HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 09/11/23 I will be discussing recent videos and answering questions

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Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre Q A live stream. If you're old enough, grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not, stick with apple juice. put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat.

And now let's cue up the intro music. Thank you Thank you Foreign Foreign: This live stream is brought to you by Heatcraft Refrigeration Find out more about them at Heatcraftrpd.com What is up everybody? Welcome To the Hvacr videos live stream. So I realize you guys got to see behind the curtain. you never see my chair because I always move my chair to where you can't see it.

and it bothered me although. but I got a bunch of other useless stuff back here that's in the way. Well, not useless stuff but a bunch of other stuff that I need to move around. My office is all disheveled and a mess, but that's life.

It's Monday right Again, welcome to the Hvacr videos Live stream I'm Chris uh I'm your host right? the only host, the only person that ever runs this channel. So if anything bad happens if I screw something up. if editing's bad, if the audio is bad, it's all on me. I got no idea what I'm doing I'm just winging this.

There's no instructions for a live stream. There's no instructions for social media. It's just push some buttons and hope things work out Because yeah, that's where we're at right now. So welcome to the stream! Uh, if you don't already know, I do these streams every Monday evening about 5 p.m Pacific Time on YouTube of course, work permitting and the whole point of these streams and I'll get to a bunch of questions too is just to answer questions.

Okay, I get a lot of repetitive questions or repetitive comments in my YouTube chat when I post videos or through email or different things like that and instead of asking, answering the questions over and over and over and over again I throw those into the live stream format and then also I try to throw in some other questions that I get through emails if you guys do have questions and you're watching live I'll tell you right now, there's several different social media platforms that this is streaming on. Uh, YouTube is the most popular. You can watch it on any platform form you want LinkedIn Facebook all that stuff. It's all good.

It doesn't make a difference to me, but I will say there's a community in the YouTube chat that you're missing out on if you're on one of the other platforms. There's a whole group of people in here regulars that are always in here and they're always willing to help to answer some of the questions that I don't necessarily get to. Okay, there's usually a lot of people in these streams, so if you guys do have questions and you want to. try to get me to answer them on the stream, put them in caps lock.

that's all capital letters in the chat of whatever platform you're on and I'll try to get to them. Feel free to keep reposting the question because the questions go by really fast and I can't even keep up with them. if I miss your question, you can shoot me an email at Hvacrvideos gmail.com and uh, yeah, that's it. So as usual I got a list in front of me and then I want to try to get to some of your stuff too.
So um I took today off from work. uh, we're not like crazy busy at the moment. so I took a day off and uh, was actually just doing a little bit more work on my house. So my house project um I've been doing a lot of work in the Attic lately.

uh, running duct work or like I don't even know if you want to say running duct work I've been connecting duck work to the boots and then kind of getting it like 90 ran to where my plenum is going to be in the future. Okay, but it's not there yet. The whole idea is is that I'm replacing the air conditioner in my house. If you haven't already seen the series, there's a series on my Channel Hvacr videos.

House series I think is what I called it or something like that. Maybe someone in the chat can say but um, there's a whole series of me changing the air conditioner in my house and the whole point of me changing it is because ever since I moved into this house 10 or 12 years ago, something like that I knew the system was oversized but I've just been busy with life and haven't been able to deal with it and uh, as the prices of energy have been going up electricity boy have I been getting a shock right when I get 600 electric bills, 800 electric bills I'm like, all right, it's time to change this thing, right? It wouldn't be an awesome Monday without Brian you're throwing me off with your perfectly normal question or perfectly normal comment. see Brian Sanders Uh, thank you for the Super Chat Bud that's really awesome. but you're throwing me off dude because usually I'm expecting to see some outlandish comment or question because Brian's a cool dude, but he always likes to try to mess with me a little bit and it's all good.

I Have fun with it but uh, that's a perfectly normal comment there. Brian So I'm I'm I'm just like kind of thrown off you you again Brian You stopped me in my tracks like this time you didn't ask a bizarre question, you just commented something normal and it just threw me off like just what do I do I don't know I'm lost, but um yeah, I'm changing the air conditioner in my house and been going through it so I took an extra day off today I worked in it Saturday morning Sunday morning and then today now. Unfortunately, because it's so hot outside right now I can only spend about three to four hours in the Attic before I'm just dying up there. So uh, that's what I did I just took another day off, ran some more duct work, connected it to the boots.

So now I have the ductwork connected to all the boots and I got my first layer of duck mastic on them all where the duct works at and then I'm letting that dry and then I'm going to go back in. uh, pull the insulation jacket back over and then the plan is to spray foam the boots all around the boots to make sure that they're insulated because when I'm not going to wrap the raw fiberglass or anything around the boots because I just want to get rid of all the fiberglass that's floating around in my attic that doesn't need to be there kind of a thing, right? Uh, thank you again for uh Henrik I See your uh, your Super Chat there. Thank you very much Bud! Um, and uh, you said you sent me a clip in the mail. What? I thought about it I believe I sent you a message back I think if you're who I think you are So um, hold on.
just one second, let me look at my email. Okay, cool. I'm getting service calls but it's not emergency service call, it's 24 hour service request. What is this for? Uh okay.

Cool. Right on. No problem. that's a reach in freezer.

They can wait on that one. So uh, will thank you very much for being a soup area. Uh Channel Supporter: uh for so very long. That's really, really awesome.

Okay So let's see what we got. What kind of people we got in here? aren't I having a rigid trunk line part of the way? Dale Uh no, we went away from the well. Yes, yes, we are doing a rigid trunk line. Well now we're just doing a plenum basically.

Um Adam thank you very much for that. Super Chat Bud, you didn't need to do that, but that is very much appreciated. Um I'm dumbfounded. Thank you Bud, Thank you thank you thank you.

Uh, let's see. did I stretch my flex duct? You know I did there? Neil You know it's just so funny. Um, some people get so upset when I post a video. Now you realize like when I post a video.

I'm being honest, right? So you know I don't do a lot of duct work I don't do a lot of installations and I recently found out that you're supposed to stretch flex duct if you don't know this. Uh, two people, grab the flex duct, pull it tight for about a minute or two, and just hold it tight. Okay, and what you're doing is, you're pulling the memory out of it. Totally makes sense.

I've always known that you're supposed to run flexstuck as straight as possible you're trying to. You want to make a large sweeping elbows if you're going to make a 90 or anything like that. You know you want to do that to try to give better airflow. But I never knew that you could pull the memory out of the flex liner.

It totally makes sense. But I posted a short about that and you know it's just so funny because so many people are quick to criticize that. You know they learn that first day in trade school all the state. That's fine.

that's great that you did. but you know not everybody has the same knowledge as everybody else, right? So it's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay to not know something. put it out there.

That way you can learn something right? I don't know everything, nor will I ever know everything right. but the little bits of cool information I try to put out in a video and post for other people to see too so you know it is what it is. But anyways. so I had a few videos since the last stream had a house update video.
um and uh so on the house update video I think I released that last I don't know when it was last Wednesday or something uh I was doing some attic work finishing up the line set I did uh Zoom lock Max press fittings for the line set connections I ran the line set all in Unistrut I Got a lot of criticism because um I wasted time I wasted money I shouldn't have run the line set in unistreat I should have just ran a soft line set all the way through the Attic to each their own. It's all good if you want to run soft line sets I Just wanted to have fun with this. It's my own house I Wanted to have a fun project and I'm running my entire line set in unistreat using cusha therm clamps, a three-quarter wall, insulation on the liquid and the vapor line. uh I think that's really important and you know it's funny too because I get a lot of criticism from people and again guys, when I say criticism like I'm not offended by it I'm kind of dumbfounded by some of it to be honest with you because I'm like, really, someone's criticizing me for putting insulation on a liquid line.

Like you know, the whole point of putting insulation on a liquid line is that if you're running your liquid line through a very, very hot attic where you potentially would be hotter than the actual liquid line, you can cause some problems, right? Or the liquid line would potentially gain. Oh yeah, if it's hotter than the liquid line, the temperature in the Attic then the liquid line could potentially gain some heat and you know you don't. liquid temps you want them to be as low as possible. Right Concerning: like within Realm of the way the system's designed right.

You don't want the liquid line to be extremely hot because that changes the saturation temperature of the refrigerant and causes issues. So I ran my liquid line in insulation and you know all that. It's just to gain efficiency. That's all it is.

really. You know it's no big deal if you don't, so be it. it's all good, right? Uh George Thank you very much for becoming a Channel supporter. That is really awesome.

Okay um, let's see. looks like I had a hard driving supervisor during the House project. Yeah, that is right. My wife has been my uh project manager throughout the house project.

Uh, today she told me I need to speed it up or I need to figure something out and get the heck out of the house. No, I'm just kidding. Uh, but she's gonna be super stoked. Well, you know there's something she's going to be super stoked about when we're done with this system.

The one thing that she's not gonna like is how much quieter the new system is going to be compared to the old system Because my entire family I said this at the beginning of my house series. but my entire family has gotten so used to the White Noise because of the high static pressure and the single return air Grille that I have on my existing four ton system. Mind you, that's only putting out about two and three quarter tons of cooling and it has about two and three quarter tons of airflow going across the coil because everything is just sized, massively oversized. So everybody's gotten so used to the white noise in my house that they fall asleep to that.
So we actually run our indoor blower motor throughout the night and everybody falls asleep. and in the morning at 6 30 in the morning, the indoor blow motor shuts off on weekdays and everybody wakes up. so they're going to have to get used to that. They're all going to have to get white noise generators and get used to having something else that's drowning out.

you know, the the noise in the house basically. So that is one thing. but I will say and I'm going to show you guys something real quick. so let me go ahead and hit this and I'm going to screen share really quick and I'm going to show you guys an energy monitor on my house.

So what I'm gonna do is share screen and I actually have an energy monitor on my house. You guys can see it right now. So this is my total energy usage. My daughter installed this honey app on my computer and it's a very very much annoying that I don't know how to make it disappear, but there you go.

That's this thing. Um, so look right here. Total consumption for the entire year is eleven thousand, Six hundred kilowatts per hour. Okay, my condenser is 25 of my usage and my furnace is 22 percent of my Usage Now The furnace is just 22 percent of the usage because of the indoor blower motor.

so you can see the energy consumption that my existing system is using right? It is consuming. That is the majority almost. Well, that is just about 50 percent of my total energy usage for my own home is from my existing system and everybody wants to know why. I'm downsizing from a four ton to a two ton because we ran a manual J load calculation on my house and we we went through all the other manuals too for equipment selection, duct sizing all that stuff right.

but we ran a load calculation on my house we being my friend Adam muffin from the overtime show. uh he's helping me through this process when it comes to the load calculation, right? I'm just doing the the work measuring, figuring out what the the windows and the doors and all that stuff are, giving them input on the house, where the Comfort spots are, and then he's helping me to run the load calculation, design, the system and what we came up with was a two ton cooling load and just a little over a two-ton heating load. Um, and what I have existing right now is a hundred thousand BTU furnace with a four ton cooling coil on my house and it's just massively oversized. The energy consumption alone is part of the reason that's really pushing me over the edge.
Plus, the system's really old, it's beat up, it's in bad shape, and I wanted something fun to do right? So I started this project. but um, this is going to be nice when it's finally done. I'm gonna be very happy because I'm kind of over this already so let's see what else we got going on in the chat right now. Um, see what everybody's seeing in here? Uh, 16 for the computer? Yeah, it's it's the computer and it's the lights in the hallway which is the main and that is the kids bedrooms too.

Uh, it's not labeled that way, but yeah it is. so the computer is a good bar to the energy usage though for sure. So uh yeah, my office computer is Big so I I currently I don't know what I was thinking but I currently decided to uh get a new laptop and I figured I needed to make my life a living hell and try to learn how to use a Mac So I got a Macbook because I wanted to have something mobile to be able to edit on. and So now I'm having to retrain my brain on how to use a Mac because I've had Macs in the past, but it's just, uh, taken a while.

But my, my main office computer is still a PC and still will continue to be a PC. But yeah, so uh yeah, we're not using Write Soft for the load calculation software. We actually use Quick model. Um, and it is.

Uh, it's a great software so far. So all right, let's see what else we got going on in the chat. I'm reading through here right now. Uh, longer run times is better for the infinity anyways.

better dehumidification exactly. So one of the biggest issues because I have a four ton of my house? Is it short? Cycles Consistently Because it's massively oversized. Even if it's only outputting, you know, just a little under or a little right around. Three tons of cooling is what is actually outputting.

It's still oversized. So yes, we are on design days. My new system that I'm installing I'm installing a Carrier Infinity system and is going to basically run 24 hours a day on a design day of 97 degrees I think is my design temperature for the summertime conditions or higher. it is going to run 24 7.

Pretty much okay, um, or it should theoretically. but you know some things that I plan on doing in the future too is bringing the house load down even more. I Want to go ahead and do some new insulation in the Attic do some more air sealing on the top plate in my house and stuff, but that's a project for another day now. another question that I got quite often when I was talking on my home HVAC replacement The last video that I did I think is part five: I was talking about my condenser placement and how I wished I could move it further into the corner.

but I was afraid because there's a dryer vent right there. It's not just the dryer vent that's preventing me from moving that into the corner. A lot of comments said: how come I don't consider getting a heat pump dryer. It is something that I would consider in the future.
but right now I've got enough projects on my plate and I need to focus just on the HVAC system. Uh, so you know dryers, water heaters, and different things like that are things that we'll address in the future. But the other issue if you go back and watch the video if you look at the house and the roof line if I move that condensing unit underneath the eve partially or even in front of the eve by even a foot when it rains. we don't have rain gutters, they're going to get water runoff and it's all going to dump because that's the corner of the house and it's basically going to dump right on top of the condenser.

so I don't want it to be there I Know that that condenser is meant to be in the outside, but it's also not to Mint or Not Meant to have you know the entire Roof System drain right on top of it. So yeah, we're going to keep it at where it's at in front of the fireplace. and I'm actually going to move it out. give it plenty of room.

that is the dedicated space for the condenser. Even though you see in the very beginning of the series, there's a bunch of storage back there and stuff that you know. we might still store a few things back there, but for the most part, they'll never be anything there. So so we're going to move that condenser out to where it's more accessible.

It can breathe better. It may not look the best because it's there's going to be a bunch of wasted space around it, but it's going to be functional and it's going to be operational right? and it's going to work good. So all right, let's see what else we got going on in the chat right now. Uh so I have a good sheet metal shop for my plenum.

You used to do my own Del Mar Saying no I haven't gotten any of the sheet metal made for the plenum yet. Uh, that's my next thing I was thinking about that today I Gotta measure some things and find out how much room I have to extend up into the attic and stuff. Um, but I'll have to find a sheet metal shop. So uh, when am I gonna retire and become a park ranger I don't know at this point that's never gonna happen.

So um, with the way prices of everything are going up and having two teenage daughters, I'm never going to be able to retire. So um, let me see what else we got going on here. What do I like most juegos or wire nuts Henrik Juegos and wire nuts both? uh, they have a place. uh.

I've been really enjoying using Juegos lately, but I mean I still use wire nuts on a regular basis too. Both of them, if they're properly used, will last a very long time and work perfectly, but you just got to use them properly. What's up? Scott HVAC Rookie, how you doing my friend? Um, it's good to see you I I recognized or I saw your chat there uh Ralph uh Dallas fan that's uh Ralph Vergara Front Fergara I believe is how you say your last name right? Um, but uh, how you doing today? Ralph So um College only gets more expensive a hundred percent. Yep, so do I find that three-phase Motors last longer than single phase I don't know that I find that they last longer.
Uh I Think it's a smarter decision to go to three phase because um, you're not going to have that high in Rush current of the motor starting up. Um, you know you're not gonna have starting components or run capacitors or different things like that on single phase Motors as you would. uh, you know with three phase you're not going to have any of that stuff. So um I prefer three phase.

but let me see what else we got going on in here. Um, all right. so let me cross off a few things on my list. Uh, you know when I make my videos, there's something that I have to make known because I do get a lot of new people watching my content and they just don't understand.

You know the videos and and you guys probably all know this because you've watched my streams enough and you've watched my content enough. But my videos are not meant to be like a step-by-step tutorial. Never were okay. My videos are from my own employees.

in fact, that's that's the whole point of them. and with that context it may make a little more sense. But also, I'm not a proper teacher. Okay, I'm just a person that happens to turn on a camera and talk to it.

Um I think what gives me the ability to make the videos that I make is simply because I am crazy and I talk to myself I genuinely talk to myself. So what you're really Hearing in my videos is pretty much the same conversation I'd be having with myself if I wasn't talking to a camera when I troubleshoot I talk out loud and I answer questions and I rationalize with myself. Um, so you know the videos really are just the inner workings of a crazy person's brain. Okay, um, so you know I realize that I don't give every single step.

Like for instance. um, there was some feedback in one of the videos that maybe I say some incorrect terms. That's 100 correct because again, you're just hearing the inner workings of my brain. Okay, um, these are not meant to be training videos, you know, with a step-by-step tutorial.

um I there I realized and I recognize that there's some value and knowledge that comes from the videos, but in general, yeah, they're just just the inner workings of my brain. CM Thank you very much for that super chat I really do appreciate you. Um, he says that he put the infinity heat pump and gas furnace in for his parents. got it at Cost through a personal use with carrier.

Uh yeah, I wish I I didn't I didn't get a personal use thing with carrier. my dealer did not do anything like that with me. Um, it was stupid expensive. What? I paid for that equipment.

Um, but yeah. I'm Really Gonna enjoy it, you know? And hey, even if it breaks down, that's something that you know a lot of people don't understand. Uh, because I'm filming this because I'm using it for Content creation. This is a business expense.
Okay, um, and if it breaks, it's content right? And I know it's an inverter system. it's a fully communicating inverter system. I know there's going to be problems. We have horrible power conditions here in: Southern California I put on voltage monitor surge protectors on everything.

but I know we're still going to have problems and the cool thing is is that I'm going to film it I owe nothing to anybody as far as the equipment that I have for my house I did not get it for free I paid full price for it. They didn't know that I'm a content creator or anything. so I have no reason not to be absolutely truthful with every one of you. If I have problems with my system, I'm going to film it and I'm gonna put it out there.

Okay, all right. um I already answered that question. Uh oh my gosh. I got so many questions about the laser alignment tool that I used in my recent video where I had a bunch of pulleys that I had to replace.

Everybody wants to know what brand it is I I'm not 100 sure but I think it's made by Best Torque I think is the name of the brand um I Just bought it from a motor rebuilding shop. They just had it there. It was expensive I think it was three or four hundred bucks or something like that I don't know. but I mean it.

It's beneficial. It's awesome now. Why is it? Why don't I use You know, a straight edge? Why don't I use a string? Why don't I just use my micrometer to to find out if the pulleys are aligned Okay Well, because sometimes technology can be cool and I like having Cool Tools Certainly I can use a string, but a String's not going to tell you everything. I can use a straight edge, but a straight edge doesn't always work.

My micrometer sometimes works, but you know, having all these different Tools in my Arsenal only makes me a better technician. Okay, so I just I like having tools. So that's why I have a laser alignment tool I see flaws in it and I've told everybody the flaws in it. When you use that laser alignment tool that I have, it's not giving you the center point of the pulleys, it's giving you the outside edge of the pulleys.

and if the thickness of the outside of the edge of each pulley is different which they are okay, then you know the laser alignment is not going to be perfect. Now someone did mention something and it's a really good idea. Take a caliper and measure the thickness of each pulley and then offset the laser alignment tool to compensate for the the differential between the thickness of the pulleys. I Mean that's something you could do too I Think that that's a bit extreme for the type of equipment that I'm working on a Light commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
Um, you know I feel like the laser alignment tool gets me in the ballpark and then I just use my eyes and I kind of give it you know looking at the way that the belts are riding inside the pulleys and stuff. and I can get it pretty darn close for the type of equipment that I'm working on. Um, a lot of people asked me when I did my home HVAC Video I Showed the inside of my breaker panel and there was a bunch of little white things clipped to all the wires in my breaker panel. I showed it a minute ago, but that is actually uh, current sensors for an energy monitoring system and I'm going to screen share again I Have an energy monitoring system on my house and I showed this a few minutes ago, but this is how I can see my total energy consumption.

It has little current sensors that mount to every wire coming out of the breakers and I can monitor every piece of equipment that's being ran in my house basically or every circuit that the equipment's wired into. So it's just an energy monitoring system and I said this a few minutes ago a few minutes ago. But you can see my AC condenser and my furnace make up almost 50 percent of my energy consumption for the entire year. I'm currently on selecting the year right now.

Okay, so you can see my energy consumption is pretty high. Okay, so yeah, that's just a voltage monitor. It's made by a company called Emporia now if affiliation with them. So just it is what it is.

What is the minimum outdoor ambient for an R22 system? Joe T Uh, I Mean that's a very loaded question. The minimum outdoor ambient it's not has nothing to do with the R22 It's based more so off of the equipment. Um, you know you can certainly operate Refrigeration equipment in really, really low ambient conditions, but you'd have to add some auxiliary components to help keep the system pressures up. Uh, liquid tank receivers, crankcase heaters to stop from refrigerant migration, and different things like that.

So I mean that's kind of a hard question to answer without all the variables of what type type of equipment you have. But there's a lot of factors that go into low ambient operation of refrigeration equipment. because, uh, you know you you, If it's a pump down system, the refrigerant might all stay outside when the system calls for refrigeration. I Mean there's all kinds of issues with it, so there's a lot of factors that go into that question.

All right, let's see what else we got going on in here. Um, let's see. yeah. Jason Johnson says they we have a shaft alignment tool that was like eight to ten thousand dollars.

Yeah, when you have direct driven equipment when you have, uh, you know that kind of stuff, yeah, you definitely need to get into alignment if you're trying to align. Motors that run pumps and different things like that, your alignment needs to be spot on for sure. Uh Brandon thank you very much for that. Super Chat My friend, How many restaurants are doing their own maintenance to try to recoup some money after? Cova Do I still work on them or leave any issues on them? I Do not have any restaurants doing their own maintenance, but what they have done is hired the National Filter Changing Companies to do maintenance for them.
But they don't do maintenance so they have the National Filter changing companies that literally run the entire country and they just change filters right? Well now they'll clean condensers, clean evaporators, clean ovens, clean ice machines. all this different stuff. But hey, at first I was frustrated when the restaurant started doing this. But to be honest with you, the National Filter Changing companies that do the cleanings they keep me employed because they break everything.

I'm so dumbfounded as to why the restaurants still use these companies because we have to go fix so many things after they leave. Like the simplest things: I have some York Predator units if you guys work on any of the York package units, but they're out in the Coachella Valley where it gets to be regularly 115 to 120 degrees like that is a regular temperature in the summer for them. Okay, and they take off the filter doors and they throw them on all over the roof. so I'll get service calls that I literally just have to go out there and put a filter door on because it's pulling in too much ambient air like they just it's so awesome.

They keep me employed so not even worried about it. Um, oh so when I was doing a video uh Sunday's video I had an AC that multiple ACS down and it had a bunch of bad pulleys right? So Brett noticed something and it was good. notice there Brett Okay, but Brett noticed that when I let go of the pulley, the pulley rotated on its own. Two things could have been happening now: I didn't go back and watch the footage.

One thing I'll tell you Brett is that and he was curious why it rotated. Was it because it was out of balance what was going on? Uh, there was a moment I Remember in that video that I had the magnets in the laser alignment tool attached and if the laser alignment tool was on there and I didn't have a belt on there, it would rotate simply because of the weight of the laser alignment tool. The next thing that potentially would cause it to rotate would have been the building's Air Balance Oftentimes the restaurants are uh, using the outside air dampers on the ACs as part of their Air Balance means they use fresh air from those ACS and when I shut off an AC one or two ACS and we actually had two ACS off at a time on that, the building can go into a negative pressure. when the building goes into a negative pressure and I have the blower door open.

it'll start to spin the blower wheel because the air is rushing back through it into the building. It's pulling the air backwards in through the supply air vents and now we'll Oftentimes get the blower wheel spinning and that can be a little confusing for people. so I don't know exactly what was going on in the situation there. uh Brett but I would have to go back and re-watch the footage.
but it was either because I had the the laser magnet on there and the weight of it spun the pulley or it was just the building's Air Balance pulling the blower wheel backwards Uh, let's see Scott Thank you very much for that super chat. Um, we still doing I hacking yeah for sure. Scott If you're going to be in town, uh yeah, I'll be at Ihacky I'm also going to be um I'll go and announce it too I'm going to be at Ahr Uh I'm gonna be at the HVAC Tactical Awards in Chicago this year. the day before age are and I will also be at the Hvacr training Symposium in Claremont Florida that Brian Orr's putting on.

So I'm gonna have a busy weekend because I fly out to Kalos to to go to the Hvacr training Symposium and then I have to leave a little bit early. uh fly out probably Saturday night Sunday morning fly to Chicago because I have obligations Sunday at Ahr and then also going to be at the Tactical Awards Sunday night and then I'll be at HR Monday Tuesday Wednesday Probably flying home on Thursday so got a busy trade show season coming up for sure. Um, let me see what else we got going on in the chat right now. What am I missing? How do I like the energy monitor? How old is it Del Mar I've had the energy monitor in my house for exactly a year and a month I put it in I think I started up my energy monitor August 1st of 2022 and I have a full years of energy consumption.

Um and we're 11 days into September So yeah, I've got quite a bit. um Jason Johnson says he will be at none of those this next year. Right on. Uh, maybe we'll uh if I have time I know this is going to be a quick Symposium trip for me because I believe the Symposium is only Friday Saturday Sunday and I'm probably going to be flying out Saturday night so this will be a quick trip for me.

I'm going to be leaving the Symposium early. Probably how to check airflow and package units which is the best tools and methods. SK Checking airflow and package units is a very difficult task. Very, very difficult.

Um, you can use a flow Hood But oftentimes the flow hoods have issues with Uh being able to measure the air flows that a lot of these package units have. Measure Quick does a very good job of estimating the airflow. Uh, using the Measure Quick app you can use depending on how big the package unit is. If it's a smaller package unit, you can use the true flow grid from the energy.

Conservatory But yeah, the measuring airflow on package units can be quite difficult. Okay, static pressure will not tell you anything. As far as airflow goes on, a package unit doesn't do anything for you. Um, yeah, definitely a difficult thing.
So all right, let's see what else we got going on in the chat right now. Why the heck Oh, because that's that's really weird. All right, let's see what else we got going on in the chat. What am I missing with all the energy data? I'd be set to work out what solar I would need if I went that way.

Yeah, I thought about going to Solar. Um, it's definitely something I will consider in the future. But to be honest with you, Solar. panels don't make sense to me because they're not cost effective.

Okay, without government rebates and all that stuff, most people can't afford solar installation on their house, nor will they recoup the costs in enough time. I Don't think I'm qualified to install my own solar panels. Plus I really don't want to be doing that. So I don't know if solar is going to happen anytime soon for me unless the prices come down and we all know that the pricing of everything nothing is coming down right now.

So um, you didn't see the full pulley spin, but if that's what it was the motor and had the laser attached to it, it's possible. Yeah, so let me see, didn't know the Symposium and age yeah Symposium and HR back to back. which is kind of frustrating because I really was looking forward to the Symposium So uh yeah, the Symposium goes Friday Saturday Sunday and then the next day Monday is when Ahr starts in Chicago so maybe I'll see you at Ahr then will. It's gonna be crazy.

Uh I Just got my tickets to the HVAC Tactical Awards If you guys are interested in going to the HVAC Tactical Awards it's going to be the Sunday before my buddy. Ben Poole From HVAC Tacticals putting them on, he does an awesome spread. Awesome setup I Encourage you guys to go to his website. they may or may not be available to the public at the moment I don't know I know I got an email but it might have been because I I know Ben So I don't know I know that they're supposed to be public release any day now if they aren't already.

So um, all right let me see. did the fire alarm inspector trip the detector in a recent video that I had were both AC where they were having two AC issues. I walked up and I had a trip smoke detector I don't think the fire inspector was the person that did that. It actually wasn't a fire inspector.

it was a technician from the alarm company that was getting them ready for a fire inspection and I found out some information that I was dumbfounded by. Apparently they were in between changing of alarm companies and they haven't had a fire alarm for six months. I was like wait, what? and he's like yeah, their fire alarm hasn't been monitored or maintained for six months and I'm like no way. although that sounds like all kinds of illegal and he's like yeah, pretty much so they're just getting them ready because they were going to be having a fire marshal come through and do a big giant inspection on the building and when he walked into the building he immediately this is the first time he'd been there he noticed that one of the detectors was tripped.
Uh, honestly, it looked like the AC had been down for a while and talking with the customer. They think it had been down for a while because it'd been extremely hot in their kitchen sometimes. I Don't understand these customers and why they wouldn't call us and say it's hot in my kitchen but hey, you know what? Whatever here I there I was then. so let's see what else we got going on in here.

Um, what do I think about this model? Oh I don't know about that one. So the laser pulley? All right. Uh, why are all my HVAC units so dirty inside? And how come I don't do a better job of keeping them clean as my company? It all depends on the customer oftentimes these days. I Actually, right now at the moment I only have one customer doing routine maintenance the customer that I was servicing in the video that had the bad police.

that is the only customer that is doing routine maintenance of mine at the moment with me. But they're doing a quarterly maintenance. so quarterly maintenances are the bare minimum that my customers need. My customers really need monthly maintenance because they're restaurants we're located in.

Southern California They have high wear and tear on their equipment. It really needs to be maintained every month, sometimes multiple times a month depending on the customer. Okay so um, they just don't want to. You know, most of the time when they that customer approves a quarterly maintenance, there's only enough money in it to go clean filters, rinse off condensers, adjust belts, and that's pretty much it.

We're not paid to go in there and vacuum out units and things like that. Most customers don't want to do that. So it really depends on what the customer wants is, you know and that's what they get. Um, why not eliminate already answered that question? Cool, Um, answered that one.

Let me go to the chat right now. Mine are down to bi-annual maintenance. You have biannual maintenance is just ridiculous. Two times a year.

That's just insane. Like what does that even do except for make it extremely difficult And that's something that I never understand with the customers too. You know in the past I'd have customers be like yeah, we're going to change the maintenance from monthly to every other month, but then they still expect you to do it for the same price. No, if you reduce the amount of maintenances, my price goes up significantly.

So and they're like, well, that doesn't make sense. we're trying to save money and I'm like, do more maintenance I don't know, you know I'm not I'm not gonna make magic happen here. So uh, you're still surprised that I'm allowed to touch the fire alarm systems. Well, fire alarms are a gray area.

I Technically don't touch the fire alarm systems. Okay, a duct detector is something that's monitored by the fire alarm. They have a two-wire setup going into it with a resistor across it. The duct detector is the property of the HVAC unit itself.
The duct detectors typically are installed by the HVAC technicians. The alarm company will bring their wiring it in, land it on the unit, and start it up. Most of the time, when I replace smoke detectors I Typically will have the fire alarm company on site or you know I'll have them disconnect their wires. I'll go in and change the smoke detector, then I'll have them come back in and land their wires on there.

But in my area I'm allowed to replace the duct detectors. In fact, most of the fire alarm companies and the fire alarm technicians don't even know how to operate the duct detectors nor where to get them from. So I know in different areas it's different different municipalities. the laws are different so you know.

make sure you're paying attention to the areas that you live in. All right, let's see. um I'm I'm curious in the chat how many of you are allowed to touch smoke detectors? Are smoke detectors replaced and serviced by the fire alarm company in your area Or the US service technicians replace and work on the duct detectors? Um, let's see what else we got going on in here. Um okay, why not install? Oh so on my house I am in installing a heat pump and I mentioned in my install or my home video.

Whatever that I ran the electrical service for my fan coil as if it was going to have heat strips. So basically I size the electrical wires that I ran to my fan coil in case I was to add a Uh 15 kilowatt heat strip kit to my my fan coil. So how come I just don't install the heat strip now and just deactivate it inside the AC just because I don't want to spend the extra money if I don't have to I ran the wire. That's enough.

If I need to replace or add a heat kit to it after then I'll do it. But I highly doubt I'm truly going to need a heat kit for my system I Realize that it's going to go into a Defrost, but with these newer systems, it's not like an old school heat pump where you'd freeze the customer out for 25 minutes while it was running in defrost. They they operate totally different now. So I don't expect that I'm actually going to need the auxiliary Heat or the heat strip kit.

Um, all right Jason Johnson is point. Uh, he is to he is to a point up to the panel. Um, let's see what else do we say. So no, you're not allowed to.

um certified fire Alarm technician uh Hoosier Daddy handles them. So I mean there's so many different it changes from place to go, place to place. I should say Brian Sanders says just the duck detector Exactly. So I don't do the alarm wiring I just replace the duct detector.

So um, you hate dual detectors. especially when they're Daisy chained. You know it goes back and forth, you know. I I have some customers.
It changes from City to City depending on what the requirements are because I had a call recently where I don't think I made a video out of it. but they're like every AC's down in the building and it was just a trip duck detector on one of them. but it just shut down the entire building. The theory behind that is that the air conditioners pull fresh air from outside, so therefore they are a fresh air device for the building.

So whenever there's a fire in a restaurant situation, what you want to do is you actually want to in a fire condition. If the system is set up appropriately, you want all the exhaust fans in the building to turn on, you want all the Supply Air Equipment to turn off. So the ACs and the makeup equipment should be turning off some restaurants. Okay, it's pretty silly when they do this, but some restaurants also will interlock the gas valves Into the Fire system.

So that way, if there's a fire condition, it shuts down all the gas appliances in the hoods too. The gas valves will oftentimes get shut off when the Ansel system goes off too. That's a whole nother thing. So fire, you know, alarm sequencing and different things like that can be very interesting.

Uh, I'll find that most of the time it's not even set up right to be honest with you. So um, right, let's see what else we got going on here. Is my new two-ton going to keep my office cool? No, my house is not fat or my load that I did for my house is not factoring in my giant computer that I have in my office. We decided against sizing the load in my house for my office because without zoning my house, if we factor in the computer that puts out a massive amount of heat when it's running full blast.

I've also learned to put my computer to sleep every day I don't leave it on anymore. Um, but if I size the load using the the heat output of my computer in my house, then I would always be oversized. Okay, well I shouldn't say always, but potentially a good majority of the time, especially in the heating season I would be overheating all the other rooms to try to compensate for it and it would just become a problem. plus I'm not going to live here forever and I didn't want to have a system that was sized for something that a new occupant that moved into this house and just put a normal person in this bedroom.

and then all of a sudden the ductwork and everything size for this massive cooling load, it just doesn't make sense. So um so no. I mean I think it'll keep my office cool probably the same as it does right now, but it's not going to uh besides appropriately for that load. Um, let me see what else we got going on in the chat.

Okay, um so uh I was talking about I asked a question in a recent video when I was talking about my thermostat placement and I was asking the audience, you guys that watch like what are your opinions on where I should put my thermostat in my house The idea is that I think it would be better suited if the thermostat was more in my hallway, but it's going to be more of a pain in the butt to install the thermostat in my hallway versus installing it on the wall on the outside of my fan coil which would be super easy. and I had a few people reach out to me and say hey, why don't you install the thermostat in the closet that the mechanical equipment's in and then just use a remote sensor. And the reason why I don't do that is because the Infiniti has humidity control and if you do a remote sensor, every bit of research that I've done, they do not, uh, sense humidity with any of the remote sensors. they're just going to be temperature based.
So if I install the Affinity thermostat in a closet and then do a remote sensor, I'd only be sensing the ambient temperature in the house and not factoring in humidity. which I definitely want humidity control because I'm sizing my system to control humidity I want to make sure that we're getting that operation out of it? Okay, um, all right, let's see what else we got going on in the chat. What am I missing? uh window? Shaker for the office? Yeah, if I if I decide that I want to do anything for my office, I'll install a single mini split I already have an electrical service on the side of my house I'd have to do some calculations to make sure but in my video I mentioned that um, we were. We got rid of a spa that I used to have that was a 60 amp service on the side of my house I got rid of the spa when I redid my backyard a couple months back and so we have that service already ran.

but I got to do some calculations to find out if my panel is being overloaded if I was to throw you know another 20 amp mini split service in to that existing wiring or something like that. but it wouldn't if if it all works out and my panel is not overloaded I already have the wire ran over in the area of my office so it's not going to be a big deal to install a mini split just in my office if I had to. Um, isn't humidity an unknown? Concept in California Yes and no, we are starting to this: Summer's probably been the most humid summer we've had. Um, still though, you know when I say we've had the most humid summer, we're talking 30 to 60 relative humidity, which has been pretty high.

Normally in the summertime, we're usually in the the single digit humidity numbers in the summertime, uh, sometimes the double digit numbers, but you know it's usually pretty low. But this year has been definitely more humid than it ever has because we had a few tropical storms come through and it's been kind of crazy. So um, even at the beach, it's never that bad. Yeah, all right.

Uh, Mario you're from Brazil right on man. Thanks so much for watching, You know, uh, for the new people that are in here. The reason why I do these live streams is just to answer questions and consolidate questions. So if I missed any of your questions didn't cover anything, feel free to shoot me an email to Hvacrvideos.gmail.com I'll either answer them through email or we'll throw them into the next live stream.
Uh, remember. Oh, there was someone in the chat asking about at the very beginning of the Stream I saw a conversation. Chipmunk chipmunk was uh, he was hoping Chris will answer his concern about the treatment of Ted on the overtime stream. Chipmunk are you still in here? I don't know what you mean about your concern about the treatment of Ted We had Ted on the HVAC overtime show which uh right here uh HVAC overtime show is a YouTube channel that myself Adam Muffet Bill Russell and some dude named Joe from Canada do on Friday evenings on that channel we do a not Safe for work you know live stream where we just all hang out and talk and we had uh Ted from anti DIY HVAC on there.

but I don't know about any mistreatment of Ted I'm curious what you meant by mistreatment of Ted yeah we had Ted from Anti-diy on it. it was fine and I don't know. All right so let's see what else we got going on here. Oh when we were trolling him I don't know, were we trolling him Ted Ted trolls us too so it was probably a a thing I don't even remember really if we were trolling him I don't know Yeah.

Anyways, all right uh oh yeah, you gotta get this shirt. uh HVAC Overtime.com Now this one is not safe for work. This is my favorite shirt. okay my absolute favorite shirt and I'll show you.

So here's the deal on the HVAC Overtime show. right when we started the show. um I think one of the guys Bill used to go and share it in like every Facebook group right? And this one guy Paul something we call him anonymous Paul okay Paul said I hate this show right? but he didn't say I hate this show okay he said and I quote. So he decided to make a t-shirt out of it with Anonymous Paul's quote on there.

and then we told them that we made a t-shirt out of it too and it's a great great funny. This is my favorite shirt from the overtime show. So HVAC Overtime.com All right? Uh Kitty in the microwave? Oh, you're right. Neil Oh you know what? This is my second favorite shirt.

The Kitty in the Microwave is my first favorite. You're right. Neil Oh my gosh, If you guys haven't, you need to go re-watch the HVAC overtime show where Bill told us we need to find that. Where's the episode where Bill Bill Russell from the show Curious HVAC Guy told us that when he was a kid he put a cat in the microwave because he thought the cat was cold.

He didn't kill the cat. by the way. um, the cat was fine, but he was just a little dumb kid. He wasn't even trying to be a troublemaker, he just genuinely thought the cat was cold.

Uh yeah, definitely. Um, all right, let's see what else we got going on in here. Yeah, this is my favorite shirt for sure. So all right, cool.
Well this is it. I Am gonna wrap this up because it is time to end the stream. My dogs are going crazy in the other room and I need to eat dinner. So I really really do appreciate you guys making it to the live stream.

Thank you so very much! If I didn't answer your questions, feel free to shoot me an email to Hvacrvideos Gmail.com I'm going to queue up the outro music and again I really do appreciate you. We will catch you on the next one. Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign.

4 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream originally aired 09/11/23”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue fire says:

    I missed it again😢

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrElemonator says:

    Dampers at the plenum 🤩

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mauricio Nardin says:

    Belo trabalho de refrigeração aprendo muito um bom dia Brasil.💯🔨🏠🇧🇷

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joeisacoolgamer says:

    It always has to be end. When I join

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