This was filmed all the way back in July of 2022 , but the customer called panicked because the kitchen was too hot. Now the call didn't turn out quite like I wanted to but it all worked out in the end.
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This video is brought to you by Sporland quality, integrity and tradition. I Swear I Work on this AC all the time. So the customers complaining that their kitchen AC is not working come over here. Condenser is dirty and severely damaged.

Um, it's not running I bet you anything it's off on high head pressure. So this is a York Predator unit. Your Predator units have their uh circuit board in here that has logic. So we open this up.

Come in here and count the flashes. four, three, four three. So four and three. And if you come over here, you got your flash codes right here.

four is high pressure and three is high pressure. So it's two high pressure codes. So um, we already know that the unit's got a dirty condenser. So let's go ahead and start by cleaning the condenser first and then we'll reset it and see if there's any other problems.

All right, it's always easier just to take the panels off. Okay, now on these. York Predators I've shown some videos where I get really frustrated they have a stupid screw like right here right in here I don't ever put those back in, just eliminate those and put all the rest of the screws in. That way you can fully get in here clean it from the inside out.

Now it's funny because I'm thinking as I'm driving up I'm like why is it that I always get calls at this restaurant on these two ACS this one and this one both their kitchens. Now granted they're always running right, but it's very rare that I get calling their dining room ACS And they have three more on the other side of the roof or two more. But it's because of the location. They've got exhaust fans right here, right? and it just this.

You know these things just get plugged up, which is crazy. So we're gonna clean this right and proper. Okay, and then we'll finish testing the unit. But my question is I'm asking you, why would a dirty condenser cause the unit to go off on high head pressure? Okay, think about it for a sec.

It would because your compressor pumps the refrigerant. That refrigerant is superheated. Or it's it's you know, high temperature, high pressure? superheated? Vapor right? Uh. Heat of? uh, compression? There's lots of things factors and then it circulates through the condenser in the outside.

ambient air is supposed to pull through the condenser and reject the heat. So we've already got extremely hot refrigerant right from the compressor and it just can't have the heat rejected. Basically, so you run a high head pressure condition and these units, the compressors can catastrophically fail if they have head pressure too high. I Mean there could be all kinds of problems.

You can have copper pipes rupture too. It'd have to get pretty, uh, hot and the pressure would have to get pretty high to rupture a copper pipe. But if it was weak or something, yeah, you'd have it. Okay, so in this situation, we have head pressure controls that lock the unit out and the unit was locked out.

When we got here. it was often high pressure for one, high pressure for number two. So it's possible it could just be a dirty condenser. It's also possible that it could be a bad fan motor now.
I Already turned the unit off. Okay, there's a quick. it spins freely. That doesn't necessarily mean it's good.

We'll spin this one. it's locked up, so it's not just gonna be a condenser dirty. It's going to be a bad fan motor too. so this fan motor doesn't spin freely.

We definitely need a new motor, so I'll start calling around. I Have someone else here with me. We're going to get this guy cleaned up and then once we get it cleaned up, we'll get the fan motor and we'll get it turned back on and we'll finish evaluating the unit. But as usual, big picture stuff, right? We're not just going to assume it's a condenser fan motor.

We're not just going to assume it's a dirty condenser. We're going to check the rest of the unit out. This particular customer does not do routine preventative maintenance. The belt is nice and tight.

blower motor moves so that's good. But they don't do routine maintenance so this stuff happens. Okay, if they did routine maintenance, maybe we could catch that motor making a noise before it completely failed. Maybe we could say hey, the condensers are dirty I'll be honest with you, the only reason why these condensers on these other units are clean is because whenever I have a hose up here I clean everything because I'm like this place is two hours away from my shop two and a half hours sometimes and I don't want to have to come back out here just to clean a condenser on another unit tomorrow.

So we're going to clean them today. All right now we are working with a micro Channel condenser because we're working with a micro Channel condenser. You have to use special cleaners. Okay, the yellow Venom pack is completely micro Channel safe.

It's not going to hurt anything. If you use the blue Venom pack, you can damage the micro Channel condenser so you want to be very, very careful about that. Okay, there's only so many cleaners out there that are safe on aluminum, which is what micro channel condensers are made out of. Okay, now this is the Viper yellow Venom pack from Refrigeration Technologies You also couple it with their gun and you'll get the proper concentrations.

Okay, now other manufacturers make a gun that works, but the Viper gun is actually specially formulated for their cleaners. Okay, and uh, you want to use this that way. you can get the full nine gallons because this is pure concentrate. You can get nine gallons of cleaner out of here.

Okay, so using their guns now. Next thing we're going to do is we're pre-wetting the condenser. We pre-wet the condenser, then we're going to apply cleaner. We're gonna let it sit for a little while and then rinse it off and then probably have to do a double because there's a little bit of grease on here the grease.
Because again, the exhaust fans are right here. Okay, so we're in the process of cleaning this guy and I'm about to make a phone call to see if I can get a condenser fan motor for this guy. So now this is the yellow again micro Channel safe. So the trick to this is to spray it on and let it sit for about five minutes or so.

It's not going to do anything, it's just a specially formulated mix of soaps and and it doesn't etch the coil or anything so you just want to let it sit build up both sides and then we'll give it a rinse. now. we could have done this through the coil cleaning doors, but they're super tiny and it's difficult, right? So you might as well just take the side panels off that way. it's nice and easy.

all right. Unfortunately, we can't get an Oem motor today and I need to get this AC going so we're gonna have to use the aftermarket. Um, super cool though. We talked about this before.

I Dig this bag. Uh, it's a giant tote bag the Ctxl look at I can fit everything in there I've got a condenser fan motor, a band saw, a blower capacitors. I Dig that thing. Makes my life easy I Picked it up from If you check out their website, use my offer code.

You can get an eight percent discount on most all items. almost all. there's a few exceptions, but check it out! So uh, got an aftermarket three-quarter horsepower 1075 RPM 208 volt motor. We'll put this guy in and we'll just have to make it work.

Got to maintain your equipment? Look at all this dirt. This is all just from this one condenser. We're like on our third rinse right now, but it's just coming out. It's crazy.

It's better. I Think we'll probably do a little bit more because it's still just a little bit up here in the top, but the condenser is pretty clean. It's interesting though because I can still feel a film of Grease like it's just rinsing that grease off takes forever and then also when it's really, really hot. I Know people have a hard time understanding this, but I've seen it happen so many times at this particular location when it's really hot and you turn this unit on if this condenser is saturated with water I have seen them go off on high head pressure so that's why I bring my air blower and I talk about blowing out the water because it gets trapped in there.

It's like, uh, something tension, whatever they call it. I don't know, but we'll get that rinsed or blown out just to make sure. And then I went ahead and took some penetrating oil I'll just use like a whatever from the supply house penetrating oil and sprayed it or dropped it on here. Let it sit.

We're gonna go ahead and start taking out the fan blade and then we'll work on getting the new motor in there. So with the penetrating oil, the blade came right off so that was really cool. now. um, something I Want to talk about normally when I change condenser fan motors I usually get a blade too.
In this case, we don't have a blade because I'm using an aftermarket motor, but this motor has got a super thick film of grease and stuff built up on it. Or the blade does and that's going to cause premature failure on the new motor. So we want to go ahead and clean this. We'll degrease it as best as possible, get this this grease off, and hopefully get that added weight and that'll actually reduce the RPMs um, or the Cfms that the blade is actually moving to when you have build up on it.

So we're going to clean that guy too. and then I'm just working on getting this motor out with uh, some penetrating oil. I Was very carefully able to get this rain Slinger off the old motor. Now this is an aftermarket motor so it has weep holes or drain plugs.

so there's two holes down here. Uh, This is Gonna Mount Just like this. So we got to make sure that the plugs are in the top. I Know it's kind of hard for you guys to see.

let me turn it there. There you go Gotta Make sure that the plugs. it's just a little tiny rubber plug. Make sure they're in the top and you want them out of the bottom.

The theory is is that if condensation was to build up in the motor, it can drip out the bottom, but we don't want it to just run in the top when it's raining. But we're also going to have this rain Slinger on there too. So we're just slowly assembling this and we're just about done cleaning the condenser because this is an Oem. or you know, the OEM motor was a three-wire motor.

So we're setting this up as a three wire even though I have two brown wires? What? those are for the capacitor? We put a connector on one of them and we taped it off and we're going to insulate that because the brown and white is the common technically. so we're pulling that off and we're only wiring to the brown. We'll put a new capacitor in the other side over there, but we're currently getting ready to tie this all up because we want it to be all nice and neat and look professional. So I just took the blower, blew out as much of the water as possible on that guy.

We're waiting for it to turn back on. Check this out though. This one's not even that bad. but look up like a giant smoke cloud going up, stuff coming out.

That's what the desert does to you. It's still dirty, all right. My unit is running. uh, my other guy's currently walking around cleaning all the other condensers, just rinsing them off, blowing them out.

So, uh, the unit isn't completely stabilized out yet. but it's getting there. Okay, so we still kind of have a wet condenser. You can see it reflected because my actual pressures are below the targets.

Okay, and again because there's still some evaporation happening with the water on that condenser. so it's dropping the temperatures. Okay, but overall, I'm not seeing anything too scary. Superheat is kind of ranging because the bond, you know the buildings under a load.
Um, it's a little low at the moment, but I've seen it kind of. It's kind of fluctuating. It'll settle out. Sub cooling about 15 degrees.

That's not too bad. We're reading discharge pressure, so yeah, not too bad. Scroll on over. um 107 degrees outside.

It said uh, temperature splits just about 18 degrees. That's not too bad. so let's go ahead and scroll on over. There's my 107 outside.

Let's go ahead and scroll on over to the second stage. second stage that condensers the wettest. So that's why our head pressure is so much below the target. Um, again, superheat about where it should be sub cooling.

A teeny bit on the high side, but I'm not too worried about it. We know the condenser is clean Again, we're just still. Even though I blew it out, there's still some water in there. It's kind of difficult on these guys, so I'm not seeing anything scary with these pressures after we change the condenser fan motor and uh, that's the other thing too.

While we were going through it, we noticed that the capacitor for the other motor was a little low. so we changed both capacitors. everything's running. The compressors are loud, but they're bristles, that's that's.

pretty typical, but you can see down in here even though I blew it out. watch all the water is still coming out of that thing still full of water so we got to kind of wait. You can see the the wet spot still kind of evaporating. This side's looking a lot better.

a lot cleaner, still really damaged, but it's moving. Um yeah, it's looking really good. So we're gonna watch this guy for a little bit longer and then uh, like I said, we're rinsing all the other ones too when I change the motor I have to cut out the factory plug. but I did it in a way that it's not ruined in case we ever go back to The OEM motor.

I'll put it in with the compressor just like that. We could splice it right here if need be and then you still have the factory connector. so I like to do that that way. Uh, you know if you want to make it I prefer it to be OEM but we'll just set this guy in here and so far this guy's doing great.

Just need to put the caps on and we're kind of in cleanup mode at this point. I apologize for my office. it's like Dexter's Laboratory in here I Got all kinds of experiments and projects going on and it's just like a dumpster fire on top of my desk with all kinds of paperwork and products and air monitors and all kinds of stuff. So anyways, this video like it showed in the beginning was actually filmed all the way back in July of 22.

So July of this year it is now uh December 14th of 2022. uh, this is just archive footage that I had. uh don't have a lot of new footage right now so I kind of rely on some older stuff that I have just sitting in my hard drive. so but this is a good one.
I don't like using aftermarket Motors on these ACS I Really don't but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Okay, this location that I was working at was all the way out in the Coachella Valley of Southern California which is about an hour and a half away from my normal uh service area basically. and they do have a lot of supply houses out there, but nobody had this particular motor. This was also back in July when it was the heat of the summer and it was hard to get Motors at the same time too.

So I did have to go in with a aftermarket condenser fan motor, but I made sure that I installed it in a way that did make it difficult for anybody else. A couple things when doing the aftermarket: Motors I Never liked to have the reverse wires sticking out the top of the condenser fan. Great! Okay, in this case you couldn't do it on this one anyways. but oftentimes I'll see people do that.

When they hang the motors upside down, they'll pull the the wires out where you can reverse the rotation and then eventually they just go bad. Okay, but then at the same time I still wired it up for a three wire setup meaning that we didn't use that extra common wire that goes to the capacitor. we taped that off and isolated it and then still, uh, located the or installed the the replacement capacitors where they belong in the electrical cabinet instead of having them hanging on the motor where potentially they can get wet or it's difficult to test. Okay, so I went through that process.

The AC itself is just dying. It's on its last leg you saw It was about 107 degrees outside. so it was the middle of the summer and um, that AC just struggles and I joked in the beginning. but I I probably have to work on that AC four times every summer because the condensers always get dirty.

They pay me to drive out there. We clean all the condensers on the roof, which is kind of like doing a PM right, but it is what it is, right? So we got the equipment back up and running. There's really nothing too difficult about this call other than we're being as thorough as possible. Okay, there's some things that I didn't like and I'm gonna just kind of briefly cover it.

The sub cooling. Understand something? Okay, this particular unit has a pressure drop from the discharge line to the liquid line. It's pretty common on these ACS for them to have some sort of a pressure drop. Okay, um, it.

ha. I think the pressure drop I Typically see it is much higher on fixed orifice metering devices. but anyways, that's a whole other thing. but taking discharge pressure, you want to make sure that you understand that you're typically going to have higher than normal subcoin if you only have a discharge pressure port.

Okay, on this unit, it was dischar true discharge pressure and we were calculating sub cooling from that. So your 10 you're going to have just a little bit higher than normal sub cooling when you're doing that kind of stuff. and then also the unit wasn't completely stabilized out. but I wasn't suspecting that there was a refrigerant related issue on this unit.
I'm really the only person that works on this thing for the last couple years, so I don't suspect that anybody put any gas or anything. so as long as it's not running low Subcoin: I'm not too too worried about it. I mean there's always the possibility that you could have plugged up micro Channel orifices which I guess could lead to higher than normal sub cooling Maybe Yeah, I think so. um, but that's not the case Okay Um and like I said, this was filmed all the way back in July and everything's been fine ever since I think I might have even gone out on it once since July too I think I had a call in September on this one that I didn't film but it happens.

You know we go through these things. so I really, really appreciate you making it to the end of the video. Thank you so very much for all the support! Um, the easiest way to support this channel is just watch the videos. That's really the easiest way to interact with them.

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Oftentimes there'll be links and different things inside there. Okay, so there's all that information in the show Notes: Check it out if you're purchasing any tools. I Kind of mentioned it in the video I Have an affiliate program set up with Truetech Tools I Go to if you want to purchase anything from their website I Have an offer code. Big Picture One word: If you use that offer code on majority of the items on their website, you'll get an eight percent discount and then I get a small commission when you do that.

Um, yeah, and that's pretty much it. Okay I really, really appreciate you again. Thank you so very much you know I'm kind of slowing down a little bit as far as my posting of the videos, trying to take a little more time for myself and for my family. So I'm sure you guys will understand, but I'm trying to reduce the amount of time that I'm spending in this office just editing videos all the time.

And I'm trying to put a little bit more effort into the quality when available too. Okay, so thank you so very much I really do appreciate you Okay, because kind to one another. Happy holidays all right, and we will catch you on the next one. Okay,.

57 thoughts on “It’s 107 degrees out and the kitchen ac is not working”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Larsen says:

    Those units are the hardest to clean, the inner coils are always neglected

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars residentevilfan4 says:

    "It's what the desert does to ya"
    …….The Coachella Valley Desert? Lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lucky lou says:

    just graduated technician school, thank you for your educational videos!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Domingo Perón says:

    Nice 4090

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EL CRAZY says:

    Those restaurant units are good job security. They don’t maintain them. Good job on those videos.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BixbyConsequence says:

    What would be the most cost-effective way to mitigate the problem from that greasy exhaust?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garagedoorguy86 says:

    But great job on the videos keep up the great work. I have watched every single one of your videos since it started there awesome 😎

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garagedoorguy86 says:

    So what I think they should’ve done is they need to have all the hvac units on one side and the exhaust on the other side.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wades623 says:

    I bet there is an exhaust from the kitchen in a bad spot up there and that crap gets sucked up and sticks to everything

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars w5cdt says:

    “Surface tension”. 😉

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Langley says:

    I love your channel I wish I could work with you I appreciate the effort you take to make your customers systems better 😊

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markks says:

    I admire anyone who can work in that heat and not complain!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Duarte says:

    I’ve only done residential air hvac and I start my first job next Tuesday with a company that does commercial and refrigeration so kind of nervous but I will be stuck watching these amazing videos thank you

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kingsoupturbo says:

    Really interesting information given away for free, nice job! Are you in Barrhaven ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Benecke says:

    I wonder why these units can't have a feature where the condenser fan motors can reverse for a minute or 2 to be able to blow the dust and debris off of the fins as much as possible. Some farm tractors and combines have cooling fans that can reverse themselves to blow the dust and debris off of the filter screens and radiators so the farmer doesn't constantly stop to clean them. It seems to me that these could do the same thing with a sensor that senses a lower airflow so that it reverses the fans for a few minutes to try and blow some of the debris buildup off and then can go back to normal operation afterwards. Service area Ottawa??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markam Campbell says:

    run the blade through the dishwasher. it worked in the hotel i worked at. works well at home if the wife isn't home.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xiar says:

    One of the many kitchens I work in now has one singular problem. The heat. When it’s under 40 outside and the heat is on. It way overshoots. Gets to 68. Then continues going till it’s 100.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melvin lazear says:

    hvacr videos is a stupid idot he needs to do everyone a favor and stay off of youtube

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Ritchie says:

    I'm wondering with the unit being down and not getting cleaned on a daily basis my guess is the unit was working to hard trying to do its job and with the unit being dirty case the fan to sized up

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Watkins says:

    If you use the liquid that’s used in dishwashers to make the dishes dry with no spots the water will not stick together on the coil you are cleaning. It might be called dry soft . Just try it and let me know how much you like it. Love the videos

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC Uncensored says:

    Great video brother. I love that you show the right way to do things even if it’s something small. Sadly a lot of guys don’t know you don’t have to use both those brown cap wires with 3-4 wire setups. Your kicking ass bro on the channel so happy for you my man. Are you in Nepean ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mc0818 says:

    I know the boards have logic, but the designers sure didn't. They pipe the TXVs along the filter access and then they spring leaks after filter flippers beat them up. I've also had may of them with the blower wiring running over a piece of angle steel that causes rubbing and an eventual short. Not the worst, but also not my favorite unit design by far.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pretty cure Forever says:

    My thing is if they had space for all that duct work why didn't they just move the whole equipment closer to the area ? Makes no sense oh nvm it just looked long from the camrea position Service area Barrhaven??

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adarsh Mishra says:

    I'm from India and learning a lot from ur videos

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars todd says:

    Do you ever use uber for delivering parts? It is one of their services they offer on their app. It takes a little more coordination. Your vendor has to bring the package out to the driver because the driver won't typically go inside the business. Then you have to be waiting for the driver at the other end. But you can track it all on the app. It can save you a lot of time running to get a part.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fleur de lune says:


  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    I'd reply "and", they'd spew noise and I'd reply, call me back when it's under 80F outdoor with low humidity! ( in hopes they'd ask why or start to beg) then you respond with, "how well do you work in hot weather wearing multiple sweaters and masks… ( yeah they wont care, probably curse at you and call the next shyster company. lol

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Ortiz says:

    Good job amigo,Happy Holidays 🎉 Service area Orleans??

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thephantom1492 says:

    I seriously wonder what dish soap would do compared to the viper. Dawn soap. Will be microchannel safe, but possibly better for grease, but might cause a foaming hell I guess.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Stepp says:

    Don't even get me started on microchannel coils near those grease fans 😆

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Stepp says:

    Why not get a removable wall installed between condenser coil and exhaust fans?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Project says:

    Are there any surface treatments for condensers expected to be in greasy environments? Some sort of spray on oleophobic spray, similar to water repellants like Scotchguard?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scorpion_Tazz says:

    I love your videos. As a kitchen manager I have learned so many "dont do this" things just from listening to the things you say causes issues in the units. Great content keep up the great work too.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VehicleMechanical says:

    Even after cleaning it, you banging on it, it was still dropping dirt. plus with it being smashed up. Just let the poor thing die at this point.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Nunez says:

    Okay Are you in Kanata ?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joebutler V says:

    Down under its a case of
    "If you can't stand the heat — stay out of the kitchen"

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Silva says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ICountFrom0 says:

    A complex and complicated background is often a selling point for a discussion video, though you DO have to occasionally make a video explaining everything in the background for new people.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zac Cody says:

    York uggggh lol great video chris

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Lobo says:

    Thank U for the time U take to explain things in detail, not easy when u are working. God Bless look forward to your videos. Service area Kanata??

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OScalerUP says:

    Good thing you didn’t need a new blade… Last time I had to get a new blade for a fairly new York unit the set screw was loose and the blade fell down and got screwed up. Anyway got all OEM stuff got up there to install it and the hub of the blade was on the other side. I called the supply house and he stated last time they had this issue the engineers at the factory claimed it was a engineering “improvement”. Or as he said they got that blade cheaper 🙄. Keep in mind the main warehouse for York parts is just 10-15 miles and the unit was built 3 hours south of us. We see a lot of York…

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mentology Health Awareness says:

    Happy Holidays to you and your Family Chris! Always great content it's why I keep coming back. 👍

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve H says:

    Thank you for posting these videos. As a parent of a teens and a Boy Scout leader I have shown your videos to numerous high school age kids to educate them on the opportunities and benefits of going into a trade profession. I appreciate how you show your troubleshooting logic,honesty, integrity, customer service philosophy and work ethic. Your videos have made an impact on people far beyond what you might be aware of and I wanted to know you are making a difference in people’s lives.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars c_young-HVAC says:

    Are gas flex lines okay for outdoor use in your world ? I never do it in Oklahoma, but I know a few that do …personally do not approve. im sure you would agree

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Watch Videos says:

    Watched from beginning to end ! Hope my YouTube premium helps the recommended 👍🏾 Service area Nepean??

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erick Hernandez says:

    Chris once again great video brother good to see you’re still staying busy, we’ve slowed down here in the Dc, Maryland, Virginia area man
    Stay safe brother

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 16 valve says:

    Thanks Chris… Merry Christmas

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Houston says:

    It's hard to get worse junk than a modern York. Microchannel coils? It looked good on paper. Can you say "transition joint?" I knew you could….. Are you in Orleans ?

  49. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Harayda says:

    Thank goodness that the pressure switches work normally and that there’s a lock out! Many a micro channel coils leak from failed pressure switches and dirty coil combo, or condenser fan motor failure for that matter. Great video as always!

  50. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RELIABLE HVACR says:

    I was like 107 in December? 😂

  51. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wood says:

    When I was a mechanical consultant I was called to a restaurant as air con coy was servicing he units and was having on going problems. They had cleaned the condenser coil however when I tested the air flow over the condenser coil it was like a jet engine going in the middle and less as I move out to sides. Due to issues with location of kitchen exhaust and ongoing problems we had a condensing unit install in a clean area of roof turn the system into a split. The original design of fine until they add a second storey derive thru and a multi storey building went up next door which made a dead area for air flow around the unit. This is what you would call a strange big picture issues

  52. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave K says:

    So on Predators I do condenser motors in 2's. That motor close to the blower motor door was replaced. Was only a matter of time that other motor failed.

  53. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars take the 101 to Tarzana says:

    Excellent as always Chris. Happy holidays to you and your family as well.

  54. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AKStorm49 says:

    If I end up moving to Vegas, I'll be hitting you up on how to stay cool on roofs. Anchorage to Vegas is quite a change.

  55. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Tordoff says:

    still summer for you guys?!

  56. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Coates says:

    OMG I hate york predator units especially the newer ones

  57. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Payne says:

    "This customer does not do routine maintenance" So basically like all your customers haha. Are you in Ottawa ?

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