HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 1/02/2023 @ 5:PM (west coast time) where we will discuss my most recent uploads and answer questions from the Chat, YouTube comments, and email’s.

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Intro Music : Racing hearts by Mattie MaGuire

Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre Q a live stream. If you're old enough, grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not, stick with apple juice. put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat.

and now let's cue up the intro music. Thank you Foreign thank you thank you thank you yo What is up everybody? Happy New Year I Hope that uh, you and yours are safe I Hope you had a great holiday season. Mine has been good I've got nothing but stuff to be thankful for so it has been awesome. Um, if I'm gonna say this a few times during the stream.

if you guys haven't already seen, you definitely want to go on my YouTube channel and look at my giveaway video. There's lots of great opportunities for uh people to win some gift cards to Truetech Tools. So and I did it a little bit different this year, so definitely go check that out and I'm sure I'll talk more about it as the stream goes on. So welcome to 2023.

Um, what? I'm curious. Uh, we're going to let a few people kind of come in here and stuff. but I'm curious for those that are watching right now and those that can comment uh, I am streaming on several different streaming platforms. Um, but for those that are watching, you know what? what kind of changes uh, do you kind of want to make for the New Years There is there something big on the horizon that you want to achieve this year? Is there something that you want to change? You know I'm not a huge person on New Year's resolutions.

I'm more of a person that just likes to make changes because they need to be changed. Um, but I guess that's still the same thing as a New Year's resolution to each their own I guess you know, but um, yeah, welcome to the stream! Uh got a couple things, not not a big long one tonight, just just a few little topics. I Got a great email from someone and it just kind of sparked an idea in my head and uh of something to talk about. and I have to say too that you know um I've kind of been getting burnt out a little bit with the live streams.

but what? I noticed I've been trying to reflect on myself and see why I've been getting burnt out and to be honest us with you, it's because I haven't had a lot of topics like things that I really wanted to talk about. The whole point, you know the reason why I started the live streams I think it was like four years ago. Then I started doing these was simply just to consolidate questions. Um, you know I get a bunch of questions when I make YouTube videos and and uh, I haven't had a lot of um, you know, questions that weren't uh, repetitive, you know and and that's usually what I do is when I see a lot of repetitive questions and I didn't want to type them out.

it's been kind of hard you know to do that. So anyways, I kind of just took a little bit of break. uh, took some time off from the live streams. Uh, same thing with the videos I was kind of just you know, fighting time I wasn't having time to do everything so I've kind of scaled back a little bit on the videos.
um I definitely want to start pushing again and hopefully to get some more new content out there. And and you know, let's see where this goes. So I have some new changes that I want to make. Um, you know, as if I don't have enough stuff on my plate I'm sure there's all kinds of undiagnosed issues that I have as if I don't have enough stuff on my plate.

I Decided that I wanted to start doing a podcast My friend Bill Russell from the HVAC overtime show and myself are uh, you know we recorded an episode about a week and a half ago and it's not going to be something that we're going to knock out episodes every single week. We're going to kind of do it at our own discretion, but um, we're looking for ideas. uh, different topics. It's going to be a Light commercial, refrigeration and air conditioning podcast so it's definitely not going into the territory of like the advanced side or the super basic fundamentals.

It's just going to be about the day-to-day life and kitchen service kind of a thing. So um, yeah, that's that's the idea. But we're we're you know, open to having guests on and different things like that on the podcast format so that should be cool. So I want to look into the chat right now and see what everybody has to say? Um, was my intent to start bringing guests on the show Cyborg Sheep? The guests will be more or less on the podcast? Uh I You know there's a possibility there could be some guests on this stream, but more or less on the podcast.

Uh hello to everybody out there. I See lots of great people in here right now so lots of great people, lots of great normals. Um, you know all my my normal viewers, a lot of the the participants in my giveaway. So um, you know if you guys haven't watched the video which you know and I have to say that YouTube is uh, being a little strange lately.

So for the last month and a half, YouTube has decided to stop recommending uh my videos to certain people. and I I know this because I get comments from a lot of people that they're like wow I didn't even know you uploaded wow and I mean they're just so repetitive and I noticed that the views are down like two-thirds It's insane the amount of views, how it's dropped off and YouTube does this from time to time. The algorithm kind of starts that there's a there's a common phrase amongst creators. um, that's like think the algorithm or bless the algorithm and it's because the YouTube algorithm will constantly try new things and so they'll recommend new channels.

And right now my channel is just on the channel. On the the bottom side of that right? the algorithm's not pushing it because nothing's really changed on my part. You know I mean follow all the the procedures and everything. So with that being said, you know a lot of people aren't seeing that I've uploaded certain videos.
so I just uploaded a giveaway video now I don't do giveaways typically on my channel, but once a year usually I do a really big giveaway. Uh, so myself. um I took a bunch of money that I saved up over the year and then I contacted True Tech Tools and they donated a little bit and we Consolidated everything together and all together we have eight thousand dollars in gift cards that we gave away. So I gave away two gift cards to viewers of mine and then I picked nine creators.

my friends, some people that I don't know very well, just I picked a few different creators right? And if you watch their content, I have no expectations as to how they're going to give these gift cards away. So what I did was I gave those nine creators I gave them each a gift card to give away and then I also gave them each a gift card to keep for themselves. Uh, so the creators that I chose uh were the Advanced Refrigeration podcast uh HVAC Overtime, all three of my friends Joe Adam and Bill each have a gift card to give away. uh Commercial Kitchen Chronicles Pat Finley I believe he's in the chat right now I think I saw him a minute ago I know Brett was in the chat too uh Hughes uh Houston HVAC um Ryan Hughes uh and then uh Jason Latimer and then reliable hvacr Adrian and I believe Adrian was in the chat too.

So if you guys go out and you know, start following those creators, start interacting on their content. I'm sure that they're going to make some sort of some of them have already made them on Instagram and YouTube different posts and different things telling people how they can enter the giveaways. So the whole point of me doing this was I like to give back but I wanted to give back to other creators because I know how difficult it is to get a following and to start getting traction on the different social media contents. So instead of me just giving the gift cards out I give them to them and then I direct you guys to their content.

So that way you guys can go check it out if you didn't already know who they are. and you could potentially start following them and help their channels to grow too. So you definitely want to go follow that if you guys haven't seen that. I'm going to look at the chat right now and see what I'm missing.

Um, let's see. Yeah, exactly. I should have told that to Joe What is my favorite compressor type and that was actually on my list of things to talk about I mean that's a very, um, complicated question in the type of work that I do, uh, probably prefer a scroll compressor for the efficiency Factor alone. Okay, scroll compressors are very efficient and you can get the best bang for your buck with them.

but there's some some things that come with the scroll compressor. Certain things they they work in certain situations, high compression ratio situations can affect them adversely. so. I I Like scroll compressors.
but I mean a compressor is a compressor as long as it's moving the refrigerant and the system was designed for it. That's that's what I'm happy with. So um, Philip had, uh, well. actually I want to get to a couple other things too.

so um, I definitely. uh, kind of talked about it a minute ago. Definitely want to try in this upcoming year to put out more content. I do want to try something I've been getting a lot of comments: I want to try to collaborate with other creators more throughout the year I have a few friends that I have in mind that I've already talked to you guys kind of already know who you are and I want to do some collaboration stuff where we're making videos together and working content together I have some really cool ideas on how that might work, so stay tuned for that obviously I want to push the podcast a little bit and have some fun with that I want to try to, um, diversify the content a little bit and on the platforms that it's going on and not rely so much on YouTube like I love YouTube because you've got great video formats and stuff and YouTube and Google are huge, right? But I want to try to start putting some more content on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook Um, and the podcast format too.

So that's the whole plans for the year. Uh, of course. um, we'll see how that pans out. You know, you never know.

with my schedule my it's really difficult so it can be kind of confusing. As far as my house project I Saw someone a little bit earlier asking about my house project I'm still going strong in the house project. Uh, kind of hit a brick wall with the holidays and stuff. Wanted to spend some time with the family and focus on that, but we'll be putting some videos out.

I have a video that I'm working on editing right now for the House project and then we'll definitely be installing some equipment shortly. I'm kind of I I have not bought the equipment for my house yet I kind of had the idea of what he equipment I was gonna buy but then I'm kind of still going back and forth um on on the brand and exactly the type. We definitely have a great event coming up. HR So I don't know if I'm gonna have it installed before HR or not.

we'll have to see, but stay tuned. Um, you know when it comes to this house project I didn't want to be rushed through this. It's not like I'm doing it for a customer, it's for myself. So I get to kind of move at my own pace and make changes to my house as I want to make them so stay tuned and again, that's still going on.

Nothing nothing else has happened as of yet. So let's see what we go inside. the um the chat right now. Have I had any new condenser fan motor already go bad like the one in my older videos? No not that I really have can remember right now.

um let me see what else we got going on in the chat. Hello to everybody um seeing what's in here. So if you guys do have uh comments or things you want me to address in the chat, you definitely want to put them in caps lock no matter what platform you're on because it does help me to see uh Angelo hello from the high desert? Right on man. I used to live in the high desert depending on which high desert you're talking about I used to live in Victorville California Uh, about eight years ago.
so um, let's see what else. Oh Apple Valley Okay, right on yeah you I still have some friends that live out there, so um, let me see what else we got going on here. Thoughts on laws not allowing anything below 16 seer in southern States after 12 31 22 Info: Warrior info Warrior We have a lot of new government regulations coming in. Um, you know.

here's the thing about the government regulations: I I don't know I Try not to fuss too much about them because I mean there's not a whole lot that I can do to change them. I mean obviously I can I can get on my platform and say how I don't like them. but if you guys want to make changes with government regulations and different things like that, it's going to be rather difficult. And let me say why, um, the the manufacturers right now what's happening Like for instance, uh, they're and this is my opinion.

But you guys can you know take it as it is. So right now they're already talking about um, putting a uh, uh, kind of a ban on 410A Okay, um, they're talking about eliminating that from the picture. Okay, now I know there's already a phase out, but they're actually talking about saying that it cannot be used in equipment anymore. Um, and other refrigerants too.

And what's happening in my opinion, is is the manufacturers. Because of these government regulations, the manufacturers are putting a lot of R D into these new systems that operate with these new refrigerants. R32 and even that's already on The Chopping Block in Europe But anyways, they're already putting a lot of money into the R D of these new refrigerants. but then some people are choosing not to buy those systems so the manufacturers are putting pressure on the government to, you know, to really try to implement that.

People need to make changes so that way they can start purchasing their new equipment that comes with the new stuff. That's just my opinion. So I don't know I You know. I I Don't really have thoughts on on these phase-outs and different things because there's just not a whole lot I can do to change it if that makes sense.

So um Jesus Tapia says Beware of the overtime show. It's very uncensored and that is very, very true. Very, very true thoughts on Carrier Eco Blue Motors It's just another motor. It's just another thing to go bad.

Um, all parts essentially fail eventually. so you know the Eco blue motor I mean I don't know how well it's going to hold up in certain environments such as the kitchens that are very greasy and different things. But time will tell so we will see. Uh, let me see.
reading through here. What happened to the Cooler Heads podcast? The Cooler Heads podcast is still going strong. Brett and uh Adam and Bill are still going strong with that. Uh I believe they took a little time off for the holidays, but they'll still be pushing that one out too, so don't worry.

Um Jason Johnson says carrier is going to use R454. B That is correct. Yeah, they did change over to that and Daikin I think is R32 And like I said in Europe R32 is already on the chopping block. So I mean and it's funny because we haven't even really started using it yet.

It's just interesting how it all goes, so it's just a fun game. Reuben Macias HP Uh, what's up Bud? how you doing today? Um, rookie Refrigeration Uh, let me see thoughts. Okay, I already answered that one reading through the chat. uh Mike B says he wants a true blue hose kit.

Well, if you get chosen by one of the people that I give gift cards to might be, there's a very good possibility you can have a good chunk towards a true blue hose kit. So um, definitely cool. All right. Um, do I prefer doing service work or install work? well I my bread and butter is service work and I genuinely like the troubleshooting.

that service work uh, entails I I Like to use my mind when I'm working through problems and different things like that, but install new installs. It is fun too because you get to use your creativity and you know you get to design things and make them work the way that you want them. So I like them both, but service work is definitely my bread and butter. and I love that the best.

So um Philip had asked a great question so Philip uh told me a story I'm kind of paraphrasing a little bit and excuse me I'm I'm getting over a head cold right now so if I sound a little congested, that's why. um so Philip asked if I was changing a compressor would I quote a Headmaster a TXV in a solenoid valve with the compressor replacement. He told me a story that they changed the compressor and then they ended up having a problem and his opinion was he would have quoted the the head pressure control valve at the same time as the compressor but the person that did quote it didn't and he was just kind of curious about my thoughts on the matter. So Philip really, it depends on the situation.

Am I just going to make a blanket statement and say that I'm going to change a TXV a head pressure control valve and a um, a liquid line solenoid valve with every Compressor replacement? No. I'm not going to make a blanket statement and say that every single time. But okay, I Am going to say that there might be some a possibility that if I didn't know the customer and the equipment looked like it was in horrible shape like a lot of people have been wrenching on it and it just looked really, really bad. There's a possibility that in a compressor replacement yes, I would consider changing certain parts at the same time.
Okay, but it really depends on the situation if I'm working on a refrigeration system that could easily be pumped down. No, I'm not necessarily going to change the TXV every time I change the compressor because if I can change the compressor and then find out it's not working and simply pump the system down, then make repairs to the TXV. Oftentimes the TXV itself is not bad and it's probably just a plugged up strainer or maybe even just a bad power head which can all be taken care of most of the time if it has a liquid line receiver and you can pump the system down okay, but a head pressure control valve? Okay, you can't typically remove those from the system. You typically have to recover all the refrigerant.

You can't pump it down. So again, it's going to depend on a certain situation. I'm going to evaluate it if if it's my regular customer and I know that you know I've been the only company to be servicing it. um Pat thank you very much Commercial Kitchen Chronicles for that.

Super Chat Man, that was really nice of you I really do appreciate that. Uh, very, very cool. Very awesome of you to do that. Pat Thank you so very much so.

it really depends on um, you know each situation again like I was saying if it's a normal customer of mine, no, I'm probably not going to just throw a bunch of parts at it. but again, it just depends right if it's been a customer that I just took over and I can tell that it's just a mess on the roof. Like for instance, when I go up on the roof and you see old compressors and a bunch of empty jugs or refrigerant and a bunch of old Parts I'm going to start to think that maybe this customers hiring crappy companies to do their service work which makes me question what's going on and I'm going to take a big picture. look at this job before I quote it.

Probably going to go in there and start verifying that the right size equipment's installed and that verify that the right size expansion valves installed and different things like that. So I'm definitely going to investigate the equipment more. but I don't know if I'm just going to throw Parts at it 100 but there's other situations like let's say I'm working on a Hoshizaki Ice machine. okay, on a Hoshizaki ice machine and let's say I diagnose a failed TXV on most of the Hoshizaki ice machines that I work on, there's two txvs.

Okay, if I diagnose one failed TXV because it's stuck. Well, more than likely there's something floating around in that system and I'm probably going to change both Txvs at the same time. In fact, the manufacturer recommends that you change both Txvs if you diagnose one as being bad. So in that situation, of course, I'm going to change both Txvs.

so it really depends on each and every situation and and just doing investigative work. I Do not give blanket quotes to customers. Okay, so if a customer calls me and they say hey, my walk-in's bad, can you quote this compressor and they give me me a model number of the compressor I Typically don't want to quote that kind of stuff I Want to do a site visit of which the customer has to pay me for I Don't do free quotes Okay So they would have to pay me to come out evaluate the equipment and in that evaluation I would look at everything and say hey, this is in really bad shape. This is the wrong size Here's what I'm going to quote.
Okay, so hopefully that answers your question for you there. Philip Okay, so I covered that. Another thing that I wanted to talk about and this kind of ties in with this is the Head Pressure Control Valve. So Philip had asked if I was considering if I would consider changing the Headmaster a Headmaster is a a term.

it's actually a manufacturer's um, uh named. uh Emerson Well, not Emerson Alco Okay, Emerson bought Alco Alko had a trademarked name Headmaster that's what they called their head Pressure Control valve, but it's just kind of got a blanket name. Um, Sporland makes head pressure control valves I don't even know if Emerson even makes them anymore, but Sporland makes them and I believe Dan Foss makes them too, but Swollen makes them. But technically, Sporlins isn't called a Headmaster because that's Alco's brand name of their Head Pressure Control valve.

But regardless, it's kind of an interchangeable name. People all call them all. Headmasters Okay, so when it comes to head pressure control valves, um I get so many questions and I had one last week again on what I would do in the situation of a head pressure control valve. So let's discuss a head Pressure Control valve.

Um, Head Pressure Control Valve is in the system to flood the condenser. okay, and artificially Drive the head pressure in the system up and make it think that it's a warmer day. Why do we need to make it think that it's a warmer day? Well, because our thermostatic expansion valve and our electronic expansion valves, but especially the thermostatic expansion valves they rely and they're sized for a certain liquid temperature coming to the valve. on the older systems.

Okay, well, every valve is sized for a certain liquid temperature. So with that being said, when you have a head pressure control valve, you need to make sure that you have the correct liquid temperature and a solid column of liquid going to the expansion valve at all times for the expansion valve to work properly. Okay, and with that being said, a lot of confusion goes into the fact that you need extra refrigerant in the system. There's a there's so many comments that I get you guys wouldn't even believe it where people tell me that I'm wrong and this is not how you do things.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you right now if your system is designed properly. Okay, if it's designed properly, you put refrigerant in the system from day one, the right amount of refrigerant for the system to run in the winter and the summer, and you never remove that refrigerant. So many people out there still email me on a regular saying that I'm wrong because I say that you put the refrigerant in there once and you should be done if it's designed properly. Okay, that is how it works right now.
Um, so you know and it's just so confusing for some people. they just don't understand head pressure control valves and guys I'm telling you They are the easiest thing. They're so simple, but everybody gets so confused and so worked up on how they work. There's so many people out there that will comment and send me emails and say you should be cutting out head pressure control valves every time.

Just cut the tip off of it and put a fan cycle control on it and be done with it. Okay, that is not the truth that is so far from the truth. Okay, Head Pressure control valves. Uh, whether it be the Lac the hold back valves, the Oroa valves, they're all meant to operate.

And they are. They do operate a lot smoother and they work better in the system than fan cycle controls for the most part. Okay, Fan cycle controls can be very violent, especially on the equipment that I work on I work on Light commercial refrigeration equipment. Oftentimes I only have one condenser fan motor on my system and I would encourage any of you out there that's working on a system that has one condenser fan motor that has a sight glass on it to just turn off the condenser fan motor, cycle it on head pressure.

If it has a fan cycle control, just watch the sight glass. When that happens and what you're going to notice is that sight glass is going to fill up. It's going to drain. It's going to fill up.

It's going to drain every time that motor turns on and off. Okay, but if you have a head pressure control valve, the system operation is going to be so much smoother. Okay So there's there's a lot of arguments and I know I'm not going to convince everybody out there. but really, Head pressure control valves.

They really are not that difficult to work on. and I'm going to move on to something else because I know I talk about this in nauseum all the time. But one last thing I Want to say is Open Up The Commercial Refrigeration for Air Conditioning Technicians. This is written by Dick Wars Really nice gentlemen.

Had the opportunity to meeting him a few times. It's going to explain head pressure control valves. Another method thing that you want to read up on is the Sporland document. 90-30 is going to explain head pressure control valves in general.

Okay, 90-30-1 is going to explain how to charge a system with a head pressure control valve. Okay, and uh, 90-31 is also going to talk about different types of head pressure control valves. So just Google those documents and it will explain everything all right. It's really not that much.
Um, I'm gonna say that this is a simple Lac valve. I've shown these a million times on my channel. There's really nothing to this. Okay I cut this valve apart myself, took it apart, cut it apart, put it back together just to show you guys the only things in a head pressure control valve is a power head.

Okay, that pushes on a push rod that pushes on a seat that has a spring opposing the pressure. Okay, it takes system pressure pushing on one side and the power head is trying to oppose the system pressure. There's nothing to these. One of the biggest issues with these and I will argue out there when they fail.

Majority of the times they just fail because something is stuck in the valve and most of the time they fail open so you'll be having overheating compressor an excessively High head pressure simply because someone didn't follow proper Refrigeration practices and something got stuck in the valve. That's pretty much it. man. So there's really not a whole lot going on that that uh, can can make those things go crazy.

They're really not that difficult. All right. So um, let me see what else we got going on in the chat. I'm seeing what I'm missing here.

Um, okay. so receipt receiver should hold all the system charge that is correct. If it's designed properly, that is 100 correct. Okay, um, let's see what else we got going on in the chat.

Um, Fan Cycle control. Oh that's funny. Uh, that is too funny I like that term. Uh, let's see Manitowoc has a high pressure control valve and fan cycling.

Mike B That is a great Point Manitowoc Ice machines use head pressure control valves and fan cycling. Okay, there's A specific reason why they do that because on the Manitowoc ice machines, especially the cool Vapor defrost ones, they require cool Vapor to defrost the ice off of there. Even on their other ones, they use hot gas. Okay, and in that situation, they need every bit of heat they can get.

So they do use a fan cycle and a head pressure control valve because they're performing a specific task. Okay, um, and I've seen head pressure control valves on equipment that's meant to go uh, you know, into really cold climates and they have uh, head pressure control valves and fan Cycles at the same time. Okay, so they do. But for the most part your gut your best bet on typical systems is going to be just a regular head pressure control valve.

Okay, all right, let's see what else we got. Why aren't contactors sealed to keep dust out? Well, they're working on that and that's another thing that I get a lot of comments about. When I when I show that sand gets stuck in my contactor and then all these people comment, Well, why aren't you using solid state relays for your compressors? Because for the most part, they don't make an affordable solid-state relay that can handle the current that we run. especially on, uh, the inrush when we're pulling in for a compressor.
Okay, uh, the solid state relays can't quite handle and be affordable at the same time. Okay, they'd be really, really expensive now. Uh, Emerson is working on their Sure switch which they do have for single phase equipment but they do not have for three phase. but I do know and I have been told on good authority that Emerson is working on a three-phase sure switch that will have all the Uh protections, the brown out protection, and all that different stuff.

So that is coming soon, so you know, stay tuned. I'm sure they'll be popping out there at some point in time. Let's see what else we got going on here. Um, reading through the chat over cleared the glass on the coldest day and the rain in the rain and got distracted wound up.

Okay, so uh Dave Johnson I did see that Dave Johnson said that he he over cleared a sight glass when it was raining. Okay, good point. So when it's raining outside. Okay, so it was really, really cold outside and it was raining and then you're drawing the air across the condenser and he cleared the sight glass.

In that situation, when you have a wet condenser, you have to be very careful. You can overcharge a system so you need to be very, very careful about that. Um, all right. Oh, I already answered that one.

Let's see what else. Uh, let's see I saw um reading through here. Okay, uh yeah. I did see that bread I'll have to read it after the stream.

Um, you know another person commented uh, recently on a video that I made that there's no need for me to pull any evaporator fan motor out of a walk-in when I'm defrosting an evaporator coil and I'm gonna argue against that. Okay, there is a need to pull an evaporator fan motor out of a walk-in Okay, first and foremost, you have to understand something. I make my videos for my employees and for the general Public's consumption. Can I defrost a walk-in freezer by leaving the evaporator fan motor in there? Yes, I can do it.

But if I'm instructing people that are not as experienced as myself to do that, there's a very good possibility they're going to get that motor wet and they're not going to know how to direct the water and pay attention to everything. So it's a Best Bet to go ahead and instruct everybody to remove the motor, set it aside, go to town, defrost in the evaporator, then put it back in. But I do talk about it several times in my video. Sometimes these customers have these boxes that are so iced up that you can't get the motor out and it is what it is.

But every time you leave a motor in there, when you're defrosting a box using hot water, you run the risk of getting the internals of that motor wet right. And you run the risk of turning it back on and shorting that motor out and causing a bigger problem. So I always instruct people to be careful. Remember I'm the type of person that operates I'm a pessimist.
Okay, I operate off the worst case scenario. If it can happen, it will happen. So always assume the worst because you won't be disappointed. If you assume the worst, you already know what can happen, right? So just assume the worst and prepare for the worst.

And then if it works out better than that, you're a happy camper. Okay, um, let me see I want to ask you guys for some help. Okay, so I kind of talked about this a few minutes ago that YouTube is kind of being really silly right now. so I have a pretty set schedule.

Um I upload videos right now I'm uploading videos on Thursday afternoons about 11 45 a.m my time. Okay, it's pretty consistent. Um, and when I get back to two videos a week, it's Sunday morning at 4 45 a.m West Coast time. Okay, so my videos typically come out Thursdays and Sundays if you can.

If you guys don't mind, try to remember that, try to set a schedule, a timer or something like that. So that way you guys know that my videos are being uploaded because right now YouTube is not telling people that I've uploaded a video and I know that because like I said earlier, I Get these comments from everybody saying: I didn't know you uploaded a video because YouTube's just doing its thing for some reason and not recommending my videos. If You guys like the video. If you guys like something that I showed in it.

Share it, Share it on social media. Share it with your friends. Help the channel if you can. Okay, if you don't mind it would definitely help the channel and help me out.

Okay, um another thing I wanted to talk about uh and ask your guys's opinions is you know as Bill and I curious HVAC guy or Bill Russell and myself uh start doing our podcast and really start pushing it and you know one of the things too. Um, my podcast for some reason hasn't I know it takes a while, but it hasn't popped up on Apple podcasts yet. so that's why I haven't really pushed it, but it actually is on all the other podcast platforms. but there's only one episode and I haven't really promoted it.

Um, but if you guys just simply look up Hvacr Podcast Boom, it's right there. You'll see my logo. You know it's me. Okay, Um, so you guys subscribe to it.

Follow it. whatever you need to do on your different platforms. I'd really appreciate it and just stay tuned. but I would like to know again more on the uh, the the kitchen side of things, right? The the restaurant Hvacr side of things.

We're not doing hot side, we're just doing refrigeration and air conditioning is what we're doing. Ice machines, different topics like that. Um, you know we're always curious about different things, things and different topic ideas. So definitely let us know.

you can shoot me an email to Hvacrvideos Gmail.com Talk to me about it there. If you guys any topic ideas or guest ideas, we're always looking for them. I already have a few in my head, but you know I'm always looking for other topic ideas too. Okay, um I wanted to talk about something.
Let me look through the chat really quick. Um, let me see. Okay, cool. you guys are getting notifications right on.

Yeah, I get a lot of people that say they don't get them. so um, you have mine set to all and you get notification every time. Right on? Jason Johnson that's good. Yeah, but I you'd be surprised how many people email me and say they don't get them so and I'll tell you too, even the channels that I subscribe to because like even on my personal stuff.

I don't get notifications. they don't pop up on my suggested stuff anymore if I don't watch them on a regular basis. that's the trick. even if I'm subscribed and I have notifications turned on if I skip a week like the next week I don't get a notification.

So so I kind of wanted to talk about and this is just an opinion part. Okay and I want to try to start doing a little more of my opinions on different things and this is something that we'll talk about on the podcast too. But you know this is a gripe of mine. and I'm talking to HVAC instructors out there okay bum, thank you very much for that.

Super Chat man I really do appreciate it. Okay, thank you very much much appreciated. Um, so the Hvacr education system out there, right? and the instructors in the Hvacr schools I feel like they're doing a disservice to the trade and I feel like they're not understanding the trade I feel like the instructors and I know this to be true. not on all of them, but several that have come to me at trade shows and emailed me that.

you know they don't really appreciate the new education style that a lot of the techs and the trade wants right now. I I Understand that there's a need for Hvacr school because someone like me I can't teach you the basics of electrical and Refrigeration like someone like Ty Branneman now Ty Branaman doesn't necessarily work with the schools, but that's where he started. He worked in schools. now he's doing stuff online and doing, uh, you know, working with manufacturers.

but someone like Tai has a great way of explaining things just like myself, right? I Know that there's things that I do good when I'm making explaining. You know certain system operations and certain components. But then there's other things that my buddy. Brett Wetzel Can do a great job explaining too.

but I Feel like the Hvacr schools are out of touch I Feel like they're relying too much on certain companies to give them educational training. Like because there's companies out there and they do a good job? Um, but I Feel like they're also still out of touch? Okay, there's there's training organizations that trains the schools okay and they have good relevant information, but they're still out of touch with the students. They're still out of touch and they're still not getting the students attention and the schools. They need to change the school like.
I'm going to tell you guys a story. Okay, no offense to the person that I'm talking about if you watch this video. I don't mean to offend you and most of you aren't even going to know because I've only told this story to a few people. Okay I Recently got contacted by someone that used to be a restaurant manager of mine.

okay and really nice guy. I know the guy. he was a restaurant manager for many years and he's he's a great person. Okay, nothing bad against him.

He left being a restaurant manager and he went to HVAC school. I could only assume because he saw me working in his restaurants for years and years and years thought he wanted to get into the trade, went to HVAC school, went to a local school and then uh graduated the school and this is all within like a two three year period. Graduated the school, went to work for a residential company. It didn't really work out at the residential company for whatever reason and then guess what happened? He only had maybe a year and a half, maybe two years at Tops Experience his HVAC School hired him to be an instructor.

He's only been in the trade for two or three years and now he's an instructor at the school that he just went to. This is the problem with the HVAC schools. That particular person is not qualified to be an instructor. Now I'm not saying anything bad about you if you're watching this.

Okay, because I know you and you're a really nice person. But no offense, you're not qualified to be an HVAC instructor. These schools are so desperate that they're hiring their students to become teachers and that is unacceptable. These students are paying crap tons of money to be in to to be educated.

and they're being educated by people that are just pushing book work onto them. Okay, most people out there, especially HVAC knuckle busting mechanics do not learn from Simply reading a book. They learn from hands-on experience from getting their hands in things from learning and and watching videos and touching things. And they do not learn well from book work only.

And too many of these schools are pushing book work and these students are not getting the concept of this and they're paying way too much money. Okay again. I Don't mean to throw people under the bus, but it's It's ridiculous what these schools are pushing out to the students. So they're doing us a disservice and they're out of touch with these students.

I Can't tell you guys how many students contacted me during Covid that told me that their particular trade school near me in Southern California was just playing my videos on repeat because they were in lockdown and they had nothing else to do. They were charging their students to watch my videos. That is ridiculous and that is unheard of and that's one of the largest schools in. Southern California HVAC Schools Their students were literally watching my videos like that's just wrong.
That's not what these kids are going to school for. So these these schools are out of touch and they don't understand. They're literally in it just to make money. And there's nothing wrong with making money.

but they're they're They're putting the money over the education and that's not right. It should be an equal thing. These students should be getting a great education and charged good money for that education. And that's it.

And they just keep pumping these students out. And I can't tell you how many schools out there just hire their students to become Educators So that needs to change. Okay, if you're watching this and you're a student and you go to one of those schools, you need to be careful. You know you need to really investigate this stuff.

And if you're watching this and you're thinking about going to HVAC School You need to investigate those schools. Remember, just like getting a job, you need to interview the school and and do your research and ask people that have gone there if they really do appreciate the education that they got from the school. Okay, all right, let's see what else we got going on the chat. Um, let me see what I'm missing in here.

Um, reading through here, let's see. Uh, you noticed that from around 2016 to now a lot of mechanical training on YouTube is from Professionals in the field on The Daily Grind School is a business model. YouTube is a free replay Network And that's true Now another thing to remember too. and I'm not e-begging you guys right now.

but remember us, people out there that are giving you guys content you you guys. You need to help out the creators too. Okay, because the creators are pushing this content out and there's a couple different ways you can help the creators. but you understand something if you're watching someone's YouTube channel, right? Yes, it's free content, but that Creator gets paid per click and per ad that you watch.

Okay, I Have to be careful what I say here because YouTube I can technically violate YouTube's terms of service by saying certain phrases here. but creators get paid via the ads. Okay, or creators have other methods where they will typically have you know, uh, merchandise they sell or or uh, you know, patreon or different things like that. Okay, but remember that these creators are putting hard work into this stuff.

Okay, so that's that's all. I'm going to talk about that because I usually don't like talking about that stuff. So um, let me see what else we got going on in here. Um, all right, you know.

Another thing too was I had an HVAC program during covid one of my good friends um who's actually since passed away which is unfortunate. um and it was nothing against him. it was the school in general, but he contacted me because this particular School uh didn't know what to do when covet hit because they were in lockdown and they needed to figure out an online platform. but nobody at the school knew how to work the internet and the school contacted me and I told him I was like, you know I can't be an instructor there because I uh, I have a job and I do these videos I can't you know I can probably help out.
You know different times do different trainings and different things because they were trying to figure out online. But then we got to talking about it and it came down to the fact that I did not have a bachelor's degree so I was not qualified to teach at that school to teach the HVAC program I needed a bachelor's degree which I don't know. you know that it just doesn't doesn't ring right to me. That's just kind of silly.

but it is what it is I don't want to go on here just complaining about everything. So all right, let's see what else we got on. Let me see. um, reading through the chat, seeing what I'm missing.

All right. Cool. Well I think that I have covered everything that I need to cover. So um, I'm gonna end this one early.

Uh, and that's something that I'm going to try to do a little bit more here these days too is I'm not going to spend so much time on these because um, you know if I don't have things to talk about, I'm going to move on, right? So I really, really appreciate you guys. Um, remember I already talked about it again and I'll talk about it really quick. I have a giveaway going on right? I Just I released a video on my channel. If you haven't watched it, you definitely want to go check it out.

Um, Hvacr videos end of the Year giveaway Okay, I Named Nine Creators and then two of my viewers. The nine creators are: Advanced Refrigeration Podcast, Brett and Kevin HVAC Overtime Adam Bill and Joe uh Commercial Kitchen Chronicles Pat Finley Huesman HVAC Oh and I forgot Uh Hvacr Survival I didn't say that earlier Jason Latimer Reliable Hvacr Adrian and Uh Hvacr Survival my buddy Rick So so between those nine people, if you go, watch their content and consume it and interact in their chat and follow the creators I'm sure they're going to release some of them already have really some sort of a video explaining I gave them each a gift card to give to one of you. Okay, so watch their content. So my giveaway this year was paying it forward to other creators.

so I gave those gift cards to other creators. So that way I can help promote their channels. You guys watch their content, follow their rules, and you guys will have an opportunity to win one of the gift cards that I gave them. Okay, so definitely check out those other channels.

Go watch my video. There's links in the show notes of my video that explains exactly how to enter the contest and what to do. Okay, um I really do appreciate you all and I am gonna go ahead and uh, cue up the outro music and we will definitely catch you on the next one. Thank you Foreign thank you Foreign So uh as I've been doing in my live streams I Always let my buddy Luke up here.
Come here Buddy. Come here. Come here. Oh, look at my buddy Luke And then look at my new little friend.

this is uh, this is Rory Rory's our new little Australian Shepherd we got for Christmas and then Luke is uh yeah, he's too busy worried about the Australian Shepherd So all right. I'll cue out the outro music again and uh, we'll catch you guys on. Oh yeah, she's got my ear. We'll catch you on the next one.

Okay foreign.

6 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream 1/02/2023”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Ortega says:

    Major props to you for having this channel and working in this industry I know the hours can be tough I really appreciate all your knowledge u give us

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everett Stevenson says:

    By the way Chris, I guess some of your customers are still checking up on you? And you might be still a world famous cuckoo clock?. nanoo, nanoo..

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everett Stevenson says:

    Hey Chris, Happy New Year. I like your podcast/social media. The chief of police was saying, there is nothing their do about all social media out there? You might be going a little Helter Skelter on me again? Studying my EPA 608 study guide? But there is always liquid propane. Love you buddy, might sound a little queer again. Jolly good show, old boy… Service area Ottawa??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jochem Sluis says:

    I have a freezer room that is on R449A and on the the first PM we did (didn't do the install) the valve and side of the evaporator was a block of ice. checked pressures after defrosting and was 120/8 psi @ -15 C and no cycle for the valve to work. The pressure switch was set to 5 psi. It never got to set temp of -20 C. Put a Penn head control on fan at 210psi and working well and no more block of ice on evaporator. 😂😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhill. 721 says:

    How is that rain out there man

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aut R. lɔn uǝǝʇɹnoɟ says:


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