This unit is really dying a slow death, with the lack of preventive maintenance and the fact that it lives in the desert its just hurting. But I did my best to get it going again but for how long I don't know.....
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Oh look at that the screw doesn't keep spinning, because i know how to use the trigger, if you don't know how to use the trigger use the clutch, if you're, using an impact, throw it in the trash. This video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition. The complaint today is that the kitchen ac is not working properly. We have a linux package unit.

I believe this to be a 15 ton and let's get inside here, we've got an error message on the m17 board of 15 and if we come over here, 15 says high pressure limit open three times during call. Basically, so at the moment looks like first and second stage: contactors are not pulled in and we're only running off a third stage. Um condenser is pretty dirty and pretty smashed up at that yeah. It's definitely dusty and then condenser fan motor wise.

All condenser fan motors are running, so we've got some issues here, all right, i'm about to shut down this ac, but it's very important to understand your restaurants and how they operate this one. The fire alarm is tied into the ac and i had to have them put the fire alarm on test, so they didn't get. A silent signal always understand the operation of your restaurants, okay, so this one they have and i've showed it many times they tied into the duct detector uh. When the duck detector has a trouble condition, it signals the fire alarm company.

Now it just sets off a trouble, not a fire alarm, but it it makes the alarm company call the restaurant. Basically, i prefer to pull the blow the side of the panel off to be able to access the condensers. When i do that, what you get to see is the coil cleaning company, how lazy they've been you can see that they've only been cleaning from the little coil cleaning access - that's right here and you can see by the damage in the condenser nobody's been doing this Correctly um, you can also see down here that this condenser well, i can see - i don't know if you guys can see, but it's pretty damaged too. It's really flattened out in a bunch of spots, really bad and that's from people not cleaning it properly same thing.

Right here you can see how damaged the condenser is. There's going to be a point in time when this condenser is not going to be cleanable anymore, but i pull both sides off so that way we can access everything and i'll knock it out. Real quick went ahead and pulled the metal mesh filters out too. Now i'm doing a thorough job on this ac.

I am going to rinse their other ac's too, but i don't know if i'm going to go as crazy on those because they didn't call me here for those so i'll, leave it up to the customer and see what they want to do. So we start by rinsing the outside of the condenser just getting the big stuff off. You know. I already gave it a quick little rinse, so we get the big stuff off, get the bulk of the dirt out.

You know just the surface stuff. Do the same thing on the inside just get saturating the condenser, because you want plenty of uh. You want a smooth surface, essentially for the coil cleaner. Now this inside condenser is truly damaged, really bad.
That's all flattened from people like i mean water's, barely even coming through. You know, as opposed to coming over here. I don't know it just sucks, but just saturate rinse, the big stuff off and then we're gon na apply the cleaner and let it do its magic. I'm using the brightener cleaner because uh this thing's just so impacted with dirt.

I need the foaming action so normally. I would only use this in greasy situations, but um now i'm gon na clean, multiple condensers. So i went ahead and put a lot in my coil gun, but you don't need this much to clean one condenser, it's going to do a lot, so i already gave it one coat. All that we're going to do is i usually spray on the c setting right there and then we're just going to start from the bottom and work our way up, just letting it penetrate and do it from the inside and the outside.

Getting a nice and good. It is not a race. You literally have to go row by row, nice and slow to make sure you get it all out see because if i just run through here, real quick, you know boom boom boom. Like most you know, just bam.

Bam bam bam bam. It's not going through and it's not getting at all you got to be thorough. You've got to make sure that you're going row by row, nice and slow to make sure that you're getting all the stuff and don't be afraid to reapply. You see how it's going slow right there, okay, so once i get done cleaning it, i'm probably gon na do it again.

I had gotten most of the surface stuff off, so i wanted to do another cleaning, but this time i used just the standard uh venom pack, the yellow pack and uh, just let it sit the venom pack, the yellow pack uh you the condensed core, cleaner. You. Let that stuff sit for like 10 minutes. Let it really do its magic, but yeah we're coming through a lot better, now not really seen as much dirt, but i'm just doing that once over just to make sure yeah looking good.

But this is just one block of condenser. I have three more to go as far as the slabs go. Oh look at that the screw doesn't keep spinning, because i know how to use the trigger if you don't know how to use the trigger use the clutch. If you're using an impact, throw it in the trash getting ready to power the unit back on and i notice the belt's extremely loose, so i'm gon na go ahead and tighten that up, but also feeling the pulley the pulley's worn out.

I don't know how well this will come across on camera, but it's uh, it's grooved pretty good in there. It doesn't really show it too well right there, but yeah. It's got a nice little groove going on. So we'll talk to the customer.

About that. I don't have the pulley, but i'm going to tighten up the belt, but we got to be careful because of those grooves. If you tighten it too tight and the pulley's worn a certain way, the belt will get stuck in there. If you want to test whether a belt is going to get stuck in the pulley, what i do is pull down on the belt like this.
In a straight line: okay, get your hands about this, far down you pull down and then, while you're tight. While you still have it pull uh, tighten you push it up if the pulley's going or if the pulley's worn enough. So you see on my hand if the pulley's worn enough, the belt will actually get stuck in there, and if you tighten that up extremely tight, then you're gon na start breaking belts or overloading the motor okay so again pulling it straight down, pushing it up. Nothing.

Now this pulley, you guys, can see, i mean i don't even need to go, get the pulley gauge to see that it has an arched lip, a pulley or a sheave. Whatever you want to call, it is supposed to be straight angles, not curved like it is right now. Okay, so that's a problem! That's worn down and uh loose belts, certainly don't help. In my opinion, the loose belts actually wear down the pulley faster, so we're gon na get this guy tightened up and uh push it back in.

I got the belt snugged up, but i'm not gon na go full tension. Okay, because um, i still don't - want it to get stuck in there, even though it's not getting stuck with my test, i'm still not going to go crazy, sit crazy, tight! So that's good enough for now make sure when you're tightening these things too, you tighten them. You you do the adjustment screws evenly and always want to double check. I usually sometimes grab a tape, measure and measure the distance here and the distance there, because the guy before you could have been wrenching and this whole thing could be crooked.

You can also look at it and visually inspect it. This one doesn't look bad, maybe a little bit off, but i don't think it's worth my headache right now, especially when we're still going to change the pulley. The unit is running. All the condenser fan motors are running now, i'm going to let it run for a little while for about an hour or two while i clean the other condensers and then we'll uh we'll go through, i'm just getting started on cleaning this one right now.

These ones are not nearly as bad. The kitchens are always the worst, so this one will just take the regular condenser coil cleaner and the yellow venom pack real, quick, give it a rinse. It's been running for a little bit now and uh. When i was clearing the drain, i noticed something in here which i was already gon na put my gauges on it anyways.

But look at that. I believe it's the second stage, txv, it's frosting, it's probably low on charge, so we're gon na have to dig into that all the other acs are running. Knowing this customer they've got an exhaust fan not running too, and that's not normal. All their exhaust fans should be running.

There's only one switch here, so yeah all, but this one are running so i'm gon na look into that too. Uh at least drive a return visit, probably because they're not even complaining about it, but again big picture guys. I went ahead and rinsed all the other condensers. All the acs are back on.
The belts are all good, so we need to dive into that uh refrigerant charge issue, and then this exhaust fan not working. I'm gon na take a lunge, though it's 100 degrees outside right now, and i need a break. I've been drinking water like a fish but still need to take a break cool off for a little while all right. My first stage, um, doesn't look horrendous.

A 47 degree evaporator 126 degree condensing temp um. This is a r22 15 ton unit super heats a little bit high, but i will say that we are running 100 outside air on this unit, which is very peculiar. It's not meant for that, but because of their air balance, the outside air dampers opened all the way. Uh sub cooling is not bad.

It's kind of a frankenstein situation here, i'm not really seeing anything wrong with the first stage. The approach is a little bit low, which could possibly indicate an overcharge but 14 degrees, sub, cooling or 15 degree subcoin. That's not bad! For these linux units. They actually don't tell you to check some point.

They tell you to pay attention to approach um, i'm not seeing a discharge line: temps, okay, yeah, i'm fine! With this one, we're gon na go ahead and jump onto the second stage and see what's going on with that, all right! We're on our second stage now um, so we've got a low evaporator temperature 21 degrees. Look at my super heat. I've got extremely high superheat. I've got extremely high sub cooling.

My head pressure is kind of on point with where it should be. Our approach. Temperature is zero uh. This thing is not low on charge.

I said low on charge earlier, assuming looking at the expansion valve, but no we've got a plugged up metering device and or restricted filter dryer. So, there's something going on with this expansion valve, causing it to frost like that. It's not feeding correctly be careful near that pulley too there's an issue with the valve. We need to talk to them about replacing that expansion valve um.

Based on that sub cooling, i mean basically it could be overcharged too. Theoretically, but um. Let me make sure real quick one thing. Let me make sure my probes are correct.

So low pressure, high pressure, suction line temp is 99. gosh, that's a hot suction line. Temp! That's not 99.. What is going on here, something's, not right.

I think i might have no discharge line: temp 297 suction line, temp 99. That seems a little odd but yeah. I was worried about the discharge line temp and the liquid line temp. That is strange, though.

Let me see oh yeah yeah, that suction line temp is 99 degrees. Yeah we've got no cooling coming back to the compressor, essentially so um yeah we've got an expansion valve issue there. All the condenser fan motors are running and it's possible that someone put too much gas in here, but look at our suction pressure and our evaporator temperature we're too low. So we have got a restriction for sure i'm going to go ahead and jump over to the second stage or third stage.
I should say so. We know we've got an issue with the second stage. Um, probably wouldn't be a bad idea to completely disconnect that, because we're gon na end up with compressor failure to be honest with you, so uh yeah, i'm gon na go ahead and disconnect this bad boy and uh completely remove it. That way, we don't potentially short the compressor, because the discharge temp is too high i'll tape that up i'd rather do that than have a grounded out compressor.

Later third stage looks okay, no major issues, um the target for the suction pressure is messed up. But again this is 100 outside air unit. It's not meant to run that way, but that's the way it's running because of the air balance issues here, um, but everything else is looking fine super heat is, you know a little bit high, but we've got everything yeah. I'm fine with that! I'm fine with that the unit's performing half ass okay, except for that second stage, 19 degrees split, yeah, all right! So we're going to talk to the customer, we're going to give them a quote to change the expansion valve liquid line dryer on the second stage um and then change that blower pulley and see what they want to do.

But the unit's cleaned up working as good as it can. So you can't just assume, because we had a high pressure issue that cleaning the condenser solved. It got a look at the big picture and there's no sense in leaving that compressor running that second stage, because it's just gon na burn up. Basically if there isn't already damage.

So we came back today because we were gon na go ahead and uh replace this uh liquid line valve, and i wan na show you guys something. That's going on here. Um we're basically pumping down because the expansion valve is not letting any refrigerant through. We have a restriction in the expansion valve.

Essentially, let's get a discharge pressure instead of a liquid pressure. Let's see what that is. Um there you go so we've got a really interesting restriction. Look at that sub! Well, that's discharge pressure, though interesting, extremely hot compressor.

Let's try this again just shut off on what 24 low pressure just shut off on low pressure. That compressor didn't sound, very good when it started up either. Let's uh it's going to reset right now, but i want to put this back on here and make sure that it's truly about expansion. Now before we go further, i made a funky sound.

When i started it, i was kind of worried i was hoping i could catch it on camera um. The other thing i'm going to do is i'm going to open up and check out the dryer and we're going to do a visual on the dryer to make sure it's not restricted. Let's get this guy to restart we're going to reset the unit and it should start back up again we're looking at liquid pressure right now sounds interesting, but yeah we clearly have a restriction somewhere, because, let's check that dryer, oh yeah, we've got a restriction in the Dryer, there's a temperature differential, it's cold coming out of the dryer. It's warm right here, but the question is this: is a factory dryer? Why is it restricted, something's floating in the system? Okay, i'm still gon na change, the expansion valve um, but yeah.
We had a massive temperature differential, it's cold coming out of the dryer. It's it's warm going into the dryer, so this guy is plugged up for sure we're going to make sure we put a spoiling catch all in there and uh. I don't think much has ever been done to this. I don't think we've ever done leak repairs on it, which kind of makes me worry.

Why is it plugged up unless something blew apart in the system? Interesting? Well, we're going to get to it. We're going to start recovering, so what i'm going to do, because it's really hot here um and it's going to get really hot in the kitchen - is we're going to go ahead and recover the gas we've got the compressor disconnected i'm going to go ahead and tape. It up again we'll recover, while the other compressors are running we'll do everything we can with the system still running and then we'll only shut it off to change the dryer and to change the expansion valve got the core removal tools on um. Remove the schraders make it go faster.

You certainly could make it go faster to use three-eighths hoses right here, uh. What i went in and do i'm not in a huge hurry today was i used the standard quarter inch hoses into the gauges. Then i used a 3 8 hose out 3 8 hose to the tank. Now i've got a dryer running uh cleaning, the refrigerant as it's coming out in a perfect world.

I'd have the dryer that goes in the other direction, but this is all i had in my van. I really am going to try to reuse this refrigerant. So that's why i have the dryer on there now also on the field piece recovery machine. There actually is a strainer right here too, that theoretically would catch any debris or anything okay, but it's always good to use a dryer too.

I don't always use them, but in this situation we know we have a restriction in here. So that's why i'm doing it? What i'm going to do is leave this loose right here. Everything's off this is a vacuum down cylinder we're going to go ahead and open up open up on here and we're purging, see we're purging all the air out of the lines. Okay, there we go now we're purged um.

Theoretically, i should purge this high side right here. There we go now we're good. Now we're good. We can go ahead and open up open up, everything's, open, everything's open make sure i tighten this guy up.
That guy was a little bit loose, but i tightened it on um we're gon na go ahead and invert. My cylinder, i'm pumping in through the vapor port, to try to uh ease any restrictions going through the liquid dip tube we're gon na go into the vapor port, we're going to invert it on the the scale and uh we'll get going after that. I'm going to go ahead and zero out the scale on the manifold. The field piece wireless scale does connect with the s-man 480.

So now, when i open this up, we're now pushing refrigerant into the cylinder. I have not turned on the recovery machine yet push in what we can and then we'll turn it on uh. Remember this machine has an auto shut off. If you want to use that feature, just be careful.

If you have systems that have leaks, i don't anticipate this one having a leak, but we will monitor it as we see how much refrigerant we pull out of the system so um. Let's move this over just a little bit a little bit better and we're gon na go ahead and hit start it's in recovery mode running. You watch your discharge pressure coming out the machine. If you start to notice really high discharge pressure um, you can always dip your cylinder in an ice bath.

You know removing the schraders and stuff is really going to help out because it eases restrictions, but all right we're going to let this guy run uh systems open nitrogen's flowing through we're, going to go ahead and cut this dryer out. I sanded it up extra long. We're going to cut it out because i want to see if i can see what the restriction is all right, we're gon na purge through the system. Let's see, if anything comes out of this guy, it's a bunch of oil.

What was in, there was a five cubic inch dryer um, i'm gon na go ahead and oversize the dryer we're gon na put a catch all in there. We're gon na go with the 16 cubic inch. I don't know what caused the restriction yet, but i do know that whatever it is, i don't want it to plug up the new dryer. Potentially so we're going to go with a bigger dryer.

We will have to compensate in the refrigerant charge a little bit, but we'll make sure we get it in there and get it strapped down appropriately. That didn't take. I need to quit my job and go become a computer dude yep it took so so everything is in we're, giving it a good nitrogen sweep and then we're going to go ahead and uh do a standing pressure test, but i need to put actual gauges on For that all right, txv's installed secured sensing bulbs, nice and safe and mounted back there um. I was lucky in that there was enough play in everything to be able to cut it and not have to unsweat it.

So it's all good we're currently running a pressure test and we're gon na get started on changing these uh pulleys and sheaves. When i recovered the charge, the unit had the full charge in it plus a couple extra ounces which i had started to add the other day. Um i've been doing a pressure test for five minutes. It's lost point two, i'm fine with that.
So we're going to go ahead and finish this thing and pull an evacuation now currently purging the nitrogen out of the system, but i oftentimes like to check my vacuum pump to make sure that it's actually pulling down now. I don't expect it to hold this, but yes, it pulled down we're at 40, microns and it'll keep going if i keep letting it but pretty confident everything is working properly on this pump, so we're gon na go and hook everything up and get started went ahead And uh cut the dryer open, let's see what's going on in here, why did this guy plug up all right? That thing was just plain dirty, i mean it's. It's comprised of this foam pad crap, just layers and layers of this compressed together, but essentially this is the outlet and uh that was pretty much blocked. Actually this was the endlet.

No, this was the outlet yeah right yeah, i'm pretty sure that was the outlet um. What i ended up putting in there was a spoiling catch-all dryer, and i have a breakaway of a catch-all and you can see what it's comprised of the desiccant material right here. So the refrigerant is going to flow through the desiccant then run through a media strainer and out of the dryer. These i've heard horror stories about this stuff breaking up and getting through the system.

I've personally never seen it, but i've just seen horror stories, um yeah, so i mean there's nothing like it's not full of oil or anything, but this is just full of junk really bad. So that's why i went ahead and changed the txv too. I'm gon na go ahead and open up the txv, because i kind of looked in it and there was some goo in there all right. I went ahead and disassembled the txb, but look at there's like a sludge in there, some kind of sticky goo and if you look at the spring, it's also got the sticky goo on it.

It's nasty like sludge, like look at the pin same thing, so i contemplated not changing the txv, but i went ahead and uh when i cut the liquid line. I looked inside and i was like oh yeah for sure, because it just looked like there's something in there. I don't know what it is. Hopefully, the new catch-all should help to clean that up, um whatever's going on inside there.

I would assume being that this is the third stage and it rarely gets cleaned properly. This unit's been running pretty dirty for a while a customer doesn't do regular maintenance, they're, probably messing with the oil. The oil is probably getting cooked in that compressor, which isn't good. We'll have to monitor it, maybe get him to.

Let us come back and do a follow-up and make sure that dryer that new dryer is not plugging up we're replacing the pulleys um. We matched everything to what the other one. As far as how far it was open on this one right here we're just setting the taper depth now the important thing on this is once you find your your center point. You know with the belts and the pulleys you can line it up that way.
What you do is you push the taper in a little bit further, because, what's going to happen is when you tighten it, it's going to pull the pulley onto the taper okay. So this was my mark. It's probably a little bit too far, but i it looks like it's okay, so now we're going to slowly tighten these guys, you get them snug and then you even quarter turn quarter turn and keep doing so until the pulley comes onto the taper, nice and good Or bushing whatever you want to call it, i had to take it all apart, because when i went to go, tighten the set screw right here. I realized that the set screw was sitting on the shaft and it was not sitting on the key.

So i was able to get in there with the flashlight. I don't know if i'll be able to show you guys, yeah and i can actually see the key now but before the whole pulley. Basically, the set screw would have been just tightening down on the shaft. So you want it on the key, because the key basically gives it that grip to make sure it doesn't spin off.

This is the key, but this one you can't see because it's pushed all the way in so we're just redoing it right now. It's now hitting the key and we're just going to line it up accordingly, still running we're looking good we're at 535. I still need to valve it off actually should be running like that to get the trapped air out, but we're going to let that run for a while and then i'll shut this one down, uh yeah we're going to probably take a line to let this vacuum Keep running currently testing my decay right now, uh it's at about 822 microns and it's been running for about five minutes in the decay test. So i'm pretty confident we don't have any leaks, i'm going to go ahead and pull down again, though, because i think we've got some non-condensable some moisture something in there.

Obviously, contaminants of some sort, but it's looking good, so we're gon na go ahead and pull down. Some more, i was pretty satisfied with where decayed at last time, but i went ahead and just let it pull down one more time, so we're pulling down again it's at 5 50 right now, i'm kind of getting everything ready to charge this unit up. I kind of went back and forth um. I decided to go ahead and reuse the existing refrigerant.

Now, i'm a little worried about it because, whatever contaminants were in the system, whatever plugged up the dryer in theory, is it going to plug up? You know? Is it in the refrigerant who knows? Do we have non-condensables moisture um? What i'm doing is i'm using the catch-all dryer and i'm going to filter the liquid as it's coming out. It's going to make the charge go a little bit slower, but again i'm trying to clean that refrigerant. So i can reuse it and save the customer. Some money - it is r22 refrigerant we're putting back into this system, i'm still going to have to use a little bit of my r22 because i'm never going to get everything out of this cylinder so, but i'm just trying to be as conservative as possible.
So i'm charging with my smart probes what i'm doing is just blasting in the high side. I have the compressor terminal disconnected because everything else is still running we're putting as much gas into the high side as we can we're currently at two pounds right now, um. So we're just gon na. Let it go like that and then once it won't take any more into the high side, then we'll switch it over start the compressor up and charge it on the low side, all right, it was uh done taking it on the high side.

It took about four pounds what i went ahead and did was pulled off. The port, put it onto the low side, turn the system off. The way that i turned it off was by putting it into unit test mode and then i'll actually turn it on and we're going to finish charging through the low side. Once it starts up watching the gauges on the magnet folder on the tablet over there.

Adding refrigerant, as we speak, making sure i don't overload it using this ball valve as my guy right here, a little bit out of time, we're at five pounds takes uh 11 pounds, eight ounces of r22, pretty confident that we're not gon na flood it with liquid, Because we're feeding through a low loss fitting right there and we're feeding through a schrader, so you know it's getting metered, basically for precaution. What i ended up doing was i stopped at 10 pounds because that's when i started feeding vapor through from that guy, okay um. I only fed liquid out of that guy and my hopes is that if there's any non-condensables, i'm hoping that it stays in the vapor phase and they come through on the liquid phase. So we still need one pound, eight ounces to finish the factory charge.

But then i'm gon na add an extra four ounces to compensate for the bigger dryer um, so one pound twelve ounces is what we need all right. We just finished we're at one pound 12 ounces, the wind's kind of blowing the cylinder around. So it's moving a little bit something i wanted to kind of point out. I don't think i addressed this on the last video.

You notice that my measure quick target is a lot higher and you notice that we're maintaining and all the stages we're doing that. The last time, because we're using pressure limiting expansion valves it doesn't let the system pressure get any higher. So that's why measure quick's target is so much higher because we're pulling a lot of outdoor air, but the expansion valve is actually limiting the pressure. I am very happy with this unit.

Right now, sub cooling is falling in line, superheat is extremely high, but again we have pressure limiting expansion valve so that super neat number is skewed. Okay, so my return air temperature is insanely high notice. My targets are supposed to be really high. I'm okay, with everything going on here right now.
My approach temperature is actually a little bit high, indicating and under charge, but it's not under charge. Trust me, you know, there's a lot of this stuff out there. This kind of equipment that you really have to be able to break down and know. What's going on in this situation, this customer used to have a smart hood system.

Okay, the smart hood system basically would slow down and speed up their exhaust fans based off of building temperature around the hoods, the exhaust hoods, okay and um based off a smoke. They would have like a laser, basically running across a photo cell or something running across the hood, and if that got interrupted by smoke, it would speed up the hoods now. The reason why i'm telling you this is because this is why this unit, this ac unit, is doing what it did. Okay, so this customer, what they realized was that smart hood was costing more money than it was saving them, or at least that's what they told me.

Okay, so they actually had us bypass that smart hood system because they were losing drives uh, left and right. Basically, every two two to three years they'd have to replace the drives and they'd have. I think they have five drives per restaurant and you know probably 500 restaurants that have the you know had the same setup and they were just losing drives left and right. So they actually wanted to get rid of that smart hood system and go to conventional motor starters to protect the three-phase motors which is fine, okay, it still protects the motors, but here's the problem they had me do that and i did it.

But when i did the bypass for them a hood bypass, i had to go in there i had to rewire the whole hood system make sure that it was tied into the the fire suppression system. Make sure that it was tied into the fire alarm. Make sure that when they turned on the hoods it put all the air conditioners into occupied mode, it was actually a rather intricate process of doing this in programming it and setting it up the way that it needed to work. But it created an issue with the smart hood system.

Okay, this building didn't have a makeup air unit. They were managed or they were pulling the makeup air through the acs, that's how they designed the building. They obviously oversized the air conditioning units so that way they can pull the outside air in through, but they weren't pulling in 100 outside air, because the smart hood system was never balanced on full speed. Okay, the building was air balanced on low speed, because the building ran on low speed majority of the time and then when the restaurant would get busy, it would speed up to high speed.

You know and then the building might go a little bit negative for a short amount of time, but then it would slow back down and go to normal operation. That's where the savings came in okay, but the customer had us bypass that so when they had us bypass the vfds okay, we pulled them out of the system. We ran the direct drive motors that do not have belts or pulleys. We ran the direct drive motors off of 60 hertz 208.3 phase, okay.
Well, they ran at full speed now and the building is extremely negative for the air balance. So when a customer would go to the building and try to open the doors they couldn't open them and then if they did get them open, all the air from outside would rush in because the hoods were pulling so much air and they weren't making it up. Okay, so when we bypassed it, what we had to do i brought to their attention: hey, you guys, need to add a makeup air unit to this building and they said no, no, no we're not going to do that. They didn't want to add makeup airs.

They said you know just just pull it in through the air conditioning units, and so we had to open up the kitchen ac 100. Now the kitchen air conditioner at this restaurant is the only uh package unit that has a full-blown economizer. The other ones just have minimum outside air dampers. That literally, is just a damper but they're not closing off the building there.

So we have the minimum outside air. Dampers opened. You know a hundred percent or not a hundred percent on the other ones. We have them open, probably i'd, say sixty seventy percent, but then the kitchen ac is open, a hundred percent, so the kitchen ac and the building is still slightly negative, not not bad, but it's slightly negative.

Okay, so that prevents or presents some problems. Obviously, this wouldn't work in a really high humid environment. We don't have humidity here in california very much okay. This is in the desert actually, but they have a lot of heat, it's very dry, so it leads to issues the filters get plugged up, really quick, because they're pulling outside air and they're full of sand um.

You know then you're cooking, the the oil basically in the compressors and - and i believe that's why the filter dryer plugged up - and i believe that's why the expansion valve had goo in it, because the oil essentially is turned into sludge in the system. There's only so much i can do here. What they're going to end up having to do is they're going to have compressor failures, pretty soon, okay and the customer's aware of this. But it's going to happen, and you know i'm probably going to wreck well.

I know then they're not going to change a compressor in one of these units, they're going to end up replacing it okay, because they've gotten their uh full depreciation value out of this air conditioner, it's all about tax write-offs when it comes to these big giant places. Okay, um, it's all about moving money here and there - and you know basically, they write this. This air conditioner off they've got the full depreciation out of it. You know it's time to buy a new one tax, write-offs, all kinds of fancy stuff.
It's way above my head, i'm not smart enough to understand that stuff completely. I got a general idea, but that's what happened here? Okay, that's why this thing was so nasty. That's why there are so many problems. It also doesn't help that they don't do regular preventative maintenance, so on top of pulling 100 outside air through this air conditioner now they've got dirty condensers all the time you know, and it's just it is what it is.

I i can't really fight it. I i guess i should be thankful that they give me the opportunity to repair these units right, i mean i get to sell them something and fix something every once in a while uh, it's just the game you have to play when you're dealing with these restaurants. You have to be able to walk into these situations and troubleshoot for that, and that makes it difficult when guys aren't used to restaurant work. I'm not saying restaurant work is super technical, because by no means i couldn't walk into a rack room in a supermarket.

I wouldn't know my my hand from my butt. I wouldn't know what to do. Okay. So i'm not saying these restaurants are the most technical things in the world, but restaurants have their own unique problems.

You know you have user error multiplied by 100 because all the kitchen staff is using the equipment, and then you have stuff like this, where you know yeah, someone else might just come in and change the compressor and say you had a bad compressor. But why well? This is why okay they're not going to solve it, but at least we know why you know same thing. You know uh dirty condenser. You know i didn't just stop at the dirty condenser.

I checked everything out. Looking looking at the big picture as usual, you know i thought it was low on charge, but it actually wasn't and - and you know i almost went down the rabbit hole, i really did kind of go down the rabbit hole thinking it was low on charge. I even went as far as hooking up my refrigerant cylinder and adding about four ounces of refrigerant. Then i was like wait a minute.

Then i looked at that sub coolant and i said this thing isn't low on charge. You know and then that's when i was kind of taken from a discharge port to the liquid port, and i was like wait a minute. You know this. This is weird, and then i realized we were just backing up refrigerant in the condenser is all we were doing so crazy.

Sometimes you just got to decipher this crazy stuff. I really really appreciate you guys making it to the end of the video. You guys are awesome. Thank you.

So much so very much for all the support you guys have been giving me remember. We have uh merch available hvacr, you get these hats. You can help me get rid of some of these shirts behind me. I'm trying to get my office back into shape, i'm going to reorganize some things, so i don't have shirts stacked everywhere anymore, but i do appreciate it.
You guys are awesome. You guys are killing it with these orders. I think my wife just went to the post office and i think she just shipped out probably another 20 orders today. So you guys are awesome.

Thank you guys so very much for helping to support the channel. I'm glad to be able to share the little bit of knowledge that i have with you guys and uh yeah. We will catch you guys, uh friday evenings on the hvac overtime, show on the hvac overtime, youtube channel and then also monday evenings. My live streams on my hvcr videos, channel and uh yeah see you later.

47 thoughts on “It’s dying a slow death”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johan Acosta says:

    If there was a restriction in the line why didn’t the readings in the high side pressure went really high?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChris Carter says:

    Silfloss or dynaflow? Service area Ottawa??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChris Carter says:

    Hard work but steady work….Restaurants are always a good source for work. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChris Carter says:

    I like the impact driver

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Name says:

    Impacts don't strip screws, the user strips the screws due to improper use and over tightening Service area Nepean??

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack McDaniel says:

    🤣🤣 I know how to us the trigger.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buy&Sell says:

    I love your channel. What causes the smashed up condensers..I have seen several on your channel that were horrible.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Price says:

    How does all that debris get into a close line system. Where could it be coming from , maybe soldier from all the brazing. Are you in Ottawa ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thastus' Lounge says:

    How does it get damaged like that? I mean, outside of physically touching/pressing against it, why would it get flattened?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Siders says:

    To make a long story short restaurants are making tons of money but are too cheap to keep equipment in good order I’ve known a couple of them !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Pantiliano says:

    I’m doing an expansion valve/drier on that exact unit tomorrow

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Hedrick says:

    I never knew the pulleys wear out like that Service area Orleans??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Miller says:

    Oh, I have seen the desiccant come out of the drier and fill the liquid line after it. Thank goodness only twice in 35 years. One was on a package unit and it was easy to throw away the old liquid line. The second was a split system with about a 25 foot length on a walk in and at about 600 psi nitrogen it shot across the roof!
    And another case of pressure limiting TXV's.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stephen bierlein says:

    In 70s always low on makeup air. Always undersized heat and units. The never figured for exhaust make air Los. U need more cfms and btus . Never ending problems tell problems wouldn't let fix . The company I worked for installed and serviced. Enjoy videos. Are you in Orleans ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rickard says:

    Who knew watching some random YouTuber fixing air conditioners would be so satisfying to watch! Subscribed

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    I love restaurant work!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Solo says:

    L series don’t slowly die. They get better over time.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jok3y Jesu3 says:

    I really like the field piece equipment

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daigo610 Daigo610 says:

    You're awesome, thanks sir. Are you in Kanata ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dew 95 says:

    I really been enjoying the vids on ur channel keep up the amazing vids it helps me with the electrical work i do on model train layouts 😁

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dtiydr says:

    Best 10 seconds on any video ever.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Kalasz says:

    back off my impact beatch

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Floridaboy says:

    why do i find this oddly interesting

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ObsidianShadowHawk says:

    So when you see coils flattened that bad, or even the coils of that restaurant freezer that you replaced, do you ever get a fin comb and straighten most of it out? Is that possible without damaging it?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynne says:

    You'd probably be a pretty good "computer dude" because you have the ability to troubleshoot. Its a skill I find fundamental, and pretty much unteachable. You either have the mind for it, or you don't.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demonitized Boi says:

    As a developer, I hate fixing bad code.

    I see that you hate fixing bad maintenance.

    wait but I also sometimes write bad code…

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars limpqizbuit says:

    You know, as a computer dude i often hit run after fixing a bug and tell myself "if that didn't take, I'm going to become an hvac dude"

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dingle Flop says:

    I cannot believe the amount of shit you're talking at the start of the vid. Thank you.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Elise says:

    Can someone in the industry please clarify something for me;when he says "this is a 15tonne unit" does he actually mean that unit weighs 15t?? if so that just doesn't seem right,I just don't see how it could weigh that much,but hey that's why I am asking,as an industrial electrician, I find this fascinating but I know ZERO about HVAC,cheers from Australia!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cyborg sheep says:

    sounds so awesome "blasting refrigerant into the high side"

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Bednarczyk says:

    Did they use a pressure washer to clean that condenser ? How else would it get smashed and you see those "waves" on the fins…

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthelion says:

    I use an impact for everything fight me IRL

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars neko therion says:

    Just out of curiosity, with the dirty filters, negative pressure, and the kitchen being wide open, whats the chance that theyre basically cooking with sand? or whatever else it pulls(any biological growth on the exhaust vents, or AC units), how would one remedy it in such a way to make it 'safe', while trying to please the customer?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars neko therion says:

    Who refilled it with corn syrup from the slushie machine….

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert B says:

    no earbuds on the roof

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Colvin says:

    I'm getting a leg up on the apprenticeship class learning the way I like to. I watch a professional till I become one. Thanks for the content 🙏 Service area Kanata??

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Bell says:

    I have actually seen a drier fail on a R-134A system and filled the liquid line full of desiccant beads. They were packed so tight I couldn't get nitrogen to flow past or back purge them out. First and only time I have seen this.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thomasbabb686 says:

    I've had those balls get out and into a split system I was working on. Was there to swap the compressor. Trane unit. Was able to blow nitrogen through and clear it all out.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jayzon Meztdagh says:

    I thought R22 was illegal :\ .

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Really BadAim says:

    Interesting work.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DoomCookies X5 says:

    R22 still best refrigerant,in EU we use R410A n R32 for all ac's,r22 is forbidden

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eugenecod says:

    i learn more here than when
    i went to school or maybe
    i have basic understanding
    already … it's a win win
    situation on me thanks

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TaRgEt0ZeRo says:

    210 discharge is a bit high no like 220 + affect oil, seem missing a charge. but

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars สมบัติ สตีเวนสัน says:

    Nice to see someone knows what they're doing. Great job

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Higgins says:

    if you look at the cooling motors when they are running it looks like there glitchin like in the matrix lol

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    So I guess in Canada guy got to have a markup air unit it gets very humid in the summer

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Commercial kittchen air I don’t find is the best air very important that it have a markup air unit

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