This was a service call on a Lennox Package unit not working properly, we found that the thermostat was bad. I replaced the stat and the unit is now working properly.
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So today's call is on the thermostat. That's blank and those that's got to be cracker here reacts to touch, but you got nothing on the screen. They're getting construction down, they're, getting a remodel right now, more than like they got broke during the remodel. First thing: we're gon na do is check voltage up the staff, so I've got 27 volts going to the stat, but it's blank, so we're gon na go disconnect power and then change the thermostat.

Alright. So here's my unit, nothing crazy, we're gon na power down, but I wanted to point something out. I wish I had a duct detector, I'm here to show you guys, but a lot of times these units are tied into the fire alarm system. So what happens? Is I'm gon na power this down right now, when I power this down, what happens is the duck? Detector loses power.

This isn't always, but this particular system right here. This is how it's working the duck. Detector gets power from in the unit, so the duck detector just lost power and usually what happens is they are wired into the fire alarm system through the trouble contact in the detector? So if it ever loses power, it doesn't set off the fire alarm, but it sets off the trouble condition for the fire alarm. Okay, it's two things: it's a tamper.

So basically, we have a trouble contact in the duck detector and what it's there to do is to prove the circuit. So on a lot of the duck detectors, you can set them up to where if it loses power, the Troubled circuit drops out. So that would we know so what I had to do was I actually had to have the manager call the fire alarm company and put their system on test so that way they wouldn't get a silent signal. Now, typically, they don't dispatch the fire department when they get a trouble condition, typically, okay, but no.

What they usually do is they'll call the restaurant and say hey. We just had a trouble condition and what the trouble condition does is. It usually serves two purposes in this case here. It lets them know if the unit gets powered down, because if the unit gets powered down it no longer has that duck detector working anymore, okay and then also the trouble circuit.

They have a resistor ran across the trouble contact and if that resistor ever disappears, it either means that we've lost power to the detector and or one of the wires running from the fire alarm panel has been broken. So it's a way to prove that the fire alarm circuit. Is there all the time? Okay. I know I've showed that in videos before, but just wanted to point that out so before I had before I came up here and powered down this unit.

I let the manager know they put the system on test and then that way I can come in here and start working. So this isn't how it is at every single restaurant. You just you need to know your systems. Okay, if you ever are worried about it, go ask the manager.

You know if you've never been to that particular location. Ask them hey. Do you need to call anybody when I shut down the unit and sometimes I'll say oh yeah, thank you for reminding me. You know cuz, they don't want the headache of the phone calls or whatever.
Now I've been at a shopping mall before and their system was wired in a way that when I shut down the unit, the fire department showed up. That was not fun. When you turn your back around and there's a guy on a hook and ladder truck popping up over the roof - and it's like wait a minute what happened here? That was not a fun situation, and that was actually a mistake. They had something done wrong in their system, but it was a new restaurant.

Someone wired something wrong, they corrected it, but still you always want to be cautious. You don't want to be setting off a fire alarm or sending silent signal to anybody. Same thing goes for I'll. Take you downstairs here in a second, but for like a walk-in freezer, if you're doing walk-in freezer work, you're gon na be doing a lot of construction in there.

Maybe fixing a door hanging new hinges. There's silent alarms a lot of times in the walk-in freezers too, and those ones are no joke. If you set off a silent alarm in a walk-in freezer, the police come Code, Blue, no sirens helicopters, usually depending on the area you're in if you're in a shady area, they come and they're, not happy when they find out. It was a false alarm, because the silent alarms are there they're, basically panic, alarms in case they're, getting robbed so I'll.

Take you down and show you one of those panic alarms right now. In my opinion, this is how a panic alarm should look. This one has a protective safety cover, so you can't accidentally set it off, but you would just pull down on that and it would set off the panic alarm. Well, let's go over here.

Sometimes they have them in here too. No there's not one in this situation, but sometimes you'll see them on the head of the door right there or down in here, and you won't even realize they're there and you could smash boxes into them or, if you're hanging a door you could. The vibration can set those things off if they're really sensitive, so you always want to be cautious about fire alarms and alarms always want to pay attention to that code, because that's your password for the thermostat, if you ever get locked out and if that doesn't work, That number plus one two three four, is the backdoor password for the thermostat okay gon na go through these programming functions, real, quick, I'm not gon na break this whole thing down, but I'm just going to show you my most important things through all this stuff. A lot of the things I just leave the same, because I only have two stages of cooling, but I do have two stages of heating: don't really change any of these cycles right here, don't mess with the extended fan, runtime.

Okay! This is an important one right here. I'd only want two periods per day. This is a restaurant. We went on and off, there's a really really important one in here when it comes to remote temperature, sensors, okay, wired sensor on s terminal, that's any kind of remote sensor, so you need to say yes, wired, indoor remote sensor, yes, indoor sensor, there you go right.
There in door sensor t stat terminal s1 that is correct. What type of sensor here's a really important use: T stat sensor for temp control! No, because I have a remote sensor, use indoor sensor for temperature controller. Yes, that's it! So you got to answer like four questions and if you don't, I don't need to do any more of this stuff. You can do all kinds of stuff in here.

You guys can read the manual you want to EXCI. Yes, okay, so now we're gon na go. Put it on the wall, I've got a 20 K zone sensor. We can go ahead and set the tongue.

I don't think it'll. Let me set the time actually saying yeah I'll set it now. So this is pretty much the only thermostat I sell for the most part. I just use these everywhere.

That way, I can walk my technicians and my customers through troubleshooting them over the phone. Now I'm just waiting we're doing we're gon na. Do a full call for cool right now from down at the thermostat to make sure everything's good and then, when the cooling call shows up y1 and y2 are energized, let it run for a minute, then I'll put it into heating mode and test w1 and w2. We're just making sure that everything is correct, we're not just going to throw that stand in and walk away yeah.

It was broken yeah. That's probably all that's wrong, but we need to verify that you know everything's good because we're gon na own this when we walk away so all right, so nothing too complicated. This was a service call on a thermostat that wasn't responding to touch. When I arrived, I found that the thermostat was broken.

The display was blank, but it was responding to touch like it would light up when you touched it. Okay, like I said in the video they were doing, construction at this particular restaurant and they just busted. The thermostat interesting thing is: is that this this particular restaurant chain is doing this construction all over the place in my area. Right now - and this is the third one - I've had a broken thermostat, so hey thanks construction company you're, helping me out.

That's pretty much it on the repair. Okay, it was nothing too crazy. Always look at the big picture. Make sure you test the functions of the thermostat heating and cooling.

I actually made a recommendation to the customer that they, let me come back out and do a more thorough test on the AC, because I noticed that I had a pretty strong burning smell when the heat exchangers lit up. We don't use the heaters out here. Very much but we're just coming into the time where we're going to so I suggested they had me, come up and just burn those heaters off and go through everything. They're gon na call me back out probably next week, go through that and test all the heaters and make sure everything's good but important about the alarm systems.
Okay, whenever you're working at restaurants, you want to make sure you're paying attention to stuff. You know it's important to understand how their their fire alarms work and their panic, alarms and different things. Okay, I know the panic alarm has nothing to do with the air conditioning unit that I was working on, but I just thought it was important to bring that tip up okay but yeah. So whenever I go to work on depending on what restaurant chain it is, I know you know this particular chain wires, their ACS into the trouble contact.

The way that I explained in the video all the time. So when you power down a unit, it sends a silent signal to the alarm company, saying that there's a trouble condition now it's important to understand. There is a difference between a fire condition and a trouble condition. A trouble condition is usually a supervisory issue.

Just like hey. We need to get the alarm Tech's out here. Maybe there's a broken wire or hey. You got a powered down HVAC unit when you wire them up that way.

You can also use that kind of as a theft deterrent device right, because if a crackhead is smart and he comes to steal that condenser well, I guess maybe smart or not smart. He powers it down, so he doesn't get electrocuted well when he powers it down. He sends a trouble car. He creates a trouble condition within the fire alarm system.

So you know they get a silent signal in the middle of the night and then, depending on what you know the protocol is, is they usually call to general manager? No matter what time it is and say: hey we just got a silent alarm saying you had a trouble condition. Do you want us to dispatch, they may dispatch fire or PD or they may do nothing. It just depends so, but you know that's a cool theft, deterrent device that you can do. I have a duct detector, video and I believe I go kind of into depth about the Supervisory contact on there and how you could do it using a resistor.

You know, and that's pretty much it guys: okay, thanks for taking the time to watch my video consider subscribing to my channel if you haven't already and give the other channels, some love that are popping up right now check them out, and I will see you guys On the next one.

45 thoughts on “Lennox rtu unit not working”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sam dunning says:

    Yep I've set off a fire alarm in an old folks home I was trying to pull the broken glass back to flat on a already broken glass break button

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Dicarlo says:

    He's not joking I Did that at the one place I worked at it was late and I was in the cooler I pushed a stack of boxes into one didn't even know it lol. Let it be known I was pretty surprised to see 6 cop cars and 6 undercover out front with 4 policemen in the kitchen lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AD Electronic Teardowns says:

    I've fallen and can't get out of the freezer.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Bryant says:

    Those alarm systems connecting with an a/c unit, that’s becoming more and more popular in some restaurants. Just have to inspect where those alarms are once you touch base with the customer.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sauber von Herzen says:

    how many quacks does it take to set off a duck detector?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnþór Gíslason says:

    reminds me, I once did HVAC and was called in on a holiday to defrost a ice chest, while I was there I wanted to check out the compressor and do a visual, the guy working there was alone and it turned out that the keybox that had the keys to the shed it was in had a burglar alarm and so when we got back there were a couple of security officers near the entrance and I said goodbye to the guy and left once I had packed my stuff in the car, felt pretty bad for the guy.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Moomey says:

    I called the Fire Department from Hosing out a Cooling Tower at an Apartment Building. The hose connection was tapped into the Sprinkler Flush Pipe. Didn’t know the manager had to call it out, before a tower cleaning. The Electronic tower fill was in the Mechanical Room. Also had a Restaurant the gas safety shut off was wired into every RTU.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ACtech Formally yo mama says:

    I was replacing a restricted dryer and had a puff of smoke go down the return. I didn’t know but it set off the fire alarm. I see a head on my ladder and it’s asking me if I set off the alarm. Sh&! I say as I hear the sirens. Praying they don’t get in an accident on the way to a false alarm. I met the fire department at the front of the store. Sorry I say. They say don’t do it again. I recommend when welding or performing heat checks that you put the fire alarm in test mode. Call the monitoring company and have this done. Stay safe. Are you in Ottawa ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Acclaimed Sheepdog says:

    The Honeywell t6 pros are nice simple programmable t-stats that’s what my company installs 95% of the time but you have to buy a special model for 2 stage systems I like Bryant connex controls as well

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandon Cherry says:

    always interesting…..learn something new every vid.. Service area Ottawa??

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoonSoo Kim says:

    Ok so whats the difference between single stage heating and two stage heating?
    Thanks for the great video!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calvin Foss says:

    Coming from the insurance industry with no knowledge on this whatsoever… but dude i keep watching your videos! you sir have a new sub and like on all videos i watch 😀 hey maybe i could even fix my AC at work ;)… i wish haha good vidoes though man, Im totally with you on your explanations! Service area Nepean??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Glasgow says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wilson 7800 says:

    I work on industrial batteries and chargers . Not the same as HVAC.
    But I Love your approach,
    I wish more technicians were as diligent as you .
    Thanks for making these videos for us to geek out on !!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 164795 says:

    Just found your channel today. Very interesting and educating videos. Kind of got addicted to watching them. I rarely work on that kind of stuff and in that case they´re quite simple tasks appointed by my boss.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TechnicalLee says:

    So if a restaurant is getting robbed, the employees are going to retreat to the freezer, press the panic button, and then freeze to death waiting for police? Why is this a better location than under the till counter or elsewhere in the kitchen?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Treece says:

    Here in Missouri we don’t see a lot of silent alarms. But you’ve certainly brought it to my attention now and I look out for them more. Smoke detector still give me fits but I’m working on them thanks to your video and planing on building my own trainer for trouble shooting purposes. Thanks for putting in the time to help us newer guys out. As I get better I may have questions.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACRS ASIF says:

    Nice video

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Grant says:

    Good Repair Tip Man

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fredmeebley says:

    Good video, thanks for sharing your experience.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Poole says:

    haha i can only imagine the confusion turning around to see a fire fighter on a ladder coming up.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jonathan Raul says:

    Nice video ty

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay B says:

    Good video as always Chris great explanation. Would of told you on Facebook but I'm banned again lol Are you in Kanata ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GREGO B-TEAM says:

    Awesome video and great explanation. 👌🏽👍🏼✌🏽 Are you in Nepean ?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Hernandez says:

    Question about the location of the smoke detector? I noticed in one location I went the detector was on the supply duct but i was told at one point it should be on the return ? Or does it not matter ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    In the new year I'm cutting back, but I will still continue to watch. You are very welcome.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Superior Comfort Heating & Air LLC says:

    I never heard about panic alarms in coolers or even being a safe room, they don’t put them in freezers right? In my area maybe every restaurant should have a panic alarm, matter of fact every business should have safe room

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    Chris you have been helpful to me with videos. Thank you. You are in the top 3 of my list to watch. Happy New Year to you and your family. I would like to joining you tonight about the service call. Service area Orleans??

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Johnson says:

    I had a service call with a blank tstat. Just needed battery replacement.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Amberg says:

    Fire alarm can be a problem also if your soldering or something that makes smoke when making repairs. Always call in regardless or there will be an issue

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex says:

    Happy new year!!!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yuri zhivago says:

    Be careful if you do any soldering or repair work inside a hospital or some large public buildings.

    I worked in a hospital and Convention Center and when you set off a alarm accidentally there the fire dept will respond. They can also send you a fine/$$ bill if you mess up.

    With a hospital and most buildings it has a short 3 minute time delay so security can try get to the area to see if it is a real fire but that time frame is very short. Then it goes in General Alarm and the trucks roll.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Does the codes on refrigeration safety in your state obigue to have an axe (to be able to breaking the look in extreme cases) just beside the panic alarm button? Here is mandatory since 2011, specially in walk in freezers. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ally Baker says:

    Separated by a common language. UK chap here, first heard Duck Detector!? Lol

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Deeter says:

    Damn Constuction workers. I’ve seen this too. Some construction guys are careless and don’t pay attention to the surrounding area

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Good vid Bud … See ya next year … Lol …

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akvan79 says:

    Lol I have set off one of those panic alarm by accident cleaning a walk in cooler. Was meet by police who laugh at how white I got when they came into the cooler with guns drawn. Was not a good moment for me. Did I mention I was an apprentice when this happen.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H 97 says:

    Happy New Year…🍾
    Keep the videos coming

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan TX says:

    Good topic! Setting off silent alarms is not a good deal also it makes the HVAC tech look bad to the customers and could cause fines from the municipality for false responses
    Happy new year Chris!

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Smyth says:

    Had an issue with a fire alarm shutting a lennox unit down. Ended up being a shorted 460v condenser fan motor tripped the duct detector. Controld got locked out and it alerted on the main fire alarm and security controls at the front of the store

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dakota Conderman says:

    Learning a lot from your videos. Subscribed!

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Air Mechanical says:

    Another great video. Happy New Year.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roman Miller says:

    3036 Service area Barrhaven??

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sjef oekel says:

    The fire alarm should be stand alone no matther what, however the fire alarm should give a signal to the hvac system to go in fire mode. This will enable fans and some zone dampers to activate and keep emergency exit path smoke free, and to override any faults that are active. This is code over here.

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