for a very long time and it has a history of being a good device, but with anything it really comes down to following the installation instructions. Okay, even with some of these new fittings you've, got to follow the installation instructions. What do I think about Quick Connect fittings, though in general, so spoilin has the Zoom lock.

I think that's a really cool tool, but that is more of a mechanical fitting. So they have these Quick Connect fittings that you just like push them on like a sharkbite fitting. I have a hard time, trusting those to be honest with you, okay um. I just don't know that.

I would trust that to make a leak, free, refrigerant seal that could be vacuum rated like I just I don't know you know it just doesn't seem like something that I really want to jump on the bandwagon quite yet, but I am very slow to adopt this New technology, so I'm gon na give it some time before I jump on that bandwagon and we'll see what happens, time will tell someone else. Is gon na have to be the guinea pig, because I'm not gon na be that guinea pig Mike Jones. Thank you. So very much for that super chat man that is awesome.

Okay, all right. Let's get that off my list, what else? Okay, great questions, so someone had made an observation in my videos and they were kind of curious. They said why do I always back away to the side and say I hope this doesn't blow up and squint my eyes when I power things up guys, you have to remember that when I make my videos when I give you a tech tip, when I say Don't wire a VFD backwards when I tell you not to do that, it's because I've done it. Okay, I've blown so many things up in my career that it's ridiculous.
So why do I squint and back away when I power things up, because I've seen bad things happen and I've had a history of wiring things up incorrectly being in a rush, not paying attention to things? Okay, just because you wire something up incorrectly, doesn't mean you're a horrible service technician. That means that's your human, okay and you make mistakes, but in hopes that you can learn from those mistakes, but in general, when I turn power on like today, I changed a VFD. Actually, I started up a system that had a brand-new VFD in it that I had reprogrammed and stuff and I stepped to the side and I squinted when I turned it on, because I was thinking it was gon na blow up in my face because I've seen It happen. Okay, I learned from my mistakes, so in general, I've made so many mistakes that I, like you know when I power something up every time.

I turn a compressor on it's like. I hope I wired that up right click. Okay, it's running you know, so I think that we have to try to take a step back, slow down, not be in such a rush when wiring things up, you know, but still we make mistakes. It is what it is.

Can I talk about the importance of starting troubleshooting with clean coils on packaged units Ryan wk? That is a great point to make okay, so right now is the perfect time to address this issue. Okay, I get a service call out there, because a kitchen AC is not working. Okay, I walk up to the unit. The first thing I do open up and I look at the filters and I look at the condenser coil they're, both plugged up and they're dirty.

Okay, there is absolutely no point in putting service gauges on that unit. Until I clean it up so the customer, then I go down to them and I tell them hey look. Your unit is filthy because we're coming out of this, the first lock down when then we're going into another one. So I should I get crap for saying coming out of a lockdown.

We are going into another lockdown here in California, but coming out of the first lockdown. All these customers are calling me and their equipment hasn't been maintained for four months or even longer. Okay and everything is filthy, so the unit's not working right. It doesn't have a good temperature differential across the evaporator coils or across the you know across the evaporator coil.

I should say so. You know I'm not going to put my gauges on it until I clean it up until I tighten the belt clean, the evaporator clean, the condenser, because if I put my service gauges on that unit, it would be pointless. We would have low suction pressure. We would have high discharge pressure, there's no point until you clean it up and get it operating properly and then, while I'm practicing you're talking about a unit that I just did, while I was working on it, the dirt the blower assembly was dirty.
It was plugged up, so I knew I had to clean it, so there is absolutely - and I'm gon na give credit where credit is due Jim Bergman, who is a really smart dude who made the measure quick app? He used to work for I manifold he's done a lot of different stuff. He was co-founder of true tech tools. Very, very smart guy, great educator, you'll hear him on Brian oars, podcast and HVAC school all the time. Jim said something one time he said, you know what he says: you have absolutely no business, putting your service gauges on a system.

If you don't know what the pressure should be. Okay - and that is very true and at the same time we have no business. Putting our service gauges on there if we know that the system is dirty because we're wasting our time, we have to clean it up. Then we can put our service gauges on there.

Then we can evaluate it properly. Okay, so hopefully that answers your question in a tangent forum as usual: okay, I'm gon na scroll down to the bottom. Let's see what else we got in here yeah. I definitely hit the thumbs-up button guys.

We have a lot of people in here right now. We have 123 likes. So do me a favor and smash that, like button I'd like to see that, like number reflect the count of people that I have watching, the stream, which is 474 right now so smash the like button, guys if you're on a mobile device. All you got to do is hit the back button back out hit the like button, pull the chat back up.

It's really easy. So thank you guys very much. Please please do that. Okay, let's get to my list of things to talk about here.

Okay Johnny had asked me a question. Johnny asked me a question about supermarket rack systems and if I remember your comment right Johnny, you had said you're in the industry for a couple years and you see me working on refrigeration racks and you want to know more about supermarket refrigeration racks. Okay, first off, I have never worked on a supermarket rack system in my life okay, so I am NOT an expert on rack systems but Johnny's questions in general, we're about supermarket racks and he was asking about how hard it was to a rack system. So I thought this was the perfect environment or perfect opportunity to talk about something.

Okay, so in general we have two types of service technicians in our trade. We have the service technician that just kind of rolls, with the punches you know, does what he has to do to get by collects a paycheck and moves on, and then you have a service tech that is really inquisitive he's curious. He likes to dig into things. He has calls tend to take a little bit longer.
The dispatcher may get a little bit more upset with him, because why is it taking you so long, but he genuinely wants to know what's going on, okay, Adam. Thank you. So very much for that super chat. Okay, Adam wants to do in overtime, Yeti, okay, so we'll do that here in just a second all right.

Let me I finished answering this question. Don't let me forget Adam okay, so with those two different types of service questions or service technicians? Okay, you have a service technician that does supermarket work. Okay, you have service techs that do supermarket work that are not the best technicians in the world, and then you have texts that are amazing text. They typically get promoted to supervisor positions, upper level, service, technician or technician positions and they get moved on Scott.

Thank you so very much for that. A super chat. Okay, but in general, okay, you can survive in the supermarkets being a mediocre service technician, but you can thrive in the supermarket's being an excellent service technician. The same can go for like commercial like I do.

The same can go for residential service technicians, okay. So how hard is it to learn Supermarket work? Well, it's gon na be time-consuming. Okay, you're gon na have to think a little bit harder, but in general, okay, it's the same principles. You start out with the basic principles that I talk about all the time.

Looking at the big picture, thinking about things before you do them understanding that the problem with your expansion valve more than likely is gon na, be a plugged up. Strainer. Okay, just like this one has a plugged up strainer, very big, big thing in the supermarket's. Okay, you also have to understand that in the supermarket's you're not gon na have as much time to get things done.

Customers, they've got thousands and thousands of dollar worth a product in their deli cases in their coffin cases in their walkins, and it needs to be fixed two minutes ago. Okay, so you can't pull a perfect vacuum. You can't braise with nitrogen every time you're dealing with a pump down system, hell, half the time, you're, probably not even pumping it down completely you're, just pulling it down to a lower pressure and sois doing a hot swap on the power head or the thing you Know so, therefore, in the supermarket side they get plugged up strainers all the time, because they don't have the time to pull perfect vacuums. Okay, so where am I going with this in general in HVAC and all traits you have the text.

The most important thing is is, if you understand the proper way to do things? Okay, so how hard is it to learn? Supermarkets? I wouldn't say that it's harder in general than any other aspect of the trade. There's gon na be certain things that you have to focus on: there's, definitely more controls, there's. Definitely more energy efficiency valves, reheat, different things like that that you're gon na have to learn. So it is probably in the upper echelon of HVAC are for sure.
Okay, along with that is gon na come crazy hours. Crazy, paychecks, you're gon na get amazing paychecks right, but you have to be ready to work your ass off. Okay, you have to be out there and you, you know you can be a tech that does a half-ass job but you're, probably not gon na excel as far as the tech. That is amazing.

Okay, so I don't know if I answered your question or not, but it is what it is. Okay, so I'm gon na get to the chat. Real quick Laska lives asked what should you focus on when learning switching from residential to commercial HVAC? The very most important thing that you should focus on when switching from resi to commercial is the fundamentals: okay, oftentimes residential service tax, I'm not saying all of them, but oftentimes. They come from companies that are high pressure sales companies, where the technicians really aren't spending as much time learning the fundamentals.

Okay, you can excel and succeed in the commercial side. If you just understand the basic fundamentals and how voltage works, how the refrigeration cycle works, you can transfer that on up to the commercial side. So when you step from residential to commercial, what you're gon na realize is: there's a lot less pressure to sell. Okay, there's still some but there's a lot less pressure to sell and there's more pressure to repair and get it operating.

But you have to understand: there's a lot more controls built into the systems. You have lots of pressure controls. You have special fancy thermostats. You have economizers, that's a whole nother thing: energy efficiency devices that essentially use free cooling.

Marco, thank you so very much for that super chat man. That is very awesome. I really really appreciate it. Okay, so let's do this the first person again - because I still don't have this whole giveaway thing - worked out the first person I said in the beginning of the stream, the first person to send me an email, okay, be ready for it.

The first person to send me an email with my wife's name in it HVAC our videos at gmail.com will wind an overtime, Yeti, cut, okay, so first person to send me an email with the correct. My wife's first name will wind an overtime cup and I'm watching the the my email right now so the first email that pops up with my with a correct my correct, my wife's, correct name. First name - will win in overtime, Yeti. Okay, all right.

Let's get to my list of things to talk about right here, I'm just kind of monitoring the emails right now, someone tell me what my wife's name is: okay, thoughts on the Internet of Things and HEA C integration, a Lima I don't know - if that's how you Pronounce your name, so the Internet of Things is our smart devices. Okay, wait hold on hold on Justin Raman Schneider. My wife's name is Jill. That is correct.
Justin Raman Schneider was the first person to guess my wife's name. That is correct. Justin, send an email to HVAC overtime at gmail.com. Adam will take care of that and he will send you in overtime Yeti guys and do me a favor guys and check out the overtime Channel Friday nights we go live.

It's just us guys, we're talking. It's myself. Our friend llamo comes in every once in a while, its HVAC, our North Joe, it's a team Adam Adam and curious HVAC guy bill. We all go on there and we're just hanging out talking.

Okay, guys so check out the channel subscribe to it and Friday evenings. We go live. Ok, so, let's see what else we got going on in here yeah, it's funny my emails blowing up right now with everybody guessing so ok. Let me get to my list of things to talk about here.

All right. I covered that one I covered that one someone had asked me: I've actually seen this a bunch of times come through when I am diagnosing electrical shorts. When I'm trying to find issues. Why do I not use an insulation, tester or a megger or a mega ohm meter? Ok, guys, I do not own a mega ohm meter, nor have I ever owned a mega ohm meter.

I have interest in one, but it's just one of those things that I haven't had a real need for it, yet I've contemplated buying one over the years. Ok, I do not really believe in a mega ohm meter or an insulation tester for testing compressors. If any of you are interested, I can send you the Copeland technical bulletin where it says that they don't recommend using the insulation tester for a one-time use. So you have these insulation testers that you can buy at the supply house they're, you know relatively inexpensive and they just give you a pass or a fail, LED light.

Copeland basically tells you that hey, you know what that insulation tester is not really the smartest thing, because if you understand the principles of the insulation, the windings on the compressor and what Moisture can do to those windings, you can have a compressor that might not pass What you would consider a pass or a fail situation on a scroll compressor when it just has moisture in the system, maybe there's a lot of moisture in there and it can cause it to fail the insulation test. So you have to be very careful when using a mega, ohm meter or an insulation tester diagnosing compressors copeland actually recommends that you do it over a slow period of time. Looking at trending data. So essentially, when you're doing a PM - let's just say in a perfect you're doing a p.m.

every month - and you put a measure on that compressor and you notice the levels you monitor the outdoor air temperature. You monitor the compressors discharge line, temperature or you know the head of the compressor and you look at it and then you trend that over a series of time, that's the way that they recommend to do it now. I do completely agree and understand why you would use a mega o meter or an insulation tester on a motor or to test windings and wire, but it's just not something that I found a use for, but I'm not knocking anybody that uses them.

9 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream 07/06/20”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Colton says:

    Thank you for your content man. I'm taking my 608 test next week. I just want to thank you for reaching out to the guys trying to learn the proper ways. And also thank you for tesching me subcooing and superheat 🙂 Service area Orleans??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damian Machola says:

    Messaged you on Instagram @damianmachola

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    Great show Chris didn't see it live but watched it on the repost. Great show Park Ranger, lololol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Trials says:

    Does anyone know which video Chris talks about the must have mobile apps list?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Catchpole says:

    My apprenticeship was 4 years. I spent 6 months shadowing someone, then went to college for 3years still shadowing someone, then did 6 months doing PPMs with someone more experienced before I was given a van to go out on my own. I did jobs on my own, just had someone with me in case it went wrong. Some companies are way too quick to put someone in a van and let them go out on their own. If someone makes a mistake early on, the thing that gets damaged the most is their confidence. Mistakes can always be rectified and as long as you are honest and transparent with the client, they will be fine, but the affect it has on the apprentices confidence can be detrimental. An apprentice stops being an apprentice when both the company and the apprentice are comfortable and confident they can do it. It comes with time and experience, but providing they have the right attitude and aptitude, they will be fine. Everyday is a school day, never be prepared to stop learning.

    When someone asks me how long an apprenticeship lasts, I always say “I’m 10 years into a 40 year apprenticeship” 👍

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Turner says:

    Efficiency is clever laziness 😉 Are you in Kanata ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne Y says:

    I got rid of cable, ATT fiber is awesome.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pragmatic News says:

    Nice 💖 🙂 – HVACR VIDEOS

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juwan Fields says:

    Best way to get into the field?? Im an automotive tech looking for a change

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