Joshua takes time in this video to go through what he considers the biggest scam in the HVAC industry! Over the last several years of making videos, exposing different things in the HVAC industry that Joshua believes homeowners should know about, there is one thing that stands above all. It's the misinformation by financing companies with extra fees and misleading sales points to charge contractors fees just to be able to provide financing to consumers. Unfortunately, lots of contractors don't have a choice if they are going to provide financing to their customers, but financing companies are making extra on these fees and using deceiving practices in the process!
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0:00 Intro: Biggest scam in HVAC industry
0:16 Misinformation
1:13 Some contractors have no choice
1:41 Dealer Fees
2:45 Best Buy Financing
3:32 Retail Financing
4:59 New HVAC Guide Financing
5:33 More Lies
6:25 Loan Industry and Jobs
6:51 Get Financing Elsewhere
7:10 Outro
#hvac #financing #fees

Hey guys Josh here I Want to do a video on what I would call the biggest scam in the HVAC industry I've touched on this in some other videos but I Just took a class this past week and a lady got up and was talking all about this one subject and that subject is financing. One of the things that she talked about in that meeting always seems to rub me the wrong way because if nothing else, she's very misinformed. And if you're watching this video I want you to make sure that if someone's telling you what this lady went over that I'm going to go over in just a moment that you know that it's not true that what they're saying to push their agenda to get you to finance with them is completely not true. And so let's talk real quick.

What is my biggest problem with the industry now I Can tell you that I've been blessed where Griffin Air operates. We don't actually have a lot of folks Finance Heating and Air Systems. The area that we live in and operate from a lot of our customers are either they've retired to that area or it's their second home and most of our clients are a little better off than at least where I grew up I grew up on the other side of Virginia and there weren't a whole lot of folks that could just stroke a check for a new heating and air system. No problem.

And so because of that, I'm in a unique position where I do know there are contractors out there that maybe they might even see this video and they say well, Josh I hear you but I have no choice I live in an area where I have to provide financing for my customers. Otherwise I can't operate and so I got you If that's the position that if you're a contractor, if you are in that position I hear you I'm That is not what I'm talking about I Don't think the contractors in this whole situation are the ones that are being misleading I Think it's the financing companies. So what happens with a lot of these companies is they have what we call dealer fees. Now the financing company might call it something different, but there's some sort of fees that are being worked in there in some way, shape or form a lot of these companies.

They'll say, well, we provide three years zero percent financing or five years zero percent And consumers hear that and they say well, I have no extra fees. It's zero percent financing. But what they don't realize is there are dealer fees in there that a lot of companies have to cook into their books. They have to build it into their pricing and figure out a way to still sell heating and air systems and give you what you want which is that zero percent option.

What happens is is when they're building it into their pricing, they have customers that are now that are going to pay cash or check that have to pay that higher price to account for all of that. And the argument that I always hear is, well, gosh, that's just the cost of doing business I disagree with that. That is not true. That is just something that somebody has said and now you hear all these people regurgitating that nonsense.
Let me get back to the lady that was teaching this class. This is the analogy she used. She said, when you go into Best Buy and you're buying a TV or a laptop and they're offering financing that Best Buy has to pay that fine financing company to offer that and that was her analogy. So she was saying heating and air companies are the same as Best Buy on that and that because Best Buy If you use one of their financing options in their store, they've got to raise their prices and build it into their pricing and so heating and air guys should do the same.

That is not true I Have lots of friends who have worked in the retail industry for a number of years and Best Buy is not having to pay for that I Don't know where she heard that, but she is very misinformed when she's saying that. And so if you as a consumer hear someone say that sort of stuff to you. I'm telling you when you go to: I Remember years ago, Bass Pro Shops used to have some sort of credit card. You could get zero percent get our credit card.

I've heard of other clothing stores that offer financing as well stores like Kohl's or JCPenney They'll have these cards that even when you're checking out at the register, they'll say hey, if you sign up for our card today, you'll save uh, fifty dollars off of this purchase. That lady teaching in this class this past week would want you to believe that JCPenney or Kohl's or any of them are paying to be able to offer that financing for their customers. They are not. And in fact, in a lot of cases they are not only not paying for it, but they are being paid by the credit card company or the financing company.

Whoever is providing that service, they are making a commission and that's how I know that. It's not true because I have friends that are in retail that they get a small little spiff or bonus every time they get someone to sign up for one of these cards, a lot of them have quotas. They'll say hey, you need to have two people a month sign up for these. You can ask any of your friends that work in retail and they'll tell you the same.

So for this lady who works for one of these financing companies to be teaching Heating and Air Guys hey, you need to build it into your pricing. make your cash customers pay more as well. You got to build it in somewhere and that's how it works. We have to provide that I can tell you.

Also, on top of all that is, if you go to my website, if you go to new and go to the bottom where it says financing, you'll be able to apply for financing third party. Separate from the heating and air company. you can ask the heating and air company directly. Hey, I Need your best price? Don't be building any fees I'm not going to finance through you.

You need to give me your best number here because I'm going to do the same to two other companies I'm going to get your best prices here and then I'm going to finance elsewhere. So don't be building those fees in on me. A lot of folks think and they hear zero percent financing that they're saving something not realizing they're actually paying more for that heating and air system than they should. So again, if you're one of those people that work for these financing companies that keeps lying to these heating and air guys, I'm gonna keep calling you out because it's not true.
The reasoning that you're using is not true. Now, if you want to just be completely honest and be open with the heating and air guys and say, look, we're greedy, We're a greedy financing company. Let's say this Apple is you. If we don't start getting our money back, get the picture and so we're making you pay us to provide your customers with financing, then fine, at least you're being honest for once.

But to say companies like Best Buy Like the analogy she used has to do the same. It's just simply not true. In fact, there are entire Industries built on selling loans. The whole entire mortgage industry.

There are mortgage loan officers out there. they get paid six figure salaries to just try to sell loans to people buying houses. So anyway, I've done other videos on this particular topic, but I just thought her little analogy she used in that class. it's just not true I So badly wanted to tell her that in the middle of the class, but didn't think that would be very nice of me.

Go to our website, go to your local bank, go somewhere, and get the financing elsewhere. Somewhere where you won't have to pay higher fees, get the best pricing from your heating and air contractors. So that way you know exactly how to compare apples to apples. And if it were me, I would not Finance directly through any of them because they have to build it into their pricing somehow.

So anyway, I hope that helps. Thanks Thanks for watching Hit that subscribe button. We'll see you next time.

24 thoughts on “I expose the biggest scam in hvac!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christine Balch says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirby Johnson says:

    I was in this class with you. I Completely agree. They just pay interest upfront. Customers ask all the time for 0%. Thank you for being honest πŸ‘

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don'tBlameMe says:

    Debt…. For ANYTHING… is dumb. Save your pennies and pay cash.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Sr says:

    Rule #1 there is no such thing as free money! Rule #2 A business must make a profit

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Sr says:

    I agree 100% with you, the way it’s taught is a scam with that said we do live in a world that revolves around credit, we have to be honest with ourselves. The United States of America runs on credit πŸ˜‚. If a store or a car dealership says zero percent financing someone is marking something up somewhere, there is no such thing as free money

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Much Light and Love says:

    Your signature and contracting with them is the money bags! We are all debt slaves via birth certificate – our signature contract is the value- all money is debt note. Look up Jordan Maxwell maritime law-

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Much Light and Love says:

    Fractional Reserved Lending is a pure scam! The banks don’t need to have 100% of the loan, only 10% – the banks β€œcorporation nation” good documentary. Fractional reserve lending documentary on YouTube. Pure scam upon all of us! β€œTHE MONEY MASTERS” at it!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smiley McCabe says:

    those dealer fee type stuff and the financing fees were the reason I went with a Carrier Infinity 24 instead of my preference a Trane XV20i, or the Daikin DZ9VC. used to do AC work myself in college, so knew going in a lot of what to expect. I was getting new ducting and everything, so a $25k+ 3 ton system. Told them all up front I was writing a check and they would be paid in full quickly. Neither the Daikin or Trane reps offered any discount and bid ~29 and 30k for my planned ducting and whole system. Carrier my 3rd choice the dealer offered discounts in and came in at 23k with a needing a check within 7 days of job completion discount otherwise it would have been 28k . The day they finished the job they had a cashiers check in hand before the system had even had the permitting inspection (I was watching and helping so knew it would pass, they did a great job).

    I get it financing costs $ but if i am not financing I am not paying like I am. Its like when i bought my car, not paying stupid fees and more than a national average for the model when the dealer knows up front they are getting a quick check in hand purchase.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Griffith Properties AC and Heating Tom Griffith says:

    Yep its a racket. I love the part where they tell you its Illegal to tell the customer there are fees. Im like " ok find me a jury that will convict me of honesty" Im like you I dont finance a large percentage of deals so I refuse to roll those fees in across the board. Any financing I do is all above board in regards to costs associated with it. Service area Orleans??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timrob0420 says:

    I just refer them to a credit union that has low interest rates

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kelley says:

    Just like getting a car loan, check everywhere possible to get the best rate instead of taking the easy way out & paying more in the long run. Buyer Beware!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars craiggrewar says:

    I literally was talking to my friend about this yesterday. He is in the used car industry and he told me that the financing companies pay them to use their financing. He went to buy a motorcycle and the salesman said we have to charge you $300 for financing. He told the salesman that he was double dipping and that’s not how it worked and walked out and went to another company.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1psyurmind says:

    Thank you so much. I spoke to you on live. Keep doing what you are doing. You have saved me so much money. Knowledge is power. Service area Ottawa??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Schallalcs says:

    most people that can qualify from loan companies that the distributors offered or loan companies could go to the bank and get a loan also our price are cash prices and if we take credit card there is a 2.9% fee add to the price by the card card company we use

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G09 says:

    Some retailers may offer a discount in lieu of 0% financing. Furniture stores come to mind, it's very common for them to offer 10-15% off if you don't want the special financing deal. Also, those 0% deals are usually for a limited term, like 12 months. Then if you don't pay the balance in full, they hit you with interest from day one. It's usually up to the customer to keep track of when the promotional period ends, too. New cars sometimes have a special financing deal or a cash rebate, but not both.

    If I'm comparing quotes for an HVAC company, I would tell them up front how I would be paying (payment in full upon completion of job), and see how they compare. If they quote me the same as they would a customer who would be taking advantage of the financing deal, they're probably not getting the job.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane W says:

    I pay cash, can't afford it don't buy it. That simple.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Andrew says:

    All anyone ever has to remember about any business is that there ain't no free lunch and no such thing as something for nothing.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Moran says:

    They call it a bridge loan 14% to the contractor to be sold as a 0% loan. I only use FPL home stress free ac. They have 2 programs 8.9% and 9.9%. The best part is I’m not asked to mislead people by telling them it’s 0% and no dealers fees. As far as I’m concerned they should be paying us for bringing people to them.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martlin says:

    I had a new heat pump installed by a guy that offered financing. When he told me the name of the company I would be dealing with, I knew from past experience not to get entangled with such people again. The good news is I got a discount for paying up front. Are you in Kanata ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smacleod69 says:

    I worked at company that was partnered with Home depot. Never liked what I heard in our meetings how they price jobs!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enrique Ramirez says:

    I made my company ONLY offer 0% dealer fee options now. Yes it’s a high interest rate, but I educate my clients on what to look out for if they’re getting additional bids. I educate them on exactly what you’re saying. At the end of the day, a 10% fixed interest rate is still better than a credit card these days

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garth Clark says:

    Big business like Walmart, Best Buy, Costco, etc. all have a huge source of business for any of those finance companies and I can agree, there is no way an anchor store is going to pay a finance company anything to help their customers. If anyone will be paying anyone a fee, it will be the finance company paying the store for access to their customers…
    All they have to say is "it's 0% interest plus a service fee" otherwise how can anyone sustain business by lending money for free?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nieldcreek says:

    It’s too bad that there are so many dishonest people out there. Even if some of their practices aren’t outright dishonest they are certainly unethical.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Davis says:

    πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Are you in Nepean ?

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