Seems like the late night calls are coming more and more, but I bit my tongue and got them operating.
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Okie-Dokie really quick. I just wanted to start off by saying a couple things number one. I may show a little bit of frustration in this: it's because it was an overtime service call, and yes, I realized. I should be thankful for that kind of stuff, but sometimes at nine o'clock at night you can't help but be a little bit frustrated when you get a walk-in freezer call, and when you see the reason why I had the walk-in freezer call economy should a little Bit more frustrated the second thing, once I start cleaning some of the stuff on top of this mezzanine, you guys will see what I'm talking about.

I took some risks, ok be sure to always get your management involved before you do something like what I did. It doesn't sound like the biggest thing in the world. You guys will see it in the video. It really doesn't sound like it's a big deal, but it can lead to problems if you aren't asking for permission or if you're, not being careful, because you don't want to damage anything.

Ok, I'm gon na get on with the video instead of revealing what it is, and you guys will see what I'm talking about or getting ready to start it up. The current draw maximum current draw has 6 amps, so we're going to fire this guy up and see what happens it's going to be loud, because these things they run hard and heavy we're gon na bump start it make sure nothing's hitting probably power them. Look at it already just killed it right there. This video is brought to you by sport'ln quality, integrity and tradition.

We have got a service call on a walk-in freezer, not working. It looks like we got a bad fan motor, but I don't think that's our issue. They also just had someone come in and put these silly ECM fan motors in here, but it's like an energy savings thing, but anyways box is at approximately 30 degrees and there's no ice on the coil. So we got to get up to the rooftop equipment and see what's going on up there.

According to this temperature controller, we are set for negative 5. This is an odd location and that their equipment is located. On a you know, parking structure well some of their equipment. So at least I'm not hiking all the way up on top of a roof right now yeah get up here and then they normally have elevators and everything, but because the whole virus they don't got any of that stuff running right now done a couple videos up Here that we got a hold mezzanine up here, these cooling fans - I notice the last time I was here - they're, not working right, probably overheating you put that okay, this is my equipment right here.

It's not a good sign that it's not running right now, but that condenser is pretty darn dirty too so it turned on and then it turned off right away and but look at my head pressure, we're shutting on and off on high head pressure. This guy right here guarantee whoo hot discharge line, so both condenser fan motors were running. We got to get those condensers clean. Those things are filthy, the only problem is they don't have water up here, but we're gon na have to figure something out.
Also, it's not as hot right now, but they have these giant cooling fans and they must have loose belts. They've got app belts, I'm sure, because these things used to move air, so you've got one right. There that's barely moving this one's barely moving, and then you have three more and they're all barely moving, so I'm sure they have belts. Some of these, though, like I don't know how the heck you're supposed to get to these because you've got this drop-off right there and you got nothing, looks filthy, but you got to get up.

Yeah yeah, I don't even know I don't think about this stuff when they put it up here. This one looks like it's just plugged into a receptacle huh. Well, I need to find some walk water thinking. Maybe there might be water down there and I could string it up here, rinse everything off all right.

This is kind of a crappy situation, so I'm at a mall and I'm standing on a mezzanine right now, that's in front of a parking garage that has a bunch of holes in it. There's a walkway down below here and a bunch of parking. Four cars see right here: okay, so that's where cars park and stuff now, luckily, kovat is going on and the restaurants just opened up, but I'm gon na be lucky. If I don't get kicked out of here.

I have to hose this stuff, but I know there's a right way to do this, but they're gon na want cleanup people they're gon na, like I'm just gon na go for it. It's gon na make a mess, but I'm gon na take all these condensers apart. Real quick, and do it really quick, but if I do it the right way and ask permission from the mall they're gon na make us show up at 2:00 in the morning. Have people cleaning up stuff, like I'm just gon na run it? Now all of these walkins have microchannel condensers, and you have to be very careful about the cleaner that you use.

The Viper condenser coil cleaner and the venom pack is completely microchannel and aluminum safe, and this is highly concentrated. So, in all honesty, this will probably do all those condensers. I have another bag in there just in case, but this is probably going to do it for us. I went around and pulled all the condenser fan motors, just pull them out, so I can give them a good rinse, so we're gon na go pre right, pre-wet the coils and then get some cleaner on them, rolling out flat like tire dusting, crap, nice and nasty.

I really love this wand yeah, pretty satisfying man. They were gon na, kill me for all this dirt and water going down there. I got the camera down and knock this out real quick. I died pre-wet them and I'm gon na start on the one.

That is the problem that I was called for: the walk-in freezer. Just in case I get kicked out and see we're foaming up real good with that we're gon na. Let that sit for a few minutes and move on to the next one. This stuff is completely aluminum and microchannel safe and it won't won't hurt anything good stuff.
They like the Vipers, I'm like really rushing, because I know I'm gon na get kicked out of here. I think I'm running a little heavy on the concentration, but that's okay. I want it to penetrate and go through this thing. I don't know if you think I've ever really been cleaned really thoroughly with water.

We brought like leaf blowers up here before because most of it is just dust from the cars they really don't get greased up here. There's no das fan or anything okay. Well, I don't want to short out the motors when I tried to pull him out. It looks like I am burning through it pretty quick, but I'm running on C, which is a really high dilution ratio.

No looks like I got all the walk-ins then see I'll need a little bit more for the AC, but not much. I can already hear the water falling down below, so they do routine patrols with security here. So that's what I'm thinking they're gon na be pissed at me about. Let's get this Cup, I'm gon na hit up the AC real, quick, all right.

This stuff's been sitting on here, for I don't know five ten minutes. It's not gon na hurt the coils at all. It's actually best to let it sit on there. We're gon na give it a good rinse and go from there.

I'm gon na start on the you know in order I did the AC laughs, so that'll be the last one that I rinse. So all right, they're all clean we're gon na. Let them drip dry and I got a little leaf. Blower, I'm gon na blow the condensers out real quick, knock them out.

This one has a split ro condenser. I really don't have time to split it right now, so I just cleaned it really good from both sides. I'm sure it's dirty on the inside cuz. It guarantee it's never been cleaned and it's units from 2014, so but yeah everything's good.

So far, we're gon na get ready to start putting everything back together and cleaning up. My messes put all the unit's back together. Have them all up and running. I lied.

I didn't have my blower with me, so I just had to fire them up. They didn't really blow out too many bubbles, so you just got to be careful because it can suck crap through the micro channel. If it's a really hot day, they can trip on high head pressure if the micro channel saturated, but it's cool, so we're running a clear sight. Glass, refrigerant pressures, look a lot better, we're gon na.

Let it run through the night, probably gon na, be good I'll call them and follow up in the morning. I'm gon na try to talk him into letting me get these blowers going because, as the summer time really kicks in these things have to be running. I've been up on this mezzanine right here and as 130 degrees when we had like 115 degree outdoor air temp. It was ridiculously hot up here, because everything is discharging hot air and that heat pump right there going.

It gets crazy hot, so they so I'm gon na wrap my gauges up. It's gon na take me a while to get this, and then I got a hose off down below because I made a giant mess down there. I don't know if I can see or not what I did and you can't really see it from down here, but I'll give it a good little hosing down there too. So I actually thought it was gon na be worse than this.
It's not too bad. There's not really anything, I need to rinse it'll dry up and they have a big old storm drains right there. So and again another cool thing about the Viper cleaner. Is it's not toxic? It's just soap, all right.

We are coming down in temperature about 15 and pulling down they've still got a bad fan. Motor I'll have to come back tomorrow. They just had all these installed by some energy efficiency company, so want to come back tomorrow. Make sure it's a bad motor kind of irritated see if this thing even spins feels like it's locked up, but it could just be that it's an ECM motor since it looks like it's plugged in maybe all right, I'm back today, they've been making it through the Weekend, just fine, this fan motors not working, I'm gon na dive into that I these are like I said there are new ECM fan motors that they've had a energy company come in and put in so I need to verify that it's actually bad.

So I'm gon na open this thing up this is this motor there's, nothing special about it. It's just plugged into the standard 208 volt source, but this is ridiculous. These blades are stupid. These things are gon na break.

I just foresee this blade being a problem on a weekend. So far. If I look back in there, it actually looks like the motor came unplugged yep, so I should be able to get it plugged back in see if I can put the camera down, but I'm gon na have to get in there, get it plug back in and It's probably gon na be fine, but this is dumb. This happens a lot.

You get these companies in the pitch on this. This thing is not moving as much air flow either I'll bet you they're slowing down the coil and my coils getting colder. I guarantee it. This is silly, this kind of stuff these energy companies come in and they sell these restaurants, like I'm working for a big chain, a national chain, so they'll go into their corporate office and say hey.

We got this device, that'll save you, thousands and thousands of dollars, and you know silly stuff like this. This is ridiculous, where you gon na find this blade when it goes bad. Nowhere you're gon na have to order it from someone special, that's dumb, all right so because we had a loose terminal, it ended up shorting out and arcing on the. I don't have it anymore idea right here, the connector, so it wasn't repairable that it it arced and ruined the female section.

So the wire going to the other coil was super tight. So what I ended up having to do was do a butt splice from each one, extend the wires connect them like that. So I'm gon na put the motor back in and secure everything with zip ties, nice and tight. So that way, nothing's gon na rub up against heaters or anything like that, and hopefully this motor works all right.
It's back up and running, so no need to get the authorities involved on the warranty people. It was just an electrical short, so I fixed it secured it. It won't happen again and we're gon na go jump up on the roof. Now all right so I mentioned before - but these are my cooling fans.

They're meant to cool the air up on this mezzanine. To try to get the heat out now, they're running, really slow and I'm pretty sure, there's gon na be a belt in there, but I've got to open them up. I've never opened up one of these before so this will be a first. The first thing that I'm gon na do, though, is take my blower and we're gon na try to blow out as much of this dust as possible.

Now I do have my my gaiter on, because I want to try to keep the dust out of my mouth in my face. I'm gon na get dirty doing this. Also gon na put my glasses on. To put my luck.

I get stuff in my eyes all the time I'm gon na go. I didn't use my blower, which is right here and I will put it on the high setting and see if we can't get some of this stuff blown away all right. So I've got this guy opened up, it's powered down, I have the disconnect switch, turned off and yeah those belts are hammered. So luckily I can get a belt size 856, see if I can go get to a X, 56 belts for this bad boy.

Probably pick up a couple of them because I'll probably fix the other fan over there too. I'm only going to be able to safely get to two of these fans because well this one I can get to theoretically too, but they didn't give me much room to get the side panel off because they mounted it so high. This one I can't safely get to because the belt is on the other side, without a lift, I would have to come up with the scissor lift. This one is 115 volt fan, that's just sitting up there, so I'd have to find a power source for that bad boy.

I don't know where that's plugging into so. It looks like it was going there, but that receptacle doesn't have power, so we're gon na at least get this one going in that one going all right. So I'm sure there's an easier way, and I'm probably not doing this right, but you're gon na fish. The belts out of here they're way down in there and kind of fish them on.

I really don't want to have to take this inside apart. So that's why I'm doing it this way, but alright, it was kind of a pain, but I got the belts on there got them tensioned up. Here's the motor I'm gon na pull it up. On my camera, I got to figure out what the voltage is too and we're going to test current drawing.

When I start it up, I'm not going to put the cover back on until I've started it up and make sure that it's not over amp. You are getting ready to start it up. The current draw maximum current draw has 6 amps, so we're gon na fire this guy up and see what happens it's going to be loud, because these things they run hard and heavy we're gon na bump start. It make sure nothing's hitting probably power down, look at it already just killed it right.
There, then we're gon na go make sure that nothing crazy is going on. Oh wow. Why did it start like that? I shouldn't have stopped so quickly. Alright, well we're gon na.

Let it run this time. Six amps is what we're allowed to draw six amps, so we're good you let that one run and I'm gon na go ahead and put some belts on that one right there. Alright, I'm also going to oh right, the belt size on the side of it, with the yellow paint marker right here. So that way the next guy doesn't have to go through all the headaches that I do just get some belts on there.

One thing I forgot to mention was: I also want to get in here, because I can guarantee there's gon na, be some greasable bearings in here and I'd love to grease those up. But I got ta ask the customer for that. I'm already really pushing bass. My not-to-exceed value and while I like to you, know, dig into things as much as possible.

I also have to be cautious of what the customer wants me to do, so I'm gon na go ahead and cuz. This is I'm already pushing past my not-to-exceed with what I'm doing, but I can justify this, but I need to get that one running cool down this area and then we'll talk to them about coming in and greasing these things. I'd also like to get different belts on here too, I could only find standard belts and I want to get ax belts on here. Cuz they last a lot longer, but I got to run this by the customer and then I'd love to get this fan going in that fan going.

But I'm gon na need some more equipment same thing on this one here it is you've got to kind of fish the belt on to the pulley down. Here, there's not a lot of room, so I'm gon na do the back first, once I get it on then I'll bring it up, and I lowered the tension that it's just gon na sit right on here and then we'll tension it out from the motor bracket. All right here we go. Let's hope this thing don't blow up we're allowed to run six amps.

The thing is loud when it starts up it's good, very, very loud, though all right so now we got some fans up and running getting some air out of there. Those two and these ones will have to talk to the customer about, but at least that better than nothing we get some cooling up in here because it just gets downright hot, especially when this heat pumps running so we had a service call on a walk-in freezer. Now this was a late night service call, so I was out there, I think was like 9 o'clock at night got out. There found that the condensing unit on the roof or on their parking structure the wherever the condensing unit as the mezzanine was going on and off on high head pressure.
So I kind of you know how to feeling that's what it was gon na, be because a lot of these restaurants now that they're opening back up it's just nothing about cleaning issues which is good, you know, but it just it sucks. You know, there's there's a bit of frustration in the evening. You know when you get a call at 9 o'clock at night. It's like man really, you know so I was a little bit worried again.

I don't suggest that you guys, you know, like I said in the beginning, you got to be very careful about what you do. You don't want to get yourself into trouble. Technically, I probably should have notified the shopping mall that I was gon na. Do what I was gon na do? Luckily, there was no customers down below me, but you have to be aware of your surroundings.

Okay, you don't want to. You, know, start soaking a customer's car, even even with refrigeration, technologies, cleaners. You know you you just you, don't want to be soaking someone's car with anything whether it be dirt grease cleaner, any of that stuff. So you got to be very, very careful about that.

Okay, so luckily there was nobody walking down there. There was nobody parking down there and I just cleaned it really quick. I just went for it took a gamble. Now I'm the owner, I I can make those decisions, my employees, you know I would ask them to talk to me about it before they tried to do something like that, because I inevitably I'm gon na, be the person on the line when something gets damaged or Someone gets angry, so you know make sure that if you guys go this route like, I did just to go ahead and clean it, and I know it doesn't seem that bad, but it can lead to a lot of problems, make sure to run it by your Supervisor, your boss, whoever and make sure that they're okay with you doing that because the last thing you want to do is create a bigger problem but inevitably got the equipment.

Cleaned up. Customer was happy, ended up going back a couple days later, fixing the fan and also doing the condense or the cooling fans got two of the cooling fans running and they went ahead and let the customer know hey. We want to get the other ones running, but I'm gon na need some specialized equipment, especially for that far one. I need a scissor lift the one in the middle.

I can do it it's gon na take a lot of time. I might need a second person and I need probably an 8 foot ladder to be able to get up to the top of it and safely. Do it. The two that I did were really low, so I was able to use a 4 foot ladder and safely get to them so but that'll get us through more than likely.

Those two will clear the air across that thing. Since I was already up there, I took the opportunity to go ahead and shoot everything down with the leaf blower and blow everything across and yeah. That's pretty much it and really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these. If you see something you know the refrigeration technologies, cleaners, the field, peace meters, see things that you like, you know you can get it from your local supply house.
You can also get them from true tech tools. A way you can support the channel with me is, if you use my offer code, big picture, one word: it'll, save you a percent off of your order with true tech tools, but it'll also give me a small Commission. It won't cost you anything extra. So it does really help to support the channel.

If you guys are going to buy tools, you know use that link if you so choose to use tree tech tools, so really appreciate it see you guys Monday evening, 5:00 p.m. Pacific time when I go live on YouTube, and I talk about these videos and answer Questions: okay, yeah! That's it we'll see you on the next one.

48 thoughts on “Late night walk in freezer call again”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K G says:

    Where can I get that troubleshooting electric board hanging on your wall?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Belding says:

    Sometimes you have to push the edge to get a job done correctly. So, the fire extinguisher at the end – when was the last time it was inspected? It looked absolutely caked with garbage on the top.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SK Facilities says:

    Cones and caution tape, but its California so even that wont work here!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Lou says:

    Wow, 130 degrees. How in the world the refrigerant even condensed!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian T says:

    i cleaned a condenser just like that once but i didnt pull the motors. when i started it up i shorted both motors

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tripplewhipper says:

    The heat in those environments is no joke and some of the installs ive seen are rough… almost a dozen condensers in a covered parking lot, all in a line, close to the wall, hardly any air flow and constant issues with units running high head etc.. Service area Orleans??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hvguy says:

    I'm just gonna run it ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Sometimes it's better to take a chance and ask for forgiveness vs asking for permission.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Nichols says:

    Doing preventive maintenance after hours does suck the i thought it would fix it's self they 'oould have called earlier

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Nichols says:

    Looks like Dayton axial fans

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Nichols says:

    Cover opening of bad motor so other mother's pull through.the evaporator instead of motor fan shroud of one not running n giving an more air flow through evaporator

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars edward lubin says:

    When you decided to wash down the cond coils, i thought the customer is going to complain because you didn't warn them. As well as the added cost of belts and ot. But then you said you're the owner and i figured you got a brass pair and would take the loss if they didn't approve of the charges. Guess your gamble paid off. I always try to get verbal consent if not written for any service. CYA

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias Bier says:

    Nice job ๐Ÿ‘

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pennsylvania AC productions says:

    why am i loud? itโ€™s because Iโ€™m a big metal fan

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lord Alchemist says:

    you could charge a couple hundred for simple AC cleaning, and advertise how much it will save them not just in energy but in condenser and electrical repair work… i have seen dozzens of campers need new AC's from lack of cleaning.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skedar Itou says:

    You are a hero, AC is life , If I where the manager i will forget the mess down there give the man a lifth rigth now , those fans you can literally tell the diference and almost felt the amount of air that moves just here in the video the diference is enormus

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Szczepanski says:

    It's astounding as to how many service calls – including after-hours calls – are the result of a lack of preventative maintenance. Are you in Kanata ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hvac Matters says:

    Not a fan of micro channel coils. You can cut through them with utility knife.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Porath says:

    I work in a service industry as well. The who, what, where isn't important. I tell all my offices, maintenance is king! Regular maintenance will save so much money.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Barnes says:

    split row. found it on a trane unit 10 years ago, wow what a discovery

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Barnes says:

    routine patrols hahahahaha

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Grant says:

    That was interesting thanks!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scat Packin says:

    Fans are really energy efficient when they donโ€™t work.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Cook says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nabeel Zubi says:

    Another great video sir, we need more techs like you in my company great work more to power to you ๐Ÿ‘

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarthRevan says:

    Canโ€™t understand how they can want stuff fixed but complain about some simple water on the grown. Someone needs to grow the f up. If thatโ€™s what it takes to fix their shit. I mean if their was cars actually under where he was working that would be different.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justa Dude says:

    I just found your channel tonight and your videos already have me wanting to walk away from IT / Network Engineer to pursue HVAC. I'm an odd duck that is enthralled by engineering, electrical and physics, so I'm not advocating for people to give up IT for HVAC. I just wanted to say that your videos are awesome. Your perspective & approach towards your trade is inspiring. It's rare that someone has the integrity to shine at their work to a level they're willing to broadcast it out to the world. Keep on doing what you do brother!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flavio silva says:

    Brazil/HVAC great job.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney says:

    What brand is that facemask you are wearing with the ear r holes Service area Barrhaven??

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse weaver says:

    How well does that viper cleaner work on A/C condensers?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Normally you find the condensers at the top or side of a building but itโ€™s interesting finding fans in a parkade Service area Ottawa??

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravi Patel says:

    Reason why I quit service work. Did refer for many many years mainly supermarkets

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john Kulpowich says:

    Like your attitude your not out to crucify the last guy

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Hill says:

    It's avery good thing that people like you exist! That other company that serviced that account ought to be taken to court. Totaled incompency.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richardj ellis says:

    It's a CONSPIRACY.!๐Ÿ˜ฏ!…
    Something is FISHYYYY.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Bargas says:

    Those fans in the box are so half ass

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paul adrian Davies says:

    As a plumber and heating engineer in England I see how cowboys rip off and bs the punters.๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‘

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gallant19650 says:

    nice dude i would of pull a red ribbon on the bottom just to look good and safe ๐Ÿ˜‰

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allmil moe says:

    I like watching and hear the resume after finding out the issues and the fixing, specially you push it with brain like writing the recommend bell on it๐Ÿ‘ Iโ€™m a mechanic for carโ€™s up to trucks, maybe for everything on the road๐Ÿ’โ€โ™‚๏ธ and i see everyday some โ€œperfectโ€ repairs like you do๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ Keep going and work save! Greets from Bavaria ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ Are you in Barrhaven ?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DigiVore says:

    Okie dookie. Best Intro EVER. Are you in Orleans ?

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Butler says:

    . . bravo , much respect

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Bucki says:

    I washed grocery store condensers on roof. they had a black tar ROLLED roof, coil cleaner caused tar coating around units to turn white, shopping center owner said his roofers said it was oil damage, that i had spilled oil all around the stores units while working on them,tried to charge me $27.000 after my insurance company and a letter from coil cleaner manufactor he shut up. manufactor said to always test their product on a small piece of roofing first. bought from united refrigeration .

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Geddings says:

    You seem to be good at what you do . I have been a Master Electrician, Electrical and HVAC and Communications Contractor and worked in 17 Different States and I feel for you. My hat is off to you for the Quality work you do Your reputation will proceed you by far if you be honest.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars onefixitman says:

    I find very dirty coils on on every restaurant coil I look at. I always clean them.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wrxual says:

    man ive been binging some of your videos because im an HVAC student currently, and some of the places youve been ive been like "i swear ive been there" This wouldnt happen to be at the tyler mall would it? I lived in Riverside CA my whole life up until a year ago

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herman Wooster says:

    I have no idea why, but watching you repair freezers or fans or w/e is addicting. Are you in Nepean ?

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ross Kious says:

    I Was a Emerson (Copeland) Technical specialist and tech support at a supply house for a few years. Got back in to HVAC ( Business) for my self , but miss the refrigeration . Looking at my options right now. Might try the supply house end again or work for someone else. One man show refrigeration seems like the way not to go .

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Kartson says:

    Your very conscientious. Washing all condensers on overtime. Good job. Iโ€™d have waited for the next day to do the others.

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guyinpajamapants says:

    Use brushes Service area Kanata??

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