HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 09/18/23 I will be discussing recent videos and answering questions

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Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre Q A live stream. If you're old enough, grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not, stick with apple juice, put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat. and now let's cue up the intro music.

Thank you Thank you Foreign, Foreign foreign. This live stream is brought to you by Heatcraft Refrigeration Find out more about them at Heatcraftrpd.com Hey everybody Welcome To the Hvacr videos live stream. So for the new people that are here, um, welcome and for the uh, people that are regulars. thanks for showing up again! So you know the whole point of these live streams.

The reason why I do them is to consolidate questions and save my sanity when I make these videos I get a lot of repetitive questions I'm going to talk about some of those right now and uh, instead of answering them over and over and over again I Got the idea just to do a live format and uh, that's what this started with, right? and uh, so I try to answer questions from the videos from emails from different platforms. Um, you know, just going through them and I I used to believe it or not I used to go in and answer every comment, but it's just impossible now because it's a compounding effect to where it's not just you know because I'd say on average you know in a week you know when I post a video I'm probably gonna get I don't know I'd have to say 500 comments or something like that just from one video. but then when you have multiple archive videos, it just starts compounding because they're coming in on those too. So anyways, I try, but it's just, you know, completely impossible for me to be able to get to them.

Uh, Brian Sanders thank you very much for that. Super Chat Man, that is really awesome. Uh, this live is brought to you by Heatcraft. That's right.

Exactly So um, Heatcraft and I have, uh, been partnered since last year. We ran a campaign together too and uh, it's kind of cool. Uh, get access to some cool stuff. Got some new products that they've talked about I haven't been able to show them in a video yet.

but I have some new products that I want to use and so it's cool. You know, just one of the cool sponsors that I get to work with and you know I it's it's really humbling because I don't really do this per se just to make money. You know I'm not gonna lie and say I don't but I don't do it just for that. and um, you know I really do like.

Uh, the whole point of these started with videos from my employees, right? and they're still sort of a purpose to my employees. Actually, they're more beneficial to them than they are to you because they know the exact locations that I'm working at. So they get good experience seeing that the stuff happening. But then you know I mean in public and it's just been cool to be able to do what I can do.

So thank you all for watching these videos. Um, you know because you give me the opportunities to be able to do these cool projects. So when it comes to you know the videos, the I'm constantly showing myself trying my best, right? But I want to make sure that people understand? Um, you know I I have the the little catchphrase big picture diagnoses right? Solve the problem, not the symptom you know. the whole idea of coming up with.
that is to address my own shortfalls right? I I The reason why I am the person I am today is because I got sick and tired of the callbacks and of being the technician that was cutting corners and not doing things to the best of their ability. Um I made a lot of mistakes and I learned from those mistakes and coming out of that, right? It's this weird thing that I have that once you've experienced something, you don't want to have to go to that place again, right? Um, so learning to to try my best and I fully understand I'm not the best technician out there, but you know the big Picture mentality came out of my own shortfalls. Like I said, Okay, so I'm not perfect, right? but I Try my best now. Um I Got a comment recently someone talking about the big picture diagnoses and and how that helps them.

I mean I'm glad now I can't say that I came up with that right I mean because something gave me the drive to want to come and be a better technician I'm sure it was witnessing or talking to another Mentor that I don't remember That gave me the idea to start looking at the big picture. Um I mean I don't think I came up with that phrase I don't know but it just started happening and and here we are. So um, if you guys have questions or comments, things that you want me to cover, try to put your your questions in the Uh in all capitals or caps lock. Okay, all capital letters helps me to see the questions.

If I miss your questions, feel free to shoot me an email to Hvacrvideos Gmail.com Okay, so I made a video. um about a trained package unit that was leaking water when out there found that the unit was totally frozen up. Uh, I think I kind of addressed this in the comments, but I didn't really address this in the video. This isn't something that just happened.

Uh, we've had an issue with this before and I haven't been able to go out to the location. We've just been so busy I kind of already had a hunch what I was going to find. So this isn't the first time that student's Frozen up you know sometimes and I don't know if this makes sense to any of you guys. but sometimes when when I get super busy and then you have those customers that do silly things like I can't prioritize those things because you know I have to focus on the emergency service calls that weren't things that were caused by something silly.

you know, if that makes sense to you guys. So I've kind of already known about this. um and then I went out myself for the first time and was able to witness it I'd seen pictures of it you know at that location but I was able to get my eyes on it and I kind of already had a hunch what I thought was going on. uh, you know and we um basically came to the conclusion that the the building was never designed properly and I if I ever get a chance, I'll go back and I'll give you guys more footage of the ductwork I just didn't really think about it when I was filming it but it's like nearly.
It is impossible without doing massive uh construction changes to the way that the the building was designed or completely ripping out all the metal duct that's running for the supply there. for whatever reason they're using like really bunched up short flex duct for the return. but everything else in the building is rigid duct so it's just taking up the whole attic space and there's no way to run that return to where it needs to go to in that situation. um I'd never really run into anything like that, you know.

I've heard of stories of of situations like this, but once I was in it, it was kind of like okay, you know I was able to realize what was going on there and they're just recycling. uh, the discharge air freezing out the back of the kitchen so it had a 68 degree return. When The main part of the kitchen's in the 80s and it's just getting blasted with return air causing you to freeze up. But you know I have to say that sometimes and I I've said this before, but when when I have those calls, those ones that it just like oh my gosh, you know they kick your butt.

Usually when you're done with them, they turn out to be some of the best service calls. Right in the moment you're frustrated, you're angry. you can't figure it out, you're pulling your hair out, you're busy, whatever. But then when you get it finished and you get it figured out, you know it.

It's a really good feeling and it's it's They just turn out to be the best calls. You know they're good memories so those are fun ones. I'm fortunate that I get to film my content right? Um, you know, so it's cool to be able to look back on some of this stuff. Uh, for me, it's interesting too because I'll get reminded of it I'll put up a video and then I forget about it and then I'll see a comment every once in a while and it's like oh, it reminds me about that video and it takes me I apologize about that microphone alert.

Wow I whacked my microphone but um, yeah, those end up being some of the best calls. So so I saw in the chat a minute ago that uh I saw in the chat that Will Speed was talking about, um, back pain and he was talking about having, you know, just some crappy back pain that just kind of got me thinking it was in the chat before the stream started on the YouTube side and that just got me thinking, you know, seasonally I tend to get like back pain at a certain time of the year and the reason why I'm bringing this up is because it's another one of those things where it's it's a mistake of my own like you know. I'm I'm not a very active person outside of work I'm not I don't exercise I don't take care of my body in the way that I should. and in this trade, you have to be healthy, You have to be fit.
and if you're not, you're going to be hurting I tend to get back pain at a certain time of the year because I don't move as much anymore I'm not getting as much daily exercise because we're not busy at work, you know and then um I tend to do something and King something in my neck. So I encourage everybody out there to try to take care of yourselves. Try to remember that you know it's really funny and easy to use safety. Squints When you're using an angle grinder, you know you know it's really easy to not think and just jump off of a parapet ledge.

You know, thinking you're going to be okay with your tool backpack on your back. Things like that. those mistakes that I've made where you end up rolling your ankles and you get something in your eye. it didn't just happen once I can guarantee you I've been to the Urgent Care at least eight times in the last probably 10 years to get something out of my eye.

So and I'm an idiot because although some of those times I was actually wearing safety glasses and it got around the safety glasses. but the reason why I'm saying this stuff. Take care of yourself. Okay, this trade can beat you up.

Don't give it the opportunity, let's have a look inside the chat and see what I'm missing here. Uh yeah, driving driving kills your back. My wife's been trying to get me to get into like yoga and stuff like that and I don't know, it's just weird to me but I probably should stop being all Macho and just do it because this problem I know it's really good for you to like stretch in those ways so should probably work on that. Um so I have been slowly navigating my way to the dark Side guys and uh, some big changes are happening in my office and my situation.

Uh, always been an Android user and I'm slowly transitioning over to the Apple side but it's a baby step. I'm putting one foot in okay I got a Macbook and I got a phone and I'm gonna slowly move over but I'm still keeping because I carry two phones on me I'm still keeping an Android and a PC for my editing PC but been making a little bit of a change. Gonna see how much I like this or not. So um, let's see what the chat has to say right now.

Uh, Hoosier's daddy saying the ledge is true too wrecked your knee and back I cried trying oh oh man that yeah that sounds like it hurt but uh no Brian I have not and I'm not going to read that one. see Brian tried to throw me off Brian's really good at throwing those curveball questions to me but he didn't get me on that one. So uh JJ is saying that he has a norlock nor Lake walk-in cooler with a P1 error code. you can't find the manual online.

Any suggestions: Uh JJ I am not familiar with the Nor Lake walk-in cooler. um and there I'm assuming they're digital I'm wondering if it's a Ke2 or something like that. that's just a rebranded thing I don't know I don't know nor Lakes um uh control system. So I apologize my friend.
uh I would have to stare at the manual myself. um Nate Peterson says he hates Apple because he's not rich I'm not rich I just chose to foolishly spend money that I probably shouldn't have spent on something that I probably didn't need. So all right. Um, it was kind of funny today.

just before the stream, my wife had walked into my office while I was getting everything prepped and I'm just sitting here getting ready and I'm looking testing the video footage so I can see what you guys are seeing I'm looking at that on my screen so I can see the image and I'm looking at my office and I told her I'm like I need to redo my office I'm just over this setup and and I've said that a lot. It just kind of gets really monotonous just staring at the same you know backdrop behind me all the time. and that is a real shelves anything. everything that's not a green screen or anything and uh.

anyway so she looked at me and she says no, no she goes I'm putting down the band Hammer The veto whatever she goes uh, you got to finish the house project before you try to redo office I thought that was pretty funny. that made me laugh I am getting weigh in over my head and I need to finish up this house project for sure. So um, speaking of the house project I put up a video a short form content video where I was talking about flex duct and how you're supposed to stretch it out because when I was filming, uh, a video I had that in the video right and uh, some people, um, are really pushing back on that I was really, uh, kind of blown away because you know there's a good majority of the people that really say that having a little bit of extra Flex duck munched up turning, you know, super tight Corner being smushed a little bit, then they are saying basically it's it's negligible It's not a big deal, but I disagree with that. You know again, we got to try our best.

I'm not saying that my home system is going to be perfect, it absolutely is not. and I know that there's going to be things that I make mistakes on I'm learning I'm learning through this process of going through and doing um, you know, uh, blower door testing and different things on my house like it's It's cool, it's interesting, but it's not perfect. But I'm gonna try my best and I'm sizing my system so small. Okay, I'm going from a four ton to a two ton.

The four ton was oversized. Uh, my personal opinion was the house was originally sized for a three ton. but I don't know because I moved in after someone changed the air conditioning system so it already had a 410 and it's just oversized. So I'm downsizing to a two ton.

That's a significant difference. and I'm also fixing a lot of air leaks in my house. so I need every CFM out of my system that I can get. so that way I can properly cool and heat the house.
So it really does matter to me having crunched up or low airflow. and you know I Was also impressed to see that a lot of people answered in the comments saying that they've been in the industry for X number of years and they've done duct work for X number of years and they've never done that or never heard that. There was quite a few people that said they'd never heard that before either, so there's nothing wrong with that. The point is is that I'm showing my vulnerability so other people know that it's okay not to know something I didn't know it's common sense but I I never read instructions for Flexstech that said, you're supposed to stretch it tight, you know, and hold it for you know, a period of time.

So that way the memory of the the metal wire that's running through there can can kind of stop compressing you know, and stretch out a little bit. And also having it stretched as tight as possible allows you to get proper airflow through the ductwork. you know? So again, remember it's okay not to know everything. You know you don't have to show your vulnerabilities in the way that you get defensive I mean embrace your vulnerabilities.

That's what I would say to some people you know. So those comments were kind of interesting. but um, let me see what we got going on here. I Do have to address some comments too about uh Zoom Lock Max So a lot of people are surprised that I'm using Zoom Lock Max on my home system.

I mean Why? Why? Why are you surprised? It's a product that's been around for a very long time. Pressed Technology has Am I going to use pressing for everything? Heck no. Okay. Am I gonna braise for everything? Heck no.

Okay, I'm gonna find a happy medium between the two and I feel comfortable with the product as long as it's prepped right that I decided to go ahead and put it on my home system. No, it is not just Pro Press now. I Agree. It's the same concept as ProPress but the fitting itself is designed with a little bit lower tolerance.

It has gaskets uh, you know, depending on the different fittings, that's going to help to seal it. Okay, I was recently reading an article I don't remember where but it was talking about. you know, um, the the the fitting itself can technically hold. Uh, it's a very small pressure, but it can hold pressure without the gasket in it.

Okay, and the idea is is that, um, the the compressed. The article that I was reading was saying that the little compressed part of the copper is actually doing a good majority of the ceiling as long as the pipe was prepped properly and it's not completely bent and in weird ways. So it's a very interesting article. and uh, you know technology is changing.

We got all kinds of new technologies out there. Okay, we have. You know all kinds of power tools that do the same thing. I'm sure I can 100 guarantee you that the day that they invented the Phillips head screw, someone said Ah that's not necessary and had gripes and whatever because they were for some reason afraid of a Phillips head screw.
Okay, um, you know there's always going to be change and and it doesn't mean that change is always going to be successful either. Okay, but I have confidence and I trust the zoom lock Max fitting. So that's why I did them on my own house. Um, let's see what else we got going on in here.

Uh, okay. so I had an interesting one from uh, 16 year old uh individual that says they watch my videos and uh, they were a little bit intimidated because he watched one of my videos that showed uh, my van setup and all the different tools and all the different parts and I'd never really thought about that. You know, like I've never really thought about the concept of someone being intimidated by a service vehicle versus being intimidated by seeing actual you know, service calls in my videos. But it kind of makes sense because you know you can watch the videos as and you know as like an entertainment thing.

but then when you watch someone do a van tour, you know, actually seeing all the different parts and the tools and the different things. I Guess maybe that's intimidating I Don't know, but you know, don't be. Don't be intimidated by that stuff. Okay, this trade.

you don't have to know everything from day one, you know, basic education, basic fundamentals classes I think are very important for a technician. Then you go through an apprenticeship, then you slowly start working your way up. I would never work for a company that would expect me to go from zero to a hundred on the first day. Not going to happen.

Okay, you're gonna have to grow in the trade, so don't let it over overwhelm you. Don't let it intimidate you. This is a great trade. You get to do a lot of cool stuff.

You clearly watch my videos which I'm assuming means that you you know you and when I say watch my videos he he said he started watching my videos and he's getting into the trade. so um is the way I understood it So you know that's showing drive too. it's showing that you're interested. Okay and again, just remember I'm not perfect.

Okay, so all right, um see what else we got going on in the comments real quick? Uh, let me see what the chat has to say. Okay, um see and you know the really cool thing about the chat right now is that there's conversations going on in the chat of other people helping technicians if you guys are watching on Facebook if you guys are watching on Instagram um you know, wherever you know uh I would um uh sorry I'm lost my train of thought there for a second I read another comment and it totally made me lose my train of thought. um but anyways, uh it is awesome that they all get to help each other in the chat so it's really cool. So um hello from Mexico uh that's really cool our arth I don't know how you pronounce your name hopefully I didn't butcher that for you.
Thank you thank you very much for watching these. um uh Preston says he has an Atosa under counter freezer it's not holding temp I'm sorry my friend I'm sorry that You have an Ayatosa, Ortosa or whatever. They are not a very high quality brand. I'm sorry, but they're not.

So, um, it's not holding temp on the inside. The thermostat says 15 degrees off from what it is inside and you calibrated and it worked its way off again by 20 degrees. Yeah, that sounds a little odd my friend. Assuming that your your sensing probe is not getting Frozen encapsulated in water.

there's no ice near it and it's it's consistently reading off. you could very well have a bad sensor. It could just be um, you know, damaged or I Guess you know sometimes I've seen two where you go to change the sensor even though it was acting like it's bad. but it's actually the controller you know.

So sometimes the controllers can act wonky too. But I'm sorry I'm not like 100 familiar with that problem. You can feel free to shoot me an email. Um, and we could talk further about it at Hvacrvideos.gmail.com if you want to.

So let's see what else we got going on in the chat right now. Uh, hello from New Jersey How are you man? Um, what recommendations would I have for a new HVAC business? Okay so first off, I did not start my business I'm second generation. My dad started the business I've been taking it over for the last couple years or last while now. My dad's still involved in the business, but he's not.

he's not. very active anymore. Okay, uh, he comes in uh, you know, three days a week, two days a week somewhere in there and um, and good for him I'm not upset in one bit. Okay, so I didn't start the business I've just been maintaining it and continuing it and you know, growing with it and uh, but if I had any advice for anybody starting a business is you need to understand something I Highly encourage you to be a master of your craft when it comes to being a technician, but you also need to do a lot of research about business and um, make sure you understand it completely.

Okay, because it's very easy to get lost in a business if you really don't know what's going on. uh, understand your financials better going into it. Even if you're not going to use the big words in the beginning. Learn them all.

So that way you know it makes more sense when situations happen and it helps you to track and run the business properly. But just because you're a master of being an HVAC technician doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be a master of running a business. So just do as much research as you can before you start. Remember that when it comes time to hiring employee employees and bringing that blessing and birding burden onto the company, right? Because there's good and bad things about bringing employees in and it's not that the employees are bad, but just the whole idea of running a business with employees can be frustrating.
If that makes sense, business guys might understand. You know it's nothing derogatory I'm saying, but it's just sometimes can be adds more complication to it. Okay, so make sure you're prepared for that and also make sure that you're financially able to support your employees and pay them good wages. So that way they stay happy.

You know. Encourage them. I am Not the best I'm talking to myself at the moment. Okay, encourage them.

Uh, you know Mentor them better. Uh, follow them along. you know you know and so be involved in them. And don't just assume that you have 50 guys.

You don't ever have to talk to them again I Think that again. I'm talking to myself just as much as I'm talking to you is, you know, try to take care of the employees if that makes sense. Okay, so hopefully that answers your question if you don't have. uh, if you have any more again, Hvacrvideos Gmail.com Okay, um so I was kind of asking everybody.

uh uh. today I just posted a little um post because I'm going to be doing a a a 90 pound scroll compressor change out. Uh, it's a seven and a half ton. uh Carrier split system I've actually done a video doing one of these on the same roof before.

This one's gonna suck a little bit more though. Okay, uh I have to make a Gantry setup to be able to get the compressor up to the roof. Long story short, it's a five-story building. Um, it's a giant movie theater on top of a giant like uh, building.

Um, it's weird. So there's there's tenants down below. Then there's a giant movie theater with like three or four floors. It's huge, but um, I gotta change the compressor on the top and uh, it's a burnout this time.

so it's gonna suck, right? So we have about if I Remember right I think it's about a 30 foot actual ladder, but then I have to take one two, two flights of stairs I think or or is it four. uh, it's two or four flights of stairs and then once I get up there, then I have a 30 something foot ladder that I climb to get onto the roof. Okay, so I'm gonna be changing about an 86 90 pound compressor and I want to use some kind of a winch setup I've done this before I have a tackle and block set with pulleys and ropes and all that stuff. and uh, I made a Gantry assembly and I pulled the previous compressor up.

So I'm having to do it again. So I put a post out there because I'm kind of investigating the idea of using a winch this time. but you know I've been going through the rabbit hole that I go through before I do a project and uh I'm trying to decide whether or not I was want to use a powered 120 volt winch or if I want to use like a drill powered and I was trying to go down that path because it's going to be difficult to get 120 volts to the location that I'm at because if I remember right, the nearest package unit that I would have to get into has 460 volt. so I'd be having to get into the main part of it to find a 208 volt transformer to rob the power.
and it's just anyways, it's it's a process so I'm trying to figure it out and uh I posted about it and I'd be kind of interested in your opinions. if you guys haven't seen the post it's on Facebook um go uh, comment on it and tell me what you think. So um, question I get quite often uh from a European viewer this one I think they were European um but uh, they said you know, how is it that I can work in a hundred plus degrees of Fahrenheit or 40 ish degrees Celsius that's basically above 100 degrees Fahrenheit um so how come that I ca or how is it that I can work in that? So you know when you're in different climates, you acclimate to those climates and your body gets used to certain things. I've grown up in this area Okay from a little kid from three years old basically to 40 years old.

I'm used to the weather. Okay, I'm not saying my body handles it well, but I'm used to the weather. so I can work in high temperatures? you know some of us, uh, you know you guys that work in the Midwest where you actually have humidity in the South like I don't? Okay, you know when it's 100 degrees out there and it's 80 humidity? or you know, 90 humidity or whatever for you guys like I would lose my mind in that, you know, but you're used to it. so people are going to acclimate to different weather.

so that's how it is that I can work in those High temps I'm just used to it. So um, you know I do things too to help my body. we don't have humidity I wear long sleeve shirts all day long. winter and summer.

okay, um I wear. you know, uh, floppy brimmed hats, big giant ones that make me look like a goofball, but they cover my neck keep the sun off me I wear uh, Under Armor sweat wicking shirts like I do things to help my body but some of those things wouldn't work in the midwest. so everybody has to do different things to tailor to their environment. So um, anyways, for the guy that asked that question, it's just I just acclimate to the weather so let's see what else we got going on in here.

I already answered that one. That's perfect. Right on. Okay, I'm gonna go to the chat here for a minute and see what else we got going on.

Uh Jason's saying that he's in Austin Um, oh okay. uh okay. I'm assuming he's talking about a condensate drain issue. So here in Uh Southern California we have to drain our condensate into the sewer system so the water can be processed.

We don't want our condensate going into the storm drains because, um, it causes issues. So um, let's see. Especially when we are, uh, putting chemicals in different things because that all tends to go to the ocean. So we have different rules everywhere.
Uh, uh. Jank of all trades. interesting name. Uh, you're curious why most Rtus in my video drain the condensate into the building? Okay, yeah.

Austin Texas It's very common for Rtus to have a P-trap then dump straight on the roof. Yeah, we just it's because our water goes to the ocean Dude. So um, cool. let's see what else.

Uh, who's your daddy says they wear long sleeve shirts in Indiana just because you don't want skin cancer. That's like the number one reason why I wear long sleeves. Okay, um, is skin cancer. You know what? I started to notice was in my early 20s I would have a permanent farmer's tan all the way up to here because I used to wear short sleeve shirts and uh I had permanent Farmer's tent.

you know, and all through the winter too. It would just be like a farmer's tan and it would drive me nuts and you know then I started thinking I was like dang, you know that's just my son, the sun just beating down on my skin all the time and it's not good. So that's why I started wearing long sleeves. Now it's actually become a problem because in the rare instance in the summertime that I actually go and do something with my family and I put on a short sleeve shirt I instantly get sunburned because my body's not used to the sun anymore and I just get sunburned so it's kind of funny.

Um, have I used the refrigeration tab on measure Quick beta. Yeah, it doesn't really do very much for me Brian it's you know, measurequake beta was never finished. Uh, it doesn't make sense. there's there's there's holes, it's it was and nothing wrong.

I Love using measure quick, but I personally don't use measure quick for Diagnostics especially on the refrigeration side air conditioning side I'll occasionally I Was glancing at them today trying to get some ideas on an issue I was having, but um, yeah, the refrigeration thing. it's it's useless. Really, it really is. So and it doesn't work for reaching coolers at all.

It's mainly for case Refrigeration because at the time I know that uh Jim Bergman was communicating a lot I remember with Kevin compass and they were you know trying to come up with ideas to make measure quick work better for the refrigeration side and it just never got finished. So um see what else we got going on here? read through the chat all wheel speed. He says that he's gonna bounce for dinner. He's got some green curry top or Thai green curry that is my favorite Thai Food is Thai um the green curry 100.

We have a Thai place near us that's really good so um cool. All right. Well it is time for me to wrap this up. I Really do appreciate y'all Um I'm gonna cut this early tonight because I'm gonna go have dinner right now.

My wife's making like a cabbage soup and I'm super stoked about it. So I really do appreciate you guys coming to the live stream. Um thank you so very much. Remember, if you guys haven't already, check out my website Hvacrvideos.com We have a merchandise available on there.
Um three different hat Styles We have the flex bill black underbill. We have the flat bill or the dad hat and the flat bill. So Hvacrvideos.com Okay again I appreciate you all and uh I'm gonna queue up the outro music and we will catch you on the next one. Thank you Foreign Foreign Thank you thank you thank you Foreign Foreign thank you Are you guys really still here? I Mean you really really shouldn't be here.

There's really no point there's still technically 47 of you watching. I Don't understand why. There's no point. You need to go home.

You need to go to your home. Are you too good for your home? Go to your home.

4 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream originally aired 09/18/23”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toprevent Retaliations says:

    What the hell man, I crave the original intro and ending music, is this because i don't usually post comments?

    All right, you got it, I'm gonna comment you to death from now on so stick to the originals man..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joeisacoolgamer says:

    I missed it…. Are you in Nepean ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jochem Sluis says:

    I just had a duct collapse due to a kink and it was the supply air to the plenum. The return air filter were blocked and the only air it could get was from the supply air and it couldn't cope. Had it lock out on froze coil.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thebestpcgamerever says:

    No i missed it

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